Ejemplo n.º 1
 protected void Search_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (TeamList.SelectedIndex == 0)
         errormsgs.Add(" Please select a Player.");
         LoadMessageDisplay(errormsgs, "alert alert-info");
         TeamGridView.DataSource = null;
             PlayerController sysmgrP = new PlayerController();
             TeamController   sysmgrT = new TeamController();
             List <Player>    infoP   = sysmgrP.Player_FindByTeamID(TeamList.SelectedValue);
             Team             infoT   = sysmgrT.Team_Find(int.Parse(TeamList.SelectedValue));
             infoP.Sort((x, y) => x.FullName.CompareTo(y.FullName));
             TeamGridView.DataSource = infoP;
             Coach.Text          = infoT.Coach;
             AssistantCoach.Text = infoT.AssistantCoach;
             Wins.Text           = infoT.Wins == null ? "0" : infoT.Wins.ToString();
             Losses.Text         = infoT.Losses == null ? "0" : infoT.Losses.ToString();
         catch (Exception ex)
             ErrorMsg.Text = ex.Message;
        protected void TeamGridView_Sorting(object sender, GridViewSortEventArgs e)
            DataTable temp = (DataTable)TeamGridView.DataSource;

            temp.DefaultView.Sort   = e.SortExpression + " " + GetSortDirection(e.SortExpression);
            TeamGridView.DataSource = temp;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        protected void GetTeams()
            // connect to EF DB
            using (DefaultConnection db = new DefaultConnection())
                // query the Students table using EF and LINQ
                var Teams = (from allTeams in db.Teams
                             select allTeams);

                //bind the result to the GridView
                TeamGridView.DataSource = Teams.ToList();
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
                //Server.Transfer("Default.aspx", true);
                //MembershipUser CurrentUser = Membership.GetUser(User.Identity.Name);
                if (!IsPostBack)
                    //Response.Write(@"<script language='javascript'>alert('" + HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name + "|" +
                    //User.Identity.GetUserId() + "|');</script>");

            String        strConnString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["FantasySoccerConnectionString"].ConnectionString;
            SqlConnection con           = new SqlConnection(strConnString);
            SqlCommand    cmd           = new SqlCommand();

            //Populate the grid of players with fantasy points
            cmd.CommandText =
                "SELECT " +
                "Players.PlayerId AS PlayerId, FirstName AS First, LastName AS Last, [Cost], [ClubName] AS Club, [Positions].[PositionName] AS Position," +
                "SUM([PlayerStats].Goals) AS Goals, SUM([PlayerStats].Shots) AS Shots, SUM([PlayerStats].Assists) AS Assists," +
                "SUM([PlayerStats].MinPlayed) AS 'Min Played', SUM([PlayerStats].Fouls) AS Fouls, " +
                "SUM([PlayerStats].YellowCards) AS YC, SUM([PlayerStats].RedCards) AS RC, SUM([PlayerStats].GoalsAllowed) AS GA, " +
                "SUM([PlayerStats].SavesMade) AS Saves, SUM([PlayerStats].CleanSheets) AS CS, " +
                "dbo.CalculateTotalFantasyPoints(SUM([PlayerStats].Goals), " +
                "						        SUM([PlayerStats].Shots),  "+
                "						        SUM([PlayerStats].Assists), "+
                "						        SUM([PlayerStats].MinPlayed), "+
                "						        SUM([PlayerStats].Fouls), "+
                "						        SUM([PlayerStats].YellowCards), "+
                "						        SUM([PlayerStats].RedCards), "+
                "						        SUM([PlayerStats].GoalsAllowed), "+
                "						        SUM([PlayerStats].SavesMade), "+
                "						        SUM([PlayerStats].CleanSheets), "+
                "						        Positions.PositionRef) AS 'Total Fantasy Pts' "+
                "FROM [Players] " +
                "INNER JOIN LineupHistory ON LineupHistory.PlayerId = Players.PlayerId " +
                "INNER JOIN [Positions] ON [Positions].[PositionRef] = Players.PositionRef " +
                "LEFT OUTER JOIN PlayerStats ON PlayerStats.PlayerId = Players.PlayerId " +
                "INNER JOIN Clubs ON Clubs.ClubId = Players.ClubId " +
                "WHERE LineupHistory.Month = DATEPART(MONTH, GETDATE()) " +
                "AND LineupHistory.UserId = '" + User.Identity.GetUserId() + "' " +
                "GROUP BY Players.PlayerId, FirstName, LastName, Players.Cost, Clubs.ClubName, Positions.PositionName, Positions.PositionRef, Players.PlayerId " +
                "ORDER BY Last";

