//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- public DataAccess(TableView view, int _width, int _height, string DisplayName = null, params String[] roles) { this.TableViews = view; this.AllowedRoles = roles; this.Width = _width; this.Height = _height; }
protected override void Init() { var ts = new TableSection(); var tr = new TableRoot { ts }; var tv = new TableView(tr); var sc = new SwitchCell { Text = "Toggle switch; nothing should crash" }; var button = new Button(); button.SetBinding(Button.TextProperty, new Binding("On", source: sc)); var vc = new ViewCell { View = button }; vc.SetBinding(IsEnabledProperty, new Binding("On", source: sc)); ts.Add(sc); ts.Add(vc); Content = tv; }
public IndexDynamicTest() { var uniqPath = Path+DateTime.Now.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).Replace(":"," ")+ DateTime.Now.Second.ToString()+ @"/"; Directory.CreateDirectory(uniqPath); tableView = new TableView(uniqPath+ "table", TpTableElement); tableView.Fill(Enumerable.Range(0, NumberOfRecords).Select(i => (object) (new object[] {i.ToString(), i }))); // Делаем индекс var ha = new IndexHalfkeyImmutable<string>(uniqPath + "dyna_index_str_half") { Table = tableView, KeyProducer = va => (string) ((object[]) (((object[]) va)[1]))[0], HalfProducer = k => k.GetHashModifiedBernstein() }; ha.Scale = new ScaleCell(uniqPath + "dyna_index_str_half") {IndexCell = ha.IndexCell}; ha.Build(); sIndex = new IndexDynamic<string, IndexHalfkeyImmutable<string>>(true) { Table = tableView, KeyProducer = va => (string) ((object[]) (((object[]) va)[1]))[0], IndexArray = ha }; iIndex = new IndexDynamic<int, IIndexImmutable<int>>(true, new IndexKeyImmutable<int>(uniqPath + "int", tableView, va => (int) ((object[]) (((object[]) va)[1]))[1], new ScaleCell(uniqPath + "iisndexScale"))); iIndex.Build(); }
//Will be called by the TableView to know what is the height of each row public float GetHeightForRowInTableView(TableView tableView, int row) { // cellHeight = (tableView.transform as RectTransform).rect.height * 0.13f; // Debug.Log("CellHeight: " + cellHeight); // return cellHeight; return (cellPrefab.transform as RectTransform).rect.height; }
protected override void Init() { var label = new Label { Text = "Label" }; var entry = new Entry { AutomationId = "entry" }; var grid = new Grid(); grid.Children.Add(label, 0, 0); grid.Children.Add(entry, 1, 0); var tableView = new TableView { Root = new TableRoot { new TableSection { new ViewCell { View = grid } } } }; Content = new StackLayout { Children = { tableView } }; }
protected override void Init () { var layout = new StackLayout (); var button = new Button { Text = "Click" }; var tablesection = new TableSection { Title = "Switches" }; var tableview = new TableView { Intent = TableIntent.Form, Root = new TableRoot { tablesection } }; var viewcell1 = new ViewCell { View = new StackLayout { HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand, Orientation = StackOrientation.Horizontal, Children = { new Label { Text = "Switch 1", HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.StartAndExpand }, new Switch { AutomationId = "switch1", HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.End, IsToggled = true } } } }; var viewcell2 = new ViewCell { View = new StackLayout { HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand, Orientation = StackOrientation.Horizontal, Children = { new Label { Text = "Switch 2", HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.StartAndExpand }, new Switch { AutomationId = "switch2", HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.End, IsToggled = true } } } }; Label label = new Label { Text = "Switch 3", HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.StartAndExpand }; Switch switchie = new Switch { AutomationId = "switch3", HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.End, IsToggled = true, IsEnabled = false }; switchie.Toggled += (sender, e) => { label.Text = "FAIL"; }; var viewcell3 = new ViewCell { View = new StackLayout { HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand, Orientation = StackOrientation.Horizontal, Children = { label, switchie, } } }; tablesection.Add (viewcell1); tablesection.Add (viewcell2); tablesection.Add (viewcell3); button.Clicked += (sender, e) => { if (_removed) tablesection.Insert (1, viewcell2); else tablesection.Remove (viewcell2); _removed = !