public void Resize(int width, int height)
            Texture2DArray prevTexArr = texArr;

            texArr = texArr.ResizedClone(width, height);

            Rewrite(prevTexArr, texArr);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public static void EqualizeResDialog(ref Texture2DArray texArr, ref Texture2D tex)
                                #if UNITY_EDITOR
            int resizeChoise = UnityEditor.EditorUtility.DisplayDialogComplex(
                "Resize the texture array?",
                "Loaded texture size (" + tex.width + "," + tex.height + ") does not match the texture array size (" + texArr.width + "," + texArr.height + ")." +
                "Do you want to resize the texture array?",
                ok: "Yes, use " + tex.width + "," + tex.height + "",
                cancel: "No, use " + texArr.width + "," + texArr.height + "",                         //cancel and alt are switched
                alt: "Cancel");

            switch (resizeChoise)
            case 0: texArr = texArr.ResizedClone(tex.width, tex.height); break;

            case 1: tex = tex.ResizedClone(texArr.width, texArr.height); break;

            case 2: return;

            default: return;