Ejemplo n.º 1
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var teams = TeamsDataBase.GetAllTeams();

            var teamsStartWithLA = teams.Where(team => team.Name.StartsWith("La")).ToList();

            teamsStartWithLA.ForEach(team => Console.WriteLine(team.Name));
            var teamsPleyingInSteplesCenter = teams.Where(team => team.Arena == "Staples Center")
                                              .Select(team => team.Name).ToList();

            teamsPleyingInSteplesCenter.ForEach(team => Console.WriteLine(team));

            var allCoaches = teams.Select(team => team.Coach).ToList();

            allCoaches.ForEach(a => Console.WriteLine(a.FullName));

            var allOldestAndNamesCoaches = allCoaches.OrderByDescending(coach => coach.Age)
                                           .Select(coach => coach.FullName).ToList();

            allOldestAndNamesCoaches.ForEach(a => Console.WriteLine(a));

            var GroupTeamsByArenas = teams.GroupBy(team => team.Arena).ToList();

            var allPlayer = new List <Player> ();

            teams.ForEach(team => allPlayer.AddRange(team.Players));
            allPlayer.ForEach(pley => Console.WriteLine(pley.FullName));

            var pleyarWithMostPtsPerGame = allPlayer.OrderByDescending(player => player.PlayerStatistic["PtsPerGame"]).FirstOrDefault();

Ejemplo n.º 2
 static void Main(string[] args)
     var teams = TeamsDataBase.GetAllTeams();
Ejemplo n.º 3
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var teams = TeamsDataBase.GetAllTeams();

            foreach (var team in teams)
            //1-Find all Teams with names starting with LA

            var teamsStartingWithLa =
                teams.Where(team => team.Name.StartsWith("LA")).ToList();
            //  teamsStartingWithLa.ForEach(team => Console.WriteLine(team.Name));

            //2-Find all team Names which are playint in Staples Center
            var teamsPlayingInSteplaesCenter = teams
                                               .Where(team => team.Arena == "Staples Center")
                                               //moze i team.Arena.Equals("Staples Center")
                                               .Select(team => team.Name).ToList();

            teamsPlayingInSteplaesCenter.ForEach(team => Console.WriteLine(team));

            //3-Find all teams coaches
            var allCoaches = teams.
                             Select(team => team.Coach).ToList();

            allCoaches.ForEach(coach => Console.WriteLine(coach.FullName));

            //Find 3 oldest coaches Names and age
            var oldest3CoachesNameAndAge = allCoaches.
                                           OrderByDescending(coach => coach.Age)
                                           .Select(coach => coach.FullName)

            oldest3CoachesNameAndAge.ForEach(trainerName => Console.WriteLine(trainerName));

            //Group all teams by their arenas

            var groupTeams = teams.
                             GroupBy(team => team.Arena).ToList();
            //Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
            //foreach (var group in groupTeams)
            //    Console.WriteLine($"{group.Key}");
            //    foreach (var team in group)
            //    {
            //        Console.WriteLine($"{team.Name}");
            //    }

            //Find all players
            var allPlayers = new List <Player>();

            teams.ForEach(team => allPlayers.AddRange(team.Players));
            allPlayers.ForEach(player => Console.WriteLine(player.FullName));

            //          dali xznaci deka sekogas koga ima nesto
            //          sto treba da zememe od klasa vo klasa
            //          treba da si pravime prazna lista kako sega
            //          ako sakame od lista u klasa valjda

            //Find player with best avgPointsPerGame
            var Avg = allPlayers
                      .OrderByDescending(player => player.PlayerStatistic["PtsPerGame"])


            // HOMEWORK

            // Find all coaches NAMES with Age > 50
            var CoachesNameBiggerThanFifthy = teams.
                                              Where(team => team.Coach.Age > 50).ToList();

            Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Blue;
            CoachesNameBiggerThanFifthy.ForEach(coach => Console.WriteLine(coach.Name));

            // Order players by AGE - DESC
            var playersByAge = allPlayers.
                               OrderByDescending(player => player.Age).ToList();

            Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
            playersByAge.ForEach(player => Console.WriteLine(player.Age));

            // Find player with highest RebPerGame
            var HighestPlayer = allPlayers.
                                OrderByDescending(player => player.PlayerStatistic["RebPerGame"]).ToList();

            Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green;
            HighestPlayer.ForEach(player => Console.WriteLine(player.FullName));

            // Find all players with PtsPerGame > 20
            var PLayerPts = allPlayers.
                            Where(player => player.PlayerStatistic["PtsPerGame"] > 20.0f).ToList();

            Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow;
            PLayerPts.ForEach(player => Console.WriteLine(player.FullName));

            // Find all players NAMES older then 30 years
            var PlayerNameOlder = allPlayers.
                                  Where(player => player.Age > 30)
                                  .Select(player => player.FullName).ToList();

            Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
            PlayerNameOlder.ForEach(player => Console.WriteLine(player));

            // Group players by age

            var groupTeam = allPlayers.
                            GroupBy(player => player.Age).ToList();

            Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
            foreach (var group in groupTeam)
                Console.WriteLine($"{group.Key }");
                foreach (var player in group)

            // Find All players NAMES and PtsPerGame if have RebPerGame > 7.0
            var PrsNamesPlayer = allPlayers.
                                 Where(player => player.PlayerStatistic["PtsPerGame"] > 7.0f)
                                 .Select(player => player.FullName).ToList();

            Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
            PrsNamesPlayer.ForEach(player => Console.WriteLine(player));

            // Find first 3 players with highest PtsPerGame
            var HighestPlayer1 = allPlayers.
                                 OrderByDescending(player => player.PlayerStatistic["PtsPerGame"])
                                 .Select(player => player.FullName).Take(3).ToList();

            Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green;
            HighestPlayer1.ForEach(player => Console.WriteLine(player));

            // Find the team which has the player with highest PtsPerGame
            var playerPts = allPlayers.
                            OrderByDescending(player => player.PlayerStatistic["PtsPerGame"]).FirstOrDefault();
            var BestPlayer = teams.SingleOrDefault(team => team.Players.Contains(playerPts));

            Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
            Console.WriteLine(BestPlayer.Name);   //I dont have other idea

            // Find first 4 players with highest RebPerGame and order them by PtsPerGame - ASC
            var FourPlayers = allPlayers
                              .OrderBy(player => player.PlayerStatistic["RebPerGame"]).TakeLast(4)
                              .OrderBy(player => player.PlayerStatistic["PtsPerGame"]).ToList();
            //fourPhighestRebPerGame.ForEach(player => Console.WriteLine(player.FullName));
Ejemplo n.º 4
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var teams = TeamsDataBase.GetAllTeams();

            // Find all TEAMS with names starting with LA
            var teamsStartingWithLA = teams.Where(team => team.Name.StartsWith("LA")).ToList();
            // teamsStartingWithLA.ForEach(team => Console.WriteLine(team.Name));

            // Find all team NAMES which are playing in "Staples Center"
            var teamsPlayingInStaplesCenter = teams.Where(team => team.Arena.Equals("Staples Center"))
                                              .Select(team => team.Name).ToList();
            // teamsPlayingInStaplesCenter.ForEach(team => Console.WriteLine(team));

            // Find all teams coaches
            var allCoaches = teams.Select(team => team.Coach).ToList();
            // allCoaches.ForEach(coach => Console.WriteLine(coach.FullName));

            // Find 3 oldest coaches NAMES
            var oldest3CoahcesNames = allCoaches.OrderByDescending(coach => coach.Age)
                                      .Select(coach => coach.FullName)
            // oldest3CoahcesNames.ForEach(trainerName => Console.WriteLine(trainerName));

