Ejemplo n.º 1
 public TMProData(TextMeshProUGUI text)
     this.fontData.font        = text.font;
     this.fontData.material    = text.fontSharedMaterial;
     this.fontStyle            = text.fontStyle;
     this.fontSize             = text.fontSize;
     this.autoSize             = text.enableAutoSizing;
     this.autoSizeOptions.min  = text.fontSizeMin;
     this.autoSizeOptions.max  = text.fontSizeMax;
     this.autoSizeOptions.wd   = text.characterWidthAdjustment;
     this.autoSizeOptions.line = text.lineSpacingAdjustment;
     this.color                = text.color;
     this.overrideTags         = text.overrideColorTags;
     this.spacings.character   = text.characterSpacing;
     this.spacings.word        = text.wordSpacing;
     this.spacings.line        = text.lineSpacing;
     this.spacings.paragraph   = text.paragraphSpacing;
     this.alignment            = text.alignment;
     this.wrapping             = text.enableWordWrapping;
     this.overflow             = text.overflowMode;
     this.horizontalMapping    = text.horizontalMapping;
     this.verticalMapping      = text.verticalMapping;
     this.margins.marginsV4    = text.margin;
     this.geometrySorting      = text.geometrySortingOrder;
     this.richText             = text.richText;
     this.raycastTarget        = text.raycastTarget;
     this.parseEscapeCharaters = text.parseCtrlCharacters;
     this.visibleDescender     = text.useMaxVisibleDescender;
     this.spriteAsset          = text.spriteAsset;
     this.kerning              = text.enableKerning;
     this.extraPadding         = text.extraPadding;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public KsmGuiText(
            KsmGuiBase parent,
            string text,
            string tooltipText = null,
            TextAlignmentOptions alignement = TextAlignmentOptions.TopLeft,
            bool wordWrap = true,
            TextOverflowModes overflowMode = TextOverflowModes.Overflow
            ) : base(parent)
            savedAlignement                  = alignement;
            TextComponent                    = TopObject.AddComponent <TextMeshProUGUI>();
            TextComponent.color              = KsmGuiStyle.textColor;
            TextComponent.font               = KsmGuiStyle.textFont;
            TextComponent.fontSize           = KsmGuiStyle.textSize;
            TextComponent.alignment          = alignement;
            TextComponent.enableWordWrapping = wordWrap;
            TextComponent.overflowMode       = overflowMode;
            TextComponent.text               = text;
            //TextComponent.raycastTarget = false;

            if (tooltipText != null)
Ejemplo n.º 3
        private TextMeshProUGUI UpgradeText(Text text)
            if (!text)

            GameObject go = text.gameObject;

            stringBuilder.AppendLine("Upgrading Text: " + GetPathOfObject(go.transform));

            // Copy fields
            Vector2 sizeDelta = text.rectTransform.sizeDelta;

            TextAlignmentOptions alignment   = GetTMPAlignment(text.alignment, text.alignByGeometry);
            bool              bestFit        = text.resizeTextForBestFit;
            int               bestFitMaxSize = text.resizeTextMaxSize;
            int               bestFitMinSize = text.resizeTextMinSize;
            Color             color          = text.color;
            bool              enabled        = text.enabled;
            Material          fontMaterial;
            TMP_FontAsset     font               = GetCorrespondingTMPFontAsset(text.font, text, out fontMaterial);
            int               fontSize           = text.fontSize;
            FontStyles        fontStyle          = GetTMPFontStyle(text.fontStyle);
            bool              horizontalWrapMode = text.horizontalOverflow == HorizontalWrapMode.Wrap;
            float             lineSpacing        = (text.lineSpacing - 1) * 100f;
            bool              raycastTarget      = text.raycastTarget;
            bool              supportRichText    = text.supportRichText;
            string            _text              = text.text;
            TextOverflowModes verticalOverflow   = GetTMPVerticalOverflow(text.verticalOverflow, text.horizontalOverflow);

            // Replace Text with TextMeshProUGUI
            DestroyImmediate(text, true);
            TextMeshProUGUI tmp = go.AddComponent <TextMeshProUGUI>();

