Ejemplo n.º 1
         * Added by Mizzion. This method is used to get the gem color, so the junimos can be colored
         * I ripped this from SDV and edited it to work with this mod.
        public static Color?getGemColor(ref bool isPrismatic, JunimoHut hut)
            List <Color> colorList = new List <Color>();
            Chest        chest     = hut.output.Value;

            foreach (Item dye_object in chest.items)
                if (dye_object != null && (dye_object.Category == MineralCategory || dye_object.Category == GemCategory))
                    Color?dyeColor = TailoringMenu.GetDyeColor(dye_object);
                    if (dye_object.Name == "Prismatic Shard")
                        isPrismatic = true;
                    if (dyeColor.HasValue)
            if (colorList.Count > 0)
                return(new Color?(colorList[Game1.random.Next(colorList.Count)]));
            return(new Color?());
Ejemplo n.º 2
        protected Cropbeast(CropTile cropTile, bool containsPlant,
                            bool containsPrimaryHarvest, bool containsSecondaryHarvest,
                            string beastName = null)
            : base(beastName ?? cropTile.mapping.beastName, cropTile.location,
                   Utility.PointToVector2(cropTile.tileLocation) * 64f +
                   new Vector2(0f, -32f))
            cropTile_          = cropTile;
            harvestIndex.Value = cropTile.harvestIndex;
            giantCrop.Value    = cropTile.giantCrop;
            tileLocation.Value = cropTile.tileLocation;

            this.containsPlant.Value            = containsPlant;
            this.containsPrimaryHarvest.Value   = containsPrimaryHarvest;
            this.containsSecondaryHarvest.Value = containsSecondaryHarvest;

            // Calculate the beast's coloration.
            primaryColor.Value = cropTile.mapping.primaryColor
                                 ?? TailoringMenu.GetDyeColor(cropTile.mapping.harvestObject)
                                 ?? Color.White;
            secondaryColor.Value = cropTile.mapping.secondaryColor
                                   ?? primaryColor.Value;

            // Scale health and damage based on combat skill of players present.
            // Base values in Monsters.json are for level zero.
            MaxHealth      = Health = scaleByCombatSkill(Health, 1.2f);
            DamageToFarmer = scaleByCombatSkill(DamageToFarmer, 0.2f);

            // Calculate the normal gain of farming experience.
            int price = cropTile.mapping.harvestObject.Price;

            experienceGained.Value = (int)Math.Ceiling(8.0 *
                                                       Math.Log(0.018 * (double)price + 1.0, Math.E));
Ejemplo n.º 3
        private Color?getGemColor(ref bool isPrismatic)
            List <Color> gemColors = new List <Color>();

            foreach (Item item in output.Value.items)
                if (item != null && (item.Category == -12 || item.Category == -2))
                    Color?gemColor = TailoringMenu.GetDyeColor(item);
                    if (item.Name == "Prismatic Shard")
                        isPrismatic = true;
                    if (gemColor.HasValue)
            if (gemColors.Count > 0)
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public TailorRecipeListTool()
            : base(Game1.uiViewport.Width / 2 - (632 + IClickableMenu.borderWidth * 2) / 2, Game1.uiViewport.Height / 2 - (600 + IClickableMenu.borderWidth * 2) / 2 - 64, 632 + IClickableMenu.borderWidth * 2, 600 + IClickableMenu.borderWidth * 2 + 64)
            TailoringMenu tailoring_menu = new TailoringMenu();

            recipeComponents = new List <ClickableTextureComponent>();
            _recipeLookup    = new Dictionary <string, KeyValuePair <Item, Item> >();
            _recipeMetadata  = new Dictionary <string, string>();
            _recipeColors    = new Dictionary <string, Color>();
            Item cloth = new Object(Vector2.Zero, 428, 1);