            // Group all teams by their arenas
            var groupedTeamsByArenas = teams.GroupBy(team => team.Arena).ToList();
            //foreach (var group in groupedTeamsByArenas)
            //    Console.WriteLine($"{group.Key}");
            //    foreach (var team in group)
            //    {
            //        Console.WriteLine($"-------------{team.Name}");
            //    }

            // Find all players in one LIST
            var allPlayers = new List <Player>();

            teams.ForEach(team => allPlayers.AddRange(team.Players));
            //allPlayers.ForEach(player => Console.WriteLine(player.FullName));

            //Find player with best avgPtsPerGame
            var playerWithMostPtsPerGame = allPlayers.OrderByDescending(player => player.PlayerStatistic["PtsPerGame"])

            // HOMEWORK

            // Find all coaches NAMES with Age > 50
            // Order players by AGE - DESC
            // Find player with highest RebPerGame
            // Find all players with PtsPerGame > 20
            // Find all players NAMES older then 30 years
            // Group players by age
            // Find All players NAMES and PtsPerGame if have RebPerGame > 7.0
            // Find first 3 players with highest PtsPerGame
            // Find the team which has the player with highest PtsPerGame
            // Find first 4 players with highest RebPerGame and order them by PtsPerGame - ASC
Ejemplo n.º 5
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var teams = TeamsDataBase.GetAllTeams();

            // Find all TEAMS with names starting with LA
            var teamsStartingWithLA = teams.Where(team => team.Name.StartsWith("LA")).ToList();
            // teamsStartingWithLA.ForEach(team => Console.WriteLine(team.Name));

            // Find all team NAMES which are playing in "Staples Center"
            var teamsPlayingInStaplesCenter = teams.Where(team => team.Arena.Equals("Staples Center"))
                                              .Select(team => team.Name).ToList();
            // teamsPlayingInStaplesCenter.ForEach(team => Console.WriteLine(team));

            // Find all teams coaches
            var allCoaches = teams.Select(team => team.Coach).ToList();
            // allCoaches.ForEach(coach => Console.WriteLine(coach.FullName));

            // Find 3 oldest coaches NAMES
            var oldest3CoahcesNames = allCoaches.OrderByDescending(coach => coach.Age)
                                      .Select(coach => coach.FullName)
            // oldest3CoahcesNames.ForEach(trainerName => Console.WriteLine(trainerName));

            // Group all teams by their arenas
            var groupedTeamsByArenas = teams.GroupBy(team => team.Arena).ToList();
            //foreach (var group in groupedTeamsByArenas)
            //    Console.WriteLine($"{group.Key}");
            //    foreach (var team in group)
            //    {
            //        Console.WriteLine($"-------------{team.Name}");
            //    }

            // Find all players in one LIST
            var allPlayers = new List <Player>();

            teams.ForEach(team => allPlayers.AddRange(team.Players));
            //allPlayers.ForEach(player => Console.WriteLine(player.FullName));

            //Find player with best avgPtsPerGame
            var playerWithMostPtsPerGame = allPlayers.OrderByDescending(player => player.PlayerStatistic["PtsPerGame"])

            // HOMEWORK

            //1 Find all coaches NAMES with Age > 50
            var oldCoaches = allCoaches.Where(coach => coach.Age > 50).Select(coach => coach.FullName).ToList();

            Console.WriteLine("All coaches NAMES with Age > 50:");
            oldCoaches.ForEach(coach => Console.WriteLine(coach));

            //2 Order players by AGE - DESC
            var playersByAGe = allPlayers.OrderByDescending(player => player.Age).Select(player => new { player.FullName, player.Age }).ToList();

            Console.WriteLine("\n\nOrder players by AGE - DESC");
            playersByAGe.ForEach(player => Console.WriteLine(player));

            //3 Find player with highest RebPerGame
            var HighestRPBPlayer = allPlayers.OrderByDescending(player => player.PlayerStatistic["RebPerGame"]).Take(1).ToList();

            Console.WriteLine("\n\nPlayer with highest RebPerGame:");
            HighestRPBPlayer.ForEach(player => Console.WriteLine(player.FullName));

            //4 Find all players with PtsPerGame > 20
            var playerWithPPG = allPlayers.Where(player => player.PlayerStatistic["PtsPerGame"] > 20).Select(player => player.FullName).ToList();

            Console.WriteLine("\n\nAll players with PtsPerGame > 20");
            playerWithPPG.ForEach(player => Console.WriteLine(player));

            //5 Find all players NAMES older then 30 years
            var olderPlayers = allPlayers.Where(player => player.Age > 30).Select(player => player.FullName).ToList();

            Console.WriteLine("\n\nAll players NAMES older then 30 years");
            olderPlayers.ForEach(player => Console.WriteLine(player));

            //6 Group players by age
            var groupedPlayersByAge = allPlayers.OrderBy(player => player.Age).GroupBy(player => player.Age).ToList();

            Console.WriteLine("\n\nGrouped players by age:");
            foreach (var group in groupedPlayersByAge)
                foreach (var player in group)

            //7 Find All players NAMES and PtsPerGame if have RebPerGame > 7.0
            var playersWithALotOfRPG = allPlayers.Where(player => player.PlayerStatistic["RebPerGame"] > 7.0).OrderBy(player => player.PlayerStatistic["PtsPerGame"])
                                       .Select(player => new { player.FullName, player.PlayerStatistic }).ToList();

            Console.WriteLine("\n\nAll players NAMES and PtsPerGame if have RebPerGame > 7.0");
            playersWithALotOfRPG.ForEach(player => Console.WriteLine($"{player.FullName}, PtsPerGame: {player.PlayerStatistic["PtsPerGame"]}"));

            //8 Find first 3 players with highest PtsPerGame
            var highestPPGPlayers = allPlayers.OrderByDescending(player => player.PlayerStatistic["PtsPerGame"]).Take(3).ToList();

            Console.WriteLine("\n\nFirst 3 players with highest PtsPerGame");
            highestPPGPlayers.ForEach(player => Console.WriteLine(player.FullName));

            //9 Find the team which has the player with highest PtsPerGame
            var highestPPGPlayer      = allPlayers.OrderByDescending(player => player.PlayerStatistic["PtsPerGame"]).FirstOrDefault();
            var teamWithHighestPlayer = teams.FirstOrDefault(team => team.Players.Contains(highestPPGPlayer));

            Console.WriteLine("\n\n" + teamWithHighestPlayer.Name);

            //10 Find first 4 players with highest RebPerGame and order them by PtsPerGame - ASC
            var finalPlayers = allPlayers.OrderByDescending(player => player.PlayerStatistic["RebPerGame"])
                               .Take(4).OrderBy(player => player.PlayerStatistic["PtsPerGame"]).ToList();

            finalPlayers.ForEach(player => Console.WriteLine($"{ player.FullName} PtsPerGame: {player.PlayerStatistic["PtsPerGame"]}"));

Ejemplo n.º 6
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var teams = TeamsDataBase.GetAllTeams();

Ejemplo n.º 7
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var teams = TeamsDataBase.GetAllTeams();

            // Find all TEAMS with names starting with LA
            var teamsStartingWithLA = teams.Where(team => team.Name.StartsWith("LA")).ToList();
            // teamsStartingWithLA.ForEach(team => Console.WriteLine(team.Name));

            // Find all team NAMES which are playing in "Staples Center"
            var teamsPlayingInStaplesCenter = teams.Where(team => team.Arena.Equals("Staples Center"))
                                              .Select(team => team.Name).ToList();
            // teamsPlayingInStaplesCenter.ForEach(team => Console.WriteLine(team));

