Ejemplo n.º 1
    public void getNearbyFeatures(int directionCode)
        Vector2d currentLocation = getLongLat();
        double   latitude        = currentLocation.x;
        double   longitude       = currentLocation.y;

        string infoPanelString      = "";
        string readableString       = "";
        string singleReadableString = "";
        int    x = 1;
        int    totalFeatureCount = 3;
        int    featureCount      = 0;
        string headerText        = "";
        double searchRadius      = ((double)PlayerPrefs.GetInt("SearchRadius", 5000)) / 1000;
        List <BingMapsClasses.Result> newResultsList = BingMapsClasses.requestPoiFromBingMaps(latitude, longitude, searchRadius, 10);         //limitation due to Bing Search API : Allows only 3 calls per second

        foreach (BingMapsClasses.Result result in newResultsList)
            //Gather Data about point
            // 1. Gather positional data
            double  resultLong              = result.Longitude;
            double  resultLat               = result.Latitude;
            Vector3 unityPos                = getUnityPos(resultLat, resultLong);
            double  distanceFromPlayerM     = DistanceCalculator.getDistanceBetweenPlaces(longitude, latitude, resultLong, resultLat) * 1000;
            float   relativeAngle           = getRelativeDirection(unityPos);
            string  relativeDirectionString = DistanceCalculator.getRelativeDirectionString(relativeAngle);
            //sets up filter for get ahead based on direction
            if (directionCode == (int)DirFilter.AHEAD)
                Debug.Log("Getting Ahead of Me");
                if (!(relativeAngle > -60.0f && relativeAngle < 60.0f))
            // 2. Gather Display characteristics
            string displayName       = result.DisplayName;;
            string rawUrl            = bsHandler.getLinkResult(displayName);
            string additionalInfoUrl = string.Format("<link=\"{0}\"><color=yellow>{1}</color></link>", rawUrl, "Display Text");

            //Construct Strings after validation

            //To be displayed on info panel
            infoPanelString = ("<color=yellow>" + displayName + "</color>" + "\n" + result.AddressLine + "\n" + BingMapsEntityId.getEntityNameFromId(result.EntityTypeID));
            infoPanelString = string.Format("<link=\"{0}\">{1}</link>", rawUrl, infoPanelString);
            //To be read by TTS Handler
            singleReadableString = displayName + " , " + result.AddressLine + " , " + BingMapsEntityId.getEntityNameFromId(result.EntityTypeID) + " , " + relativeDirectionString;
            //Get Relevant panel and text box:
            Transform       relavantPoiPanel = infoPanelMap [x];
            TextMeshProUGUI relavantTextMesh = relavantPoiPanel.Find("POI Info").GetComponent <TextMeshProUGUI> ();
            relavantTextMesh.text = infoPanelString;

            poiPanel gotoButton = relavantPoiPanel.GetComponent <poiPanel>();
            gotoButton.coordinateX = resultLat;
            gotoButton.coordinateY = resultLong;

            StartCoroutine(ttsHandler.GetTextToSpeech(singleReadableString, featureCount, unityPos, true));
            if (featureCount == totalFeatureCount)

        infoHeaderTextMesh.text = getHeaderText(directionCode);
        Debug.Log("THIS PLAYER IS AT: " + getUnityPos(currentLocation.x, currentLocation.y).ToString());
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public void firstClick()
     StartCoroutine(ttsHandler.GetTextToSpeech(buttonText, 0, Vector3.zero, false));