public List<Title> Get(Titles request) { TitleRepository repository = GetTitleRepository(); List<TitleEntity> entities = repository.Read(); return entities.TranslateToResponse(); }
public ActionResult Titles(TitleSearch titleSearch, int?pageNumber) { try { TitleService _title = new TitleService(); var titles = _title.GetTitles().ToPagedList(pageNumber ?? 1, 10); var searchValues = _title.GetSearchValues(); searchValues.SelectedTitleList = searchValues.SelectedTitles.Select(x => new SelectListItem() { Text = x, Value = x }).Distinct().ToList(); searchValues.TerritoryList = searchValues.Territories.Select(x => new SelectListItem() { Text = x, Value = x }).Distinct().ToList(); searchValues.LanguageList = searchValues.Languages.Select(x => new SelectListItem() { Text = x, Value = x }).Distinct().ToList(); searchValues.MPMList = searchValues.MPMs.Select(x => new SelectListItem() { Text = x, Value = x }).Distinct().ToList(); searchValues.VendorIdList = searchValues.VendorIds.Select(x => new SelectListItem() { Text = x, Value = x }).Distinct().ToList(); searchValues.VideoVersionList = searchValues.VideoVersions.Select(x => new SelectListItem() { Text = x, Value = x }).Distinct().ToList(); Titles title = new Titles(); title.TitleSearch = searchValues; title.TitleList = titles; return(View(title)); } catch (Exception ex) { return(View("Error")); } }
public override void OnDoubleClick(Mobile from) { if (from.InRange(this.GetWorldLocation(), 2)) { bool LookInside = true; if (from.Backpack.FindItemByType(typeof(ThiefNote)) != null) { Item mail = from.Backpack.FindItemByType(typeof(ThiefNote)); ThiefNote envelope = (ThiefNote)mail; if (envelope.NoteOwner == from && envelope.NoteItemGot > 0 && HayTown == envelope.NoteDeliverTo && envelope.NoteDeliverType == 2) { LoggingFunctions.LogStandard(from, "has stolen " + envelope.NoteItem + "."); from.AddToBackpack(new Gold(envelope.NoteReward)); Titles.AwardFame(from, ((int)(envelope.NoteReward / 100)), true); Titles.AwardKarma(from, -((int)(envelope.NoteReward / 100)), true); Server.Items.ThiefNote.SetupNote(envelope, from); from.LocalOverheadMessage(MessageType.Emote, 1150, true, "You collected your reward."); from.SendMessage("You found another secret note for you."); from.SendSound(0x3D); from.CloseGump(typeof(Server.Items.ThiefNote.NoteGump)); Server.Items.ThiefNote.ThiefTimeAllowed(from); LookInside = false; } } if (LookInside) { string message = "There is nothing of interest in here."; if (Utility.RandomMinMax(1, 20) == 1 && Stackable == false) { Server.Misc.ContainerFunctions.GiveRandomItem(from); message = "You pull something out of the hay and it falls by your feet."; } Stackable = true; from.SendSound(0x057); from.SendMessage(message); } } else { from.SendLocalizedMessage(502138); // That is too far away for you to use } }
public List <Title> OrderTitlesByBest() { List <Title> list = new List <Title>(); foreach (TitleType type in Priority) // first find the types that need to be in a specifc order { Title title = Titles.FirstOrDefault(x => x?.Metadata.Type == type); if (title != null) { list.Add(title); } } IEnumerable <Title> unorganized = Titles.Except(list); // then add the types that don't need to be organized afterwards list.AddRange(unorganized); return(list); }
public virtual void EndQuest(PlayerMobile pm) { TeiravonMobile tm = (TeiravonMobile)pm; if (Titles.AwardExp(tm, QuestExp)) { pm.SendMessage("You have gained {0} experience.", QuestExp); } pm.AddToBackpack(new Gold(GoldAmt)); if (this.Backpack != null) { if (this.Backpack.Items.Count > 0) { pm.AddToBackpack((Item)this.Backpack.Items[Utility.Random(this.Backpack.Items.Count)]); } } }
