Ejemplo n.º 1
        private EntityCollection <TeamEntity> GetTeamsWithSameVenueAndMatchTime(TeamEntity team, RoundEntity round)
            var resultTeams = new EntityCollection <TeamEntity>();

            TimeSpan?teamStartTime = team.MatchTime;
            TimeSpan?teamEndTime   = teamStartTime?.Add(_matchPlanner.PlannedDurationOfMatch);

            // first get a list of other teams with same venue and match day of the week
            List <int> tmpTeams = round.TeamCollectionViaTeamInRound.FindMatches(TeamFields.VenueId == team.VenueId & TeamFields.MatchDayOfWeek == (int)team.MatchDayOfWeek & TeamFields.Id != team.Id);

            foreach (var index in tmpTeams)
                TimeSpan?otherStartTime = round.TeamCollectionViaTeamInRound[index].MatchTime;
                TimeSpan?otherEndTime   = otherStartTime?.Add(_matchPlanner.PlannedDurationOfMatch);

                if ((otherStartTime <= teamStartTime && otherEndTime >= teamStartTime) || (otherStartTime <= teamEndTime && otherEndTime >= teamEndTime))

            // list is expected to contain at least one team

Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void UpdateETAs()
            DateTime now     = DateTime.Now;
            TimeSpan?lastETD = null;

            for (int i = 0; i < Stops.Count; i++)
                var stop = Stops[i];

                switch (stop.Status)
                case RoutеStopStatus.Pending:
                    if (lastETD != null && stop.LegDuration != null)
                        stop.ETA = lastETD?.Add((TimeSpan)stop.LegDuration);
                        lastETD  = stop.ETA?.Add(stop.StopDuration);
                        stop.ETA = lastETD = null;

                case RoutеStopStatus.Enroute:
                    stop.ETA = stop.LegDuration;
                    lastETD  = stop.ETA?.Add(stop.StopDuration);

                case RoutеStopStatus.Arrived:
                    stop.ETA = null;
                    var etd = stop.ArrivalTime?.Add(stop.StopDuration);
                    if (stop.Kind != RouteStopKind.StartPoint && etd != null && etd > now)
                        lastETD = ((DateTime)etd).Subtract(now);
                        lastETD = TimeSpan.Zero;

                case RoutеStopStatus.Departed:
                    stop.ETA = null;
                    lastETD  = TimeSpan.Zero;

Ejemplo n.º 3
        public bool Set <T>(string key, Func <T> func, TimeSpan?expiresIn, When when, CommandFlags commandFlags)
            var realKey = Wrapper.GetRealKey(key);

            using (var locker = new RedLockClient(HashHelper.GetHashedString(HashType.MD5, realKey), DependencyResolver.Current.ResolveService <ILogger <RedLockClient> >()))
                if (locker.TryLock())
                    return(Wrapper.Database.StringSet(realKey, Wrapper.Wrap(func()), expiresIn?.Add(GetRandomCacheExpiry()), when,
                Logger.LogInformation($"get lock failed,update cache fail,cache key:{realKey},current time:{DateTime.Now:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.ffffff}");
Ejemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Check for possibility of next attempt.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Increments the attempts counter, if attempt is allowed.
        /// Calculates time to wait corresponding to BackoffPolicy before next try.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="elapsedTime">Time eplased since first attempt</param>
        /// <param name="attempts">Attempts counter</param>
        /// <param name="timeToWait">Calculated time to wait before next attempt</param>
        /// <returns>True if the try limit is not reached yet, false otherwise.</returns>
        protected bool TryAgain(TimeSpan?elapsedTime, ref int attempts, out TimeSpan timeToWait)
            timeToWait = TimeSpan.Zero;

            if (attempts >= RetryPolicy.RetryLimit)

            TimeSpan nextTimeToWait = RetryPolicy.BackoffPolicy != null?RetryPolicy.BackoffPolicy.CalculateBackoff(attempts + 1, RetryPolicy.Factor) : TimeSpan.Zero;

            if (elapsedTime?.Add(nextTimeToWait) >= RetryPolicy.TimeLimit)

            timeToWait = nextTimeToWait;
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public List <Agendamento> Completo(int meses, int idOdontologista, int idClinica)
            var conexao = new Connection(new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection());

            using (var repositorio = new AgendaRepositorio(conexao))
                var agenda = repositorio.Buscar(new Agenda()
                    IdClinica = idClinica, IdOdontologista = idOdontologista
                if (agenda == null)
                using (var repositorioAgendamento = new AgendamentoRepositorio(conexao))
                    var agendamentos = repositorioAgendamento.Buscar(new Agendamento()
                        IdAgenda = agenda.Id

                    using (var repositorioSemana = new SemanaAgendaRepositorio(conexao))
                        var semana = repositorioSemana.Buscar(new SemanaAgenda()
                            IdClinica = idClinica, IdOdontologista = idOdontologista

                        using (var repositorioDia = new DiaAgendaRepositorio(conexao))
                            var dia = repositorioDia.Buscar(new DiaAgenda()
                                IdClinica = idClinica, IdOdontologista = idOdontologista

                            using (var repositorioDayOff = new AgendaDayOffRepositorio(conexao))
                                var dayOff = repositorioDayOff.Buscar(new AgendaDayOff()
                                    IdClinica = idClinica, IdOdontologista = idOdontologista

                                var listaAgendamentos = new List <Agendamento>();
                                var dataAtual         = DateTime.Now;

                                while (dataAtual <= DateTime.Now.AddMonths(meses))
                                    if (dayOff.Where(x => x.Data.Date == dataAtual.Date).Count() >= 1)

                                    if (dia.Where(x => x.Data.Date == dataAtual.Date).Count() >= 1)
                                        foreach (var d in dia.Where(x => x.Data.Date == dataAtual.Date))
                                            TimeSpan horario = d.HorarioAtendimentoInicio;
                                                if (agendamentos.Where(x => x.Data.Date == dataAtual.Date &&
                                                                       x.Horario >= horario &&
                                                                       x.Horario < horario.Add(new TimeSpan(0, 0, agenda.TempoAtendimento, 0, 0))
                                                                       ).Count() > 0)
                                                    var agendamento = agendamentos.Where(x => x.Data.Date == dataAtual.Date &&
                                                                                         x.Horario >= horario &&
                                                                                         x.Horario < horario.Add(new TimeSpan(0, 0, agenda.TempoAtendimento, 0, 0))

                                                    listaAgendamentos.Add(new Agendamento()
                                                        Id         = agendamento.Id,
                                                        Data       = agendamento.Data,
                                                        Horario    = agendamento.Horario,
                                                        IdAgenda   = agenda.Id,
                                                        IdOdonto   = agenda.IdOdontologista,
                                                        IdPaciente = agendamento.IdPaciente
                                                    listaAgendamentos.Add(new Agendamento()
                                                        Id         = 0,
                                                        Data       = dataAtual.Date,
                                                        Horario    = horario,
                                                        IdAgenda   = agenda.Id,
                                                        IdOdonto   = agenda.IdOdontologista,
                                                        IdPaciente = 0
                                                horario = horario.Add(new TimeSpan(0, 0, agenda.TempoAtendimento, 0, 0));
                                            } while (horario <= d.HorarioAtendimentoTermino);

                                    if (semana.Where(x => x.DiaSemana == (int)dataAtual.DayOfWeek + 1).Count() >= 1)
                                        foreach (var s in semana.Where(x => x.DiaSemana == (int)dataAtual.DayOfWeek + 1))
                                            TimeSpan horario = s.HorarioAtendimentoInicio;
                                                if (agendamentos.Where(x => x.Data.Date == dataAtual.Date &&
                                                                       x.Horario >= horario &&
                                                                       x.Horario < horario.Add(new TimeSpan(0, 0, agenda.TempoAtendimento, 0, 0))
                                                                       ).Count() > 0)
                                                    var agendamento = agendamentos.Where(x => x.Data.Date == dataAtual.Date &&
                                                                                         x.Horario >= horario &&
                                                                                         x.Horario < horario.Add(new TimeSpan(0, 0, agenda.TempoAtendimento, 0, 0))

                                                    listaAgendamentos.Add(new Agendamento()
                                                        Id         = agendamento.Id,
                                                        Data       = agendamento.Data,
                                                        Horario    = agendamento.Horario,
                                                        IdAgenda   = agenda.Id,
                                                        IdOdonto   = agenda.IdOdontologista,
                                                        IdPaciente = agendamento.IdPaciente
                                                    listaAgendamentos.Add(new Agendamento()
                                                        Id         = 0,
                                                        Data       = dataAtual.Date,
                                                        Horario    = horario,
                                                        IdAgenda   = agenda.Id,
                                                        IdOdonto   = agenda.IdOdontologista,
                                                        IdPaciente = 0
                                                horario = horario.Add(new TimeSpan(0, 0, agenda.TempoAtendimento, 0, 0));
                                            } while (horario <= s.HorarioAtendimentoTermino);
                                    dataAtual = dataAtual.AddDays(1);
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public int UpdateImages(ManagedSecurityContext sec)
            GetACL().Check(sec, DataOperation.Update);

            int result   = 0;
            Uri basehref = null;

            Uri.TryCreate(mInstance.LinkUrl, UriKind.Absolute, out basehref);

            IList items = Session.CreateCriteria(typeof(AccountFeedItem))
                          .Add(Expression.Eq("AccountFeed.Id", mInstance.Id))

            foreach (AccountFeedItem item in items)
                IList <HtmlImage> images = null;

                    images = HtmlImageExtractor.Extract(item.Description, basehref);

                TimeSpan tsDistribution = new TimeSpan(0, 30, 0);

                foreach (HtmlImage image in images)
                    AccountFeedItemImg x_img = null;

                    // images may appear only once, repeating images don't get updated
                    // nor images linked from multiple feeds or feed items

                    x_img = (AccountFeedItemImg)Session.CreateCriteria(typeof(AccountFeedItemImg))
                            .Add(Expression.Eq("Url", image.Src)).UniqueResult();

                    if (x_img != null)
                        // image already exists

                    x_img                 = new AccountFeedItemImg();
                    x_img.Created         = item.Created.Subtract(tsDistribution); // shuffle images
                    tsDistribution        = tsDistribution.Add(new TimeSpan(0, 30, 0));
                    x_img.Modified        = DateTime.UtcNow;
                    x_img.AccountFeedItem = item;
                    x_img.Description     = image.Alt;
                    x_img.Interesting     = false;
                    x_img.Url             = image.Src;

                    // fetch the image to get its size
                        WebClient client = new WebClient();
                        client.Headers["Accept"]     = "*/*";
                        client.Headers["User-Agent"] = ManagedConfiguration.GetValue(Session, "SnCore.Web.UserAgent", "SnCore/1.0");
                        byte[] data = client.DownloadData(x_img.Url);
                        if (data == null)
                            throw new Exception("Missing file data.");
                        ThumbnailBitmap bitmap = new ThumbnailBitmap(data);
                        x_img.Thumbnail = bitmap.Thumbnail;
                        x_img.Visible   = mInstance.PublishImgs;

