Ejemplo n.º 1
             * public  TimeSeriesResponseType GetValues(
             *  locationParam Location,
             *   VariableParam Variable,
             *   W3CDateTime? BeginDateTime, W3CDateTime? EndDateTime)

            public override WaterOneFlow.Service.Response.v1_1.TimeSeriesResponseType GetTimeSeries(
                locationParam lp,
                VariableParam vp,
                Nullable <W3CDateTime> startDate,
                Nullable <W3CDateTime> endDate)
                // put the date check up front.
                // a start date can be older than 31 days, as long as the endDate is not older than 31 days.

                if (endDate.HasValue && endDate.Value.DateTime < DateTime.Today.AddDays(-31))
                    throw new WaterOneFlowException("No Data. EndDate must be less than that 31 days from present.");

                TimeSeriesResponseType result = null;

                string[] StationsList = new string[] { lp.SiteCode };

                result = CuahsiBuilder.CreateTimeSeriesObject();

                result.queryInfo.criteria.locationParam = lp.ToString();
                result.queryInfo.criteria.variableParam = vp.ToString();

                // not fully correct, but just choose the first one.
                VariableInfoType[] vits = DataInfoService.GetVariableInfoObject(vp);
                result.timeSeries.variable = vits[0];

                string aUrl = UnitValues(startDate, endDate,
                                         new string[] { vp.Code }, StationsList);

                    // refactor too much abstraction
                    //CreateRealTimeSeriesObject(result, RealTime(StationsList));
                    result.timeSeries.values    = new TsValuesSingleVariableType[1];
                    result.timeSeries.values[0] =
                                                                 true // add provisional flag
                catch (Exception e)
                    log.Error(e.Message + e.StackTrace);
                    throw new WaterOneFlowException("An External resource failed.", e);

                // all data are provisional
                List <NoteType> notes = new List <NoteType>();
                NoteType        pNote = new NoteType();

                pNote.title = "USGS Data Provisional";
                pNote.href  = "http://waterdata.usgs.gov/nwis/help/?provisional";
                pNote.Value = "All data are provisional, and subject to revision";

                NoteType urlNote = new NoteType();

                urlNote.title = "USGS URL";
                urlNote.Value = aUrl;

                result.queryInfo.note = notes.ToArray();

                return(new WaterOneFlow.Service.v1_1.xsd.TimeSeriesResponse(result));
Ejemplo n.º 2
            public virtual string GetValues(string location, string variable, string startDate, string endDate, String authToken)
                TimeSeriesResponseType aSite = GetValuesObject(location, variable, startDate, endDate, null);

                return(WSUtils.ConvertToXml(aSite, typeof(TimeSeriesResponseType)));
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates the time series object.
 /// Use CreateTimeSeriesObjectSingleValue to get an object populated with values object 
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static TimeSeriesResponseType CreateTimeSeriesObject()
     TimeSeriesResponseType result = new TimeSeriesResponseType();
     result.queryInfo = new QueryInfoType();
     result.queryInfo.criteria = new QueryInfoTypeCriteria();
     result.queryInfo.criteria.timeParam = new QueryInfoTypeCriteriaTimeParam();
     result.timeSeries = new TimeSeriesType();
     SiteInfoType site = new SiteInfoType();
     site.siteCode = new SiteInfoTypeSiteCode[1];
     SiteInfoTypeSiteCode siteId = new SiteInfoTypeSiteCode();
     site.siteCode[0] = siteId;
     result.timeSeries.sourceInfo = site;
     result.timeSeries.variable = CreateVariableDescriptionType();//new VariablesTypeVariable[1];
     //result.timeseries.variable[0] = new VariableDescriptionType(); // new VariablesTypeVariable();
     //result.timeseries.variable.variableCode = new VariableDescriptionTypeVariableID[1];//added to simplify population
     //result.timeseries.variable.variableCode[0] = new VariableDescriptionTypeVariableID();
     return result;
Ejemplo n.º 4
            /// <summary>
            /// GetValues custom implementation
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="SiteNumber">network:SiteCode</param>
            /// <param name="Variable">vocabulary:VariableCode</param>
            /// <param name="StartDate">yyyy-MM-dd</param>
            /// <param name="EndDate">yyyy-MM-dd</param>
            /// <returns></returns>
            public TimeSeriesResponseType GetValues(string SiteNumber,
                                                    string Variable,
                                                    string StartDate,
                                                    string EndDate)
                Stopwatch timer = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew();

                // queryLog.Info("GetValues|" + SiteNumber + "|" + Variable + "|" + StartDate + "|" + EndDate);
                //String network,method,location, variable, start, end, , processing time,count
                queryLog2.LogValuesStart(CustomLogging.Methods.GetValues, // method
                                         SiteNumber,                      //locaiton
                                         Variable,                        //variable
                                         StartDate,                       // startdate
                                         EndDate,                         //enddate

                //get siteId, variableId
                string siteId     = SiteNumber.Substring(SiteNumber.LastIndexOf(":") + 1);
                string variableId = Variable.Substring(Variable.LastIndexOf(":") + 1);

                DateTime startDateTime = new DateTime(2000, 1, 1);
                DateTime endDateTime   = DateTime.Now;

                if (StartDate != String.Empty)
                    startDateTime = DateTime.Parse(StartDate);

                if (EndDate != String.Empty)
                    endDateTime = DateTime.Parse(EndDate);

                //TimeSeriesResponseType resp = obj.getValues(SiteNumber, Variable, StartDate, EndDate);
                TimeSeriesResponseType resp = new TimeSeriesResponseType();

                resp.timeSeries               = new TimeSeriesType[1];
                resp.timeSeries[0]            = new TimeSeriesType();
                resp.timeSeries[0].sourceInfo = WebServiceUtils.GetSiteFromDb2(siteId);
                resp.timeSeries[0].variable   = WebServiceUtils.GetVariableInfoFromDb(variableId);

                resp.timeSeries[0].values    = new TsValuesSingleVariableType[1];
                resp.timeSeries[0].values[0] = WebServiceUtils.GetValuesFromDb(siteId, variableId, startDateTime, endDateTime);

