Ejemplo n.º 1
    private static bool TryParseTerminalInputSequence(char[] buffer, TerminalFormatStrings terminalFormatStrings, out ConsoleKeyInfo parsed, ref int startIndex, int endIndex)
        ReadOnlySpan <char> input = buffer.AsSpan(startIndex, endIndex - startIndex);

        parsed = default;

        // sequences start with either "^[[" or "^[O". "^[" stands for Escape (27).
        if (input.Length < MinimalSequenceLength || input[0] != Escape || (input[1] != '[' && input[1] != 'O'))

        Dictionary <ReadOnlyMemory <char>, ConsoleKeyInfo> terminfoDb = terminalFormatStrings.KeyFormatToConsoleKey; // the most important source of truth
        ConsoleModifiers modifiers = 0;
        ConsoleKey       key;

        // Is it a three character sequence? (examples: '^[[H' (Home), '^[OP' (F1))
        if (input[1] == 'O' || char.IsAsciiLetter(input[2]) || input.Length == MinimalSequenceLength)
            if (!terminfoDb.TryGetValue(buffer.AsMemory(startIndex, MinimalSequenceLength), out parsed))
                // All terminals which use "^[O{letter}" escape sequences don't define conflicting mappings.
                // Example: ^[OH either means Home or simply is not used by given terminal.
                // But with "^[[{character}" sequences, there are conflicts between rxvt and SCO.
                // Example: "^[[a" is Shift+UpArrow for rxvt and Shift+F3 for SCO.
                (key, modifiers) = input[1] == 'O' || terminalFormatStrings.IsRxvtTerm
                    ? MapKeyIdOXterm(input[2], terminalFormatStrings.IsRxvtTerm)
                    : MapSCO(input[2]);

                if (key == default)
                    return(false); // it was not a known sequence

                char keyChar = key switch
                    ConsoleKey.Enter => '\r', // "^[OM" should produce new line character (was not previously mapped this way)
                    ConsoleKey.Add => '+',
                    ConsoleKey.Subtract => '-',
                    ConsoleKey.Divide => '/',
                    ConsoleKey.Multiply => '*',
                    _ => default
                parsed = Create(keyChar, key, modifiers);

            startIndex += MinimalSequenceLength;

        // Is it a four character sequence used by Linux Console or PuTTy configured to emulate it? (examples: '^[[[A' (F1), '^[[[B' (F2))
        if (input[1] == '[' && input[2] == '[' && char.IsBetween(input[3], 'A', 'E'))
            if (!terminfoDb.TryGetValue(buffer.AsMemory(startIndex, 4), out parsed))
                parsed = new ConsoleKeyInfo(default, ConsoleKey.F1 + input[3] - 'A', false, false, false);
Ejemplo n.º 2
    internal static ConsoleKeyInfo Parse(char[] buffer, TerminalFormatStrings terminalFormatStrings, byte posixDisableValue, byte veraseCharacter, ref int startIndex, int endIndex)
        MapBufferToConsoleKey(buffer, terminalFormatStrings, posixDisableValue, veraseCharacter, out ConsoleKey key,
                              out char ch, out bool isShift, out bool isAlt, out bool isCtrl, ref startIndex, endIndex);

        // Replace the '\n' char for Enter by '\r' to match Windows behavior.
        if (key == ConsoleKey.Enter && ch == '\n')
            ch = '\r';

        return(new ConsoleKeyInfo(ch, key, isShift, isAlt, isCtrl));
Ejemplo n.º 3
    private static bool MapBufferToConsoleKey(char[] buffer, TerminalFormatStrings terminalFormatStrings, byte posixDisableValue, byte veraseCharacter,
                                              out ConsoleKey key, out char ch, out bool isShift, out bool isAlt, out bool isCtrl, ref int startIndex, int endIndex)
        // Try to get the special key match from the TermInfo static information.
        if (TryGetSpecialConsoleKey(buffer, startIndex, endIndex, terminalFormatStrings, posixDisableValue, veraseCharacter, out ConsoleKeyInfo keyInfo, out int keyLength))
            key     = keyInfo.Key;
            isShift = (keyInfo.Modifiers & ConsoleModifiers.Shift) != 0;
            isAlt   = (keyInfo.Modifiers & ConsoleModifiers.Alt) != 0;
            isCtrl  = (keyInfo.Modifiers & ConsoleModifiers.Control) != 0;

            ch          = ((keyLength == 1) ? buffer[startIndex] : '\0'); // ignore keyInfo.KeyChar
            startIndex += keyLength;

