Ejemplo n.º 1
        public int Run(IRDMPPlatformRepositoryServiceLocator repositoryLocator, IDataLoadEventListener listener, ICheckNotifier checkNotifier, GracefulCancellationToken token)
            // if we have no listener use a throw immediately one (generate exceptions if it went badly)
            if (listener == null)
                listener = new ThrowImmediatelyDataLoadEventListener();

            // whatever happens we want a listener to record the worst result for the return code (even if theres ignore all errors listeners being used)
            var toMemory = new ToMemoryDataLoadEventListener(false);

            // User might have some additional listeners registered
            listener = new ForkDataLoadEventListener(AdditionalListeners.Union(new [] { toMemory, listener }).ToArray());

            // build the engine and run it
            var engine = UseCase.GetEngine(Pipeline, listener);

            engine.ExecutePipeline(token ?? new GracefulCancellationToken());

            // return code of -1 if it went badly otherwise 0
            var exitCode = toMemory.GetWorst() >= ProgressEventType.Error ? -1:0;

            if (exitCode == 0)
                PipelineExecutionFinishedsuccessfully?.Invoke(this, new PipelineEngineEventArgs(engine));

Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void TestSerialPipelineExecution()
            // set SetUp two engines, one with a locked cache progress/load schedule
            // run the serial execution and ensure that only one engine had its 'ExecutePipeline' method called
            var engine1 = new Mock <IDataFlowPipelineEngine>();

            var engine2 = new Mock <IDataFlowPipelineEngine>();

            var tokenSource = new GracefulCancellationTokenSource();
            var listener    = new ThrowImmediatelyDataLoadEventListener();

            // set SetUp the engine map
            var loadProgress1 = Mock.Of <ILoadProgress>();
            var loadProgress2 = Mock.Of <ILoadProgress>();

            // set SetUp the lock provider
            var engineMap = new Dictionary <IDataFlowPipelineEngine, ILoadProgress>
                { engine1.Object, loadProgress1 },
                { engine2.Object, loadProgress2 }

            // create the execution object
            var pipelineExecutor = new SerialPipelineExecution();

            // Act
            pipelineExecutor.Execute(new [] { engine1.Object, engine2.Object }, tokenSource.Token, listener);

            // engine1 should have been executed once
            engine1.Verify(e => e.ExecutePipeline(It.IsAny <GracefulCancellationToken>()), Times.Once);

            // engine2 should also have been run (locking isn't a thing anymore)
            engine2.Verify(e => e.ExecutePipeline(It.IsAny <GracefulCancellationToken>()), Times.Once);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public void CommittingNewCohortFile_CallPipeline()
            var listener = new ThrowImmediatelyDataLoadEventListener();

            var proj = new Project(DataExportRepository, projName);

            proj.ProjectNumber = 999;

            CohortCreationRequest request = new CohortCreationRequest(proj, new CohortDefinition(null, "CommittingNewCohorts", 1, 999, _externalCohortTable), (DataExportRepository)DataExportRepository, "fish");

            request.Check(new ThrowImmediatelyCheckNotifier());

            DelimitedFlatFileDataFlowSource source      = new DelimitedFlatFileDataFlowSource();
            BasicCohortDestination          destination = new BasicCohortDestination();

            source.Separator         = ",";
            source.StronglyTypeInput = true;

            DataFlowPipelineEngine <DataTable> pipeline = new DataFlowPipelineEngine <DataTable>((DataFlowPipelineContext <DataTable>)request.GetContext(), source, destination, listener);

            pipeline.Initialize(new FlatFileToLoad(new FileInfo(filename)), request);
            pipeline.ExecutePipeline(new GracefulCancellationToken());

            //there should be a new ExtractableCohort now

            var ec = DataExportRepository.GetAllObjects <ExtractableCohort>().Single(c => c.OriginID == request.NewCohortDefinition.ID);