                //set the query info
                resp.queryInfo          = new QueryInfoType();
                resp.queryInfo.criteria = new QueryInfoTypeCriteria();

                resp.queryInfo.creationTime           = DateTime.UtcNow;
                resp.queryInfo.creationTimeSpecified  = true;
                resp.queryInfo.criteria.locationParam = SiteNumber;
                resp.queryInfo.criteria.variableParam = Variable;
                resp.queryInfo.criteria.timeParam     = CuahsiBuilder.createQueryInfoTimeCriteria(StartDate, EndDate);

                                       SiteNumber,                                //locaiton
                                       Variable,                                  //variable
                                       StartDate,                                 // startdate
                                       EndDate,                                   //enddate
                                       timer.ElapsedMilliseconds,                 // processing time
                                                                                  // assume one for now
                                       resp.timeSeries[0].values[0].value.Length, // count

Ejemplo n.º 5
            private static void AddQueryInfo(string StartDate, string EndDate, string Variable, string SiteNumber, TimeSeriesResponseType response)
                response.queryInfo          = new QueryInfoType();
                response.queryInfo.criteria = new QueryInfoTypeCriteria();

                response.queryInfo.creationTime           = DateTime.UtcNow;
                response.queryInfo.creationTimeSpecified  = true;
                response.queryInfo.criteria.locationParam = SiteNumber;
                response.queryInfo.criteria.variableParam = Variable;
                response.queryInfo.criteria.timeParam     = CuahsiBuilder.createQueryInfoTimeCriteria(StartDate, EndDate);
                NoteType sourceNote = CuahsiBuilder.createNote("OD Web Service");

                response.queryInfo.note = CuahsiBuilder.addNote(response.queryInfo.note,
Ejemplo n.º 6
            public TimeSeriesResponseType GetValuesForSiteVariable(string SiteNumber, string StartDate, string EndDate)
                TimeSeriesResponseType response = new TimeSeriesResponseType();
                response.timeSeries = new List<TimeSeriesType>(
                    GetTimesSeriesTypeForSiteVariable(SiteNumber, StartDate, EndDate)).ToArray();

                response.queryInfo = CuahsiBuilder.CreateQueryInfoType("GetValuesForASite", new string[] {SiteNumber},
                                                                       null, null, StartDate, EndDate);

                return response;
Ejemplo n.º 7
        private OutputExchangeItem buildExchangeItemFromFolder(string folder)
            //The routine will construct an OpenMI exchange item from a folder of WaterML files.
            //assumptions: (1) all files within the folder are waterML files
            //             (2) all files within folder have the same variable element
            // Qunatity <-- from the first file in the directory
            //   ID [REQUIRED] = WaterML's variableParam element inner text
            //   Description [optional] = WaterML's variableName element inner text
            //   ValueType [hard coded] = Scalar
            //   Unit
            //     ID [optional]= WaterML's units element attribute unitsAbbreviation
            //     ConversionFactortoSI [optional] = not in WaterML
            //     ConverstionOffsettoSI [optional] = not in WaterML
            //   Dimension
            //     Power [optional] = not in WaterML
            // ElementSet
            //   ID [REQUIRED] = folder name
            //   Description [REQUIRED] = folder relative path
            //   ElementType [hard coded] = XYPoint or IDBased
            //   Element
            //     ID [optional]= WaterML's SiteCode element inner text [changing to locationParam]
            //     Vertex
            //       X = WaterML's longitude element inner text
            //       Y = WaterML's latitude element inner text
            //   ...
            // TimeHorizon <-- union of all file-level time horizons

            //get list of files within the folder
            string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(folder);

            //load the first file in the directory as an XML document
            XmlDocument xmldoc = new XmlDocument();

            // load the first xml file in the directory
            StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(files[0]);

            XmlSerializer          xml_reader = new XmlSerializer(typeof(TimeSeriesResponseType));
            TimeSeriesResponseType tsr        = (TimeSeriesResponseType)xml_reader.Deserialize(sr);

            Quantity           quantity           = new Quantity();
            Unit               unit               = new Unit();
            Dimension          dimension          = new Dimension();
            ElementSet         elementset         = new ElementSet();
            OutputExchangeItem outputexchangeitem = new OutputExchangeItem();

            //Quantity ID -- REQUIRED
            try { quantity.ID = tsr.queryInfo.criteria.variableParam; }
            catch { throw new Exception("waterML document must contain a variableParam element"); }

            //Quantity Description -- optional
            try { quantity.Description = tsr.timeSeries.variable.variableName; }
            catch { quantity.Description = ""; }

            //Quantity Variable Type -- hard coded
            quantity.ValueType = global::OpenMI.Standard.ValueType.Scalar;

            //Unit ID -- optional
            try { unit.ID = tsr.timeSeries.variable.units.unitsAbbreviation; }
            catch { unit.ID = ""; }

            //Unit Converstion Factor to SI
            //TODO WaterML does not include conversion factors to SI
            //unit.ConversionFactorToSI = 0;

            //Unit Converstion Offset to SI
            //TODO WaterML does not include conversion offest to SI
            //unit.OffSetToSI = 0;

            quantity.Unit = unit;

            //Dimension Powers -- optional
            //TODO WaterML does not include dimension info for units
            //Examples below ...
            //dimension.SetPower(DimensionBase.Length, 3);
            //dimension.SetPower(DimensionBase.Time, -1);

            quantity.Dimension = dimension;

