// Benchmark, enable manually!
        // [Theory]
        // [InlineData(1, 75, JpegSubsample.Ratio420)]
        // [InlineData(30, 75, JpegSubsample.Ratio420)]
        // [InlineData(30, 75, JpegSubsample.Ratio444)]
        // [InlineData(30, 100, JpegSubsample.Ratio444)]
        public void EncodeJpeg(int executionCount, int quality, JpegSubsample subsample)
            string[] testFiles = TestImages.Bmp.All
                                 .Concat(new[] { TestImages.Jpeg.Baseline.Calliphora, TestImages.Jpeg.Baseline.Cmyk })

            Image <Rgba32>[] testImages =
                    tf => TestImageProvider <Rgba32> .File(tf, pixelTypeOverride: PixelTypes.Rgba32).GetImage())

            using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
                             () =>
                    foreach (Image <Rgba32> img in testImages)
                        JpegEncoder options = new JpegEncoder {
                            Quality = quality, Subsample = subsample
                        img.Save(ms, options);
                        ms.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                             // ReSharper disable once ExplicitCallerInfoArgument
                             $@"Encode {testFiles.Length} images"
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public static void RunEncodeLossy_WithPeakImage()
            var provider = TestImageProvider <Rgba32> .File(TestImageLossyFullPath);

            using Image <Rgba32> image = provider.GetImage();

            var encoder = new WebpEncoder()
                FileFormat = WebpFileFormatType.Lossy

            image.VerifyEncoder(provider, "webp", string.Empty, encoder, ImageComparer.Tolerant(0.04f));
        public void EncodeJpeg(int executionCount, int quality, JpegColorType colorType)
            // do not run this on CI even by accident
            if (TestEnvironment.RunsOnCI)

            string[] testFiles = TestImages.Bmp.Benchmark
                                 .Concat(new[] { TestImages.Jpeg.Baseline.Calliphora, TestImages.Jpeg.Baseline.Cmyk }).ToArray();

            Image <Rgba32>[] testImages = testFiles.Select(
                tf => TestImageProvider <Rgba32> .File(tf, pixelTypeOverride: PixelTypes.Rgba32).GetImage()).ToArray();

            using (var ms = new MemoryStream())
                    () =>
                    foreach (Image <Rgba32> img in testImages)
                        var options = new JpegEncoder {
                            Quality = quality, ColorType = colorType
                        img.Save(ms, options);
                        ms.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
#pragma warning disable SA1515 // Single-line comment should be preceded by blank line
                               // ReSharper disable once ExplicitCallerInfoArgument
                    $@"Encode {testFiles.Length} images");
#pragma warning restore SA1515 // Single-line comment should be preceded by blank line

            foreach (Image <Rgba32> image in testImages)