            cmd.Connection = con;
            try {
                DataTable temp = new DataTable();
                TeamGridView.EmptyDataText = "No Records Found";

                for (int i = 0; i < temp.Rows.Count; i++)
                    TOTALCAP -= (int)temp.Rows[i]["Cost"];
                AvailCap = TOTALCAP.ToString("C");

                TeamGridView.DataSource = temp;
                //TeamGridView.Columns[0].Visible = false;
            } catch (System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException ex) {
            } finally {

            //Populate the fantasy points earned fields
            cmd.CommandText =
                "SELECT " +
                "Players.PositionRef AS Position," +
                "SUM([PlayerStats].Goals) AS Goals," +
                "dbo.CalculateFantasyPointsByPosition(1, SUM([PlayerStats].Goals), Players.PositionRef) AS GoalsPts," +
                "SUM([PlayerStats].Shots) AS Shots," +
                "dbo.CalculateFantasyPointsByPosition(2, SUM([PlayerStats].Shots), Players.PositionRef) AS ShotsPts," +
                "SUM([PlayerStats].Assists) AS Assists," +
                "dbo.CalculateFantasyPointsByPosition(6, SUM([PlayerStats].Assists), Players.PositionRef) AS AssistsPts," +
                "SUM([PlayerStats].MinPlayed) AS MinPlayed," +
                "dbo.CalculateFantasyPointsByPosition(10, SUM([PlayerStats].MinPlayed), Players.PositionRef) AS MinPlayedPts," +
                "SUM([PlayerStats].Fouls) AS Fouls," +
                "dbo.CalculateFantasyPointsByPosition(3, SUM([PlayerStats].Fouls), Players.PositionRef) AS FoulsPts," +
                "SUM([PlayerStats].YellowCards) AS YC," +
                "dbo.CalculateFantasyPointsByPosition(4, SUM([PlayerStats].YellowCards), Players.PositionRef) AS YCPts," +
                "SUM([PlayerStats].RedCards) AS RC," +
                "dbo.CalculateFantasyPointsByPosition(5, SUM([PlayerStats].RedCards), Players.PositionRef) AS RCPts," +
                "SUM([PlayerStats].GoalsAllowed) AS GA," +
                "dbo.CalculateFantasyPointsByPosition(8, SUM([PlayerStats].GoalsAllowed), Players.PositionRef) AS GAPts," +
                "SUM([PlayerStats].SavesMade) AS Saves," +
                "dbo.CalculateFantasyPointsByPosition(9, SUM([PlayerStats].SavesMade), Players.PositionRef) AS SavesPts," +
                "SUM([PlayerStats].CleanSheets) AS CleanSheets," +
                "dbo.CalculateFantasyPointsByPosition(7, SUM([PlayerStats].CleanSheets), Players.PositionRef) AS CleanSheetPts," +
                "dbo.CalculateTotalFantasyPoints(SUM([PlayerStats].Goals)," +
                "					SUM([PlayerStats].Shots), "+
                "					SUM([PlayerStats].Assists),"+
                "					SUM([PlayerStats].MinPlayed),"+
                "					SUM([PlayerStats].Fouls),"+
                "					SUM([PlayerStats].YellowCards),"+
                "					SUM([PlayerStats].RedCards),"+
                "					SUM([PlayerStats].GoalsAllowed),"+
                "					SUM([PlayerStats].SavesMade),"+
                "					SUM([PlayerStats].CleanSheets),"+
                "					Players.PositionRef) AS 'Total Fantasy Pts' "+
                "FROM LineupHistory " +
                "INNER JOIN Players ON LineupHistory.PlayerId = Players.PlayerId " +
                "INNER JOIN PlayerStats ON PlayerStats.PlayerId = LineupHistory.PlayerId AND PlayerStats.Month = LineupHistory.Month " +
                "WHERE LineupHistory.UserId = '" + User.Identity.GetUserId() + "' " +
                "GROUP BY Players.PositionRef";

