Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void TestMethodOverlaodAndArrayInput2()
            string code =
                class A
                    def execute(a : A)
                        return = -1; 
                class B extends A
                    def execute(arr : B[])
                        return = 2;
                class C extends B
                b = B.B();
                arr = {C.C(), B.B(), C.C()};
                val = b.execute(arr);
                "                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              ;

            ExecutionMirror mirror = thisTest.RunScriptSource(code);

            thisTest.Verify("val", 2);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void T01_WhileBreakContinue()
            string          src    = @"x;
    x = 0;
    y = 0;
    while (true) 
        x = x + 1;
        if (x > 10)
        if ((x == 1) || (x == 3) || (x == 5) || (x == 7) || (x == 9))
        y = y + 1;
            ExecutionMirror mirror = thisTest.RunScriptSource(src);

            Assert.IsTrue((Int64)mirror.GetValue("x").Payload == 11);
            Assert.IsTrue((Int64)mirror.GetValue("y").Payload == 5);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public void RecursionImperative01()
            String code =
def f(x)
    return = [Imperative]
        if(x <= 1)
            return = 1;
            return = f(x - 1) + x;   

a = f(3);
"                                                                                                                                                                                                                       ;

            thisTest.Verify("a", 6);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public void SanityCheckVMExecution()
            var mirror = thisTest.RunScriptSource("a = 4 + 5;");
            var a      = mirror.GetFirstValue("a").Payload;

            Assert.IsTrue((Int64)a == 9);
        public void Collection_Assignment_1()
            string          code   = @"
	a = { {1,2}, {3,4} };
	a[1] = {-1,-2,3};
	c = a[1][1];
	d = a[0];
	b = { 1, 2 };
	b[0] = {2,2};
	e = b[0];
            ExecutionMirror mirror = thisTest.RunScriptSource(code);

            object[] expectedResult2 = { 1, 2 };
            object[] expectedResult3 = { 2, 2 };
            thisTest.Verify("c", -2, 0);
            thisTest.Verify("d", expectedResult2, 0);
            thisTest.Verify("e", expectedResult3, 0);
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public void BasicRunAndVerify()
            String code =
	class f
		fx : var;
		fy : var;
		constructor f()
			fx = 123;
			fy = 345;

// Construct class 'f'
	cf = f.f();
	x = cf.fx;
	y = cf.fy;


            thisTest.Verify("x", 123);
            thisTest.Verify("y", 345);
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public void InheritanceTest01()
            String code =
	class RigidBody
        id : var;
        velocity : var;
        constructor RigidBody(objID : int, vel : double)
            id = objID;
            velocity = vel;
        def GetVelocity : double(drag : int)
            return = velocity * drag;
    class Particle extends RigidBody
        lifetime : var;
        constructor Particle(objID : int, vel : double, life : double)
            id = objID;
            velocity = vel;
            lifetime = life;
    // TODO Jun: Fix defect, allow statements (or maybe just preprocs?) before a class decl
    // Define some constants
    kRigidBodyID    = 0; 
    kParticleID     = 1;
    kGravityCoeff   = 9.8;
    // Simulate physical object 1
    // Construct a base rigid body
    rb = RigidBody.RigidBody(kRigidBodyID, kGravityCoeff);
    rbVelocity = rb.GetVelocity(2);
    // Simulate physical object 2
    // Construct a particle that inherits from a rigid body
    kLifetime = 0.25;
    p = Particle.Particle(kParticleID, kGravityCoeff, kLifetime);
    lt = p.lifetime;
    particleVelocity = rb.GetVelocity(4);
"                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   ;
            ExecutionMirror mirror = thisTest.RunScriptSource(code);

            Assert.IsTrue((double)mirror.GetValue("rbVelocity").Payload == 19.6);
            Assert.IsTrue((double)mirror.GetValue("lt").Payload == 0.25);
            Assert.IsTrue((double)mirror.GetValue("particleVelocity").Payload == 39.2);
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public void TestArray01()
            string code = @"a = {10, 20, 30};";


Ejemplo n.º 9
        public void TestArrayPromoteAndCastIList()
            string          code   = @"
a = 5;
o1 = RegressionTargets.AverageIList(a);
            ExecutionMirror mirror = thisTest.RunScriptSource(code);

            thisTest.Verify("o1", 5.0);
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public void DupImportTest()
            var mirror = thisTest.RunScriptSource(
a = A.DupTargetTest.DupTargetTest(); 
aO = a.Foo();

b = B.DupTargetTest.DupTargetTest();
bO = b.Foo();