            //with the data in it from the test file
            Assert.AreEqual(ec.Count, 3);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public void CreateAndUpdateZip()
            var             _dir      = TestContext.CurrentContext.WorkDirectory;
            var             _zt       = new ZipTestLayout(new DirectoryInfo(_dir), "yyyy-MM-dd", CacheArchiveType.Zip, CacheFileGranularity.Hour, new NoSubdirectoriesCachePathResolver());
            var             _listener = new ThrowImmediatelyDataLoadEventListener();
            var             when      = DateTime.Now;
            var             targetzip = _zt.GetArchiveFileInfoForDate(when, _listener);
            List <FileInfo> files     = new List <FileInfo>();

            // First create a zip file with one item in
            files.Add(new FileInfo(Path.Combine(_dir, Path.GetRandomFileName())));
            using (var sw = new StreamWriter(files[0].FullName))
                sw.WriteLine("Example data file");
            _zt.ArchiveFiles(files.ToArray(), when, _listener);
            using (var zip = ZipFile.Open(targetzip.FullName, ZipArchiveMode.Read))
                Assert.True(zip.Entries.Count == 1);

            // Create a second file and add that to the zip too
            files.Add(new FileInfo(Path.Combine(_dir, Path.GetRandomFileName())));
            using (var sw = new StreamWriter(files[1].FullName))
                sw.WriteLine("Another example data file");
            _zt.ArchiveFiles(files.ToArray(), when, _listener);
            using (var zip = ZipFile.Open(targetzip.FullName, ZipArchiveMode.Read))
                Assert.True(zip.Entries.Count == 2);

            // Re-add just the first file: resulting zip should still contain both files
            _zt.ArchiveFiles(files.GetRange(0, 1).ToArray(), when, _listener);
            using (var zip = ZipFile.Open(targetzip.FullName, ZipArchiveMode.Read))
                Assert.True(zip.Entries.Count == 2);

            files.ForEach(s => File.Delete(s.FullName));
Ejemplo n.º 5
        private DiscoveredTable UploadTestDataAsTableToServer(DatabaseType type, out Catalogue catalogue, out ExtractionInformation[] extractionInformations, out TableInfo tableinfo)
            var listener = new ThrowImmediatelyDataLoadEventListener();

            var db = GetCleanedServer(type);

            var data = GetTestDataTable();

            var uploader = new DataTableUploadDestination();

            uploader.PreInitialize(db, listener);
            uploader.ProcessPipelineData(data, listener, new GracefulCancellationToken());
            uploader.Dispose(listener, null);
            var tbl = db.ExpectTable(uploader.TargetTableName);


            ColumnInfo[] cis;
            new TableInfoImporter(CatalogueRepository, tbl).DoImport(out tableinfo, out cis);

            CatalogueItem[] cataitems;
            new ForwardEngineerCatalogue(tableinfo, cis, true).ExecuteForwardEngineering(out catalogue, out cataitems, out extractionInformations);

Ejemplo n.º 6
        public void TestRoundRobinPipelineExecution()
            // set SetUp two engines, one with a locked cache progress/load schedule
            // run the serial execution and ensure that only one engine had its 'ExecutePipeline' method called
            var engine1     = new Mock <IDataFlowPipelineEngine>();
            var engine2     = new Mock <IDataFlowPipelineEngine>();
            var tokenSource = new GracefulCancellationTokenSource();
            var listener    = new ThrowImmediatelyDataLoadEventListener();

            // first time both engines return that they have more data, second time they are both complete
            engine1.SetupSequence(engine => engine.ExecuteSinglePass(It.IsAny <GracefulCancellationToken>()))
            .Throws <InvalidOperationException>();

            engine2.SetupSequence(engine => engine.ExecuteSinglePass(It.IsAny <GracefulCancellationToken>()))
            .Throws <InvalidOperationException>();

            // set SetUp the engine map
            var loadProgress1 = Mock.Of <ILoadProgress>();
            var loadProgress2 = Mock.Of <ILoadProgress>();