            // Find all teams coaches
            var allCoaches = teams.Select(team => team.Coach).ToList();
            // allCoaches.ForEach(coach => Console.WriteLine(coach.FullName));

            // Find 3 oldest coaches NAMES
            var oldest3CoahcesNames = allCoaches.OrderByDescending(coach => coach.Age)
                                      .Select(coach => coach.FullName)
            // oldest3CoahcesNames.ForEach(trainerName => Console.WriteLine(trainerName));

            // Group all teams by their arenas
            var groupedTeamsByArenas = teams.GroupBy(team => team.Arena).ToList();
            //foreach (var group in groupedTeamsByArenas)
            //    Console.WriteLine($"{group.Key}");
            //    foreach (var team in group)
            //    {
            //        Console.WriteLine($"-------------{team.Name}");
            //    }

            // Find all players in one LIST
            var allPlayers = new List <Player>();

            teams.ForEach(team => allPlayers.AddRange(team.Players));
            //allPlayers.ForEach(player => Console.WriteLine(player.FullName));

            //Find player with best avgPtsPerGame
            var playerWithMostPtsPerGame = allPlayers.OrderByDescending(player => player.PlayerStatistic["PtsPerGame"])

            // HOMEWORK

            // Find all coaches NAMES with Age > 50
            var coachesOverFifty = teams.
                                   Where(team => team.Coach.Age > 50).ToList();
            //coachesOverFifty.ForEach(coach => Console.WriteLine(coach.Coach.FullName));

            // Order players by AGE - DESC

            var playersSortedByAge = allPlayers.
                                     OrderByDescending(player => player.Age).
            //foreach (var player in playersSortedByAge)
            //    Console.WriteLine($"{player.FullName} : {player.Age}");
            // Find player with highest RebPerGame

            var playerWithMostReboundsPerGame = allPlayers.OrderByDescending(player => player.PlayerStatistic["RebPerGame"])

            // Find all players with PtsPerGame > 20
            var playersWithMoreThanTwentyPPG = allPlayers.
                                               FindAll(player => player.PlayerStatistic["PtsPerGame"] > 20).
                                               Select(player => player);
            //foreach (var player in playersWithMoreThanTwentyPPG)
            //    Console.WriteLine($"{player.FullName} : {player.PlayerStatistic["PtsPerGame"] }");
            // Find all players NAMES older then 30 years

            var allPlayersNamesOlderThirty = allPlayers.
                                             Where(player => player.Age > 30).
                                             Select(player => player.FullName).

            //allPlayersNamesOlderThirty.ForEach(player => Console.WriteLine(player));
            // Group players by age

            var groupPlayersAge = allPlayers.
                                  GroupBy(player => player.Age).
            //foreach (var player in groupPlayersAge)
            //    Console.WriteLine(player.Key);

            // Find All players NAMES and PtsPerGame if have RebPerGame > 7.0

            var playerNamesWithSevenReboundsOrMore = allPlayers.
                                                     Where(player => player.PlayerStatistic["RebPerGame"] >= 7.0).
                                                     Select(player => new
                Name     = player.FullName,
                Points   = player.PlayerStatistic["PtsPerGame"],
                Rebounds = player.PlayerStatistic["RebPerGame"]

            //foreach (var player in playerNamesWithSevenReboundsOrMore)
            //    Console.WriteLine(player);

            // Find first 3 players with highest PtsPerGame

            var firstThreeScorers = allPlayers.
                                    OrderByDescending(player => player.PlayerStatistic["PtsPerGame"]).Take(3).ToList();
            //firstThreeScorers.ForEach(player => Console.WriteLine
            //($"{player.FullName}: {player.PlayerStatistic["PtsPerGame"]}"));

            // Find the team which has the player with highest PtsPerGame

            var teamHighestScorer = teams.SingleOrDefault(team => team.Players.Contains(playerWithMostPtsPerGame));

            // Find first 4 players with highest RebPerGame and order them by PtsPerGame - ASC

            var topFourRebounders = allPlayers.
                                    OrderByDescending(player => player.PlayerStatistic["RebPerGame"]).
                                    OrderBy(player => player.PlayerStatistic["PtsPerGame"]);

            foreach (var player in topFourRebounders)
                Console.WriteLine($"{player.FullName}, Points: {player.PlayerStatistic["PtsPerGame"]} ,Rebounds: {player.PlayerStatistic["RebPerGame"]} ");
Ejemplo n.º 8
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var teams = TeamsDataBase.GetAllTeams();

            // 1.   Find all TEAMS with name starting with 'LA'
            var teamsStartingWithLA = teams
                                      .Where(team => team.Name.StartsWith("LA"))

            teamsStartingWithLA.ForEach(team => Console.WriteLine(team.Name));

            // 2.   Find all team NAMES which are playing in "Staples Center"
            var teamsPlayingInSC = teams
                                   .Where(team => team.Arena.Equals("Staples Center"))
                                   .Select(team => team.Name)

            teamsPlayingInSC.ForEach(name => Console.WriteLine(name));

            // 3.   Find all teams coaches
            var allCoaches = teams
                             .Select(team => team.Coach)

            allCoaches.ForEach(coachName => Console.WriteLine(coachName.FullName));

            // 4.   Find 3 oldest coaches NAMES
            var threeOldestCoaches = allCoaches
                                     .OrderByDescending(team => team.Age)
                                     .Select(coach => coach.FullName)

            threeOldestCoaches.ForEach(coach => Console.WriteLine(coach));

            // 5.   Group all teams by their Arenas
            var groupTeamsByArenas = teams
                                     .GroupBy(team => team.Arena)

            foreach (var arena in groupTeamsByArenas)
                foreach (var team in arena)

            // 6.   Find all players in one LIST
            var allPlayers = new List <Player>();

            teams.ForEach(team => allPlayers.AddRange(team.Players));
            allPlayers.ForEach(player => Console.WriteLine(player.FullName));

            // 7.   Find player with best avgPtsPerGame
            var playeraWithMaxRangPoints = allPlayers
                                           .OrderByDescending(player => player.PlayerStatistic["PtsPerGame"])
                                           .Select(player => player.FullName)


            // HOMEWORK
            Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;

            // 8.   Find all coaches NAMES with Age > 50
            var coachesOver50 = allCoaches
                                .Where(coach => coach.Age > 50)
                                .Select(coach => coach.FullName)

            coachesOver50.ForEach(name => Console.WriteLine(name));

            // 9.   Order players by AGE - DESC
            var playersByAge = allPlayers
                               .OrderByDescending(player => player.Age)

            playersByAge.ForEach(player => Console.WriteLine(player.FullName));

            // 10.  Find player with highest RebPerGame
            var playerWithHigherRebPerGame = allPlayers
                                             .OrderByDescending(team => team.PlayerStatistic["RebPerGame"])


            // 11.  Find all players with PtsPerGame > 20
            var playersWithPtsPerGameOver20 = allPlayers
                                              .Where(team => team.PlayerStatistic["PtsPerGame"] > 20)

            playersWithPtsPerGameOver20.ForEach(player => Console.WriteLine(player.FullName));

            // 12.  Find all players NAMES older then 30 years
            var playersOver30 = allPlayers
                                .Where(player => player.Age > 30)
                                .Select(player => player.FullName)

            playersOver30.ForEach(player => Console.WriteLine(player));

