public JsonResult CreateTask(TaskEx task) { try { // Validation if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return Json(new { Result = "ERROR", Message = "Form is not valid! Please correct it and try again." }); } var taskRespo = new TaskRepository(); TaskEx addedTask = taskRespo.AddTask(task); // Inform all connected clients var clientName = Request["clientName"]; Task.Factory.StartNew( () => { // var clients = Hub.GetClients<TaskHub>(); _context.Clients.RecCreated(clientName, task); }); // Return result to current (caller) client return Json(new { Result = "OK", Record = addedTask }); } catch (Exception ex) { return Json(new { Result = "ERROR", Message = ex.Message }); } }
async Task <(ModuleSet current, DeploymentConfigInfo DeploymentConfigInfo, Exception ex)> GetReconcileData(CancellationToken token) { // we read the data from the config source and from the environment separately because // when doing something like TaskEx.WhenAll(t1, t2) if either of them throws then we get // nothing; so for example, if the environment is able to successfully retrieve the moduleset // but there's a corrupt deployment in IoT Hub then we end up not being able to report the // current state even though we have it ((ModuleSet current, Exception environmentException), (DeploymentConfigInfo deploymentConfigInfo, Exception configSourceException)) = await TaskEx.WhenAll( this.GetCurrentModuleSetAsync(token), this.GetDeploymentConfigInfoAsync()); List <Exception> exceptions = new[] { environmentException, configSourceException, deploymentConfigInfo?.Exception.OrDefault() } .Where(e => e != null) .ToList(); Exception exception = null; if (exceptions.Any()) { exception = exceptions.Count > 1 ? new AggregateException(exceptions) : exceptions[0]; } return(current, deploymentConfigInfo, exception); }
public static async Task InvokeAsync(this Dispatcher dispatcher, Action d, DispatcherPriority dispatcherPriority) { await TaskEx.Run(() => dispatcher.Invoke(d, dispatcherPriority)); }
public static async Task <T> InvokeAsync <T>(this Dispatcher dispatcher, Func <T> d) { var result = await TaskEx.Run(() => (T)dispatcher.Invoke(d)); return(result); }
/// <summary> /// The Set Network Configuration operation asynchronously configures /// the virtual network. (see /// /// for more information) /// </summary> /// <param name='parameters'> /// Required. Parameters supplied to the Set Network Configuration /// operation. /// </param> /// <param name='cancellationToken'> /// Cancellation token. /// </param> /// <returns> /// The response body contains the status of the specified asynchronous /// operation, indicating whether it has succeeded, is inprogress, or /// has failed. Note that this status is distinct from the HTTP status /// code returned for the Get Operation Status operation itself. If /// the asynchronous operation succeeded, the response body includes /// the HTTP status code for the successful request. If the /// asynchronous operation failed, the response body includes the HTTP /// status code for the failed request, and also includes error /// information regarding the failure. /// </returns> public async System.Threading.Tasks.Task <OperationStatusResponse> SetConfigurationAsync(NetworkSetConfigurationParameters parameters, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { NetworkManagementClient client = this.Client; bool shouldTrace = CloudContext.Configuration.Tracing.IsEnabled; string invocationId = null; if (shouldTrace) { invocationId = Tracing.NextInvocationId.ToString(); Dictionary <string, object> tracingParameters = new Dictionary <string, object>(); tracingParameters.Add("parameters", parameters); Tracing.Enter(invocationId, this, "SetConfigurationAsync", tracingParameters); } try { if (shouldTrace) { client = this.Client.WithHandler(new ClientRequestTrackingHandler(invocationId)); } cancellationToken.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); OperationResponse response = await client.Networks.BeginSettingConfigurationAsync(parameters, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false); cancellationToken.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); OperationStatusResponse result = await client.GetOperationStatusAsync(response.RequestId, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false); int delayInSeconds = 30; if (client.LongRunningOperationInitialTimeout >= 0) { delayInSeconds = client.LongRunningOperationInitialTimeout; } while ((result.Status != OperationStatus.InProgress) == false) { cancellationToken.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); await TaskEx.Delay(delayInSeconds * 1000, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false); cancellationToken.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); result = await client.GetOperationStatusAsync(response.RequestId, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false); delayInSeconds = 30; if (client.LongRunningOperationRetryTimeout >= 0) { delayInSeconds = client.LongRunningOperationRetryTimeout; } } if (shouldTrace) { Tracing.Exit(invocationId, result); } if (result.Status != OperationStatus.Succeeded) { if (result.Error != null) { CloudException ex = new CloudException(result.Error.Code + " : " + result.Error.Message); ex.ErrorCode = result.Error.Code; ex.ErrorMessage = result.Error.Message; if (shouldTrace) { Tracing.Error(invocationId, ex); } throw ex; } else { CloudException ex = new CloudException(""); if (shouldTrace) { Tracing.Error(invocationId, ex); } throw ex; } } return(result); } finally { if (client != null && shouldTrace) { client.Dispose(); } } }
private async void clickSwitch(Object obj) { switch (obj.ToString()) { case "buscar": this.GetTipoObjetosTipos(); break; case "menu_editar": if (SelectedItem != null) { HeaderAgregar = "Editar Tipo Objeto"; #region visiblePantalla EditarVisible = true; NuevoVisible = false; GuardarMenuEnabled = true; AgregarMenuEnabled = false; EliminarMenuEnabled = false; EditarMenuEnabled = false; CancelarMenuEnabled = true; AyudaMenuEnabled = true; SalirMenuEnabled = true; ExportarMenuEnabled = false; AgregarVisible = true; #endregion bandera_editar = true; FocusText = true; /*****************************************/ Clave = SelectedItem.ID_OBJETO_TIPO; Descripcion = SelectedItem.DESCR; Configuracion = SelectedItem.CONFIGURACION; Permitido = SelectedItem.PERMITIDO; /*****************************************/ PopularEstatusCombo(); var EstatusSeleccionado = SelectedItem.ESTATUS == null ? "N" : SelectedItem.ESTATUS; SelectedEstatus = Lista_Estatus.LISTA_ESTATUS.Where(w => w.CLAVE == EstatusSeleccionado).SingleOrDefault(); setValidationRules(); //TODO:Falta Agregar campo estatus //SelectedEstatus=ListEstatus.Where(w=>w.CLAVE==selectedItem.Id_Estatus) } else { bandera_editar = false; var met = Application.Current.Windows[0] as MetroWindow; await met.ShowMessageAsync("Validación", "Debe seleccionar una opción."); } break; case "menu_agregar": HeaderAgregar = "Agregar Nuevo Tipo de Objeto"; #region visiblePantalla EditarVisible = false; NuevoVisible = true; GuardarMenuEnabled = true; AgregarMenuEnabled = false; EliminarMenuEnabled = false; EditarMenuEnabled = false; CancelarMenuEnabled = true; AyudaMenuEnabled = true; SalirMenuEnabled = true; ExportarMenuEnabled = false; AgregarVisible = true; #endregion bandera_editar = false; FocusText = true; /********************************/ SeleccionIndice = -1; Clave = 0; SelectedEstatus = null; SelectedEstatus = Lista_Estatus.LISTA_ESTATUS.Where(w => w.CLAVE == "S").FirstOrDefault(); SelectedItem = null; Descripcion = string.Empty; Permitido = "N"; Configuracion = null; PopularEstatusCombo(); setValidationRules(); /********************************/ break; case "menu_guardar": if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Descripcion)) { #region visiblePantalla EditarVisible = false; NuevoVisible = false; GuardarMenuEnabled = false; AgregarMenuEnabled = true; EliminarMenuEnabled = false; EditarMenuEnabled = false; CancelarMenuEnabled = false; AyudaMenuEnabled = true; SalirMenuEnabled = true; ExportarMenuEnabled = true; AgregarVisible = false; #endregion /**********************************/ this.GuardarObjetoTipo(); /**********************************/ } else { FocusText = true; } break; case "menu_cancelar": #region visiblePantalla NuevoVisible = false; GuardarMenuEnabled = false; AgregarMenuEnabled = true; EliminarMenuEnabled = false; EditarMenuEnabled = false; CancelarMenuEnabled = false; AyudaMenuEnabled = true; SalirMenuEnabled = true; ExportarMenuEnabled = true; AgregarVisible = false; #endregion /****************************************/ SeleccionIndice = -1; Clave = 0; Descripcion = string.Empty; Busqueda = string.Empty; Permitido = "N"; this.GetTipoObjetosTipos(); /****************************************/ break; case "menu_eliminar": var metro = Application.Current.Windows[0] as MetroWindow; if (SelectedItem != null) { var mySettings = new MetroDialogSettings() { AffirmativeButtonText = "Aceptar", NegativeButtonText = "Cancelar", AnimateShow = true, AnimateHide = false }; var result = await metro.ShowMessageAsync("Borrar", "¿Está seguro que desea borrar esto? [ " + SelectedItem.DESCR + " ]", MessageDialogStyle.AffirmativeAndNegative, mySettings); if (result == MessageDialogResult.Affirmative) { BaseMetroDialog dialog; if (EliminarTipoObjeto()) { dialog = (BaseMetroDialog)metro.Resources["ConfirmacionDialog"]; } else { dialog = (BaseMetroDialog)metro.Resources["ErrorDialog"]; } await metro.ShowMetroDialogAsync(dialog); await TaskEx.Delay(1500); await metro.HideMetroDialogAsync(dialog); } } else { await metro.ShowMessageAsync("Validación", "Debe seleccionar una opción"); } SeleccionIndice = -1; break; case "menu_exportar": SeleccionIndice = -1; Cambio = string.Empty; break; case "menu_ayuda": SeleccionIndice = -1; Cambio = string.Empty; break; case "menu_salir": SeleccionIndice = -1; Cambio = string.Empty; PrincipalViewModel.SalirMenu(); break; } }
private async Task <bool> DelayedOtherTask(string resource, CancellationToken cancelToken) { await TaskEx.Delay(1000 * 5); return(await OtherTask(resource, cancelToken)); }
public static async Task <String> NcbiSomeProteinAsync(params String[] ids) { IEnumerable <Task <String> > tasks = from id in ids select NcbiProteinAsync(id); return(await TaskEx.WhenAny(tasks).Result); }
/// <summary> /// Deletes a vault /// </summary> /// <param name='resourceGroupName'> /// Required. The name of the (Resource Group) cloud service containing /// the job collection. /// </param> /// <param name='vaultName'> /// Required. The name of the vault to delete. /// </param> /// <param name='cancellationToken'> /// Cancellation token. /// </param> /// <returns> /// The response body contains the status of the specified asynchronous /// operation, indicating whether it has succeeded, is inprogress, or /// has failed. Note that this status is distinct from the HTTP status /// code returned for the Get Operation Status operation itself. If /// the asynchronous operation succeeded, the response body includes /// the HTTP status code for the successful request. If the /// asynchronous operation failed, the response body includes the HTTP /// status code for the failed request, and also includes error /// information regarding the failure. /// </returns> public async Task <RecoveryServicesOperationStatusResponse> DeleteAsync(string resourceGroupName, string vaultName, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { SiteRecoveryVaultManagementClient client = this.Client; bool shouldTrace = TracingAdapter.IsEnabled; string invocationId = null; if (shouldTrace) { invocationId = TracingAdapter.NextInvocationId.ToString(); Dictionary <string, object> tracingParameters = new Dictionary <string, object>(); tracingParameters.Add("resourceGroupName", resourceGroupName); tracingParameters.Add("vaultName", vaultName); TracingAdapter.Enter(invocationId, this, "DeleteAsync", tracingParameters); } cancellationToken.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); RecoveryServicesOperationStatusResponse response = await client.Vaults.BeginDeletingAsync(resourceGroupName, vaultName, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false); if (response.Status == RecoveryServicesOperationStatus.Succeeded) { return(response); } cancellationToken.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); RecoveryServicesOperationStatusResponse result = await client.GetOperationStatusAsync(response.RequestId, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false); int delayInSeconds = 15; if (client.LongRunningOperationInitialTimeout >= 0) { delayInSeconds = client.LongRunningOperationInitialTimeout; } while (result.Status == RecoveryServicesOperationStatus.InProgress) { cancellationToken.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); await TaskEx.Delay(delayInSeconds * 1000, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false); cancellationToken.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); result = await client.GetOperationStatusAsync(response.RequestId, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false); delayInSeconds = 10; if (client.LongRunningOperationRetryTimeout >= 0) { delayInSeconds = client.LongRunningOperationRetryTimeout; } } if (shouldTrace) { TracingAdapter.Exit(invocationId, result); } if (result.Status != RecoveryServicesOperationStatus.Succeeded) { if (result.Error != null) { CloudException ex = new CloudException(result.Error.Code + " : " + result.Error.Message); ex.Error = new CloudError(); ex.Error.Code = result.Error.Code; ex.Error.Message = result.Error.Message; if (shouldTrace) { TracingAdapter.Error(invocationId, ex); } throw ex; } else { CloudException ex = new CloudException(""); if (shouldTrace) { TracingAdapter.Error(invocationId, ex); } throw ex; } } return(result); }
private async void OnStartClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { string svgPath = txtSvgSource.Text; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(svgPath) || Directory.Exists(svgPath) == false) { return; } txtDebug.Clear(); _imageList.Clear(); _columnCount = 0; _imageCount = 0; _isVerbose = (chkVerbose.IsChecked != null && chkVerbose.IsChecked.Value); btnStart.IsEnabled = false; chkVerbose.IsEnabled = false; var queue = new ConcurrentQueue <string>(); int imageCount = 0; foreach (var svgFilePath in Directory.EnumerateFiles(svgPath, "*.svg")) { // Eliminate any compressed file, not supported in this test... if (svgFilePath.EndsWith(".svgz", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { continue; } queue.Enqueue(svgFilePath); imageCount++; if (imageCount >= NumberOfImages) { break; } } AppendLine("Starting Tests ****"); if (_isVerbose) { AppendLine(""); } var allTasks = new List <Task>(); for (int i = 0; i < NumberOfConsumers; ++i) { #if DOTNET40 allTasks.Add(TaskEx.Run(() => { while (queue.TryDequeue(out string imageData)) { UpdateDrawing(imageData); } })); #else allTasks.Add(Task.Run(() => { while (queue.TryDequeue(out string imageData)) { UpdateDrawing(imageData); } })); #endif } #if DOTNET40 await TaskEx.WhenAll(allTasks); #else await Task.WhenAll(allTasks); #endif AppendLine(""); AppendLine("**** Completed Tests"); btnStart.IsEnabled = true; chkVerbose.IsEnabled = true; }