                        // hide images smaller than the thumbnail size
                        if (bitmap.FullSize.Height < ThumbnailBitmap.s_ThumbnailSize.Height ||
                            bitmap.FullSize.Width < ThumbnailBitmap.s_ThumbnailSize.Width)
                            x_img.Visible = false;
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        x_img.LastError = ex.Message;
                        x_img.Visible   = false;


Ejemplo n.º 7
        private void _updateTimer_Elapsed(object sender)
            var scsTelemetry = SharedMemory.Update <SCSTelemetry>();

            // check if sdk is NOT running
            if (!scsTelemetry.SdkActive && !paused)
                // if so don't check so often the data
                var tsInterval = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, DefaultPausedUpdateInterval);
                _updateTimer.Change(tsInterval.Add(tsInterval), tsInterval);
                paused = true;
                // if sdk not active we don't need to do something

            if (paused && scsTelemetry.SdkActive)
                // ok sdk is active now
                paused = false;
                resume(); // going back to normal update rate

            var time    = scsTelemetry.Timestamp;
            var updated = false;

            if (time != lastTime || wasPaused != scsTelemetry.Paused)
                // time changed or game state change -> update data
                Data?.Invoke(scsTelemetry, true);
                wasPaused = scsTelemetry.Paused;
                lastTime  = time;
                updated   = true;

            //TODO: make it nicer thats a lot of code for such less work
            // Job start event
            if (wasOnJob != scsTelemetry.SpecialEventsValues.OnJob)
                wasOnJob = scsTelemetry.SpecialEventsValues.OnJob;
                if (wasOnJob)
                    if (!updated)
                        Data?.Invoke(scsTelemetry, true);
                        updated = true;

                    JobStarted?.Invoke(this, new EventArgs());

            if (cancelled != scsTelemetry.SpecialEventsValues.JobCancelled)
                cancelled = scsTelemetry.SpecialEventsValues.JobCancelled;
                if (cancelled)
                    if (!updated)
                        Data?.Invoke(scsTelemetry, true);
                        updated = true;

                    JobCancelled?.Invoke(this, new EventArgs());

            if (delivered != scsTelemetry.SpecialEventsValues.JobDelivered)
                delivered = scsTelemetry.SpecialEventsValues.JobDelivered;
                if (delivered)
                    if (!updated)
                        Data?.Invoke(scsTelemetry, true);
                        updated = true;

                    JobDelivered?.Invoke(this, new EventArgs());

            if (fined != scsTelemetry.SpecialEventsValues.Fined)
                fined = scsTelemetry.SpecialEventsValues.Fined;
                if (fined)
                    Fined?.Invoke(this, new EventArgs());

            if (tollgate != scsTelemetry.SpecialEventsValues.Tollgate)
                tollgate = scsTelemetry.SpecialEventsValues.Tollgate;
                if (tollgate)
                    Tollgate?.Invoke(this, new EventArgs());

            if (ferry != scsTelemetry.SpecialEventsValues.Ferry)
                ferry = scsTelemetry.SpecialEventsValues.Ferry;
                if (ferry)
                    if (!updated)
                        Data?.Invoke(scsTelemetry, true);
                        updated = true;

                    Ferry?.Invoke(this, new EventArgs());

            if (train != scsTelemetry.SpecialEventsValues.Train)
                train = scsTelemetry.SpecialEventsValues.Train;
                if (train)
                    if (!updated)
                        Data?.Invoke(scsTelemetry, true);
                        updated = true;

                    Train?.Invoke(this, new EventArgs());

            if (refuel != scsTelemetry.SpecialEventsValues.Refuel)
                refuel = scsTelemetry.SpecialEventsValues.Refuel;
                if (scsTelemetry.SpecialEventsValues.Refuel)
                    RefuelStart?.Invoke(this, new EventArgs());
                    RefuelEnd?.Invoke(this, new EventArgs());

            if (refuelPayed != scsTelemetry.SpecialEventsValues.RefuelPayed)
                refuelPayed = scsTelemetry.SpecialEventsValues.RefuelPayed;
                if (scsTelemetry.SpecialEventsValues.RefuelPayed)
                    RefuelPayed?.Invoke(this, new EventArgs());

            // currently the design is that the event is called, doesn't matter if data changed
            // also the old demo didn't used the flag and expected to be refreshed each call
            // so without making a big change also call the event without update with false flag
            if (!updated)
                Data?.Invoke(scsTelemetry, false);
Ejemplo n.º 8
 public HourGroup(TimeSpan time)
     Events         = new ObservableCollection <EventAdapter>();
     TimeAsTimeSpan = time;
     Time           = $"{time:hh\\:mm} : {time.Add(TimeSpan.FromHours(1)):hh\\:mm}";
Ejemplo n.º 9
        ///<summary>Gets open time slots based on the parameters passed in.
        ///Open time slots are found by looping through the passed in operatories and finding openings that can hold the entire appointment.
        ///Make sure that timePattern is always passed in utilizing 5 minute increments (no conversion will be applied to the pattern passed in).
        ///Providers passed in will be the only providers considered when looking for available time slots.
        ///Passing in a null clinic will only consider operatories with clinics set to 0 (unassigned).
        ///The timeslots on and between the Start and End dates passed in will be considered and potentially returned as available.
        ///Optionally set defNumApptType if looking for time slots for New Pat Appt which will apply the DefNum to all time slots found.
        ///Throws exceptions.</summary>
        public static List <TimeSlot> GetTimeSlotsForRange(DateTime dateStart, DateTime dateEnd, string timePattern, List <long> listProvNums
                                                           , List <Operatory> listOperatories, List <Schedule> listSchedules, Clinic clinic, long defNumApptType = 0, Logger.IWriteLine log = null, bool isDoubleBookingAllowed = true)
            //No need to check RemotingRole; no call to db.
            //Order the operatories passed in by their ItemOrder just in case they were passed in all jumbled up.
            List <long> listOpNums = listOperatories.OrderBy(x => x.ItemOrder).Select(x => x.OperatoryNum).Distinct().ToList();

            //Remove all schedules that fall outside of the date range passed in.  Only consider the date right now, the time portion is handled later.
            listSchedules.RemoveAll(x => !x.SchedDate.Date.Between(dateStart.Date, dateEnd.Date));
            List <Schedule> listProviderSchedules = listSchedules.FindAll(x => x.BlockoutType == 0);
            List <Schedule> listBlockoutSchedules = listSchedules.FindAll(x => x.BlockoutType > 0);
            //Get every single appointment for all operatories within our start and end dates for double booking and overlapping consideration.
            List <Appointment> listApptsForOps = Appointments.GetAppointmentsForOpsByPeriod(Operatories.GetDeepCopy(true)
                                                                                            .Where(x => (clinic == null) || (x.ClinicNum == clinic.ClinicNum)).Select(x => x.OperatoryNum).ToList(), dateStart, dateEnd, log);

            log?.WriteLine("listProviderSchedules:\r\n\t" + string.Join(",\r\n\t",
                                                                        listProviderSchedules.Select(x => x.ScheduleNum + " - " + x.SchedDate.ToShortDateString() + " " + x.StartTime)), LogLevel.Verbose);
            log?.WriteLine("listBlockoutSchedules:\r\n\t" + string.Join(",\r\n\t",
                                                                        listBlockoutSchedules.Select(x => x.ScheduleNum + " - " + x.SchedDate.ToShortDateString() + " " + x.StartTime)), LogLevel.Verbose);
                           + string.Join(",\r\n\t", listApptsForOps.Select(x => x.AptNum + " - " + x.AptDateTime + " OpNum: " + x.Op)), LogLevel.Verbose);
            //We need to be conscious of double booking possibilities.  Go get provider schedule information for the date range passed in.
            Dictionary <DateTime, List <ApptSearchProviderSchedule> > dictProvSchedules = Appointments.GetApptSearchProviderScheduleForProvidersAndDate(
                listProvNums, dateStart, dateEnd, listProviderSchedules, listApptsForOps);
            //Split up the operatory specific provider schedules from the dynamic ones because each will have different operatory logic.
            List <Schedule>   listProviderSchedulesWithOp = listProviderSchedules.FindAll(x => x.Ops.Intersect(listOpNums).ToList().Count > 0);
            List <ScheduleOp> listScheduleOps             = ScheduleOps.GetForSchedList(listProviderSchedules);
            //Now we need to get the dynamic schedules (not assigned to a specific operatory).
            List <Schedule> listProviderDynamicSchedules = listProviderSchedules.FindAll(x => !listScheduleOps.Exists(y => y.ScheduleNum == x.ScheduleNum));
            //Now that we have found all possible valid schedules, find all the unique time slots from them.
            List <Schedule> listProviderSchedulesAll = new List <Schedule>(listProviderSchedulesWithOp);

            listProviderSchedulesAll = listProviderSchedulesAll.OrderBy(x => x.SchedDate).ToList();
            List <TimeSlot> listAvailableTimeSlots = new List <TimeSlot>();
            List <DateTime> listUniqueDays         = new List <DateTime>();
            int             timeIncrement          = PrefC.GetInt(PrefName.AppointmentTimeIncrement);

