/// <summary>
        /// Loads the TodoItems property asynchronously because properties don't support async
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Returns all Todo items not marked as Done</returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// We use a method-based fetcher to fill the collection with data in the mobile app
        /// table because c# properties can't be async.  This method is typically called in the
        /// Appearing (Xamarin.Forms) or Loaded (Windows Xaml) methods of the View that is going
        /// to show the collection.
        /// Notice, for performace reasons, the collection is only fetched once for the lifespan
        /// of the application which means that you must keep the collection up to date as items
        /// are added, removed or updated in the backing mobile service table.  In other words,
        /// when you add, remove, or update the backing mobile service table you must do the
        /// same thing the collection fetched by this method.
        /// </remarks>
        async public Task GetTodoItems()
            if (_TodoItems == null)
                _TodoItems = new ObservableCollection <TodoItemViewModel>();

                foreach (TodoItem todoItem in await TodoItemTable.Where(todoItem => !todoItem.Done).ToListAsync())
                    _TodoItems.Add(new TodoItemViewModel()
                        TodoItem = todoItem
        // ToDo: Turn this into a generic method on the order of:
        // Task SyncViewModel<T, U>(string queryId, IMobileServiceSyncTable<T> table, IMobileServiceTableQuery<U> query)
        async public Task SyncTodoItemsViewModel()
            // Update the local database from the server.  Note: For sync tables, the SDK saves
            // an updatedAt timestamp with each queryId ('ACTIVE_ITEMS' in this case) and uses
            // that timestamp to pull only new records from the server (i.e. records who's
            // UpdateAt >= updatedAt assocated with queryId).  So this PullAsync() only pulls
            // newly added or updated records.  Note that we aren't using a filtering query
            // (we passed a null instead) otherwise we would miss items that were updated by
            // another user if that update caused it to match the filter.  In other words, we
            // don't want to filter out a possible update just because it now meets the filtering
            // criteria otherwise we won't be able to sync that change with the ViewModel.
            // ToDo: Get this version of the PullAsync to work since it is more efficient
            //await TodoItemTable.PullAsync(ACTIVE_ITEMS + Locator.Instance.MobileService.CurrentUser.UserId, null);
            await TodoItemTable.PullAsync(ACTIVE_ITEMS, null);

            List <TodoItem> tblTodoItems = await TodoItemTable.ToListAsync();

            // This foreach loops handles updating or adding ViewModel items by iterating
            // over todo items fetched from the server (held in tblTodoItems) and add and
            // updating corresponding todo items is the backing ViewModel (held in TodoItems)
            foreach (TodoItem tblTodoItem in tblTodoItems)
                bool itemIsInViewModel = false;

                // Can't use Linq on an ObservableCollection so we have to manually search for it
                foreach (TodoItemViewModel vmTodoItem in TodoItems)
                    // If table item is in ViewModel then check to see if it needs to be updated
                    if (tblTodoItem.Id == vmTodoItem.TodoItem.Id)
                        itemIsInViewModel = true;

                        // If ViewModel item needs to be updated
                        if (vmTodoItem.TodoItem.Version != tblTodoItem.Version)
                            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Updating item: {0}, \nOld Name: {1}, Old Done: {2}, Old Version: {3}\nNew Name: {4}, New Done: {5}, New Version: {6}", vmTodoItem.TodoItem.Id, vmTodoItem.Name, vmTodoItem.Done, vmTodoItem.TodoItem.Version, tblTodoItem.Name, tblTodoItem.Done, tblTodoItem.Version);

                            // Because TodoItems are data bound to the UI we have to update it on the UI thread
                            Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() =>
                                // Assign these through the ViewModel properties so that INPC event fires
                                vmTodoItem.Name = tblTodoItem.Name;
                                vmTodoItem.Done = tblTodoItem.Done;

                                // Assign these through the Model properties since they don't have
                                // corresponding ViewModel propeties to assign through
                                vmTodoItem.TodoItem.Version = tblTodoItem.Version;

                            // Because the update is occuring async we need to block until the update
                            // completes otherwise UI binding updates might not show up properly
                            bool updateComplete = false;
                            while (!updateComplete)
                                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Waiting for updates to complete");

                                updateComplete = vmTodoItem.Name == tblTodoItem.Name &&
                                                 vmTodoItem.Done == tblTodoItem.Done &&
                                                 vmTodoItem.TodoItem.Version == tblTodoItem.Version;

                                // Free up execution while we wait
                                await Task.Delay(50);

                // If table item is not in ViewModel but it should be then add it
                if (!itemIsInViewModel && !tblTodoItem.Done)
                    System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Adding item: {0}, Name: {1}", tblTodoItem.Id, tblTodoItem.Name);

                    int  beforeCount = TodoItems.Count;
                    bool addComplete = false;

                    // Because TodoItems is data bound to the UI we have to add it on the UI thread
                    Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() =>
                        TodoItems.Add(new TodoItemViewModel()
                            TodoItem = tblTodoItem

                    // Because add is occuring async we need to block until it completes
                    // otherwise some adds might not be added to the backing ViewModel and
                    // thus the UI binding won't update correctly either
                    while (addComplete)
                        System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Waiting for adds to complete");

                        addComplete = TodoItems.Count > beforeCount;

                        // Free up execution while we wait
                        await Task.Delay(50);

            List <TodoItemViewModel> vmItemToDelete = new List <TodoItemViewModel>();

            // This foreach loop delets todo items in backing ViewModel (held in
            // TodoItems) that no longer exist in the server todo items (held in
            // tblTodoItems). Since you can't remove items from a collection while
            // you are iterating over it, we need to create a separate list of
            // items that need to be removed
            foreach (TodoItemViewModel vmTodoItem in TodoItems)
                // If ViewModel item does not exist in synched table then it was deleted
                // so we need to delete it from the ViewModel as well
                if (!tblTodoItems.Exists(tblItem => tblItem.Id == vmTodoItem.TodoItem.Id))

                // Todo items that were updated in such a way that they no longer meet
                // the filtering criteria are removed here.  If you don't have filtering
                // criteria in your app then comment or remove this if statement
                if (vmTodoItem.Done)

            int newCount = TodoItems.Count - vmItemToDelete.Count;

            // Remove delete items from the ViewModel
            foreach (TodoItemViewModel vmTodoItem in vmItemToDelete)
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Deleting item: {0}, Name: {1}", vmTodoItem.TodoItem.Id, vmTodoItem.Name);

                // Because TodoItems is data bound to the UI we have to remove it on the UI thread
                Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() =>

            // ToDo: I wrote this loop to make sure UI updated and presumably I tested
            // this to make sure it was needed AND it worked.  What I have found is that
            // there are times where this loops forever while waiting for count to catch
            // up.  So for now I have it commented out.
            //// Because deletes are occuring async we need to block until they
            //// complete otherwise UI binding might not update properly
            //while (TodoItems.Count > newCount)
            //    System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Waiting for deletes to complete");

            //    // Free up execution while we wait
            //    await Task.Delay(50);

            // Clean up local table by removing items marked as Done otherwise those records will
            // just stay in the local database causing it to continually grow with items that arn't
            // needed any more but hang around hidden because of the pull filter being used.
            // See https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/articles/app-service-mobile-offline-data-sync/
            // for a fuller explanation.
            await TodoItemTable.PurgeAsync(TodoItemTable.Where(todoItem => todoItem.Done));