Ejemplo n.º 1
        internal static void NowCastWFPFunc(out string outMethod, out ILArray <double> outTime, out ILArray <double> outX, out ILArray <double> outXhmsAll, out int outXhmsAllTimeOffset, out int outXhmsLLength, out int outXhmsUOffset, ILArray <double> Data, double TPredict = TPredictDef, string Method = MethodDef, int r = rDef, double Ts = TsDef)
            #region "Original function comments"
            //Nowcasting with  model based on total wind farm power
            // NowCastWFPFunc(Data,TPredict,Method,r,Ts)
            // Data : Total wind farm power
            // TPredict : Time for starting multi step prediction.  If TPredict<1 it
            //            is assumed  a fraction of the end time (default 0.5)
            // Method : 'AR(1)' or 'Persistence' only first letter count (default 'a')
            // r : Decimation with a moving average of order r (default 1)
            // Ts : Sampling time (default 0.1)
            // External input: None

            // Time-stamp: <2014-10-17 14:09:40 tk>
            // Version 1: Initial version
            // Torben Knudsen
            // Aalborg University, Dept. of Electronic Systems, Section of Automation
            // and Control
            // E-mail: [email protected]

            #region "Used variables declaration"
            int    IMT;
            double q0;
            double TauLambdaLRel;
            double Lambda0;
            double TauLambdaInf;
            double TimeScaling;
            //string TitleStr;
            int NS;
            ILArray <double> T;
            ILArray <double> TimePlot;
            double           NWT;
            double           NomWFP;
            ILArray <double> PWF;
            double           MinWFP;
            double           TauLambdaL;
            double           LambdaL;
            double           LambdaInf;
            int TPS;
            ILArray <double> Theta;
            ILArray <double> Sigma;
            ILArray <double> Xh;
            ILArray <double> Lambda;
            ILArray <int>    Time;
            ILArray <double> Res;
            int              TPSEst;
            double           A;
            double           B;
            ILArray <double> xhms;
            ILArray <double> covxhms;
            double           aux;
            int              i;
            ILArray <double> q;
            double           xh;
            double           xt;
            double           dt;
            ILArray <double> sigmaxhms;
            ILArray <double> ConIntAWFP;
            int              NS10Min;
            int              NSOneHour;

            //% setting up inputs
            //TsDef = 0.1;
            //rDef = 1;
            //MethodDef = "a";
            //TPredictDef = 0.5;
            //if nargin < 5; Ts= []; end;
            //if nargin < 4; r= []; end;
            //if nargin < 3; Method= []; end;
            //if nargin < 2; TPredict= []; end;
            //if nargin < 1; error('Error TK: To few input arguments'); end;
            //if isempty(r); r= rDef; end;
            //if isempty(TPredict); TPredict= TPredictDef; end;
            //if isempty(Ts); Ts= TsDef; end;
            //if isempty(Method); Method= MethodDef; end;

            //% Parameters

            IMT           = 1;                          // Include measurement time;
            q0            = 0;
            TauLambdaLRel = 0.1;                        // TauLambdaL= 10% of the samples
            Lambda0       = 0.5;                        // Initial Lambda
            TauLambdaInf  = 600;                        // TauLambdaInf= 10min
            TimeScaling   = 1.0 / 3600;                 // From seconds to hours

            //% Initialization

            // Use Offwind simulation data made by Rasmus 2014-10-14
            // The format is:
            // [time sumPower sumRef sumAvai] as a matrix NS x 4.  Power i MW
            // 48 WT are simulated.  Data for individual WT are also found e.g. in
            // Power, P_ref, PA, beta etc
            if (strncmpi(Method, "a", 1))
                Method = "AR(1)";
                Method = "Persistence";
            //TitleStr = "Nowcasting with " + Method + " model based on total wind farm " //...
            //            + "power, Offwind simulation";
            Data     = Data[_(':')];
            NS       = size(Data, 1);        // Number of samples
            NS       = max_(find(Data > 0)); // Number of samples;
            Data     = Data[_(1, ':', NS)];  // Limit the data
            T        = Ts * (_c(1, NS)).T;
            TimePlot = T * TimeScaling;      // Time in hours
            NWT      = 48;
            NomWFP   = NWT * 5e6 * 1e-6;     // Power in MW
            PWF      = Data;                 // Total Power in MW
            if (r > 1)
                DecimateWMA(out PWF, out _ILArray_double, PWF, r);
                NS       = size(PWF, 1);                  // Number of samples
                Ts       = Ts * r;
                T        = Ts * (_c(1, NS)).T;
                TimePlot = T * TimeScaling;        // Time in hours
            MinWFP = 0;                            // For real WFs

            //% Definitions etc.