            //ElementSet ID -- folder name
            elementset.ID = new DirectoryInfo(folder).Name;

            //ElementSet Description -- folder relative path
            elementset.Description = folder;

            //ElementSet ElementType -- hard coded
            elementset.ElementType = ElementType.XYPoint;

            // -------------------------------------------------------------------
            // The remaining objects require access to all files in the directory.
            // -------------------------------------------------------------------

            foreach (string fileName in files)
                //load the first file in the directory as an XML document
                sr  = new StreamReader(fileName);
                tsr = (TimeSeriesResponseType)xml_reader.Deserialize(sr);

                Element element = new Element();
                Vertex  vertex  = new Vertex();

                //Element ID -- optional
                try { element.ID = tsr.queryInfo.criteria.locationParam; }
                catch { element.ID = ""; }

                //Vertex X and Y -- optional
                //tsr.timeSeries. TODO fix this.
                //if (xml_location != null && xml_location["longitude"] != null && xml_location["latitude"] != null)
                //    vertex.x = Convert.ToDouble(xml_location["longitude"].InnerText);
                //    vertex.y = Convert.ToDouble(xml_location["latitude"].InnerText);
                //else { vertex.x = double.NaN; vertex.y = double.NaN; elementset.ElementType = ElementType.IDBased; }


                //TimeHorizon -- REQUIRED
//if (_earliestInputTime == 0.0)
//               {
                string beginDateTimeString;
                try { beginDateTimeString = tsr.queryInfo.criteria.timeParam.beginDateTime; }
                catch { throw new Exception("waterML document must contain a beginDateTime element"); }

                string endDateTimeString;
                try { endDateTimeString = tsr.queryInfo.criteria.timeParam.endDateTime; }
                catch { throw new Exception("waterML document must contain an endDateTime element"); }

                DateTime beginDateTime       = Convert.ToDateTime(beginDateTimeString);
                DateTime endDateTime         = Convert.ToDateTime(endDateTimeString);
                double   beginDateTimeDouble = CalendarConverter.Gregorian2ModifiedJulian(beginDateTime);
                double   endDateTimeDouble   = CalendarConverter.Gregorian2ModifiedJulian(endDateTime);

                //update time horizon to be inclusive of this time horizon
                if (_earliestInputTime == 0.0)
                    _earliestInputTime = beginDateTimeDouble;
                if (beginDateTimeDouble < _earliestInputTime)
                    _earliestInputTime = beginDateTimeDouble;
                if (endDateTimeDouble > _latestInputTime)
                    _latestInputTime = endDateTimeDouble;
                //              }
            outputexchangeitem.Quantity   = quantity;
            outputexchangeitem.ElementSet = elementset;

            // add data operations and return
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public virtual string GetValues(string locationParam, string VariableCode, string StartDate, string EndDate, String authToken)
            TimeSeriesResponseType aSite = GetValuesObject(locationParam, VariableCode, StartDate, EndDate, null);

            return(WSUtils.ConvertToXml(aSite, typeof(TimeSeriesResponseType)));
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates the time series object.
 /// Use CreateTimeSeriesObjectSingleValue to get an object populated with values object 
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static TimeSeriesResponseType CreateTimeSeriesObject(int numberOfSeries)
     TimeSeriesResponseType result = new TimeSeriesResponseType();
     result.queryInfo = new QueryInfoType();
     result.queryInfo.criteria = new QueryInfoTypeCriteria();
     result.queryInfo.criteria.timeParam = new QueryInfoTypeCriteriaTimeParam();
     result.timeSeries = new TimeSeriesType[numberOfSeries];
     for (int i = 0; i < result.timeSeries.Length; i++)
         result.timeSeries[i] = TimeSeriesObjectSingleValue();
     SiteInfoType site = new SiteInfoType();
     site.siteCode = new SiteInfoTypeSiteCode[1];
     SiteInfoTypeSiteCode siteId = new SiteInfoTypeSiteCode();
     site.siteCode[0] = siteId;
     result.timeSeries[0].sourceInfo = site;
     result.timeSeries[0].variable = CreateVariableDescriptionType();//new VariablesTypeVariable[1];
     //result.timeseries.variable[0] = new VariableDescriptionType(); // new VariablesTypeVariable();
     //result.timeseries.variable.variableCode = new VariableDescriptionTypeVariableID[1];//added to simplify population
     //result.timeseries.variable.variableCode[0] = new VariableDescriptionTypeVariableID();
     return result;
Ejemplo n.º 10
            public static TimeSeriesResponseType CreateTimeSeriesObjectSingleValue(int numberOfSeries)
                TimeSeriesResponseType result = CreateTimeSeriesObject(numberOfSeries);

Ejemplo n.º 11
        // Return number of records inserted or found
        public static int HandleDataValueInfo(SqlConnection sqlConn,
                                              OD_SeriesCatalog odSC, OD_1_1_1DataSet.SeriesCatalogRow scRow,
                                              SiteInfoType siteInfo, seriesCatalogTypeSeries scts, TimeSeriesResponseType tsRt)
            DataValuesTableAdapter dvAdapter = new DataValuesTableAdapter();

            dvAdapter.Connection = sqlConn;
            dvAdapter.Adapter.UpdateBatchSize = Program.DbUpdateBatchSize;
            dvAdapter.Adapter.InsertCommand.UpdatedRowSource = UpdateRowSource.None; // required to do batch insertion

            string siteCode = siteInfo.siteCode[0].network + "|" + siteInfo.siteCode[0].Value;
            string varCode  = scts.variable.variableCode[0].Value;
            string cond;

            OD_1_1_1DataSet.DataValuesDataTable tblDataValues = new OD_1_1_1DataSet.DataValuesDataTable();

            Console.WriteLine(">>>Parsing and inserting DATAVALUE");

