Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void CancellationScopeInPick()
            // CancellationScope does not have test OM
            CancellationScope cancel = new CancellationScope()
                DisplayName = "TestCancellationScope",
                Body        = new TestSequence()
                    Activities =
                        new TestDelay("LongDelay", new TimeSpan(0, 0, 5))
                              CancellationHandler = new TestSequence()
                    Activities =
                        new TestWriteLine()
                            Message = "Cancelled"

            TestCustomActivity testCancel = TestCustomActivity <CancellationScope> .CreateFromProduct(cancel);

                new UnorderedTraces()
                Steps =
                    new UserTrace("Cancelled"),

            TestPick pick = new TestPick()
                Branches =
                    new TestPickBranch()
                        Trigger = new TestDelay("ShortDelay", new TimeSpan(0, 0, 1))
                    new TestPickBranch()
                        Trigger = testCancel

            ExpectedTrace expectedTrace = pick.GetExpectedTrace();


            TestRuntime.RunAndValidateWorkflow(pick, expectedTrace);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void DifferentArguments()
            //Testing Different argument types for Switch.Expression
            // DelegateInArgument
            // DelegateOutArgument
            // Activity<T>
            // Variable<T> , Activity<T> and Expression is already implemented.

            DelegateInArgument <string>  delegateInArgument  = new DelegateInArgument <string>("Input");
            DelegateOutArgument <string> delegateOutArgument = new DelegateOutArgument <string>("Output");

            TestCustomActivity <InvokeFunc <string, string> > invokeFunc = TestCustomActivity <InvokeFunc <string, string> > .CreateFromProduct(
                new InvokeFunc <string, string>
                Argument = "PassedInValue",
                Func     = new ActivityFunc <string, string>
                    Argument = delegateInArgument,
                    Result   = delegateOutArgument,
                    Handler  = new CoreWf.Statements.Sequence
                        DisplayName = "Sequence1",
                        Activities  =
                            new CoreWf.Statements.Switch <string>
                                DisplayName = "Switch1",
                                Expression  = delegateInArgument,
                                Cases       =
                                        new CoreWf.Statements.Assign <string>
                                            DisplayName = "Assign1",
                                            To          = delegateOutArgument,
                                            Value       = "OutValue",
                                Default = new Test.Common.TestObjects.CustomActivities.WriteLine{
                                    DisplayName = "W1", Message = "This should not be printed"
                            new CoreWf.Statements.Switch <string>
                                DisplayName = "Switch2",
                                Expression  = delegateOutArgument,
                                Cases       =
                                        new Test.Common.TestObjects.CustomActivities.WriteLine {
                                            DisplayName = "W2", Message = delegateOutArgument
                                Default = new Test.Common.TestObjects.CustomActivities.WriteLine{
                                    DisplayName = "W3", Message = "This should not be printed"

            TestSwitch <string> switch1 = new TestSwitch <string>
                DisplayName = "Switch1",
                Hints       = { 0 }

            switch1.AddCase("PassedInValue", new TestAssign <string> {
                DisplayName = "Assign1"
            switch1.Default = new TestWriteLine {
                DisplayName = "W1"

            TestSwitch <string> switch2 = new TestSwitch <string>
                DisplayName = "Switch2",
                Hints       = { 0 }

            switch2.AddCase("OutValue", new TestWriteLine {
                DisplayName = "W2", HintMessage = "OutValue"
            switch2.Default = new TestWriteLine {
                DisplayName = "W3"

            TestSequence sequenceForTracing = new TestSequence
                DisplayName = "Sequence1",
                Activities  =


Ejemplo n.º 3
        public void DifferentArguments()
            //Testing Different argument types for If.Condition
            // DelegateInArgument
            // DelegateOutArgument
            // Activity<T>
            // Variable<T> , Activity<T> and Expression is already implemented.