_removed; }; layout.Children.Add (button); layout.Children.Add (tableview); Content = layout; }
public MatrixMainPageView () { MasterBehavior = Device.OnPlatform(MasterBehavior.Popover,MasterBehavior.Default, MasterBehavior.Default); var tabbedPage = new MatrixTabbedPage (); var view = new MatrixView (this); var settingsPage = new MatrixSettingsPage (); var tableView = new TableView (this); _viewVm = new MatrixViewModel (view, settingsPage, tableView); view.BindingContext = _viewVm; view.InitViewModels (); settingsPage.BindingContext = _viewVm; tableView.BindingContext = _viewVm; tabbedPage.Children.Add (view); tabbedPage.Children.Add (tableView); Master = settingsPage; Detail = tabbedPage; MessagingCenter.Subscribe<TableView, TableDataItem> (this, MessagingCenterKeys.TableGoToChartKey, OnTableGoToChart); }
private async void OnTableGoToChart (TableView sender, TableDataItem args) { if (args == null) return; await NavigateToChart (args.ItemCode, _viewVm.EndDate, args.MsName + " - " + args.WellName); }
public void TestConstructor () { var table = new TableView (); Assert.False (table.Root.Any ()); Assert.AreEqual (LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand, table.HorizontalOptions); Assert.AreEqual (LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand, table.VerticalOptions); }
protected override void Init () { Content = new TableView { Root = new TableRoot { new TableSection { new EntryCell { Placeholder = "Enter text here 1", AutomationId = "entryNormal" }, new EntryCell { Placeholder = "Enter text here 2" }, new EntryCell { Placeholder = "Enter text here" }, new EntryCell { Placeholder = "Enter text here" }, new EntryCell { Placeholder = "Enter text here" }, new EntryCell { Placeholder = "Enter text here" }, new EntryCell { Placeholder = "Enter text here" }, new EntryCell { Placeholder = "Enter text here" }, new EntryCell { Placeholder = "Enter text here" }, new EntryCell { Placeholder = "Enter text here" }, new EntryCell { Placeholder = "Enter text here" }, new EntryCell { Placeholder = "Enter text here" }, new EntryCell { Placeholder = "Enter text here" }, new EntryCell { Placeholder = "Enter text here", AutomationId = "entryPreviousNumeric" }, new EntryCell { Keyboard = Keyboard.Numeric, Placeholder = "0", AutomationId = "entryNumeric" } } } }; }
//Will be called by the TableView when a cell needs to be created for display public TableViewCell GetCellForRowInTableView(TableView tableView, int row) { VisibleCounterCell cell = tableView.GetReusableCell(m_cellPrefab.reuseIdentifier) as VisibleCounterCell; if (cell == null) { cell = (VisibleCounterCell)GameObject.Instantiate(m_cellPrefab); cell.name = "VisibleCounterCellInstance_" + (++m_numInstancesCreated).ToString(); } cell.SetRowNumber(row); return cell; }
