Ejemplo n.º 1
 public TexDesc(BinaryReader reader)
     Source     = new NiRef <NiSourceTexture>(reader);
     ClampMode  = (TexClampMode)reader.ReadUInt32();
     FilterMode = (TexFilterMode)reader.ReadUInt32();
     UVSetIndex = reader.ReadUInt32();
     PS2L       = reader.ReadInt16();
     PS2K       = reader.ReadInt16();
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public TexDesc(NiFile niFile)
     source     = new Ref <NiSourceTexture>(niFile);
     clampMode  = (TexClampMode)niFile.Reader.ReadInt32();
     filterMode = (TexFilterMode)niFile.Reader.ReadInt32();
     UVSet      = niFile.Reader.ReadInt32();
     PS2L       = niFile.Reader.ReadInt16();
     PS2K       = niFile.Reader.ReadInt16();
     unknown1   = niFile.Reader.ReadInt16();
Ejemplo n.º 3
  * Sets the texture clamp mode of the specified texture slot.  This
  * specifies the way that textures will be displayed for UV coordinates
  * that fall outside the 0-1 range.
  * \param[in] slot The type of texture slot to get the clamp mode for.
  * \param[in] mode The new clamp mode for the specified texture slot.
 public void SetTexClampMode(TexType slot, TexClampMode mode)
     if (texing_prop != null)
         if (!texing_prop.HasTexture((int)slot))
             throw new Exception("The texture at the specified index does not exist.");
         var td = texing_prop.GetTexture((int)slot);
         td.clampMode = mode;
         texing_prop.SetTexture((int)slot, td);
     //Just silently fail for now.  Not sure where this data may or may not be stored in the old style texture properties.
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public NiTextureEffect()
     textureFiltering         = TexFilterMode.FILTER_TRILERP;
     maxAnisotropy            = (ushort)0;
     textureClamping          = TexClampMode.WRAP_S_WRAP_T;
     textureType              = TextureType.TEX_ENVIRONMENT_MAP;
     coordinateGenerationType = CoordGenType.CG_SPHERE_MAP;
     image         = null;
     sourceTexture = null;
     enablePlane   = (byte)0;
     ps2L          = (short)0;
     ps2K          = (short)-75;
     unknownShort  = (ushort)0;
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public NiTextureEffect(NIFReader file, BinaryReader reader) : base(file, reader)
     ModelProjectionMatrix    = reader.ReadMatrix33();
     ModelProjectionTransform = reader.Read <Vector3>();
     TextureFiltering         = (TexFilterMode)reader.ReadUInt32();
     TextureClamping          = (TexClampMode)reader.ReadUInt32();
     EffectType    = (EffectType)reader.ReadUInt32();
     CoordGenType  = (CoordGenType)reader.ReadUInt32();
     SourceTexture = new NiRef <NiSourceTexture>(reader);
     ClippingPlane = reader.ReadBoolean();
     ModelPlane    = reader.Read <Plane>();
     PS2L          = reader.ReadInt16();
     PS2K          = reader.ReadInt16();
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public NiTextureEffect(NiFile niFile) : base(niFile)
     modelProjectionMatrix    = niFile.Reader.ReadMatrix();
     modelProjectionTransform = niFile.Reader.ReadVector3();
     textureFiltering         = (TexFilterMode)niFile.Reader.ReadInt32();
     textureClamping          = (TexClampMode)niFile.Reader.ReadInt32();
     textureType = (EffectType)niFile.Reader.ReadInt32();
     coordinateGenerationType = (CoordGenType)niFile.Reader.ReadInt32();
     sourceTexture            = niFile.Reader.ReadInt32();
     clippingPlane            = niFile.Reader.ReadByte();
     unknownVector            = niFile.Reader.ReadVector3();
     unknownFloat             = niFile.Reader.ReadSingle();
     PS2L         = niFile.Reader.ReadInt16();
     PS2K         = niFile.Reader.ReadInt16();
     unknownShort = niFile.Reader.ReadInt16();
Ejemplo n.º 7
 public TexDesc()
     unchecked {
         image               = null;
         source              = null;
         clampMode           = TexClampMode.WRAP_S_WRAP_T;
         filterMode          = TexFilterMode.FILTER_TRILERP;
         flags               = (ushort)0;
         maxAnisotropy       = (ushort)0;
         uvSet               = (uint)0;
         ps2L                = (short)0;
         ps2K                = (short)-75;
         unknown1            = (ushort)0;
         hasTextureTransform = false;
         scale               = 1.0, 1.0;
         rotation            = 0.0f;
         transformMethod     = (TransformMethod)0;
Ejemplo n.º 8
 public BSLightingShaderProperty()
     shaderFlags1_sk             = (SkyrimShaderPropertyFlags1)2185233153;
     shaderFlags2_sk             = (SkyrimShaderPropertyFlags2)32801;
     shaderFlags1_fo4            = (Fallout4ShaderPropertyFlags1)2151678465;
     shaderFlags2_fo4            = (Fallout4ShaderPropertyFlags2)1;
     uvScale                     = (1.0, 1.0);
     textureSet                  = null;
     emissiveColor               = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
     emissiveMultiple            = 0.0f;
     textureClampMode            = (TexClampMode)3;
     alpha                       = 1.0f;
     refractionStrength          = 0.0f;
     glossiness                  = 80f;
     smoothness                  = 1.0f;
     specularStrength            = 1.0f;
     lightingEffect1             = 0.3f;
     lightingEffect2             = 2.0f;
     subsurfaceRolloff           = 0.3f;
     rimlightPower               = 3.402823466e+38f;
     backlightPower              = 0.0f;
     grayscaleToPaletteScale     = 0.0f;
     fresnelPower                = 5.0f;
     wetnessSpecScale            = -1.0f;
     wetnessSpecPower            = -1.0f;
     wetnessMinVar               = -1.0f;
     wetnessEnvMapScale          = -1.0f;
     wetnessFresnelPower         = -1.0f;
     wetnessMetalness            = -1.0f;
     environmentMapScale         = 1.0f;
     unknownEnvMapShort          = (ushort)0;
     unknownSkinTintInt          = (uint)0;
     maxPasses                   = 0.0f;
     scale                       = 0.0f;
     parallaxInnerLayerThickness = 0.0f;
     parallaxRefractionScale     = 0.0f;
     parallaxEnvmapStrength      = 0.0f;
     eyeCubemapScale             = 0.0f;
Ejemplo n.º 9
 public BSShaderLightingProperty()
     textureClampMode = (TexClampMode)3;