Ejemplo n.º 1
    // Update is called once per frame
    public void DisplayVictory(TileSprite winner)
        victoryText.enabled  = true;
        victoryPanel.enabled = true;

        string winnerStr;
        Color  victoryColor;

        if (winner == TileSprite.SPRITE_YELLOW)
            winnerStr    = "yellow";
            victoryColor = Color.yellow;
            winnerStr    = "red";
            victoryColor = Color.red;

        victoryColor.a     = panelAlpha;
        victoryPanel.color = victoryColor;

        victoryText.text = "Winner is " + winnerStr;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public EditorPage()
            _screen    = App.ChangeScreen <EditorScreen>();
            _prevPoint = null;

            Objectives = _screen.Objectives.Objectives;

            ObjectTypes = new List <string>();

            _gameGrid = new Graphics.Grid(Vector3.Zero, 32);
            _selected = null;
            _offset   = Vector3.Zero;

            DeleteModeCombo.SelectedIndex = 0;

            var roadMapEntity = _screen.CreateEntity("RoadMap", 0, 0, 1);

            _roadSprite = roadMapEntity.AddComponent <TileSprite>();
            _roadSprite.Load(_screen.Cache, "ms-appx:///Data/Road.map");
            _roadSprite.Origin = TileSprite.OriginLocation.TopLeft;


            _pointerDown = false;

            DataContext = this;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public Tile(int id, TileSprite sprite)
     Id = id;
     Sprite = sprite;
     if (Sprite.Count == 0) Sprite.AddFrame();
     Properties = TileProperties.Default;
Ejemplo n.º 4
    public override void OnInspectorGUI()
        base.OnInspectorGUI ();

        myTarget = (target as TileSprite);
Ejemplo n.º 5
    void Start()
        var spritedata = File.ReadAllText("assets/spritedata.json");

        TileSprites = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <TileSprite> >(spritedata);
        var sprite = GetTileSprite("teen");

        Debug.Log("test_" + sprite.Name);

        defaultTileSprite = GetTileSprite(DefaultTileTypeName);

        Tiles = new Tile[Width, Heigth];
        for (var x = 0; x < Width; x++)
            for (var y = 0; y < Heigth; y++)
                var tile = new Tile(this, "tile-" + x + "_" + y, defaultTileSprite, new Vector2(x, y), TileContainer);
                Tiles[x, y] = tile;

        Tiles[0, 0].GetNeighbors();
        for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++)
            var character = new Character(new Vector2(random.Next(0, Width - 1), random.Next(0, Heigth - 1)), GetTileSprite("teen"), this);
            character.TargetPosition = new Vector2(random.Next(0, Width - 1), random.Next(0, Heigth - 1));
Ejemplo n.º 6
    private void SetTiles() // it shoult be noted that the map is generated upside down so some values dont matched their intended image **
    {                       //
        var index = 0;

        for (var y = 0; y < MapSize.y - 1; y++)
            for (var x = 0; x < MapSize.x - 1; x++)
                string sourceFilePath = @"C:\Users\Dagon\Documents\Visual Studio 2017\Projects\csv\csv\bin\Debug\file.txt";
                var    item           = File.ReadAllText(sourceFilePath);
                var    nitem          = item.Split(',');
                int    xcord          = (y * ((int)MapSize.x - 1)) + x;
                var    tim            = nitem[xcord];
                System.Int32.TryParse(tim, out index);
                if (index == 4)
                    index = AssembleRoad(nitem, xcord, index);
                else if (index == 5)
                    index = AssembleRiver(nitem, xcord, index);
                _map[x, y] = new TileSprite(TileSprites[index].Name, TileSprites[index].TileImage, TileSprites[index].TileType);
Ejemplo n.º 7
Archivo: Misc.cs Proyecto: stratts/Wisp
        public TileMap(Vector2 pos, string mapPath, string tileset)
            Pos = pos;

            var map     = new TiledSharp.TmxMap(mapPath);
            var texture = tileset;

            foreach (var layer in map.Layers)
                foreach (var tile in layer.Tiles)
                    if (tile.Gid == 0)

                    var t = new TileSprite
                        Pos = new Vector2(tile.X * map.TileWidth,
                                          tile.Y * map.TileHeight),
                        MapPos      = new Point(tile.X, tile.Y),
                        Size        = new Point(map.TileWidth, map.TileHeight),
                        TexturePath = texture,
                        Id          = tile.Gid


            Size = new Point(map.Width * map.TileWidth, map.Height * map.TileHeight);
Ejemplo n.º 8
    private void generateTiles(int x, int y, int tID)
        TileSprite tSprite = new TileSprite(tileSprites[tID].tName,