public Task InterceptAsync(HttpRequestMessage request, CancellationToken token) { ++Calls; request.Headers.Add(InjectedHeader, InjectedValue); return(TaskEx.Delay(0)); }
public Task <bool> LoadDocumentAsync(string svgFilePath) { if (_isLoadingDrawing || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(svgFilePath) || !File.Exists(svgFilePath)) { #if DOTNET40 return(TaskEx.FromResult <bool>(false)); #else return(Task.FromResult <bool>(false)); #endif } string fileExt = Path.GetExtension(svgFilePath); if (!(string.Equals(fileExt, SvgConverter.SvgExt, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) || string.Equals(fileExt, SvgConverter.CompressedSvgExt, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))) { _svgFilePath = null; #if DOTNET40 return(TaskEx.FromResult <bool>(false)); #else return(Task.FromResult <bool>(false)); #endif } _isLoadingDrawing = true; this.UnloadDocument(true); DirectoryInfo workingDir = _workingDir; if (_directoryInfo != null) { workingDir = _directoryInfo; } _svgFilePath = svgFilePath; _saveXaml = _optionSettings.ShowOutputFile; _embeddedImageVisitor.SaveImages = !_wpfSettings.IncludeRuntime; _embeddedImageVisitor.SaveDirectory = _drawingDir; _wpfSettings.Visitors.ImageVisitor = _embeddedImageVisitor; if (_fileReader == null) { _fileReader = new FileSvgReader(_wpfSettings); _fileReader.SaveXaml = _saveXaml; _fileReader.SaveZaml = false; } var drawingStream = new MemoryStream(); // Get the UI thread's context var context = TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext(); return(Task <bool> .Factory.StartNew(() => { // var saveXaml = _fileReader.SaveXaml; // _fileReader.SaveXaml = true; // For threaded, we will save to avoid loading issue later... //Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch(); //stopwatch.Start(); //DrawingGroup drawing = _fileReader.Read(svgFilePath, workingDir); //stopwatch.Stop(); //Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("FileName={0}, Time={1}", // Path.GetFileName(svgFilePath), stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds)); Stopwatch watch = new Stopwatch(); watch.Start(); DrawingGroup drawing = _fileReader.Read(svgFilePath, workingDir); watch.Stop(); Debug.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", Path.GetFileName(svgFilePath), watch.ElapsedMilliseconds); // _fileReader.SaveXaml = saveXaml; _drawingDocument = _fileReader.DrawingDocument; if (drawing != null) { XamlWriter.Save(drawing, drawingStream); drawingStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); return true; } _svgFilePath = null; return false; }).ContinueWith((t) => { try { if (!t.Result) { _isLoadingDrawing = false; _svgFilePath = null; return false; } if (drawingStream.Length != 0) { DrawingGroup drawing = (DrawingGroup)XamlReader.Load(drawingStream); svgViewer.UnloadDiagrams(); svgViewer.RenderDiagrams(drawing); Rect bounds = svgViewer.Bounds; if (bounds.IsEmpty) { bounds = new Rect(0, 0, svgViewer.ActualWidth, svgViewer.ActualHeight); } zoomPanControl.AnimatedZoomTo(bounds); CommandManager.InvalidateRequerySuggested(); // The drawing changed, update the source... _fileReader.Drawing = drawing; } _isLoadingDrawing = false; return true; } catch { _isLoadingDrawing = false; throw; } }, context)); }
async Task Reader() { var readCancelToken = new CancellationTokenSource(); // We are going to read from the stream, but the stream *may* not ever have any data for us to // read (in the case that all the messages sent successfully, apple will send us nothing // So, let's make our read timeout after a reasonable amount of time to wait for apple to tell // us of any errors that happened. readCancelToken.CancelAfter(750); int len = -1; while (!readCancelToken.IsCancellationRequested) { // See if there's data to read if (client.Client.Available > 0) { Log.Info("APNS-Client[{0}]: Data Available...", id); len = await networkStream.ReadAsync(buffer, 0, buffer.Length).ConfigureAwait(false); Log.Info("APNS-Client[{0}]: Finished Read.", id); break; } // Let's not tie up too much CPU waiting... await TaskEx.Delay(50).ConfigureAwait(false); } Log.Info("APNS-Client[{0}]: Received {1} bytes response...", id, len); // If we got no data back, and we didn't end up canceling, the connection must have closed if (len == 0) { Log.Info("APNS-Client[{0}]: Server Closed Connection...", id); // Connection was closed disconnect(); return; } else if (len < 0) //If we timed out waiting, but got no data to read, everything must be ok! { Log.Info("APNS-Client[{0}]: Batch (ID={1}) completed with no error response...", id, batchId); //Everything was ok, let's assume all 'sent' succeeded foreach (var s in sent) { s.Notification.CompleteSuccessfully(); } sent.Clear(); return; } // If we make it here, we did get data back, so we have errors Log.Info("APNS-Client[{0}]: Batch (ID={1}) completed with error response...", id, batchId); // If we made it here, we did receive some data, so let's parse the error var status = buffer [1]; var identifier = IPAddress.NetworkToHostOrder(BitConverter.ToInt32(buffer, 2)); // Let's handle the failure //Get the index of our failed notification (by identifier) var failedIndex = sent.FindIndex(n => n.Identifier == identifier); // If we didn't find an index for the failed notification, something is wrong // Let's just return if (failedIndex < 0) { return; } // Get all the notifications before the failed one and mark them as sent! if (failedIndex > 0) { // Get all the notifications sent before the one that failed // We can assume that these all succeeded var successful = sent.GetRange(0, failedIndex); //TODO: Should it be failedIndex - 1? // Complete all the successfully sent notifications foreach (var s in successful) { s.Notification.CompleteSuccessfully(); } // Remove all the successful notifications from the sent list // This should mean the failed notification is now at index 0 sent.RemoveRange(0, failedIndex); } //Get the failed notification itself var failedNotification = sent [0]; //Fail and remove the failed index from the list Log.Info("APNS-Client[{0}]: Failing Notification {1}", id, failedNotification.Identifier); failedNotification.Notification.CompleteFailed( new ApnsNotificationException(status, failedNotification.Notification.Notification)); // Now remove the failed notification from the sent list sent.RemoveAt(0); // The remaining items in the list were sent after the failed notification // we can assume these were ignored by apple so we need to send them again // Requeue the remaining notifications foreach (var s in sent) { notifications.Enqueue(s.Notification); } // Clear our sent list sent.Clear(); // Apple will close our connection after this anyway disconnect(); }
public Task <bool> HasTrack() { return(TaskEx.FromResult(Player.Track != null)); }
public Task <bool> IsPlaying() { return(TaskEx.FromResult(Player.PlayerState == PlayState.Playing)); }
