Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Report an update in tech level and any new components that have became
        /// available.
        /// </summary>
        private void TechLevelUp(TechLevel.ResearchField area, EmpireData empire)
            TechLevel oldResearchLevel = empire.ResearchLevels.Clone();

            TechLevel newResearchLevel = empire.ResearchLevels;

            Message techAdvanceMessage = new Message(
                "Your race has advanced to Tech Level " + empire.ResearchLevels[area] + " in the " + area.ToString() + " field",


            AllComponents allComponents = new AllComponents();

            foreach (Component component in allComponents.GetAll.Values)
                if (oldResearchLevel < component.RequiredTech && newResearchLevel >= component.RequiredTech)
                    Message newComponentMessage = null;

                    if (component.Properties.ContainsKey("Scanner") && component.Type == ItemType.PlanetaryInstallations)
                        newComponentMessage = new Message(
                            "All existing planetary scanners has been replaced by " + component.Name + " " + component.Type,

                        foreach (Star star in empire.OwnedStars.Values)
                            if (star.Owner == empire.Id &&
                                star.ScannerType != string.Empty)
                                star.ScannerType = component.Name;
                        newComponentMessage = new Message(
                            "You now have available the " + component.Name + " " + component.Type + " component",
                            "NewComponentMessage", // TODO (priority 4) - Is this used? Is it documented somewhere? Why a string and not an enum?
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <Summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the ResearchDialog class.
        /// </Summary>
        public ResearchDialog(ClientData clientState)

            this.clientState = clientState;
            currentLevel     = this.clientState.EmpireState.ResearchLevels;

            // Provide a convienient way of getting a button from it's name.
            buttons.Add("Energy", energyButton);
            buttons.Add("Weapons", weaponsButton);
            buttons.Add("Propulsion", propulsionButton);
            buttons.Add("Construction", constructionButton);
            buttons.Add("Electronics", electronicsButton);
            buttons.Add("Biotechnology", biotechButton);

            // Set the currently attained research levels
            energyLevel.Text       = currentLevel[TechLevel.ResearchField.Energy].ToString();
            weaponsLevel.Text      = currentLevel[TechLevel.ResearchField.Weapons].ToString();
            propulsionLevel.Text   = currentLevel[TechLevel.ResearchField.Propulsion].ToString();
            constructionLevel.Text = currentLevel[TechLevel.ResearchField.Construction].ToString();
            electronicsLevel.Text  = currentLevel[TechLevel.ResearchField.Electronics].ToString();
            biotechLevel.Text      = currentLevel[TechLevel.ResearchField.Biotechnology].ToString();

            // Ensure that the correct RadioButton is checked to reflect the
            // current research selection and the budget up-down control is
            // initialized with the correct value.

            // Find the first research priority
            // TODO: Implement a proper hierarchy of research ("next research field") system.
            foreach (TechLevel.ResearchField area in Enum.GetValues(typeof(TechLevel.ResearchField)))
                if (this.clientState.EmpireState.ResearchTopics[area] == 1)
                    targetArea = area;

            RadioButton button = buttons[Enum.GetName(typeof(TechLevel.ResearchField), targetArea)];

            button.Checked = true;

            availableEnergy         = CountEnergy();
            availableResources.Text = this.availableEnergy.ToString(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
            budgetPercentage.Value  = this.clientState.EmpireState.ResearchBudget;
            dialoginitialized       = true;

            ParameterChanged(null, null);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <Summary>
        /// A new area has been selected for research. Make a note of where the research
        /// resources are now going to be spent.
        /// </Summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param>
        /// <param name="e">A <see cref="EventArgs"/> that contains the event data.</param>
        private void CheckChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (dialoginitialized == false)

            RadioButton button = sender as RadioButton;

            if (button != null && button.Checked == true)
                    clientState.EmpireState.ResearchTopics[targetArea] = 0;
                    targetArea = (TechLevel.ResearchField)Enum.Parse(typeof(TechLevel.ResearchField), button.Text, true);
                    clientState.EmpireState.ResearchTopics[targetArea] = 1;
                catch (System.ArgumentException)
                    Report.Error("ResearchDialog.cs : CheckChanged() - unrecognised field of research.");

            // Populate the expected research benefits list
            AllComponents allComponents = new AllComponents();

            TechLevel oldResearchLevel = currentLevel;
            TechLevel newResearchLevel = new TechLevel(oldResearchLevel);

            newResearchLevel[targetArea] = oldResearchLevel[targetArea] + 1;

            foreach (Nova.Common.Components.Component component in allComponents.GetAll.Values)
                if (!oldResearchLevel.Meets(component.RequiredTech) &&
                    string available = component.Name + " " + component.Type;

            ParameterChanged(null, null);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Contributes allocated research from the star.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="race">Star's owner race.</param>
        /// <param name="star">Star to process.</param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Note that stars which contribute only leftovers are not accounted for.
        /// </remarks>
        private void ContributeAllocatedResearch(Star star)
            if (star.Owner == Global.Nobody)

            EmpireData empire = serverState.AllEmpires[star.Owner];

            TechLevel targetAreas = empire.ResearchTopics;

            TechLevel.ResearchField targetArea = TechLevel.ResearchField.Energy; // default to Energy.