public void TitleChoose(Titles title) { switch (title) { case Titles.Mr: MrRadioButton.Click(); break; case Titles.Mrs: MrsRadioButton.Click(); break; default: MrRadioButton.Click(); break; } }
private void SetObservableCollections( IList <ILinguisticVariable> linguistics, IList <FactorFuzzyValue> termSets) { foreach (ILinguisticVariable linguistic in linguistics) { Titles.Add(linguistic.Title); } foreach (FactorFuzzyValue term in termSets) { FuzzyValues.Add(term); } Connections.Add(LogicalConnection.AND); Connections.Add(LogicalConnection.OR); }
private void ExcuteAddNewTitleCommand() { var category = new Categories(NameTypes.TitleType); category.ShowDialog(); var dialogueResult = category.DialogResult; if (dialogueResult != null && (bool)dialogueResult) { LoadTitles();//should also get the latest updates in each row SelectedTitle = Titles.FirstOrDefault(c => c.DisplayName == category.TxtCategoryName.Text); if (SelectedTitle != null) { SelectedRepresentee.TitleId = SelectedTitle.Id; } } }
protected void Page_PreRender(object sender, EventArgs e) { var ticket = new Tickets { ID = Convert.ToInt32(TicketID) }; ticket.GetById(); var userInSession = (Users)Session["userinsession"]; UserID = userInSession.ID.ToString(); pnlOldTickets.Visible = false; lvAllGoods.Visible = true; var goods = new Goods { TicketFullSecureID = ticket.FullSecureID }; lvAllGoods.DataSource = goods.GetAllItems("ID", "ASC", "TicketFullSecureID"); lvAllGoods.DataBind(); foreach (var item in lvAllGoods.Items) { var lblGoodsDescription = (Label)item.FindControl("lblDescription"); var pnlWithoutAkciza = (Panel)item.FindControl("pnlWithoutAkciza"); var cbWithoutAkciza = (CheckBox)item.FindControl("cbWithoutAkciza"); var hfWithoutAkciza = (HiddenField)item.FindControl("hfWithoutAkciza"); var category = new Titles { Name = lblGoodsDescription.Text }; category.GetByName(); if (category.ID != 0 && category.CanBeWithoutAkciza != 0) { pnlWithoutAkciza.Visible = true; if (hfWithoutAkciza.Value == "1") { cbWithoutAkciza.Checked = true; } } //ограничения var rolesList = Application["RolesList"] as List <Roles>; var currentRole = (Roles)rolesList.SingleOrDefault(u => u.Name.ToLower() == userInSession.Role.ToLower()); if (currentRole.ActionControlActiza != 1) { cbWithoutAkciza.Enabled = false; } } }
public NewEmployeeViewModel() { //Departments = new BindableCollection<DepartmentModel>(GlobalConfig.Connection.GetAllDepartments()); //Functions = new BindableCollection<FunctionModel>(GlobalConfig.Connection.GetAllFunctions()); //Titles = new BindableCollection<TitleModel>(GlobalConfig.Connection.GetAllTitles()); Departments.Add(new DepartmentModel { Id = 2, DeptName = "Fork Licensing" }); Departments.Add(new DepartmentModel { Id = 3, DeptName = "Lab" }); Functions.Add(new FunctionModel { Id = 3, DeptId = 2, FunctionName = "Fork", RenewalMonths = 36 }); Functions.Add(new FunctionModel { Id = 4, DeptId = 2, FunctionName = "Clamp", RenewalMonths = 36 }); Functions.Add(new FunctionModel { Id = 5, DeptId = 2, FunctionName = "Arial", RenewalMonths = 36 }); Functions.Add(new FunctionModel { Id = 6, DeptId = 3, FunctionName = "Deviation", RenewalMonths = 0 }); Functions.Add(new FunctionModel { Id = 7, DeptId = 3, FunctionName = "Approve Deviation", RenewalMonths = 0 }); Functions.Add(new FunctionModel { Id = 8, DeptId = 3, FunctionName = "MMC", RenewalMonths = 0 }); Titles.Add(new TitleModel { Id = 9, TitleName = "Utility" }); Titles.Add(new TitleModel { Id = 7, TitleName = "Drum Operator" }); Titles.Add(new TitleModel { Id = 2, TitleName = "Adhesive Room" }); GetEmployees(); IsSelected = true; NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => ModeSwitch); }