protected override void Init() { TextCell cell1 = new TextCell { Text = "ListView: TextCell" }; cell1.Tapped += async delegate (object sender, EventArgs e) { await Navigation.PushAsync(new ListViewTextCellPage()); }; TextCell cell2 = new TextCell { Text = "ListView: CustomCell" }; cell2.Tapped += async delegate (object sender, EventArgs e) { await Navigation.PushAsync(new ListViewCustomCellPage(ListViewCachingStrategy.RetainElement)); }; TextCell cell3 = new TextCell { Text = "TableView: TextCell" }; cell3.Tapped += async delegate (object sender, EventArgs e) { await Navigation.PushAsync(new TableViewTextCellPage()); }; TextCell cell4 = new TextCell { Text = "TableView: CustomCell" }; cell4.Tapped += async delegate (object sender, EventArgs e) { await Navigation.PushAsync(new TableViewCustomCellPage()); }; TextCell cell5 = new TextCell { Text = "ListView: CustomCell RecycleElement" }; cell5.Tapped += async delegate (object sender, EventArgs e) { await Navigation.PushAsync(new ListViewCustomCellPage(ListViewCachingStrategy.RecycleElement)); }; TableView tableV = new TableView { Root = new TableRoot { new TableSection { cell1, cell2, cell3, cell4, cell5 } } }; Content = tableV; }
public AddCapacities() { InitializeComponent(); view = (grdCustomers.View as TableView); if (DesignerProperties.GetIsInDesignMode(this) == false) { Loaded += new RoutedEventHandler(AddCapacities_Loaded); } }
public TableViewModelRenderer(Context context, AListView listView, TableView view) : base(context) { _view = view; Context = context; view.ModelChanged += (sender, args) => NotifyDataSetChanged(); listView.OnItemClickListener = this; listView.OnItemLongClickListener = this; }
//Will be called by the TableView when a cell needs to be created for display public TableViewCell GetCellForRowInTableView(TableView tableView, int row) { DynamicHeightCell cell = tableView.GetReusableCell(m_cellPrefab.reuseIdentifier) as DynamicHeightCell; if (cell == null) { cell = (DynamicHeightCell)GameObject.Instantiate(m_cellPrefab); cell.name = "DynamicHeightCellInstance_" + (++m_numInstancesCreated).ToString(); cell.onCellHeightChanged.AddListener(OnCellHeightChanged); } cell.rowNumber = row; cell.height = GetHeightOfRow(row); return cell; }
void AddTable(TableView.IItem item, Rectangle itemRectangle) { var control = new TableView(item, this) { Location = new Point(itemRectangle.X, (int) (itemRectangle.Bottom + itemRectangle.Height * 0.5)), Size = new Size(itemRectangle.Width * 3, itemRectangle.Height * 10) }; control.LoadData(); AddItem(control); control.OnAdded(); }
public void BindingsContextChainsToModel () { const string context = "Context"; var table = new TableView { BindingContext = context, Root = new TableRoot() }; Assert.AreEqual (context, table.Root.BindingContext); // reverse assignment order table = new TableView { Root = new TableRoot(), BindingContext = context}; Assert.AreEqual (context, table.Root.BindingContext); }
public override TableViewCell TableCellForRow(TableView table, int rowIndex) { TableViewCell cell = table.DequeueReusableCell(m_cellsEntries[rowIndex].type); if (cell == null) { float width = table.Width; float height = m_cellsEntries[rowIndex].height; return (TableViewCell) Activator.CreateInstance(m_cellsEntries[rowIndex].type, width, height); } return cell; }
public void TestModelChanged () { var table = new TableView (); bool changed = false; table.ModelChanged += (sender, e) => changed = true; table.Root = new TableRoot ("NewRoot"); Assert.True (changed); }
//Will be called by the TableView when a cell needs to be created for display public TableViewCell GetCellForRowInTableView(TableView tableView, int row) { MyCell cell = tableView.GetReusableCell(cellPrefab.reuseIdentifier) as MyCell; if (cell == null) { cell = (MyCell)GameObject.Instantiate(cellPrefab); cell.name = "VisibleCounterCellInstance_" + (++numInstancesCreated).ToString(); } cell.SetIndex(row); cell.textLabel.text = "item #" + row; return cell; }
public TableViewCell GetCellForRowInTableView(TableView tableView, int row) { InventoryCell cell = tableView.GetReusableCell(_cellPrefab.reuseIdentifier) as InventoryCell; if (cell == null) { cell = (InventoryCell)GameObject.Instantiate (_cellPrefab); } InventoryItem data = _items [row]; cell.Name.text = data.name; cell.Amount.text = data.amount.ToString(); cell.Icon.sprite = LoadImage (data.name); cell.Btn.name = row.ToString(); // save index to button name return cell; }