        _map [x, (int)mapSize.y - y] = tSprite;
Ejemplo n.º 9
        public void SetTile(int index, TileSprite sprite)
            if (sprites == null)
                sprites = new TileSprite[Data.Length];

            this.sprites[index] = sprite;
Ejemplo n.º 10
    public void AddToLookup(EdgeLookupType edgeLookup, string edgeSample, TileSprite tileProp)
        if (!edgeLookup.ContainsKey(edgeSample))
            edgeLookup.Add(edgeSample, new List <TileSprite>());

Ejemplo n.º 11
        public Tileset Load(FilePath path)
            var tileset = new Tileset();

            tileset.FilePath = path;

            var doc = XDocument.Load(path.Absolute);
            var reader = doc.Element("Tileset");
            if (reader == null)
                throw new Exception("The specified tileset definition file does not contain a Tileset tag.");

            var sheetPath = FilePath.FromRelative(reader.Attribute("tilesheet").Value, path.BasePath);

            int size;
            if (!int.TryParse(reader.Attribute("tilesize").Value, out size))
                throw new Exception("The tileset definition does not contain a valid tilesize attribute.");
            tileset.TileSize = size;

            var propParent = reader.Element("TileProperties");
            if (propParent != null)
                foreach (XElement propNode in propParent.Elements("Properties"))
                    var prop = new TileProperties(propNode);

            foreach (XElement tileNode in reader.Elements("Tile"))
                int id = int.Parse(tileNode.Attribute("id").Value);
                string name = tileNode.Attribute("name").Value;

                var spriteNode = tileNode.Element("Sprite");
                if (spriteNode == null)
                    throw new GameXmlException(tileNode, "All Tile tags must contain a Sprite tag.");

                var sprite = LoadSprite(spriteNode);
                var tileSprite = new TileSprite(tileset, sprite);

                Tile tile = new Tile(id, tileSprite);

                string propName = "Default";
                XAttribute propAttr = tileNode.Attribute("properties");
                if (propAttr != null)
                    propName = propAttr.Value;

                tile.Properties = tileset.GetProperties(propName);


            return tileset;
Ejemplo n.º 12
 public Tile(int id, TileSprite sprite)
     Id     = id;
     Sprite = sprite;
     if (Sprite.Count == 0)
     Properties = TileProperties.Default;
Ejemplo n.º 13
 // Used to create default tiles
 // Not used currently cause I only want tiles that the map
 //	wants has specified to spawn
 private void defaultTiles()
     for (int y = 0; y < mapSize.y; y++)
         for (int x = 0; x < mapSize.x; x++)
             _map [x, y] = new TileSprite("Unset", defaultImage, Tiles.Unset);
Ejemplo n.º 14
 //set the default tiles in the view
 void DefaultTiles()
     for (int y = 0; y < MapSize.y; y++)
         for (int x = 0; x < MapSize.x; x++)
             _map [x, y] = new TileSprite("unset", DefaultImage, Tiles.Unset);
Ejemplo n.º 15
 private void DefaultTiles()
     for (var y = 0; y < MapSize.y - 1; y++)
         for (var x = 0; x < MapSize.x - 1; x++)
             _map[x, y] = new TileSprite("unset", DefaultImage, Tiles.Unset);
Ejemplo n.º 16
        public TileSprite[] GetTile(int tilex, int tiley, LayerType type)
            Layer[]      layers  = GetLayerByType(type);
            TileSprite[] sprites = new TileSprite[layers.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < layers.Length; i++)
                sprites[i] = layers[i][tilex, tiley];

Ejemplo n.º 17
        public TileSprite[] GetTile(float pixelx, float pixely, LayerType type)
            Layer[]      layers  = GetLayerByType(type);
            TileSprite[] sprites = new TileSprite[layers.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < layers.Length; i++)
                sprites[i] = layers[i][pixelx, pixely];

Ejemplo n.º 18
    public void ChangeSprite(TileSprite tileSprite)
        int spriteIdx = (int)tileSprite;

        if (spriteIdx < 0 || spriteIdx >= sprites.Length)

        currentSprite = spriteIdx;
        gameObject.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().sprite = sprites[spriteIdx];
Ejemplo n.º 19
    //Create and return a new Sprite of index i
    public TileSprite setTile(int i)
        TileSprite t = new TileSprite(TileSprites[i].Name,

        t.frameNum = Frame;
Ejemplo n.º 20
        private void _cullSpritesForLights(Light light)
            if (!light.IsStatic)