public bool LoadData() { try { using (SqlConnection cn = new SqlConnection(Properties.Settings.Default.ConnectionString)) { string commandText = @" SELECT [TitleOfCourtesy] + ' ' + [LastName] + ' ' + [FirstName] As FullName FROM [NORTHWND.MDF].[dbo].[Employees]; SELECT DISTINCT [Title] FROM [NORTHWND.MDF].[dbo].[Employees];"; using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(commandText, cn)) { cn.Open(); SqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader(); // get results into first list from first select if (reader.HasRows) { while (reader.Read()) { Names.Add(reader.GetString(0)); } // move on to second select reader.NextResult(); // get results into first list from first select if (reader.HasRows) { while (reader.Read()) { Titles.Add(reader.GetString(0)); } } } } } return(true); } catch (Exception) { return(false); } }
public IHttpActionResult GetTitles(string isbn) { Titles titles = db.Titles.FirstOrDefault(t => t.ISBN == isbn); if (titles == null) { return(NotFound()); } var title = new Titles() { Copyright = titles.Copyright, ISBN = titles.ISBN, Title = titles.Title, EditionNumber = titles.EditionNumber }; return(Ok(title)); }
public void CreateTitile(TitleCreateDto model) { try { Titles create = new Titles { TitleId = Guid.NewGuid(), TitleName = model.TitleName, Price = model.Price }; _titles.Create(create); _titles.SaveContext(); } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.WriteLine(ex.Message); } }
public Title(string title) { if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(title)) { this.title = Titles.Unknown; return; } try { this.title = (Titles)Enum.Parse(typeof(Titles), title.Trim('.'), IgnoreCase); this.title.GetDescription(); //catch int value outside the allowed range } catch (Exception) { this.title = Titles.Unknown; } }
public void Test_ResourceAppService_CustomClient() { try { string url = AppSettingsReader <IAppSettings> .Get(x => x.ResourceAppServiceUrl); string cultureName = "nl-NL"; var client = new ResourceAppServiceClient(url); Labels labels = client.GetLabels(cultureName); Messages messages = client.GetMessages(cultureName); Titles titles = client.GetTitles(cultureName); } catch (WebException ex) { Assert.Inconclusive(ex.Message); } }
/// <summary> /// For SampleTest1 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> private Team55LibraryContext MakeTinyLibrary() { /*MOCK DATABASE SETUP*/ var optionsBuilder = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <Team55LibraryContext>(); Team55LibraryContext db = new Team55LibraryContext(optionsBuilder.UseInMemoryDatabase("tiny_library").Options); /*END MOCK DATABASE SETUP*/ /*Add in data*/ Titles t = new Titles(); t.Author = "Tony Diep"; t.Title = "Tony's Life"; t.Isbn = "978-1111111111"; db.Titles.Add(t); db.SaveChanges(); return(db); }
public void ParseRaceInformation(Event evnt, XmlNode node) { foreach (XmlNode informationNode in node.ChildNodes) { switch (informationNode.Name) { // Use GB only without localisation for the time being case "title": foreach (XmlNode titleNode in informationNode.ChildNodes) { if (Titles.TryGetValue(titleNode.Name, out _)) { if (titleNode.Name == "GB") { evnt.Name = titleNode.InnerText; } Titles[titleNode.Name] = titleNode.InnerText; } } break; case "description": foreach (XmlNode descNode in informationNode.ChildNodes) { if (Descriptions.TryGetValue(descNode.Name, out _)) { Descriptions[descNode.Name] = descNode.InnerText; } } break; case "one_line_title": foreach (XmlNode descNode in informationNode.ChildNodes) { if (Descriptions.TryGetValue(descNode.Name, out _)) { OneLineTitles[descNode.Name] = descNode.InnerText; } } break; } } }
