Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            *   1- D E L E G A T E S
            *   return type is covariant and the parameters are contravariant

            Animal a = new Bird();

            //a- return type example
            ReturnAnimalDelegate da = GetAnimal;
            ReturnAnimalDelegate db = GetBird;

            a = db();

            //The other way (reverse asignement) around doesn't work
            ReturnBirdDelegate dbb = GetAnimal;  //Failed otherwise  dbb().Fly() should work,

            //failed the same way as
            Bird b = new Animal();

            //b- the parameters example
            TakeBirdDelegate   tb = Fly;
            TakeAnimalDelegate ta = Eat;

            tb = Eat;

            //In delegate reverse asignement is contravariant in argument type (success in passing the Bird instead of animal)
            ta(new Bird());

            //(reverse asignement) failed
            tb(new Animal()); ta = Fly;

            /**************************************S U M M A R Y *********************************************
             * for delegates the return type is covariant and the parameters are contravariant,
             * the delegates are the only construct in C# that supports Covariance & Contravariance

            *   2- A R R A Y S
            *   Array with refrence type are also covariants
            //assignment is preserved
            Animal[] animals = new Bird[10];
            animals[0] = new Humain();  //compilers doesn't complain but runtime Exception (ArrayTypeMismatchException)

            *   3- G E N E R I C S
            IProcess <Animal> animalProcessor = new AnimalProcessor <Animal> ();
            IProcess <Bird>   birdProcessor   = new AnimalProcessor <Bird> ();

            //covariance makes sense, since birdProcessor.Process() return bird which is an animal
            Animal animal = birdProcessor.Process();

            //Cannot implicitly convert type 'IProcess<Bird>' to 'IProcess<Animal>'. An explicit conversion exists (are you missing a cast?
            //even the compiler gives an error, since .net 4.0 we could make it covariant by adding an out keyword to the interface
            animalProcessor = birdProcessor;

            //public interface IEnumerable<out T> : IEnumerable
            IEnumerable <Animal> animalList = new List <Bird> ();

            //generic contravariance
            IZoo <Animal> animalZoo = new Zoo <Animal>();

            animalZoo.add(new Animal());

            //we could also a
            animalZoo.add(new Bird());

            IZoo <Bird> birdZoo = new Zoo <Bird>();

            birdZoo.add(new Bird());

            //generic contravariance
            birdZoo = animalZoo;
            birdZoo = new Zoo <Animal>();

            //doesn't works
            birdZoo = new Zoo <Humain>();

             * public interface IComparer<in T> :
             * makes senses if we want to compare not only birds by any abstract
             * animal with birds
            //Also the same goes for generics delegates func and action
Ejemplo n.º 2
        static void Main(string[] args)
                Tuple <int, int, int, int, int, int, int, Tuple <int> > t = new Tuple <int, int, int, int, int, int, int, Tuple <int> >(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, new Tuple <int>(8));

                Anomymous anomymous = new Anomymous();

                List <Employee> employees = new List <Employee>()
                    new Employee("first1", "last1"),
                    new Employee("first2", "last2"),
                    new Employee("first3", "last3"),
                    new Employee("first4", "last4")

                Predicate <Employee> fun = (Employee e) => e.FullName.Contains("first3");

                Employee emp1 = employees.Find(e => e.FullName.Contains("first3"));
                Employee emp2 = employees.Find(fun);
                Employee emp3 = employees.Find(FindEmployee);

                DateTime d1 = new DateTime(2070, 1, 1);
                DateTime d2 = new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Year, DateTime.Now.Month, DateTime.Now.Day);
                DateTime d4 = DateTime.SpecifyKind(DateTime.Today, DateTimeKind.Unspecified);
                DateTime d3 = DateTime.ParseExact("20181002", "yyyyMMdd", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

                IEnumerable <Person> persons = new List <Person>()
                    new Person()
                        FirstName = "f1", LastName = "l1", Age = 15
                    new Person()
                        FirstName = "f2", LastName = "l2", Age = 15
                    new Person()
                        FirstName = "f3", LastName = "l3", Age = 15
                    new Person()
                        FirstName = "f4", LastName = "l4", Age = 15

                var query = from person in persons.AsQueryable()
                            select persons;

                NameValueCollection nvc = new NameValueCollection();

                dynamic obj = new ExpandoObject();