            List <Sprite> sprites = Sprites;
            float         xmin    = light.X - (light.Radius);
            float         xmax    = light.X + (light.Radius);
            float         ymin    = light.Y - (light.Radius);
            float         ymax    = light.Y + (light.Radius);

            foreach (Sprite sprite in sprites)
                if (!sprite.IsStatic)

                lock (sprite.light_lock)
                    if (sprite.X + (sprite.Width / 2f) >= xmin && sprite.X - (sprite.Width / 2f) <= xmax && sprite.Y + (sprite.Height / 2f) >= ymin && sprite.Y - (sprite.Height / 2f) <= ymax)
            foreach (Layer layer in Layers)
                if (!layer.IsTileLayer)
                for (float x = xmin; x < xmax; x += 16)
                    for (float y = ymin; y < ymax; y += 16)
                        TileSprite sprite = layer[x, y]; //TileSprites are always static
                        if (sprite == null || sprite.Lights.Contains(light))
                        lock (sprite.light_lock)
Ejemplo n.º 21
        public override void Create()
            world = game.world;
            game.time.slowMotion = 2.0;
            view  = game.camera.view;
            space = game.add.tileSprite(0, 0, view.width, view.height, "space");
            space.fixedToCamera = true;

            ship       = game.add.sprite(250, game.height - 270, "ship");
            ship.angle = -68;
            game.physics.enable(ship, Physics.ARCADE);
            game.physics.arcade.gravity.y = 37.1;

            var shipBody = (Physics.Arcade.Body)ship.body;

            //shipBody.angularDrag = 100;

            //debugText = game.add.text(10, 10, "" , new { font = "34px Arial", fill = "#fff" });
            konumText = game.add.text(10, 10, "", new { font = "18px Arial", fill = "#fff" });
            aciText   = game.add.text(10, 40, "", new { font = "18px Arial", fill = "#fff" });
            hizText   = game.add.text(10, 70, "", new { font = "18px Arial", fill = "#fff" });
            ivmeText  = game.add.text(10, 100, "", new { font = "18px Arial", fill = "#fff" });

            ground = new Phaser.Polygon(new Phaser.Point(0, 300),
                                        new Phaser.Point(0, 290),
                                        new Phaser.Point(100, 250),
                                        new Phaser.Point(150, 150),
                                        new Phaser.Point(300, 200),
                                        new Phaser.Point(400, 285),
                                        new Phaser.Point(550, 285),
                                        new Phaser.Point(699, 220),
                                        new Phaser.Point(699, 300)
            var graphics = game.add.graphics(0, 0);


            motor = 40;

            keyboard = game.input.keyboard;
            cursors  = keyboard.createCursorKeys();
Ejemplo n.º 22
    public Character(Vector2 startPosition, TileSprite tileSprite, TileEngine tileEngine)
        TileEngine                  = tileEngine;
        TileSprite                  = tileSprite;
        GameObject                  = new GameObject("character");
        spriteRenderer              = GameObject.AddComponent(typeof(SpriteRenderer)) as SpriteRenderer;
        spriteRenderer.sprite       = TileSprite.Sprite;
        spriteRenderer.color        = new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, 1f);
        spriteRenderer.sortingOrder = 1;

        GameObject.transform.position = startPosition;
        TargetPosition = startPosition;
        NextPosition   = startPosition;
Ejemplo n.º 23
    private void FulfilTileMap()
        int width  = (int)mapSize.x;
        int height = (int)mapSize.y;

        int [,] tiles = currentChunk.getFinalTiles();
        for (var y = 0; y < height; y++)
            for (var x = 0; x < width; x++)
                _map[x, y] = new TileSprite(sprites[tiles[x, y]]);
Ejemplo n.º 24
    public Furniture(Tile tile, TileSprite tileSprite, GameObject FurnitureContainer, int width = 1, int height = 1)
        this.tileSprite = tileSprite;
        Width           = width;
        Height          = height;

        GameObject            = new GameObject(tile.TileName + "_" + tileSprite.FullName);
        this.tileSprite       = tileSprite;
        spriteRenderer        = GameObject.AddComponent(typeof(SpriteRenderer)) as SpriteRenderer;
        spriteRenderer.sprite = tileSprite.Sprite;
        spriteRenderer.color  = new Color(1f, 1f, 1f);