        // Check if we can match Esc + combination and guess if alt was pressed.
        if (buffer[startIndex] == (char)0x1B && // Alt is send as an escape character
            endIndex - startIndex >= 2)         // We have at least two characters to read
            if (MapBufferToConsoleKey(buffer, terminalFormatStrings, posixDisableValue, veraseCharacter, out key, out ch, out isShift, out _, out isCtrl, ref startIndex, endIndex))
                isAlt = true;
                // We could not find a matching key here so, Alt+ combination assumption is in-correct.
                // The current key needs to be marked as Esc key.
                // Also, we do not increment _startIndex as we already did it.
                key   = ConsoleKey.Escape;
                ch    = (char)0x1B;
                isAlt = false;

        // Try reading the first char in the buffer and interpret it as a key.
        ch    = buffer[startIndex++];
        key   = GetKeyFromCharValue(ch, out isShift, out isCtrl);
        isAlt = false;
        return(key != default(ConsoleKey));
Ejemplo n.º 4
    private static bool TryGetSpecialConsoleKey(char[] givenChars, int startIndex, int endIndex,
                                                TerminalFormatStrings terminalFormatStrings, byte posixDisableValue, byte veraseCharacter, out ConsoleKeyInfo key, out int keyLength)
        int unprocessedCharCount = endIndex - startIndex;

        // First process special control character codes.  These override anything from terminfo.
        if (unprocessedCharCount > 0)
            // Is this an erase / backspace?
            char c = givenChars[startIndex];
            if (c != posixDisableValue && c == veraseCharacter)
                key       = new ConsoleKeyInfo(c, ConsoleKey.Backspace, shift: false, alt: false, control: false);
                keyLength = 1;

        // Then process terminfo mappings.
        int minRange = terminalFormatStrings.MinKeyFormatLength;

        if (unprocessedCharCount >= minRange)
            int maxRange = Math.Min(unprocessedCharCount, terminalFormatStrings.MaxKeyFormatLength);

            for (int i = maxRange; i >= minRange; i--)
                var currentString = new ReadOnlyMemory <char>(givenChars, startIndex, i);

                // Check if the string prefix matches.
                if (terminalFormatStrings.KeyFormatToConsoleKey.TryGetValue(currentString, out key))
                    keyLength = currentString.Length;

        // Otherwise, not a known special console key.
        key       = default(ConsoleKeyInfo);
        keyLength = 0;
Ejemplo n.º 5
    private const int SequencePrefixLength  = 2; // ^[[ ("^[" stands for Escape)

    internal static ConsoleKeyInfo Parse(char[] buffer, TerminalFormatStrings terminalFormatStrings, byte posixDisableValue, byte veraseCharacter, ref int startIndex, int endIndex)
        int length = endIndex - startIndex;

        Debug.Assert(length > 0);

        // VERASE overrides anything from Terminfo. Both settings can be different for Linux and macOS.
        if (buffer[startIndex] != posixDisableValue && buffer[startIndex] == veraseCharacter)
            // the original char is preserved on purpose (backward compat + consistency)
            return(new ConsoleKeyInfo(buffer[startIndex++], ConsoleKey.Backspace, false, false, false));

        // Escape Sequences start with Escape. But some terminals like PuTTY and rxvt prepend Escape to express that for given sequence Alt was pressed.
        if (length >= MinimalSequenceLength + 1 && buffer[startIndex] == Escape && buffer[startIndex + 1] == Escape)
            if (TryParseTerminalInputSequence(buffer, terminalFormatStrings, out ConsoleKeyInfo parsed, ref startIndex, endIndex))
                return(new ConsoleKeyInfo(parsed.KeyChar, parsed.Key, (parsed.Modifiers & ConsoleModifiers.Shift) != 0, alt: true, (parsed.Modifiers & ConsoleModifiers.Control) != 0));
        else if (length >= MinimalSequenceLength && TryParseTerminalInputSequence(buffer, terminalFormatStrings, out ConsoleKeyInfo parsed, ref startIndex, endIndex))

        if (length == 2 && buffer[startIndex] == Escape && buffer[startIndex + 1] != Escape)
            startIndex++; // skip the Escape
            return(ParseFromSingleChar(buffer[startIndex++], isAlt: true));

        return(ParseFromSingleChar(buffer[startIndex++], isAlt: false));