            Assert.IsTrue((Int64)mirror.GetFirstValue("aO").Payload == 1);
            Assert.IsTrue((Int64)mirror.GetFirstValue("bO").Payload == 2);
Ejemplo n.º 11
        public void T002_ClassConstructorNestedScope_InlineCondition()
            String code =
class A
    a : int;
    constructor A ( x ) 
                    a = x > 1 ? 1 : 0;
t1 = A.A(2).a;
             "                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       ;
            ExecutionMirror mirror = thisTest.RunScriptSource(code);

            thisTest.Verify("t1", 1);
        public void RedefineWithExpressionLists04()
            String code =
class C
    x : var[];
    constructor C()
        x = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6};

    def f(a : int)
        x = x[a] * x[a + 1];
        return = x;
x = 2;
p = C.C();
x = p.f(x);

            thisTest.Verify("x", new object[] { 12 });
Ejemplo n.º 13
        public void MinimalSetValue()
            String code =
    a = 1;
"                              ;
            ExecutionMirror mirror = thisTest.RunScriptSource(code);
            StackValue      svA    = mirror.GetValue("a").DsasmValue;

            Assert.IsTrue(svA.optype == AddressType.Int);
            Assert.IsTrue(svA.opdata == 1);
            mirror.SetValueAndExecute("a", 2);
            StackValue svA2 = mirror.GetValue("a").DsasmValue;

            Assert.IsTrue(svA2.optype == AddressType.Int);
            Assert.IsTrue(svA2.opdata == 2);
Ejemplo n.º 14
        public void DupImportTest()
            var mirror = thisTest.RunScriptSource(
a = A.DupTargetTest.DupTargetTest(); 
aO = a.Foo();

b = B.DupTargetTest.DupTargetTest();
bO = b.Foo();
            // Tracked by http://adsk-oss.myjetbrains.com/youtrack/issue/MAGN-1947
            string defectID = "MAGN-1947 IntegrationTests.NamespaceConflictTest.DupImportTest";

            Assert.IsTrue((Int64)mirror.GetFirstValue("aO").Payload == 1, defectID);
            Assert.IsTrue((Int64)mirror.GetFirstValue("bO").Payload == 2, defectID);
Ejemplo n.º 15
        public void TestConds01()
            String code =
	f0 = 5 > 6;
    f1 = (5 > 6);

    f2 = 5 >= 6;
    f3 = (5 >= 6);    

    t0 = 5 == 5;
    t1 = (5 == 5);

    t2 = 5 < 6;
    t3 = (5 < 6);
    t4 = 5 <= 6;
    t5 = (5 <= 6);

    t6 = 5 <= 5;
    t7 = (5 <= 5);


            ExecutionMirror mirror = thisTest.RunScriptSource(code);

            thisTest.Verify("f0", false);
            thisTest.Verify("f1", false);
            thisTest.Verify("f2", false);
            thisTest.Verify("f3", false);

            thisTest.Verify("t0", true);
            thisTest.Verify("t1", true);
            thisTest.Verify("t2", true);
            thisTest.Verify("t3", true);
            thisTest.Verify("t4", true);
            thisTest.Verify("t5", true);
            thisTest.Verify("t6", true);
            thisTest.Verify("t7", true);
Ejemplo n.º 16
        public void T01_SampleTestUsingCodeWithinTestFunction()
            String code =
	            variable = 5;

            ExecutionMirror mirror = thisTest.RunScriptSource(code);

            Obj o = mirror.GetValue("variable");

            Assert.IsTrue((Int64)o.Payload == 5);
Ejemplo n.º 17
        public void Test()
            String code =
c = 3.0..5.0;//3.0,4.0,5.0
"                                              ;

Ejemplo n.º 18
        public void BasicAssign()
            string code =
                @"a = 16;
b = 42;
c = a + b;";

            ExecutionMirror mirror = thisTest.RunScriptSource(code);

            thisTest.Verify("a", 16);
            thisTest.Verify("b", 42);
            thisTest.Verify("c", 58);
Ejemplo n.º 19
        public void TestAddition01()
            GraphToDSCompiler.GraphCompiler gc = GraphToDSCompiler.GraphCompiler.CreateInstance();
            gc.CreateOperatorNode(1, "+");
            object o1 = 10;

            gc.CreateLiteralNode(2, o1);
            object o2 = 11;

            gc.CreateLiteralNode(3, o2);
            gc.ConnectNodes(2, 0, 1, 0);
            gc.ConnectNodes(3, 0, 1, 1);
            string mmx = gc.GetGraph2String();

            mmx = mmx.Trim();
            ExecutionMirror mirror = thisTest.RunScriptSource(mmx);
            Obj             o      = mirror.GetValue("temp20001");