            cmd.Connection = con;
            try {
                decimal goals = 0, goalPts = 0, shots = 0, shotPts = 0, assists = 0, assistPts = 0,
                        minPlayed = 0, minPlayedPts = 0, fouls = 0, foulPts = 0, YC = 0, YCPts = 0,
                        RC = 0, RCPts = 0, GC = 0, GCPts = 0, saves = 0, savePts = 0, cleanSheets = 0,
                        cleanSheetPts = 0;

                DataTable temp = new DataTable();

                DataRow[] foundRows;

                for (int i = 1; i <= 4; i++)
                    foundRows = temp.Select("Position = " + i);
                    if (foundRows.Length > 0)
                        if (i == 1)
                            StrikersPtsLabel.Text = foundRows[0]["Total Fantasy Pts"].ToString() + " pts";
                        else if (i == 2)
                            MidfieldersPtsLabel.Text = foundRows[0]["Total Fantasy Pts"].ToString() + " pts";
                        else if (i == 3)
                            DefendersPtsLabel.Text = foundRows[0]["Total Fantasy Pts"].ToString() + " pts";
                        else if (i == 4)
                            GoaliesPtsLabel.Text = foundRows[0]["Total Fantasy Pts"].ToString() + " pts";

                        goals         += (int)foundRows[0]["Goals"];
                        goalPts       += (decimal)foundRows[0]["GoalsPts"];
                        shots         += (int)foundRows[0]["Shots"];
                        shotPts       += (decimal)foundRows[0]["ShotsPts"];
                        assists       += (int)foundRows[0]["Assists"];
                        assistPts     += (decimal)foundRows[0]["AssistsPts"];
                        minPlayed     += (int)foundRows[0]["MinPlayed"];
                        minPlayedPts  += (decimal)foundRows[0]["MinPlayedPts"];
                        fouls         += (int)foundRows[0]["Fouls"];
                        foulPts       += (decimal)foundRows[0]["FoulsPts"];
                        YC            += (int)foundRows[0]["YC"];
                        YCPts         += (decimal)foundRows[0]["YCPts"];
                        RC            += (int)foundRows[0]["RC"];
                        RCPts         += (decimal)foundRows[0]["RCPts"];
                        GC            += (int)foundRows[0]["GA"];
                        GCPts         += (decimal)foundRows[0]["GAPts"];
                        saves         += (int)foundRows[0]["Saves"];
                        savePts       += (decimal)foundRows[0]["SavesPts"];
                        cleanSheets   += (int)foundRows[0]["CleanSheets"];
                        cleanSheetPts += (decimal)foundRows[0]["CleanSheetPts"];

                GoalsPtsLabel.Text       = goals.ToString() + " = " + goalPts.ToString() + " pts";
                ShotsPtsLabel.Text       = shots.ToString() + " = " + shotPts.ToString() + " pts";
                AssistsPtsLabel.Text     = assists.ToString() + " = " + assistPts.ToString() + " pts";
                MinPlayedPtsLabel.Text   = minPlayed.ToString() + " = " + minPlayedPts.ToString() + " pts";
                FoulsPtsLabel.Text       = fouls.ToString() + " = " + foulPts.ToString() + " pts";
                YCPtsLabel.Text          = YC.ToString() + " = " + YCPts.ToString() + " pts";
                RCPtsLabel.Text          = RC.ToString() + " = " + RCPts.ToString() + " pts";
                GCPtsLabel.Text          = GC.ToString() + " = " + GCPts.ToString() + " pts";
                SavesMadePtsLabel.Text   = saves.ToString() + " = " + savePts.ToString() + " pts";
                CleanSheetsPtsLabel.Text = cleanSheets.ToString() + " = " + cleanSheetPts.ToString() + " pts";
            } catch (System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException ex) {
            } finally {