            // Paste fields
            tmp.alignment          = alignment;
            tmp.enableAutoSizing   = bestFit;
            tmp.fontSizeMax        = bestFitMaxSize;
            tmp.fontSizeMin        = bestFitMinSize;
            tmp.color              = color;
            tmp.enabled            = enabled;
            tmp.font               = font;
            tmp.fontMaterial       = fontMaterial;
            tmp.fontSize           = fontSize;
            tmp.fontStyle          = fontStyle;
            tmp.enableWordWrapping = horizontalWrapMode;
            tmp.lineSpacing        = lineSpacing;
            tmp.raycastTarget      = raycastTarget;
            tmp.richText           = supportRichText;
            tmp.text               = _text;
            tmp.overflowMode       = verticalOverflow;

            tmp.rectTransform.sizeDelta = sizeDelta;

Ejemplo n.º 4
        private float GetPreferredHeight()
            TextOverflowModes currentOverflowMode = m_overflowMode;

            m_overflowMode = TextOverflowModes.Overflow;

            m_renderMode = TextRenderFlags.GetPreferredSizes;


            m_renderMode   = TextRenderFlags.Render;
            m_overflowMode = currentOverflowMode;

            Debug.Log("GetPreferredHeight() Called. Returning height of " + m_preferredHeight);

Ejemplo n.º 5
 public static Modifier <DialogGUILabel> TextLabelOptions(Boolean enableWordWrapping     = true,
                                                          Boolean resizeBestFit          = false, Int32 resizeMaxFontSize = 0, Int32 resizeMinFontSize = 0,
                                                          TextOverflowModes overflowMode = default(TextOverflowModes))
     return(label =>
         label.textLabelOptions = new DialogGUILabel.TextLabelOptions()
             enableWordWrapping = enableWordWrapping,
             resizeBestFit = resizeBestFit,
             resizeMaxFontSize = resizeMaxFontSize,
             resizeMinFontSize = resizeMinFontSize,
             OverflowMode = overflowMode
         return label;
        private void ReplaceOldTextWithNew(Text source)
            // Grab all the old information first
            GameObject         parentObject   = source.gameObject;
            string             text           = source.text;
            FontStyle          fontStyle      = source.fontStyle;
            float              fontSize       = source.fontSize;
            float              lineSpacing    = source.lineSpacing;
            bool               richText       = source.supportRichText;
            TextAnchor         alignment      = source.alignment;
            HorizontalWrapMode horizontalMode = source.horizontalOverflow;
            VerticalWrapMode   verticalMode   = source.verticalOverflow;
            bool               isAutoSizing   = source.resizeTextForBestFit;
            float              minFontSize    = source.resizeTextMinSize;
            float              maxFontSize    = source.resizeTextMaxSize;
            Color              fontColor      = source.color;
            bool               rayCastTarget  = source.raycastTarget;

            // Grab transform information
            RectTransform transform      = source.GetComponent <RectTransform>();
            Vector3       anchorPosition = transform.anchoredPosition3D;
            Vector2       anchorMax      = transform.anchorMax;
            Vector2       anchorMin      = transform.anchorMin;
            Vector2       offsetMax      = transform.offsetMax;
            Vector2       offsetMin      = transform.offsetMin;

            // Destroy the old component

            // Add the new text component
            TextMeshProUGUI newText = parentObject.AddComponent <TextMeshProUGUI>();

            // Copy the old text properties into the new text
            newText.text        = text;
            newText.font        = newFont;
            newText.fontStyle   = ConvertFontStyle(fontStyle);
            newText.fontSize    = fontSize;
            newText.lineSpacing = lineSpacing;
            newText.richText    = richText;
            newText.alignment   = ConvertAlignment(alignment);

            // Setup word wrapping
            newText.enableWordWrapping = (horizontalMode == HorizontalWrapMode.Wrap);

            // Setup overflow
            TextOverflowModes overflowMode = TextOverflowModes.Overflow;

            if (verticalMode == VerticalWrapMode.Truncate)
                overflowMode = TextOverflowModes.Truncate;
            newText.overflowMode = overflowMode;

            // Setup the rest of the properties
            newText.enableAutoSizing = isAutoSizing;
            newText.fontSizeMin      = minFontSize;
            newText.fontSizeMax      = maxFontSize;
            newText.color            = fontColor;
            newText.raycastTarget    = rayCastTarget;