            foreach (int id in Game1.objectInformation.Keys)
                Item key = new Object(Vector2.Zero, id, 1);
                if (key.Name.Contains("Seeds") || key.Name.Contains("Floor") || key.Name.Equals("Stone") || key.Name.Contains("Weeds") || key.Name.Equals("Lumber") || key.Name.Contains("Fence") || key.Name.Equals("Gate") || key.Name.Contains("Starter") || key.Name.Contains("Twig") || key.Name.Equals("Secret Note") || key.Name.Contains("Guide") || key.Name.Contains("Path") || key.Name.Contains("Ring") || (int)key.category == -22 || key.Name.Contains("Sapling"))
                Item                      value  = tailoring_menu.CraftItem(cloth, key);
                TailorItemRecipe          recipe = tailoring_menu.GetRecipeForItems(cloth, key);
                KeyValuePair <Item, Item> kvp    = new KeyValuePair <Item, Item>(key, value);
                _recipeLookup[Utility.getStandardDescriptionFromItem(key, 1)] = kvp;
                string metadata  = "";
                Color? dye_color = TailoringMenu.GetDyeColor(key);
                if (dye_color.HasValue)
                    _recipeColors[Utility.getStandardDescriptionFromItem(key, 1)] = dye_color.Value;
                if (recipe != null)
                    metadata = "clothes id: " + recipe.CraftedItemID + " from ";
                    foreach (string context_tag in recipe.SecondItemTags)
                        metadata = metadata + context_tag + " ";
                _recipeMetadata[Utility.getStandardDescriptionFromItem(key, 1)] = metadata;
                ClickableTextureComponent component = new ClickableTextureComponent(new Rectangle(0, 0, 64, 64), null, default(Rectangle), 1f)
                    myID  = 0,
                    name  = Utility.getStandardDescriptionFromItem(key, 1),
                    label = key.DisplayName
            okButton = new ClickableTextureComponent("OK", new Rectangle(xPositionOnScreen + width - IClickableMenu.borderWidth - IClickableMenu.spaceToClearSideBorder - 64, yPositionOnScreen + height - IClickableMenu.borderWidth - IClickableMenu.spaceToClearTopBorder + 16, 64, 64), null, null, Game1.mouseCursors, Game1.getSourceRectForStandardTileSheet(Game1.mouseCursors, 46), 1f)
                upNeighborID    = -99998,
                leftNeighborID  = -99998,
                rightNeighborID = -99998,
                downNeighborID  = -99998
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public override void drawInMenu(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, Vector2 location, float scaleSize, float transparency, float layerDepth, StackDrawType drawStackNumber, Color color, bool drawShadow)
     if (combinedRings.Count >= 2)
         float oldScaleSize = scaleSize;
         scaleSize   = 1f;
         location.Y -= (oldScaleSize - 1f) * 32f;
         Rectangle src = Game1.getSourceRectForStandardTileSheet(Game1.objectSpriteSheet, combinedRings[0].indexInTileSheet, 16, 16);
         src.X     += 5;
         src.Y     += 7;
         src.Width  = 4;
         src.Height = 6;
         spriteBatch.Draw(Game1.objectSpriteSheet, location + new Vector2(51f, 51f) * scaleSize + new Vector2(-12f, 8f) * scaleSize, src, color * transparency, 0f, new Vector2(1.5f, 2f) * 4f * scaleSize, scaleSize * 4f, SpriteEffects.None, layerDepth);
         src.Y     += 4;
         src.Width  = 3;
         src.Height = 1;
         spriteBatch.Draw(Game1.objectSpriteSheet, location + new Vector2(51f, 51f) * scaleSize + new Vector2(-8f, 4f) * scaleSize, src, color * transparency, 0f, new Vector2(1.5f, 2f) * 4f * scaleSize, scaleSize * 4f, SpriteEffects.None, layerDepth);
         src        = Game1.getSourceRectForStandardTileSheet(Game1.objectSpriteSheet, combinedRings[1].indexInTileSheet, 16, 16);
         src.X     += 9;
         src.Y     += 7;
         src.Width  = 4;
         src.Height = 6;
         spriteBatch.Draw(Game1.objectSpriteSheet, location + new Vector2(51f, 51f) * scaleSize + new Vector2(4f, 8f) * scaleSize, src, color * transparency, 0f, new Vector2(1.5f, 2f) * 4f * scaleSize, scaleSize * 4f, SpriteEffects.None, layerDepth);
         src.Y     += 4;
         src.Width  = 3;
         src.Height = 1;
         spriteBatch.Draw(Game1.objectSpriteSheet, location + new Vector2(51f, 51f) * scaleSize + new Vector2(4f, 4f) * scaleSize, src, color * transparency, 0f, new Vector2(1.5f, 2f) * 4f * scaleSize, scaleSize * 4f, SpriteEffects.None, layerDepth);
         Color?color3       = TailoringMenu.GetDyeColor(combinedRings[0]);
         Color?color2       = TailoringMenu.GetDyeColor(combinedRings[1]);
         Color color1noNull = Color.Red;
         Color color2noNull = Color.Blue;
         if (color3.HasValue)
             color1noNull = color3.Value;
         if (color2.HasValue)
             color2noNull = color2.Value;
         base.drawInMenu(spriteBatch, location + new Vector2(-5f, -1f), scaleSize, transparency, layerDepth, drawStackNumber, Utility.Get2PhaseColor(color1noNull, color2noNull), drawShadow);
         spriteBatch.Draw(Game1.objectSpriteSheet, location + new Vector2(13f, 35f) * scaleSize, new Rectangle(263, 579, 4, 2), Utility.Get2PhaseColor(color1noNull, color2noNull, 0, 1f, 1125f) * transparency, -(float)Math.PI / 2f, new Vector2(2f, 1.5f) * scaleSize, scaleSize * 4f, SpriteEffects.None, layerDepth);
         spriteBatch.Draw(Game1.objectSpriteSheet, location + new Vector2(49f, 35f) * scaleSize, new Rectangle(263, 579, 4, 2), Utility.Get2PhaseColor(color1noNull, color2noNull, 0, 1f, 375f) * transparency, (float)Math.PI / 2f, new Vector2(2f, 1.5f) * scaleSize, scaleSize * 4f, SpriteEffects.None, layerDepth);
         spriteBatch.Draw(Game1.objectSpriteSheet, location + new Vector2(31f, 53f) * scaleSize, new Rectangle(263, 579, 4, 2), Utility.Get2PhaseColor(color1noNull, color2noNull, 0, 1f, 750f) * transparency, (float)Math.PI, new Vector2(2f, 1.5f) * scaleSize, scaleSize * 4f, SpriteEffects.None, layerDepth);
         base.drawInMenu(spriteBatch, location, scaleSize, transparency, layerDepth, drawStackNumber, color, drawShadow);
Ejemplo n.º 6
        ** Private methods
        /// <summary>The method to call before <see cref="TailoringMenu.GetRecipeForItems"/>.</summary>
        /// <returns>Returns whether to run the original method.</returns>
        private static bool Before_GetRecipeForItems(TailoringMenu __instance, Item left_item, Item right_item, ref TailorItemRecipe __result)
            if (left_item == null || right_item == null)

            for (int i = 0; i < Mod.customTailoringRecipes.Count; ++i)
                var recipe = Mod.customTailoringRecipes[i];

                bool okay = true;

                foreach (string tag in recipe.FirstItemTags)
                    if (!left_item.HasContextTag(tag))
                        okay = false;
                if (!okay)
                foreach (string tag in recipe.SecondItemTags)
                    if (!right_item.HasContextTag(tag))
                        okay = false;

                if (okay)
                    __result = new TailorItemRecipe()
                        FirstItemTags  = recipe.FirstItemTags,
                        SecondItemTags = recipe.SecondItemTags,
                        SpendRightItem = recipe.ConsumeSecondItem,
                        CraftedItemIDs = new List <string>(new[] { "DGA/TailoringRecipe/" + i })