            // Find the first research priority
            // TODO: Implement a proper hierarchy of research ("next research field") system.
            foreach (TechLevel.ResearchField area in Enum.GetValues(typeof(TechLevel.ResearchField)))
                if (targetAreas[area] == 1)
                    targetArea = area;

            // Consume resources for research for added paranoia.
            empire.ResearchResources[targetArea] = empire.ResearchResources[targetArea] + star.ResearchAllocation;
            star.ResearchAllocation = 0;

            while (true)
                int cost = Research.Cost(targetArea, empire.Race, empire.ResearchLevels, empire.ResearchLevels[targetArea] + 1);

                if (empire.ResearchResources[targetArea] >= cost)
                    TechLevelUp(targetArea, empire);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Return the total energy cost for researching a level (taking into account
        /// the cost factor specified in the race designer). Note that we skip the first
        /// few turns of the Fibonacci series as they are too close together.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="level">The level to be researched.</param>
        /// <returns>The energy cost to reach that level.</returns>
        public static int Cost(TechLevel.ResearchField field, Race race, TechLevel totalLevels, int level)
            int techAjustment = 0;

            foreach (int levelAttained in totalLevels)
                techAjustment += levelAttained * 10;

            // The research cost is based on a Fionacci series (starting) at 5
            // multimplied by 10 then 10 points per tech-level reached in all
            // fields is added. Finally, the cost factor specified in the Race
            // Designer is then added.
            // ??? (priority 3) is this the Stars! costs, or some approximation? Need a reference.

            int baseCost   = (Fibonacci(level + 5) * 10) + techAjustment;
            int costFactor = race.ResearchCosts[field];

            return((baseCost * costFactor) / 100);
Ejemplo n.º 6
        /// <Summary>
        /// Manage research.
        /// Only changes research field after completing the previous research level.
        /// </Summary>
        private void HandleResearch()
            // Generate a research command to describe the changes.
            ResearchCommand command = new ResearchCommand();

            // Set the percentage of production to dedicate to research
            command.Budget = 0;

            // check if messages contains info about tech advence. Could be more than one, so use a flag to prevent setting the research level multiple times.
            bool hasAdvanced = false;

            foreach (Message msg in clientState.Messages)
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(msg.Type) && msg.Type == "TechAdvance")
////                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(msg.Type) && msg.Text.Contains("Your race has advanced to Tech Level") == true)  // can be removed if the previous line works
                    hasAdvanced = true;

            if (hasAdvanced)
                // pick next topic
                int minLevel = int.MaxValue;
                Nova.Common.TechLevel.ResearchField targetResearchField = TechLevel.ResearchField.Weapons; // default to researching weapons