//private double PixelPerInterval //{ // get { return _pixelPerInterval; } // set // { // _pixelPerInterval = value; // //ChartAreas[0].AxisX.ScaleView.Size = 10 * PixelPerInterval; // var a = (ChartAreas[0].InnerPlotPosition.Width / 100); // //var count = Width / (ChartAreas[0].AxisX.ScaleView.ViewMaximum - ChartAreas[0].AxisX.ScaleView.ViewMinimum); // var count = a * Width / (ChartAreas[0].AxisX.ScaleView.ViewMaximum - ChartAreas[0].AxisX.ScaleView.ViewMinimum); // count = a*Width*PixelPerInterval; // count = 5; // count = a*Width/25; // ChartAreas[0].AxisX.ScaleView.Zoom(ChartAreas[0].AxisX.Minimum, count, DateTimeIntervalType.Days); // } //} //private double _pixelPerInterval = 10; //private bool _updatePixelPerInterval = true; #endregion #region Constructor public BiodataChart(Func <BiodataEntry[]> getEntries) : base(() => getEntries().Cast <Entry>().ToArray(), true) { Titles.Add("Biodata"); //Paint += (s, e) => // { // if (!_updatePixelPerInterval || ChartAreas.Count <= 0) return; // var firstDate = DateTime.FromOADate(Series[0].Points[0].XValue); // PixelPerInterval = // ChartAreas[0].AxisX.ValueToPixelPosition(firstDate.AddDays(1).ToOADate()) - // ChartAreas[0].AxisX.ValueToPixelPosition(firstDate.ToOADate()); // _updatePixelPerInterval = false; // }; //Resize += (s, e) => // { // _updatePixelPerInterval = true; // }; }
public async override Task GetEntitiesFromServer() { List <Task> tasks = new List <Task>(); Task <List <RefereeModel> > entitiesTask = interactor.GetEntities("api/floorball/referees", "Error during getting referees"); tasks.Add(entitiesTask); await Task.WhenAll(tasks); var entities = entitiesTask.Result; /*var leagues = leaguesTask.Result; * var teams = teamsTask.Result;*/ RefereeModel prevEntity = null; List <SearchCell> searchList = new List <SearchCell>(); foreach (var entity in entities.OrderBy(e => e.Country).ThenBy(e => e.Name).ThenByDescending(e => e.Number)) { if (prevEntity == null || entity.Country != prevEntity.Country) { SearchModel.Add(new List <SearchCell>()); Titles.Add(new SearchTitle { MainTitle = AppDelegate.SharedAppDelegate.TextManager.GetText(entity.Country), Subtitle = "" }); } SearchModel.Last().Add(new SearchCell { Id = entity.Id, Title = entity.Name, Subtitle = "Match count: " + entity.Number.ToString(), RightDetail = "" }); prevEntity = entity; } FilteredSearchModel = new List <List <SearchCell> >(SearchModel); FilteredTitles = new List <SearchTitle>(Titles); }
public static string GetAllInsideContent(TAGBlock block) { string ret = string.Empty; if (block.Name == null || Excluded.Contains(block.Name)) { return(ret); } if (Titles.ContainsKey(block.Name)) { ret = DataResource.GetMarkFormatted(Titles[block.Name]); } ret = string.Format("{0}{1}", ret, block.content); if (block.FirstInside != null) { ret = string.Format("{0}{1}", ret, GetAllContent(block.FirstInside)); } return(ret); }
public List <Titles> GetAllTitles() { List <Titles> titlesList = null; try { using (SqlConnection con = _databaseFactory.GetDBConnection()) { using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand()) { if (con.State == ConnectionState.Closed) { con.Open(); } cmd.Connection = con; cmd.CommandText = "[Accounts].[GetAllTitles]"; cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; using (SqlDataReader sdr = cmd.ExecuteReader()) { if ((sdr != null) && (sdr.HasRows)) { titlesList = new List <Titles>(); while (sdr.Read()) { Titles _titlesObj = new Titles(); { _titlesObj.Title = (sdr["Title"].ToString() != "" ? sdr["Title"].ToString() : _titlesObj.Title); } titlesList.Add(_titlesObj); } } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } return(titlesList); }
