Ejemplo n.º 1
        private static void UploadCodeCoverageAttachmentsToOldStore(TestManagementHttpClient testClient, string buildurl, string projectName, string folder)
            var testRuns = testClient.GetTestRunsAsync(projectName, buildurl).Result;

            foreach (var t in testRuns)
                int testRunId = t.Id;

                Dictionary <string, string> files = new Dictionary <string, string>();

                // one meta data per module
                foreach (var file in Directory.EnumerateFiles(folder, "*.coverage", SearchOption.AllDirectories))
                    string fileName = Path.GetFileName(file);

                    if (!files.ContainsKey(fileName))
                        var attachment = GetAttachmentRequestModel(file);
                        Task <TestAttachmentReference> trTask = testClient.CreateTestRunAttachmentAsync(attachment, projectName, testRunId);
                        files.Add(fileName, file);

                // buffer
                foreach (var file in Directory.EnumerateFiles(folder, "*.coveragebuffer", SearchOption.AllDirectories))
                    var attachment = GetAttachmentRequestModel(file);

                    Task <TestAttachmentReference> trTask = testClient.CreateTestRunAttachmentAsync(attachment, projectName, testRunId);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Create failed test results for all tests in test suite
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="TeamProjectName"></param>
        /// <param name="TestPlanId"></param>
        /// <param name="StaticSuitePath"></param>
        private static void CreateTestResultFailed(string TeamProjectName, int TestPlanId, string StaticSuitePath)
            TestPlan testPlan    = TestManagementClient.GetPlanByIdAsync(TeamProjectName, TestPlanId).Result;
            int      testSuiteId = GetSuiteId(TeamProjectName, TestPlanId, StaticSuitePath);

            var testPlanRef = new Microsoft.TeamFoundation.TestManagement.WebApi.ShallowReference(testPlan.Id.ToString(), testPlan.Name, testPlan.Url);

            RunCreateModel runCreate = new RunCreateModel(
                name: "Test run from console - failed",
                plan: testPlanRef,
                startedDate: DateTime.Now.ToString("o"),
                isAutomated: true

            TestRun testRun = TestManagementClient.CreateTestRunAsync(runCreate, TeamProjectName).Result;

            List <TestCaseResult> testResults = new List <TestCaseResult>();

            List <SuiteTestCase> testCases = TestManagementClient.GetTestCasesAsync(TeamProjectName, TestPlanId, testSuiteId).Result; //Get all test cases from suite

            foreach (var testCase in testCases)
                testResults.Add(FailedTest(TeamProjectName, TestPlanId, testSuiteId, testCase.Workitem.Id, testRun.Id));

            testResults = TestManagementClient.AddTestResultsToTestRunAsync(testResults.ToArray(), TeamProjectName, testRun.Id).Result;

            var definedTestResults = TestManagementClient.GetTestResultsAsync(TeamProjectName, testRun.Id).Result; // Get test result

            TestManagementClient.CreateTestResultAttachmentAsync(GetAttachmentModel(@"img\iconfinder_Insect-robot_131435.png"), TeamProjectName, testRun.Id, definedTestResults.ElementAt(0).Id).Wait();

            RunUpdateModel runUpdateModel = new RunUpdateModel(
                errorMessage: "Test failed",
                completedDate: DateTime.Now.ToString("o"),
                state: Enum.GetName(typeof(TestRunState), TestRunState.NeedsInvestigation)

            testRun = TestManagementClient.UpdateTestRunAsync(runUpdateModel, TeamProjectName, testRun.Id).Result;

            TestManagementClient.CreateTestRunAttachmentAsync(GetAttachmentModel(@"img\Screen_Shot_2018-01-16.jpg"), TeamProjectName, testRun.Id).Wait();

Ejemplo n.º 3
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string collectionUri;

            //set to Uri of the TFS collection
            //if this code is running in Build/Release workflow, we will fetch collection Uri from environment variable
            //See https://www.visualstudio.com/en-us/docs/build/define/variables for full list of agent environment variables
            if (Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("TF_BUILD") == "True")
                collectionUri = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("SYSTEM_TEAMFOUNDATIONCOLLECTIONURI");
                Console.WriteLine("Fetched Collection (or VSTS account) from environment variable SYSTEM_TEAMFOUNDATIONCOLLECTIONURI: {0}", collectionUri);
            else // set it to TFS instance of your choice
                collectionUri = "http://buildmachine1:8080/tfs/DefaultCollection";
                Console.WriteLine("Using Collection (or VSTS account): {0}", collectionUri);

