Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void SendQueryLastOnline(string jid)
            string id    = TicketCounter.MakeId("last_");
            var    child = new ProtocolTreeNode("query", null);
            var    node  = new ProtocolTreeNode("iq", new[] { new KeyValue("id", id), new KeyValue("type", "get"), new KeyValue("to", GetJID(jid)), new KeyValue("xmlns", "jabber:iq:last") }, child);

Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void SendSetGroupSubject(string gjid, string subject)
            string id    = TicketCounter.MakeId("set_group_subject_");
            var    child = new ProtocolTreeNode("subject", new[] { new KeyValue("value", subject) });
            var    node  = new ProtocolTreeNode("iq", new[] { new KeyValue("id", id), new KeyValue("type", "set"), new KeyValue("xmlns", "w:g"), new KeyValue("to", gjid) }, child);

Ejemplo n.º 3
        public void SendGetServerProperties()
            string id   = TicketCounter.MakeId("get_server_properties_");
            var    node = new ProtocolTreeNode("iq", new[] { new KeyValue("id", id), new KeyValue("type", "get"), new KeyValue("xmlns", "w"), new KeyValue("to", "s.whatsapp.net") },
                                               new ProtocolTreeNode("props", null));

Ejemplo n.º 4
        public void SendPing()
            string id    = TicketCounter.MakeId("ping_");
            var    child = new ProtocolTreeNode("ping", new[] { new KeyValue("xmlns", "w:p") });
            var    node  = new ProtocolTreeNode("iq", new[] { new KeyValue("id", id), new KeyValue("type", "get") }, child);

Ejemplo n.º 5
        public void SendGetParticipants(string gjid)
            string id    = TicketCounter.MakeId("get_participants_");
            var    child = new ProtocolTreeNode("list", null);
            var    node  = new ProtocolTreeNode("iq", new[] { new KeyValue("id", id), new KeyValue("type", "get"), new KeyValue("xmlns", "w:g"), new KeyValue("to", WhatsApp.GetJID(gjid)) }, child);

Ejemplo n.º 6
        public void SendGetGroupInfo(string gjid)
            string id    = TicketCounter.MakeId("get_g_info_");
            var    child = new ProtocolTreeNode("query", null);
            var    node  = new ProtocolTreeNode("iq", new[] { new KeyValue("id", id), new KeyValue("type", "get"), new KeyValue("xmlns", "w:g"), new KeyValue("to", WhatsAppApi.WhatsApp.GetJID(gjid)) }, new ProtocolTreeNode[] { child });

Ejemplo n.º 7
        public void SendGetDirty()
            string id    = TicketCounter.MakeId("get_dirty_");
            var    child = new ProtocolTreeNode("status", new[] { new KeyValue("xmlns", "urn:xmpp:whatsapp:dirty") });
            var    node  = new ProtocolTreeNode("iq", new[] { new KeyValue("id", id), new KeyValue("type", "get"), new KeyValue("to", "s.whatsapp.net") }, new ProtocolTreeNode[] { child });

Ejemplo n.º 8
        public void SendClientConfig(string platform, string lg, string lc)
            string v     = TicketCounter.MakeId("config_");
            var    child = new ProtocolTreeNode("config", new[] { new KeyValue("xmlns", "urn:xmpp:whatsapp:push"), new KeyValue("platform", platform), new KeyValue("lg", lg), new KeyValue("lc", lc) });
            var    node  = new ProtocolTreeNode("iq", new[] { new KeyValue("id", v), new KeyValue("type", "set"), new KeyValue("to", WhatsConstants.WhatsAppRealm) }, new ProtocolTreeNode[] { child });

Ejemplo n.º 9
        public void SendCreateGroupChat(string subject)
            string id    = TicketCounter.MakeId("create_group_");
            var    child = new ProtocolTreeNode("group", new[] { new KeyValue("action", "create"), new KeyValue("subject", subject) });
            var    node  = new ProtocolTreeNode("iq", new[] { new KeyValue("id", id), new KeyValue("type", "set"), new KeyValue("xmlns", "w:g"), new KeyValue("to", "g.us") }, new ProtocolTreeNode[] { child });