            // 13.  Group players by age
            var groupedPlayersByAge = allPlayers
                                      .GroupBy(player => player.Age)

            foreach (var age in groupedPlayersByAge)
                Console.WriteLine($"Age: {age.Key}");
                foreach (var player in age)
                    Console.WriteLine($"***Player: {player.FullName}");

            // 14.  Find All players NAMES and PtsPerGame if have RebPerGame > 7.0
            var playersWithRebPerGameOver7 = allPlayers
                                             .Where(team => team.PlayerStatistic["RebPerGame"] > 7.0)
                                             .Select(player => new { player.FullName, player.PlayerStatistic })

            playersWithRebPerGameOver7.ForEach(player => Console.WriteLine($"Name: {player.FullName}, PtsPerGame: {player.PlayerStatistic["PtsPerGame"]}"));

            // 15.  Find first 3 players with highest PtsPerGame
            var playersWithHighestPts = allPlayers
                                        .OrderByDescending(team => team.PlayerStatistic["PtsPerGame"])

            playersWithHighestPts.ForEach(player => Console.WriteLine($"Name: {player.FullName}, PtsPerGame: {player.PlayerStatistic["PtsPerGame"]}"));

            // 16.  Find the team which has the player with highest PtsPerGame
            var playerWithHighestPtsPerGame         = playersWithHighestPts.FirstOrDefault();
            var teamWithPlayerWithHighestPtsPerGame = teams
                                                      .FirstOrDefault(team => team.Players.Contains(playerWithHighestPtsPerGame));

            Console.WriteLine($"Team: {teamWithPlayerWithHighestPtsPerGame.Name}, Player: {playerWithHighestPtsPerGame.FullName}");

            // 17.  Find first 4 players with highest RebPerGame and order them by PtsPerGame - ASC
            var playersWithHighestRebPerGame = allPlayers
                                               .OrderByDescending(player => player.PlayerStatistic["RebPerGame"])
                                               .OrderBy(player => player.PlayerStatistic["PtsPerGame"])

            playersWithHighestRebPerGame.ForEach(players => Console.WriteLine(players.FullName));
Ejemplo n.º 9
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var teams = TeamsDataBase.GetAllTeams();

            #region Class 13 LINQ

            // Find all TEAMS with names starting with LA
            var teamsStartingWithLA = teams.Where(team => team.Name.StartsWith("LA")).ToList();
            //teamsStartingWithLA.ForEach(team => Console.WriteLine(team.Name));

            // Find all team NAMES which are playing in "Staples Center"
            var teamsPlayingInStaplesCenter = teams.Where(team => team.Arena.Equals("Staples Center"))
                                              .Select(team => team.Name).ToList();
            //teamsPlayingInStaplesCenter.ForEach(team => Console.WriteLine(team));

            // Find all teams coaches
            var allCoaches = teams.Select(team => team.Coach).ToList();
            //allCoaches.ForEach(coach => Console.WriteLine(coach.FullName));

            // Find 3 oldest coaches NAMES
            var oldest3CoahcesNames = allCoaches.OrderByDescending(coach => coach.Age)
                                      .Select(coach => coach.FullName)
            //oldest3CoahcesNames.ForEach(trainerName => Console.WriteLine(trainerName));

            // Group all teams by their arenas
            var groupedTeamsByArenas = teams.GroupBy(team => team.Arena).ToList();
            //foreach (var group in groupedTeamsByArenas)
            //    Console.WriteLine($"{group.Key}");
            //    foreach (var team in group)
            //    {
            //        Console.WriteLine($"-------------{team.Name}");
            //    }

            // Find all players in one LIST
            var allPlayers = new List <Player>();
            teams.ForEach(team => allPlayers.AddRange(team.Players));
            //allPlayers.ForEach(player => Console.WriteLine(player.FullName));

            //Find player with best avgPtsPerGame
            var playerWithMostPtsPerGame = allPlayers.OrderByDescending(player => player.PlayerStatistic["PtsPerGame"])


            #region HOMEWORK Class 13 LINQ

            Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkGreen;

            // Find all coaches NAMES with Age > 50

            var allCoachesOver50 = teams.Where(team => team.Coach.Age > 50).Select(team => team.Coach.FullName).ToList();
            //allCoachesOver50.ForEach(coach => Console.WriteLine(coach));

            // Order players by AGE - DESC

            var allPlayers2 = new List <Player>();
            teams.ForEach(team => allPlayers2.AddRange(team.Players));
            var PlayersByAgeDESC = allPlayers2.OrderByDescending(player => player.Age).ToList();
            //PlayersByAgeDESC.ForEach(player => Console.WriteLine(player.FullName));

            // Find player with highest RebPerGame

            var highestRebPerGame = allPlayers2.OrderBy(player => player.PlayerStatistic["RebPerGame"]).LastOrDefault();

            // Find all players with PtsPerGame > 20

            var PlayersOver20pts = allPlayers2.Where(player => player.PlayerStatistic["PtsPerGame"] > 20.0f)
            //PlayersOver20pts.ForEach(player => Console.WriteLine(player.FullName));

            // Find all players NAMES older then 30 years

            var PlayersOver30Years = allPlayers2.Where(player => player.Age > 30).Select(plyer => plyer.FullName).ToList();
            //PlayersOver30Years.ForEach(player => Console.WriteLine(player));

            // Group players by age

            var GroupOfPlayers = allPlayers2.GroupBy(player => player.Age).ToList();

            //foreach (var AgeOfPlayer in GroupOfPlayers)
            //    Console.WriteLine(AgeOfPlayer.Key);

            //    foreach (var player in AgeOfPlayer)
            //    {
            //        Console.WriteLine($"------------{player.FullName}");
            //    }

            //    Console.WriteLine("__________________________________");

            // Find All players NAMES and PtsPerGame if have RebPerGame > 7.0

            var playersOver7Reb = allPlayers2.Where(player => player.PlayerStatistic["RebPerGame"] > 7.0f)
                                  .Select(player => new { Name = player.FullName, Points = player.PlayerStatistic["PtsPerGame"] })
            //playersOver7Reb.ForEach(anonymous => Console.WriteLine(anonymous));

            // Find first 3 players with highest PtsPerGame

            var threePHighestPtsPerGame = allPlayers2.OrderByDescending(player => player.PlayerStatistic["PtsPerGame"])
            //threePHighestPtsPerGame.ForEach(player => Console.WriteLine(player.FullName));

            // Find the team which has the player with highest PtsPerGame

            var playerWithHighestPPG = allPlayers2.OrderByDescending(player => player.PlayerStatistic["PtsPerGame"])

            var teamOfTheBestPlayer = teams.SingleOrDefault(team => team.Players.Contains(playerWithHighestPPG));


            // Find first 4 players with highest RebPerGame and order them by PtsPerGame - ASC

            var fourPhighestRebPerGame = allPlayers2.OrderBy(player => player.PlayerStatistic["RebPerGame"])
                                         .TakeLast(4).OrderBy(player => player.PlayerStatistic["PtsPerGame"])
            //fourPhighestRebPerGame.ForEach(player => Console.WriteLine(player.FullName));


Ejemplo n.º 10
        static void Main(string[] args)
            #region Exercises LINQ
            var teams = TeamsDataBase.GetAllTeams();

            // 1. Find all TEAMS with names starting with 'LA'
            List <Team> laTeams = teams.Where(team => team.Name.StartsWith("LA")).ToList();
            laTeams.ForEach(team => Console.WriteLine(team.Name));

            // 2. Find all team NAMES which are playing in "Staples Center"
            List <string> staplesCenterTeams = teams
                                               .Where(team => team.Arena == "Staples Center")
                                               .Select(team => team.Name)