#pragma warning disable IDE1006

        public static bool CraftItem_Prefix(TailoringMenu __instance,
                                            ref Item __result, Item left_item, Item right_item)
                // First/left item must be boots.
                if (left_item is not Boots boots)

                // Second/right item must be a prismatic shard.
                if (!Utility.IsNormalObjectAtParentSheetIndex(right_item, 74))

                // Use the Prismatic Boots index with Leather Boots as fallback.
                int index = ModEntry.Instance.bootsSheetIndex;
                if (index == -1)
                    index = 506;

                // In case the boots are already prismatic, return them
                // unmodified to preserve any stats already on them.
                if (boots.indexInTileSheet.Value != index)
                    // Clone the original boots as a stat source, since the stats
                    // will change as soon as the index is changed.
                    Boots statSource = new (boots.indexInTileSheet.Value);
                    boots.indexInTileSheet.Value = index;
                    boots.applyStats(statSource);                      // includes reloadData

                // Return the modified original boots, since otherwise they
                // would remain unconsumed.
                __result = boots;
            catch (Exception e)
                Monitor.Log($"Failed in {nameof (CraftItem_Prefix)}:\n{e}",
                Monitor.Log(e.StackTrace, LogLevel.Trace);
Ejemplo n.º 8
        protected override void OnTarget(Mobile from, object target)
            if (m_Tool.Deleted || m_Tool.RootParent != from)

            if (target is Cloth)
                Item item = (Item)target;

                if (item.RootParent != from)
                    from.SendAsciiMessage("That must be in your pack for you to use it.");
                    if (from.Backpack.GetAmount(typeof(Cloth)) >= 2)
                        from.SendMenu(new TailoringMenu(from, TailoringMenu.Main(from), "Main", (BaseTool)m_Tool));
                        from.SendAsciiMessage("You don't have the resources required to make anything from that.");
            else if (target is Leather || target is Hides)
                Item item = (Item)target;

                if (item.RootParent != from)
                    from.SendAsciiMessage("That must be in your pack for you to use it.");
                    if (from.Backpack.GetAmount(typeof(Leather)) >= 2 || from.Backpack.GetAmount(typeof(Hides)) >= 2)
                        from.SendMenu(new TailoringMenu(from, TailoringMenu.LeatherMain(from), "LeatherMain", (BaseTool)m_Tool));
                        from.SendAsciiMessage("You don't have the resources required to make anything from that.");
Ejemplo n.º 9
        /// <summary>The method to call before <see cref="TailoringMenu.CraftItem"/>.</summary>
        /// <returns>Returns whether to run the original method.</returns>
        private static bool Before_CraftItem(TailoringMenu __instance, Item left_item, Item right_item, ref Item __result)
            if (left_item == null || right_item == null)

            var recipe = __instance.GetRecipeForItems(left_item, right_item);

            if (recipe != null && recipe.CraftedItemIDs != null && recipe.CraftedItemIDs.Count == 1 && recipe.CraftedItemIDs[0].StartsWith("DGA/TailoringRecipe/"))
                var customRecipe = Mod.customTailoringRecipes[int.Parse(recipe.CraftedItemIDs[0].Substring("DGA/TailoringRecipe/".Length))];
                __result = customRecipe.CraftedItem.Choose().Create();

Ejemplo n.º 10
    public static SObject GetRoeForFish(SObject fish)
        Color color = TailoringMenu.GetDyeColor(fish) ?? Color.Orange;

        if (fish.ParentSheetIndex == 698)
            color = new Color(61, 55, 42);

        ColoredObject result = new(812, 1, color);

        result.name           = fish.Name + " Roe";
        result.preserve.Value = SObject.PreserveType.Roe;
        result.preservedParentSheetIndex.Value = fish.ParentSheetIndex;
        result.Price += fish.Price / 2;

Ejemplo n.º 11
        ** Public methods
        /// <summary>Construct an instance.</summary>
        /// <param name="label">A short field label.</param>
        /// <param name="item">The dye-producing item.</param>
        public ColorField(string label, Item item)
            : base(label)
            // get color
            if (item.Name == "Prismatic Shard")
                this.IsPrismatic = true;
                this.HasValue    = true;
                Color?color = TailoringMenu.GetDyeColor(item);
                if (color.HasValue)
                    this.Color    = color.Value;
                    this.HasValue = true;

            // get dye strength
            if (this.HasValue)
                if (item.HasContextTag("dye_strong"))
                    this.Strength = 3;
                else if (item.HasContextTag("dye_medium"))
                    this.Strength = 2;
                    this.Strength = 1;
Ejemplo n.º 12
        static void ValidateCraft(TailoringMenu __instance)
            // TODO: HUD message is displayed behind tailoring menu -> store once and show when tailoring menu gets closed
            if (__instance.craftResultDisplay.item != null && ItemDefinitions.GetExtInfo(__instance.craftResultDisplay.item, out ExtItemInfo extInfo))
                if (extInfo.IsCraftingDisabled)
                    if (extInfo.SoldBy != Shop.None)
                        // display a hint after closing the menu where the player might buy the item
                        TailoringPatches.AddTailoringMessage($"Hm, that did not quite work out. Maybe {extInfo.SoldBy.GetShopReferral()} sells something similar.", __instance.craftResultDisplay.item);