        GameObject.transform.parent = FurnitureContainer.transform;
Ejemplo n.º 25
 public void Build(TileSprite newSprite)
     NewSpirte = newSprite;
     if (newSprite.Name != tileSprite.Name)
         if (newSprite.Type == ObjectType.Wall)
Ejemplo n.º 26
 void Start()
     holder = GetComponent <TileHolder> ();
     for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++)
         for (int j = 0; j < 32; j++)
             TileSprite s = Instantiate(prefab);
             s.transform.localScale = Vector3.one;
             s.transform.GetComponent <RectTransform>().anchoredPosition = new Vector2(j * 64, 0 - i * 64);
             s.spriteNum        = j + i * 32;
             s.btn.image.sprite = holder.sprites [s.spriteNum];
Ejemplo n.º 27
 protected override void OnResumeDisplay()
     foreach (Layer layer in Layers)
         if (layer.IsTileLayer)
             for (int i = 0; i < layer.Data.Length; i++)
                 TileSprite t = layer[i];
                 if (t.IsCollidable)
Ejemplo n.º 28
    // set the tiles properties

    void SetTiles()
        var index = 0;

        for (int y = 0; y < MapSize.y; y++)
            for (int x = 0; x < MapSize.x; x++)
                _map [x, y] = new TileSprite(TileSprites [index].Name, TileSprites [index].TileImage, TileSprites [index].TileType);
                if (index > TileSprites.Count - 1)
                    index = 0;
Ejemplo n.º 29
    public void updateTile()
        TileSprite sprT = gameObject.GetComponent <TileSprite> ();

        if (sprT)
            if (tile.fog)
                sprT.setTile(GetInfo(), TileInfo.tileType.None, false);
                sprT.setTile(GetInfo(), tile.type, tile.interaction);
Ejemplo n.º 30
    public bool CheckLinks(int columnIdx, int tileIdx, TileSprite tileType)
        for (int i = 0; i < combinations.Length; i++)
            if (!combinations[i].ContainsCoord(columnIdx, tileIdx))
            int val = combinations[i].InsertToken(tileType);

            if (val == 4)

Ejemplo n.º 31
    // public Furniture Furniture;

    public Tile(TileEngine tileEngine, string tileName, TileSprite tileSprite, Vector2 startPosition, GameObject parent = null, float opacity = 1f)
        TileName        = tileName;
        TileEngine      = tileEngine;
        GameObject      = new GameObject(tileName);
        this.tileSprite = tileSprite;

        spriteRenderer        = GameObject.AddComponent(typeof(SpriteRenderer)) as SpriteRenderer;
        spriteRenderer.sprite = tileSprite.Sprite;
        spriteRenderer.color  = new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, opacity);

        if (parent != null)
            GameObject.transform.parent = parent.transform;
Ejemplo n.º 32
 public int InsertToken(TileSprite tileType)
     if (tileType == TileSprite.SPRITE_YELLOW && redVal > 0 ||
         tileType == TileSprite.SPRITE_RED && yellowVal > 0)
         redVal = yellowVal = -1;
     else if (tileType == TileSprite.SPRITE_YELLOW)
Ejemplo n.º 33
    public void ChangePlayer()
        if (currentPlayer == TileSprite.SPRITE_YELLOW && yellowTilesNo <= 0 ||
            currentPlayer == TileSprite.SPRITE_RED && redTilesNo <= 0)

        if (currentPlayer == TileSprite.SPRITE_YELLOW)
            currentPlayer = TileSprite.SPRITE_RED;

        currentPlayer = TileSprite.SPRITE_YELLOW;
Ejemplo n.º 34
        public Map(string fileName, Game1 game, Mapper mapper, List<String> enemyList)
            FileInputHandler fileIn = new FileInputHandler(game);
            tiles = fileIn.parseToArray(fileName);
            this.gameRef = game;
            this.mapper = mapper;
            this.enemyList = enemyList;

            loadList = new List<Sprite>();
            int dim = 16;
            string s = "";