            Assert.IsTrue((Int64)o.Payload == 21);
Ejemplo n.º 20
        public void TestRoundTrip_Assign01()
            // 1. Build AST
            // 2. Execute AST and verify
            // 3. Convert AST to source
            // 4. Execute source and verify

            int             result1 = 10;
            ExecutionMirror mirror  = null;

            // 1. Build AST
            ProtoCore.AST.AssociativeAST.BinaryExpressionNode assign = new ProtoCore.AST.AssociativeAST.BinaryExpressionNode(
                new ProtoCore.AST.AssociativeAST.IdentifierNode("a"),
                new ProtoCore.AST.AssociativeAST.IntNode(10),
            List <ProtoCore.AST.AssociativeAST.AssociativeNode> astList = new List <ProtoCore.AST.AssociativeAST.AssociativeNode>();


            // 2. Execute AST and verify
            mirror = thisTest.RunASTSource(astList);
            Assert.IsTrue((Int64)mirror.GetValue("a").Payload == result1);

            // 3. Convert AST to source
            ProtoCore.CodeGenDS codegenDS = new ProtoCore.CodeGenDS(astList);
            string code = codegenDS.GenerateCode();

            // 4. Execute source and verify
            mirror = thisTest.RunScriptSource(code);
            Assert.IsTrue((Int64)mirror.GetValue("a").Payload == result1);
Ejemplo n.º 21
        public void T001_Inline_Using_Function_Call()
            string          src    = @"
	def fo1 : int(a1 : int)
		return = a1 * a1;
	a	=	10;				
	b	=	20;
	smallest1   =   a	<   b   ?   a	:	b;
	largest1	=   a	>   b   ?   a	:	b;
	d = fo1(a);
	smallest2   =   (fo1(a))	<   (fo1(b))  ?   (fo1(a))	:	(fo1(a));	//100
	largest2	=   (fo1(a)) >   (fo1(b))  ?   (fo1(a))	:	(fo1(b)); //400
            ExecutionMirror mirror = thisTest.RunScriptSource(src);

            // expected "StatementUsedInAssignment" warning
            Assert.IsTrue((Int64)mirror.GetValue("smallest2").Payload == 100);
            Assert.IsTrue((Int64)mirror.GetValue("largest2").Payload == 400);
Ejemplo n.º 22
        public void Regress_1454075()
            string dscode = @"
                class Vector{
	constructor Vector() {}
v = Vector.Vector();";

            ExecutionMirror mirror = thisTest.RunScriptSource(dscode);
            //Compilation test.
Ejemplo n.º 23
        public void StackOverflow_DNL_1467365()
            string code =
                @"class test
constructor test(a1 : int, b1 : int, c1 : int) {
a = a1; }
class Row {
constructor ByPoints(yy:int, xx: int) {
for(j in 0..36) {
    tread = test.test(yy, xx, 3); rise = test.test(tread.a,xx,3);
} } }
a = 0..18..1;
b = 0..18..1;
Rows = Row.ByPoints(a, b);";

Ejemplo n.º 24
        public void RunPropertyChangedForRunMode()
            string code =
                @"import (Foo from ""ProtoTest.dll"");
foo = Foo.GetInstance();              
foo.ID = 17;
id = foo.ID;
Foo.SetID(foo, 41);               
            var testRunner = new TestFrameWork();

            testRunner.Verify("id", 41);
Ejemplo n.º 25
        public void ExecTraceVMClassVerifyTLSCleared()
            var mirror = thisTest.RunScriptSource(
x = 1;
wrapper = WrapperObject.WrapperObject(x);

x = 2;
x = 3;
wrapper = null;

