Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void LoadData()
            if (_hasLoaded)

            _hasLoaded = true;

            SQLiteConnection conn = new SQLiteConnection(Path.Combine(PoroServer.ClientLocation, "assets", "data", "gameStats", "gameStats_en_US.sqlite"));

            Champions = (from s in conn.Table <Champions>() orderby s.name select s).ToList();

            ChampionSkins = (from s in conn.Table <ChampionSkins>() select s).ToList();


            using (WebClient client = new WebClient())
                string Versions = client.DownloadString("http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/realms/euw.js"); //Download latest ddragoon
                Versions = Versions.Replace(";", "").Replace("Riot.DDragon.m=", "");
                JObject DDragonObject   = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <JObject>(Versions);
                JObject DDragonVersions = DDragonObject["n"] as JObject;

                string RuneVersion    = DDragonVersions["rune"].ToString();
                string MasteryVersion = DDragonVersions["mastery"].ToString();

                string MasteryData = client.DownloadString(string.Format("http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/{0}/data/en_US/mastery.json", MasteryVersion));

                #region Mastery loading
                Masteries mData = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Masteries>(MasteryData);
                TalentTree = new List <TalentGroup>();
                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, List <List <MasteryLite> > > mastery in mData.tree)
                    TalentGroup group = new TalentGroup
                        Name       = mastery.Key,
                        TalentRows = new List <TalentRow>(),
                        TltGroupId = _masterySort[mastery.Key],
                        Index      = _masterySort[mastery.Key] - 1

                    for (int i = 0; i < mastery.Value.Count; i++)
                        List <Talent>      talentList  = new List <Talent>();
                        List <MasteryLite> masteryList = mastery.Value[i];
                        for (int j = 0; j < masteryList.Count; j++)
                            if (masteryList[j] == null)

                            var    data = mData.data[Convert.ToInt32(masteryList[j].masteryId)];
                            Talent t    = new Talent
                                Index         = j,
                                Name          = data.name,
                                Level1Desc    = data.name,
                                Level2Desc    = data.name,
                                Level3Desc    = data.name,
                                Level4Desc    = data.name,
                                Level5Desc    = data.name,
                                GameCode      = data.id,
                                TltId         = data.id,
                                MaxRank       = data.ranks,
                                MinLevel      = 1,
                                MinTier       = 1,
                                TalentGroupId = group.TltGroupId,
                                TalentRowId   = (i + 1) * group.TltGroupId

                            if (data.preReq != "0")
                                t.PrereqTalentGameCode = Convert.ToInt32(data.preReq);


                        TalentRow row = new TalentRow
                            Index            = i,
                            Talents          = talentList,
                            PointsToActivate = i * 4,
                            TltRowId         = (i + 1) * group.TltGroupId,
                            TltGroupId       = group.TltGroupId



                #region Rune Loading
                RuneTree = new List <RuneSlot>();

                //This code is... bad.
                int Modifier = 0; //Skip 10, 20, 30
                int Take     = 3; //Take one each loop and it will increase what it starts from (1 - 2 - 3)
                //Loop from 1-9 and do it 3 times to generate the red, yellow and blue runes
                for (int i = 1; i <= 9; i++)
                    //At 10, 20 and 30 you need to increment the min level.
                    if ((i - 1) % 3 == 0 && i != 1)
                        Modifier += 1;

                    //The id goes past 9 so add the required amount that we have looped
                    int IdAdd = (Math.Abs(Take - 3) * 10);
                    //Take the amount that it has gone over
                    if (Take != 3)
                        IdAdd -= Math.Abs(Take - 3);

                    RuneSlot slot = new RuneSlot()
                        Id       = IdAdd + i,
                        RuneType = new RuneType(),
                        MinLevel = (3 * i + 1) - Take + Modifier

                    if (Take == 3)
                        slot.RuneType.Name = "Red";
                        slot.RuneType.Id   = 1;
                    else if (Take == 2)
                        slot.RuneType.Name = "Yellow";
                        slot.RuneType.Id   = 3;
                        slot.RuneType.Name = "Blue";
                        slot.RuneType.Id   = 5;


                    //Re do the loop, reset the modifier and take one from the take so the min level starts off one integer higher than last time
                    if (i == 9 && Take > 1)
                        Take    -= 1;
                        i        = 0;
                        Modifier = 0;

                //Add black runes
                for (int i = 1; i <= 3; i++)
                    RuneSlot slot = new RuneSlot()
                        Id       = 27 + i, //Start id from 27 since thats where we left off
                        RuneType = new RuneType
                            Id   = 7,
                            Name = "Black"
                        MinLevel = 10 * i



            Console.WriteLine("[LOG] Loaded League of Legends Data");
Ejemplo n.º 2
    public void ShowTalentsInGroup(TalentGroup TGroup)
        foreach (Transform tf in talentOptionParent)
        foreach (Talent item in TGroup.talents)
            Transform tf = Instantiate(talentOptionGO, talentOptionParent).transform;
            GameObject selectedFrame = tf.Find("SelectedFrame").gameObject;
            Text       Title         = tf.Find("Name").gameObject.GetComponent <Text>();
            Text       Desc          = tf.Find("Desc").gameObject.GetComponent <Text>();
            Image      Icon          = tf.Find("Icon").gameObject.GetComponent <Image>();
            GameObject Unlock        = tf.Find("Icon/lock").gameObject;

