Ejemplo n.º 1
 /// <summary>
 /// Assign a course to a teacher
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="assignment"></param>
 public void AssignCourseToTeacher(TeachingAssignmentDto assignment)
     logger.Info("Service received request for assigning a course to a teacher {@teachingAssignment}", assignment);
     // but again ... course --> teaching. teaching --> course...
     // Or another service that will reference everything but is not referenced by anything?
     // SHAT!!!
     // teachingsService.AssignTeacherToCourse(assignment.SubjectId, assignment.TeacherId);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public IHttpActionResult PostAssignCourseToTeacher(int teacherId, TeachingAssignmentDto assignment)
            var user = IdentityHelper.GetLoggedInUser(RequestContext);

            logger.Info("User {@userData} is requesting a teaching assignment creation {assignmentData}", user, assignment);

            if (assignment.TeacherId != teacherId)
                logger.Error("Provided Teacher identity does not match the assignment values.");
                return(BadRequest("Teacher identities do not match."));

            // I'm not sure how to handle these cases
            // Maybe Mladen's solution can help? Probably not...
            // Read up again about the subject...
            logger.Info("Teaching assignment successfully created.");
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public IHttpActionResult RemoveTeachingAssignment(TeachingAssignmentDto assignment)
            teachings.RemoveTeacherFromCourse(assignment.SubjectId, assignment.TeacherId);