            //Loop through all schedules five minutes at a time to find time slots large enough that have no appointments and no blockouts within them.
            foreach (Schedule schedule in listProviderSchedulesAll)
                DateTime dateSched = schedule.SchedDate;
                //Straight up ignore schedules in the past.  This should not be possible but this is just in case.
                if (dateSched.Date < DateTime.Today)
                if (!listUniqueDays.Contains(dateSched))
                TimeSpan timeSchedStart = schedule.StartTime;
                TimeSpan timeSchedStop  = schedule.StopTime;
                //Now, make sure that the start time is set to a starting time that makes sense with the appointment time increment preference.
                int minsOver = (timeSchedStart.Minutes) % timeIncrement;
                if (minsOver > 0)
                    int minsToAdd = timeIncrement - minsOver;
                    timeSchedStart = timeSchedStart.Add(new TimeSpan(0, minsToAdd, 0));
                //Double check that we haven't pushed the start time past the stop time.
                if (timeSchedStart >= timeSchedStop)
                //Figure out all possible operatories for this particular schedule.
                List <Operatory> listOpsForSchedule = new List <Operatory>();
                if (schedule.Ops.Count > 0)
                    listOpsForSchedule = listOperatories.FindAll(x => schedule.Ops.Exists(y => y == x.OperatoryNum));
                else                  //Dynamic schedule.  Figure out what operatories this provider is part of that are associated to the corresponding eService.
                                      //Get all of the valid operatories that this provider is associated with.
                    listOpsForSchedule = listOperatories.FindAll(x => x.ProvDentist == schedule.ProvNum || x.ProvHygienist == schedule.ProvNum);
                if (PrefC.HasClinicsEnabled)
                    //Skip this schedule entry if the operatory's clinic does not match the patient's clinic.
                    if (clinic == null)
                        //If a clinic was not passed in, ONLY consider unassigned operatories
                        listOpsForSchedule = listOpsForSchedule.FindAll(x => x.ClinicNum == 0);
                        //If a valid clinic was passed in, make sure the operatory has a matching clinic.
                        listOpsForSchedule = listOpsForSchedule.FindAll(x => x.ClinicNum == clinic.ClinicNum);
                if (listOpsForSchedule.Count == 0)
                    continue;                    //No valid operatories for this schedule.
                log?.WriteLine("schedule: " + schedule.ScheduleNum + "\tlistOpsForSchedule:\r\n\t"
                               + string.Join(",\r\n\t", listOpsForSchedule.Select(x => x.OperatoryNum + " - " + x.Abbrev)), LogLevel.Verbose);
                //The list of operatories has been filtered above so we need to find ALL available time slots for this schedule in all operatories.
                foreach (Operatory op in listOpsForSchedule)
                    AddTimeSlotsFromSchedule(listAvailableTimeSlots, schedule, op.OperatoryNum, timeSchedStart, timeSchedStop
                                             , listBlockoutSchedules, dictProvSchedules, listApptsForOps, timePattern, defNumApptType, isDoubleBookingAllowed);
            //Remove any time slots that start before right now (just in case the consuming method is looking for slots for today).
            listAvailableTimeSlots.RemoveAll(x => x.DateTimeStart.Date == DateTime.Now.Date && x.DateTimeStart.TimeOfDay < DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay);
            //Order the entire list of available time slots so that they are displayed to the user in sequential order.
            //We need to do this because we loop through each provider's schedule one at a time and add openings as we find them.
            //Then order by operatory.ItemOrder in order to preserve old behavior (filling up the schedule via operatories from the left to the right).
            return(listAvailableTimeSlots.OrderBy(x => x.DateTimeStart)
                   //listOpNums was ordered by ItemOrder at the top of this method so we can trust that it is in the correct order.
                   .ThenBy(x => listOpNums.IndexOf(x.OperatoryNum))
Ejemplo n.º 10
        private void timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
        {   //zegar
            timee     = timee.Add(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(speed));
            time.Text = string.Format("{0}:{1}", timee.Minutes, timee.Seconds);

            if (Up)

            if (Down)

            if (Right)

            if (Left)

            if (Cup)

            if (Cdown)

            if (Cright)

            if (Cleft)

            if (ScoreQuantity1 == 10 || ScoreQuantity2 == 10)
                speed           = 200;
                timer1.Interval = speed;
            if (ScoreQuantity1 == 20 || ScoreQuantity2 == 20)
                speed           = 150;
                timer1.Interval = speed;
            if (ScoreQuantity1 == 30 || ScoreQuantity2 == 30)
                speed           = 100;
                timer1.Interval = speed;
            if (ScoreQuantity1 == 40 || ScoreQuantity2 == 40)
                speed           = 50;
                timer1.Interval = speed;

Ejemplo n.º 11
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new plan nad sets bPlanHasChanged to true
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="StartTime"></param>
        /// <param name="GameLength"></param>
        /// <param name="GamePause">Pause zwischen den Spielen</param>
        /// <param name="lPauses">Liste mit unregelmäßigen Pausen</param>
        /// <param name="lTeams"><see cref="KeyValuePair"/> mit Team und einem bool ob es in der Wertung ist</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private List <Spiele> makePlan(string StartTime, int GameLength, int GamePause, List <Tuple <string, int> > lPauses, List <KeyValuePair <string, bool> > lTeams)
            if (lTeams == null || StartTime == "" || GameLength == -1 || GamePause == -1 || lPauses == null)
                return(new List <Spiele>());

            //Formate testen
            if (!Regex.IsMatch(StartTime, @"^\d{2}:\d{2}$"))
                return(new List <Spiele>());

            bool isOdd = mod(lTeams.Count, 2) == 0 ? false : true;

            TimeSpan startTime = TimeSpan.Parse(StartTime);

            List <string> Teams = new List <string>();

            foreach (var s in lTeams)

            if (isOdd)

            List <Game> GamePlan = new List <Game>();
            int         c        = Teams.Count;

            //Spielplan nach Round-Robin system
            for (int i = 1; i < c; i++)
                GamePlan.Add(new Game {
                    Guest = Teams[i - 1], Home = Teams[c - 1]

                for (int k = 1; k < (Teams.Count / 2); k++)
                    GamePlan.Add(new Game
                        Guest = Teams[mod((i + k), (c - 1)) != 0 ? mod((i + k), (c - 1)) - 1 : c - 2],
                        Home  = Teams[mod((i - k), (c - 1)) != 0 ? mod((i - k), (c - 1)) - 1 : c - 2]

            if (isOdd)
                GamePlan.RemoveAll(a => a.Home == "TEMP" || a.Guest == "TEMP");

            List <Spiele> sp = new List <Spiele>();

            int pause = GamePause;
            int dauer = GameLength;
            int count = 0;

            foreach (var s in GamePlan)
                sp.Add(new Spiele
                    Id         = count,
                    Time       = string.Format(startTime.ToString(@"hh\:mm") + " - " + startTime.Add(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(dauer)).ToString(@"hh\:mm")),
                    Home       = s.Home,
                    Guest      = s.Guest,
                    GuestGoals = -1,
                    HomeGoals  = -1,
                    Played     = false,
                    Rating     = lTeams.Where(a => a.Key == s.Home).FirstOrDefault().Value == true && lTeams.Where(a => a.Key == s.Guest).FirstOrDefault().Value == true ? true : false

                startTime = startTime.Add(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(dauer + pause));

                if (lPauses.Count > 0)
                    foreach (var l in lPauses)
                        string zeit  = l.Item1.ToString();
                        string länge = l.Item2.ToString();

                        TimeSpan tres = TimeSpan.Parse(zeit);
                        TimeSpan t    = tres.Add(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(int.Parse(länge)));

                        if ((tres <= startTime && startTime <= t) || (tres <= startTime.Add(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(dauer)) && startTime.Add(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(dauer)) <= t))
                            startTime = t;
            bPlanHasChanged = true;
Ejemplo n.º 12
 public void should_equal_to_another_instance_of_time_to_live_which_valid_for_the_same_period_of_time()
Ejemplo n.º 13
        private List <v_Movie> GetListInternal(string actressName, int?isLiked)
            Dictionary <string, DataValue> dict = this.GetViewCountDict();
            string movieServer = _configuration.GetValue <string>("movieServer");

            List <v_Movie> LsMovies    = new List <v_Movie>();
            var            dirs        = new DirectoryInfo(movieRootPath).GetDirectories();
            var            actressDirs = string.IsNullOrEmpty(actressName) ? dirs : dirs.Where(y => y.Name.Contains(actressName));

            foreach (var actressItem in actressDirs) //每女优
                v_Actress actress = new v_Actress();
                actress.FullName = actressItem.Name;
                var actressFiles = actressItem.GetFiles();// 获取女优图片
                foreach (var photoItem in actressFiles)
                    string picRelativePath = photoItem.FullName.Replace(movieRootPath, "");
                    string path            = movieServer + picRelativePath?.Replace("\\", "/");
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(actress.Cover))
                        actress.Cover = path;
                var fanHaoDirs = actressItem.GetDirectories(); //所有番号 文件夹
                foreach (var fanHaoItem in fanHaoDirs)
                    TimeSpan _totalTime  = new TimeSpan();
                    var      fanHaoFiles = fanHaoItem.GetFiles();
                    string   FanHaoRaw   = fanHaoItem.Name;
                    string   FanHao      = fanHaoItem.Name.TrimEnd("-C".ToCharArray());
                    v_Movie  movie       = new v_Movie();
                    foreach (var item in fanHaoFiles)
                        var ext = item.Extension;
                        if (ext == ".mp4" || ext == ".webm") //视频
                            var Source = movieServer + item.FullName.Replace(movieRootPath, "")?.Replace("\\", "/");
                            VideoEncoder.VideoFile videoFile = null;
                            if (!dict.Keys.Any(x => x == FanHao))
                                int row = SQLiteHelper.ExecuteNonQuery($"INSERT INTO Dict ( DataKey,DataValue) VALUES ('{FanHao}','0');");
                                dict.Add(FanHao, new DataValue()
                                    LastAccessTime = DateTime.Now
                            bool isffmpeg = dict[FanHao].TotalTime == "0";
                            if (isffmpeg)
                                VideoEncoder.Encoder enc = new VideoEncoder.Encoder();
                                enc.FFmpegPath = "ffmpeg.exe";
                                videoFile = new VideoEncoder.VideoFile(item.FullName);
                                _totalTime = _totalTime.Add(videoFile.Duration); //总时长
                                int row = SQLiteHelper.ExecuteNonQuery($"UPDATE Dict SET TotalTime='{string.Format("{0:00}:{1:00}:{2:00}", (int)_totalTime.TotalHours, _totalTime.Minutes, _totalTime.Seconds)}' WHERE DataKey = '{FanHao}'; ");
                                if (dict.Any(x => x.Key == FanHao))
                                    TimeSpan.TryParse(dict[FanHao].TotalTime, out TimeSpan t);
                                    _totalTime = t;
                                    _totalTime = new TimeSpan();
                            if (!LsMovies.Contains(movie))
                                movie.Id             = LsMovies.Count + 1;
                                movie.FanHao         = FanHao;
                                movie.Date           = item.CreationTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm");
                                movie.CreationTime   = item.CreationTime;
                                movie.PostedDate     = this.FormatPostedDate(item.CreationTime);
                                movie.LastAccessTime = dict.Any(x => x.Key == FanHao) ? dict[FanHao].LastAccessTime :DateTime.Now;
                                movie.LastAccess     = movie.LastAccessTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
                                movie.ViewCount      = dict.Any(x => x.Key == FanHao) ? dict[FanHao].count : 0;
                                movie.IsLiked        = dict.Any(x => x.Key == FanHao) ? dict[FanHao].isLiked : 0;
                                movie.Actress        = actress;
                                if (isffmpeg)
                                    movie.Height            = videoFile.Height;
                                    movie.Width             = videoFile.Width;
                                    movie.DisPlayResolution = videoFile.Width + "x" + videoFile.Height;
                                    int row = SQLiteHelper.ExecuteNonQuery($"UPDATE Dict SET Height='{videoFile.Height}',Width='{videoFile.Width}' WHERE DataKey = '{FanHao}'; ");
                                    movie.Height            = dict[FanHao].Height;
                                    movie.Width             = dict[FanHao].Width;
                                    movie.DisPlayResolution = movie.Width + "x" + movie.Height;
                            movie.TotalTime = string.Format("{0:00}:{1:00}:{2:00}", (int)_totalTime.TotalHours, _totalTime.Minutes, _totalTime.Seconds);
                            movie.Duration  = _totalTime;