            DelegateInArgument <bool>  delegateInArgument  = new DelegateInArgument <bool>("Condition");
            DelegateOutArgument <bool> delegateOutArgument = new DelegateOutArgument <bool>("Output");

            TestCustomActivity <InvokeFunc <bool, bool> > invokeFunc = TestCustomActivity <InvokeFunc <bool, bool> > .CreateFromProduct(
                new InvokeFunc <bool, bool>
                Argument = true,
                Func     = new ActivityFunc <bool, bool>
                    Argument = delegateInArgument,
                    Result   = delegateOutArgument,
                    Handler  = new System.Activities.Statements.Sequence
                        DisplayName = "Sequence1",
                        Activities  =
                            new System.Activities.Statements.If
                                DisplayName = "If1",
                                Condition   = delegateInArgument,
                                Then        = new System.Activities.Statements.Sequence
                                    DisplayName = "Sequence2",
                                    Activities  =
                                        new System.Activities.Statements.Assign <bool>
                                            DisplayName = "Assign1",
                                            Value       = delegateInArgument,
                                            To          = delegateOutArgument,
                                        new System.Activities.Statements.If
                                            DisplayName = "If2",
                                            Condition   = delegateOutArgument,
                                            Then        = new System.Activities.Statements.WriteLine
                                                DisplayName = "W1",
                                                Text        = "Tested DelegateIn and DelegateOut arguments in If condition"

            TestSequence sequenceForTracing = new TestSequence
                DisplayName = "Sequence1",
                Activities  =
                    new TestIf(HintThenOrElse.Then)
                        DisplayName  = "If1",
                        ThenActivity = new TestSequence
                            DisplayName = "Sequence2",
                            Activities  =
                                new TestAssign <bool> {
                                    DisplayName = "Assign1"
                                new TestIf(HintThenOrElse.Then)
                                    DisplayName  = "If2",
                                    ThenActivity = new TestSequence("W1"),


            TestIf root = new TestIf(HintThenOrElse.Then)
                ConditionActivity = invokeFunc,
                ThenActivity      = new TestWriteLine {
                    Message = "True", HintMessage = "True"
                ElseActivity = new TestWriteLine {
                    Message = "False", HintMessage = "This is not expected"

Ejemplo n.º 4
        public void DifferentArguments()
            //Testing Different argument types for DoWhile.Condition
            // DelegateInArgument
            // DelegateOutArgument
            // Variable<T> , Activity<T> and Expression is already implemented.

            DelegateInArgument <bool>  delegateInArgument  = new DelegateInArgument <bool>("Condition");
            DelegateOutArgument <bool> delegateOutArgument = new DelegateOutArgument <bool>("Output");

            TestCustomActivity <InvokeFunc <bool, bool> > invokeFunc = TestCustomActivity <InvokeFunc <bool, bool> > .CreateFromProduct(
                new InvokeFunc <bool, bool>
                Argument = true,
                Func     = new ActivityFunc <bool, bool>
                    Argument = delegateInArgument,
                    Result   = delegateOutArgument,
                    Handler  = new Microsoft.CoreWf.Statements.Sequence
                        DisplayName = "sequence1",
                        Activities  =
                            new Microsoft.CoreWf.Statements.DoWhile
                                DisplayName = "DoWhile1",
                                Condition   = ExpressionServices.Convert <bool>(ctx => delegateInArgument.Get(ctx)),
                                Body        = new Microsoft.CoreWf.Statements.Assign <bool>
                                    DisplayName = "Assign1",
                                    To          = delegateInArgument,
                                    Value       = new Not <bool, bool> {
                                        DisplayName = "Not1", Operand = delegateInArgument
                            new Microsoft.CoreWf.Statements.Assign <bool>
                                DisplayName = "Assign2",
                                To          = delegateOutArgument,
                                Value       = new Not <bool, bool> {
                                    DisplayName = "Not2", Operand = delegateInArgument
                            new Microsoft.CoreWf.Statements.DoWhile
                                DisplayName = "DoWhile2",
                                Condition   = ExpressionServices.Convert <bool>(ctx => !delegateOutArgument.Get(ctx)),
                                Body        = new Microsoft.CoreWf.Statements.Assign <bool>
                                    DisplayName = "Assign3",
                                    To          = delegateOutArgument,
                                    Value       = new Not <bool, bool> {
                                        DisplayName = "Not3", Operand = delegateInArgument