                    // indicate to the player that this is an invalid recipe now
                    int itemId = __instance.craftResultDisplay.item.parentSheetIndex;
                    __instance.craftResultDisplay.item = null;
                    craftStateFieldInfo.SetValue(__instance, CraftState.InvalidRecipe);
                    craftDisplayedDescriptionFieldInfo.SetValue(__instance, Game1.content.LoadString("Strings\\UI:Tailor_InvalidRecipe"));

                    // delete the recipe, so that the player cannot craft the item
                    __instance._tailoringRecipes.RemoveAll(x => x.CraftedItemID == itemId);
Ejemplo n.º 13
        public override void Draw(SpriteBatch batch, Vector2 location, float scale, int frame = -1, float size = 16, Color?baseColor = null, Color?overlayColor = null, float alpha = 1)
            int firstIdx  = Ring.combinedRings[0].indexInTileSheet.Value;
            int secondIdx = Ring.combinedRings[1].indexInTileSheet.Value;

            //location.Y -= 8 * scale;

            Vector2 Origin = new(2f, 1f);

            // Part One - Left Ring Arc
            Rectangle p1 = Game1.getSourceRectForStandardTileSheet(Texture, firstIdx, 16, 16);

            p1.X     += 5;
            p1.Y     += 7;
            p1.Width  = 4;
            p1.Height = 6;

                texture: Texture,
                position: location + new Vector2(5f, 7f) * scale,
                sourceRectangle: p1,
                color: Color.White,
                rotation: 0f,
                origin: Origin,
                scale: scale,
                effects: SpriteEffects.None,
                layerDepth: 1f

            // Part Two - Left Ring Slice
            p1.Y     += 4;
            p1.Width  = 3;
            p1.Height = 1;

                texture: Texture,
                position: location + new Vector2(6f, 6f) * scale,
                sourceRectangle: p1,
                color: Color.White,
                rotation: 0f,
                origin: Origin,
                scale: scale,
                effects: SpriteEffects.None,
                layerDepth: 1f

            // Part Three - Right Ring Arc
            Rectangle p2 = Game1.getSourceRectForStandardTileSheet(Texture, secondIdx, 16, 16);

            p2.X     += 9;
            p2.Y     += 7;
            p2.Width  = 4;
            p2.Height = 6;

                texture: Texture,
                position: location + new Vector2(9f, 7f) * scale,
                sourceRectangle: p2,
                color: Color.White,
                rotation: 0f,
                origin: Origin,
                scale: scale,
                effects: SpriteEffects.None,
                layerDepth: 1f

            // Part Four - Right Ring Slice
            p2.Y     += 4;
            p2.Width  = 3;
            p2.Height = 1;

                texture: Texture,
                position: location + new Vector2(9f, 6f) * scale,
                sourceRectangle: p2,
                color: Color.White,
                rotation: 0f,
                origin: Origin,
                scale: scale,
                effects: SpriteEffects.None,
                layerDepth: 1f

            // Dye Colors
            Color firstColor  = TailoringMenu.GetDyeColor(Ring.combinedRings[0]) ?? Color.Red;
            Color secondColor = TailoringMenu.GetDyeColor(Ring.combinedRings[1]) ?? Color.Blue;

            // Standard Draw
                texture: Texture,
                position: location,
                sourceRectangle: BaseSource,
                color: Utility.Get2PhaseColor(firstColor, secondColor),
                rotation: 0f,
                origin: new Vector2(2f, 1f),
                scale: scale,
                effects: SpriteEffects.None,
                layerDepth: 1f

            // Final Drawing
            Rectangle RING_BIT = new(263, 579, 4, 2);

            // Left Ring Bit
                texture: Texture,
                position: location + new Vector2(2f, 8f) * scale,
                sourceRectangle: RING_BIT,
                color: Utility.Get2PhaseColor(firstColor, secondColor, timeOffset: 1125f),
                rotation: -1.570796f,
                origin: new Vector2(2f, 1f),
                scale: scale,
                effects: SpriteEffects.None,
                layerDepth: 1f

            // Right Ring Bit
                texture: Texture,
                position: location + new Vector2(12f, 8f) * scale,
                sourceRectangle: RING_BIT,
                color: Utility.Get2PhaseColor(firstColor, secondColor, timeOffset: 375f),
                rotation: 1.570796f,
                origin: new Vector2(2f, 1f),
                scale: scale,
                effects: SpriteEffects.None,
                layerDepth: 1f

            // Bottom Ring Bit
                texture: Texture,
                position: location + new Vector2(7f, 13f) * scale,
                sourceRectangle: RING_BIT,
                color: Utility.Get2PhaseColor(firstColor, secondColor, timeOffset: 750f),
                rotation: 3.141593f,
                origin: new Vector2(2f, 1f),
                scale: scale,
                effects: SpriteEffects.None,
                layerDepth: 1f
Ejemplo n.º 14
 /// <summary>Get the color to use a given fish's roe.</summary>
 /// <param name="fish">The fish whose roe to color.</param>
 /// <remarks>Derived from <see cref="StardewValley.Buildings.FishPond.GetFishProduce"/>.</remarks>
 private Color GetRoeColor(SObject fish)
     return(fish.ParentSheetIndex == 698 // sturgeon
         ? new Color(61, 55, 42)
         : (TailoringMenu.GetDyeColor(fish) ?? Color.Orange));
Ejemplo n.º 15
        internal static void TailoringMenuPatch(TailoringMenu __instance)
                int    x = Game1.getMouseX(true), y = Game1.getMouseY(true); // Mouse x and y position
                string toSpeak = " ";