                            // //FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(item.FullName); //xx/xx/aa.rar
                            // var rnj= fanHaoFiles.Where(x =>Path.GetExtension( x.Name) == ".jpg" && x.Name.Contains(FanHao)).FirstOrDefault();
                            // //fi.MoveTo(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(rnj.FullName) + ".mp4"); //xx/xx/xx.rar
                            // if(rnj != null)
                            // {
                            //     if(item.FullName.EndsWith("-A.mp4") || item.FullName.EndsWith("-B.mp4"))
                            //     {
                            //         Console.WriteLine( "$AB集$  " + item.FullName );
                            //     }
                            //     else
                            //     {
                            //         if(FanHaoRaw.EndsWith("-C"))
                            //         {
                            //             Computer MyComputer = new Computer();
                            //             string newName = FanHaoRaw + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(rnj.FullName).Replace(FanHaoRaw, "").Replace(FanHao, "") + ".mp4";
                            //             MyComputer.FileSystem.RenameFile(item.FullName, newName);
                            //             string newJpgName = newName.Replace(".mp4", "") + ".jpg";
                            //             MyComputer.FileSystem.RenameFile(rnj.FullName, newJpgName);
                            //             Console.WriteLine( "#中文#  " + item.FullName + " => " + newName);
                            //             Console.WriteLine( "#中文图片#  " + rnj.FullName + " => " + newJpgName);
                            //         }
                            //         else
                            //         {
                            //             Computer MyComputer = new Computer();
                            //             string newName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(rnj.FullName) + ".mp4";
                            //             MyComputer.FileSystem.RenameFile(item.FullName, newName);
                            //             Console.WriteLine( item.FullName + " => " + newName);
                            //         }
                            //     }

                            // }
                            // else
                            // {
                            //     Console.WriteLine("[失败]" + item.FullName);
                            // }
                        if (ext == ".jpg" || ext == ".png") //图片
                            string picRelativePath = item.FullName.Replace(movieRootPath, "")?.Replace("\\", "/");

                            if (item.Name.Contains(FanHao))
                                movie.Title = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(item.Name);
                                movie.Cover = movieServer + picRelativePath;
                                movie.Preview.Add(movieServer + picRelativePath);
            foreach (var item in LsMovies)
                if (item.Cover == null)
                if (!item.Cover.Contains(".jpg")) //视频不包含图片添加默认图片
                    item.Cover = "../images/default.jpg";
            LsMovies = isLiked == null ? LsMovies : LsMovies.Where(x => x.IsLiked == isLiked.GetValueOrDefault()).ToList();
            _memoryCache.Set("movieTempList", LsMovies, new MemoryCacheEntryOptions()
Ejemplo n.º 14
 public static TimeSpan TrimMilliseconds(this TimeSpan self)
Ejemplo n.º 15
        private double getTienTangCaCaDem()
            //          YS2
            // 7h30 PM - 10h PM= 100%.
            // 10h PM -> 3:30 AM: 130%.
            // 3h30 AM -> 6h AM: 215%.
            // 6h -> DenGio = 150%.
            //          YSS
            // 8h PM - 10h PM= 100%.
            // 10h PM -> 4h AM: 130%.
            // 4h AM -> 6h AM: 215%.
            // 6h -> DenGio = 150%.
            double total = 0;

            if (_kq.tgTinhTangCa > 0)
                TimeSpan tgBatDauTinhTC = _kq.tuGio.Add(_kq.denGio);
                if (tgBatDauTinhTC.Days >= 1)
                    tgBatDauTinhTC = tgBatDauTinhTC.Add(new TimeSpan(tgBatDauTinhTC.Days * -1, 0, 0, 0));

                double soGioTangCa = _kq.tgTinhTangCa;
                if (_kq.tgTinhTangCa == 1.9)
                    soGioTangCa = 2;
                if (_kq.ngay.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Sunday) // Nếu là chủ nhật
                    for (double tg = 0.5; tg <= soGioTangCa;)
                        tgBatDauTinhTC = tgBatDauTinhTC.Add(new TimeSpan(0, 30, 0)); // Mỗi lần tăng 0.5 thì + 30ph.
                        if (tgBatDauTinhTC <= new TimeSpan(3, 30, 0))
                            total += _LuongTungNgay / 8 * 0.5 * 270 / 100; // 10h PM -> 4:00 AM: 270%.
                        else if (tgBatDauTinhTC <= new TimeSpan(6, 0, 0))
                            total += _LuongTungNgay / 8 * 0.5 * 200 / 100; // 4h AM -> 6h AM: 200%.
                        else if (tgBatDauTinhTC <= new TimeSpan(11, 00, 0))
                            total += _LuongTungNgay / 8 * 0.5 * 150 / 100; //6h AM -> DenGio = 150%.
                        tg += 0.5;
                else // Nếu là ngày thường
                    for (double tg = 0.5; tg <= soGioTangCa;)
                        tgBatDauTinhTC = tgBatDauTinhTC.Add(new TimeSpan(0, 30, 0)); // Mỗi lần tăng 0.5 thì + 30ph.
                        if (tgBatDauTinhTC <= new TimeSpan(3, 30, 0))
                            total += _LuongCB1Ngay / 8 * 0.5 * 130 / 100; // 10h PM -> 3h30 AM: 130%.
                        else if (tgBatDauTinhTC <= new TimeSpan(6, 0, 0))
                            total += _LuongCB1Ngay / 8 * 0.5 * 215 / 100; // 3h30 AM -> 6h AM: 215%.
                        else if (tgBatDauTinhTC <= new TimeSpan(11, 00, 0))
                            total += _LuongCB1Ngay / 8 * 0.5 * 150 / 100; //6h AM -> DenGio: 150%.
                        tg += 0.5;
                return(0); // Nếu k có TangCa thì trả về 0.
Ejemplo n.º 16
        public void ParsingBlockingVsNonBlocking3()

            Stopwatch timer = new Stopwatch();
            TimeSpan  blockingTime = new TimeSpan(), nonBlockingTime = new TimeSpan();

            int maxSize = 1024 * 32;

            for (int size = 1024; size < maxSize; size += 1024)
                Console.WriteLine("Buffer Size " + size);
                for (int i = 0; i < 25; i++)

                    //Test Blocking
                    BlockingTextReader blocking = ParsingTextReader.CreateBlocking(File.OpenText("resources\\nio.ttl"), 4096);
                    int totalBlocking = 0;
                    int read;
                    while (!blocking.EndOfStream)
                        read = blocking.Read();
                        if (read >= 0)
                    blockingTime = blockingTime.Add(timer.Elapsed);

                    int totalNonBlocking = 0;

                    NonBlockingTextReader nonBlocking = ParsingTextReader.CreateNonBlocking(File.OpenText("resources\\nio.ttl"), 4096);
                    while (!nonBlocking.EndOfStream)
                        read = nonBlocking.Read();
                        if (read >= 0)
                    nonBlockingTime = nonBlockingTime.Add(timer.Elapsed);

                    Assert.Equal(totalBlocking, totalNonBlocking);

                Console.WriteLine("Blocking Total Time = " + blockingTime);
                Console.WriteLine("Non-Blocking Total Time = " + nonBlockingTime);
                blockingTime    = new TimeSpan();
                nonBlockingTime = new TimeSpan();
Ejemplo n.º 17
        static ArrayList timeslots = new ArrayList();        // declaring timeslots as static arraylist

        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) //page load
            if (!this.IsPostBack)
                countSelected = 0;

            if (Session["field1"] != null)//checking if session feild is not null
                //retrieving the break start time from the database
                TimeSpan      breakStartTime = new TimeSpan();
                SqlConnection breakStart_con = new SqlConnection("Data Source=ict333server.database.windows.net;Initial Catalog=database-tmd;User ID=ondopher;Password=Murdoch2016"); // sql connection string to database
                breakStart_con.Open();                                                                                                                                                // opening the sql connection
                SqlCommand    breakStart_cmd  = new SqlCommand("Select * from Series Where Series_ID = '" + (int)Session["SID"] + "'", breakStart_con);                               // sql query to select meeting break start and end times for this particular session
                SqlDataReader read_breakStart = breakStart_cmd.ExecuteReader();                                                                                                       //sql data reader to get the break start time of meeting
                while (read_breakStart.Read())                                                                                                                                        //opening sql data reader
                    breakStartTime = (TimeSpan)read_breakStart["Lunch_Break_Start"];                                                                                                  //read in time as a TimeSpan


                //retrieving the break end time from the database
                TimeSpan      breakEndTime = new TimeSpan();
                SqlConnection breakEnd_con = new SqlConnection("Data Source=ict333server.database.windows.net;Initial Catalog=database-tmd;User ID=ondopher;Password=Murdoch2016"); // sql connection string to database
                breakStart_con.Open();                                                                                                                                              // opening the sql connection
                SqlCommand    breakEnd_cmd  = new SqlCommand("Select * from Series Where Series_ID = '" + (int)Session["SID"] + "'", breakEnd_con);                                 // sql query to select meeting break start and end times for this particular session
                SqlDataReader read_breakEnd = breakStart_cmd.ExecuteReader();                                                                                                       //sql data reader to get the break start time of meeting
                while (read_breakEnd.Read())                                                                                                                                        //opening sql data reader
                    breakEndTime = (TimeSpan)read_breakEnd["Lunch_Break_End"];                                                                                                      //read in time as a TimeSpan


                //retrieving the meeting duration from the database
                Int32         Duration = 0;                                                                                                                                     // declaring duration as integer, intial value is 0
                SqlConnection am       = new SqlConnection("Data Source=ict333server.database.windows.net;Initial Catalog=database-tmd;User ID=ondopher;Password=Murdoch2016"); //my connection string to database
                am.Open();                                                                                                                                                      //opening my sql connection
                SqlCommand    cmd_sub   = new SqlCommand("Select  Meeting_Duration from Series Where Series_ID = '" + (int)Session["SID"] + "'", am);                           // my sql query to select meeting duration
                SqlDataReader read_data = cmd_sub.ExecuteReader();                                                                                                              //my sql data reader to get the duration of meeting
                while (read_data.Read())                                                                                                                                        //opening sql data reader
                    Duration = read_data.GetInt32(0);                                                                                                                           //storing duration in string "duration"