public MainViewModel() { try { string json = File.ReadAllText(dbName); var _titles = new ObservableCollection <TitleModel>(JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <TitleModel> >(json).OrderBy(x => x.System).ThenBy(y => y.Title)); foreach (var title in Titles.Where(t => string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(t.CartImage) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(t.CartUrl))) { title.CartImage = title.CartUrl; } Titles = _titles; } catch { } if (File.Exists("config.json")) { string configJson = File.ReadAllText("config.json"); Config config = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Config>(configJson); GameScannerPath = config.Path; UserName = config.UserName; PassWord = config.Password; } string scc = File.ReadAllText("systems.cfg"); SystemConfigs = new ObservableCollection <ConsoleLabelConfig>(JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <ConsoleLabelConfig> >(scc)); foreach (ConsoleLabelConfig consoleLabelConfig in SystemConfigs) { FoundSystems.Add(new System { HasConfig = true, Name = consoleLabelConfig.EmuVRMedia, }); } FoundSystems = new ObservableCollection <System>(FoundSystems.OrderBy(x => x.Name)); }
public ChartControl(List <Series> seriesList, string name) : base() { Name = name; MaxPoints = 1000; title = new Title(Name); ChartArea = new ChartArea("ChartArea"); ChartArea.AxisX.Enabled = AxisEnabled.False; ChartArea.AxisY.IsStartedFromZero = false; ChartArea.AxisY.Enabled = AxisEnabled.False; ChartArea.AxisY2.Enabled = AxisEnabled.False; ChartArea.AxisX.LabelStyle.Enabled = false; ChartArea.AxisY.LabelStyle.Enabled = false; ChartArea.AxisY2.LabelStyle.Enabled = false; ChartArea.Position.X = 0; ChartArea.Position.Y = 40; ChartArea.Position.Height = 60; ChartArea.Position.Width = 100; //chartArea.AxisY2.Title = "kVAR"; //chartArea.AxisY.Title = "W"; //chartArea.AxisY.LabelStyle.IsEndLabelVisible = true; Legends.Add(new Legend("LeftLegend") { Enabled = false, LegendStyle = LegendStyle.Column, }); Legends.Add(new Legend("RightLegend") { Enabled = false, LegendStyle = LegendStyle.Column, }); ChartAreas.Add(ChartArea); Titles.Add(title); if (seriesList != null) { foreach (Series series in seriesList) { Series.Add(series); } } }
public override bool CheckCast() { if (!base.CheckCast()) { return(false); } if (Caster.Skills[CastSkill].Value < RequiredSkill) { Caster.SendMessage("You lack the skills to use this necromancer liquid!"); return(false); } if (Caster.Karma > -2459) { Titles.AwardKarma(Caster, -50, true); } return(true); }
public static void Main(string[] args) { DvdAuthor a = new DvdAuthor(); Titles b = new Titles(a.XmlDoc); Titles c = new Titles(a.XmlDoc); b.AddFile("/hello/world.mpg"); b.AddFile("/hello/world/version2.mpg"); c.AddFile("/big/buck/bunny.mpg"); c.AddFile("/big/world/version2.mpg"); a.AddTitle(b.GetTitle()); a.AddTitle(c.GetTitle()); a.Save(@"C:\Documents and Settings\Peter\Desktop\test.xml"); Console.WriteLine("Hello World!"); }
protected override void OnTarget(Mobile from, object targeted) { TradeOrderCrate order = targeted as TradeOrderCrate; if (order != null) { if (CityLoyaltySystem.CityTrading.TryTurnInToSlim(from, order, Slim)) { from.AddToBackpack(Slim.GiveAward()); from.SendLocalizedMessage(1073621); // Your reward has been placed in your backpack. Titles.AwardKarma(from, -100, true); } } else { from.SendLocalizedMessage(1151731); // That is not a valid trade order. Please try again. from.Target = new InternalTarget(Slim); } }
public async Task <IActionResult> Create([Bind("TTL_NAME")] Titles titles) { try { if (ModelState.IsValid) { _context.Add(titles); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); return(RedirectToAction(nameof(Index))); } } catch { ModelState.AddModelError("", "Unable to save changes. " + "Try again, and if the problem persists " + "you are done. Bye-bye"); } return(View(titles)); }
