Ejemplo n.º 1
        public async Task <object> ActionTest(TimersFilter filter)
            var stopWatch = TickTock.StartNew("Json parse");
            var json      = Mongo.GroupTimers(
                filter.info.Branch ?? "master"

            stopWatch.Start("MongoDB Aggregate");
            var items = await _dbService.ColTimers
                        .Aggregate <GroupedTimer>(json.AsBsonArray())

            stopWatch.Start("Welch Compute");

            stopWatch.Start("Transform Timer");
            var result = items
                         .Select(i => new SimpleTimers
                Durations = i.Durations.ToArray(),
                Commit    = i.Commit,
                Branch    = i.Info.Branch,
                Welch     = i.Welch,
                Left      = i.Left,
                Right     = i.Right,
                Info      = GitInfo.From(i.Info),
                isBroken  = false,


                Data = result,
                Ratio = 0.2
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public object ActionList(TimersFilter filter)
            // var cmd = @"
            //     {'pipeline': [
            //         {
            //             '$match': {
            //                 'index.project': '<project>',
            //                 'index.test': '<test>',
            //                 'index.mesh': '<mesh>',
            //                 'index.benchmark': '<benchmark>',
            //                 'index.cpus': <cpus>,
            //                 'index.frame': 'whole-program'
            //             }
            //         }
            //     ]}";

            var minId   = filter.days.AsPastObjectId();
            var commits = _repoInfo.GetAll(365 * 3).ToList();
            var timers  = _dbService.ColTimers
                          .Find(i =>
                                i.Index.Project == filter.info.Project &&
                                i.Index.Test == filter.info.Test &&
                                i.Index.Mesh == filter.info.Mesh &&
                                i.Index.Benchmark == filter.info.Benchmark &&
                                i.Index.Frame == "whole-program" &&
                                i.Id > minId
                          .OrderByDescending(i => i.Info?.CommittedDatetime)

            var result = timers
                         .GroupBy(i => i.Index.Commit)
                         .Select(i =>
                var data  = i.ToList();
                var info  = data.FirstOrDefault()?.Info ?? _repoInfo[i.Key];
                var timer = new SimpleTimers(info)
                    Commit    = info?.Commit,
                    Branch    = info?.Branch,
                    Info      = GitInfo.From(info),
                    isBroken  = false,
                    Durations = data.Select(j => j.Result.Duration).ToArray(),

            foreach (var c in commits)
                if (!result.Any(i => i.Commit == c.Commit))
                    result.Add(new SimpleTimers(c)
                        Commit    = c.Commit,
                        Branch    = c.Branch,
                        Info      = GitInfo.From(c),
                        isBroken  = true,
                        Durations = new double[] { 0, 0, 0 }

            var ratio = result.Count(i => !i.isBroken) / ((double)result.Count());

            TimerUtils.ComputeWelch(result, _repoInfo);

            result = result
                     .OrderBy(i => i.CommitInfo?.AuthoredDatetime)

            var firstValid = result
                             .FindIndex(i => i.isBroken == false);

            if (firstValid != -1)
                result = result

                Data = result,
                Ratio = ratio

             *          var commits = _repoInfo.GetAll(365 * 1).ToList();
             *          var minId = filter.days.AsPastObjectId();
             *          var result = commits
             *              .Select(i =>
             *                  new SimpleTimers(i)
             *                  {
             *                      Commit = i.Commit,
             *                      Branch = i.Branch,
             *                      Info = GitInfo.From(i),
             *                      isBroken = true,
             *                      Durations = new double[] { 0, 0, 0 }
             *                  })
             *              .ToList();
             *          var dbItems = _dbService.ColTimers
             *              .Find(i =>
             *                  i.Index.Project == filter.info.Project
             *                  && i.Index.Test == filter.info.Test
             *                  && i.Index.Mesh == filter.info.Mesh
             *                  && i.Index.Benchmark == filter.info.Benchmark
             *                  && i.Index.Frame == "whole-program"
             *                  && i.Id > minId
             *              )
             *              .Sort(Builders<ColTimers>.Sort.Descending("_id"));
             *          var simple = dbItems
             *              .Project(i =>
             *              new
             *              {
             *                  i.Index.Commit,
             *                  i.Result.Duration
             *              })
             *              .ToList()
             *              .GroupBy(i => i.Commit, i => i.Duration);
             *          var cmts = simple.Select(i => i.Key).ToList();
             *          foreach(var s in simple)
             *          {
             *              var singleResult = result.FirstOrDefault(i => i.Commit == s.Key);
             *              if(singleResult != null)
             *              {
             *                  singleResult.isBroken = false;
             *                  singleResult.Durations = s.ToArray();
             *              }
             *          }
             *          var ratio = result.Count(i => !i.isBroken) / ((double)result.Count());
             *          result = result
             *              .OrderBy(i => i.Info.Date)
             *              .ToList();
             *          var firstValid = result.FindIndex(i => i.isBroken == false);
             *          if(firstValid != -1)
             *          {
             *              result = result
             *                  .Skip(firstValid)
             *                  .ToList();
             *          }
             *          var onlyMin = false;
             *          var minTimers = onlyMin ? 4 : 30;
             *          var notBroken = result.Where(i => !i.isBroken).ToList();
             *          for(var i = 10; i < notBroken.Count() - 10; i++)
             *          {
             *              if(notBroken[i].Commit == "1943bc6cf08ac7d04caebc93c15d402fd62ca74d")
             *              {
             *                  Console.WriteLine(notBroken[i]);
             *              }
             *              // we run ttest
             *              var commitPrev = notBroken.Commits(_repoInfo, i, -10);
             *              var commitNext = notBroken.Commits(_repoInfo, i, +10);
             *              var a = commitPrev.Durations(0, 10); //notBroken.Durations(i + 1, +10);
             *              var b = commitNext.Durations(0, 10); //notBroken.Durations(i + 0, -10);
             *              var r = (Welch)null;
             *              if (a.Length > minTimers && b.Length > minTimers)
             *              {
             *                  r = Welch.TTest(b, a, 10);
             *                  notBroken[i].Left = commitPrev.Select(i => i.Commit).Reverse().ToList();
             *                  notBroken[i].Right = commitNext.Select(i => i.Commit).ToList();
             *                  notBroken[i].Welch = r;
             *              }
             *              else
             *              {
             *                  continue;
             *              }
             *              // in case we detect some change, we'll try to "zoom in"
             *              if (r.Significant)
             *              {
             *                  for (var j = 9; j > 1; j--)
             *                  {
             *                      var aj = commitPrev.Durations(0, j); //notBroken.Durations(i + 0, +j);
             *                      var bj = commitNext.Durations(0, j); //notBroken.Durations(i - 1, -j);
             *                      // until we still detect change
             *                      // and there is atleast 20 samples
             *                      if (aj.Length > minTimers && bj.Length > minTimers)
             *                      {
             *                          var rj = Welch.TTest(bj, aj, j);
             *                          notBroken[i].Left = commitPrev.Take(j).Select(i => i.Commit).Reverse().ToList();
             *                          notBroken[i].Right = commitNext.Take(j).Select(i => i.Commit).ToList();
             *                          notBroken[i].Welch = rj;
             *                      }
             *                      else
             *                      {
             *                          break;
             *                      }
             *                  }
             *              }
             *          }
             *          return new {
             *              Data = result,
             *              Ratio = ratio
             *          };*/