            Assert.IsTrue(WrappersTest.CleanedObjects.Count == 1);
Ejemplo n.º 26
        public void RunPropertyChangedNegative()
            string code =
                @"import (Foo from ""ProtoTest.dll"");
foo = Foo.GetInstance();              
foo.ID = 17;
id = foo.ID;
id = bar.ID;        // Redefinition
Foo.SetID(foo, 41);               
"                                                                                                                                                                                               ;
            var testRunner = new TestFrameWork();

            testRunner.Verify("id", null);
Ejemplo n.º 27
        public void T014_Robert_2012_09_14_MultipleNestedLanguage()
            string errmsg = "";

            string code =

         def foo  ()
        t = [Imperative]
              t1 = [Associative]
                    t2 = 6;   
                    return = t2; 
           return = t1;                
        return = t;   
    def foo2  ()
        t = [Associative]
              t1 = [Imperative]
                    t2 = 6;   
                    return = t2; 
           return = t1;                
        return = t;   
    p1 = foo(); // expected 6, got null
    p2 = foo2();// expected 6, got 6

            thisTest.RunScriptSource(code, "");

            thisTest.Verify("p1", 6);
            thisTest.Verify("p2", 6);

            //thisTest.Verify("totalLength", 2.0 ); // this needs to be verified after the defect is fixed
Ejemplo n.º 28
        public void TDD_SimpleIfCondition_1()
            String code =
r = [Imperative]
    //b = 1;
    if (null==false)
        return = ""null==true"";
    else if(!null)
        return = ""!null==true"";

    return = ""expected"";

            thisTest.Verify("r", "expected");
Ejemplo n.º 29
        public void UpdateMember01()
            String code =
class C
    constructor C()
        x = 1;

p = C.C();
a = p.x;
p.x = 10;
            ExecutionMirror mirror = thisTest.RunScriptSource(code);

            Obj o = mirror.GetValue("a");

            Assert.IsTrue((Int64)o.Payload == 10);
        public void TestTrigonometricFunction()
            String code =
a = -0.5;
b = 0.5;
c = 45;
d = -45;
e = 2.90;
f = 1.90;
x1 = Math.Acos(a);
y1 = Math.Asin(a);
z1 = Math.Atan(a);
r1 = Math.Atan2(e, f);
x2 = Math.Acos(b);
y2 = Math.Asin(b);
z2 = Math.Atan(b);
x3 = Math.Sin(c);
y3 = Math.Cos(c);
z3 = Math.Tan(c);
r3 = Math.Tanh(c);
x4 = Math.Sin(d);
y4 = Math.Cos(d);
z4 = Math.Tan(d);
r4 = Math.Tanh(d);
"                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           ;
            ExecutionMirror mirror = thisTest.RunScriptSource(code);