                //declaring my time spans
                TimeSpan start     = new TimeSpan(9, 0, 0);
                TimeSpan end       = new TimeSpan(22, 0, 0);
                TimeSpan increment = new TimeSpan(0, Duration, 0);

                while (start <= end)                                                                   //while loop to create time slots
                    if ((start.CompareTo(breakStartTime) < 0) || (start.CompareTo(breakEndTime) >= 0)) //if statment to add lunch break
                        if ((breakStartTime - start).CompareTo(increment) == (breakStartTime.CompareTo(start)))
                            cblist.Items.Add(new ListItem(start.ToString())); //adding timeslots to my checkbox list
                            cblist.RepeatColumns = 4;

                    start = start.Add(increment);// declaring duration as my new start

                PlaceHolder1.Controls.Add(cblist);                                                                                                                         // adding timeslots to a placeholder
                am.Close();                                                                                                                                                //closing sql connection
                SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection("Data Source=ict333server.database.windows.net;Initial Catalog=database-tmd;User ID=ondopher;Password=Murdoch2016"); //new sql connection
                con.Open();                                                                                                                                                //opening new sql connection
                SqlCommand    AIDCOUNT   = new SqlCommand("Select  count(Attendee_ID) from Attendee Where Series_ID = '" + (int)Session["SID"] + "'", con);                // sql query to count number of attendees in current series
                SqlDataReader read_data1 = AIDCOUNT.ExecuteReader();                                                                                                       //data reader for counting number of attendees in current series
                while (read_data1.Read())                                                                                                                                  // opening my data reader
                    MinSlot     = read_data1.GetInt32(0);                                                                                                                  // storing the attendee count in integer
                    mslots.Text = Convert.ToString(MinSlot);                                                                                                               //converting the attendee count to string
                read_data1.Close();                                                                                                                                        //closing my data reader
                con.Close();                                                                                                                                               //closing my sql connection
                Response.Redirect("login.aspx");//if login session is cleared the system redirects to login page
Ejemplo n.º 18
        ///<summary>Adds valid time slots to listAvailableTimeSlots if the time slot found does NOT already exist within the list.
        ///This is a helper method to better break up the complexity of GetAvailableWebSchedTimeSlots() so that it is easier to follow.
        ///Make sure that timePattern is always passed in utilizing 5 minute increments (no conversion will be applied to the pattern passed in).
        ///Optionally set defNumApptType if looking for time slots for New Pat Appt which will apply the DefNum to all time slots found.</summary>
        private static void AddTimeSlotsFromSchedule(List <TimeSlot> listAvailableTimeSlots, Schedule schedule, long operatoryNum
                                                     , TimeSpan timeSchedStart, TimeSpan timeSchedStop, List <Schedule> listBlockouts
                                                     , Dictionary <DateTime, List <ApptSearchProviderSchedule> > dictProvSchedules, List <Appointment> listApptsForOps, string timePattern
                                                     , long defNumApptType = 0, bool isDoubleBookingAllowed = true)
            //No need to check RemotingRole; no call to db and this is a private method.
            //Figure out how large of a time slot we need to find in order to consider this time slot "available".
            int      apptLengthMins = timePattern.Length * 5;
            int      timeIncrement  = PrefC.GetInt(PrefName.AppointmentTimeIncrement);
            DateTime dateSched      = schedule.SchedDate;
            //Filter out all blockouts that are not pertinent to this dateSched and operatoryNum combo.
            List <Schedule> listBlockoutsForDateAndOp = listBlockouts.FindAll(x => x.SchedDate.Date == dateSched.Date && x.Ops.Contains(operatoryNum));
            //Filter out all appointments that are not pertinent to this dateSched and operatoryNum combo.
            List <Appointment> listApptsForDateAndOp = listApptsForOps.FindAll(x => x.AptDateTime.Date == dateSched.Date && x.Op == operatoryNum);
            //Start going through this operatory's schedule according to the time increment, looking for a gap that can handle apptLengthMins.
            TimeSpan timeSlotStart = new TimeSpan(timeSchedStart.Ticks);
            //Make a list of all perfect world appointment starting times that we will use within our time slot finding loop to make our slot finding
            //more predictable and user friendly.  This is mainly for the scenario where offices manually schedule strange appointments throughout the day.
            //E.g. Searching for hour long time slots, a 15 min appt was manually scheduled for 09:55 - 10:10 which throws off the nice "on the hour" slots.
            //We want to have logic that will prefer to return time slots on the hour.  E.g. 8 - 9, 10:10 - 11: 10, 11 - 12 (note the overlap), 12 - 13...
            List <TimeSpan> listPerfectSlotStarts = new List <TimeSpan>();

            //The first perfect time slot start will always be when our schedule starts.
            for (TimeSpan timeSlotPerfect = new TimeSpan(timeSchedStart.Ticks)
                 ; timeSlotPerfect <= new TimeSpan(timeSchedStop.Ticks)
                 ; timeSlotPerfect = timeSlotPerfect.Add(new TimeSpan(0, apptLengthMins, 0)))
            //Start looking for collisions AFTER the start time.
            //Stop as soon as the slots stop time meets or passes the sched stop time.
            //Iterate through the schedule via the time increment preference.
            for (TimeSpan timeSlotStop = timeSchedStart.Add(new TimeSpan(0, timeIncrement, 0))
                 ; timeSlotStop <= timeSchedStop
                 ; timeSlotStop = timeSlotStop.Add(new TimeSpan(0, timeIncrement, 0)))
                //Check to see if we've found an opening.
                TimeSpan timeSpanCur = timeSlotStop - timeSlotStart;
                //Check to see if there is an appointment or a blockout that collides with this blockout.
                bool isOverlapping = false;
                #region Blockout Collisions
                TimeSpan timeBlockoutStart = new TimeSpan();
                TimeSpan timeBlockoutStop  = new TimeSpan();
                //First we'll look at blockouts because it should be quicker than looking at the appointments
                foreach (Schedule blockout in listBlockoutsForDateAndOp)
                    //Create new TimeSpans in order to remove the date portion from the blockouts.
                    timeBlockoutStart = new TimeSpan(blockout.StartTime.Hours, blockout.StartTime.Minutes, 0);
                    timeBlockoutStop  = new TimeSpan(blockout.StopTime.Hours, blockout.StopTime.Minutes, 0);
                    if (IsTimeOverlapping(timeSlotStart, timeSlotStop, timeBlockoutStart, timeBlockoutStop))
                        isOverlapping = true;
                if (isOverlapping)                 //This check is here so that we don't waste time looping through appointments if we don't need to.
                //There was a collision with a blockout.  Set the time slot start time to the stop time of the blockout and continue from there.
                    timeSlotStart = timeBlockoutStop;
                #region Appointment Collisions
                TimeSpan timeApptStart = new TimeSpan();
                TimeSpan timeApptStop  = new TimeSpan();
                //Next we'll look for overlapping appointments
                foreach (Appointment appointment in listApptsForDateAndOp)
                    timeApptStart = appointment.AptDateTime.TimeOfDay;
                    timeApptStop  = appointment.AptDateTime.AddMinutes(appointment.Pattern.Length * 5).TimeOfDay;
                    if (IsTimeOverlapping(timeSlotStart, timeSlotStop, timeApptStart, timeApptStop))
                        isOverlapping = true;
                if (isOverlapping)
                    //There was a collision with an appointment.  Set the time slot start time to the stop time of the appointment and continue from there.
                    timeSlotStart = timeApptStop;
                #region Opening Found
                if (timeSpanCur.TotalMinutes >= apptLengthMins)
                    //We just found an opening.  Make sure we don't already have this time slot available.
                    DateTime dateTimeSlotStart = new DateTime(dateSched.Year, dateSched.Month, dateSched.Day, timeSlotStart.Hours, timeSlotStart.Minutes, 0);
                    DateTime dateTimeSlotStop  = new DateTime(dateSched.Year, dateSched.Month, dateSched.Day, timeSlotStop.Hours, timeSlotStop.Minutes, 0);
                    TimeSlot timeSlot          = new TimeSlot(dateTimeSlotStart, dateTimeSlotStop, operatoryNum, schedule.ProvNum, defNumApptType);
                    if (!listAvailableTimeSlots.Any(x => (x.DateTimeStart == dateTimeSlotStart && x.DateTimeStop == dateTimeSlotStop &&
                                                          x.ProvNum == schedule.ProvNum))) //We will return multiple time slots for the same time for different providers.
                        //This time slot is not already in our list of available time slots, check for double booking.
                        if (dictProvSchedules.ContainsKey(dateSched.Date))
                            long recallProvNum = schedule.ProvNum;
                            if (IsApptTimeSlotDoubleBooked(dictProvSchedules[dateSched.Date], listApptsForDateAndOp, recallProvNum, timePattern, dateTimeSlotStart
                                                           , defNumApptType, isDoubleBookingAllowed))
                                //There is a double booking conflict.  Do not add this time slot as a possibility.
                                //However, at this point we know that there are no appointment conflicts for the current time slot, only a double booking conflict.
                                //The appointment needs to scoot within the operatory to hopefully find the first available opening (unit test 86).
                                timeSlotStart = timeSlotStart.Add(new TimeSpan(0, timeIncrement, 0));
                        //There are no collisions with this provider's schedule, add it to our list of available time slots.
                        //Check to see if the time slot that was just added started on a "perfect starting time".
                        //If it didn't, we need to backtrack to the most recent "perfect starting time" and continue from there.
                        if (!listPerfectSlotStarts.Contains(timeSlotStart))
                            //Find the most recent "perfect starting time" that corresponds to the timeSlotStop that was just found.
                            //We then need to set both timeSlotStart AND timeSlotStop to the closest "perfect starting time" and continue from there.
                            //E.g. If apptLengthMins is 60 minutes, odds are we are looking for appointments that start on the hour.
                            //So if we just found an opening that started at 10:10 then we need to backtrack from the stopping time of 11:10 and find the closest
                            //"perfect starting time", 11:00 in this case, and continue searching from there.
                            timeSlotStart = listPerfectSlotStarts.Last(x => x.Subtract(timeSlotStop).TotalMinutes < 0);
                            timeSlotStop  = timeSlotStart;
                        //We have found a time slot in another operatory that matches the necessary criteria.
                        //Check to see if this operatory should be considered before the previously found operatory.
                        TimeSlot  timeSlotCur  = listAvailableTimeSlots.First(x => (x.DateTimeStart == dateTimeSlotStart && x.DateTimeStop == dateTimeSlotStop));
                        Operatory operatoryIn  = Operatories.GetOperatory(operatoryNum);
                        Operatory operatoryCur = Operatories.GetOperatory(timeSlotCur.OperatoryNum);
                        if (operatoryIn.ItemOrder < operatoryCur.ItemOrder)
                            timeSlotCur.OperatoryNum = operatoryIn.OperatoryNum;
                    //Continue looking for more open slots starting at the end of this time slot.
                    //E.g. we just found 9:30 AM to 10:00 AM.  We need to continue from 10:00 AM.
                    timeSlotStart = timeSlotStop;
Ejemplo n.º 19
    public virtual bool runTest()
        int iCountErrors    = 0;
        int iCountTestcases = 0;

        Console.Error.WriteLine(strName + ": " + strTest + " runTest started...");
        TimeSpan ts1;
        TimeSpan ts2;
        TimeSpan tsSum;