            // Get site ID
            if (scRow.SiteID == -1)
                cond         = "SiteCode = '" + siteCode + "'";
                scRow.SiteID = OD_Utils.GetPrimaryKey("Sites", "SiteID", cond, sqlConn);

            // Get variable ID
            if (scRow.VariableID == -1)
                string[] vars     = Regex.Split(varCode, "/");
                string   dataType = tsRt.timeSeries[0].variable.dataType;
                cond             = "VariableCode = '" + vars[0] + "_" + dataType + "'";
                scRow.VariableID = OD_Utils.GetPrimaryKey("Variables", "VariableID", cond, sqlConn);
                if (scRow.VariableID == -1)
                    Console.WriteLine("Failed to get variable ID from WS TimeSeries info (code: {0} type: {1}).",
                                      varCode, dataType);
                    cond             = "VariableCode = '" + vars[0] + "_" + scRow.DataType + "'";
                    scRow.VariableID = OD_Utils.GetPrimaryKey("Variables", "VariableID", cond, sqlConn);
                    if (scRow.VariableID == -1)
                        Console.WriteLine("Also failed to get variable ID with code: {0} and type: {1}. Give up.",
                                          varCode, scRow.DataType);
                        Console.WriteLine("Found variable ID {0} with code: {1} and type: {2} from database.",
                                          scRow.VariableID, varCode, scRow.DataType);

            // Update IDs if modified OD_SeriesCatalog odSC,
            if (scRow.RowState == DataRowState.Modified)

            // Walk through each data value
            if ((tsRt.timeSeries[0].values[0].value == null) || (tsRt.timeSeries[0].values[0].value.Count() == 0))
                Console.WriteLine("No values in WS response.");
            int valueCount = tsRt.timeSeries[0].values[0].value.Count();
            int currCount = 0, idx0 = 0, dupCount = 0;
            ValueSingleVariable dvInfo0 = null;
            bool dup;
            // Begin database transaction to make sure the end data time and value count
            // in SeriesCatalog and DataValues tables are consistent.
            SqlTransaction sqlTrans     = sqlConn.BeginTransaction();

            for (int i = 0; i < valueCount; i++)
                dup = false;
                ValueSingleVariable dvInfo = tsRt.timeSeries[0].values[0].value[i];
                if (dvInfo0 != null)
                    // We have seen many duplicate dvInfo which caused following DataValue insertion failure.
                    // "Violation of UNIQUE KEY constraint 'UNIQUE_DataValues'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'dbo.DataValues'"
                    // Have to skip the duplicate to avoid the whole batch insertion failure.
                    // Simplify the dup check by only comparing dateTime.
                    if (dvInfo0.dateTime == dvInfo.dateTime)
                        Console.WriteLine("* Index {0} has duplicate time {1:s} with {2}, skip count {3}!",
                                          i, dvInfo.dateTime, idx0, dupCount);
                        dup = true;

                if (!dup)
                    InsertOneDataValue(tblDataValues, scRow.SiteID, scRow.VariableID, dvInfo);
                    idx0    = i;
                    dvInfo0 = dvInfo;

                if ((currCount == Program.DbUpdateBatchSize) || (i + 1 == valueCount))
                        dvAdapter.Transaction = sqlTrans;

                        scRow.EndDateTime        = dvInfo.dateTime;
                        scRow.EndDateTimeUTC     = scRow.EndDateTime.ToUniversalTime();
                        scRow.ValueCount        += currCount;
                        odSC.Adapter.Transaction = sqlTrans;

                    catch (Exception e)
                        Console.WriteLine("!!!!!! Got exception: {0}.", e.Message);
                        Console.WriteLine("* Inserted {0} of {1} records for site {2} variable {3}",
                                          i + 1 - currCount, valueCount, siteCode, varCode);
                        Console.WriteLine("* Rollback {0} records with {0} of {1} completed!",
                                          currCount, i + 1 - currCount, valueCount);


                        return(i + 1 - currCount);

                    currCount = 0;

                    if (i + 1 != valueCount)
                        sqlTrans = sqlConn.BeginTransaction();

            dvAdapter.Transaction    = null;
            odSC.Adapter.Transaction = null;

            return(valueCount - dupCount);
            public object GetValuesObject(string location, string variable, string startDate, string endDate, String authToken)
                if (!useODForValues)
                    throw new SoapException(
                              "GetValues implemented external to this service. Call GetSiteInfo, and SeriesCatalog includes the service Wsdl for GetValues. Attribute:serviceWsdl on Element:seriesCatalog XPath://seriesCatalog/[@serviceWsdl]",
                              new XmlQualifiedName("ServiceException"));

                Stopwatch timer = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew();

                queryLog2.LogValuesStart(Logging.Methods.GetValues, // method
                                         location,                  //location
                                         variable,                  //variable
                                         startDate,                 // startdate
                                         endDate,                   //enddate

                    WaterOneFlowImpl.locationParam lParam = new locationParam(location);
                    VariableParam vparam        = new VariableParam(variable);
                    W3CDateTime?  startDt       = null;
                    W3CDateTime?  endDt         = null;
                    int           estimateCount = 0;
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(startDate))
                        startDt = new W3CDateTime(DateTime.Parse(startDate));
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(endDate))
                        endDt = new W3CDateTime(DateTime.Parse(endDate));

                        if (startDt.HasValue && endDt.HasValue)
                            estimateCount = (endDt.Value - startDt.Value).Hours * 4;
                            log.DebugFormat("{0}/{1}:estimated count: {2}", endDt.Value, startDt.Value, estimateCount);
                    //               USGSwebService.TimeSeriesResponseType res =
                    //(USGSwebService.TimeSeriesResponseType)dvSvc.GetTimeSeries(lParam, vparam, startDt, endDt);
                    TimeSeriesResponseType res =
                        (TimeSeriesResponseType)dvSvc.GetTimeSeries(lParam, vparam, startDt, endDt);

                    if (res.timeSeries != null &&
                        res.timeSeries.values != null &&
                        res.timeSeries.values.value != null)
                                               location,  //location
                                               variable,  //variable
                                               startDate, // startdate
                                               endDate,   //enddate
                                               location,  //location
                                               variable,  //variable
                                               startDate, // startdate
                                               endDate,   //enddate

