Ejemplo n.º 1
        protected override void OnUpdate()
            EntityManager       em  = EntityManager;
            EntityCommandBuffer ecb = new EntityCommandBuffer(Allocator.Temp);

            // Check Native font components
            Entities.With(groupAddNativeFontPrivC).ForEach((Entity e, ref Text2DRenderer tr, ref Text2DStyleNativeFont nf) =>
                if (CheckNativeFontComponents(em, ref tr, ref nf))
                    ecb.AddComponent(e, new Text2DPrivateNative());
                    ecb.AddComponent(e, new Text2DPrivateCacheHTML());
                    ecb.AddBuffer <TextPrivateString>(e);
                    ecb.AddBuffer <TextPrivateFontName>(e);

            Entities.ForEach((Entity e, ref Text2DRenderer tr, ref Text2DPrivateNative textP,
                              ref Text2DPrivateCacheHTML textHtmlP, ref Text2DStyleNativeFont nfStyle) =>
                Text2DStyle textStyle = em.GetComponentData <Text2DStyle>(tr.style);
                NativeFont nf         = em.GetComponentData <NativeFont>(nfStyle.font);

                Text2DPrivateCacheHTML temp = new Text2DPrivateCacheHTML();
                temp.size       = textStyle.size;
                temp.color      = textStyle.color;
                temp.weight     = nfStyle.weight;
                temp.italic     = nfStyle.italic;
                temp.cacheIndex = textHtmlP.cacheIndex;
                if (em.HasComponent <Text2DAutoFit>(e))
                    Text2DAutoFit autoFit = em.GetComponentData <Text2DAutoFit>(e);
                    temp.minSizeAutoFit   = autoFit.minSize;
                    temp.maxSizeAutoFit   = autoFit.maxSize;

                if (em.HasComponent <RectTransformFinalSize>(e))
                    temp.rect = em.GetComponentData <RectTransformFinalSize>(e).size;

                string newText     = em.GetBufferAsString <TextString>(e);
                string privText    = em.GetBufferAsString <TextPrivateString>(e);
                string strFontName = em.GetBufferAsString <TextPrivateFontName>(e);

                if (!textHtmlP.Equals(temp) || newText != privText || TextService.GetFontFamilyName(nf.name) != strFontName)
                    // We will need to recreate the text texture in the renderer anyway
                    temp.cacheIndex = -1;
                    // Re-compute text size
                    float newSize = MeasureNativeFontText(em, e, ref textP, newText, TextService.GetFontFamilyName(nf.name), temp.rect);
                    textP.size    = newSize;

                    em.SetBufferFromString <TextPrivateFontName>(e, TextService.GetFontFamilyName(nf.name));

                    //Update private text component
                    em.SetBufferFromString <TextPrivateString>(e, newText);
                textHtmlP = temp;

            ecb = new EntityCommandBuffer(Allocator.Temp);
            // De-init private components
            Entities.With(groupRemoveNativeFontPrivateC).ForEach((Entity e, ref Text2DPrivateNative tr, ref Text2DPrivateCacheHTML nc) =>
                ecb.RemoveComponent <Text2DPrivateNative>(e);
                ecb.RemoveComponent <Text2DPrivateCacheHTML>(e);
                ecb.RemoveComponent <TextPrivateString>(e);
                ecb.RemoveComponent <TextPrivateFontName>(e);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private float MeasureNativeFontText(EntityManager em, Entity e, ref Text2DPrivateNative privNative, string text, string family, float2 rectTransformSize)
            Text2DStyle           style       = em.GetComponentData <Text2DStyle>(e);
            Text2DRenderer        tr          = em.GetComponentData <Text2DRenderer>(e);
            Text2DStyleNativeFont styleNative = em.GetComponentData <Text2DStyleNativeFont>(e);
            NativeFont            nf          = em.GetComponentData <NativeFont>(styleNative.font);

            float newSize = style.size * nf.worldUnitsToPt;
            float outWidth = 0.0f, outHeight = 0.0f;

            js_measureText(text, family, newSize, styleNative.weight, styleNative.italic, out outWidth, out outHeight);

            if (em.HasComponent <Text2DAutoFit>(e))
                Text2DAutoFit autoFit = em.GetComponentData <Text2DAutoFit>(e);
                float         epsilon = 0.001f;
                // Re-measure if the text is too long/short or too tall
                if (math.abs(outWidth - rectTransformSize.x) >= epsilon || outHeight > rectTransformSize.y)
                    float ratio = 1.0f;
                    if (outWidth > 0.0f)
                        ratio = rectTransformSize.x / outWidth;

                    newSize = (newSize * ratio < autoFit.maxSize) ? newSize * ratio : autoFit.maxSize;

                    js_measureText(text, family, newSize, styleNative.weight, styleNative.italic, out outWidth, out outHeight);

                    if (outHeight > rectTransformSize.y)
                        if (outHeight > 0.0f)
                            ratio = rectTransformSize.y / outHeight;
                        newSize = (newSize * ratio < autoFit.maxSize) ? newSize * ratio : autoFit.maxSize;
                        js_measureText(text, family, newSize, styleNative.weight, styleNative.italic, out outWidth, out outHeight);
                float minSize = autoFit.minSize;
                if (newSize < minSize)
                    //TODO: Update when float.ToString will not throws an exception anymore
                    string l = "Text: " + text;
                    l += " is not renderable, the generated font size " + ((int)newSize).ToString();
                    l += " is smaller than the minimum allowed " + ((int)minSize).ToString();

            //TODO: Update when float.ToString will not throws an exception anymore
            string line = "Text with native font, measured with: " + ((int)outWidth).ToString();

            line += " measured height: ";
            line += ((int)outHeight).ToString();

            //Adjust text bounds with pivot
            privNative.bounds.x      = -(rectTransformSize.x / 2) + (rectTransformSize.x * (tr.pivot.x));
            privNative.bounds.y      = -(rectTransformSize.y / 2) + (rectTransformSize.y * (tr.pivot.y));
            privNative.bounds.width  = outWidth;
            privNative.bounds.height = outHeight;