            Console.Error.WriteLine("[]  Add a positive hour to TimeSpan object");
                ts1   = new TimeSpan(TimeSpan.TicksPerHour);
                ts2   = new TimeSpan(TimeSpan.TicksPerHour);
                tsSum = ts1.Add(ts2);
                if (tsSum.Ticks != 2 * TimeSpan.TicksPerHour)
                    String strInfo = strTest + " error: ";
                    strInfo = strInfo + "Expected Ticks <" + 2 * TimeSpan.TicksPerHour + "> ";
                    strInfo = strInfo + "Returned Ticks <" + tsSum.Ticks + "> ";
                    Console.WriteLine(strTest + "E_101a: " + strInfo);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine(strTest + "E_10001: Unexpected Exception: " + ex.ToString());
            Console.Error.WriteLine("[]  Add a negative hour to TimeSpan object");
                ts1   = new TimeSpan(3 * TimeSpan.TicksPerHour);
                ts2   = new TimeSpan(-TimeSpan.TicksPerHour);
                tsSum = ts1.Add(ts2);
                if (tsSum.Ticks != 2 * TimeSpan.TicksPerHour)
                    String strInfo = strTest + " error: ";
                    strInfo = strInfo + "Expected Ticks <" + 2 * TimeSpan.TicksPerHour + "> ";
                    strInfo = strInfo + "Returned Ticks <" + tsSum.Ticks + "> ";
                    Console.WriteLine(strTest + "E_202a: " + strInfo);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine(strTest + "E_20202: Unexpected Exception: " + ex.ToString());
            Console.Error.WriteLine("[]  Add zero time to TimeSpan object");
                ts1   = new TimeSpan(2 * TimeSpan.TicksPerHour);
                ts2   = new TimeSpan(0);
                tsSum = ts1.Add(ts2);
                if (tsSum.Ticks != 2 * TimeSpan.TicksPerHour)
                    String strInfo = strTest + " error: ";
                    strInfo = strInfo + "Expected Ticks <" + 2 * TimeSpan.TicksPerHour + "> ";
                    strInfo = strInfo + "Returned Ticks <" + tsSum.Ticks + "> ";
                    Console.WriteLine(strTest + "E_202a: " + strInfo);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine(strTest + "E_20202: Unexpected Exception: " + ex.ToString());
        }while (false);
        Console.Error.Write(": ");
        if (iCountErrors == 0)
            Console.Error.WriteLine(strTest + " iCountTestcases==" + iCountTestcases + " paSs");
            System.String strFailMsg = null;
            Console.WriteLine(strTest + strPath);
            Console.WriteLine(strTest + "FAiL");
            Console.Error.WriteLine(strTest + " iCountErrors==" + iCountErrors);
Ejemplo n.º 20
        public static void Write(FamicomDumperConnection dumper, string fileName, IEnumerable <int> badSectors, bool silent, bool needCheck = false, bool writePBBs = false)
            byte[] PRG;
            if (Path.GetExtension(fileName).ToLower() == ".bin")
                PRG = File.ReadAllBytes(fileName);
                    var nesFile = new NesFile(fileName);
                    PRG = nesFile.PRG;
                    var nesFile = new UnifFile(fileName);
                    PRG = nesFile.Fields["PRG0"];

            int prgBanks = PRG.Length / 0x4000;

            Console.Write("Reset... ");
            var version    = DetectVersion(dumper);
            var coolboyReg = (ushort)(version == 2 ? 0x5000 : 0x6000);
            int flashSize  = CommonHelper.GetFlashSizePrintInfo(dumper);

            if (PRG.Length > flashSize)
                throw new Exception("This ROM is too big for this cartridge");
            PPBErase(dumper, coolboyReg);

            var writeStartTime = DateTime.Now;
            var lastSectorTime = DateTime.Now;
            var timeTotal      = new TimeSpan();
            int errorCount     = 0;

            for (int bank = 0; bank < prgBanks; bank++)
                while (badSectors.Contains(bank / 8))
                    bank += 8;                                   // bad sector :(
                    byte r0 = (byte)(((bank >> 3) & 0x07)          // 5, 4, 3 bits
                                     | (((bank >> 9) & 0x03) << 4) // 10, 9 bits
                                     | (1 << 6));                  // resets 4th mask bit
                    byte r1 = (byte)((((bank >> 7) & 0x03) << 2)   // 8, 7
                                     | (((bank >> 6) & 1) << 4)    // 6
                                     | (1 << 7));                  // resets 5th mask bit
                    byte r2 = 0;
                    byte r3 = (byte)((1 << 4)                      // NROM mode
                                     | ((bank & 7) << 1));         // 2, 1, 0 bits
                    dumper.WriteCpu(coolboyReg, new byte[] { r0, r1, r2, r3 });

                    var data = new byte[0x4000];
                    int pos  = bank * 0x4000;
                    if (pos % (128 * 1024) == 0)
                        timeTotal      = new TimeSpan((DateTime.Now - lastSectorTime).Ticks * (prgBanks - bank) / 8);
                        timeTotal      = timeTotal.Add(DateTime.Now - writeStartTime);
                        lastSectorTime = DateTime.Now;
                        Console.Write("Erasing sector... ");
                    Array.Copy(PRG, pos, data, 0, data.Length);
                    var timePassed = DateTime.Now - writeStartTime;
                    Console.Write("Writing {0}/{1} ({2}%, {3:D2}:{4:D2}:{5:D2}/{6:D2}:{7:D2}:{8:D2})... ", bank + 1, prgBanks, (int)(100 * bank / prgBanks),
                                  timePassed.Hours, timePassed.Minutes, timePassed.Seconds, timeTotal.Hours, timeTotal.Minutes, timeTotal.Seconds);
                    dumper.WritePrgFlash(0x0000, data, FamicomDumperConnection.FlashAccessType.Direct, false);
                    if (writePBBs && ((bank % 8 == 7) || (bank == prgBanks - 1)))
                        PPBWrite(dumper, coolboyReg, (uint)bank / 8);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    if (errorCount >= 3)
                        throw ex;
                    if (!silent)
                    Console.WriteLine("Error: " + ex.Message);
                    bank = (bank & ~7) - 1;
                    Console.WriteLine("Lets try again");
                    Console.Write("Reset... ");
            if (errorCount > 0)
                Console.WriteLine("Warning! Error count: {0}", errorCount);

            if (needCheck)
                Console.WriteLine("Starting check process");
                Console.Write("Reset... ");

                var readStartTime = DateTime.Now;
                lastSectorTime = DateTime.Now;
                timeTotal      = new TimeSpan();
                for (int bank = 0; bank < prgBanks; bank++)
                    while (badSectors.Contains(bank / 8))
                        bank += 8;                                 // bad sector :(
                    byte r0 = (byte)(((bank >> 3) & 0x07)          // 5, 4, 3 bits
                                     | (((bank >> 9) & 0x03) << 4) // 10, 9 bits
                                     | (1 << 6));                  // resets 4th mask bit
                    byte r1 = (byte)((((bank >> 7) & 0x03) << 2)   // 8, 7
                                     | (((bank >> 6) & 1) << 4)    // 6
                                     | (1 << 7));                  // resets 5th mask bit
                    byte r2 = 0;
                    byte r3 = (byte)((1 << 4)                      // NROM mode
                                     | ((bank & 7) << 1));         // 2, 1, 0 bits
                    dumper.WriteCpu(coolboyReg, new byte[] { r0, r1, r2, r3 });

                    var data = new byte[0x4000];
                    int pos  = bank * 0x4000;
                    if (pos % (128 * 1024) == 0)
                        timeTotal      = new TimeSpan((DateTime.Now - lastSectorTime).Ticks * (prgBanks - bank) / 8);
                        timeTotal      = timeTotal.Add(DateTime.Now - readStartTime);
                        lastSectorTime = DateTime.Now;
                    Array.Copy(PRG, pos, data, 0, data.Length);
                    UInt16 crc = 0;
                    foreach (var a in data)
                        crc ^= a;
                        for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
                            if ((crc & 1) != 0)
                                crc = (UInt16)((crc >> 1) ^ 0xA001);
                                crc = (UInt16)(crc >> 1);
                    var timePassed = DateTime.Now - readStartTime;
                    Console.Write("Reading CRC {0}/{1} ({2}%, {3:D2}:{4:D2}:{5:D2}/{6:D2}:{7:D2}:{8:D2})... ", bank + 1, prgBanks, (int)(100 * bank / prgBanks),
                                  timePassed.Hours, timePassed.Minutes, timePassed.Seconds, timeTotal.Hours, timeTotal.Minutes, timeTotal.Seconds);
                    var crcr = dumper.ReadCpuCrc(0x8000, 0x4000);
                    if (crcr != crc)
                        throw new Exception(string.Format("Check failed: {0:X4} != {1:X4}", crcr, crc));
                        Console.WriteLine("OK (CRC = {0:X4})", crcr);
                if (errorCount > 0)
                    Console.WriteLine("Warning! Error count: {0}", errorCount);
Ejemplo n.º 21
 /// <summary>
 /// Adds the specified number of days to the value of this instance.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="timeSpan">The time span.</param>
 /// <param name="value">A number of whole and fractional days. The <paramref name="value"/> parameter can be negative or positive.</param>
 /// <returns>
 /// A <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan"/> that represents the value of this instance plus the value of <paramref name="value"/>.
 /// </returns>
 /// <exception cref="T:System.OverflowException">The resulting <see cref="T:System.TimeSpan"/> is less than <see cref="F:System.TimeSpan.MinValue"/> or greater than <see cref="F:System.TimeSpan.MaxValue"/>.</exception>
 public static TimeSpan AddDays(this TimeSpan timeSpan, double value)
Ejemplo n.º 22
        public static void WriteWithGPIO(FamicomDumperConnection dumper, string fileName)
            byte[] PRG;
                var nesFile = new NesFile(fileName);
                PRG = nesFile.PRG;
                var nesFile = new UnifFile(fileName);
                PRG = nesFile.Fields["PRG0"];
            while (PRG.Length < 512 * 1024)
                var PRGbig = new byte[PRG.Length * 2];
                Array.Copy(PRG, 0, PRGbig, 0, PRG.Length);
                Array.Copy(PRG, 0, PRGbig, PRG.Length, PRG.Length);
                PRG = PRGbig;

            int prgBanks = PRG.Length / 0x2000;