            // set SetUp the lock provider
            var engineMap = new Dictionary <IDataFlowPipelineEngine, ILoadProgress>
                { engine1.Object, loadProgress1 },
                { engine2.Object, loadProgress2 }
            // create the execution object
            var pipelineExecutor = new RoundRobinPipelineExecution();

            // Act
            pipelineExecutor.Execute(new[] { engine1.Object, engine2.Object }, tokenSource.Token, listener);

            // Assert
            // engine1 should have been executed once

            // engine2 should not have been executed as it is locked
Ejemplo n.º 7
        private DiscoveredTable UploadTestDataAsTableToServer(DatabaseType type, out ICatalogue catalogue, out ExtractionInformation[] extractionInformations, out ITableInfo tableinfo)
            var listener = new ThrowImmediatelyDataLoadEventListener();

            var db = GetCleanedServer(type);

            var data = GetTestDataTable();

            var uploader = new DataTableUploadDestination();

            uploader.PreInitialize(db, listener);
            uploader.ProcessPipelineData(data, listener, new GracefulCancellationToken());
            uploader.Dispose(listener, null);
            var tbl = db.ExpectTable(uploader.TargetTableName);


            catalogue = Import(tbl, out tableinfo, out _, out _, out extractionInformations);

Ejemplo n.º 8
        protected void Execute(out ExtractionPipelineUseCase pipelineUseCase, out IExecuteDatasetExtractionDestination results, IDataLoadEventListener listener = null)
            if (listener == null)
                listener = new ThrowImmediatelyDataLoadEventListener();

            DataLoadInfo d = new DataLoadInfo("Internal", _testDatabaseName, "IgnoreMe", "", true, new DiscoveredServer(UnitTestLoggingConnectionString));

            Pipeline pipeline = null;

            //because extractable columns is likely to include chi column, it will be removed from the collection (for a substitution identifier)
            var before = _extractableColumns.ToArray();

                pipeline        = SetupPipeline();
                pipelineUseCase = new ExtractionPipelineUseCase(_request.Configuration.Project, _request, pipeline, d);



                Assert.IsTrue(pipelineUseCase.ExtractCommand.State == ExtractCommandState.Completed);
                if (pipeline != null)

            results             = pipelineUseCase.Destination;
            _extractableColumns = new List <IColumn>(before);
Ejemplo n.º 9
        private DataTable GetDataTable(IDataLoadEventListener listener)
            if (listener == null)
                listener = new ThrowImmediatelyDataLoadEventListener();

            listener.OnNotify(this, new NotifyEventArgs(ProgressEventType.Information, "About to lookup which server to interrogate for CohortIdentificationConfiguration " + _cohortIdentificationConfiguration));

            if (_cohortIdentificationConfiguration.RootCohortAggregateContainer_ID == null)
                listener.OnNotify(this, new NotifyEventArgs(ProgressEventType.Error, "CohortIdentificationConfiguration '" + _cohortIdentificationConfiguration + "' has no RootCohortAggregateContainer_ID, is it empty?"));

            var cohortCompiler = new CohortCompiler(_cohortIdentificationConfiguration);

            ICompileable rootContainerTask;

            //no caching set up so no point in running CohortCompilerRunner
            if (_cohortIdentificationConfiguration.QueryCachingServer_ID == null)
                rootContainerTask = RunRootContainerOnlyNoCaching(cohortCompiler);
                rootContainerTask = RunAllTasksWithRunner(cohortCompiler, listener);

            if (rootContainerTask.State == CompilationState.Executing)
                listener.OnNotify(this, new NotifyEventArgs(ProgressEventType.Warning, "Root container task was unexpectedly still executing... let's give it a little longer to run"));

                int countdown = Math.Max(5000, Timeout * 1000);
                while (rootContainerTask.State == CompilationState.Executing && countdown > 0)
                    countdown -= 100;