            // Calculate Lamba* from TauLambda* and dt
            TauLambdaL = TauLambdaLRel * (T._(end) - T._(1));// TauLambdaL= 10% of the samples
            LambdaL    = exp(-Ts / TauLambdaL);
            LambdaInf  = exp(-Ts / TauLambdaInf);

            //% Algorithm

            // Initialization

            // Prediction from time in TPredict
            // if TPredict is a fraction calculate TPredict
            if (TPredict < 1)
                TPredict = round(TPredict * T._(end) / Ts) * Ts;
            if (TPredict < TauLambdaInf)
                warning(__["TK: Prediction time is so small that the estimator/predictor ",  //...
                           "might not have converged yet"]);
            TPS = min_(find(T >= TPredict));            // Use time from measurements

            // Multi step prediction
            if (strncmpi(Method, "a", 1))
                // ARX1 version;
                // Recursive parameter estimation
                RLSMARX1(out Theta, out Sigma, out Xh, out Lambda, out Time, out _ILArray_double, out _ILArray_double, out _ILArray_double, PWF, 1, LambdaInf);
                Res = __[TimePlot[_(Time)], PWF[_(Time)], Xh, Sigma, Lambda];
                Res = __[nan(Time._(1) - 1, size(Res, 2)), ';', Res];

                // Notice that length of Time is shorter than length of T if batch RLS
                // start is used so TPSEst < TPS in that case
                TPSEst = min_(find(_dbl(Time) * Ts >= TPredict));      // Use time from estimates

                // Parameter values must be taken for index TPSEst
                A = Theta._(TPSEst, 1);
                if (abs(A) > 1)
                    warning(__["TK: Unstable pole, max(abs(eig)): ", num2str(abs(A))]);
                B       = Theta._(TPSEst, 2);
                xhms    = zeros(NS - TPS, 1);
                covxhms = zeros(NS - TPS, 1);
                xhms._(1, '=', Xh._(TPSEst + 1));
                covxhms._(1, '=', Sigma._(TPSEst + 1));
                aux = Sigma._(TPSEst + 1);
                for (i = 2; i <= NS - TPS; i++)
                    xhms._(i, '=', A * xhms._(i - 1) + B);
                    aux = A * aux * A.T();
                    covxhms._(i, '=', covxhms._(i - 1) + aux);

                // Prepend xhms with the present measurement so the plot clearly indicates
                // the time for the measurement
                // Persistence version;
                // Initialization
                Lambda = Lambda0;
                q      = q0;
                xh     = PWF._(1);
                Res    = __[T._(1), PWF._(1), xh, q, Lambda0];

                // Recursive estimation of incremental covariance
                for (i = 2; i <= NS; i++)
                    xt     = PWF._(i) - xh;
                    dt     = T._(i) - T._(i - 1);
                    q      = _m(Lambda, '*', q) + (1 - Lambda) * _p(xt, 2) / dt;
                    Res    = __[Res, ';', __[T._(i), PWF._(i), xh, q, Lambda]];
                    Lambda = LambdaL * Lambda + (1 - LambdaL) * LambdaInf;
                    xh     = PWF._(i);
                Res[_(':'), _(1)] = Res[_(':'), _(1)] * TimeScaling;

                // Persistence version;
                xhms    = Res._(TPS + 1, 3) * ones(NS - TPS, 1);
                covxhms = Res._(TPS + 1, 4) * Ts * ((_c(1, NS - TPS)).T);

            if (IMT != 0)
                xhms    = __[PWF._(TPS), ';', xhms];
                covxhms = __[0, ';', covxhms];
            sigmaxhms  = sqrt(covxhms);
            ConIntAWFP = _m(xhms, '*', __[1, 1, 1]) + _m(sigmaxhms, '*', __[-2, 0, 2]);
            ConIntAWFP = min(max(ConIntAWFP, MinWFP), NomWFP); // Limit confidence limits

            // Plot results
            // Plot actual as black solid and lower, prediction and upper confidence
            // limits as red, green and blue solid for 10 min, dashed for one hour and
            // dotted for the rest.
            NS10Min   = min(NS - TPS - 1, round_(600.0 / Ts));
            NSOneHour = min(NS - TPS - 1, round_(3600.0 / Ts));
            //set(gcf, "defaultaxescolororder", ILMath.eye(3, 3));
            outMethod            = Method;
            outTime              = TimePlot;
            outX                 = Res[_(':'), _(2)];
            outXhmsAll           = ConIntAWFP;
            outXhmsAllTimeOffset = (TPS - IMT);
            outXhmsLLength       = (NS10Min + IMT);
            outXhmsUOffset       = (NSOneHour + IMT);
            //    TimePlot, Res[ILMath.full, 2 - 1], 'k',///...
            //    TimePlot[ILMath.r(TPS + 1 - IMT - 1, TPS + NS10Min - 1)], ConIntAWFP[ILMath.r(1 - 1, NS10Min + IMT - 1), ILMath.full],//...
            //    TimePlot[ILMath.r(TPS + NS10Min + 1 - 1, TPS + NSOneHour - 1)], ConIntAWFP[_a(NS10Min + 1, 1, NSOneHour) + IMT - 1, ILMath.full], "--",//...
            //    TimePlot[ILMath.r(TPS + NSOneHour + 1 - 1, ILMath.end)], ConIntAWFP[ILMath.r(NSOneHour + 1 + IMT - 1, ILMath.end), ILMath.full], ':');
            //Legend= {'x' 'xhmsL' 'xhms' 'xhmsU'};