            for (int x = 0; x < dim; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < dim; y++)
                    Vector2 position = new Vector2(x * 64, y * 64);
                    s = this.tiles[y, x];
                    //if (s.Equals("0"))
                    //    ts = new TileSprite(gameRef.Content.Load<Texture2D>(@"Images/tile" + s), position, new Point(32, 32), -25, new Point(0, 0), new Point(1, 1), Vector2.Zero);
                    //    loadList.Add(ts);
                    if (s.Contains("map_"))
                        ts = new TileSprite(gameRef.Content.Load<Texture2D>(@"Images/tile" + (s.Substring(0, 1))), position, new Point(32, 32), -25, new Point(0, 0), new Point(1, 1), Vector2.Zero);
                        string selectedBoss = s.Substring(s.IndexOf("_") + 1);
                        Enemy bossObject;
                        switch (selectedBoss)
                            case "clark":
                                bossObject = new Clark(gameRef.Character.Level, gameRef, gameRef.Character);
                            case "pay":
                                bossObject = new JerryPay(gameRef.Character.Level, gameRef, gameRef.Character);
                            case "fletcher":
                                bossObject = new Fletcher(gameRef.Character.Level, gameRef, gameRef.Character);
                            case "halliday":
                                bossObject = new Halliday(gameRef.Character.Level, gameRef, gameRef.Character);
                            case "king_james":
                                bossObject = new Boss(gameRef.Character.Level, gameRef, gameRef.Character);
                                bossObject = new Clark(gameRef.Character.Level, gameRef, gameRef.Character);
                        BossSprite combatSprite = new BossSprite(gameRef.Content.Load<Texture2D>(@"Images/map" + s.Substring(s.IndexOf('_'))), position, new Point(32, 32), -25, new Point(0, 0), new Point(1, 1), Vector2.Zero, gameRef, bossObject);
                    else if (s.Contains("3d"))
                        ts = new TileSprite(gameRef.Content.Load<Texture2D>(@"Images/tile" + s), position, new Point(32, 32), -25, new Point(0, 0), new Point(1, 1), Vector2.Zero);
                        ts.passable = false;
                    else if (s.Contains("i"))
                        ts = new TileSprite(gameRef.Content.Load<Texture2D>(@"Images/tile" + (s.Substring(0, 1))), position, new Point(32, 32), -25, new Point(0, 0), new Point(1, 1), Vector2.Zero);
                        Treasure t = new Treasure(gameRef.Content.Load<Texture2D>(@"Images/mapItem"), position, 0, mapper, gameRef);
                    else if (s.Contains("d"))
                        int i = 0;
                        string mapID = s.Substring(1, 2);

                        float placeAtX = (float.Parse(s.Substring(s.IndexOf(";") + 1, 2))) * 64;
                        float placeAtY = (float.Parse(s.Substring(s.IndexOf("_") + 1, 2))) * 64;
                        Door d = new Door(gameRef.Content.Load<Texture2D>(@"Images/tiled"), position, 0, mapID, mapper, new Vector2(placeAtX, placeAtY), gameRef);
                        d.passable = false;
                        d.isInteractable = true;
                    else if (s.Contains("k"))
                        ts = new TileSprite(gameRef.Content.Load<Texture2D>(@"Images/tile" + (s.Substring(0, 1))), position, new Point(32, 32), -25, new Point(0, 0), new Point(1, 1), Vector2.Zero);
                        Key k = new Key(gameRef.Content.Load<Texture2D>(@"Images/key"), position, 0, mapper, gameRef);

                    else if (s.Contains("l"))
                        ts = new TileSprite(gameRef.Content.Load<Texture2D>(@"Images/tile" + (s.Substring(0, 1))), position, new Point(32, 32), -25, new Point(0, 0), new Point(1, 1), Vector2.Zero);
                        LockedDoor ld = new LockedDoor(gameRef.Content.Load<Texture2D>(@"Images/lockedDoor"), position, 0, mapper, gameRef);
                    else if (s.Contains("s"))
                        ts = new TileSprite(gameRef.Content.Load<Texture2D>(@"Images/tile" + (s.Substring(0, 1))), position, new Point(32, 32), -25, new Point(0, 0), new Point(1, 1), Vector2.Zero);
                        ts.passable = false;
                        ShopSprite ss = new ShopSprite(gameRef.Content.Load<Texture2D>(@"Images/shop"), position, 25, mapper, gameRef);
                    else if (s == "0")
                        int wallType = r.Next(0, 9);
                        switch (wallType)
                            case 0:
                            case 1:
                                wallType = 0;
                            case 2:
                                wallType = 1;
                            case 3:
                                wallType = 1;
                            case 4:
                                wallType = 2;
                            case 5:
                                wallType = 2;
                            case 6:
                                wallType = 3;
                            case 7:
                                wallType = 1;
                            case 8:
                                wallType = 2;
                        ts = new TileSprite(gameRef.Content.Load<Texture2D>(@"Images/wallTile" + wallType), position, new Point(32, 32), -25, new Point(0, 0), new Point(1, 1), Vector2.Zero);
                        ts.passable = false;
                        ts = new TileSprite(gameRef.Content.Load<Texture2D>(@"Images/tile" + s), position, new Point(32, 32), -25, new Point(0, 0), new Point(1, 1), Vector2.Zero);
                        if (s == "0" || s == "b")
                        { ts.passable = false; }
Ejemplo n.º 35
    private void OnPaint(object sender, PaintEventArgs ee)
        // Demonstrate the GDI_Draw_Tile() method on top of the main form
        // Not sure how often such a thing will be wanted for UI purposes,
        // but it is nice to have the capability.