public static async Task <String[]> NcbiProteinParallelAsync(params String[] ids) { IEnumerable <Task <String> > tasks = from id in ids select NcbiProteinAsync(id); return(await TaskEx.WhenAll(tasks)); }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ protected override void onClose(string Message) { try { base.onClose(Message); //close all try { if (streamIn != null) { #if NETFX TaskEx.RunSafe(streamIn.Close, AssertException: false)?.Wait(1000); #endif TaskEx.RunSafe(streamIn.Dispose, AssertException: false)?.Wait(1000); } } catch { } try { if (streamOut != null) { #if NETFX TaskEx.RunSafe(streamOut.Close, AssertException: false)?.Wait(1000); #endif TaskEx.RunSafe(streamOut.Dispose, AssertException: false)?.Wait(1000); } } catch { } #if NETFX try { if (netstream != null) { TaskEx.RunSafe(netstream.Close, AssertException: false)?.Wait(1000); TaskEx.RunSafe(netstream.Dispose, AssertException: false)?.Wait(1000); } } catch { } #endif try { #if NETFX if (_sock?.Connected == true) { TaskEx.RunSafe(() => _sock?.Disconnect(false), AssertException: false)?.Wait(1000); } TaskEx.RunSafe(() => _sock?.Close(3), AssertException: false)?.Wait(5000); #endif TaskEx.RunSafe(() => _sock?.Dispose(), AssertException: false)?.Wait(1000); } catch { } //null them streamIn = null; streamOut = null; #if NETFX netstream = null; #endif _sock = null; } catch (Exception ex) { DebugEx.Assert(ex, "YPC (" + Name + ") Exception while disconnecting"); } }
/// <summary> /// The Update Cross Connection operation updates an existing cross /// connection. /// </summary> /// <param name='serviceKey'> /// Required. The service key representing the relationship between /// Azure and the customer. /// </param> /// <param name='parameters'> /// Required. Parameters supplied to the Update Bgp Peering operation. /// </param> /// <param name='cancellationToken'> /// Cancellation token. /// </param> /// <returns> /// The Get Cross Connection Operation Response. /// </returns> public async System.Threading.Tasks.Task <Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.ExpressRoute.Models.CrossConnectionGetResponse> UpdateAsync(string serviceKey, CrossConnectionUpdateParameters parameters, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { ExpressRouteManagementClient client = this.Client; bool shouldTrace = CloudContext.Configuration.Tracing.IsEnabled; string invocationId = null; if (shouldTrace) { invocationId = Tracing.NextInvocationId.ToString(); Dictionary <string, object> tracingParameters = new Dictionary <string, object>(); tracingParameters.Add("serviceKey", serviceKey); tracingParameters.Add("parameters", parameters); Tracing.Enter(invocationId, this, "UpdateAsync", tracingParameters); } try { if (shouldTrace) { client = this.Client.WithHandler(new ClientRequestTrackingHandler(invocationId)); } cancellationToken.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); ExpressRouteOperationResponse originalResponse = await client.CrossConnections.BeginUpdateAsync(serviceKey, parameters, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false); cancellationToken.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); ExpressRouteOperationStatusResponse result = await client.GetOperationStatusAsync(originalResponse.OperationId, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false); int delayInSeconds = 30; while (result.Status == ExpressRouteOperationStatus.InProgress) { cancellationToken.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); await TaskEx.Delay(delayInSeconds * 1000, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false); cancellationToken.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); result = await client.GetOperationStatusAsync(originalResponse.OperationId, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false); delayInSeconds = 10; } if (result.Status == ExpressRouteOperationStatus.Failed) { string exStr = "The cross connection could not be updated due to an internal server error."; throw new ArgumentException(exStr); } cancellationToken.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); CrossConnectionGetResponse getResult = await client.CrossConnections.GetAsync(serviceKey, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false); if (shouldTrace) { Tracing.Exit(invocationId, result); } return(getResult); } finally { if (client != null && shouldTrace) { client.Dispose(); } } }
public void StartRecording(TaskSettings taskSettings, bool skipRegionSelection = false) { if (taskSettings.CaptureSettings.RunScreencastCLI) { if (!Program.Settings.VideoEncoders.IsValidIndex(taskSettings.CaptureSettings.VideoEncoderSelected)) { MessageBox.Show(Resources.ScreenRecordForm_StartRecording_There_is_no_valid_CLI_video_encoder_selected_, "ShareX", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } if (!Program.Settings.VideoEncoders[taskSettings.CaptureSettings.VideoEncoderSelected].IsValid()) { MessageBox.Show(Resources.ScreenRecordForm_StartRecording_CLI_video_encoder_file_does_not_exist__ + Program.Settings.VideoEncoders[taskSettings.CaptureSettings.VideoEncoderSelected].Path, "ShareX", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } } if (taskSettings.CaptureSettings.ScreenRecordOutput == ScreenRecordOutput.FFmpeg) { if (!File.Exists(taskSettings.CaptureSettings.FFmpegOptions.CLIPath)) { string ffmpegText = string.IsNullOrEmpty(taskSettings.CaptureSettings.FFmpegOptions.CLIPath) ? "ffmpeg.exe" : taskSettings.CaptureSettings.FFmpegOptions.CLIPath; if (MessageBox.Show(string.Format(Resources.ScreenRecordForm_StartRecording_does_not_exist, ffmpegText), "ShareX - " + Resources.ScreenRecordForm_StartRecording_Missing + " ffmpeg.exe", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Warning) == DialogResult.Yes) { if (FFmpegDownloader.DownloadFFmpeg(false, DownloaderForm_InstallRequested) == DialogResult.OK) { Program.DefaultTaskSettings.CaptureSettings.FFmpegOptions.CLIPath = taskSettings.TaskSettingsReference.CaptureSettings.FFmpegOptions.CLIPath = taskSettings.CaptureSettings.FFmpegOptions.CLIPath = Path.Combine(Program.ToolsFolder, "ffmpeg.exe"); } } else { return; } } if (!taskSettings.CaptureSettings.FFmpegOptions.IsSourceSelected) { MessageBox.Show(Resources.ScreenRecordForm_StartRecording_FFmpeg_video_and_audio_source_both_can_t_be__None__, "ShareX - " + Resources.ScreenRecordForm_StartRecording_FFmpeg_error, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } } Rectangle captureRectangle; if (skipRegionSelection) { captureRectangle = Program.Settings.ScreenRecordRegion; } else { TaskHelpers.SelectRegion(out captureRectangle, taskSettings); captureRectangle = CaptureHelpers.EvenRectangleSize(captureRectangle); } if (IsRecording || !captureRectangle.IsValid() || screenRecorder != null) { return; } Program.Settings.ScreenRecordRegion = captureRectangle; IsRecording = true; Screenshot.CaptureCursor = taskSettings.CaptureSettings.ShowCursor; string trayText = "ShareX - " + Resources.ScreenRecordForm_StartRecording_Waiting___; TrayIcon.Text = trayText.Truncate(63); TrayIcon.Icon = Resources.control_record_yellow.ToIcon(); TrayIcon.Visible = true; string path = ""; float duration = taskSettings.CaptureSettings.ScreenRecordFixedDuration ? taskSettings.CaptureSettings.ScreenRecordDuration : 0; regionForm = ScreenRegionForm.Show(captureRectangle, StopRecording, duration); regionForm.RecordResetEvent = new ManualResetEvent(false); TaskEx.Run(() => { try { if (taskSettings.CaptureSettings.ScreenRecordAutoDisableAero) { dwmManager = new DWMManager(); dwmManager.AutoDisable(); } if (taskSettings.CaptureSettings.ScreenRecordOutput == ScreenRecordOutput.AVI) { path = Path.Combine(taskSettings.CaptureFolder, TaskHelpers.GetFilename(taskSettings, "avi")); } else if (taskSettings.CaptureSettings.ScreenRecordOutput == ScreenRecordOutput.FFmpeg) { path = Path.Combine(taskSettings.CaptureFolder, TaskHelpers.GetFilename(taskSettings, taskSettings.CaptureSettings.FFmpegOptions.Extension)); } else { path = Program.ScreenRecorderCacheFilePath; } ScreencastOptions options = new ScreencastOptions() { FFmpeg = taskSettings.CaptureSettings.FFmpegOptions, AVI = taskSettings.CaptureSettings.AVIOptions, ScreenRecordFPS = taskSettings.CaptureSettings.ScreenRecordFPS, GIFFPS = taskSettings.CaptureSettings.GIFFPS, Duration = duration, OutputPath = path, CaptureArea = captureRectangle, DrawCursor = taskSettings.CaptureSettings.ShowCursor }; screenRecorder = new ScreenRecorder(options, captureRectangle, taskSettings.CaptureSettings.ScreenRecordOutput); if (regionForm != null && regionForm.RecordResetEvent != null) { trayText = "ShareX - " + Resources.ScreenRecordForm_StartRecording_Click_tray_icon_to_start_recording_; TrayIcon.Text = trayText.Truncate(63); if (taskSettings.CaptureSettings.ScreenRecordAutoStart) { int delay = (int)(taskSettings.CaptureSettings.ScreenRecordStartDelay * 1000); if (delay > 0) { regionForm.RecordResetEvent.WaitOne(delay); } } else { regionForm.RecordResetEvent.WaitOne(); } if (regionForm.AbortRequested) { abortRequested = true; } } if (!abortRequested) { trayText = "ShareX - " + Resources.ScreenRecordForm_StartRecording_Click_tray_icon_to_stop_recording_; TrayIcon.Text = trayText.Truncate(63); TrayIcon.Icon = Resources.control_record.ToIcon(); if (regionForm != null) { this.InvokeSafe(() => regionForm.StartTimer()); } screenRecorder.StartRecording(); if (regionForm != null && regionForm.AbortRequested) { abortRequested = true; } } } catch (Exception e) { DebugHelper.WriteException(e); } finally { if (dwmManager != null) { dwmManager.Dispose(); dwmManager = null; } if (regionForm != null) { if (regionForm.RecordResetEvent != null) { regionForm.RecordResetEvent.Dispose(); } this.InvokeSafe(() => regionForm.Close()); regionForm = null; } } try { if (!abortRequested && screenRecorder != null) { trayText = "ShareX - " + Resources.ScreenRecordForm_StartRecording_Encoding___; TrayIcon.Text = trayText.Truncate(63); TrayIcon.Icon = Resources.camcorder_pencil.ToIcon(); string sourceFilePath = path; if (taskSettings.CaptureSettings.ScreenRecordOutput == ScreenRecordOutput.GIF) { if (taskSettings.CaptureSettings.RunScreencastCLI) { sourceFilePath = Path.ChangeExtension(Program.ScreenRecorderCacheFilePath, "gif"); } else { sourceFilePath = path = Path.Combine(taskSettings.CaptureFolder, TaskHelpers.GetFilename(taskSettings, "gif")); } Helpers.CreateDirectoryIfNotExist(sourceFilePath); screenRecorder.SaveAsGIF(sourceFilePath, taskSettings.ImageSettings.ImageGIFQuality); } if (taskSettings.CaptureSettings.RunScreencastCLI) { VideoEncoder encoder = Program.Settings.VideoEncoders[taskSettings.CaptureSettings.VideoEncoderSelected]; path = Path.Combine(taskSettings.CaptureFolder, TaskHelpers.GetFilename(taskSettings, encoder.OutputExtension)); screenRecorder.EncodeUsingCommandLine(encoder, sourceFilePath, path); } } } finally { if (screenRecorder != null) { if (taskSettings.CaptureSettings.RunScreencastCLI && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(screenRecorder.CachePath) && File.Exists(screenRecorder.CachePath)) { File.Delete(screenRecorder.CachePath); } screenRecorder.Dispose(); screenRecorder = null; if (abortRequested && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(path) && File.Exists(path)) { File.Delete(path); } } } }, () => { if (TrayIcon.Visible) { TrayIcon.Visible = false; } if (!abortRequested && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(path) && File.Exists(path) && TaskHelpers.ShowAfterCaptureForm(taskSettings)) { UploadTask task = UploadTask.CreateFileJobTask(path, taskSettings); TaskManager.Start(task); } abortRequested = false; IsRecording = false; }); }
private async void clickSwitch(Object obj) { switch (obj.ToString()) { case "buscar_articulo_medicamento": SelectedItem = null; SeleccionIndice = -1; Cambio = string.Empty; break; case "menu_editar": if (_selectedItem != null) { EditarVisible = true; NuevoVisible = false; Cambio = SelectedItem.Username; GuardarMenuEnabled = true; AgregarMenuEnabled = false; EliminarMenuEnabled = false; EditarMenuEnabled = false; CancelarMenuEnabled = true; AyudaMenuEnabled = true; SalirMenuEnabled = true; ExportarMenuEnabled = false; AgregarVisible = true; bandera_editar = true; FocusText = true; } else { bandera_editar = false; var met = Application.Current.Windows[0] as MetroWindow; await met.ShowMessageAsync("Validación", "Debe seleccionar una opcion."); } break; case "menu_agregar": EditarVisible = false; NuevoVisible = true; GuardarMenuEnabled = true; AgregarMenuEnabled = false; EliminarMenuEnabled = false; EditarMenuEnabled = false; CancelarMenuEnabled = true; AyudaMenuEnabled = true; SalirMenuEnabled = true; ExportarMenuEnabled = false; AgregarVisible = true; bandera_editar = false; FocusText = true; break; case "menu_guardar": if (bandera_editar == false) { ListItems.Add(new Usuario() { Username = Cambio, Password = "******" }); } else { SelectedItem.Username = Cambio; } EditarVisible = false; NuevoVisible = false; GuardarMenuEnabled = false; AgregarMenuEnabled = true; EliminarMenuEnabled = false; EditarMenuEnabled = false; CancelarMenuEnabled = false; AyudaMenuEnabled = true; SalirMenuEnabled = true; ExportarMenuEnabled = true; AgregarVisible = false; SelectedItem = null; SeleccionIndice = -1; Cambio = string.Empty; break; case "menu_cancelar": NuevoVisible = false; GuardarMenuEnabled = false; AgregarMenuEnabled = true; EliminarMenuEnabled = false; EditarMenuEnabled = false; CancelarMenuEnabled = false; AyudaMenuEnabled = true; SalirMenuEnabled = true; ExportarMenuEnabled = true; AgregarVisible = false; SelectedItem = null; SeleccionIndice = -1; Cambio = string.Empty; break; case "menu_eliminar": var metro = Application.Current.Windows[0] as MetroWindow; if (_selectedItem != null) { var mySettings = new MetroDialogSettings() { AffirmativeButtonText = "Aceptar", NegativeButtonText = "Cancelar", AnimateShow = true, AnimateHide = false }; var result = await metro.ShowMessageAsync("Borrar", "¿Está seguro que desea borrar esto? [ " + SelectedItem.Username + " ]", MessageDialogStyle.AffirmativeAndNegative, mySettings); if (result == MessageDialogResult.Affirmative) { var i = ListItems.IndexOf(_selectedItem); if (i >= 0) { ListItems.RemoveAt(i); var dialog = (BaseMetroDialog)metro.Resources["ConfirmacionDialog"]; await metro.ShowMetroDialogAsync(dialog); await TaskEx.Delay(1500); await metro.HideMetroDialogAsync(dialog); //MENSAJE EXTERNO //dialog = dialog.ShowDialogExternally(); //await TaskEx.Delay(1500); //await dialog.RequestCloseAsync(); } } } else { await metro.ShowMessageAsync("Validación", "Debe seleccionar una opcion"); } SelectedItem = null; SeleccionIndice = -1; Cambio = string.Empty; break; case "menu_exportar": SelectedItem = null; SeleccionIndice = -1; Cambio = string.Empty; break; case "menu_ayuda": SelectedItem = null; SeleccionIndice = -1; Cambio = string.Empty; break; case "menu_salir": PrincipalViewModel.SalirMenu(); break; } if (_selectedItem == null) { EliminarMenuEnabled = false; EditarMenuEnabled = false; } }
public override Task DownloadAsync(CloudFile sourceFile, string destFilePath, DownloadOptions options, SingleTransferContext context, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { validateAction(sourceFile, destFilePath); return(TaskEx.FromResult(true)); }