            VssConnection connection = new VssConnection(new Uri(collectionUri), new VssCredentials());

            //set the team project name in which the test results must be published...
            // get team project name from the agent environment variables if the script is running in Build/Release workflow..
            string teamProject;

            if (Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("TF_BUILD") == "True")
                teamProject = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("SYSTEM_TEAMPROJECT");
                Console.WriteLine("Fetched team project from environment variable SYSTEM_TEAMPROJECT: {0}", teamProject);
            else //else set it the team project of your choice...
                teamProject = "FabrikamFiber";
                Console.WriteLine("Using team project: {0}", teamProject);

            // get the build number to publish results against...

            string buildNumber = null, buildUri = null, releaseUri = null, releaseEnvironmentUri = null; int buildId;

            // if this code is running in build/release workflow, we will use agent environment variables for fetch build/release Uris to associate information
            if (Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("TF_BUILD") == "True")
                //If RELEASE_RELEASEURI variable is set, then this code is running in the Release workflow, so we fetch release details
                if (Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("RELEASE_RELEASEURI") != "")
                    releaseUri = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("RELEASE_RELEASEURI");
                    Console.WriteLine("Fetched release uri from environment variable RELEASE_RELEASEURI: {0}", releaseUri);

                    releaseEnvironmentUri = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("RELEASE_ENVIRONMENTURI");
                    Console.WriteLine("Fetched release environemnt uri from environment variable RELEASE_ENVIRONMENTURI: {0}", releaseEnvironmentUri);
                //note that the build used to deploy and test a Release is an Aritfact.
                //If you have multiple builds or are using external artifacts like Jenkins, make sure you use Aritfact variables to find the build information
                //See https://www.visualstudio.com/en-us/docs/release/author-release-definition/understanding-tasks#predefvariables for pre-defined variables available in release
                //See https://www.visualstudio.com/en-us/docs/release/author-release-definition/understanding-artifacts#variables for artifact variables documentation
                //For example, you'll have to use RELEASE_ARTIFACTS_<aftifactname>_BUILDID to find the build number.
                //Here we are assuming a simple setup, where we are working with Team Build and using Build variables instead...

                //build number is human readable format of the build name, you can confiure it's format in build options..
                buildNumber = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("BUILD_BUILDNUMBER");
                Console.WriteLine("Fetched build number from environment variable BUILD_BUILDNUMBER: {0}", buildNumber);

                //build id is the id associated with the build number, which we will use to associate the test run with...
                buildId = Convert.ToInt32(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("BUILD_BUILDID"));
                Console.WriteLine("Fetched build id from environment variable BUILD_BUILDID: {0}", buildId);

                //build uri is a more elaborate form of build id, in the vstfs:///Build/Build/<id> format...
                //We will use this for querying test runs against this build...
                buildUri = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("BUILD_BUILDURI");
                Console.WriteLine("Fetched build uri from environment variable BUILD_BUILDURI: {0}", buildUri);
            else //if the code is running in standalone mode, you'll have to use Build and Release APIs to fetch the build and release information...
            //see https://www.visualstudio.com/en-us/docs/integrate/api/build/overview for build APIs...
            //and https://www.visualstudio.com/en-us/docs/release/overview for release APIs...
                buildNumber           = "20161124.2";
                buildId               = 3;
                buildUri              = "vstfs:///Build/Build/40";
                releaseUri            = "vstfs:///ReleaseManagement/Release/2";
                releaseEnvironmentUri = "vstfs:///ReleaseManagement/Environment/2";
                Console.WriteLine("Using build number: {0}; build id: {1}; build uri: {2}; release uri: {3}; release environment uri: {4}", buildNumber, buildId, buildUri, releaseUri, releaseEnvironmentUri);

            //Client to use test run and test result APIs...
            TestManagementHttpClient client = connection.GetClient <TestManagementHttpClient>();

            //Test run model to initialize test run parameters..
            //For automated test runs, isAutomated must be set.. Else manual test run will be created..