Ejemplo n.º 10
        public void SendEndGroupChat(string gjid)
            string id    = TicketCounter.MakeId("remove_group_");
            var    child = new ProtocolTreeNode("group", new[] { new KeyValue("action", "delete") });
            var    node  = new ProtocolTreeNode("iq", new[] { new KeyValue("id", id), new KeyValue("type", "set"), new KeyValue("xmlns", "w:g"), new KeyValue("to", gjid) }, new ProtocolTreeNode[] { child });

Ejemplo n.º 11
        public void SendGetClientConfig()
            string id    = TicketCounter.MakeId("get_config_");
            var    child = new ProtocolTreeNode("config", new[] { new KeyValue("xmlns", "urn:xmpp:whatsapp:push") });
            var    node  = new ProtocolTreeNode("iq", new[] { new KeyValue("id", id), new KeyValue("type", "get"), new KeyValue("to", WhatsConstants.WhatsAppRealm) }, new ProtocolTreeNode[] { child });

Ejemplo n.º 12
        /// <summary>
        /// Make a request to leave multiple groups at the same time.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="gjids">The group jabber id.</param>
        /// <param name="onSuccess">The action to be executed when the request was successful.</param>
        /// <param name="onError">The action to be executed when the request failed.</param>
        public void SendLeaveGroups(IEnumerable <string> gjids, Action onSuccess, Action <int> onError)
            string id = TicketCounter.MakeId("leave_group_");
            IEnumerable <ProtocolTreeNode> innerChilds = from gjid in gjids select new ProtocolTreeNode("group", new[] { new KeyValue("id", gjid) });
            var child = new ProtocolTreeNode("leave", new KeyValue[] { new KeyValue("xmlns", "w:g") }, innerChilds);
            var node  = new ProtocolTreeNode("iq", new KeyValue[] { new KeyValue("id", id), new KeyValue("type", "set"), new KeyValue("to", "g.us") }, child);

Ejemplo n.º 13
        /// <summary>
        /// Make a request to retrieve a list of privacy's
        /// </summary>
        public void SendGetPrivacyList()
            string id         = TicketCounter.MakeId("privacylist_");
            var    innerChild = new ProtocolTreeNode("list", new[] { new KeyValue("name", "default") });
            var    child      = new ProtocolTreeNode("query", new KeyValue[] { new KeyValue("xmlns", "jabber:iq:privacy") }, innerChild);
            var    node       = new ProtocolTreeNode("iq", new KeyValue[] { new KeyValue("id", id), new KeyValue("type", "get") }, child);

Ejemplo n.º 14
        /// <summary>
        /// Make a request to retrieve a list of photo id's
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="jids">The list of jabber id's the photos need to be retrieved of.</param>
        public void SendGetPhotoIds(IEnumerable <string> jids)
            string id   = TicketCounter.MakeId("get_photo_id_");
            var    node = new ProtocolTreeNode("iq", new[] { new KeyValue("id", id), new KeyValue("type", "get"), new KeyValue("to", this.MyJID) },
                                               new ProtocolTreeNode("list", new[] { new KeyValue("xmlns", "w:profile:picture") },
                                                                    (from jid in jids select new ProtocolTreeNode("user", new[] { new KeyValue("jid", jid) })).ToArray <ProtocolTreeNode>()));

Ejemplo n.º 15
 // Constructor
 public Repository()
     // For every entry in Food Price Dictionary,
     // add an entry into TicketCounter dictionary.
     foreach (var item in Prices)
         TicketCounter.Add(item.Key, 0);
Ejemplo n.º 16
        public void SendGetPhotoIds(IEnumerable <string> jids)
            string id   = TicketCounter.MakeId();
            var    node = new ProtocolTreeNode("iq", new[] { new KeyValue("id", id), new KeyValue("type", "get"), new KeyValue("to", GetJID(this.phoneNumber)) },
                                               new ProtocolTreeNode("list", new[] { new KeyValue("xmlns", "w:profile:picture") },
                                                                    (from jid in jids select new ProtocolTreeNode("user", new[] { new KeyValue("jid", jid) })).ToArray <ProtocolTreeNode>()));