        Graphics   gg  = this.CreateGraphics();
        TileSprite sta = new TileSprite(ts, NEW_OBJID, 21);
        TileSprite spr = new TileSprite(reticle_four_files_ts, NEW_OBJID, 0 + 15, 16 + 15, 32 + 15, 48 + 15);  // Bottom right tile in each image in the stack
        TileSprite ani = new TileSprite(ts, NEW_OBJID, 224, 225, 226, 227);
        // Might also get an Image Attributes value, rather than passing null for the last argument...
        int x1 = 10;
        int x2 = 10 + 32 + 10;                 // to the right of the first tile
        int y1 = 512 + 10 + 5 + 13 + 13 + 10;  // below the TVPC
        // Note that these will both be updated at 'frame' speed
        // (No need for "marching ants" via GDI+, and GDI+ rendering
        // gets choppy when updated at much faster than 'frame' speed)
        ani.GDI_Draw_Tile(gg, x1, y1, null, tvpc.frame);  // Demonstrate an animated tile via GDI+
        spr.GDI_Draw_Tile(gg, x1, y1, null, tvpc.frame);  // Demonstrate transparency via GDI+
        sta.GDI_Draw_Tile(gg, x2, y1, null, tvpc.frame);  // Hmmm...wrong-facing horse, is the index off for GDI_Draw_Tile() vs blit_square_tile() ???
Ejemplo n.º 36
    void OnShown(object sender, EventArgs ee)
        // Note: Events are fired in the order (Load, Activated, Shown),
        //     It is said that using a MessageBox() can perturb the order of these events,
        //     causing Shown to occur before Load.
        //     http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3070163/order-of-form-load-form-shown-and-form-activated-events
        //     It is also said that "depending on the order of events fired" is undesirable / bad style;
        //     so perhaps once I understand what the idiomatic alternative would be,
        //     this should be changed.
        // To call any GL methods (such as setting the GL Viewport, or loading textures)
        // the OpenGL system must be initialized, which occurs upon the 'Load' event
        // firing for a Form which contains a GLControl.
        //     http://www.opentk.com/doc/chapter/2/glcontrol
        //     See also, regarding OpenTK.Graphics.GraphicsContext:
        //         http://www.opentk.com/book/export/html/140
        // For this reason, the GL setup, and GL texture loading (via TileSheet constructor calls)
        // code has been moved here, in a method we set up to be called upon the 'Shown' event
        // (which is fired upon the first display of this Form).

        ts = new TileSheet(16, 16, NEW_OBJID,

        f1234 = new TileSheet(4, 9, 32, 32, 1, 1, 1, 1, NEW_OBJID,

        f1234_stack = new TileSheet(1, 9, 32, 32, 1, 1, 1, 1, NEW_OBJID,

        wp_ts = new TileSheet(4, 1, NEW_OBJID,

        wp_stack_ts = new TileSheet(1, 1, NEW_OBJID,

        creatures_stack = new TileSheet(4, 7, NEW_OBJID,

        //string[] empty_file_names_list = { };
        //TileSheet null_filenames_ts       = new TileSheet(4, 4, NEW_OBJID, null                 );  // Will throw an exception
        //TileSheet empty_filenames_list_ts = new TileSheet(4, 4, NEW_OBJID, empty_file_names_list);  // Will throw an exception

        TileSprite anim_blue_wiz = new TileSprite(ts, NEW_OBJID, 32, 33);
        TileSprite anim_red_wiz  = new TileSprite(ts, NEW_OBJID, 224, 225, 226, 227);

        // Counters for 3 frames (A,B,C) and for 4 frames (1,2,3,4)
        // This illustrates why the master frame cycle need be the Least Common Multiple of (3,4)
        // (or whatever other set of ITileSprite.num_frames values).
        TileSprite count_ABC     = new TileSprite(ts, NEW_OBJID, 96, 97, 98);  //ts[0, 6], ts[1, 6], ts[2, 6]);
        TileSprite count_1234    = new TileSprite(f1234_stack, NEW_OBJID, 0, 9 + 0, 18 + 0, 27 + 0);  // Same as count_1234, but frames from 4 files

        // TileSprite whirlpool = new TileSprite(wp_ts, NEW_OBJID, 0, 1, 2, 3);
        TileSprite whirlpool = new TileSprite(wp_stack_ts, NEW_OBJID, 0, 1, 2, 3);  // Save as from wp_ts, but using 4 image files in a stack

        TileSprite bat       = new TileSprite(creatures_stack, NEW_OBJID, (0 * 28) + 1, (1 * 28) + 1, (2 * 28) + 1, (3 * 28) + 1);
        TileSprite skel_mage = new TileSprite(creatures_stack, NEW_OBJID, (0 * 28) + 21, (1 * 28) + 21, (2 * 28) + 21, (3 * 28) + 21);

        LF = new TileSheet(8, 1, NEW_OBJID,
            @"media/tiles/lava.wave_down.speed_4.frames_8.png");  // LF == LavaFlow
        TileSprite lava_flow = new TileSprite(LF, NEW_OBJID, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7);

        // TODO: Support some manner of ITileSprite for "wave" sprites
        // TileSheet TW = new TileSheet(1, 9, NEW_OBJID, @"media/tiles/example_wave_test.intra_1.png");  // Will need WaveTileSprite to support this...