            List <string> staplesCenterTeamsSecondWay = teams
                                                        .Where(team => team.Arena.Equals("Staples Center"))
                                                        .Select(team => team.Name)

            staplesCenterTeams.ForEach(team => Console.WriteLine("Staples Center teams first way: " + team));
            staplesCenterTeamsSecondWay.ForEach(team => Console.WriteLine("Staples Center teams second way: " + team));

            // 3. Find all team coaches
            List <Coach> allTeamCoaches = teams.Select(team => team.Coach).ToList();
            allTeamCoaches.ForEach(coach => Console.WriteLine(coach.FullName));

            // 4. Find the 3 oldest coaches NAMES
            List <string> oldestThreeCoaches = allTeamCoaches.OrderByDescending(coach => coach.Age)
                                               .Select(coach => coach.FullName)
            oldestThreeCoaches.ForEach(name => Console.WriteLine("Oldest coaches " + name));

            // 4.Extended Display the oldest 3 coaches in the following format => Name: Gregg | Age: 50
            var oldestThreeCoachesNameAndAge = allTeamCoaches.OrderByDescending(coach => coach.Age)
                                               .Select(coach => new { FullName = coach.FullName, Age = coach.Age })
            oldestThreeCoachesNameAndAge.ForEach(coach => Console.WriteLine($"Name: {coach.FullName} | Age: {coach.Age}"));

            // 5. Group all teams by their arenas
            var groupedTeamsByArenas = teams.GroupBy(x => x.Arena).ToList();

            foreach (var group in groupedTeamsByArenas)
                Console.WriteLine("Arena: " + group.Key);
                Console.WriteLine("Teams: ");
                foreach (var team in group)

            // 6. Find all players and extraxt them in one list
            List <Player> allPlayers = new List <Player>();

            // One way: more complex
            foreach (Team team in teams)
                foreach (Player player in team.Players)

            // Better way: in one line only
            teams.ForEach(team => allPlayers.AddRange(team.Players));

            allPlayers.ForEach(player => Console.WriteLine(player.FullName));

            // 7. Group all players by team
            // Team: LA Lakers
            // Players: Lebron James, Dwight Howard, Antony Davies

            var playerGroupedByTeam = teams.GroupBy(x => x.Players).ToList();

            foreach (var item in playerGroupedByTeam)
                Console.WriteLine("Team: " + item.Last().Name);
                Console.WriteLine("Players: ");

                foreach (var player in item.Key)

            // 8. Find player with best avgPtsPerGame

            Player bestPlayer = allPlayers.OrderByDescending(player => player.PlayerStatistic["PtsPerGame"])

            // Using Max()
            float  maxPtsPerGame = allPlayers.Max(x => x.PlayerStatistic["PtsPerGame"]);
            Player best          = allPlayers
                                   .Where(player => player.PlayerStatistic["PtsPerGame"] == maxPtsPerGame)

            Console.WriteLine($"{bestPlayer.FullName} | PtsPerGame: {bestPlayer.PlayerStatistic["PtsPerGame"]}");

            // 10. Find ALL players that have PtsPerGame > 20

            List <Player> aboveTwentyPoints = allPlayers
                                              .Where(x => x.PlayerStatistic["PtsPerGame"] > 20)
                                              .OrderBy(x => x.PlayerStatistic["PtsPerGame"])
            aboveTwentyPoints.ForEach(player => Console.WriteLine(player.PlayerStatistic["PtsPerGame"]));


            #region Something new
            // ArrayList - Non generic collection in C#
            Console.WriteLine("=========================== Array list example ===================================");
            ArrayList array = new ArrayList()
                "Martin Panovski", 1, false, true, 21.5f,
            foreach (var item in array)

            // Any() & All()
            // 9. Find if there is a player that has > 35 years

            bool olderThanThirtyFive = allPlayers.Any(player => player.Age >= 35);
            if (allPlayers.Any(player => player.Age >= 35))
                Console.WriteLine($"There is a player that is older than 35 years.");
                Console.WriteLine("No player older that 35 years found.");


            if (allPlayers.All(x => x.Age >= 20 && x.Age <= 35))
                Console.WriteLine("All players satisfied the condition!");


Ejemplo n.º 11
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var teams = TeamsDataBase.GetAllTeams();

            // Find all TEAMS with names starting with LA

            var teamsStartingWithLA = teams.Where(team => team.Name.StartsWith("LA")).ToList();

            //teamsStartingWithLA.ForEach(team => Console.WriteLine(team.Name));

            //Find all team NAMES playing in Staples Center

            var allTeamsNameStaplesCenter = teams.Where(team => team.Arena.Contains("Staples Center")).ToList();
            //allTeamsNameStaplesCenter.ForEach(team => Console.WriteLine(team.Name));

            var allTeamsNameStaplesCenter1 = teams.Where(team => team.Arena == "Staples Center").Select(team => team.Name).ToList();

            //allTeamsNameStaplesCenter1.ForEach(team => Console.WriteLine(team));

            var allCoaches = teams.Select(team => team.Coach).ToList();
            //allCoaches.ForEach(coach => Console.WriteLine(coach.FullName));

            var oldest3CoachesNamesAndAge = allCoaches.OrderByDescending(coach => coach.Age)
                                            .Take(3).Select(coach => coach.FullName).ToList();

            //oldest3CoachesNamesAndAge.ForEach(trainerName => Console.WriteLine(trainerName));

            // Group all teams by their arenas

            var groupTeamsByArenas = teams.GroupBy(team => team.Arena).ToList();
            //foreach (var group in groupTeamsByArenas)
            //    Console.WriteLine($"{group.Key}");
            //    foreach (var team in group)
            //    {
            //        Console.WriteLine($"------------- {team.Name}");
            //    }

            // Find all players in one List

            var allPlayers = new List <Player>();

            teams.ForEach(team => allPlayers.AddRange(team.Players));
            //allPlayers.ForEach(player => Console.WriteLine(player.FullName));

            // Find a Player With Highest PPG

            //var bestPtsPerGame = allPlayers.Max(player => player.PlayerStatistic);

            var BestPPG = allPlayers.OrderByDescending(player => player.PlayerStatistic["PtsPerGame"]).ToList()[0];
            // Moze i FirstOrDefault();

            //BestPPG.ForEach(player => Console.WriteLine(player.FullName));


            // Find all coaches NAMES with Age > 50

            var coachesNamesAbove50 = allCoaches.Where
                                          (coach => coach.Age > 50)
            //coachesNamesAbove50.ForEach(coach => Console.WriteLine(coach.FullName));

            // Order players by AGE - DESC

            var allPlayersByAge = allPlayers.OrderByDescending
                                      (player => player.Age)
            //allPlayersByAge.ForEach(player => Console.WriteLine(player.FullName));

            // Find player with highest RebPerGame

            var bestRPG = allPlayers.OrderByDescending
                              (player => player.PlayerStatistic["RebPerGame"])

            // Find all players with PtsPerGame > 20

            var ptsPGAbove20 = allPlayers.Where
                                   (player => player.PlayerStatistic["PtsPerGame"] > 20)
            //ptsPGAbove20.ForEach(player => Console.WriteLine(player.FullName));

            // Find all players NAMES older then 30 years

            var playersOlderThan30 = allPlayers.Where
                                         (player => player.Age > 30)
            //playersOlderThan30.ForEach(player => Console.WriteLine(player.FullName));

            // Group players by age

            var groupPlayersByAge = allPlayers.GroupBy(player => player.Age).ToList();

            foreach (var group in groupPlayersByAge)
                foreach (var player in group)
                    Console.WriteLine($"------------- {player.FullName}");

