Ejemplo n.º 1
        void DrawRuler(
            Rect position,
            float frameRate,
            TimelineViewMode timeFormat)
            if (float.IsNaN(position.x) || float.IsNaN(position.xMax) || float.IsNaN(worldBound.x) || float.IsNaN(worldBound.xMax))

            Rect  shownArea = new Rect(m_DrawInfo.layout.startTime, -90f, m_DrawInfo.layout.Duration, .05f);
            Color backupCol = GUI.color;


            Color tempBackgroundColor = GUI.backgroundColor;

            m_TickHandler.SetRanges(m_DrawInfo.layout.startTime, m_DrawInfo.layout.endTime, worldBound.x, worldBound.xMax);
            m_TickHandler.SetTickStrengths(kTickRulerDistMin, kTickRulerDistFull, true);

            int labelLevel = m_TickHandler.GetLevelWithMinSeparation(kTickRulerDistLabel);

            if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint)
                var originalColor = GUI.color;
                // Draw tick markers of various sizes
                for (int tickLevel = 0; tickLevel < m_TickHandler.tickLevels; tickLevel++)
                    float strength = m_TickHandler.GetStrengthOfLevel(tickLevel) * .9f;
                    m_TickHandler.GetTicksAtLevel(tickLevel, true, m_TickCache);
                    for (int i = 0; i < m_TickCache.Count; i++)
                        if (m_TickCache[i] < k_RangeMin || m_TickCache[i] > k_RangeMax)

                        float frame = Mathf.Round(m_TickCache[i] * frameRate);

                        float height = position.height * Mathf.Min(1, strength) * kTickRulerHeightMax;
                        float x      = FrameToPixel(frame, frameRate, position, shownArea);

                        // Draw line
                        float minY = position.height - height + 0.5f;
                        float maxY = position.height - 0.5f;

                        GUI.color = tickLevel >= labelLevel ? TimelineWidget.k_MajorTickColor : TimelineWidget.k_MinorTickColor;
                        Rect r = new Rect(new Vector2(x - .5f, minY),
                                          new Vector2(1, maxY - minY)
                        GUI.DrawTexture(r, EditorGUIUtility.whiteTexture);

                GUI.color = originalColor;

            // Draw tick labels
            m_TickHandler.GetTicksAtLevel(labelLevel, false, m_TickCache);
            for (int i = 0; i < m_TickCache.Count; i++)
                if (m_TickCache[i] < k_RangeMin || m_TickCache[i] > k_RangeMax)

                float frame = Mathf.Round(m_TickCache[i] * frameRate);
                // Important to take floor of positions of GUI stuff to get pixel correct alignment of
                // stuff drawn with both GUI and Handles/GL. Otherwise things are off by one pixel half the time.
                float  labelPos  = FrameToPixel(frame, frameRate, position, shownArea);
                string label     = TimelineUtility.GetTimeString(timeFormat, m_TickCache[i], (int)frameRate);
                var    labelSize = GUI.skin.GetStyle("label").CalcSize(new GUIContent(label));
                float  x         = labelPos + 3;
                float  y         = -1;
                float  w         = labelSize.x + 2;
                float  h         = labelSize.y;

                GUI.Label(new Rect(x, y, w, h),


            GUI.backgroundColor = tempBackgroundColor;
            GUI.color           = backupCol;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 void PrepareTicks()
     m_HTicks.SetRanges(m_TimeArea.shownArea.xMin, m_TimeArea.shownArea.xMax, m_TimeArea.drawRect.xMin, m_TimeArea.drawRect.xMax);
     m_HTicks.SetTickStrengths(TimeArea.kTickRulerDistMin, TimeArea.kTickRulerDistFull, true);