            TestSequence sequenceForTracing = new TestSequence
                DisplayName = "sequence1",
                Activities  =
                    new TestDoWhile
                        DisplayName            = "DoWhile1",
                        ActivitySpecificTraces =
                            new OrderedTraces()
                                Steps =
                                    new ActivityTrace("Assign1",                        ActivityInstanceState.Executing),
                                    new ActivityTrace("Not1",                           ActivityInstanceState.Executing),
                                    new ActivityTrace("Not1",                           ActivityInstanceState.Closed),
                                    new ActivityTrace("Assign1",                        ActivityInstanceState.Closed),
                                    new ActivityTrace("DelegateArgumentValue<Boolean>", ActivityInstanceState.Executing),
                                    new ActivityTrace("DelegateArgumentValue<Boolean>", ActivityInstanceState.Closed),
                    new TestAssign <bool>
                        DisplayName   = "Assign2",
                        ValueActivity = new Test.Common.TestObjects.Activities.Expressions.TestNot <bool, bool>{
                            DisplayName = "Not2"
                    new TestDoWhile
                        DisplayName            = "DoWhile2",
                        ActivitySpecificTraces =
                            new OrderedTraces()
                                Steps =
                                    new ActivityTrace("Assign3",              ActivityInstanceState.Executing),
                                    new ActivityTrace("Not3",                 ActivityInstanceState.Executing),
                                    new ActivityTrace("Not3",                 ActivityInstanceState.Closed),
                                    new ActivityTrace("Assign3",              ActivityInstanceState.Closed),
                                    new ActivityTrace("Not<Boolean,Boolean>", ActivityInstanceState.Executing),
                                    new ActivityTrace("Not<Boolean,Boolean>", ActivityInstanceState.Closed),


            TestIf root = new TestIf(HintThenOrElse.Then)
                ConditionActivity = invokeFunc,
                ThenActivity      = new TestWriteLine {
                    Message = "True", HintMessage = "True"
                ElseActivity = new TestWriteLine {
                    Message = "False", HintMessage = "This is not expected"

        public void SetDelegateArgument()
            // for using delegate argument

            TheStruct valueType             = new TheStruct();
            int       indiceValue           = 2;
            DelegateInArgument <int> indice = new DelegateInArgument <int>();
            Variable <TheStruct>     var    = VariableHelper.CreateInitialized <TheStruct>("var", valueType);
            TestValueTypeIndexerReference <TheStruct, int> valueTypeIndexerReference = new TestValueTypeIndexerReference <TheStruct, int>()
                OperandLocationVariable = var,

            valueTypeIndexerReference.Indices.Add(new TestArgument <int>(Direction.In, null, (env) => indice.Get(env)));

            int value = 321;
            TestAssign <int> testAssign = new TestAssign <int>()
                ToLocation = valueTypeIndexerReference, Value = value

            TestSequence seq = new TestSequence()
                Activities =
                    new TestWriteLine {
                        MessageExpression = ((ctx) => var.Get(ctx)[indiceValue].ToString())

            CoreWf.Statements.Sequence outerSeq = new CoreWf.Statements.Sequence()
                Variables =
                Activities =
                    new InvokeAction <int>()
                        Argument = indiceValue,
                        Action   = new ActivityAction <int>()
                            Argument = indice,
                            Handler  = seq.ProductActivity

            TestCustomActivity testActivity = TestCustomActivity <CoreWf.Statements.Sequence> .CreateFromProduct(outerSeq);

            UnorderedTraces traces = new UnorderedTraces()
                Steps =
                    new UserTrace(value.ToString())

            ExpectedTrace expectedTrace = testActivity.GetExpectedTrace();


            TestRuntime.RunAndValidateWorkflow(testActivity, expectedTrace);