                if (__instance.leftIngredientSpot != null && __instance.leftIngredientSpot.containsPoint(x, y))
                    if (__instance.leftIngredientSpot.item == null)
                        toSpeak = "Input cloth here";
                        Item item = __instance.leftIngredientSpot.item;
                        toSpeak = $"Cloth slot: {item.Stack} {item.DisplayName}";
                else if (__instance.rightIngredientSpot != null && __instance.rightIngredientSpot.containsPoint(x, y))
                    if (__instance.rightIngredientSpot.item == null)
                        toSpeak = "Input ingredient here";
                        Item item = __instance.rightIngredientSpot.item;
                        toSpeak = $"Ingredient slot: {item.Stack} {item.DisplayName}";
                else if (__instance.startTailoringButton != null && __instance.startTailoringButton.containsPoint(x, y))
                    toSpeak = "Star tailoring button";
                else if (__instance.trashCan != null && __instance.trashCan.containsPoint(x, y))
                    toSpeak = "Trashcan";
                else if (__instance.okButton != null && __instance.okButton.containsPoint(x, y))
                    toSpeak = "ok button";
                else if (__instance.dropItemInvisibleButton != null && __instance.dropItemInvisibleButton.containsPoint(x, y))
                    toSpeak = "drop item";
                else if (__instance.equipmentIcons.Count > 0 && __instance.equipmentIcons[0].containsPoint(x, y))
                    toSpeak = "Hat Slot";

                    if (Game1.player.hat.Value != null)
                        toSpeak = $"{toSpeak}: {Game1.player.hat.Value.DisplayName}";
                else if (__instance.equipmentIcons.Count > 0 && __instance.equipmentIcons[1].containsPoint(x, y))
                    toSpeak = "Shirt Slot";

                    if (Game1.player.shirtItem.Value != null)
                        toSpeak = $"{toSpeak}: {Game1.player.shirtItem.Value.DisplayName}";
                else if (__instance.equipmentIcons.Count > 0 && __instance.equipmentIcons[2].containsPoint(x, y))
                    toSpeak = "Pants Slot";

                    if (Game1.player.pantsItem.Value != null)
                        toSpeak = $"{toSpeak}: {Game1.player.pantsItem.Value.DisplayName}";
                    for (int i = 0; i < __instance.inventory.inventory.Count; i++)
                        if (!__instance.inventory.inventory[i].containsPoint(x, y))

                        if (__instance.inventory.actualInventory[i] == null)
                            toSpeak = "Empty slot";
                            toSpeak = $"{__instance.inventory.actualInventory[i].Stack} {__instance.inventory.actualInventory[i].DisplayName}";

                        if (tailoringMenuQuery != $"{toSpeak}:{i}")
                            tailoringMenuQuery = $"{toSpeak}:{i}";
                            MainClass.ScreenReader.Say(toSpeak, true);


                if (tailoringMenuQuery != toSpeak)
                    tailoringMenuQuery = toSpeak;
                    MainClass.ScreenReader.Say(toSpeak, true);

                    if (__instance.dropItemInvisibleButton != null && __instance.dropItemInvisibleButton.containsPoint(x, y))
            catch (System.Exception e)
                MainClass.ErrorLog($"Unable to narrate Text:\n{e.Message}\n{e.StackTrace}");
Ejemplo n.º 16
        public IEnumerable <SearchableItem> GetAll()
            IEnumerable <SearchableItem> GetAllRaw()
                // get tools
                for (int quality = Tool.stone; quality <= Tool.iridium; quality++)
                    yield return(this.TryCreate(ItemType.Tool, ToolFactory.axe, () => ToolFactory.getToolFromDescription(ToolFactory.axe, quality)));

                    yield return(this.TryCreate(ItemType.Tool, ToolFactory.hoe, () => ToolFactory.getToolFromDescription(ToolFactory.hoe, quality)));

                    yield return(this.TryCreate(ItemType.Tool, ToolFactory.pickAxe, () => ToolFactory.getToolFromDescription(ToolFactory.pickAxe, quality)));

                    yield return(this.TryCreate(ItemType.Tool, ToolFactory.wateringCan, () => ToolFactory.getToolFromDescription(ToolFactory.wateringCan, quality)));

                    if (quality != Tool.iridium)
                        yield return(this.TryCreate(ItemType.Tool, ToolFactory.fishingRod, () => ToolFactory.getToolFromDescription(ToolFactory.fishingRod, quality)));
                yield return(this.TryCreate(ItemType.Tool, this.CustomIDOffset, () => new MilkPail())); // these don't have any sort of ID, so we'll just assign some arbitrary ones

                yield return(this.TryCreate(ItemType.Tool, this.CustomIDOffset + 1, () => new Shears()));

                yield return(this.TryCreate(ItemType.Tool, this.CustomIDOffset + 2, () => new Pan()));

                yield return(this.TryCreate(ItemType.Tool, this.CustomIDOffset + 3, () => new Wand()));

                // clothing
                foreach (int id in Game1.clothingInformation.Keys)
                    yield return(this.TryCreate(ItemType.Clothing, id, () => new Clothing(id)));

                // wallpapers
                for (int id = 0; id < 112; id++)
                    yield return(this.TryCreate(ItemType.Wallpaper, id, () => new Wallpaper(id)
                        Category = SObject.furnitureCategory

                // flooring
                for (int id = 0; id < 56; id++)
                    yield return(this.TryCreate(ItemType.Flooring, id, () => new Wallpaper(id, isFloor: true)
                        Category = SObject.furnitureCategory

                // equipment
                foreach (int id in this.TryLoad <int, string>("Data\\Boots").Keys)
                    yield return(this.TryCreate(ItemType.Boots, id, () => new Boots(id)));
                foreach (int id in this.TryLoad <int, string>("Data\\hats").Keys)
                    yield return(this.TryCreate(ItemType.Hat, id, () => new Hat(id)));