            // Revert transform information
            transform.anchoredPosition3D = anchorPosition;
            transform.anchorMax          = anchorMax;
            transform.anchorMin          = anchorMin;
            transform.offsetMax          = offsetMax;
            transform.offsetMin          = offsetMin;
Ejemplo n.º 7
    public override void gaxb_final(TB.TBXMLElement element, object _parent, Hashtable args)
        base.gaxb_final(element, _parent, args);

        string attrib;

        if (font == null) {
            font = DefaultFont;

        if(element != null){
            attrib = element.GetAttribute ("font");
            if (attrib != null) {
                font = attrib;

            attrib = element.GetAttribute ("onLinkClick");
            if (attrib != null) {
                onLinkClick = PlanetUnityOverride.processString (_parent, attrib);

            attrib = element.GetAttribute ("fontSize");
            if (attrib != null) {
                fontSize = (int)(float.Parse (PlanetUnityOverride.processString (_parent, attrib)));

            attrib = element.GetAttribute ("fontStyle");
            if (attrib != null) {
                fontStyle = attrib;

            attrib = element.GetAttribute ("sizeToFit");
            if (attrib != null) {
                sizeToFit = bool.Parse (PlanetUnityOverride.processString(_parent, attrib));

            attrib = element.GetAttribute ("maxSize");
            if (attrib != null) {
                maxSize = (int)(float.Parse (PlanetUnityOverride.processString(_parent, attrib)));

            attrib = element.GetAttribute ("enableWordWrapping");
            if (attrib != null) {
                enableWordWrapping = bool.Parse (attrib);

            attrib = element.GetAttribute ("maxVisibleLines");
            if (attrib != null) {
                maxVisibleLines = int.Parse (attrib);

            attrib = element.GetAttribute ("minSize");
            if (attrib != null) {
                minSize = (int)(float.Parse (PlanetUnityOverride.processString(_parent, attrib)));

            attrib = element.GetAttribute ("alignment");
            if (attrib != null) {
                alignment = (TextAlignmentOptions)Enum.Parse (typeof(TextAlignmentOptions), attrib);

            attrib = element.GetAttribute ("fontColor");
            if (attrib != null) {
                fontColor = fontColor.PUParse (attrib);

            attrib = element.GetAttribute ("overflowMode");
            if (attrib != null) {
                overflowMode = (TextOverflowModes)Enum.Parse(typeof(TextOverflowModes), attrib);

            attrib = element.GetAttribute ("lineSpacing");
            if (attrib != null) {
                lineSpacing = (int)(float.Parse (PlanetUnityOverride.processString(_parent, attrib)));

            value = element.GetAttribute ("value");
            value = PlanetUnityOverride.processString (_parent, value);
Ejemplo n.º 8
 void AssignTextStyle(int fontSize, FontStyles fontStyles, TextAlignmentOptions alignment, TextOverflowModes overflow)
     text.fontSize     = fontSize;
     text.fontStyle    = fontStyles;
     text.alignment    = alignment;
     text.overflowMode = overflow;
Ejemplo n.º 9
    /// <summary>
    /// This assumes a monospaced font, and will tell you how much will fit in
    /// each row and column for the TMPUGUI.
    /// The TextMesh Pro settings should be as follows:
    ///    Wrapping & overflow: (doesn't really matter?) Disabled & truncate
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns>(x, y) as (cols, rows) or (width, height)</returns>
    public Vector2Int GetDialogTextSize()
        // dialogText.firstOverflowCharacterIndex;
        string originalText = dialogText.text;
        int    lineHeight;
        bool   oldDBOpen = dialogBox.active;

        dialogText.text = HEIGHT_TEST_STRING;
        // Reformat the display - see https://forum.unity.com/threads/linked-text-in-ugui-layout-groups.471477/
        // Both these calls seem to work - which is more efficient?
        // dialogText.Rebuild(CanvasUpdate.PreRender);

         * Debug.Log("Overflowing? " + dialogText.isTextOverflowing +
         *        ", at: " + dialogText.firstOverflowCharacterIndex);
         * Debug.Log("Truncated? " + dialogText.isTextTruncated);
         * // characterCount seems to count characters even if they have been
         * // truncated from a long line. Disappointing.
         * Debug.Log("Char count: " + dialogText.textInfo.characterCount +
         *        ", line count: " + dialogText.textInfo.lineCount +
         *        ", page count: " + dialogText.textInfo.pageCount);
         * Debug.Log("Max vis chars: " + dialogText.maxVisibleCharacters +
         *        ", max vis lines: " + dialogText.maxVisibleLines +
         *        ", max vis words: " + dialogText.maxVisibleWords);

