public ActionResult Details(string SupplyId, string SupplyName, string DepartmentId, string DeparmentName)
            //Server Side Parameter
            int start  = Convert.ToInt32(Request["start"]);
            int length = Convert.ToInt32(Request["length"]);
            var search = new TieuhaoSearchModelView {
                SupplyId      = SupplyId.Trim(),
                SupplyName    = SupplyName.Trim(),
                DepartmentId  = DepartmentId.Trim(),
                DeparmentName = DeparmentName.Trim()
            var details         = _repository.GetDetails(search);
            int recordsTotal    = details.Count;
            int recordsFiltered = details.Count;

            details = details.Skip(start).Take(length).ToList();
            // calc SupplyInventory
            foreach (var detail in details)
                detail.SupplyInventory = detail.SupplyQuantity - detail.SupplyUsed;
                success = true,
                data = details,
            }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
        public List <TieuhaoModelView> GetDetails(TieuhaoSearchModelView search)
            var today   = DateTime.Now;
            var details = context.Database.SqlQuery <TieuhaoModelView>($"" +
                                                                       $"SELECT st.supplyid SupplyId, 0 SupplyInventory, st.departmentid DepartmentId, d.department_name DepartmentName, st.[quantity] SupplyQuantity, s.unit SupplyUnit, s.supply_name SupplyName, st.thuhoi SupplyEviction, st.used SupplyUsed  " +
                                                                       $"FROM Supply_tieuhao st, Supply s, Department d " +
                                                                       $"WHERE s.supply_id = st.supplyid AND " +
                                                                       $"d.department_id = st.departmentid AND " +
                                                                       $"YEAR(st.[date]) = {today.Year} AND " +
                                                                       $"MONTH(st.[date]) = {today.Month} AND " +
                                                                       $"st.departmentid LIKE N'%{search.DepartmentId}%' AND " +
                                                                       $"d.department_name LIKE N'%{search.DeparmentName}%' AND " +
                                                                       $"st.supplyid LIKE N'%{search.SupplyId}%' AND " +
                                                                       $"s.supply_name LIKE N'%{search.SupplyName}%' ORDER BY st.departmentid").ToList();

Ejemplo n.º 3
        public List <TieuhaoModelView> GetDetails(TieuhaoSearchModelView search)
            var today = DateTime.Now;
            //var details = context.Database.SqlQuery<TieuhaoModelView>($"" +
            //    $"SELECT st.supplyid SupplyId, 0 SupplyInventory, st.departmentid DepartmentId, d.department_name DepartmentName, st.[quantity] SupplyQuantity, s.unit SupplyUnit, s.supply_name SupplyName, st.thuhoi SupplyEviction, st.used SupplyUsed  " +
            //    $"FROM Supply_tieuhao st, Supply s, Department d " +
            //    $"WHERE s.supply_id = st.supplyid AND " +
            //    $"d.department_id = st.departmentid AND " +
            //    $"YEAR(st.[date]) = {today.Year} AND " +
            //    $"MONTH(st.[date]) = {today.Month} AND " +
            //    $"st.departmentid LIKE N'%{search.DepartmentId}%' AND " +
            //    $"d.department_name LIKE N'%{search.DeparmentName}%' AND " +
            //    $"st.supplyid LIKE N'%{search.SupplyId}%' AND " +
            //    $"s.supply_name LIKE N'%{search.SupplyName}%' ORDER BY st.departmentid").ToList();
            var details = context.Database.SqlQuery <TieuhaoModelView>("select a.supply_id SupplyId, a.supply_name SupplyName, a.departmentid DepartmentId, sum(a.quantity) SupplyQuantity, a.unit SupplyUnit,a.department_name DepartmentName, sum(a.used) SupplyUsed, sum(a.thuhoi) SupplyEviction " +
                                                                       " from " +
                                                                       "(select s.supply_id , s.supply_name, sp.departmentid, sp.quantity, s.unit,d.department_name, " +
                                                                       "(case when mcd.supplyStatus = 1 then mcd.quantity else 0 end) +(case when esd.supplyStatus = 1 then mcd.quantity else 0 end) +   " +
                                                                       "(case when fac.consumption_value is null then 0 else fac.consumption_value end) as used, " +
                                                                       "(case when mcd.supplyStatus = 2 then mcd.quantity else 0 end) +(case when esd.supplyStatus = 2 then mcd.quantity else 0 end) as thuhoi " +
                                                                       "from Supply s inner " +
                                                                       "join SupplyPlan sp " +
                                                                       "on s.supply_id = sp.supplyid inner join Department d on sp.departmentid= d.department_id left " +
                                                                       "join Maintain_Car mc on mc.departmentid = sp.departmentid left " +
                                                                       "join Maintain_Car_Detail mcd " +
                                                                       "on s.supply_id = mcd.supplyid left " +
                                                                       "join Equipment_SCTX es on es.department_id = sp.departmentid left " +
                                                                       "join Equipment_SCTX_Detail esd " +
                                                                       "on s.supply_id = esd.supplyid left " +
                                                                       "join Equipment e on sp.departmentid = e.department_id left " +
                                                                       "join Fuel_activities_consumption fac on fac.fuel_type = s.supply_id " +
                                                                       $" where Year( {today.Year} AND MONTH(sp.[date]) = {today.Month} " +
                                                                       ")as a " +
                                                                       $" where a.departmentid LIKE N'%{search.DepartmentId}%' and a.department_name LIKE N'%{search.DeparmentName}%' " +
                                                                       $" and a.supply_id LIKE N'%{search.SupplyId}%' and a.supply_name LIKE N'%{search.SupplyName}%' " +
                                                                       "group by a.supply_id, a.supply_name, a.departmentid, a.unit,a.department_name").ToList();