                // weapons
                foreach (int id in this.TryLoad <int, string>("Data\\weapons").Keys)
                    yield return(this.TryCreate(ItemType.Weapon, id, () => (id >= 32 && id <= 34)
                        ? (Item) new Slingshot(id)
                        : new MeleeWeapon(id)

                // furniture
                foreach (int id in this.TryLoad <int, string>("Data\\Furniture").Keys)
                    if (id == 1466 || id == 1468)
                        yield return(this.TryCreate(ItemType.Furniture, id, () => new TV(id, Vector2.Zero)));
                        yield return(this.TryCreate(ItemType.Furniture, id, () => new Furniture(id, Vector2.Zero)));

                // craftables
                foreach (int id in Game1.bigCraftablesInformation.Keys)
                    yield return(this.TryCreate(ItemType.BigCraftable, id, () => new SObject(Vector2.Zero, id)));

                // objects
                foreach (int id in Game1.objectInformation.Keys)
                    string[] fields = Game1.objectInformation[id]?.Split('/');

                    // secret notes
                    if (id == 79)
                        foreach (int secretNoteId in this.TryLoad <int, string>("Data\\SecretNotes").Keys)
                            yield return(this.TryCreate(ItemType.Object, this.CustomIDOffset + secretNoteId, () =>
                                SObject note = new SObject(79, 1);
                                note.name = $"{note.name} #{secretNoteId}";
                                return note;

                    // ring
                    else if (id != 801 && fields?.Length >= 4 && fields[3] == "Ring") // 801 = wedding ring, which isn't an equippable ring
                        yield return(this.TryCreate(ItemType.Ring, id, () => new Ring(id)));

                    // item
                        // spawn main item
                        SObject item = null;
                        yield return(this.TryCreate(ItemType.Object, id, () =>
                            return item = (id == 812 // roe
                                ? new ColoredObject(id, 1, Color.White)
                                : new SObject(id, 1)

                        if (item == null)

                        // flavored items
                        switch (item.Category)
                        // fruit products
                        case SObject.FruitsCategory:
                            // wine
                            yield return(this.TryCreate(ItemType.Object, this.CustomIDOffset * 2 + id, () => new SObject(348, 1)
                                Name = $"{item.Name} Wine",
                                Price = item.Price * 3,
                                preserve = { SObject.PreserveType.Wine },
                                preservedParentSheetIndex = { item.ParentSheetIndex }

                            // jelly
                            yield return(this.TryCreate(ItemType.Object, this.CustomIDOffset * 3 + id, () => new SObject(344, 1)
                                Name = $"{item.Name} Jelly",
                                Price = 50 + item.Price * 2,
                                preserve = { SObject.PreserveType.Jelly },
                                preservedParentSheetIndex = { item.ParentSheetIndex }


                        // vegetable products
                        case SObject.VegetableCategory:
                            // juice
                            yield return(this.TryCreate(ItemType.Object, this.CustomIDOffset * 4 + id, () => new SObject(350, 1)
                                Name = $"{item.Name} Juice",
                                Price = (int)(item.Price * 2.25d),
                                preserve = { SObject.PreserveType.Juice },
                                preservedParentSheetIndex = { item.ParentSheetIndex }

                            // pickled
                            yield return(this.TryCreate(ItemType.Object, this.CustomIDOffset * 5 + id, () => new SObject(342, 1)
                                Name = $"Pickled {item.Name}",
                                Price = 50 + item.Price * 2,
                                preserve = { SObject.PreserveType.Pickle },
                                preservedParentSheetIndex = { item.ParentSheetIndex }


                        // flower honey
                        case SObject.flowersCategory:
                            yield return(this.TryCreate(ItemType.Object, this.CustomIDOffset * 5 + id, () =>
                                SObject honey = new SObject(Vector2.Zero, 340, $"{item.Name} Honey", false, true, false, false)
                                    Name = $"{item.Name} Honey",
                                    preservedParentSheetIndex = { item.ParentSheetIndex }
                                honey.Price += item.Price * 2;
                                return honey;


                        // roe and aged roe (derived from FishPond.GetFishProduce)
                        case SObject.sellAtFishShopCategory when id == 812:
                            foreach (var pair in Game1.objectInformation)
                                // get input
                                SObject input = this.TryCreate(ItemType.Object, -1, () => new SObject(pair.Key, 1))?.Item as SObject;
                                if (input == null || input.Category != SObject.FishCategory)
                                Color color = TailoringMenu.GetDyeColor(input) ?? Color.Orange;

                                // yield roe
                                SObject roe = null;
                                yield return(this.TryCreate(ItemType.Object, this.CustomIDOffset * 7 + id, () =>
                                    roe = new ColoredObject(812, 1, color)
                                        name = $"{input.Name} Roe",
                                        preserve = { Value = SObject.PreserveType.Roe },
                                        preservedParentSheetIndex = { Value = input.ParentSheetIndex }
                                    roe.Price += input.Price / 2;
                                    return roe;

                                // aged roe
                                if (roe != null && pair.Key != 698)     // aged sturgeon roe is caviar, which is a separate item
                                    yield return(this.TryCreate(ItemType.Object, this.CustomIDOffset * 7 + id, () => new ColoredObject(447, 1, color)
                                        name = $"Aged {input.Name} Roe",
                                        Category = -27,
                                        preserve = { Value = SObject.PreserveType.AgedRoe },
                                        preservedParentSheetIndex = { Value = input.ParentSheetIndex },
                                        Price = roe.Price * 2

            return(GetAllRaw().Where(p => p != null));
Ejemplo n.º 17
        private void GameLoop_DayStarted(object sender, DayStartedEventArgs e)
            if (!Game1.player.IsMainPlayer)
                if (!this.HasLoggedMultiplayerMessage)
                    this.Monitor.Log("Not main player, so no color changes will be attempted", LogLevel.Debug);
                    this.HasLoggedMultiplayerMessage = true;

            // Because we need to account for the possibility of previously animated ponds being no longer animated due to population changes
            //  (or no longer existing) and we are rescanning all ponds anyway, I am just gonna clear the Active Animations list every morning.

