Ejemplo n.º 1
            protected override void Iterate()
                IServiceFactory f = new TestFactory(GetCLV());

Ejemplo n.º 2
 protected override void Iterate()
     if (n < factories.Length)
         IServiceFactory f       = factories[n++];
         bool            success = service.UnregisterFactory(f);
         TestFmwk.Logln("factory: " + f + (success ? " succeeded." : " *** failed."));
Ejemplo n.º 3
            protected override void Iterate()
                string id = GetCLV();
                object o  = service.Get(id, actualID);

                if (o != null)
                    TestFmwk.Logln(" id: " + id + " actual: " + actualID[0] + " result: " + o);
Ejemplo n.º 4
            protected override void Iterate()
                if (--n < 0)
                    n = list.Length - 1;
                string id = list[n];
                object o  = service.Get(id);

                TestFmwk.Logln(" id: " + id + " result: " + o);
Ejemplo n.º 5
            internal void Test(String s, int start, int count, int index, int offset,
                               int expected, bool flip)
                char[] chars = s.ToCharArray();
                String strng = s.Substring(start, count); // ICU4N: (start + count) - start == count
                int    val1  = UChar.OffsetByCodePoints(chars, start, count,
                                                        index, offset);
                int val2 = UChar.OffsetByCodePoints(strng, index - start,
                           + start;

                if (val1 != expected)
                    TestFmwk.Errln("char[] " + Str(s, start, count, index, offset) + "("
                                   + val1 + ") != " + expected);
                else if (val2 != expected)
                    TestFmwk.Errln("String " + Str(s, start, count, index, offset) + "("
                                   + val2 + ") != " + expected);
                else if (TestFmwk.IsVerbose())
                    TestFmwk.Logln(Str(s, start, count, index, offset) + " == "
                                   + expected);

                if (flip)
                    val1 = UChar.OffsetByCodePoints(chars, start, count,
                                                    expected, -offset);
                    val2 = UChar.OffsetByCodePoints(strng, expected
                                                    - start, -offset)
                           + start;
                    if (val1 != index)
                        TestFmwk.Errln("char[] "
                                       + Str(s, start, count, expected, -offset) + "("
                                       + val1 + ") != " + index);
                    else if (val2 != index)
                        TestFmwk.Errln("String "
                                       + Str(s, start, count, expected, -offset) + "("
                                       + val2 + ") != " + index);
                    else if (TestFmwk.IsVerbose())
                        TestFmwk.Logln(Str(s, start, count, expected, -offset) + " == "
                                       + index);
Ejemplo n.º 6
            protected override void Iterate()
                var ids  = service.GetVisibleIDs();
                var iter = ids.GetEnumerator();
                int n    = 10;

                while (--n >= 0 && iter.MoveNext())
                    string id     = (string)iter.Current;
                    object result = service.Get(id);
                    TestFmwk.Logln("iter: " + n + " id: " + id + " result: " + result);
Ejemplo n.º 7
            protected override void Iterate()
                int s = factories.Count;

                if (s == 0)
                    factories = service.Factories();
                    int n = r.Next(s);
                    //IFactory f = (IFactory)factories.RemoveAt(n);
                    IServiceFactory f = factories[n];
                    bool success = service.UnregisterFactory(f);
                    TestFmwk.Logln("factory: " + f + (success ? " succeeded." : " *** failed."));
Ejemplo n.º 8
            protected override void Iterate()
                var names = GetDisplayNames(service, locale);
                var iter  = names.GetEnumerator();
                int n     = 10;

                while (--n >= 0 && iter.MoveNext())
                    var    e      = iter.Current;
                    string dname  = (string)e.Key;
                    string id     = (string)e.Value;
                    object result = service.Get(id);

                    // Note: IllegalMonitorStateException is thrown by the code
                    // below on IBM JRE5 for AIX 64bit.  For some reason, converting
                    // int to string out of this statement resolves the issue.

                    string num = (n).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                    TestFmwk.Logln(" iter: " + num +
                                   " dname: " + dname +
                                   " id: " + id +
                                   " result: " + result);