public UxChartControl(bool useDefaultPopupMechanism = true) { Titles.Clear(); _title = createTitle(TITLE_DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE, StringAlignment.Center, ChartTitleDockStyle.Top); _description = createTitle(DESCRIPTION_DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE, StringAlignment.Near, ChartTitleDockStyle.Bottom); Titles.Add(_title); Titles.Add(_description); _barManager = new BarManager { Form = this }; PopupMenu = new PopupMenu(_barManager); if (useDefaultPopupMechanism) { initializePopup(); } }
/// <summary> /// Conversion from Entry to string seq seq /// Contrary function of LoadContentToFile() /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> private IEnumerable <IEnumerable <string> > SaveFileToContent() { var titles = Titles; if (_titleRules != null) { _titleRules(ref titles); } var content = new List <List <string> > { titles }; foreach (var aEntry in Content) { var newEntry = aEntry; if (_entryRules != null) { _entryRules(ref newEntry); } var newContentLine = new List <string>(); foreach (var propName in Titles.Select( title => (from prop in EntryType.GetProperties() from attr in prop.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(TitleName), false) where ((TitleName)attr).Name == title select prop.Name).FirstOrDefault())) { if (propName != null) { var contentField = EntryType.GetProperty(propName).GetValue(newEntry, null); newContentLine.Add(contentField.ToString()); } else { newContentLine.Add(""); } } content.Add(newContentLine); } return(content); }
public override void OnCast() { if (this.CheckSequence()) { TimeSpan duration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds((2 * this.Caster.Skills.Magery.Fixed) / 5); if (Core.AOS) /* Why two diff daemons? TODO: solve this */ { BaseCreature m_Daemon = new SummonedDaemon(); SpellHelper.Summon(m_Daemon, this.Caster, 0x216, duration, false, false); m_Daemon.FixedParticles(0x3728, 8, 20, 5042, EffectLayer.Head); } else { SpellHelper.Summon(new Daemon(), this.Caster, 0x216, duration, false, false); } Titles.AwardKarma(this.Caster, -50, true); } this.FinishSequence(); }
public int CompareTo(object obj) { var b = (Book)obj; var conditionTitle = Titles.CompareTo(b.Titles); if (conditionTitle != 0) { return(conditionTitle); } var conditionPages = Pages.CompareTo(b.Pages); if (conditionPages != 0) { return(conditionPages); } var conditionWords = Words.CompareTo(b.Words); return(conditionWords); }
public async Task<Titles> SearchTitles(String Title, Int32 Limit = 10, Boolean OnUserBehalf = true, TitleExpansion ExpansionLevel = TitleExpansion.Minimal) { Login.CheckInformationSet(); Dictionary<String, String> extraParams = new Dictionary<String, String>(); extraParams.Add("term", FlixSharp.Helpers.OAuth.OAuthHelpers.Encode(Title)); extraParams.Add("max_results", Limit.ToString()); String tokenSecret = ""; //String token = ""; if (OnUserBehalf) { Account na = FlixSharp.Netflix.SafeReturnUserInfo(); if (na != null) { tokenSecret = na.TokenSecret; extraParams.Add("oauth_token", na.Token); } } String titleurl = OAuthHelpers.GetOAuthRequestUrl(Login.SharedSecret, Login.ConsumerKey, Constants.CatalogTitleSearchUrl, "GET", tokenSecret, extraParams); var moviedoc = AsyncHelpers.NetflixLoadXDocumentAsync(titleurl); Titles movies = new Titles(); switch (ExpansionLevel) { case TitleExpansion.Minimal: movies.AddRange(await Fill.GetBaseTitleInfo(moviedoc, "catalog_title")); break; case TitleExpansion.Expanded: movies.AddRange(await AsyncFiller.GetExpandedMovieDetails(await moviedoc)); break; case TitleExpansion.Complete: movies.AddRange(await AsyncFiller.GetCompleteNetflixMovieDetails(await moviedoc)); break; } return movies; }