            IEnumerable <BuildableGameLocation> BuildableLocations =
                from loc in Game1.locations where loc is BuildableGameLocation select loc as BuildableGameLocation;

            foreach (BuildableGameLocation bloc in BuildableLocations)
                IEnumerable <FishPond> FishPonds =
                    from b in bloc.buildings where b is FishPond select b as FishPond;
                foreach (FishPond pond in FishPonds)
                    bool pondHasCustomColor = false;
                    this.Monitor.Log($"Checking pond at {pond.tileX}, {pond.tileY}.", LogLevel.Trace);
                    if (Config.Enable_Custom_Pond_Coloring)
                        if (pond.fishType == -1 && Data.EmptyPondColor != null)
                            pond.overrideWaterColor.Value = Data.EmptyPondColor;
                            this.Monitor.Log($"Pond is empty and was recolored", LogLevel.Trace);
                        foreach (PondPainterDataEntry entry in Data.Entries)
                            bool match = true;
                            //this.Monitor.Log($"Comparing with entry {entry.LogName}", LogLevel.Trace);
                            foreach (string t in entry.Tags)
                                /* For now we are removing the capability to set a default color until I find a better
                                 * way to do it.
                                 * if (t.Equals("pp_default"))
                                 * {
                                 * // pp_default trumps all other tags and immediately sets the color
                                 *      // I need a better way to do this, possibly moving it to a config instead of per pack.
                                 * ChangePondColor(pond, entry);
                                 * match = false;
                                 * break;
                                 * }
                                 * //*/
                                SObject pondFish = new SObject(pond.fishType.Value, 1, false, -1, 0);
                                if (!pondFish.HasContextTag(t))
                                    match = false;
                            if (match)
                                pondHasCustomColor = true;
                                this.Monitor.Log($"Found a match on entry {entry.LogName} with tags {String.Join(", ", entry.Tags)}.", LogLevel.Trace);
                                ChangePondColor(pond, entry);
                    if (Config.Auto_Color_Other_Ponds_by_Dye_Color_of_Inhabitants && !pondHasCustomColor)
                        if (pond.FishCount > 0 && pond.FishCount >= Config.Minimum_Population_For_Auto_Coloring)
                            // Copying similar logic to how the roe is colored, but convert
                            // White to nearest color Snow since White means no override to the game
                            Color?c     = TailoringMenu.GetDyeColor(pond.GetFishObject());
                            Color?white = new Color?(Color.White);
                            if (c.HasValue)
                                if (c.Equals(white))
                                    c = new Color?(Color.Snow);
                                c = white;
                            pond.overrideWaterColor.Value = c.Value;
            this.Monitor.Log($"Finished Day Update. There are {Instance.ActiveAnimations.Count} active animations.", LogLevel.Trace);
Ejemplo n.º 18
        public IEnumerable <SearchableItem> GetAll()
            IEnumerable <SearchableItem> GetAllRaw()
                // get tools
                for (int quality = Tool.stone; quality <= Tool.iridium; quality++)
                    yield return(this.TryCreate(ItemType.Tool, ToolFactory.axe, () => ToolFactory.getToolFromDescription(ToolFactory.axe, quality)));

                    yield return(this.TryCreate(ItemType.Tool, ToolFactory.hoe, () => ToolFactory.getToolFromDescription(ToolFactory.hoe, quality)));

                    yield return(this.TryCreate(ItemType.Tool, ToolFactory.pickAxe, () => ToolFactory.getToolFromDescription(ToolFactory.pickAxe, quality)));

                    yield return(this.TryCreate(ItemType.Tool, ToolFactory.wateringCan, () => ToolFactory.getToolFromDescription(ToolFactory.wateringCan, quality)));

                    if (quality != Tool.iridium)
                        yield return(this.TryCreate(ItemType.Tool, ToolFactory.fishingRod, () => ToolFactory.getToolFromDescription(ToolFactory.fishingRod, quality)));
                yield return(this.TryCreate(ItemType.Tool, this.CustomIDOffset, () => new MilkPail())); // these don't have any sort of ID, so we'll just assign some arbitrary ones

                yield return(this.TryCreate(ItemType.Tool, this.CustomIDOffset + 1, () => new Shears()));

                yield return(this.TryCreate(ItemType.Tool, this.CustomIDOffset + 2, () => new Pan()));

                yield return(this.TryCreate(ItemType.Tool, this.CustomIDOffset + 3, () => new Wand()));

                // clothing
                foreach (int id in Game1.clothingInformation.Keys)
                    yield return(this.TryCreate(ItemType.Clothing, id, () => new Clothing(id)));

                // wallpapers
                for (int id = 0; id < 112; id++)
                    yield return(this.TryCreate(ItemType.Wallpaper, id, () => new Wallpaper(id)
                        Category = SObject.furnitureCategory

                // flooring
                for (int id = 0; id < 40; id++)
                    yield return(this.TryCreate(ItemType.Flooring, id, () => new Wallpaper(id, isFloor: true)
                        Category = SObject.furnitureCategory

                // equipment
                foreach (int id in Game1.content.Load <Dictionary <int, string> >("Data\\Boots").Keys)
                    yield return(this.TryCreate(ItemType.Boots, id, () => new Boots(id)));
                foreach (int id in Game1.content.Load <Dictionary <int, string> >("Data\\hats").Keys)
                    yield return(this.TryCreate(ItemType.Hat, id, () => new Hat(id)));
                foreach (int id in Game1.objectInformation.Keys)
                    if (id >= Ring.ringLowerIndexRange && id <= Ring.ringUpperIndexRange)
                        yield return(this.TryCreate(ItemType.Ring, id, () => new Ring(id)));