            // Find All players NAMES and PtsPerGame if have RebPerGame > 7.0
            var playersWithRPG7OrBigger = allPlayers.Where
                                              (player => player.PlayerStatistic["RebPerGame"] > 7)
            //playersWithRPG7OrBigger.ForEach(player => Console.WriteLine(player.FullName));
            //playersWithRPG7OrBigger.ForEach(player => Console.WriteLine(player.PlayerStatistic["PtsPerGame"]));

            // Find first 3 players with highest PtsPerGame

            var playersWithMostPPG = allPlayers.OrderByDescending(player => player.PlayerStatistic["PtsPerGame"])
                                     .Take(3).Select(player => player.FullName)
            //playersWithMostPPG.ForEach(player => Console.WriteLine(player));

            // Find the team which has the player with highest PtsPerGame

            var teamWithBestPPGPlayer = teams.First
                                            (team => team.Players.Contains(BestPPG));
            // Console.WriteLine(teamWithBestPPGPlayer.Name);

            // Find first 4 players with highest RebPerGame and order them by PtsPerGame - ASC

            var playerswithBestRPG1 = allPlayers.OrderByDescending(player => player.PlayerStatistic["RebPerGame"])
                                          (player => player.PlayerStatistic["PtsPerGame"])
            //playerswithBestRPG1.ForEach(player => Console.WriteLine(player.FullName));
Ejemplo n.º 12
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var teams = TeamsDataBase.GetAllTeams();

            // Find all TEAMS with names starting with LA
            var teamsStartingWithLA = teams.Where(team => team.Name.StartsWith("LA")).ToList();
            // teamsStartingWithLA.ForEach(team => Console.WriteLine(team.Name));

            // Find all team NAMES which are playing in "Staples Center"
            var teamsPlayingInStaplesCenter = teams.Where(team => team.Arena.Equals("Staples Center"))
                                              .Select(team => team.Name).ToList();
            // teamsPlayingInStaplesCenter.ForEach(team => Console.WriteLine(team));

            // Find all teams coaches
            var allCoaches = teams.Select(team => team.Coach).ToList();
            // allCoaches.ForEach(coach => Console.WriteLine(coach.FullName));

            // Find 3 oldest coaches NAMES
            var oldest3CoahcesNames = allCoaches.OrderByDescending(coach => coach.Age)
                                      .Select(coach => coach.FullName)
            // oldest3CoahcesNames.ForEach(trainerName => Console.WriteLine(trainerName));

            // Group all teams by their arenas
            var groupedTeamsByArenas = teams.GroupBy(team => team.Arena).ToList();
            //foreach (var group in groupedTeamsByArenas)
            //    Console.WriteLine($"{group.Key}");
            //    foreach (var team in group)
            //    {
            //        Console.WriteLine($"-------------{team.Name}");
            //    }

            // Find all players in one LIST
            var allPlayers = new List <Player>();

            teams.ForEach(team => allPlayers.AddRange(team.Players));
            //allPlayers.ForEach(player => Console.WriteLine(player.FullName));

            //Find player with best avgPtsPerGame
            var playerWithMostPtsPerGame = allPlayers.OrderByDescending(player => player.PlayerStatistic["PtsPerGame"])


            // ***** Find all coaches NAMES with Age > 50

            var allCoachesName50 = allCoaches
                                   .Where(coach => coach.Age > 50)
                                   .Select(coach => coach.FullName)
            // allCoachesName50.ForEach(coach => Console.WriteLine(coach));

            // ***** Order players by AGE - DESC

            var orderPlayersByAge = allPlayers
                                    .OrderByDescending(player => player.Age)
                                    .Select(player => new { player.FullName, player.Age })
            // orderPlayersByAge.ForEach(player => Console.WriteLine(player));

            // ***** Find player with highest RebPerGame *****

            var playerHighestRebPerGame = allPlayers
                                          .OrderByDescending(player => player.PlayerStatistic["RebPerGame"])
            // playerHighestRebPerGame.ForEach(player => Console.WriteLine(player.FullName));

            // ***** Find all players with PtsPerGame > 20 *****
            var allplayerHighestRebPerGame = allPlayers
                                             .OrderByDescending(player => player.PlayerStatistic["RebPerGame"] > 20)
            // allplayerHighestRebPerGame.ForEach(player => Console.WriteLine(player.FullName));

            // ***** Find all players NAMES older then 30 years *****
            var playersNameOlder30 = allPlayers
                                     .Where(player => player.Age > 30)
            // playersNameOlder30.ForEach(player => Console.WriteLine(player.FullName));

            // ***** Group players by age *****

            var groupedPlayersByAge = allPlayers
                                      .OrderBy(player => player.Age)
                                      .GroupBy(player => player.Age)

            foreach (var group in groupedPlayersByAge)
                foreach (var player in group)
                    // Console.WriteLine($"Name = {player.FullName}. Age = {group.Key}");

            // ***** Find All players NAMES and PtsPerGame if have RebPerGame > 7.0 *****

            var namesPtsPerGameRebPerGame7 = allPlayers
                                             .Where(player => player.PlayerStatistic["RebPerGame"] > 7)
                                             .OrderBy(player => player.PlayerStatistic["PtsPerGame"])
            // namesPtsPerGameRebPerGame7.ForEach(player => Console.WriteLine($"{player.FullName}____{player.PlayerStatistic["PtsPerGame"]}"));

            // ***** Find first 3 players with highest PtsPerGame *****

            var first3PlayersPtsPerGame = allPlayers
                                          .OrderBy(player => player.PlayerStatistic["PtsPerGame"])
            // first3PlayersPtsPerGame.ForEach(player => Console.WriteLine(player.FullName));

            // ***** Find the team  which has the player with highest PtsPerGame ***** (Ne mi e jasna)

            //var teamWhichPlayerHigPTsPerGame = teams.......

            // ***** Find first 4 players with highest RebPerGame and order them by PtsPerGame - ASC *****

            var first4HighestRebPtsPerGame = allPlayers
                                             .OrderByDescending(player => player.PlayerStatistic["RebPerGame"])
                                             .OrderBy(player => player.PlayerStatistic["PtsPerGame"])
            // first4HighestRebPtsPerGame.ForEach(player => Console.WriteLine(player.FullName));
Ejemplo n.º 13
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var teams = TeamsDataBase.GetAllTeams();

            #region od cas
            ////Find all TEAMS with names starting with LA
            ////Find all team NAMES which are playing in "Staples Center"
            //var teamNamesPlayingInStaplesCenter = teams             //ili so ==
            //                                .Where(team => team.Arena.Equals("Staples Center"))
            //                                .Select(team => team.Name)
            //                                .ToList();
            ////teamNamesPlayingInStaplesCenter.ForEach(teamName => Console.WriteLine(teamName));
            ////Find all teams coaches
            //var allCoaches = teams.Select(team => team.Coach)
            //                      .ToList();
            ////allCoaches.ForEach(coach => Console.WriteLine(coach.FullName));
            ////Find 3 oldest coaches NAMES and AGE
            //var threeOldestcoachesNamesAndAge = allCoaches
            //                            .OrderByDescending(coach => coach.Age)
            //                            .Take(3)
            //                            .Select(coach => coach.FullName)
            //                            .ToList();
            ////threeOldestcoachesNamesAndAge.ForEach(trainerName => Console.WriteLine(trainerName));
            //Group all teams by their arenas
            //var groupTeamsByArenas = teams.GroupBy(team => team.Arena).ToList();
            //foreach (var group in groupTeamsByArenas)
            //    Console.WriteLine($"{group.Key}");
            //    foreach (var team in group)
            //    {
            //        Console.WriteLine($"-------------------------------{team.Name}");
            //    }
            //Find all players
            //bez LINQ, sampo so using System.Collections.Generic bez using System.Linq;
            //var allPlayers = new List<Player>();
            //teams.ForEach(team => allPlayers.AddRange(team.Players));
            //allPlayers.ForEach(player => Console.WriteLine(player.FullName));
            //votr nacin so LINQ, pokomplicirano, so using System.Linq;
            //var allPlayers1 = teams.Select(team => team.Players).ToList();
            //foreach (var players in allPlayers1)
            //    foreach (var player in players)
            //    {
            //        Console.WriteLine(player.FullName);
            //    }
            //Find player with best avgPtsPerGame
            //1-st choice
            //var playerWithMostPointsPerGame = allPlayers
            //                                .OrderByDescending(player => player.PlayerStatistic["PtsPerGame"])
            //                                .ToList().FirstOrDefault(); // isto bi bilo da indeksirame so 0 indeks [0], za prviot da go dade vo listat