            thisTest.Verify("x1", 120.0);
            thisTest.Verify("y1", -30.0);
            thisTest.Verify("z1", -26.565051177078);
            thisTest.Verify("r1", 56.7682889320206);
            thisTest.Verify("x2", 60.0);
            thisTest.Verify("y2", 30.0);
            thisTest.Verify("z2", 26.565051177078);
            thisTest.Verify("x3", 0.707106781186547);
            thisTest.Verify("y3", 0.707106781186547);
            thisTest.Verify("z3", 1.0);
            thisTest.Verify("r3", 1.0);
            thisTest.Verify("x4", -0.707106781186547);
            thisTest.Verify("y4", 0.707106781186547);
            thisTest.Verify("z4", -1.0);
            thisTest.Verify("r4", -1.0);
Ejemplo n.º 31
 public void TestNamespaceImport()
     string code =
         @"import(MicroFeatureTests from ""ProtoTest.dll"");";
     TestFrameWork theTest = new TestFrameWork();
     var mirror = theTest.RunScriptSource(code);
     string[] classes = theTest.GetAllMatchingClasses("MicroFeatureTests");
     Assert.True(classes.Length > 1, "More than one implementation of MicroFeatureTests class expected");
Ejemplo n.º 32
 public void TestDefaultConstructorNotAvailableOnAbstractClass()
     string code = @"
     TestFrameWork theTest = new TestFrameWork();
     ExecutionMirror mirror = theTest.RunScriptSource(code);
     //Verify that Geometry.Geometry constructor deson't exists
     theTest.VerifyMethodExists("Geometry", "Geometry", false);
Ejemplo n.º 33
 public void TestNonBrowsableInterfaces()
     string code = @"
     TestFrameWork theTest = new TestFrameWork();
     ExecutionMirror mirror = theTest.RunScriptSource(code);
     Assert.IsTrue(theTest.GetClassIndex("Geometry") != ProtoCore.DSASM.Constants.kInvalidIndex);
     Assert.IsTrue(theTest.GetClassIndex("IColor") == ProtoCore.DSASM.Constants.kInvalidIndex);
     Assert.IsTrue(theTest.GetClassIndex("IDesignScriptEntity") == ProtoCore.DSASM.Constants.kInvalidIndex);
     Assert.IsTrue(theTest.GetClassIndex("IDisplayable") == ProtoCore.DSASM.Constants.kInvalidIndex);
     Assert.IsTrue(theTest.GetClassIndex("IPersistentObject") == ProtoCore.DSASM.Constants.kInvalidIndex);
     Assert.IsTrue(theTest.GetClassIndex("IPersistencyManager") == ProtoCore.DSASM.Constants.kInvalidIndex);
     Assert.IsTrue(theTest.GetClassIndex("ICoordinateSystemEntity") == ProtoCore.DSASM.Constants.kInvalidIndex);
     Assert.IsTrue(theTest.GetClassIndex("IGeometryEntity") == ProtoCore.DSASM.Constants.kInvalidIndex);
     Assert.IsTrue(theTest.GetClassIndex("IPointEntity") == ProtoCore.DSASM.Constants.kInvalidIndex);
     Assert.IsTrue(theTest.GetClassIndex("ICurveEntity") == ProtoCore.DSASM.Constants.kInvalidIndex);
     Assert.IsTrue(theTest.GetClassIndex("ILineEntity") == ProtoCore.DSASM.Constants.kInvalidIndex);
     Assert.IsTrue(theTest.GetClassIndex("ICircleEntity") == ProtoCore.DSASM.Constants.kInvalidIndex);
     Assert.IsTrue(theTest.GetClassIndex("IArcEntity") == ProtoCore.DSASM.Constants.kInvalidIndex);
     Assert.IsTrue(theTest.GetClassIndex("IBSplineCurveEntity") == ProtoCore.DSASM.Constants.kInvalidIndex);
     Assert.IsTrue(theTest.GetClassIndex("IBRepEntity") == ProtoCore.DSASM.Constants.kInvalidIndex);
     Assert.IsTrue(theTest.GetClassIndex("ISurfaceEntity") == ProtoCore.DSASM.Constants.kInvalidIndex);
     Assert.IsTrue(theTest.GetClassIndex("IBSplineSurfaceEntity") == ProtoCore.DSASM.Constants.kInvalidIndex);
     Assert.IsTrue(theTest.GetClassIndex("IPlaneEntity") == ProtoCore.DSASM.Constants.kInvalidIndex);
     Assert.IsTrue(theTest.GetClassIndex("ISolidEntity") == ProtoCore.DSASM.Constants.kInvalidIndex);
     Assert.IsTrue(theTest.GetClassIndex("IPrimitiveSolidEntity") == ProtoCore.DSASM.Constants.kInvalidIndex);
     Assert.IsTrue(theTest.GetClassIndex("IConeEntity") == ProtoCore.DSASM.Constants.kInvalidIndex);
     Assert.IsTrue(theTest.GetClassIndex("ICuboidEntity") == ProtoCore.DSASM.Constants.kInvalidIndex);
     Assert.IsTrue(theTest.GetClassIndex("ISphereEntity") == ProtoCore.DSASM.Constants.kInvalidIndex);
     Assert.IsTrue(theTest.GetClassIndex("IPolygonEntity") == ProtoCore.DSASM.Constants.kInvalidIndex);
     Assert.IsTrue(theTest.GetClassIndex("ISubDMeshEntity") == ProtoCore.DSASM.Constants.kInvalidIndex);
