void DrawOnTexture(RaycastHit _hit)
        int      ID = 0;
        Renderer currentRend;

        ID          = _hit.transform.gameObject.GetInstanceID();
        currentRend = _hit.transform.GetComponent <Renderer>();

        //Create a new Paint Texture if it doesn't exist
        if (!paintObjects.ContainsKey(ID))
            Paint paint = new Paint((int)mappingResolution, (int)mappingResolution, initColors);
            paintObjects.Add(ID, paint);

        if (currentRend && paintObjects[ID] != null)
            float size = activeBrush ? brushSize : eraserSize;

            if (oldSize != size)
                oldSize = size;

                size *= ratio;
                //Set Temporary Texture to rescale
                TextureScale.CopyTexture(activeBrush ? brushTexture : eraserTexture, ref tempBrush);
                TextureScale.Bilinear(tempBrush, (int)(brushTexture.width * size), (int)(brushTexture.height * size));

                halfWidth  = (int)((brushTexture.width * 0.5f) * size);
                halfHeight = (int)((brushTexture.height * 0.5f) * size);

            // local position on the lightmap texture
            int XLightMap = (int)((_hit.lightmapCoord.x) * paintObjects[ID].TmpPaint.width) - halfWidth;
            int YLightMap = (int)((_hit.lightmapCoord.y) * paintObjects[ID].TmpPaint.height) - halfHeight;

            for (int i = 0; i < tempBrush.width; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < tempBrush.height; j++)
                    float alpha = tempBrush.GetPixel(i, j).a;
                    if (alpha > 0.0f)
                        int XPixel = i + XLightMap;
                        int YPixel = j + YLightMap;

                        //out of bounds texture
                        if (XPixel >= 0 && XPixel < paintObjects[ID].TmpPaint.width - 1 &&
                            YPixel >= 0 && YPixel < paintObjects[ID].TmpPaint.height - 1)
                            //paint on the mask(white or black)
                            brushColor.a  = alpha;
                            eraserColor.a = alpha;
                            paintObjects[ID].TmpPaint.SetPixel(XPixel, YPixel, activeBrush ? brushColor : eraserColor);
            //Apply to the corresponding material
            MaterialPropertyBlock mbp = new MaterialPropertyBlock();

            mbp.SetTexture("_PaintTex", paintObjects[ID].TmpPaint);