            // HOMEWORK

            // Find all coaches NAMES with Age > 50
            var coachesOver50 = teams
                                .Where(team => team.Coach.Age > 50)
                                .Select(team => team.Coach.FullName)
            coachesOver50.ForEach(fullName => Console.WriteLine(fullName));
            var coachesOver50Querry = (from team in teams
                                       where team.Coach.Age > 50
                                       select team.Coach.FullName)
            coachesOver50Querry.ForEach(fullName => Console.WriteLine(fullName));
            // Order players by AGE - DESC
            var players = new List <Player>();
            teams.ForEach(team => players.AddRange(team.Players));

            var orderedPlayers = players
                                 .OrderByDescending(player => player.Age)
            orderedPlayers.ForEach(player => Console.WriteLine(player.FullName));
            var orderedPlayersQuerry = (from player in players
                                        orderby player.Age descending
                                        select player)
            orderedPlayersQuerry.ForEach(player => Console.WriteLine(player.FullName));
            // Find player with highest RebPerGame
            var playerWithHighesrRebPerGame = players
                                              .OrderByDescending(player => player.PlayerStatistic["RebPerGame"])
            var playerWithHighesrRebPerGameQuerry = (from player in players
                                                     orderby player.PlayerStatistic["RebPerGame"] descending
                                                     select player)
            // Find all players with PtsPerGame > 20
            var playersWithPtsPerGameHigher20 = players
                                                .Where(player => player.PlayerStatistic["PtsPerGame"] > 20)
                                                .Select(player => player)
            playersWithPtsPerGameHigher20.ForEach(player => Console.WriteLine(player.FullName));
            var playersWithPtsPerGameHigher20Querry = (from player in players
                                                       where player.PlayerStatistic["PtsPerGame"] > 20
                                                       select player)
            playersWithPtsPerGameHigher20Querry.ForEach(player => Console.WriteLine(player.FullName));
            // Find all players NAMES older then 30 years
            var playersOlder30 = players
                                 .Where(player => player.Age > 30)
                                 .Select(player => player.FullName)
            playersOlder30.ForEach(fullName => Console.WriteLine(fullName));
            var playersOlder30Querry = (from player in players
                                        where player.Age > 30
                                        select player.FullName)
            playersOlder30Querry.ForEach(fullName => Console.WriteLine(fullName));
            // Group players by age
            var groupedPlayersByAge = players
                                      .GroupBy(player => player.Age)
            foreach (var pair in groupedPlayersByAge)
                foreach (var player in pair)
            // Find All players NAMES and PtsPerGame if have RebPerGame > 7.0
            var playersWithRebPerGameOver7 = players
                                             .Where(player => player.PlayerStatistic["RebPerGame"] > 7.0f)
                                             .Select(player => new { Name = player.FullName, Points = player.PlayerStatistic["PtsPerGame"] })
            .ForEach(namePts => Console.WriteLine($"{namePts.Name}: {namePts.Points} Points per game."));
            var playersWithRebPerGameOver7Querry = (from player in players
                                                    where player.PlayerStatistic["RebPerGame"] > 7.0f
                                                    select new { Name = player.FullName, Points = player.PlayerStatistic["PtsPerGame"] })
            playersWithRebPerGameOver7Querry.ForEach(namePts => Console.WriteLine($"{namePts.Name}: {namePts.Points} Points per game."));
            // Find first 3 players with highest PtsPerGame
            var first3PlayersWithHighestPtsPerGame = players
                                                     .OrderByDescending(player => player.PlayerStatistic["PtsPerGame"])
            first3PlayersWithHighestPtsPerGame.ForEach(player => Console.WriteLine(player.FullName));
            var first3PlayersWithHighestPtsPerGameQuerry = (from player in players
                                                            orderby player.PlayerStatistic["PtsPerGame"] descending
                                                            select player)
            first3PlayersWithHighestPtsPerGameQuerry.ForEach(player => Console.WriteLine(player.FullName));
            // Find the TEAM which has the player with highest PtsPerGame
            var playerWithHighestPtsPerGame = players
                                              .OrderByDescending(player => player.PlayerStatistic["PtsPerGame"])
            foreach (var team in teams)
                foreach (var player in team.Players)
                    if (player.PlayerStatistic["PtsPerGame"] == playerWithHighestPtsPerGame.PlayerStatistic["PtsPerGame"])
            // Find first 4 players with highest RebPerGame and order them by PtsPerGame - ASC
            var first4PlayersWithHighestRebPerGameOrderedAscByPtsPerGame = players
                                                                           .OrderByDescending(player => player.PlayerStatistic["RebPerGame"])
                                                                           .OrderBy(player => player.PlayerStatistic["PtsPerGame"])

            first4PlayersWithHighestRebPerGameOrderedAscByPtsPerGame.ForEach(player => Console.WriteLine(player.FullName));

Ejemplo n.º 14
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var teams = TeamsDataBase.GetAllTeams();

            // Find all Teams with names starting with LA

            var findAllTeamsWithNamesStartingWithLA = teams
                                                      .Where(team => team.Name.StartsWith("LA")).ToList();

            findAllTeamsWithNamesStartingWithLA.ForEach(team => Console.WriteLine(team.Name));

            // Find all team Names which are playing in "Staples Center"

            var findAllTeamNamesWhichPlayInStaplesCenter = teams
                                                           .Where(team => team.Arena.Equals("Staples Center"))
                                                           .Select(team => team.Name).ToList();

            findAllTeamNamesWhichPlayInStaplesCenter.ForEach(team => Console.WriteLine(team));

            // Find all teams coaches

            var allCoaches = teams.Select(team => team.Coach).ToList();

            allCoaches.ForEach(coach => Console.WriteLine(coach.FullName));

            // Find 3 oldest coaches names

            var oldest3CoachesNames = allCoaches.OrderByDescending(coach => coach.Age)
                                      .Select(coach => coach.FullName)

            oldest3CoachesNames.ForEach(trainerName => Console.WriteLine(trainerName));

            // Group all teams by their arenas

            var groupedTeamsByArenas = teams.GroupBy(team => team.Arena).ToList();

            foreach (var group in groupedTeamsByArenas)
                foreach (var team in group)

            // Find all players in one list

            var allPlayers = new List <Player>();

            teams.ForEach(team => allPlayers.AddRange(team.Players));

            allPlayers.ForEach(player => Console.WriteLine(player.FullName));

