Ejemplo n.º 1
        static void Main(string[] args)

            Console.WriteLine("Main program finished.");
Ejemplo n.º 2
        //This is the little gnome that sits around, waiting for a work item to be added to the queue so it can execute.
        private static void ThreadWorker()
            while (true)
                //Wait for a signal from the ThreadPool indicating that a work item has been added to the queue for execution.

                //If we got here, we stopped waiting because there's a work item - let's grab it:
                WorkItem nextWorkItemToExecute = null;

                //lock this section of code, since we have multiple threads trying to access PendingWorkItems and ThreadSync concurrently
                //this just means that only one thread can run it at a time, so we don't get any weird "1+1=1" behaviour
                lock (locker) {
                    //If we're the first to check this and there's still something in the PendingWorkItems, grab the first thing in line.
                    if (PendingWorkItems.Count > 0)
                        nextWorkItemToExecute = PendingWorkItems.Dequeue() as WorkItem;
                        //We weren't the first to check this; some other thread came and grabbed it, and there's no more pending work items..
                        //Let the ThreadPool know about this, so that all thread workers (including this one) Start waiting for something to be queued.

                //If we didn't get a work item, Start over, and wait for another work item to appear.
                if (nextWorkItemToExecute == null)

                //We got a work item! Let's try to take care of it.
                try {
                    //Execute the work item.

                    //If the work item needed to trigger an event, do so now:
                    if (nextWorkItemToExecute.EventType != FlightEventType.None)
                    //We finished the work item, and triggered its event. Now, we need to queue the work item again if it was marked as persistent...
                    if (nextWorkItemToExecute.IsPersistent)
                //If something went wrong, stick it in the debug - don't crash the program.
                catch (Exception e) {
                    Debug.Print("ThreadPool: Unhandled error executing action - " + e.Message + e.InnerException);
                    Debug.Print("StackTrace: " + e.StackTrace);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public static void QueueAction(Action queueableAction)
            lock (locker) {

            //if we don't have all our threads, spin one up with this task.
            if (AvailableThreads.Count < MAX_THREADS)
                var thread = new Thread(ExecuteAction);
            //sets the threadsync, causing the actionExecute to stop waiting
            lock (locker) {
Ejemplo n.º 4
        private static void ExecuteAction()
            while (true)
                //wait for an action to be queued for execution.

                Action nextActionToExecute = null;

                lock (locker) {
                    if (PendingActions.Count > 0)
                        nextActionToExecute = PendingActions.Dequeue() as Action;
                        ThreadSync.Reset(); //tell other threads to wait, no actions to execute

                if (nextActionToExecute == null)
                    continue;                              //threadsync was reset, go back to waiting.
                //if we got here, we have a valid action to execute. do so.
                try {
                    //check for alarms...
                    nextActionToExecute.InnerAction(); //execute the action.
                    if (nextActionToExecute.EventType != RobotEventType.None)
                        Brain.Instance.TriggerEvent(nextActionToExecute.EventType, nextActionToExecute.EventData);
                    if (nextActionToExecute.Persistent)
                catch (Exception e) {
                    Debug.Print("ThreadPool: Unhandled error executing action - " + e.Message + e.InnerException);
                    Debug.Print("StackTrace: " + e.StackTrace);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        private static ISyncTechnique ThreadSampleFactory(ThreadSync lockMethod)
            switch (lockMethod)
            case ThreadSync.Lock: return(new LockSample());

            case ThreadSync.Monitor: return(new MonitorSample());

            case ThreadSync.ManualResetEvent: return(new ManualResetEventSample());

            case ThreadSync.AutoResetEvent: return(new AutoResetEventSample());

            case ThreadSync.Mutex: return(new MutexSample());

            case ThreadSync.Semaphore: return(new SemaphoreSample());

            default: return(null);
Ejemplo n.º 6
        // This is the method the flight computer calls when you, the programmer, execute a work item.
        public static void QueueWorkItem(WorkItem thingToQueue)
            //first, add the work item to the queue of work items (if something came before, it comes first)
            lock (locker) {

            //If we haven't reached our MAX_THREADS yet, go ahead and create one...
            //    Note" this will only run the first MAX_THREADS (3) times we execute
            //    a work item in the flight computer - then, we'll have our 3 threads,
            //    and this if block will be skipped.
            if (AvailableThreads.Count < MAX_THREADS)
                var thread = new Thread(ThreadWorker);

            //Let our threadworkers know that there's something in the queue they should grab.
            lock (locker) {