            Console.Write("Reset... ");
            var version    = DetectVersion(dumper);
            var CoolboyReg = (UInt16)(version == 2 ? 0x5000 : 0x6000);

            dumper.WriteCpu(0xA001, 0x00); // RAM protect
            var writeStartTime = DateTime.Now;
            var lastSectorTime = DateTime.Now;
            var timeTotal      = new TimeSpan();

            for (int bank = 0; bank < prgBanks; bank += 2)
                int  outbank = bank / 16;
                byte r0      = (byte)((outbank & 0x07) | ((outbank & 0xc0) >> 2));
                byte r1      = (byte)(((outbank & 0x30) >> 2) | ((outbank << 1) & 0x10));
                byte r2      = 0;
                byte r3      = 0;
                dumper.WriteCpu(CoolboyReg, new byte[] { r0, r1, r2, r3 });

                int inbank = bank % 64;
                dumper.WriteCpu(0x8000, new byte[] { 6, (byte)(inbank) });
                dumper.WriteCpu(0x8000, new byte[] { 7, (byte)(inbank | 1) });

                var data = new byte[0x4000];
                int pos  = bank * 0x2000;
                if (pos % (128 * 1024) == 0)
                    timeTotal      = new TimeSpan((DateTime.Now - lastSectorTime).Ticks * (prgBanks - bank) / 16);
                    timeTotal      = timeTotal.Add(DateTime.Now - writeStartTime);
                    lastSectorTime = DateTime.Now;
                    Console.Write("Erasing sector... ");
                Array.Copy(PRG, pos, data, 0, data.Length);
                var timePassed = DateTime.Now - writeStartTime;
                Console.Write("Writing {0}/{1} ({2}%, {3:D2}:{4:D2}:{5:D2}/{6:D2}:{7:D2}:{8:D2})... ", bank / 2 + 1, prgBanks / 2, (int)(100 * bank / prgBanks),
                              timePassed.Hours, timePassed.Minutes, timePassed.Seconds, timeTotal.Hours, timeTotal.Minutes, timeTotal.Seconds);
                dumper.WritePrgFlash(0x0000, data, FamicomDumperConnection.FlashAccessType.CoolboyGPIO, false);
Ejemplo n.º 23
        public int UpdateMedias(ManagedSecurityContext sec)
            GetACL().Check(sec, DataOperation.Update);

            int result   = 0;
            Uri basehref = null;

            Uri.TryCreate(mInstance.LinkUrl, UriKind.Absolute, out basehref);

            IList items = Session.CreateCriteria(typeof(AccountFeedItem))
                          .Add(Expression.Eq("AccountFeed.Id", mInstance.Id))

            TimeSpan tsDistribution = new TimeSpan(0, 30, 0);

            foreach (AccountFeedItem item in items)
                List <HtmlGenericControl> embed = HtmlObjectExtractor.Extract(item.Description, basehref);
                foreach (HtmlGenericControl control in embed)
                    string content = HtmlGenericCollector.GetHtml(control);

                    AccountFeedItemMedia x_media = null;

                    // media may appear only once, repeating media don't get updated
                    // TODO: expensive LIKE query

                    x_media = Session.CreateCriteria(typeof(AccountFeedItemMedia))
                              .Add(Expression.Like("EmbeddedHtml", content))
                              .UniqueResult <AccountFeedItemMedia>();

                    if (x_media != null)

                        x_media = new AccountFeedItemMedia();
                        x_media.AccountFeedItem = item;
                        x_media.Created         = item.Created.Subtract(tsDistribution); // shuffle images
                        tsDistribution          = tsDistribution.Add(new TimeSpan(0, 30, 0));
                        x_media.Modified        = DateTime.UtcNow;
                        x_media.EmbeddedHtml    = content;
                        x_media.Type            = HtmlObjectExtractor.GetType(control);
                        x_media.Visible         = mInstance.PublishMedia;
                        x_media.Interesting     = false;
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        x_media.LastError = ex.Message;
                        x_media.Visible   = false;

                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(x_media.Type))


        /// <summary>
        ///     Called when the location has changed.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="location">The new location, as a Location object.</param>
        /// <since version="Added in API level 1" />
        /// <remarks>
        ///     <para tool="javadoc-to-mdoc">
        ///         Called when the location has changed.
        ///     </para>
        ///     <para tool="javadoc-to-mdoc"> There are no restrictions on the use of the supplied Location object.</para>
        ///     <para tool="javadoc-to-mdoc">
        ///         <format type="text/html">
        ///             <a
        ///                 href="http://developer.android.com/reference/android/location/LocationListener.html#onLocationChanged(android.location.Location)"
        ///                 target="_blank">
        ///                 [Android Documentation]
        ///             </a>
        ///         </format>
        ///     </para>
        /// </remarks>
        public void OnLocationChanged(Location location)
            if (location.Provider != _activeProvider)
                if (_activeProvider != null && _manager.IsProviderEnabled(_activeProvider))
                    var pr     = _manager.GetProvider(location.Provider);
                    var lapsed = GetTimeSpan(location.Time) - GetTimeSpan(_lastLocation.Time);

                    if (pr.Accuracy > _manager.GetProvider(_activeProvider).Accuracy&& lapsed < _timePeriod.Add(_timePeriod))

                _activeProvider = location.Provider;

            var previous = Interlocked.Exchange(ref _lastLocation, location);

            if (previous != null)

            var p = new Position();

            if (location.HasAccuracy)
                p.Accuracy = location.Accuracy;
            if (location.HasAltitude)
                p.Altitude = location.Altitude;
            if (location.HasBearing)
                p.Heading = location.Bearing;
            if (location.HasSpeed)
                p.Speed = location.Speed;

            p.Longitude = location.Longitude;
            p.Latitude  = location.Latitude;
            p.Timestamp = Geolocator.GetTimestamp(location);

            var changed = PositionChanged;

            if (changed != null)
                changed(this, new PositionEventArgs(p));
Ejemplo n.º 25
        /// <summary>
        /// Starts the ignite with three policies (two in-memory and one persistent).
        /// </summary>
        private static IIgnite StartIgniteWithThreeDataRegions()
            var cfg = new IgniteConfiguration(TestUtils.GetTestConfiguration())
                DataStorageConfiguration = new DataStorageConfiguration()
                    CheckpointFrequency            = CheckpointFrequency,
                    MetricsEnabled                 = true,
                    WalMode                        = WalMode.LogOnly,
                    DefaultDataRegionConfiguration = new DataRegionConfiguration
                        Name = RegionWithMetrics,
                        PersistenceEnabled = false,
                        MetricsEnabled     = true
                    DataRegionConfigurations = new[]
                        new DataRegionConfiguration
                            Name           = RegionNoMetrics,
                            MetricsEnabled = false
                        new DataRegionConfiguration()
                            Name = RegionWithMetricsAndPersistence,
                            PersistenceEnabled = true,
                            MetricsEnabled     = true
                WorkDirectory = TempDir

            var ignite = Ignition.Start(cfg);


            // Create caches and do some things with them.
            var cacheNoMetrics = ignite.CreateCache <int, int>(new CacheConfiguration("cacheNoMetrics")
                DataRegionName = RegionNoMetrics

            cacheNoMetrics.Put(1, 1);

            var cacheWithMetrics = ignite.CreateCache <int, int>(new CacheConfiguration("cacheWithMetrics")
                DataRegionName = RegionWithMetrics

            cacheWithMetrics.Put(1, 1);

            var cacheWithMetricsAndPersistence =
                ignite.CreateCache <int, int>(new CacheConfiguration("cacheWithMetricsAndPersistence")
                DataRegionName = RegionWithMetricsAndPersistence

            cacheWithMetricsAndPersistence.Put(1, 1);

            // Wait for checkpoint. Wait for two times than CheckpointFrequency.

Ejemplo n.º 26
        static void Main()
            Console.WriteLine(@"Создайте папку D:\\Pictures, сохраните в ней тестовое изображение. 
В этой же папке будут сохранены изображения, соответствующие множествам уровня");
            Console.WriteLine("\nВведите имя файла, например, 1.jpg");
            Console.WriteLine(@"Если вы хотите использовать другой путь, введите его целиком в формате
            string input = Console.ReadLine();

            if (input.Contains(":"))
                imagePath = Path.GetDirectoryName(input);
            string path = Path.Combine(imagePath, input);

            Console.WriteLine("Введите номер желаемого алгоритма обработки изображения:");
            Console.WriteLine("1) монохромное изображение");
            Console.WriteLine("2) красная компонента RGB");
            Console.WriteLine("3) зелёная компонента RGB");
            Console.WriteLine("4) синяя компонента RGB");
            Console.WriteLine("5) компонента Hue палитры HSV");

            int converterNumber;

            int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out converterNumber);
            ConverterType converterType = (ConverterType)(converterNumber - 1);

            int directoryNumber = GetDirectoryNumber(imagePath);

            LayersDirectoryPath = Path.Combine(imagePath, "Layers ") + directoryNumber.ToString();

            var spectrumBuilder = new SpectrumBuilder();
            var layersBuilder   = new LayersBuilder();

            //Вычисление показателей сингулярности
            DateTime before = DateTime.Now;

            var image_before = (Bitmap)Image.FromFile(path);
            var image        = ImageConverter.ConvertBitmap(image_before, converterType);

            Console.WriteLine("\nВычисляются показатели сингулярности...");
            var singularityBounds = layersBuilder.GetSingularityBounds(image, converterType);

            DateTime after       = DateTime.Now;
            TimeSpan firstPeriod = after - before;

            Console.WriteLine($"Время вычисления показателей {firstPeriod.ToString()}");

            Console.WriteLine("Minimal singularity:   {0:0.00}", singularityBounds.Begin);
            Console.WriteLine("Maximal singularity:   {0:0.00}", singularityBounds.End);

            Console.WriteLine("\nВведите шаг между уровнями, например, 0,2");
            double singulatityStep = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

            //Вычисление множеств уровня
            Console.WriteLine("\nВычисляются множества уровня...");
            before = DateTime.Now;
            var layers = layersBuilder.SplitByLayers(singularityBounds, singulatityStep);

            after = DateTime.Now;
            TimeSpan secondPeriod = after - before;

            Console.WriteLine($"Время определения уровней {secondPeriod.ToString()}");

            //Вычисление спектра
            Console.WriteLine("\nВычисляется мультифрактальный спектр...");
            before = DateTime.Now;
            var spectrum = spectrumBuilder.CalculateSpectrum(image, layers, singularityBounds, singulatityStep);

            after = DateTime.Now;
            TimeSpan thirdPeriod = after - before;

            Console.WriteLine($"Время вычисления спектра {thirdPeriod.ToString()}");

            Console.WriteLine("\nМножества уровня построены");
            Console.WriteLine("Номер папки с множествами уровня : {0}", directoryNumber);
            Console.WriteLine("Мультифрактальный спектр вычислен и находится в файле spectrum.txt");

            //Сохранение спектра в текстовый файл
            string actualSpectrumPath = Path.Combine(LayersDirectoryPath, spectrumFileName);

            using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(actualSpectrumPath, true))
                var outputInfo = new StringBuilder();
                foreach (var layerInfo in spectrum)
                    outputInfo.Append(string.Format("{0:0.00 }", layerInfo.Key));
                    outputInfo.Append(string.Format("{0:0.00}\r\n", layerInfo.Value));

            Console.WriteLine($"Общее время работы программы {firstPeriod.Add(secondPeriod).Add(thirdPeriod).ToString()}");

