Ejemplo n.º 1
        private static void Worker()
            // Note that a class map must only be registered once(an exception will be thrown if you try to register the same class map more than once).
            // Usually you call RegisterClassMap from some code path that is known to execute only once(the Main method, the Application_Start event handler, etc…).
            if (!BsonClassMap.IsClassMapRegistered(typeof(TestSerializerWithOutAttributes)))
                BsonClassMap.RegisterClassMap <TestSerializerWithOutAttributes>(cm =>
                    // ! only read and write properties are mapped
                    // in the example cm.AutoMap is not used!

                    // BsonId attribute
                    cm.MapIdProperty(c => c.SalesOrderId);

                    //Setting ElementName and Order
                    cm.GetMemberMap(c => c.Comment).SetElementName("description").SetOrder(1);

                    // Setting the default decimal serializer
                    cm.GetMemberMap(c => c.Salary).SetSerializer(new DecimalSerializer(BsonType.Decimal128));

                    //Before was .SetSerializationOptions(new DateTimeSerializationOptions { DateOnly = true });
                    // We could accomplished the same task by applying custom serializer or specfiying pre-build serialzer DateTimeSerializer
                    //cm.MapProperty(c => c.OnlyDate).SetSerializer(new OnlyDateSerializer());
                    cm.GetMemberMap(c => c.OnlyDate).SetSerializer(new DateTimeSerializer(dateOnly: true));
                    cm.GetMemberMap(c => c.LocalTime).SetSerializer(new DateTimeSerializer(DateTimeKind.Local));

            var p = new TestSerializerWithOutAttributes()
                SalesOrderId         = 1,
                Comment              = "Test",
                OnlyDate             = new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Year, DateTime.Now.Month, DateTime.Now.Day),
                LocalTime            = DateTime.Now,
                Salary               = 120.1112223334455666m,
                MongoValueTypeDouble = 1.11122233344445556667778888999
            var ws = new JsonWriterSettings
                Indent = true,

            ConsoleEx.WriteLine("The Serialization process is controlled by using ClassMap", ConsoleColor.Cyan);
            ConsoleEx.WriteLine(p.ToJson(ws), ConsoleColor.Yellow);
            var p1 = BsonSerializer.Deserialize <TestSerializerWithOutAttributes>(p.ToJson());

                Value = p1.LocalTime
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private static void Worker()
            // instantiated an object of the class without attributes
            var pNoAttributes = new TestSerializerWithOutAttributes()
                SalesOrderId         = 1,
                Comment              = "Test",
                OnlyDate             = new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Year, DateTime.Now.Month, DateTime.Now.Day),
                LocalTime            = DateTime.Now,
                Salary               = 120.1112223334455666m,
                MongoValueTypeDouble = 1.11122233344445556667778888999,
                MyBool               = true
            // instantiated an object of the class which properties are decorated by attributes
            var pWithAttributes = new TestSerializer
                SalesOrderId         = 1,
                Comment              = "Test",
                OnlyDate             = new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Year, DateTime.Now.Month, DateTime.Now.Day),
                LocalTime            = DateTime.Now,
                Salary               = 120.1112223334455666m,
                MongoValueTypeDouble = 1.11122233344445556667778888999,
                MyBool               = true
            var ws = new JsonWriterSettings
                Indent = true,

                "Will display serialization of an object which class's properties are NOT decorated by attributes",

            // ToJson actually calls BsonSerializer which performs serialization.
            // JsonWriterSettings that is passed as parameter controls the behaviour of serialization.
            ConsoleEx.WriteLine(pNoAttributes.ToJson(ws), ConsoleColor.Yellow);

                "Will display serialization of an object which class's properties are decorated by attributes",
            ConsoleEx.WriteLine(pWithAttributes.ToJson(ws), ConsoleColor.Yellow);

            // performs deserialization
            var p1 = BsonSerializer.Deserialize <TestSerializer>(pWithAttributes.ToJson());

            ConsoleEx.WriteLine("Will display deserialization of datatime field using LocalTime.Kind", ConsoleColor.Cyan);
                Value = p1.LocalTime
        private static void Worker()
            var conventions = new ConventionPack
                new CamelCaseElementNameConvention(),
                new DecimalRepresentationConvention(BsonType.String),
                new DateOnlyRepresentation(BsonType.DateTime),
                new LocalDateRepresentation(BsonType.DateTime)

            ConventionRegistry.Register("Test", conventions,
                                        type => type.FullName != null && type.FullName.Contains("TestSerializerWithOutAttributes"));

            var p = new TestSerializerWithOutAttributes()
                SalesOrderId         = 1,
                Comment              = "Test",
                OnlyDate             = new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Year, DateTime.Now.Month, DateTime.Now.Day),
                LocalTime            = DateTime.Now,
                Salary               = 120.1112223334455666m,
                MongoValueTypeDouble = 1.11122233344445556667778888999
            var ws = new JsonWriterSettings
                Indent = true,

            ConsoleEx.WriteLine("The serialization process is controlled by using Convention Pack", ConsoleColor.Cyan);
            ConsoleEx.WriteLine(p.ToJson(ws), ConsoleColor.Yellow);
            var p1 = BsonSerializer.Deserialize <TestSerializerWithOutAttributes>(p.ToJson());

                Value = p1.LocalTime