        TileSprite grass   = new TileSprite(ts, NEW_OBJID, 4);
        TileSprite trees   = new TileSprite(ts, NEW_OBJID, 6);
        TileSprite boulder = new TileSprite(ts, NEW_OBJID, 57);
        int[] path_rect_5x4 = new int[]
            { // 5 = grass, 7 = trees, 58 = boulder
               boulder.ID, grass.ID, grass.ID, trees.ID, grass.ID,
               grass.ID,   grass.ID, grass.ID, trees.ID, trees.ID,
               trees.ID,   trees.ID, trees.ID, trees.ID, 0,         // 0 is a "hole in the map" for blitting / map composition purposes
               grass.ID,   grass.ID, trees.ID, grass.ID, grass.ID,

        DenseGrid map_16x64 = new DenseGrid(16, 64, lava_flow.ID);

        // Blit a non-square grid onto the map, demonstrating the various possible rotations and flips:
        DenseGrid flip_none = new DenseGrid(5, 4, path_rect_5x4);
        DenseGrid flip_we   = flip_none.Flip_WE();
        DenseGrid flip_ns   = flip_none.Flip_NS();
        DenseGrid flip_wens = flip_we.Flip_NS();

        DenseGrid.BlitFromAOntoB(flip_none, map_16x64, 1, 1);
        DenseGrid.BlitFromAOntoB(flip_we, map_16x64, 7, 1);
        DenseGrid.BlitFromAOntoB(flip_ns, map_16x64, 1, 7);
        DenseGrid.BlitFromAOntoB(flip_wens, map_16x64, 7, 7);

        DenseGrid flip_none_rot090 = flip_none.Rotate090();
        DenseGrid flip_we_rot090   = flip_we.Rotate090();
        DenseGrid flip_ns_rot090   = flip_ns.Rotate090();
        DenseGrid flip_wens_rot090 = flip_wens.Rotate090();

        DenseGrid.BlitFromAOntoB(flip_none_rot090, map_16x64, 1, 52);
        DenseGrid.BlitFromAOntoB(flip_we_rot090, map_16x64, 7, 52);
        DenseGrid.BlitFromAOntoB(flip_ns_rot090, map_16x64, 1, 58);
        DenseGrid.BlitFromAOntoB(flip_wens_rot090, map_16x64, 7, 58);

        map = new SimpleMapV1(16, 64);
        map.AddTerrainRegion(map_16x64, 0, 0);

        tvpc.scroll_constraint = ScrollConstraint.CenterTile;
        tvpc.set_center(map, 2, 2);

        // Add some elements to the Beings layer of the Map:
        // BUG: (in demo data)
        // The below are bare integers which do not correspond
        // to a constructed TileSprite; those display wrongly (confusion between object ID and OpenGL texture ID or somesuch?)
        // The fix is merely to create TileSprite objects and use their .ID
        // (This fossil is due to the TileSheet + TileSprite refactor;
        //  the sprites are no longer implicitly created and stored within the TileSheet)

        map.layers[MapLayers.Beings].set_contents_at_XY( 8,  7, 256+21);  // Horse
        map.layers[MapLayers.Beings].set_contents_at_XY( 4, 15, 256+21);  // Horse
        map.layers[MapLayers.Beings].set_contents_at_XY( 8, 20, 33);  // Wizard
        map.layers[MapLayers.Beings].set_contents_at_XY( 3, 25, 70);  // Force field
        map.layers[MapLayers.Beings].set_contents_at_XY(10, 30, 29);  // Stair down
        map.layers[MapLayers.Beings].set_contents_at_XY( 9, 35, 30);  // Ruin
        map.layers[MapLayers.Beings].set_contents_at_XY( 6, 40, 45);  // Archer
        map.layers[MapLayers.Beings].set_contents_at_XY(12, 45, 23);  // Purple tiles
        map.layers[MapLayers.Beings].set_contents_at_XY( 5, 50, 19);  // Ship

        map.layers[MapLayers.Beings].set_contents_at_XY(2, 1, anim_blue_wiz.ID);  // Blue Wizard, animated (2 frames)
        map.layers[MapLayers.Beings].set_contents_at_XY(3, 3, anim_red_wiz.ID);   // Red  Wizard, animated (4 frames)