private async void ClickSwitch(Object obj) { switch (obj.ToString()) { case "buscar": this.GetModalidadDelito(); break; case "menu_editar": if (SelectedItem != null) { HeaderAgregar = "Editar Modalidad Delito"; #region visiblePantalla EditarVisible = true; NuevoVisible = false; GuardarMenuEnabled = true; AgregarMenuEnabled = false; EliminarMenuEnabled = false; EditarMenuEnabled = false; CancelarMenuEnabled = true; AyudaMenuEnabled = true; SalirMenuEnabled = true; ExportarMenuEnabled = false; AgregarVisible = true; #endregion bandera_editar = true; FocusText = true; /*****************************************/ Clave = SelectedItem.ID_MODALIDAD; Descripcion = SelectedItem.DESCR; //Tipo = SelectedItem.ID_TIPO_DELITO; // SelectedTipo = ListTipos.Where(w=>w.ID_TIPO_DELITO == SelectedItem.ID_TIPO_DELITO).FirstOrDefault(); /*****************************************/ } else { bandera_editar = false; var met = Application.Current.Windows[0] as MetroWindow; await met.ShowMessageAsync("Validación", "Debe seleccionar una opción."); } break; case "menu_agregar": HeaderAgregar = "Agregar Modalidad Delito"; #region visiblePantalla EditarVisible = false; NuevoVisible = true; GuardarMenuEnabled = true; AgregarMenuEnabled = false; EliminarMenuEnabled = false; EditarMenuEnabled = false; CancelarMenuEnabled = true; AyudaMenuEnabled = true; SalirMenuEnabled = true; ExportarMenuEnabled = false; AgregarVisible = true; #endregion bandera_editar = false; FocusText = true; /********************************/ SeleccionIndice = -1; Clave = 0; Descripcion = ""; Tipo = 0; /********************************/ break; case "menu_guardar": if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Descripcion)) { #region visiblePantalla EditarVisible = false; NuevoVisible = false; GuardarMenuEnabled = false; AgregarMenuEnabled = true; EliminarMenuEnabled = false; EditarMenuEnabled = false; CancelarMenuEnabled = false; AyudaMenuEnabled = true; SalirMenuEnabled = true; ExportarMenuEnabled = true; AgregarVisible = false; #endregion /**********************************/ this.Guardar(); /**********************************/ } else { FocusText = true; } break; case "menu_cancelar": #region visiblePantalla NuevoVisible = false; GuardarMenuEnabled = false; AgregarMenuEnabled = true; EliminarMenuEnabled = false; EditarMenuEnabled = false; CancelarMenuEnabled = false; AyudaMenuEnabled = true; SalirMenuEnabled = true; ExportarMenuEnabled = true; AgregarVisible = false; #endregion /****************************************/ SeleccionIndice = -1; Clave = 0; Descripcion = string.Empty; Tipo = 0; this.GetModalidadDelito(); /****************************************/ break; case "menu_eliminar": var metro = Application.Current.Windows[0] as MetroWindow; if (SelectedItem != null) { var mySettings = new MetroDialogSettings() { AffirmativeButtonText = "Aceptar", NegativeButtonText = "Cancelar", AnimateShow = true, AnimateHide = false }; var result = await metro.ShowMessageAsync("Eliminar", "¿Está seguro que desea eliminar... [ " + SelectedItem.DESCR + " ]?", MessageDialogStyle.AffirmativeAndNegative, mySettings); if (result == MessageDialogResult.Affirmative) { BaseMetroDialog dialog; if (this.Eliminar()) { dialog = (BaseMetroDialog)metro.Resources["ConfirmacionDialog"]; } else { dialog = (BaseMetroDialog)metro.Resources["ErrorDialog"]; } await metro.ShowMetroDialogAsync(dialog); await TaskEx.Delay(1500); await metro.HideMetroDialogAsync(dialog); } } else { await metro.ShowMessageAsync("Validación", "Debe seleccionar una opción"); } SeleccionIndice = -1; break; case "menu_exportar": SeleccionIndice = -1; break; case "menu_ayuda": SeleccionIndice = -1; break; case "menu_salir": SeleccionIndice = -1; PrincipalViewModel.SalirMenu(); break; } }
public Task <IMediaParser> CreateAsync(IMediaParserParameters parameter, ContentType contentType, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { return(TaskEx.FromResult <IMediaParser>((IMediaParser)this._parserFactory())); }
private async void clickSwitch(Object obj) { var metro = Application.Current.Windows[0] as MetroWindow; switch (obj.ToString()) { case "boton_quitar_pedido_traspaso": //var metro = Application.Current.Windows[0] as MetroWindow; if (_selectedItem != null) { var mySettings = new MetroDialogSettings() { AffirmativeButtonText = "Aceptar", NegativeButtonText = "Cancelar", AnimateShow = true, AnimateHide = false }; var result = await metro.ShowMessageAsync("Borrar", "¿Está seguro que desea borrar esta entrada? [ " + _selectedItem.Pedido + ", " + _selectedItem.Almacen + ", " + _selectedItem.Fecha + " ]", MessageDialogStyle.AffirmativeAndNegative, mySettings); if (result == MessageDialogResult.Affirmative) { var i = Lista1.IndexOf(_selectedItem); if (i >= 0) { Lista1.RemoveAt(i); var dialog = (BaseMetroDialog)metro.Resources["ConfirmacionDialog"]; await metro.ShowMetroDialogAsync(dialog); await TaskEx.Delay(1500); await metro.HideMetroDialogAsync(dialog); DetallePedidoVisible = false; FiltrarVisible = true; BotonesVisible = false; SeleccionIndice = -1; //MENSAJE EXTERNO //dialog = dialog.ShowDialogExternally(); //await TaskEx.Delay(1500); //await dialog.RequestCloseAsync(); } } } else { await metro.ShowMessageAsync("Validación", "Debe seleccionar una opcion"); } break; case "boton_aceptar_pedido_traspaso": if (_selectedItem != null) { var mySettings = new MetroDialogSettings() { AffirmativeButtonText = "Aceptar", NegativeButtonText = "Cancelar", AnimateShow = true, AnimateHide = false }; var result = await metro.ShowMessageAsync("Aceptar Traspaso", "¿Está seguro que desea aceptar esta entrada? [ " + _selectedItem.Pedido + ", " + _selectedItem.Almacen + ", " + _selectedItem.Fecha + " ]", MessageDialogStyle.AffirmativeAndNegative, mySettings); if (result == MessageDialogResult.Affirmative) { var i = Lista1.IndexOf(_selectedItem); if (i >= 0) { Lista1.RemoveAt(i); var dialog = (BaseMetroDialog)metro.Resources["ConfirmacionDialog"]; await metro.ShowMetroDialogAsync(dialog); await TaskEx.Delay(1500); await metro.HideMetroDialogAsync(dialog); DetallePedidoVisible = false; FiltrarVisible = true; BotonesVisible = false; SeleccionIndice = -1; //MENSAJE EXTERNO //dialog = dialog.ShowDialogExternally(); //await TaskEx.Delay(1500); //await dialog.RequestCloseAsync(); } } } else { await metro.ShowMessageAsync("Validación", "Debe seleccionar una opcion"); } break; case "boton_filtrar_traspasos": DetallePedidoVisible = false; FiltrarVisible = true; BotonesVisible = false; SeleccionIndice = -1; break; case "click_doble": DetallePedidoVisible = true; FiltrarVisible = true; if (_selectedItem.Pedido == "4023") { Lista2.Clear(); Lista2.Add(new DetalleTraspaso() { Cantidad = "35", Producto = "Chicle", UnidadMedida = "Pieza" }); Lista2.Add(new DetalleTraspaso() { Cantidad = "5", Producto = "Dulce", UnidadMedida = "Kilo" }); } else { Lista2.Clear(); Lista2.Add(new DetalleTraspaso() { Cantidad = "21", Producto = "Paracetamol", UnidadMedida = "Pastilla" }); Lista2.Add(new DetalleTraspaso() { Cantidad = "50", Producto = "Diclofenaco", UnidadMedida = "Capsula" }); } break; } }