     Assert.IsTrue(theTest.GetClassIndex("IBlockEntity") == ProtoCore.DSASM.Constants.kInvalidIndex);
     Assert.IsTrue(theTest.GetClassIndex("IBlockHelper") == ProtoCore.DSASM.Constants.kInvalidIndex);
     Assert.IsTrue(theTest.GetClassIndex("ITopologyEntity") == ProtoCore.DSASM.Constants.kInvalidIndex);
     Assert.IsTrue(theTest.GetClassIndex("IShellEntity") == ProtoCore.DSASM.Constants.kInvalidIndex);
     Assert.IsTrue(theTest.GetClassIndex("ICellEntity") == ProtoCore.DSASM.Constants.kInvalidIndex);
     Assert.IsTrue(theTest.GetClassIndex("IFaceEntity") == ProtoCore.DSASM.Constants.kInvalidIndex);
     Assert.IsTrue(theTest.GetClassIndex("ICellFaceEntity") == ProtoCore.DSASM.Constants.kInvalidIndex);
     Assert.IsTrue(theTest.GetClassIndex("IVertexEntity") == ProtoCore.DSASM.Constants.kInvalidIndex);
     Assert.IsTrue(theTest.GetClassIndex("IEdgeEntity") == ProtoCore.DSASM.Constants.kInvalidIndex);
     Assert.IsTrue(theTest.GetClassIndex("ITextEntity") == ProtoCore.DSASM.Constants.kInvalidIndex);
     Assert.IsTrue(theTest.GetClassIndex("IGeometryFactory") == ProtoCore.DSASM.Constants.kInvalidIndex);
Ejemplo n.º 34
 public void TestImportBrowsableClass()
     string code = @"
         import(NurbsCurve from ""ProtoGeometry.dll"");
     TestFrameWork theTest = new TestFrameWork();
     ExecutionMirror mirror = theTest.RunScriptSource(code);
     //This import must import BSplineCurve and related classes.
     Assert.IsTrue(theTest.GetClassIndex("Geometry") != ProtoCore.DSASM.Constants.kInvalidIndex);
     Assert.IsTrue(theTest.GetClassIndex("Point") != ProtoCore.DSASM.Constants.kInvalidIndex);
     Assert.IsTrue(theTest.GetClassIndex("Vector") != ProtoCore.DSASM.Constants.kInvalidIndex);
     Assert.IsTrue(theTest.GetClassIndex("Solid") != ProtoCore.DSASM.Constants.kInvalidIndex);
     Assert.IsTrue(theTest.GetClassIndex("Surface") != ProtoCore.DSASM.Constants.kInvalidIndex);
     Assert.IsTrue(theTest.GetClassIndex("Plane") != ProtoCore.DSASM.Constants.kInvalidIndex);
     Assert.IsTrue(theTest.GetClassIndex("CoordinateSystem") != ProtoCore.DSASM.Constants.kInvalidIndex);
     Assert.IsTrue(theTest.GetClassIndex("CoordinateSystem") != ProtoCore.DSASM.Constants.kInvalidIndex);
     Assert.IsTrue(theTest.GetClassIndex("Curve") != ProtoCore.DSASM.Constants.kInvalidIndex);
     Assert.IsTrue(theTest.GetClassIndex("NurbsCurve") != ProtoCore.DSASM.Constants.kInvalidIndex);
     //Non-browsable as well as unrelated class should not be imported.
     Assert.IsTrue(theTest.GetClassIndex("DesignScriptEntity") == ProtoCore.DSASM.Constants.kInvalidIndex);
     Assert.IsTrue(theTest.GetClassIndex("Circle") == ProtoCore.DSASM.Constants.kInvalidIndex);
     Assert.IsTrue(theTest.GetClassIndex("SubDivisionMesh") == ProtoCore.DSASM.Constants.kInvalidIndex);
     Assert.IsTrue(theTest.GetClassIndex("GeometryFactory") == ProtoCore.DSASM.Constants.kInvalidIndex);
Ejemplo n.º 35
 public void TestImportNonBrowsableClass()
     string code = @"
         import(DesignScriptEntity from ""ProtoGeometry.dll"");
     TestFrameWork theTest = new TestFrameWork();
     ExecutionMirror mirror = theTest.RunScriptSource(code);
     Assert.IsTrue(theTest.GetClassIndex("Geometry") == ProtoCore.DSASM.Constants.kInvalidIndex);
     Assert.IsTrue(theTest.GetClassIndex("Point") == ProtoCore.DSASM.Constants.kInvalidIndex);
     Assert.IsTrue(theTest.GetClassIndex("DesignScriptEntity") == ProtoCore.DSASM.Constants.kInvalidIndex);
     Assert.IsTrue(theTest.GetClassIndex("GeometryFactory") == ProtoCore.DSASM.Constants.kInvalidIndex);
Ejemplo n.º 36
            Assert.IsTrue((Int64)val.Payload == 202);
            // expect to re-execute id2 = bar.ID
            Assert.AreEqual(5, vms.ExecutionCursor.StartInclusive.LineNo);
            vms = runner_.StepOver();
            val = GetWatchValue(core_, @"id2");
            Assert.IsTrue((Int64)val.Payload == 202);
Ejemplo n.º 37
 Assert.IsTrue((Int64)val.Payload == 101);
 val = GetWatchValue(core_, @"id2");
 Assert.IsTrue((Int64)val.Payload == 101);
 fooSingleton.ID = 202;
 // expect to re-execute id1 = foo.ID
 vms = runner_.StepOver();
 Assert.AreEqual(3, vms.ExecutionCursor.StartInclusive.LineNo);
 vms = runner_.StepOver();