            Title.text  = item.Name;
            Desc.text   = item.Desc;
            Icon.sprite = item.Icon;
            //等级还不够 全体变暗,显示上锁
            if (CharacterInDungeon.Ins.currentLv < TGroup.needLv)
                Title.color = DisableColor;
                Desc.color  = DisableColor;
                Icon.color  = DisableColor;
                //可以选天赋但还没选 所有可选的都高亮
                if (TGroup.ActiveTalent == null)
                    if (item.IsUnlock)
                        Title.color = DefaultColor_Title;
                        Desc.color  = DefaultColor;
                        Icon.color  = Color.white;
                        tf.gameObject.GetComponent <Button>().interactable = true;
                        tf.gameObject.GetComponent <Button>().onClick.AddListener(delegate {
                        Title.color = DisableColor;
                        Desc.color  = DisableColor;
                        Icon.color  = DisableColor;
                //已经有选过的天赋了 被选的高亮,其它的变暗
                    if (TGroup.ActiveTalent == item)
                        Title.color = DefaultColor_Title;
                        Desc.color  = DefaultColor;
                        Icon.color  = Color.white;
                        Title.color = DisableColor;
                        Desc.color  = DisableColor;
                        Icon.color  = DisableColor;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public static void InitMasteryAndRuneTree()
            Dictionary <string, int> _masterySort = new Dictionary <string, int> {
                { "Ferocity", 1 }, { "Cunning", 2 }, { "Resolve", 3 }

            Console.WriteLine("[LOG] Initialize Mastery and Rune Tree");
            using (WebClient client = new WebClient())
                //Download the latest mastery daata
                string MasteryData = client.DownloadString("http://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/6.24.1/data/en_US/mastery.json");

                Masteries mData = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Masteries>(MasteryData);
                TalentTree = new ArrayCollection();

                //Parse the data and convert it into a type that is sent in the LoginDataPacket
                foreach (var mastery in mData.tree)
                    TalentGroup group = new TalentGroup
                        Name       = mastery.Key,
                        TalentRows = new ArrayCollection(),
                        TltGroupId = _masterySort[mastery.Key],
                        Index      = _masterySort[mastery.Key] - 1

                    for (int i = 0; i < mastery.Value.Count; i++)
                        ArrayCollection    talentList  = new ArrayCollection();
                        List <MasteryLite> masteryList = mastery.Value[i];
                        for (int j = 0; j < masteryList.Count; j++)
                            if (masteryList[j] == null)

                            var    data = mData.data[masteryList[j].masteryId];
                            Talent t    = new Talent
                                Index         = j,
                                Name          = data.name,
                                Level1Desc    = data.name,
                                Level2Desc    = data.name,
                                Level3Desc    = data.name,
                                Level4Desc    = data.name,
                                Level5Desc    = data.name,
                                GameCode      = data.id,
                                TltId         = data.id,
                                MaxRank       = data.ranks,
                                MinLevel      = 1,
                                MinTier       = 1,
                                TalentGroupId = group.TltGroupId,
                                TalentRowId   = (i + 1) * group.TltGroupId

                            if (data.preReq != "0")
                                t.PrereqTalentGameCode = Convert.ToInt32(data.preReq);


                        TalentRow row = new TalentRow
                            Index            = i,
                            Talents          = talentList,
                            PointsToActivate = i * 4,
                            TltRowId         = (i + 1) * group.TltGroupId,
                            TltGroupId       = group.TltGroupId



                #region Rune Loading
                RuneTree = new ArrayCollection();

                //This code is... bad.
                int Modifier = 0; //Skip 10, 20, 30
                int Take     = 3; //Take one each loop and it will increase what it starts from (1 - 2 - 3)
                //Loop from 1-9 and do it 3 times to generate the red, yellow and blue runes
                for (int i = 1; i <= 9; i++)
                    //At 10, 20 and 30 you need to increment the min level.
                    if ((i - 1) % 3 == 0 && i != 1)
                        Modifier += 1;

                    //The id goes past 9 so add the required amount that we have looped
                    int IdAdd = (Math.Abs(Take - 3) * 10);
                    //Take the amount that it has gone over
                    IdAdd -= Math.Abs(Take - 3);

                    RuneSlot slot = new RuneSlot()
                        Id       = IdAdd + i,
                        RuneType = new RuneType(),
                        MinLevel = (3 * i + 1) - Take + Modifier

                    if (Take == 3)
                        slot.RuneType.Name = "Red";
                        slot.RuneType.Id   = 1;
                    else if (Take == 2)
                        slot.RuneType.Name = "Yellow";
                        slot.RuneType.Id   = 3;
                        slot.RuneType.Name = "Blue";
                        slot.RuneType.Id   = 5;


                    //Re do the loop, reset the modifier and take one from the take so the min level starts off one integer higher than last time
                    if (i == 9 && Take > 1)
                        Take    -= 1;
                        i        = 0;
                        Modifier = 0;

                //Add black runes
                for (int i = 1; i <= 3; i++)
                    RuneSlot slot = new RuneSlot()
                        Id       = 27 + i, //Start id from 27 since thats where we left off
                        RuneType = new RuneType
                            Id   = 7,
                            Name = "Black"
                        MinLevel = 10 * i