                if (clientState.EmpireState.ResearchLevels[TechLevel.ResearchField.Propulsion] < 3)
                    // Prop 3 - Long Hump 6 - Warp 6 engine (or fuel mizer at Prop 2)
                    targetResearchField = TechLevel.ResearchField.Propulsion;
                else if (clientState.EmpireState.ResearchLevels[TechLevel.ResearchField.Electronics] < 1)
                    // Elec 1 - Rhino Scanner - 50 ly scan
                    targetResearchField = TechLevel.ResearchField.Electronics;
                else if (clientState.EmpireState.ResearchLevels[TechLevel.ResearchField.Construction] < 3)
                    // Cons 3 - Destroyer & Medium Freighter
                    targetResearchField = TechLevel.ResearchField.Construction;
                else if (clientState.EmpireState.ResearchLevels[TechLevel.ResearchField.Electronics] < 5)
                    // Elec 5 - Scanners
                    targetResearchField = TechLevel.ResearchField.Electronics;
                else if (clientState.EmpireState.ResearchLevels[TechLevel.ResearchField.Weapons] < 6)
                    // Wep 6 - Beta Torp (@5) and Yakimora Light Phaser
                    targetResearchField = TechLevel.ResearchField.Weapons;
                else if (clientState.EmpireState.ResearchLevels[TechLevel.ResearchField.Propulsion] < 7)
                    // Prop 7 - Warp 8 engine
                    targetResearchField = TechLevel.ResearchField.Propulsion;
                else if (clientState.EmpireState.ResearchLevels[TechLevel.ResearchField.Construction] < 6)
                    // Cons 6 - Frigate
                    targetResearchField = TechLevel.ResearchField.Construction;
                else if (clientState.EmpireState.ResearchLevels[TechLevel.ResearchField.Biotechnology] < 4)
                    // Bio 4 - Unlock terraform and prep for mines
                    targetResearchField = TechLevel.ResearchField.Biotechnology;
                else if (clientState.EmpireState.ResearchLevels[TechLevel.ResearchField.Energy] < 3)
                    // Energy 3 - Mines and shields
                    targetResearchField = TechLevel.ResearchField.Energy;
                else if (clientState.EmpireState.ResearchLevels[TechLevel.ResearchField.Construction] < 9)
                    // Cons 9 - Cruiser
                    targetResearchField = TechLevel.ResearchField.Construction;
                else if (clientState.EmpireState.ResearchLevels[TechLevel.ResearchField.Energy] < 6)
                    // Energy 6 - Shields
                    targetResearchField = TechLevel.ResearchField.Energy;
                else if (clientState.EmpireState.ResearchLevels[TechLevel.ResearchField.Weapons] < 12)
                    // Weapons 12 - Jihad Missile
                    targetResearchField = TechLevel.ResearchField.Weapons;
                else if (clientState.EmpireState.ResearchLevels[TechLevel.ResearchField.Construction] < 13)
                    // Cons 13 - Battleships
                    targetResearchField = TechLevel.ResearchField.Construction;
                else if (clientState.EmpireState.ResearchLevels[TechLevel.ResearchField.Energy] < 11)
                    // Energy 11 - Bear Neutrino at 10, and unlocks Syncro Sapper (need weapons 21)
                    targetResearchField = TechLevel.ResearchField.Energy;
                else if (clientState.EmpireState.ResearchLevels[TechLevel.ResearchField.Electronics] < 11)
                    // Elect 11 - Jammer 20 and Super Computer
                    targetResearchField = TechLevel.ResearchField.Electronics;
                else if (clientState.EmpireState.ResearchLevels[TechLevel.ResearchField.Propulsion] < 12)
                    // Prop 12 - Warp 10 and Overthruster
                    targetResearchField = TechLevel.ResearchField.Propulsion;
                else if (clientState.EmpireState.ResearchLevels[TechLevel.ResearchField.Biotechnology] < 7)
                    // Bio 7 maybe - scanners, Anti-matter generator, smart bombs
                    targetResearchField = TechLevel.ResearchField.Biotechnology;
                else if (clientState.EmpireState.ResearchLevels[TechLevel.ResearchField.Weapons] < 24)
                    // Weapons 24 - research all remaining weapons technologies
                    targetResearchField = TechLevel.ResearchField.Weapons;
                else if (clientState.EmpireState.ResearchLevels[TechLevel.ResearchField.Construction] < 26)
                    // Cons 26 - Nubian
                    targetResearchField = TechLevel.ResearchField.Construction;
                else if (clientState.EmpireState.ResearchLevels[TechLevel.ResearchField.Electronics] < 19)
                    // Elect 19 - Battle nexus
                    targetResearchField = TechLevel.ResearchField.Electronics;
                else if (clientState.EmpireState.ResearchLevels[TechLevel.ResearchField.Energy] < 22)
                    // Energy 22 - Complete Phase Shield
                    targetResearchField = TechLevel.ResearchField.Energy;
                else if (clientState.EmpireState.ResearchLevels[TechLevel.ResearchField.Propulsion] < 23)
                    // Prop 23 - Trans-Star 10
                    targetResearchField = TechLevel.ResearchField.Propulsion;
                else if (clientState.EmpireState.ResearchLevels[TechLevel.ResearchField.Biotechnology] < 10)
                    // Bio 10 - RNA Scanner
                    targetResearchField = TechLevel.ResearchField.Biotechnology;
                    // research lowest tech field
                    for (TechLevel.ResearchField field = TechLevel.FirstField; field <= TechLevel.LastField; field++)
                        if (clientState.EmpireState.ResearchLevels[field] < minLevel)
                            minLevel            = clientState.EmpireState.ResearchLevels[field];
                            targetResearchField = field;
                command.Topics[targetResearchField] = 1;

            if (command.IsValid(clientState.EmpireState))