/// <summary> /// Make a catalog/titles search request /// </summary> /// <param name="SearchTerm"></param> /// <param name="Limit"></param> /// <param name="OnUserBehalf">Make the request on the user's behalf if a /// GetCurrentUserNetflixUserInfo delegate was provided during creation.</param> /// <returns></returns> public async Task<SearchResults> SearchEverything(String SearchTerm, Int32 Limit = 20, Boolean OnUserBehalf = true, TitleExpansion TitleExpansionLevel = TitleExpansion.Minimal, PersonExpansion PersonExpansionLevel = PersonExpansion.Minimal) { Login.CheckInformationSet(); Dictionary<String, String> extraParams = new Dictionary<String, String>(); extraParams.Add("term", OAuthHelpers.Encode(SearchTerm)); extraParams.Add("max_results", Limit.ToString()); String tokenSecret = ""; if (OnUserBehalf) { Account na = FlixSharp.Netflix.SafeReturnUserInfo(); if (na != null) { tokenSecret = na.TokenSecret; extraParams.Add("oauth_token", na.Token); } } String personurl = OAuthHelpers.GetOAuthRequestUrl(Login.SharedSecret, Login.ConsumerKey, Constants.CatalogPeopleSearcUrl, "GET", tokenSecret, extraParams); var persondoc = AsyncHelpers.NetflixLoadXDocumentAsync(personurl); String titleurl = OAuthHelpers.GetOAuthRequestUrl(Login.SharedSecret, Login.ConsumerKey, Constants.CatalogTitleSearchUrl, "GET", tokenSecret, extraParams); var moviedoc = AsyncHelpers.NetflixLoadXDocumentAsync(titleurl); People people = new People(); switch (PersonExpansionLevel) { case PersonExpansion.Minimal: people.AddRange(from person in (await persondoc).Descendants("person") select new Person(PersonExpansion.Minimal) { IdUrl = person.Element("id").Value, Name = person.Element("name").Value, Bio = (String)person.Element("bio") }); break; case PersonExpansion.Complete: people.AddRange(await AsyncFiller.GetCompleteNetflixPersonDetails(await persondoc)); break; } Titles movies = new Titles(); switch (TitleExpansionLevel) { case TitleExpansion.Minimal: movies.AddRange(await Fill.GetBaseTitleInfo(moviedoc, "catalog_title")); break; case TitleExpansion.Expanded: movies.AddRange(await AsyncFiller.GetExpandedMovieDetails(await moviedoc)); break; case TitleExpansion.Complete: movies.AddRange(await AsyncFiller.GetCompleteNetflixMovieDetails(await moviedoc)); break; } SearchResults sr = new SearchResults(); sr.MovieResults = movies; sr.PeopleResults = people; sr.SearchTerm = SearchTerm; return sr; }
public static List<Models.Movie> GetDatabaseMovies(Titles results) { var netflixids = results.Select((m) => m.Id + (m.SeasonId != "" ? ";" + m.SeasonId : "")); using (FilmTroveContext ftc = new FilmTroveContext()) { ///1) find the matching records from the database var matchedmovies = ftc.Movies.Where(m => netflixids.Contains(m.Netflix.Id)); ///2) find the records that don't have a match ///select the ids and get the netflix Ids that aren't in the FT database var ftnfids = matchedmovies.Select(m => m.Netflix.Id); var netflixidsunmatched = netflixids.Where(m => !ftnfids.Contains(m)); //Int32 count = 0; foreach (String nid in netflixidsunmatched) { ///create FT database records for each of these with the movies basic information for now FilmTrove.Models.Movie newmovie = ftc.Movies.Create(); FlixSharp.Holders.Title netflixmovie = results.Find(nid); FillBasicTitle(newmovie, netflixmovie); var dbgenreslocal = ftc.Genres.Local.Where(g => netflixmovie.Genres.Contains(g.Name)); var dbgenres = ftc.Genres.Where(g => netflixmovie.Genres.Contains(g.Name)); HashSet<Genre> genres = new HashSet<Genre>(); genres.AddRange(dbgenres); genres.AddRange(dbgenreslocal); var genrenames = genres.Select(g => g.Name); var missinggenres = netflixmovie.Genres.Where(g => !genrenames.Contains(g)); foreach (String genre in missinggenres) { Genre g = new Genre() { Name = genre }; genres.Add(g); ftc.Genres.Add(g); } //newmovie.Genres = netflixmovie.Genres; foreach (Genre g in genres) { MovieGenre gi = ftc.GenreItems.Create(); gi.Genre = g; gi.Movie = newmovie; ftc.GenreItems.Add(gi); } ftc.Movies.Add(newmovie); } //try //{ //count = ftc.SaveChanges(); //} //catch (Exception ex) //{ // ///need to add some sort of logging? //} //if (count > 0) if (matchedmovies.Count() < results.Count()) matchedmovies = ftc.Movies.Where(m => netflixids.Contains(m.Netflix.Id)); //else // return matchedmovies.ToList(); return results.Select(m => matchedmovies.First(f => f.Netflix.Id == (m.Id + (m.SeasonId != "" ? ";" + m.SeasonId : "")))).ToList(); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { bool rodando = true; while (rodando) { Console.WriteLine("API fornecida por"); Console.WriteLine("Digite 1 para a lista de filmes de um ator,"); Console.WriteLine("2 para dois atores,"); Console.WriteLine("3 para multiplos atores,"); Console.WriteLine("4 para limpar a tela,"); Console.WriteLine("e 5 para sair"); string escolha = Console.ReadLine(); switch (escolha) { case "1": Console.WriteLine("Digite o nome do ator/atriz:"); string nomeAtor = Console.ReadLine(); Ator ator = new Ator(new PesquisaAPITMDB().pegarID(nomeAtor)); Titles titles = new Titles(new PesquisaAPITMDB().filmesPorID(; Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("FILMES:"); foreach (string title in titles.title) { Console.WriteLine(title); } break; case "2": Console.WriteLine("Digite o nome do 1° ator/atriz:"); string nomePrimeiroAtor = Console.ReadLine(); Ator PrimeiroAtor = new Ator(new PesquisaAPITMDB().pegarID(nomePrimeiroAtor)); Titles titlesPrimeiroAtor = new Titles(new PesquisaAPITMDB().filmesPorID(; Console.WriteLine("Digite o nome do 2° ator/atriz:"); string nomeSegundoAtor = Console.ReadLine(); Ator SegundoAtor = new Ator(new PesquisaAPITMDB().pegarID(nomeSegundoAtor)); Titles titlesSegundoAtor = new Titles(new PesquisaAPITMDB().filmesPorID(; Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("FILMES:"); foreach (string title in titlesPrimeiroAtor.title) { if (titlesSegundoAtor.title.Contains(title)) { Console.WriteLine(title); } } break; case "3": Console.WriteLine("Digite o numero de atores/atrizes que voce vai utilizar:"); int numeroAtores = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); List<string> nomeAtores = new List<string>(); List<Titles> titlesAtores = new List<Titles>(); bool contem = true; for (int ct=1;ct<=numeroAtores;ct++) { Console.WriteLine("ator/atrizes numero "+ct); nomeAtores.Add(Console.ReadLine()); } Parallel.ForEach(nomeAtores, atorIndividual => { titlesAtores.Add(new Titles(new PesquisaAPITMDB().filmesPorID( new Ator(new PesquisaAPITMDB().pegarID(atorIndividual)).id))); }); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("FILMES:"); foreach (string title in titlesAtores.ElementAt(0).title) { for (int ct=1;ct<titlesAtores.Count;ct++) { if (!titlesAtores.ElementAt(ct).title.Contains(title)) { contem = false; } } if (contem) Console.WriteLine(title); contem = true; } break; case "4": Console.Clear(); break; case "5": rodando = false; break; default: Console.WriteLine("COMANDO INVALIDO!"); break; } } }
/// <summary> /// Moves the title designation from one player to another, along with any hands or tokens for that title /// </summary> /// <param name="title">The title to be transferred</param> /// <param name="newHolder">The player who should now possess the title</param> public void ChangePlayerTitle(Titles title, Player newHolder) { }