        // This works to get the height, but not the width.
        lineHeight = dialogText.textInfo.lineCount;

        // TRY to find the line length
        bool oldWW = dialogText.enableWordWrapping;
        TextOverflowModes oldTOM = dialogText.overflowMode;

        dialogText.text = "X";
        dialogText.enableWordWrapping = true;
        dialogText.overflowMode       = TextOverflowModes.Overflow;

        int lineWidth = 300;

        for (int l = 1; l < lineWidth; l++)
            dialogText.text = string.Concat(Enumerable.Repeat("X", l));
            // Mesh update is necessary

             * Debug.Log("Length: " + l +
             *        ", char count: " + dialogText.textInfo.characterCount +
             *        ", line count: " + dialogText.textInfo.lineCount);
            if (dialogText.textInfo.lineCount > 1)
                lineWidth = l - 1;

        if (!oldDBOpen)

        // Restore everything to the original settings
        dialogText.text = originalText;
        dialogText.enableWordWrapping = oldWW;
        dialogText.overflowMode       = oldTOM;
        // dialogText.Rebuild(CanvasUpdate.PreRender);

        Debug.Log("Final text size: width: " + lineWidth + ", height: " + lineHeight);

        return(new Vector2Int(lineWidth, lineHeight));
    } // GetDialogTextRows()
Ejemplo n.º 10
    public override void gaxb_final(TB.TBXMLElement element, object _parent, Hashtable args)
        string attrib;

        if (font == null)
            font = DefaultFont;

        if (element != null)
            attrib = element.GetAttribute("font");
            if (attrib != null)
                font = attrib;

            attrib = element.GetAttribute("onLinkClick");
            if (attrib != null)
                onLinkClick = PlanetUnityOverride.processString(_parent, attrib);

            attrib = element.GetAttribute("fontSize");
            if (attrib != null)
                fontSize = (int)(float.Parse(PlanetUnityOverride.processString(_parent, attrib)));

            attrib = element.GetAttribute("fontStyle");
            if (attrib != null)
                fontStyle = attrib;

            attrib = element.GetAttribute("sizeToFit");
            if (attrib != null)
                sizeToFit = bool.Parse(PlanetUnityOverride.processString(_parent, attrib));

            attrib = element.GetAttribute("maxSize");
            if (attrib != null)
                maxSize = (int)(float.Parse(PlanetUnityOverride.processString(_parent, attrib)));

            attrib = element.GetAttribute("enableWordWrapping");
            if (attrib != null)
                enableWordWrapping = bool.Parse(attrib);

            attrib = element.GetAttribute("maxVisibleLines");
            if (attrib != null)
                maxVisibleLines = int.Parse(attrib);

            attrib = element.GetAttribute("minSize");
            if (attrib != null)
                minSize = (int)(float.Parse(PlanetUnityOverride.processString(_parent, attrib)));

            attrib = element.GetAttribute("alignment");
            if (attrib != null)
                alignment = (TextAlignmentOptions)Enum.Parse(typeof(TextAlignmentOptions), attrib);

            attrib = element.GetAttribute("fontColor");
            if (attrib != null)
                fontColor = fontColor.PUParse(attrib);

            attrib = element.GetAttribute("overflowMode");
            if (attrib != null)
                overflowMode = (TextOverflowModes)Enum.Parse(typeof(TextOverflowModes), attrib);

            attrib = element.GetAttribute("lineSpacing");
            if (attrib != null)
                lineSpacing = (int)(float.Parse(PlanetUnityOverride.processString(_parent, attrib)));

            value = element.GetAttribute("value");
            value = PlanetUnityOverride.processString(_parent, value);

        base.gaxb_final(element, _parent, args);
Ejemplo n.º 11
        private void UpdateToTextMeshPro(Text component)
            bool          enabled = component.enabled;
            string        text    = component.text;
            TMP_FontAsset font    = this.m_FontMap[component.font];