private async void ClickSwitch(Object obj) { switch (obj.ToString()) { case "buscar": this.GetAgencias(); break; case "menu_editar": if (SelectedItem != null) { HeaderAgregar = "Editar Agencias"; #region visiblePantalla EditarVisible = true; NuevoVisible = false; GuardarMenuEnabled = true; EliminarMenuEnabled = false; EditarMenuEnabled = false; CancelarMenuEnabled = true; AyudaMenuEnabled = true; SalirMenuEnabled = true; ExportarMenuEnabled = false; AgregarVisible = true; #endregion bandera_editar = true; FocusText = true; /*****************************************/ Clave = SelectedItem.ID_AGENCIA; Descripcion = SelectedItem.DESCR == null ? SelectedItem.DESCR : SelectedItem.DESCR.TrimEnd(); Domicilio = SelectedItem.DOMICILIO == null ? SelectedItem.DOMICILIO : SelectedItem.DOMICILIO.TrimEnd(); Entidad = ListEntidad.Where(w => w.ID_ENTIDAD == SelectedItem.ID_ENTIDAD).FirstOrDefault(); SelectMunicipio = ListMunicipio.Where(w => w.ID_MUNICIPIO == SelectedItem.ID_MUNICIPIO).FirstOrDefault(); SelectedEstatus = Lista_Estatus.LISTA_ESTATUS.Where(w => w.CLAVE == SelectedItem.ESTATUS).SingleOrDefault(); string TipoAgencia = SelectedItem.TIPO_AGENCIA == "E" ? "ESTATAL" : "FEDERAL"; var _SelectAgenciaTipo = ListaAgenciasTipo.Where(w => w.Tipoagencia == TipoAgencia).SingleOrDefault(); SelectTipoAgenciaIndex = _SelectAgenciaTipo.Id_tipo_agencia; setValidationRules(); //PopularEstatusCombo(); /*****************************************/ } else { bandera_editar = false; var met = Application.Current.Windows[0] as MetroWindow; await met.ShowMessageAsync("Validación", "Debe seleccionar una opción."); } break; case "menu_agregar": HeaderAgregar = "Agregar Nueva Agencia"; #region visiblePantalla EditarVisible = false; NuevoVisible = true; GuardarMenuEnabled = true; AgregarMenuEnabled = false; EliminarMenuEnabled = false; EditarMenuEnabled = false; CancelarMenuEnabled = true; AyudaMenuEnabled = true; SalirMenuEnabled = true; ExportarMenuEnabled = false; AgregarVisible = true; #endregion bandera_editar = false; FocusText = true; /********************************/ SeleccionIndice = -1; Clave = 0; Descripcion = string.Empty; Domicilio = string.Empty; SelectMunicipio = null; SelectedItem = null; SelectedEstatus = null; SelectedEstatus = Lista_Estatus.LISTA_ESTATUS.Where(w => w.CLAVE == "S").FirstOrDefault(); SelectAgenciaTipo = null; SelectMunicipio = null; setValidationRules(); //LimpiarTipoVisita(); /********************************/ break; case "menu_guardar": if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Descripcion)) { #region visiblePantalla EditarVisible = false; NuevoVisible = false; GuardarMenuEnabled = false; AgregarMenuEnabled = true; EliminarMenuEnabled = false; EditarMenuEnabled = false; CancelarMenuEnabled = false; AyudaMenuEnabled = true; SalirMenuEnabled = true; ExportarMenuEnabled = true; AgregarVisible = false; #endregion /**********************************/ // this.Guardar(); GuardarAgencia(); /**********************************/ } else { FocusText = true; } break; case "menu_cancelar": #region visiblePantalla NuevoVisible = false; GuardarMenuEnabled = false; AgregarMenuEnabled = true; EliminarMenuEnabled = false; EditarMenuEnabled = false; CancelarMenuEnabled = false; AyudaMenuEnabled = true; SalirMenuEnabled = true; ExportarMenuEnabled = true; AgregarVisible = false; #endregion /****************************************/ SeleccionIndice = -1; Clave = 0; Descripcion = string.Empty; Busqueda = string.Empty; this.GetAgencias(); /****************************************/ break; case "menu_eliminar": var metro = Application.Current.Windows[0] as MetroWindow; if (SelectedItem != null) { var mySettings = new MetroDialogSettings() { AffirmativeButtonText = "Aceptar", NegativeButtonText = "Cancelar", AnimateShow = true, AnimateHide = false }; var result = await metro.ShowMessageAsync("Borrar", "¿Está seguro que desea borrar esto? [ " + SelectedItem.DESCR + " ]", MessageDialogStyle.AffirmativeAndNegative, mySettings); if (result == MessageDialogResult.Affirmative) { BaseMetroDialog dialog; if (this.Eliminar()) { dialog = (BaseMetroDialog)metro.Resources["ConfirmacionDialog"]; } else { dialog = (BaseMetroDialog)metro.Resources["ErrorDialog"]; } await metro.ShowMetroDialogAsync(dialog); await TaskEx.Delay(1500); await metro.HideMetroDialogAsync(dialog); } } else { await metro.ShowMessageAsync("Validación", "Debe seleccionar una opción"); } SeleccionIndice = -1; break; case "menu_exportar": SeleccionIndice = -1; Cambio = string.Empty; break; case "menu_ayuda": SeleccionIndice = -1; Cambio = string.Empty; break; case "menu_salir": SeleccionIndice = -1; Cambio = string.Empty; PrincipalViewModel.SalirMenu(); break; } }
public static async Task InvokeAsync(this Dispatcher dispatcher, Action d) { await TaskEx.Run(() => dispatcher.Invoke(d)); }
/// <summary> /// Receives the messages in an asynchronous loop and closes the session once there are no more messages. /// </summary> private void ReceiveMessagesAndCloseSession(MessageSession session, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { var unreleasedMessages = new CountdownEvent(1); Action <bool> closeSession = success => { Action doClose = () => { try { unreleasedMessages.Signal(); if (!unreleasedMessages.Wait(15000, cancellationToken)) { Trace.TraceWarning("Waited for pending unreleased messages before closing session in subscription {0} but they did not complete in time", subscription); } } catch (OperationCanceledException) { } finally { unreleasedMessages.Dispose(); } receiveRetryPolicy.ExecuteAction( cb => session.BeginClose(cb, null), session.EndClose, () => { instrumentation.SessionEnded(); if (success) { dynamicThrottling.NotifyWorkCompleted(); } else { dynamicThrottling.NotifyWorkCompletedWithError(); } }, ex => { instrumentation.SessionEnded(); Trace.TraceError("An unrecoverable error occurred while trying to close a session in subscription {1}:\r\n{0}", ex, subscription); dynamicThrottling.NotifyWorkCompletedWithError(); }); }; if (requiresSequentialProcessing) { doClose.Invoke(); } else { // Allow some time for releasing the messages before closing. Also, continue in a non I/O completion thread in order to block. TaskEx.Delay(200).ContinueWith(t => doClose()); } }; // Declare an action to receive the next message in the queue or closes the session if cancelled. Action receiveNext = null; // Declare an action acting as a callback whenever a non-transient exception occurs while receiving or processing messages. Action <Exception> recoverReceive = null; // Declare an action responsible for the core operations in the message receive loop. Action receiveMessage = () => { // Use a retry policy to execute the Receive action in an asynchronous and reliable fashion. receiveRetryPolicy.ExecuteAction ( cb => { // Start receiving a new message asynchronously. // Does not wait for new messages to arrive in a session. If no further messages we will just close the session. session.BeginReceive(TimeSpan.Zero, cb, null); }, // Complete the asynchronous operation. This may throw an exception that will be handled internally by retry policy. session.EndReceive, msg => { // Process the message once it was successfully received // Check if we actually received any messages. if (msg != null) { var roundtripStopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew(); long schedulingElapsedMilliseconds = 0; long processingElapsedMilliseconds = 0; unreleasedMessages.AddCount(); Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { var releaseAction = MessageReleaseAction.AbandonMessage; try { instrumentation.MessageReceived(); schedulingElapsedMilliseconds = roundtripStopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds; // Make sure the process was told to stop receiving while it was waiting for a new message. if (!cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested) { try { try { // Process the received message. releaseAction = InvokeMessageHandler(msg); processingElapsedMilliseconds = roundtripStopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds - schedulingElapsedMilliseconds; instrumentation.MessageProcessed(releaseAction.Kind == MessageReleaseActionKind.Complete, processingElapsedMilliseconds); } catch { processingElapsedMilliseconds = roundtripStopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds - schedulingElapsedMilliseconds; instrumentation.MessageProcessed(false, processingElapsedMilliseconds); throw; } } finally { if (roundtripStopwatch.Elapsed > TimeSpan.FromSeconds(45)) { dynamicThrottling.Penalize(); } } } } finally { // Ensure that any resources allocated by a BrokeredMessage instance are released. if (requiresSequentialProcessing) { ReleaseMessage(msg, releaseAction, () => { receiveNext(); }, () => { closeSession(false); }, unreleasedMessages, processingElapsedMilliseconds, schedulingElapsedMilliseconds, roundtripStopwatch); } else { // Receives next without waiting for the message to be released. ReleaseMessage(msg, releaseAction, () => { }, () => { dynamicThrottling.Penalize(); }, unreleasedMessages, processingElapsedMilliseconds, schedulingElapsedMilliseconds, roundtripStopwatch); receiveNext.Invoke(); } } }); } else { // no more messages in the session, close it and do not continue receiving closeSession(true); } }, ex => { // Invoke a custom action to indicate that we have encountered an exception and // need further decision as to whether to continue receiving messages. recoverReceive.Invoke(ex); }); }; // Initialize an action to receive the next message in the queue or closes the session if cancelled. receiveNext = () => { if (!cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested) { // Continue receiving and processing new messages until told to stop. receiveMessage.Invoke(); } else { closeSession(true); } }; // Initialize a custom action acting as a callback whenever a non-transient exception occurs while receiving or processing messages. recoverReceive = ex => { // Just log an exception. Do not allow an unhandled exception to terminate the message receive loop abnormally. Trace.TraceError("An unrecoverable error occurred while trying to receive a new message from subscription {1}:\r\n{0}", ex, subscription); // Cannot continue to receive messages from this session. closeSession(false); }; // Start receiving messages asynchronously for the session. receiveNext.Invoke(); }
/// <summary> /// The Delete Service Certificate operation deletes a service /// certificate from the certificate store of a hosted service. This /// operation is an asynchronous operation. To determine whether the /// management service has finished processing the request, call Get /// Operation Status. (see /// /// for more information) /// </summary> /// <param name='parameters'> /// Required. Parameters supplied to the Delete Service Certificate /// operation. /// </param> /// <param name='cancellationToken'> /// Cancellation token. /// </param> /// <returns> /// The response body contains the status of the specified asynchronous /// operation, indicating whether it has succeeded, is inprogress, or /// has failed. Note that this status is distinct from the HTTP status /// code returned for the Get Operation Status operation itself. If /// the asynchronous operation succeeded, the response body includes /// the HTTP status code for the successful request. If the /// asynchronous operation failed, the response body includes the HTTP /// status code for the failed request and error information regarding /// the failure. /// </returns> public async Task <OperationStatusResponse> DeleteAsync(ServiceCertificateDeleteParameters parameters, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { ComputeManagementClient client = this.Client; bool shouldTrace = TracingAdapter.IsEnabled; string invocationId = null; if (shouldTrace) { invocationId = TracingAdapter.NextInvocationId.ToString(); Dictionary <string, object> tracingParameters = new Dictionary <string, object>(); tracingParameters.Add("parameters", parameters); TracingAdapter.Enter(invocationId, this, "DeleteAsync", tracingParameters); } cancellationToken.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); AzureOperationResponse response = await client.ServiceCertificates.BeginDeletingAsync(parameters, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false); cancellationToken.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); OperationStatusResponse result = await client.GetOperationStatusAsync(response.RequestId, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false); int delayInSeconds = 30; if (client.LongRunningOperationInitialTimeout >= 0) { delayInSeconds = client.LongRunningOperationInitialTimeout; } while ((result.Status != OperationStatus.InProgress) == false) { cancellationToken.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); await TaskEx.Delay(delayInSeconds * 1000, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false); cancellationToken.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); result = await client.GetOperationStatusAsync(response.RequestId, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false); delayInSeconds = 30; if (client.LongRunningOperationRetryTimeout >= 0) { delayInSeconds = client.LongRunningOperationRetryTimeout; } } if (shouldTrace) { TracingAdapter.Exit(invocationId, result); } if (result.Status != OperationStatus.Succeeded) { if (result.Error != null) { CloudException ex = new CloudException(result.Error.Code + " : " + result.Error.Message); ex.Error = new CloudError(); ex.Error.Code = result.Error.Code; ex.Error.Message = result.Error.Message; if (shouldTrace) { TracingAdapter.Error(invocationId, ex); } throw ex; } else { CloudException ex = new CloudException(""); if (shouldTrace) { TracingAdapter.Error(invocationId, ex); } throw ex; } } return(result); }
public static async Task <String[]> NcbiPubmedParallelAsync(params String[] terms) { IEnumerable <Task <String> > tasks = from term in terms select NcbiPubmedAsync(term); return(await TaskEx.WhenAll(tasks)); }
public static Task <String[]> NcbiProteinParallelTasks(params String[] ids) { IEnumerable <Task <String> > tasks = from id in ids select NcbiProteinTask(id); return(TaskEx.WhenAll(tasks)); }
/// <summary> /// Requests the JSON string with retry. /// </summary> /// <param name="host">The host.</param> /// <param name="auth">The auth type of the route.</param> /// <param name="routeName">Name of the route.</param> /// <param name="routeStyle">The route style.</param> /// <param name="requestArg">The request argument.</param> /// <param name="body">The body to upload if <paramref name="routeStyle"/> /// is <see cref="RouteStyle.Upload"/>.</param> /// <returns>The asynchronous task with the result.</returns> private async Task <Result> RequestJsonStringWithRetry( string host, string routeName, string auth, RouteStyle routeStyle, string requestArg, Stream body = null) { var attempt = 0; var hasRefreshed = false; var maxRetries = this.options.MaxClientRetries; var r = new Random(); if (routeStyle == RouteStyle.Upload) { if (body == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("body"); } // to support retry logic, the body stream must be seekable // if it isn't we won't retry if (!body.CanSeek) { maxRetries = 0; } } await CheckAndRefreshAccessToken(); try { while (true) { try { return(await this.RequestJsonString(host, routeName, auth, routeStyle, requestArg, body) .ConfigureAwait(false)); } catch (AuthException e) { if (e.Message == "expired_access_token") { if (hasRefreshed) { throw; } else { await RefreshAccessToken(); hasRefreshed = true; } } else { // dropbox maps 503 - ServiceUnavailable to be a rate limiting error. // do not count a rate limiting error as an attempt if (++attempt > maxRetries) { throw; } } } catch (RateLimitException) { throw; } catch (RetryException) { // dropbox maps 503 - ServiceUnavailable to be a rate limiting error. // do not count a rate limiting error as an attempt if (++attempt > maxRetries) { throw; } } // use exponential backoff var backoff = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(Math.Pow(2, attempt) * r.NextDouble()); #if PORTABLE40 await TaskEx.Delay(backoff); #else await Task.Delay(backoff).ConfigureAwait(false); #endif if (body != null) { body.Position = 0; } } } finally { if (body != null) { body.Dispose(); } } }