            Console.WriteLine("\nЖелаем вам всего доброго!");
Ejemplo n.º 27
        private void OnTick(object args, System.Timers.ElapsedEventArgs e)

            if (rests == true)
                if (rightHand == 0)
                    if (!tickingRight)
                        tickingRight = true;
                        // Only displays quarter rests
                        rightRest = rightRest.Add(new TimeSpan(noteEstimator.SixteenthCount));
                        if (rightRest.Ticks >= (int)noteEstimator.QuartCount)
                            offset += 45;
                            sheetForm.ScrollWidth += 45;
                            sheetForm.StaffWidth  += 45;
                            sheetForm.Rests.Add(new Symbol("\uD834\uDD3D", 60, offset, 150));
                            rightRest = rightRest.Subtract(new TimeSpan(noteEstimator.QuartCount));
                if (rightHand != 0 && tickingRight)
                    tickingRight = false;

                if (leftHand == 0)
                    if (!tickingLeft)
                        tickingLeft = true;
                        // Only displays quarter rests
                        leftRest = leftRest.Add(new TimeSpan(noteEstimator.SixteenthCount));

                        if (leftRest.Ticks >= (int)noteEstimator.QuartCount)
                            offset += 45;
                            sheetForm.ScrollWidth += 45;
                            sheetForm.StaffWidth  += 45;
                            sheetForm.Rests.Add(new Symbol("\uD834\uDD3D", 60, offset, 300));
                            leftRest = leftRest.Subtract(new TimeSpan(noteEstimator.QuartCount));
                if (leftHand != 0 && tickingLeft)
                    tickingLeft = false;
            if (measureCount > 16)
                measure.Width += 900;
                measureCount   = 0;
Ejemplo n.º 28
        /// <summary>
        /// Download the data using HttpWebRequest. It will read a buffer of bytes from the
        /// response stream, and store the buffer to a MemoryStream cache first.
        /// If the cache is full, or the download is paused, canceled or completed, write
        /// the data in cache to local file.
        /// </summary>
        void DownloadInternal(object obj)
            if (this.Status != DownloadStatus.Waiting)

            HttpWebRequest  webRequest     = null;
            HttpWebResponse webResponse    = null;
            Stream          responseStream = null;
            MemoryStream    downloadCache  = null;

            this.lastStartTime = DateTime.Now;

                if (!HasChecked)
                    string filename = string.Empty;


                // Set the status.
                this.Status = DownloadStatus.Downloading;

                // Create a request to the file to be  downloaded.
                webRequest = DownloaderHelper.InitializeHttpWebRequest(this);

                // Specify the block to download.
                if (EndPoint != int.MaxValue)
                    webRequest.AddRange((int)(StartPoint + DownloadedSize), (int)EndPoint);
                    webRequest.AddRange((int)(StartPoint + DownloadedSize));

                // Retrieve the response from the server and get the response stream.
                webResponse = (HttpWebResponse)webRequest.GetResponse();

                responseStream = webResponse.GetResponseStream();

                // Cache data in memory.
                downloadCache = new MemoryStream(this.MaxCacheSize);

                byte[] downloadBuffer = new byte[this.BufferSize];

                int bytesSize = 0;
                CachedSize = 0;
                int receivedBufferCount = 0;

                // Download the file until the download is paused, canceled or completed.
                while (true)
                    // Read a buffer of data from the stream.
                    bytesSize = responseStream.Read(downloadBuffer, 0, downloadBuffer.Length);

                    // If the cache is full, or the download is paused, canceled or
                    // completed, write the data in cache to local file.
                    if (this.Status != DownloadStatus.Downloading ||
                        bytesSize == 0 ||
                        this.MaxCacheSize < CachedSize + bytesSize)
                            // Write the data in cache to local file.
                            WriteCacheToFile(downloadCache, CachedSize);

                            this.DownloadedSize += CachedSize;

                            // Stop downloading the file if the download is paused,
                            // canceled or completed.
                            if (this.Status != DownloadStatus.Downloading ||
                                bytesSize == 0)

                            // Reset cache.
                            downloadCache.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                            CachedSize = 0;
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            string strError = ex.ToString();

                            // Fire the DownloadCompleted event with the error.
                                new DownloadCompletedEventArgs(

                    // Write the data from the buffer to the cache in memory.
                    downloadCache.Write(downloadBuffer, 0, bytesSize);

                    CachedSize += bytesSize;


                    // Fire the DownloadProgressChanged event.
                    if (receivedBufferCount == this.BufferCountPerNotification)
                        receivedBufferCount = 0;

                // Update the used time when the current doanload is stopped.
                usedTime = usedTime.Add(DateTime.Now - lastStartTime);

                // Update the status of the client. Above loop will be stopped when the
                // status of the client is pausing, canceling or completed.
                if (this.Status == DownloadStatus.Pausing)
                    this.Status = DownloadStatus.Paused;
                else if (this.Status == DownloadStatus.Canceling)
                    this.Status = DownloadStatus.Canceled;
                    this.Status = DownloadStatus.Completed;
            catch (Exception ex)
                string strError = ex.ToString();

                // Fire the DownloadCompleted event with the error.
                    new DownloadCompletedEventArgs(
                // When the above code has ended, close the streams.
                if (responseStream != null)
                if (webResponse != null)
                if (downloadCache != null)
Ejemplo n.º 29
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var db3 = new DBEntityInfomation();
            db3.Property.Speed = 1;
            db3.Property.Position.X = 4530;
            db3.Property.Position.Y = 5430;

            var db4 = new DBEntityInfomation();
            db4.Property.Position.X = 100;
            db4.Property.Position.Y = 33220;

            System.TimeSpan time = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0);
            PlayerMoverAbility pma = new PlayerMoverAbility(db3);
            pma.Move(db4.Property.Position, time.Ticks);

            pma.Update(time.Add(new TimeSpan(0,0,50)).Ticks);

            pma.Update(time.Add(new TimeSpan(0, 0, 99)).Ticks);

            DBEntityInfomation db1 = new DBEntityInfomation();
            db1.Property.Position.X = 100;
            DBEntityInfomation db2 = new DBEntityInfomation();
            db2.Property.Position.X = 100;
            db2.Look.Name = "dff";
            var ret = Regulus.Utility.ValueHelper.DeepEqual(db1, db2);
            Regulus.NoSQL.Database db = new Regulus.NoSQL.Database();
            db.Launch("mongodb://", "Keys");
Ejemplo n.º 30
    // testa qual a euristica mais rápida entre heuristics1 e heuristicsA
    static public void testPerformnace1(int numOfBorads)
        Pentago_GameBoard[] testBoardsWhites = new Pentago_GameBoard[numOfBorads];
        Pentago_GameBoard[] testBoardsBlacks = new Pentago_GameBoard[numOfBorads];

        for (int i = 0; i < numOfBorads; i++)
            int numPieces = GenerateRandomBoard.GetRandomNumber(0, 17);
            Console.WriteLine("Num of pieces " + numPieces);
            GenerateRandomBoard rndBoard;


            rndBoard = new GenerateRandomBoard(numPieces == 0? 0: numPieces - 1, true); // -1 prencipio de iguldade de peças do tabuleiro
            testBoardsWhites[i] = rndBoard.Pentago_gb;


            rndBoard = new GenerateRandomBoard(numPieces, false);
            testBoardsBlacks[i] = rndBoard.Pentago_gb;

        // heuristics1
        Pentago_Rules wrules1 = new Pentago_Rules(Pentago_Rules.EvaluationFunction.heuristic1,
                                                  Pentago_Rules.IA_PIECES_WHITES, false);
        MINMAX        test_w1 = new MINMAX(MINMAX.VERSION.minmax, wrules1, 4);
        Pentago_Rules brules1 = new Pentago_Rules(Pentago_Rules.EvaluationFunction.heuristic1,
                                                  Pentago_Rules.IA_PIECES_BLACKS, false);
        MINMAX test_b1 = new MINMAX(MINMAX.VERSION.minmax, brules1, 4);

        // heuristicsA
        Pentago_Rules wrulesA = new Pentago_Rules(Pentago_Rules.EvaluationFunction.heuristicA,
                                                  Pentago_Rules.IA_PIECES_WHITES, false);
        MINMAX        test_wA = new MINMAX(MINMAX.VERSION.minmax, wrulesA, 4);
        Pentago_Rules brulesA = new Pentago_Rules(Pentago_Rules.EvaluationFunction.heuristicA,
                                                  Pentago_Rules.IA_PIECES_BLACKS, false);
        MINMAX test_bA = new MINMAX(MINMAX.VERSION.minmax, brulesA, 4);

        TimeSpan test1_1 = Performance.PerformanceTimes(test_w1, testBoardsWhites);
        TimeSpan test2_1 = Performance.PerformanceTimes(test_b1, testBoardsBlacks);

        TimeSpan ts_1 = test1_1.Add(test2_1);

        // Format and display the TimeSpan value.
        string elapsedTime_1 = String.Format("{0:00}:{1:00}:{2:00}.{3:00}",
                                             ts_1.Hours, ts_1.Minutes, ts_1.Seconds,
                                             ts_1.Milliseconds / 10);

        Console.WriteLine("RunTime heuristic1 " + elapsedTime_1);
        TimeSpan test1_A = Performance.PerformanceTimes(test_wA, testBoardsWhites);
        TimeSpan test2_A = Performance.PerformanceTimes(test_bA, testBoardsBlacks);

        TimeSpan ts_A = test1_A.Add(test2_A);

        // Format and display the TimeSpan value.
        string elapsedTime_A = String.Format("{0:00}:{1:00}:{2:00}.{3:00}",
                                             ts_A.Hours, ts_A.Minutes, ts_A.Seconds,
                                             ts_A.Milliseconds / 10);

        Console.WriteLine("RunTime heuristicA " + elapsedTime_A);
Ejemplo n.º 31
        /// <summary>
        ///     Converts time literal value.
        /// </summary>
        private static TimeSpan ConvertTimeLiteralValue(string datetimeLiteralValue)
            var datetimeParts = datetimeLiteralValue.Split(_datetimeSeparators, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

            Debug.Assert(datetimeParts.Length >= 2, "time literal value must have at least 2 parts");

            int hour;
            int minute;
            int second;
            int ticks;
            GetTimeParts(datetimeLiteralValue, datetimeParts, 0, out hour, out minute, out second, out ticks);

            Debug.Assert(hour >= 0 && hour <= 24);
            Debug.Assert(minute >= 0 && minute <= 59);
            Debug.Assert(second >= 0 && second <= 59);
            Debug.Assert(ticks >= 0 && ticks <= 9999999);
            var ts = new TimeSpan(hour, minute, second);
            ts = ts.Add(new TimeSpan(ticks));
            return ts;
Ejemplo n.º 32
 private static object Add(TimeSpan first, Int32 second)