Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void GetExpressionValue_MemberExpression_Field()
            TestDataObject obj = new TestDataObjectImpl()
                TestField = "Hello World"
            Expression e = Expression.PropertyOrField(Expression.Constant(obj), "TestField");

            Assert.That(e.GetExpressionValue <string>(), Is.EqualTo("Hello World"));
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void Visit()
            System.Linq.Expressions.Expression <Func <int, int, bool> > largeSumTestExpression = (num1, num2) => (num1 + num2) > 1000;
            Func <int, int, bool> largeSumTest = largeSumTestExpression.Compile();

            TestDataObject obj = new TestDataObjectImpl()
                StringProperty = "test", TestField = "test2"
            TestObj obj2 = new TestObj()
                TestField = "Test2"
            TestQuery <TestDataObject> ctx = new TestQuery <TestDataObject>();
            var list = from o in ctx
                       where o.IntProperty == 1 &&
                       o.IntProperty != 2 &&
                       o.IntProperty > 3 &&
                       o.IntProperty == obj.ID &&
                       o.StringProperty == obj2.TestField &&
                       o.StringProperty == obj.StringProperty &&
                       o.StringProperty.StartsWith(obj2.TestField) &&
                       (o.StringProperty.StartsWith("test") || o.StringProperty == "test") &&
                       (o.StringProperty is string) &&
                       !o.BoolProperty &&
                       o.BoolProperty ? false : true &&
                       o.StringProperty == new DateTime().ToShortDateString() &&
                       new int[] { 1, obj.IntProperty }.Length == 2 &&
            (obj.IntProperty + o.StringProperty.Length) == 4 &&
            largeSumTest(o.IntProperty, o.IntProperty)
            select new
                Test     = o.IntProperty * 2,
                Test2    = MethodCallTest(o.StringProperty.Length * 2),
                TestList = new int[] { o.IntProperty, o.ID, o.StringProperty.Length },
                TestObj  = new { o.BoolProperty, o.ID },
                Date     = new DateTime(1000),
                Test3    = obj.StringProperty,
                Test4    = new TestDataObjectImpl()
                    StringProperty = o.StringProperty, ID = MethodCallTest(o.IntProperty)
                Test5 = new List <TestDataObject> {
                    new TestDataObjectImpl()
                        StringProperty = obj.StringProperty, ID = o.IntProperty
                    new TestDataObjectImpl()
                        StringProperty = o.StringProperty, ID = MethodCallTest(o.IntProperty)
                Test6 = MethodCallTest(2),
                Test7 = new List <TestDataObject>()
                    new TestDataObjectImpl(), obj
                }.Max(x => x.ID),

            // The TestProvider does not implement Projections
            // But in that case we just whant to test the visitor
            var result = list.GetEnumerator();

            Assert.That(result, Is.Null);