            //<<Q: do we want to mark run in progress here?>>
            RunCreateModel TestRunModel     = new RunCreateModel(name: "Sample test run from CSV file against buildNumber: " + buildNumber, isAutomated: true,
                                                                 startedDate: DateTime.Now.ToString(), buildId: buildId, releaseUri: releaseUri, releaseEnvironmentUri: releaseEnvironmentUri);

            //Since we are doing a Asycn call, .Result will wait for the call to complete...
            TestRun testRun = client.CreateTestRunAsync(teamProject, TestRunModel).Result;

            Console.WriteLine("Step 1: test run created -> {0}: {1}; Run url: {2} ", testRun.Id, testRun.Name, testRun.WebAccessUrl);

            string resultsFilePath;

            if (args.Length == 0)
                resultsFilePath = "Results.csv";
                resultsFilePath = args[0];

            TestAttachmentRequestModel fileAttachment = GetAttachmentRequestModel(resultsFilePath);
            TestAttachmentReference    testAttachment = client.CreateTestRunAttachmentAsync(fileAttachment, teamProject, testRun.Id).Result;

            Console.WriteLine("Created test run attachment -> Id: {0}, Url: {2}", testAttachment.Id, testAttachment.Url);

            //List to hold results from parsed from CSV file...
            List <TestResultCreateModel> testResultsFromCsv = new List <TestResultCreateModel>();

            //TestMethodName, Outcome, ErrorMessage, StackTrace, StartedDate, CompletedDate
            string        traceFilePath;
            List <string> resultLogFiles = new List <string>();

            var reader = new StreamReader(File.OpenRead(resultsFilePath));

            while (!reader.EndOfStream)
                var line   = reader.ReadLine();
                var values = line.Split(',');
                Console.WriteLine("Publishing test {0}", values[0]);

                //Assign values from each line in CSV to result model...
                TestResultCreateModel testResultModel = new TestResultCreateModel();
                testResultModel.TestCaseTitle = testResultModel.AutomatedTestName = values[0];
                testResultModel.Outcome       = values[1];
                //Setting state to completed since we are only publishing results.
                //In advanced scenarios, you can choose to create a test result,
                // move it into in progress state while test test acutally runs and finally update the outcome with state as completed
                testResultModel.State         = "Completed";
                testResultModel.ErrorMessage  = values[2];
                testResultModel.StackTrace    = values[3];
                testResultModel.StartedDate   = values[4];
                testResultModel.CompletedDate = values[5];

                //store the path of the attachment in a list. We will publish attachments to results after we publish results and obtain result ids.
                traceFilePath = values[6]; resultLogFiles.Add(traceFilePath);

                //Add the result ot the results list...

            //Publish the results...
            List <TestCaseResult> publishedResults = client.AddTestResultsToTestRunAsync(testResultsFromCsv.ToArray(), teamProject, testRun.Id).Result;

            Console.WriteLine("Step 2: test results published...");

            //results are published in the order they were submitted. H
            //We will now loop through the results file and publish the attachments for each test result.
            //Path of the attachment for each result (sample trace log) is in last column of the result csv file...
            int i = 0;

            foreach (TestCaseResult r in publishedResults)
                Console.WriteLine("Adding attachment for Test Result -> Id: {0}", r.Id);
                fileAttachment = GetAttachmentRequestModel(resultLogFiles.ElementAt(i++));
                testAttachment = client.CreateTestResultAttachmentAsync(fileAttachment, teamProject, testRun.Id, r.Id).Result;
                Console.WriteLine("Created test result attachment -> Id: {0}, Url: {1}", testAttachment.Id, testAttachment.Url);

            //Mark the run complete...
            RunUpdateModel testRunUpdate   = new RunUpdateModel(completedDate: DateTime.Now.ToString(), state: "Completed");
            TestRun        RunUpdateResult = client.UpdateTestRunAsync(teamProject, testRun.Id, testRunUpdate).Result;

            Console.WriteLine("Step 3: Test run completed: {0}", RunUpdateResult.WebAccessUrl);