Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void TextFileProcessor_ParseLine_WithEmptyString_ShouldThrowException()
            // ARRANGE
            TextFileProcessor processor = new TextFileProcessor();

            // ACT
            // No act as we're checking an exception

            // ASSERT
            Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException>(() => processor.ParseLine(string.Empty), "The method should have thrown an exception.");
        } // end test
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void TextFileProcessor_ParseLine_GivenStringWithMissingOperation_ShouldThrowException()
            // ARRANGE
            TextFileProcessor processor  = new TextFileProcessor();
            string            fakeString = "[2017-12-13 09:df:23.244 INFO]";

            // ACT
            // No act as we're checking an exception

            // ASSERT
            Assert.Throws <FormatException>(() => processor.ParseLine(fakeString), "The method should have thrown an exception.");
        } // end test
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public void TextFileProcessor_ParseLine_GivenStringWithMissingSeverity_ShouldThrowException()
            // ARRANGE
            TextFileProcessor processor  = new TextFileProcessor();
            string            fakeString = "[2017-12-13 09:14:23.244 - Data Updated]";

            // ACT
            // No act as we're checking an exception

            // ASSERT
            Assert.Throws <IndexOutOfRangeException>(() => processor.ParseLine(fakeString), "The method should have thrown an exception.");
        } // end test
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public void TextFileProcessor_ParseLine_GivenValidStringWithNoMessage_ShouldBuildObjectWithEmptyMessage()
            // ARRANGE
            TextFileProcessor processor  = new TextFileProcessor();
            DataItem          resultItem = null;
            string            fakeString = "[2017-12-13 09:42:23.244 INFO - Data Updated]";

            // ACT
            resultItem = processor.ParseLine(fakeString);

            // ASSERT
            Assert.NotNull(resultItem, "The function should have built a data item.");
            Assert.IsEmpty(resultItem.Data, "No data should have been populated.");
        } // end test
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public void TextFileProcessor_ParseLine_GivenValidEntry_ShouldBuildNewObjectWithValues(string inputOperation, string inputDateTime, ItemSeverity inputSeverity, string inputMessage)
            // ARRANGE
            DateTime          expectedTime = DateTime.Parse(inputDateTime);
            string            timeFormat   = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff";
            TextFileProcessor processor    = new TextFileProcessor();
            DataItem          resultItem   = null;
            string            fakeString   = string.Concat("[", expectedTime.ToString(timeFormat), " ", inputSeverity.ToString(), " - ", inputOperation, "] ", inputMessage);

            // ACT
            resultItem = processor.ParseLine(fakeString);

            // ASSERT
            Assert.NotNull(resultItem, "The method should have built a data item.");
            Assert.AreEqual(inputOperation, resultItem.Operation, "The operation was not built properly.");
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedTime.ToString(timeFormat), resultItem.TimeStamp.ToString(timeFormat), "The date / time was not built properly.");
            Assert.AreEqual(inputSeverity, resultItem.Severity, "The severity was not built properly.");
            Assert.AreEqual(inputMessage, resultItem.Data, "The data was not build properly.");
        } // end test