                // weapons
                foreach (int id in Game1.content.Load <Dictionary <int, string> >("Data\\weapons").Keys)
                    Item weapon = (id >= 32 && id <= 34)
                        ? (Item) new Slingshot(id)
                        : new MeleeWeapon(id);
                    yield return(this.TryCreate(ItemType.Weapon, id, () => weapon));

                // furniture
                foreach (int id in Game1.content.Load <Dictionary <int, string> >("Data\\Furniture").Keys)
                    if (id == 1466 || id == 1468)
                        yield return(this.TryCreate(ItemType.Furniture, id, () => new TV(id, Vector2.Zero)));
                        yield return(this.TryCreate(ItemType.Furniture, id, () => new Furniture(id, Vector2.Zero)));

                // craftables
                foreach (int id in Game1.bigCraftablesInformation.Keys)
                    yield return(this.TryCreate(ItemType.BigCraftable, id, () => new SObject(Vector2.Zero, id)));

                // secret notes
                foreach (int id in Game1.content.Load <Dictionary <int, string> >("Data\\SecretNotes").Keys)
                    SObject note = new SObject(79, 1);
                    note.name = $"{note.name} #{id}";
                    yield return(this.TryCreate(ItemType.Object, this.CustomIDOffset + id, () => note));

                // objects
                foreach (int id in Game1.objectInformation.Keys)
                    if (id == 79)
                        continue; // secret note handled above
                    if (id >= Ring.ringLowerIndexRange && id <= Ring.ringUpperIndexRange)
                        continue; // handled separated
                    // spawn main item
                    SObject item = id == 812
                        ? new ColoredObject(id, 1, Color.White)
                        : new SObject(id, 1);
                    yield return(this.TryCreate(ItemType.Object, id, () => item));

                    // fruit products
                    if (item.Category == SObject.FruitsCategory)
                        // wine
                        SObject wine = new SObject(348, 1)
                            Name  = $"{item.Name} Wine",
                            Price = item.Price * 3
                        wine.preserve.Value = SObject.PreserveType.Wine;
                        wine.preservedParentSheetIndex.Value = item.ParentSheetIndex;
                        yield return(this.TryCreate(ItemType.Object, this.CustomIDOffset * 2 + id, () => wine));

                        // jelly
                        SObject jelly = new SObject(344, 1)
                            Name  = $"{item.Name} Jelly",
                            Price = 50 + item.Price * 2
                        jelly.preserve.Value = SObject.PreserveType.Jelly;
                        jelly.preservedParentSheetIndex.Value = item.ParentSheetIndex;
                        yield return(this.TryCreate(ItemType.Object, this.CustomIDOffset * 3 + id, () => jelly));

                    // vegetable products
                    else if (item.Category == SObject.VegetableCategory)
                        // juice
                        SObject juice = new SObject(350, 1)
                            Name  = $"{item.Name} Juice",
                            Price = (int)(item.Price * 2.25d)
                        juice.preserve.Value = SObject.PreserveType.Juice;
                        juice.preservedParentSheetIndex.Value = item.ParentSheetIndex;
                        yield return(this.TryCreate(ItemType.Object, this.CustomIDOffset * 4 + id, () => juice));

                        // pickled
                        SObject pickled = new SObject(342, 1)
                            Name  = $"Pickled {item.Name}",
                            Price = 50 + item.Price * 2
                        pickled.preserve.Value = SObject.PreserveType.Pickle;
                        pickled.preservedParentSheetIndex.Value = item.ParentSheetIndex;
                        yield return(this.TryCreate(ItemType.Object, this.CustomIDOffset * 5 + id, () => pickled));

                    // flower honey
                    else if (item.Category == SObject.flowersCategory)
                        SObject honey = new SObject(Vector2.Zero, 340, item.Name + " Honey", false, true, false, false)
                            Name = $"{item.Name} Honey",
                            preservedParentSheetIndex = { item.ParentSheetIndex }
                        honey.Price += item.Price * 2;
                        yield return(this.TryCreate(ItemType.Object, this.CustomIDOffset * 6 + id, () => honey));

                    // roe and aged roe (derived from FishPond.GetFishProduce)
                    else if (id == 812)
                        foreach (var pair in Game1.objectInformation)
                            // get input
                            SObject input = new SObject(pair.Key, 1);
                            if (input.Category != SObject.FishCategory)
                            Color color = TailoringMenu.GetDyeColor(input) ?? Color.Orange;

                            // yield roe
                            SObject roe = new ColoredObject(812, 1, color)
                                name     = $"{input.Name} Roe",
                                preserve = { Value = SObject.PreserveType.Roe },
                                preservedParentSheetIndex = { Value = input.ParentSheetIndex }
                            roe.Price += input.Price / 2;
                            yield return(this.TryCreate(ItemType.Object, this.CustomIDOffset * 6 + 1, () => roe));

                            // aged roe
                            if (pair.Key != 698) // aged sturgeon roe is caviar, which is a separate item
                                yield return(this.TryCreate(ItemType.Object, this.CustomIDOffset * 6 + 1, () =>
                                                            new ColoredObject(447, 1, color)
                                    name = $"Aged {input.Name} Roe",
                                    Category = -27,
                                    preserve = { Value = SObject.PreserveType.AgedRoe },
                                    preservedParentSheetIndex = { Value = input.ParentSheetIndex },
                                    Price = roe.Price * 2

            return(GetAllRaw().Where(p => p != null));