        map.layers[MapLayers.Beings].set_contents_at_XY(4, 1, count_ABC.ID);   // 3 frames (A,B,C)
        map.layers[MapLayers.Beings].set_contents_at_XY(5, 1, count_1234.ID);  // 4 frames (1,2,3,4)

        map.layers[MapLayers.Beings].set_contents_at_XY(6, 6, bat.ID);
        map.layers[MapLayers.Beings].set_contents_at_XY(4, 7, skel_mage.ID);

        map.layers[MapLayers.Beings].set_contents_at_XY(0, 0, whirlpool.ID);

        // Add some elements to the UI_elements layer of the TileViewPort:

        // Over-sized cursor
        // Drawback: outside of tile bounds
        // is off-viewport for edge-of-viewport sides of cursor on edge-of-viewport tiles.
        // Also, the "quanta" animation rate for the cursor blinking is too fast, as in "pokemon epilepsy warning" too-fast.
        // (Blinking at "frame" rate seems OK...may want a modestly faster rate.)
        // This cursor _does_ look a lot better, other than for edge-of-viewport tiles.
        // One possible solution to that issue would be for the "rest" state of the viewport
        // to have an n-pixel border along all edges, showing partial tiles.
        // Will need to coordinate all this with smooth-scrolling, too...
        ts_cursor_blink_40x40 = new TileSheet(1, 1, 40, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0, NEW_OBJID,
        TileSprite large_cursor = new TileSprite(ts_cursor_blink_40x40, NEW_OBJID, 0, 1);
        int LC = large_cursor.ID;

        tvpc.layers[ViewPortLayers.UI_Elements].set_contents_at_XY(tvpc.center_x, tvpc.center_y, LC);  // Center
        tvpc.layers[ViewPortLayers.UI_Elements].set_contents_at_XY(0, 0, LC);  // NW
        tvpc.layers[ViewPortLayers.UI_Elements].set_contents_at_XY(tvpc.max_x, 0, LC);  // NE
        tvpc.layers[ViewPortLayers.UI_Elements].set_contents_at_XY(0, tvpc.max_y, LC);  // SW
        tvpc.layers[ViewPortLayers.UI_Elements].set_contents_at_XY(tvpc.max_x, tvpc.max_y, LC);  // SE

        // // "Marquee" cursor
        // // Drawback: cursor itself is entirely within tile bounds, thus clips edge pixels of the under-cursor tile...
        // //
        //reticle_single_file_ts = new TileSheet(4, 1, NEW_OBJID, @"media/tiles/bright_marquee.frame_1234.png");
        reticle_four_files_ts = new TileSheet(4, 4, NEW_OBJID,
                        @"media/tiles/bright_marquee.frame_4.png");  // Also used in Form1.OnPaint()
        //TileSprite anim_reticle = new TileSprite(reticle_four_files_ts, 15, 31, 47, 63);  // Bottom right tile in each image file
        //int reticle = anim_reticle.ID;
        //tvpc.layers[ViewPortLayers.UI_Elements].set_contents_at_XY(tvpc.center_x, tvpc.center_y, reticle);  // Center
        //tvpc.layers[ViewPortLayers.UI_Elements].set_contents_at_XY(0,             0,             reticle);  // NW
        //tvpc.layers[ViewPortLayers.UI_Elements].set_contents_at_XY(tvpc.max_x,    0,             reticle);  // NE
        //tvpc.layers[ViewPortLayers.UI_Elements].set_contents_at_XY(0,             tvpc.max_y,    reticle);  // SW
        //tvpc.layers[ViewPortLayers.UI_Elements].set_contents_at_XY(tvpc.max_x,    tvpc.max_y,    reticle);  // SE

        // A few method calls to demonstrate that Archetype and Obj are working:
        Archetype aa = new Archetype("first_test_archetype", 0);
        aa.add_field("int_2a",     FieldType.INT);
        aa.add_field("string_2a",  FieldType.STRING);
        aa.add_field("decimal_2a", FieldType.DECIMAL);
        aa.add_field("ID_2a",      FieldType.ID);

        aa.add_field("int_list",     FieldType.LIST_INT);
        aa.add_field("string_list",  FieldType.LIST_STRING);
        aa.add_field("decimal_list", FieldType.LIST_DECIMAL);
        aa.add_field("ID_list",      FieldType.LIST_ID);

        Obj obj1 = new Obj(aa, "first_test_obj", 0);

        stdout.print("{0}",   aa.serialize() );

        stdout.print("{0}", obj1.serialize() );