            if (rootContainerTask.State != CompilationState.Finished)
                throw new Exception("CohortIdentificationCriteria execution resulted in state '" + rootContainerTask.State + "'", rootContainerTask.CrashMessage);

            if (rootContainerTask == null)
                throw new Exception("Root container task was null, was the execution cancelled? / crashed");

            var execution = cohortCompiler.Tasks[rootContainerTask];

            if (execution.Identifiers == null || execution.Identifiers.Rows.Count == 0)
                throw new Exception("CohortIdentificationCriteria execution resulted in an empty dataset (there were no cohorts matched by the query?)");

            var dt = execution.Identifiers;

            foreach (DataColumn column in dt.Columns)
                column.ReadOnly = false;

Ejemplo n.º 10
        public void TestBasicDataTableAnonymiser5(LoggerTestCase testCase)
            //Create a names table that will go into the database
            var dt = new DataTable();

            dt.Rows.Add(new[] { "Thomas" });
            dt.Rows.Add(new[] { "Wallace" });
            dt.Rows.Add(new[] { "Frank" });

            //upload the DataTable from memory into the database
            var discoveredTable = GetCleanedServer(DatabaseType.MicrosoftSQLServer).CreateTable("ForbiddenNames", dt);

                TableInfo tableInfo;

                //import the persistent TableInfo reference
                var importer = Import(discoveredTable, out tableInfo, out _);

                //Create the test dataset chunks that will be anonymised
                var dtStories1 = new DataTable();
                dtStories1.Rows.Add(new[] { "Thomas went to school regularly" });           //1st redact
                dtStories1.Rows.Add(new[] { "It seems like Wallace went less regularly" }); //2nd redact
                dtStories1.Rows.Add(new[] { "Mr Smitty was the teacher" });

                var dtStories2 = new DataTable();
                dtStories2.Rows.Add(new[] { "Things were going so well" });
                dtStories2.Rows.Add(new[] { "And then it all turned bad for Wallace" });         //3rd redact

                var dtStories3 = new DataTable();
                dtStories3.Rows.Add(new[] { "There were things creeping in the dark" });
                dtStories3.Rows.Add(new[] { "Surely Frank would know what to do.  Frank was a genius" });         //4th redact
                dtStories3.Rows.Add(new[] { "Mr Smitty was the teacher" });

                //Create the anonymiser
                var a = new BasicDataTableAnonymiser5();

                //Tell it about the database table
                a.NamesTable = tableInfo;

                //Create a listener according to the test case
                IDataLoadEventListener listener = null;

                switch (testCase)
                case LoggerTestCase.ToConsole:
                    listener = new ThrowImmediatelyDataLoadEventListener();

                case LoggerTestCase.ToMemory:
                    listener = new ToMemoryDataLoadEventListener(true);

                case LoggerTestCase.ToDatabase:

                    //get the default logging server
                    var logManager = CatalogueRepository.GetDefaultLogManager();

                    //create a new super task Anonymising Data Tables
                    logManager.CreateNewLoggingTaskIfNotExists("Anonymising Data Tables");

                    //setup a listener that goes to this logging database
                    listener = new ToLoggingDatabaseDataLoadEventListener(this, logManager, "Anonymising Data Tables", "Run on " + DateTime.Now);

                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("testCase");

                //run the anonymisation
                //process all 3 batches
                a.ProcessPipelineData(dtStories1, listener, new GracefulCancellationToken());
                a.ProcessPipelineData(dtStories2, listener, new GracefulCancellationToken());
                a.ProcessPipelineData(dtStories3, listener, new GracefulCancellationToken());

                //check the results
                switch (testCase)
                case LoggerTestCase.ToMemory:
                    Assert.AreEqual(4, ((ToMemoryDataLoadEventListener)listener).LastProgressRecieivedByTaskName["REDACTING Names"].Progress.Value);

                case LoggerTestCase.ToDatabase:
                //finally drop the database table