                    // return new NWISUVTimeSeriesResponse(res);// this one is an original class
                    TrackEvent(location, variable, startDate, endDate, estimateCount, Context);
                    return(new WaterOneFlow.Service.v1_0.xsd.TimeSeriesResponse(res));
                catch (Exception we)
                    TrackEvent(location, variable, startDate, endDate, null, Context);
                    //                       location, //locaiton
                    //                       variable, //variable
                    //                       startDate, // startdate
                    //                       endDate, //enddate
                    //                       timer.ElapsedMilliseconds, // processing time
                    //                       -9999, // count
                    //                       Context.Request.UserHostName
                    //    );
                    throw SoapExceptionGenerator.WOFExceptionToSoapException(we);
Ejemplo n.º 13
            private static void AddQueryInfo(string StartDate, string EndDate, string Variable, string SiteNumber, TimeSeriesResponseType response)
                response.queryInfo = new QueryInfoType();
                response.queryInfo.criteria = new QueryInfoTypeCriteria();

                response.queryInfo.creationTime = DateTime.UtcNow;
                response.queryInfo.creationTimeSpecified = true;
                response.queryInfo.criteria.locationParam = SiteNumber;
                response.queryInfo.criteria.variableParam = Variable;
                response.queryInfo.criteria.timeParam = CuahsiBuilder.createQueryInfoTimeCriteria(StartDate, EndDate);
                NoteType sourceNote = CuahsiBuilder.createNote("OD Web Service");
                response.queryInfo.note = CuahsiBuilder.addNote(response.queryInfo.note,
Ejemplo n.º 14
            public override object GetTimeSeries(
                locationParam Location,
                VariableParam Variable,
                W3CDateTime?BeginDateTime, W3CDateTime?EndDateTime)
                string siteNum;

                string   parameterCode;
                string   statisticCode;
                string   agencyCode;
                DateTime startDateTime;
                DateTime endDateTime;

                if (Location.isGeometry)
                    throw new WaterOneFlowException("Geometry not supported ");

                if (Location != null)
                    siteNum = Location.SiteCode;
                    throw new WaterOneFlowException("Missing SiteCode ");

                if (Variable != null)
                    parameterCode = Variable.Code;
                    statisticCode = option2UsgsStatCode(Variable);
                    agencyCode    = option2AgencyCode(Variable);
                    throw new WaterOneFlowException("Missing Parameter ");

                DateTime startMinDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-maxRequestDays);

                startDateTime = startMinDate;
                if (BeginDateTime.HasValue)
                    startDateTime = BeginDateTime.Value.DateTime;
                    if (startDateTime <= startMinDate)
                        startDateTime = startMinDate;

                DateTime endDateMax = DateTime.Now;

                endDateTime = endDateMax;
                if (EndDateTime.HasValue)
                    endDateTime = EndDateTime.Value.DateTime;
                    if (endDateTime >= endDateMax)
                        endDateTime = endDateMax;
                if (endDateTime < DateTime.Now.AddDays(-maxRequestDays))
                    throw new WaterOneFlowException("Only Properties.Settings.Default.UVDaysAvailable days back is supported in the NWIS UV service");
                if (endDateTime < startDateTime)
                    endDateTime = DateTime.Now;

                //TimeSpan span = endDateTime - startDateTime;
                //if (span.Days > 31 )
                //    span = new TimeSpan(31, 0, 0);
                    //string urlFormat = "http://{0}/{1}?location={2}&variable={3}&period=P{4}D";
                    //string url = string.Format(urlFormat, "waterservices.usgs.gov",
                    //                           "WOF/InstantaneousValues",
                    //                           siteNum,
                    //                           parameterCode,
                    //                           span.Days);
                    string urlFormat = "{0}?location={1}&variable={2}&startDate={3}&endDate={4}";
                    string url       = string.Format(urlFormat, USGSUVBaseUrl,
                    Uri uri = new Uri(url);
                    using (WebClient web = new WebClient())
                        TimeSeriesResponseType response
                            = (TimeSeriesResponseType)serializer.Deserialize(web.OpenRead(url));

                        //TimeSeriesResponseType response
                        //    = new Passthrough(web.OpenRead(url));

                catch (Exception ex)
                    log.Info("USGS  Connection Error " + ex.Message);
                    throw new WaterOneFlowSourceException("Error connecting to USGS");
Ejemplo n.º 15
        private SmartBuffer CreateBuffer(string elementSet)
            Dictionary <DateTime, ArrayList> dict = new Dictionary <DateTime, ArrayList>();
            SmartBuffer smartbuffer = new SmartBuffer();

            //Move to the .dll directory
            catch (System.IO.IOException) { }

            elementSet = _dbPath + "\\" + elementSet;
            string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(elementSet);

            //read all files within element set
            foreach (string file in files)
                //load the first file in the directory as an XML document
                XmlDocument xmldoc = new XmlDocument();

                // load the first xml file in the directory
                StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(file);

                XmlSerializer          xml_reader = new XmlSerializer(typeof(TimeSeriesResponseType));
                TimeSeriesResponseType tsr        = (TimeSeriesResponseType)xml_reader.Deserialize(sr);

                ValueSingleVariable[] values = tsr.timeSeries.values.value;

                foreach (ValueSingleVariable value in values)
                    DateTime dt = value.dateTime;
                    double   v  = Convert.ToDouble(value.Value);