Ejemplo n.º 17
        public void SendPing()
            string id = TicketCounter.MakeId("ping_");
            //this.AddIqHandler(id, new IqResultHandler((node, from) => this.EventHandler.OnPingResponseReceived(), node => this.EventHandler.OnPingResponseReceived()));
            var child = new ProtocolTreeNode("ping", new[] { new KeyValue("xmlns", "w:p") });
            var node  = new ProtocolTreeNode("iq", new[] { new KeyValue("id", id), new KeyValue("type", "get") }, child);

Ejemplo n.º 18
        public void SendGetPrivacyList()
            string id         = TicketCounter.MakeId();
            var    innerChild = new ProtocolTreeNode("list", new[] { new KeyValue("name", "default") });
            var    child      = new ProtocolTreeNode("query", null, innerChild);
            var    node       = new ProtocolTreeNode("iq", new KeyValue[] { new KeyValue("id", id), new KeyValue("type", "get"), new KeyValue("xmlns", "jabber:iq:privacy") }, child);

Ejemplo n.º 19
        public void SendCreateGroupChat(string subject, IEnumerable <string> participants)
            string id = TicketCounter.MakeId();
            IEnumerable <ProtocolTreeNode> participant = from jid in participants select new ProtocolTreeNode("participant", new[] { new KeyValue("jid", GetJID(jid)) });
            var child = new ProtocolTreeNode("create", new[] { new KeyValue("subject", subject) }, new ProtocolTreeNode[] { (ProtocolTreeNode)participant });
            var node  = new ProtocolTreeNode("iq", new[] { new KeyValue("id", id), new KeyValue("type", "set"), new KeyValue("xmlns", "w:g2"), new KeyValue("to", "g.us") }, new ProtocolTreeNode[] { child });

Ejemplo n.º 20
        public void SendDeleteFromRoster(string jid)
            string v          = TicketCounter.MakeId();
            var    innerChild = new ProtocolTreeNode("item", new[] { new KeyValue("jid", jid), new KeyValue("subscription", "remove") });
            var    child      = new ProtocolTreeNode("query", new[] { new KeyValue("xmlns", "jabber:iq:roster") }, new ProtocolTreeNode[] { innerChild });
            var    node       = new ProtocolTreeNode("iq", new[] { new KeyValue("type", "set"), new KeyValue("id", v) }, new ProtocolTreeNode[] { child });

    public static string GenerateId()
        if (_instance == null)
            _instance = new TicketManager();

        return(IdBase + "-" + TicketCounter.NextTicket());
Ejemplo n.º 22
        public void SendLeaveGroups(IEnumerable <string> gjids)
            string id = TicketCounter.MakeId();
            IEnumerable <ProtocolTreeNode> innerChilds = from gjid in gjids select new ProtocolTreeNode("group", new[] { new KeyValue("id", gjid) });
            var child = new ProtocolTreeNode("leave", null, innerChilds);
            var node  = new ProtocolTreeNode("iq", new KeyValue[] { new KeyValue("id", id), new KeyValue("type", "set"), new KeyValue("xmlns", "w:g2"), new KeyValue("to", "g.us") }, child);

Ejemplo n.º 23
        public void Message(string to, string txt)
            //var bodyNode = new ProtocolTreeNode("body", null, txt);
            var tmpMessage = new FMessage(to, true)
                key = { id = TicketCounter.MakeId("mSend_") }, data = txt

        public void CountTicketsPiterAlgorithmTest(int maxlimit, int expectedCount)
            TicketCounter counter = new TicketCounter(new PiterAlgorithm());
            int           actualTicketCounts;

            actualTicketCounts = counter.CountTickets((uint)maxlimit);

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedCount, actualTicketCounts);
Ejemplo n.º 25
        public void SendSetPrivacyBlockedList(IEnumerable <string> jidSet)
            string id = TicketCounter.MakeId();