            // Find player with best avgPtsPerGame

            var playerWithMostPtsPerGame = allPlayers.OrderByDescending(player => player


            // Find all coaches NAMES with Age > 50

            var allCoachesNamesWithAgesOver50 = allCoaches
                                                .FindAll(coach => coach.Age > 50)
                                                .Select(coach => coach.FullName)

            allCoachesNamesWithAgesOver50.ForEach(coach => Console.WriteLine(coach));

            // Order players by AGE - DESC

            var playersByAgeDesc = allPlayers.OrderByDescending(player => player.Age).ToList();

            playersByAgeDesc.ForEach(player => Console.WriteLine(player.FullName));

            // Find player with highest RebPerGame

            var playerWithHighestRebPerGame = allPlayers.OrderByDescending(player => player


            // Find all players with PtsPerGame > 20

            var allPlayersWithPtsPerGameOver20 = allPlayers.FindAll(player => player
                                                                    .PlayerStatistic["PtsPerGame"] > 20)
                                                 .Select(player => player.FullName)

            allPlayersWithPtsPerGameOver20.ForEach(player => Console.WriteLine(player));

            // Find all players NAMES older then 30 years

            var allPlayersNamesOver30Years = allPlayers.FindAll(player => player.Age > 30).ToList();

            allPlayersNamesOver30Years.ForEach(player => Console.WriteLine(player.FullName));

            // Group players by age

            var groupPlayersByAge = allPlayers.GroupBy(player => player.Age).ToList();

            foreach (var group in groupPlayersByAge)
                foreach (var player in group)

            // Find All players NAMES and PtsPerGame if have RebPerGame > 7.0

            var allPlayersNamesAndPtsPerGameIfRebPerGameOver7 = allPlayers
                                                                .FindAll(player => player.PlayerStatistic["RebPerGame"] > 7.0)

            foreach (var player in allPlayersNamesAndPtsPerGameIfRebPerGameOver7)
                Console.WriteLine($"{player.FullName} ---" + $" {player.PlayerStatistic["PtsPerGame"]}");

            // Find first 3 players with highest PtsPerGame

            var first3PlayersWithHighestPtsPerGame = allPlayers
                                                     .OrderByDescending(player => player.PlayerStatistic["PtsPerGame"])

            first3PlayersWithHighestPtsPerGame.ForEach(player => Console.WriteLine(player.FullName));

            // Find the team which has the player with highest PtsPerGame

            var teamWhichHavePlayerWithHighestPtsPerGame = teams
                                                           .Where(team => team.Players.Contains(playerWithMostPtsPerGame))
                                                           .Select(team => team.Name)


            // Find first 4 players with highest RebPerGame and order them by PtsPerGame - ASC

            var first4PlayersWithHighestRebPerGameAndOrderByPtsPerGameAsc = allPlayers
                                                                            .OrderByDescending(player => player.PlayerStatistic["RebPerGame"])
                                                                            .Take(4).OrderBy(player => player.PlayerStatistic["PtsPerGame"])

            first4PlayersWithHighestRebPerGameAndOrderByPtsPerGameAsc.ForEach(player => Console.WriteLine(player.FullName));

Ejemplo n.º 15
        static void Main(string[] args)
            #region CLASS WORKSHOP
            var teams = TeamsDataBase.GetAllTeams();

            //Find all Teams with name starting with LA
            var allTeamsLA = teams.Where(team => team.Name.StartsWith("LA")).ToList();
            allTeamsLA.ForEach(team => Console.WriteLine(team.Name));

            //Find all team NAMES which are playing in "Steples Center"
            var allTeamsNamesSC = teams.Where(team => team.Arena.Equals("Staples Center")).Select(team => team.Name).ToList();
            allTeamsNamesSC.ForEach(team => Console.WriteLine(team));

            //Find all teams coaches
            var allTeamCoatch = teams.Select(team => team.Coach).ToList();
            allTeamCoatch.ForEach(coach => Console.WriteLine(coach.FullName));

            //Find 3 oldest coaches NAMES and AGE
            var oldest3Coatches = allTeamCoatch.OrderByDescending(coach => coach.Age).Take(3).Select(coach => new { coach.FullName, coach.Age }).ToList();
            oldest3Coatches.ForEach(coach => Console.WriteLine(coach));

            //Group all teams by their Arena
            var groupAllTeamsByArena = teams.GroupBy(team => team.Arena).ToList();
            foreach (var group in groupAllTeamsByArena)
                foreach (var team in group)

            //Find all players in one LIST
            var allPlayers = new List <Player>();
            teams.ForEach(team => allPlayers.AddRange(team.Players));
            allPlayers.ForEach(player => Console.WriteLine(player.FullName));

            //Find player ranked by points with best avg Points
            var playerBestAvgPoints = allPlayers.OrderByDescending(player => player.PlayerStatistic["PtsPerGame"]).FirstOrDefault();


            Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green;
            #region HOMEWORK
            // Find all coaches NAMES with Age > 50
            var findCoachesNameAbove50 = allTeamCoatch.FindAll(coach => coach.Age > 50).ToList();
            findCoachesNameAbove50.ForEach(coach => Console.WriteLine(coach.FullName));


            // Order players by AGE - DESC
            var playersOrderByAge = allPlayers.OrderByDescending(players => players.Age).Select(players => new { players.FullName, players.Age }).ToList();
            playersOrderByAge.ForEach(player => Console.WriteLine(player));

            // Find player with highest RebPerGame
            var playerWithHighRebPerGame = allPlayers.OrderByDescending(player => player.PlayerStatistic["RebPerGame"]).FirstOrDefault();

            // Find all players with PtsPerGame > 20
            var allPlayerPtsPerGame20Higher = allPlayers.Where(player => player.PlayerStatistic["PtsPerGame"] > 20).Select(player => player.FullName).ToList();
            allPlayerPtsPerGame20Higher.ForEach(player => Console.WriteLine(player));

            // Find all players NAMES older then 30 years
            var playerNamesOlder30 = allPlayers.Where(player => player.Age > 30).Select(player => player.FullName).ToList();
            playerNamesOlder30.ForEach(player => Console.WriteLine(player));

            // Group players by age
            var groupPlayerByAge = allPlayers.GroupBy(player => player.Age).ToList();

            foreach (var playerAge in groupPlayerByAge)
                foreach (var player in playerAge)
            // Find All players NAMES and PtsPerGame if have RebPerGame > 7.0
            var playerNamesPtsIfRebPerGame7High = (from player in allPlayers
                                                   where player.PlayerStatistic["RebPerGame"] > 7
                                                   select player).Select(player => new { Name = player.FullName, Points = player.PlayerStatistic["PtsPerGame"] }).ToList();

            playerNamesPtsIfRebPerGame7High.ForEach(player => Console.WriteLine(player));

            // Find first 3 players with highest PtsPerGame
            var player3HighestPtsPerGame = allPlayers.OrderByDescending(player => player.PlayerStatistic["PtsPerGame"]).Take(3).ToList();
            player3HighestPtsPerGame.ForEach(player => Console.WriteLine(player.FullName));

            // Find the team which has the player with highest PtsPerGame
            var teamHasPlayerHighestPoints = teams.SingleOrDefault(team => team.Players.Contains(playerBestAvgPoints));

            // Find first 4 players with highest RebPerGame and order them by PtsPerGame - ASC
            var first4PlayersHighestReb = allPlayers.OrderByDescending(player => player.PlayerStatistic["RebPerGame"])
                                          .Take(4).OrderBy(player => player.PlayerStatistic["PtsPerGame"]).ToList();

            first4PlayersHighestReb.ForEach(player => Console.WriteLine(player.FullName));