                FlagEnum color  = (FlagEnum)(FlagEnum.Red - FlagEnum.Blue);
                Type     type   = typeof(FlagEnum);
                FlagEnum red    = FlagEnum.Red;
                bool     isBlue = color.HasFlag(FlagEnum.Blue);
                string   desc   = (red.GetType().GetField(red.ToString()).GetCustomAttributes(typeof(System.ComponentModel.DescriptionAttribute), false)[0] as System.ComponentModel.DescriptionAttribute).Description;

                var    a = new Animal <string>();
                Person p = new Person {
                    FirstName = "", Age = 5
                p.Print <int>(5);

                p.MyEvent1 += (sender, n) => Console.WriteLine("MyEvent1 fired");
                p.MyEvent1 += delegate { Console.WriteLine("MyEvent1 fired"); };
                p.MyEvent2 += (sender, n) => Console.WriteLine("MyEvent2 fired");


                List <Person> people = new List <Person>()
                    new Person()
                        Age = 10
                    new Person()
                        Age = 20
                    new Person()
                        Age = 30
                    new Person()
                        Age = 40

                var readonlyP = people.AsReadOnly();
                readonlyP[0].Age = 100;

                IZoo <Animal> aniZoo = new Zoo <Animal>();
                aniZoo.Add(new Animal());
                IZoo <Bird> birdZoo = new Zoo <Bird>();
                birdZoo.Add(new Bird());

                birdZoo = aniZoo;

                IProcessor <Animal> animalProcessor  = new AnimalProcessor <Animal>();
                IProcessor <Animal> animalProcessor2 = new AnimalProcessor <Bird>();
                ReturnAnimalDelegate a  = GetAnimal;
                ReturnAnimalDelegate a2 = GetBird;
                ReturnBirdDelegate   b  = GetBird;
                //ReturnBirdDelegate b2 = GetAnimal;

                TakeAnimalDelegate ta = Eat;
                //TakeAnimalDelegate ta2 = Fly;
                TakeBirdDelegate tb  = Fly;
                TakeBirdDelegate tb2 = Eat;
                object o  = "abc";
                string s  = (string)o;
                object o2 = (object)s;

                Type       t    = o.GetType();
                Type       t1   = s.GetType();
                bool       e    = t == t1;
                List <int> ints = new List <int>();

                Comparison <Person> c = (p1, p2) => p1.Age - p2.Age;

                bool re = ReferenceEquals(null, null);

                MyFunc myf1 = Fun1;
                myf1 += delegate(int a2, int b2)
                myf1 += (a3, b3) => b3.ToString();

                string r1 = myf1(10, 20);

                Type   ty  = Type.GetType("ConsoleTest.Employee, ConsoleTest, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=a950b44ee98bfbc8");
                object obj = Activator.CreateInstance(ty, new object[] { "wen1", "chen1" });

                Employee emp  = new Employee("wen", "chen");
                Type     type = emp.GetType();

                Employee emp = new Employee("wen", "chen");
                string   fn1 = emp.FullName;
                string   fn  = ((IPerson)emp).GetFullName();
                Dictionary <string, string> dic1 = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                dic1.Add("key1", "value1");
                dic1.Add("key1", "value1");
                dic1.Add("key1", "value1");

                Person p1 = new Person();
                p1.FirstName = "Wen";
                p1.LastName  = "Chen";
                p1.Age       = 33;

                Person p2 = p1.ShallowCopy();

                p2.Age       = 100;
                p2.FirstName = "w2";
                p2.LastName  = "c2";

                Predicate <int> pre1 = e => e > 10;
                Predicate <int> pre2 = (e) => e > 10;
                Predicate <int> pre3 = (e) => { e++; return(e > 10); };
                Predicate <int> pre4 = delegate(int e) { e++; return(e > 10); };

                bool rePre1 = pre1(5);

                Func <string> fun1 = delegate() { return(""); };

                string reFun1 = fun1();

                Func <int, string, string> fun2 = (p1, p2) => p1.ToString() + p2;
                string reFun2 = fun2(100, "abc");

                Func <string> fun3   = () => "abcd";
                string        reFun3 = fun3();

                List <int> ints = new List <int>();

                MyFunc myFunc1 = delegate(int a, int b) { return(a.ToString() + b.ToString()); };
                MyFunc myFunc2 = (a, b) => a.ToString() + b.ToString();

                string reMyFunc1 = myFunc2(11, 21);

                Action action1 = () => {; };

                var obj1 = new { P1 = 500, P2 = "some", P3 = new Object() };

                string res = MyGeneric <int, string>((e) => e.ToString());

                IEnumerable <Person> persons = new List <Person>()
                    new Person()
                        FirstName = "a1", LastName = "b1", Age = 10
                    new Person()
                        FirstName = "a2", LastName = "b2", Age = 20
                    new Person()
                        FirstName = "a3", LastName = "b3", Age = 30
                foreach (Person p in persons)
                    p.FirstName = "xy";