            ProtocolTreeNode[] nodeArray = Enumerable.Select <string, ProtocolTreeNode>(jidSet, (Func <string, int, ProtocolTreeNode>)((jid, index) => new ProtocolTreeNode("item", new KeyValue[] { new KeyValue("type", "jid"), new KeyValue("value", jid), new KeyValue("action", "deny"), new KeyValue("order", index.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)) }))).ToArray <ProtocolTreeNode>();
            var child = new ProtocolTreeNode("list", new KeyValue[] { new KeyValue("name", "default") }, (nodeArray.Length == 0) ? null : nodeArray);
            var node2 = new ProtocolTreeNode("query", null, child);
            var node3 = new ProtocolTreeNode("iq", new KeyValue[] { new KeyValue("id", id), new KeyValue("type", "set"), new KeyValue("xmlns", "jabber:iq:privacy") }, node2);

Ejemplo n.º 26
        public void SendGetOwningGroups()
            string id = TicketCounter.MakeId("get_owning_groups_");

            //this.AddIqHandler(id, new FunXMPP.IqResultHandler(delegate(FunXMPP.ProtocolTreeNode node, string from)
            //    List<string> list = new List<string>();
            //    this.ReadGroupList(node, list);
            //    this.GroupEventHandler.OnOwningGroups(list);
            this.SendGetGroups(id, "owning");
Ejemplo n.º 27
        public void SendSetPrivacyBlockedList(IEnumerable <string> jidSet, Action onSuccess, Action <int> onError)
            string id = TicketCounter.MakeId("privacy_");

            //this.AddIqHandler(id, new IqResultHandler((node, from) => onSuccess(), onError));
            ProtocolTreeNode[] nodeArray = Enumerable.Select <string, ProtocolTreeNode>(jidSet, (Func <string, int, ProtocolTreeNode>)((jid, index) => new ProtocolTreeNode("item", new KeyValue[] { new KeyValue("type", "jid"), new KeyValue("value", jid), new KeyValue("action", "deny"), new KeyValue("order", index.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)) }))).ToArray <ProtocolTreeNode>();
            var child = new ProtocolTreeNode("list", new KeyValue[] { new KeyValue("name", "default") }, (nodeArray.Length == 0) ? null : nodeArray);
            var node2 = new ProtocolTreeNode("query", new KeyValue[] { new KeyValue("xmlns", "jabber:iq:privacy") }, child);
            var node3 = new ProtocolTreeNode("iq", new KeyValue[] { new KeyValue("id", id), new KeyValue("type", "set") }, node2);

Ejemplo n.º 28
        public void SendGetPrivacySettings()
            ProtocolTreeNode node = new ProtocolTreeNode("iq", new KeyValue[] {
                new KeyValue("to", "s.whatsapp.net"),
                new KeyValue("id", TicketCounter.MakeId()),
                new KeyValue("type", "get"),
                new KeyValue("xmlns", "privacy")
            }, new ProtocolTreeNode[] {
                new ProtocolTreeNode("privacy", null)

Ejemplo n.º 29
        public void SendGetBroadcastLists()
            string id       = TicketCounter.MakeId();
            var    listNode = new ProtocolTreeNode("lists", null);
            var    node     = new ProtocolTreeNode("iq", new[]
                new KeyValue("to", "s.whatsapp.net"),
                new KeyValue("id", id),
                new KeyValue("xmlns", "w:b"),
                new KeyValue("type", "get")
            }, new[] { listNode });

Ejemplo n.º 30
        public void SendClearDirty(IEnumerable <string> categoryNames)
            string id = TicketCounter.MakeId("clean_dirty_");
            IEnumerable <ProtocolTreeNode> source = from category in categoryNames select new ProtocolTreeNode("category", new[] { new KeyValue("name", category) });
            var child = new ProtocolTreeNode("clean", new[] { new KeyValue("xmlns", "urn:xmpp:whatsapp:dirty") }, source);
            var node  = new ProtocolTreeNode("iq",
                new KeyValue("id", id), new KeyValue("type", "set"),
                new KeyValue("to", "s.whatsapp.net")
            }, child);