                    //check to see if time/value combination has been already added
                    if (dict.ContainsKey(dt))
                        ArrayList a = dict[dt];
                    //Add key to dictionary
                        ArrayList a = new ArrayList();
                        dict.Add(dt, a);

            //put values in oder, starting with the earliest time (from http://dotnetperls.com/sort-dictionary-values)
            var items = from k in dict.Keys
                        orderby dict[k] ascending
                        select k;

            //load values into the smart buffer
            foreach (KeyValuePair <DateTime, ArrayList> kvp in dict)
                ITimeStamp time_stmp = new TimeStamp(CalendarConverter.Gregorian2ModifiedJulian(kvp.Key));
                double[]   valueset  = (double[])kvp.Value.ToArray(typeof(double));
                smartbuffer.AddValues(time_stmp, new ScalarSet(valueset));
            public override WaterOneFlow.Service.Response.v1_1.TimeSeriesResponseType GetTimeSeries(
                locationParam Location,
                VariableParam Variable,
                W3CDateTime?BeginDateTime, W3CDateTime?EndDateTime)
                string siteNum;
                string parameterCode;
                string statisticCode;
                string agencyCode;
                string startDateTime = null;
                string endDateTime   = null;

                if (Location != null)
                    siteNum = Location.SiteCode;
                    throw new WaterOneFlowException("Missing SiteCode ");

                if (Variable != null)
                    parameterCode = Variable.Code;
                    statisticCode = option2UsgsStatCode(Variable);
                    agencyCode    = option2AgencyCode(Variable);
                    throw new WaterOneFlowException("Missing Parameter ");

                if (BeginDateTime.HasValue)
                    startDateTime = BeginDateTime.Value.DateTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
                if (EndDateTime.HasValue)
                    endDateTime = EndDateTime.Value.DateTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
                String dailyValues = null;

                    //dailyValues = svc.getDV(siteNum,
                    //                              parameterCode, statisticCode,
                    //                              startDateTime, endDateTime,
                    //                              agencyCode);
                    gov.usgs.nwis.dailyValues.TimeSeriesResponseType response
                        = svc.getDV(siteNum,
                                    parameterCode, statisticCode,
                                    startDateTime, endDateTime,

                    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

                    // Create an XmlRootAttribute overloaded constructer
                    //and set its namespace.
                    XmlRootAttribute tsXmlRootAttribute =
                        new XmlRootAttribute("timeSeriesResponse");
                    tsXmlRootAttribute.Namespace = Constants.XML_SCHEMA_NAMSPACE;

                    XmlSerializer xs = new XmlSerializer(
                    XmlWriter writer = XmlWriter.Create(sb);
                    xs.Serialize(writer, response);
                    dailyValues = sb.ToString();
                    log.Info("USGS DailyValue Connection Error ");
                    throw new WaterOneFlowSourceException("Error connecting to USGS");
                dailyValues.Replace("ns2:", "");
                if (dailyValues.Contains("<Error>"))
                    log.Info("Error from USGS: " + dailyValues);
                    throw new WaterOneFlowException("Error message from USGS: " + dailyValues);
                //String dailyValues =
                //    File.ReadAllText(
                //        "D:\\dev2005\\BasicOneFlowWebService\\BasicWebService\\NwisWOFService\\usgs_samples\\USGSNwisResponse_20071016_modified.xml");

                // section rewritten to use passthrough
                TimeSeriesResponseType res = reserializeResponse(dailyValues);

                    res.timeSeries.values[0].count = res.timeSeries.values[0].value.Length;
                    log.Info("DailyValue response with no values: " + Location.ToString() + " variable:" + Variable);
                List <NoteType> notes;

                if (res.queryInfo.note != null)
                    notes = new List <NoteType>(res.queryInfo.note);
                    notes = new List <NoteType>();
                NoteType urlNote = new NoteType();

                urlNote.title = "CUAHSI Data Source";
                urlNote.href  = svc.Url;
                urlNote.Value = "Retrieved from USGS WaterML Soap Interface";
                res.queryInfo.note = notes.ToArray();

                ////TimeSeriesResponsePassthrough pass= new TimeSeriesResponsePassthrough(dailyValues);
                //    NwisWOFService.pass.TimeSeriesResponseType pass = new NwisWOFService.pass.TimeSeriesResponseType(dailyValues);
                //    WaterOneFlow.Service.Schema.v1.TimeSeriesResponseType res = (WaterOneFlow.Service.Schema.v1.TimeSeriesResponseType)pass;

                return(new WaterOneFlow.Service.v1_1.xsd.TimeSeriesResponse(res));
Ejemplo n.º 17
            /// <summary>
            /// GetValues custom implementation
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="SiteNumber">network:SiteCode</param>
            /// <param name="Variable">vocabulary:VariableCode</param>
            /// <param name="StartDate">yyyy-MM-dd</param>
            /// <param name="EndDate">yyyy-MM-dd</param>
            /// <returns></returns>
            public TimeSeriesResponseType GetValues(string SiteNumber,
                                                    string Variable,
                                                    string StartDate,
                                                    string EndDate)
                Stopwatch timer = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew();

                // queryLog.Info("GetValues|" + SiteNumber + "|" + Variable + "|" + StartDate + "|" + EndDate);
                //String network,method,location, variable, start, end, , processing time,count
                queryLog2.LogValuesStart(CustomLogging.Methods.GetValues, // method
                                 SiteNumber, //locaiton
                   Variable, //variable
                   StartDate, // startdate
                   EndDate, //enddate

                //get siteId, variableId
                string siteId = SiteNumber.Substring(SiteNumber.LastIndexOf(":") + 1);
                string variableCode = Variable.Substring(Variable.LastIndexOf(":") + 1);