            TMPro.FontStyles fontStyles = FontStyles.Normal;
            switch (component.fontStyle)
            case FontStyle.Bold:
                fontStyles = FontStyles.Bold;

            case FontStyle.BoldAndItalic:
                fontStyles = FontStyles.Bold | FontStyles.Italic;

            case FontStyle.Italic:
                fontStyles = FontStyles.Italic;
            int   fontSize = component.fontSize;
            Color color    = component.color;
            bool  richText = component.supportRichText;
            TextAlignmentOptions alignment = TextAlignmentOptions.TopLeft;

            switch (component.alignment)
            case TextAnchor.LowerCenter:
                alignment = TextAlignmentOptions.Bottom;

            case TextAnchor.LowerLeft:
                alignment = TextAlignmentOptions.BottomLeft;

            case TextAnchor.LowerRight:
                alignment = TextAlignmentOptions.BottomRight;

            case TextAnchor.MiddleCenter:
                alignment = TextAlignmentOptions.Center;

            case TextAnchor.MiddleLeft:
                alignment = TextAlignmentOptions.Left;

            case TextAnchor.MiddleRight:
                alignment = TextAlignmentOptions.Right;

            case TextAnchor.UpperCenter:
                alignment = TextAlignmentOptions.Top;

            case TextAnchor.UpperLeft:
                alignment = TextAlignmentOptions.TopLeft;

            case TextAnchor.UpperRight:
                alignment = TextAlignmentOptions.TopRight;
            bool wrap = component.horizontalOverflow == HorizontalWrapMode.Wrap ? true : false;
            TextOverflowModes overflowModes = component.verticalOverflow == VerticalWrapMode.Overflow? TextOverflowModes.Overflow:TextOverflowModes.Truncate;
            bool    autoSize         = component.resizeTextForBestFit;
            float   minFontSize      = component.resizeTextMinSize;
            float   maxFontSize      = component.resizeTextMaxSize;
            bool    raycastTarget    = component.raycastTarget;
            bool    maskable         = component.maskable;
            Outline outline          = component.GetComponent <Outline>();
            bool    hasOutline       = outline != null;
            float   outlineThickness = 0f;
            Color   outlineColor     = Color.black;

            if (hasOutline)
                outlineThickness = ((Mathf.Abs(outline.effectDistance.x) + Mathf.Abs(outline.effectDistance.y)) * 0.5f) * outlineRatio;
                outlineColor     = outline.effectColor;

            Shadow shadow      = component.GetComponent <Shadow>();
            bool   hasShadow   = shadow != null;
            Color  shadowColor = Color.black;
            float  offsetX     = 0f;
            float  offsetY     = 0f;

            if (hasShadow)
                offsetX = shadow.effectDistance.x * shadowRatio;
                offsetY = shadow.effectDistance.y * shadowRatio;

            GameObject go = component.gameObject;

            TextMeshProUGUI textMeshPro = go.AddComponent <TextMeshProUGUI>();

            textMeshPro.font               = font;
            textMeshPro.fontStyle          = fontStyles;
            textMeshPro.fontSize           = fontSize;
            textMeshPro.color              = color;
            textMeshPro.richText           = richText;
            textMeshPro.alignment          = alignment;
            textMeshPro.enableWordWrapping = wrap;
            textMeshPro.overflowMode       = overflowModes;
            textMeshPro.enableAutoSizing   = autoSize;
            textMeshPro.fontSizeMin        = minFontSize;
            textMeshPro.fontSizeMax        = maxFontSize;
            textMeshPro.raycastTarget      = raycastTarget;
            textMeshPro.maskable           = maskable;

            Material material = textMeshPro.fontMaterial;

            if (hasOutline)
                material.SetColor("_OutlineColor", outlineColor);
                material.SetFloat("_OutlineWidth", outlineThickness);

            if (hasShadow)

                material.SetColor("_UnderlayColor", shadowColor);
                material.SetFloat("_UnderlayOffsetX", offsetX);
                material.SetFloat("_UnderlayOffsetY", offsetY);
                material.SetFloat("_UnderlayDilate", 0f);
                material.SetFloat("_UnderlaySoftness", 0.2f);

            textMeshPro.enabled = enabled;
Ejemplo n.º 12
 public UIText Overflow(TextOverflowModes mode)
     tmpText.overflowMode = mode;