                //get startDateTime, endDateTime
                DateTime startDateTime = new DateTime(2000, 1, 1);
                DateTime endDateTime = DateTime.Now.AddYears(1);

                if (StartDate != string.Empty)
                    startDateTime = DateTime.Parse(StartDate);
                if (EndDate != string.Empty)
                    endDateTime = DateTime.Parse(EndDate);

                //TimeSeriesResponseType resp = obj.getValues(SiteNumber, Variable, StartDate, EndDate);
                TimeSeriesResponseType resp = new TimeSeriesResponseType();
                resp.timeSeries = new TimeSeriesType[1];
                resp.timeSeries[0] = new TimeSeriesType();
                resp.timeSeries[0].sourceInfo = WebServiceUtils.GetSiteFromDb2(siteId);
                resp.timeSeries[0].variable = WebServiceUtils.GetVariableInfoFromDb(variableCode);

                resp.timeSeries[0].values = new TsValuesSingleVariableType[1];
                resp.timeSeries[0].values[0] = WebServiceUtils.GetValuesFromDb(siteId, variableCode, startDateTime, endDateTime);

                //set the query info
                resp.queryInfo = new QueryInfoType();
                resp.queryInfo.criteria = new QueryInfoTypeCriteria();

                resp.queryInfo.creationTime = DateTime.UtcNow;
                resp.queryInfo.creationTimeSpecified = true;
                resp.queryInfo.criteria.locationParam = SiteNumber;
                resp.queryInfo.criteria.variableParam = Variable;
                resp.queryInfo.criteria.timeParam = CuahsiBuilder.createQueryInfoTimeCriteria(StartDate, EndDate);

                 SiteNumber, //locaiton
                   Variable, //variable
                   StartDate, // startdate
                   EndDate, //enddate
                   timer.ElapsedMilliseconds, // processing time
                    // assume one for now
                   resp.timeSeries[0].values[0].value.Length, // count

                return resp;
Ejemplo n.º 18
             * public  TimeSeriesResponseType GetValues(
             *  locationParam Location,
             *   VariableParam Variable,
             *   W3CDateTime? BeginDateTime, W3CDateTime? EndDateTime)

            public override WaterOneFlow.Service.Response.v1_1.TimeSeriesResponseType GetTimeSeries(
                locationParam lp,
                VariableParam vp,
                Nullable <W3CDateTime> startDate,
                Nullable <W3CDateTime> endDate)
                TimeSeriesResponseType result = null;

                //string Network;
                //string SiteCode;
                ////WSUtils.ParseSiteId(siteId, out Network, out SiteCode);
                //    locationParam sq = new locationParam(siteNumber);
                //    Network = sq.Network;
                //    SiteCode = sq.SiteCode;
                //    if (sq.isGeometry)
                //    {
                //        throw new WaterOneFlowException("Location by Geometry not accepted: " + siteNumber);
                //    }
                //catch (WaterOneFlowException we)
                //    log.Info("Bad SiteID:" + siteNumber);
                //    throw;
                //catch (Exception e)
                //    log.Error("Uncaught exception:" + e.Message);
                //    throw new WaterOneFlowException("Sorry. Your submitted site ID for this getSiteInfo request caused an problem that we failed to catch programmatically: " + e.Message);

                //// string WaterQualityList = "&parameter_cd=" + variable;
                //string[] StationsList = new string[] { SiteCode };
                string[] StationsList = new string[] { lp.SiteCode };

                //VariableParam vp;
                //    vp = new VariableParam(variable);

                //catch (WaterOneFlowException we)
                //    log.Info("Bad Variable Request '" + variable + "'");
                //    throw;
                //catch (Exception e)
                //    log.Error("uncaught exception duing Variable Request '" + variable + "'");
                //    throw new WaterOneFlowException("Sorry. Your variable parameter caused an exception that we failed to catch:" + e.Message);


                result = CuahsiBuilder.CreateTimeSeriesObject();

                //// all data are provisional
                //List<note> notes = new List<note>();
                //note urlNote = new note();
                //urlNote.title = "USGS Data Provisional";
                //urlNote.href = "http://waterdata.usgs.gov/nwis/help/?provisional";
                //urlNote.Value = "All data are provisional, and subject to revision";
                //result.queryInfo.note = notes.ToArray();

                result.queryInfo.criteria.locationParam = lp.ToString();
                result.queryInfo.criteria.variableParam = vp.ToString();

                // result.queryInfo.criteria.timeParam  = CuahsiBuilder.createQueryInfoTimeCriteria(startDate, endDate);

                // look for siteInfoType in cache, and use if it is there

                /* SiteInfoType sit = (SiteInfoType)appCache[sitCache + SiteCode];
                 * if (sit == null)
                 * {
                 *   // just use the values for now.
                 *   ((SiteInfoType)result.timeSeries.sourceInfo).siteCode[0].Value = SiteCode;
                 *   ((SiteInfoType)result.timeSeries.sourceInfo).siteCode[0].network = "NWIS";
                 * }
                 * else
                 * {
                 *   // in the cache, use it
                 *   result.timeSeries.sourceInfo = sit;
                 * }
                 * */
                result.timeSeries.sourceInfo = DataInfoService.GetSite(lp);

                // vaiable info
                // result.timeSeries.variable = vp.getVariableSchemaType();
                //result.timeSeries.variable = NwisVariableCatalog.getVariable(vp.Code, variableDataSet);
                //result.timeSeries.variable = ODvariables.getVariable(vp.Code, variableDataSet)[0];

                // not fully correct, but just choose the first one.
                VariableInfoType[] vits = DataInfoService.GetVariableInfoObject(vp);
                result.timeSeries.variable = vits[0];
                string aURL = GroundWater(startDate, endDate,

                    // refactor too much abstraction
                    //CreateRealTimeSeriesObject(result, RealTime(StationsList));
                    result.timeSeries.values    = new TsValuesSingleVariableType[1];
                    result.timeSeries.values[0] =
                        CreateGWTimeSeriesObject(vp, aURL);
                catch (Exception e)
                    log.Error(e.Message + e.StackTrace);
                    throw new WaterOneFlowException("An External resource failed.", e);

                List <NoteType> notes   = new List <NoteType>();
                NoteType        urlNote = new NoteType();

                urlNote.title = "USGS URL";
                urlNote.Value = aURL;
                result.queryInfo.note = notes.ToArray();

                return(new WaterOneFlow.Service.v1_1.xsd.TimeSeriesResponse(result));
Ejemplo n.º 19
            //TODO implement this function
            public TimeSeriesResponseType GetValuesForASite(string site, string startDate, string endDate)
                    Stopwatch timer = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew();

                    //String network,method,location, variable, start, end, , processing time,count
                    queryLog2.LogValuesStart(CustomLogging.Methods.GetValuesForSiteObject, // method
                                     site, //locaiton
                                   "ALL", //variable
                                   startDate, // startdate
                                   endDate, //enddate

                    //TimeSeriesResponseType resp = obj.GetValuesForSiteVariable(site, startDate, endDate);
                    TimeSeriesResponseType resp = new TimeSeriesResponseType();

                    //     //String network,method,location, variable, start, end, , processing time,count
                    //     queryLog.InfoFormat("{0}|{1}|{2}|{3}|{4}|{5}|{6}|{7}",
                    //System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["network"], // network
                    //"GetValues", // method
                    //SiteNumber, //locaiton
                    //Variable, //variable
                    //StartDate, // startdate
                    //StartDate, //enddate
                    //timer.ElapsedMilliseconds, // processing time
                    //resp.timeSeries.values.value.Length // count
                    //         appContext.Request.UserHostName);
                                   site, //locaiton
                                   "ALL", //variable
                                   startDate, // startdate
                                   endDate, //enddate
                                   timer.ElapsedMilliseconds, // processing time
                                            // assume one for now
                                   -9999, // May need to count all.

                    return resp;

Ejemplo n.º 20
            public override object GetValuesObject(string location, string variable, string startDate, string endDate, String authToken)
                if (!useODForValues)
                    throw new SoapException("GetValues implemented external to this service. Call GetSiteInfo, and SeriesCatalog includes the service Wsdl for GetValues. Attribute:serviceWsdl on Element:seriesCatalog XPath://seriesCatalog/[@serviceWsdl]", new XmlQualifiedName("ServiceException"));

                Stopwatch timer = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew();

                queryLog2.LogValuesStart(Logging.Methods.GetValues, // method
                                         location,                  //location
                                         variable,                  //variable
                                         startDate,                 // startdate
                                         startDate,                 //enddate

                    WaterOneFlowImpl.locationParam lParam = new locationParam(location);
                    VariableParam vparam  = new VariableParam(variable);
                    W3CDateTime?  startDt = null;
                    W3CDateTime?  endDt   = null;
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(startDate))
                        startDt = new W3CDateTime(DateTime.Parse(startDate));
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(endDate))
                        endDt = new W3CDateTime(DateTime.Parse(endDate));

                    TimeSeriesResponseType res =
                        (TimeSeriesResponseType)dvSvc.GetTimeSeries(lParam, vparam, startDt, endDt);

                    if (res != null && res.timeSeries != null &&
                        res.timeSeries.values != null)

                    // return new NWISTimeSeriesResponse(res);

                    return(new WaterOneFlow.Service.v1_0.xsd.TimeSeriesResponse(res));
                catch (Exception we)
                                           location,                  //locaiton
                                           variable,                  //variable
                                           startDate,                 // startdate
                                           startDate,                 //enddate
                                           timer.ElapsedMilliseconds, // processing time
                                           -9999,                     // count
                    throw SoapExceptionGenerator.WOFExceptionToSoapException(we);
Ejemplo n.º 21
        public override TimeSeriesResponseType GetTimeSeries(
            locationParam Location,
            VariableParam Variable,
            W3CDateTime?BeginDateTime, W3CDateTime?EndDateTime)
            string siteNum;
            string parameterCode;
            string statisticCode;
            string agencyCode;
            string startDateTime = null;
            string endDateTime   = null;

            if (Location != null)
                siteNum = Location.SiteCode;
                throw new WaterOneFlowException("Missing SiteCode ");

            if (Variable != null)
                parameterCode = Variable.Code;
                throw new WaterOneFlowException("Missing Parameter ");

            if (BeginDateTime.HasValue)
                startDateTime = BeginDateTime.Value.DateTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
            if (EndDateTime.HasValue)
                endDateTime = EndDateTime.Value.DateTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
            edu.sdsc.river.TimeSeriesResponseType valuesResponse = null;
                valuesResponse = svc.GetValuesObject(Location.ToString(),

                                                     startDateTime, endDateTime,
                log.Info("DailyValue Connection Error ");
                throw new WaterOneFlowSourceException("Error connecting to Values Service");

            Stream xStream = new MemoryStream();

            serializer.Serialize(xStream, valuesResponse);
            TimeSeriesResponseType res = (TimeSeriesResponseType)serializer.Deserialize(xStream);

            // this was for string responses
            //TimeSeriesResponseType res = reserializeResponse(WebServiceSerializer.Serialize(valuesResponse));

            List <note> notes;

            if (res.queryInfo.note != null)
                notes = new List <note>(res.queryInfo.note);
                notes = new List <note>();
            note urlNote = new note();

            urlNote.title = "CUAHSI Data Source";
            urlNote.href  = svc.Url;
            urlNote.Value = "Retrieved from WaterML Soap Interface";
            res.queryInfo.note = notes.ToArray();