public TextCellTablePage () { Title = "TextCell Table Gallery - Legacy"; Device.OnPlatform (iOS: () => { if (Device.Idiom == TargetIdiom.Tablet) { Padding = new Thickness (0, 0, 0, 60); } }); var tableSection = new TableSection ("Section One") { new TextCell { Text = "Text 1" }, new TextCell { Text = "Text 2", Detail = "Detail 1" }, new TextCell { Text = "Text 3" }, new TextCell { Text = "Text 4", Detail = "Detail 2" }, new TextCell { Text = "Text 5" }, new TextCell { Text = "Text 6", Detail = "Detail 3" }, new TextCell { Text = "Text 7" }, new TextCell { Text = "Text 8", Detail = "Detail 4" }, new TextCell { Text = "Text 9" }, new TextCell { Text = "Text 10", Detail = "Detail 5" }, new TextCell { Text = "Text 11" }, new TextCell { Text = "Text 12", Detail = "Detail 6" } }; var tableSectionTwo = new TableSection ("Section Two") { new TextCell { Text = "Text 13" }, new TextCell { Text = "Text 14", Detail = "Detail 7" }, new TextCell { Text = "Text 15" }, new TextCell { Text = "Text 16", Detail = "Detail 8" }, new TextCell { Text = "Text 17" }, new TextCell { Text = "Text 18", Detail = "Detail 9" }, new TextCell { Text = "Text 19" }, new TextCell { Text = "Text 20", Detail = "Detail 10" }, new TextCell { Text = "Text 21" }, new TextCell { Text = "Text 22", Detail = "Detail 11" }, new TextCell { Text = "Text 23" }, new TextCell { Text = "Text 24", Detail = "Detail 12" } }; var root = new TableRoot ("Text Cell table") { tableSection, tableSectionTwo }; var table = new TableView { Root = root, }; Content = table; }
private void AssertVisibleRows(TableView table, params TableViewCell[] cells) { Assert.AreEqual(cells.Length, table.VisibleCellsCount); int index = 0; TableViewCell cell = table.FirstVisibleCell; TableViewCell lastCell = null; while (cell != null) { Assert.AreSame(cells[index++], cell); lastCell = cell; cell = cell.NextCell; } Assert.AreEqual(cells.Length, index); Assert.AreSame(lastCell, table.LastVisibleCell); }
//Will be called by the TableView when a cell needs to be created for display public TableViewCell GetCellForRowInTableView(TableView tableView, int row) { VisibleCounterCell cell = tableView.GetReusableCell(m_cellPrefab.reuseIdentifier) as VisibleCounterCell; if (cell == null) { cell = (VisibleCounterCell)GameObject.Instantiate(m_cellPrefab); cell.name = "VisibleCounterCellInstance_" + (++m_numInstancesCreated).ToString(); } cellCheck = cell; rowCheck = row; //cell.SetRowNumber(row); Invoke("Display",0.1f); // controlManagerMod3.rowValue.Add(row); , return cell; }
public void ParentsViewCells () { ViewCell viewCell = new ViewCell { View = new Label () }; var table = new TableView { Platform = new UnitPlatform (), Root = new TableRoot { new TableSection { viewCell } } }; Assert.AreEqual (table, viewCell.Parent); Assert.AreEqual (viewCell, viewCell.View.Parent); Assert.AreEqual (table.Platform, viewCell.View.Platform); }
public void ParentsAddedViewCells () { var viewCell = new ViewCell { View = new Label () }; var section = new TableSection (); var table = new TableView { Platform = new UnitPlatform (), Root = new TableRoot { section } }; section.Add (viewCell); Assert.AreEqual (table, viewCell.Parent); Assert.AreEqual (viewCell, viewCell.View.Parent); Assert.AreEqual (table.Platform, viewCell.View.Platform); }
public static void Main2() { System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch sw = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch(); string path = "../../../Databases/"; int NumberOfRecords = 1000000; Random rnd = new Random(); Console.WriteLine("Start Universal Index. Main2()"); PType tp_table_element = new PTypeRecord( new NamedType("name", new PType(PTypeEnumeration.sstring)), new NamedType("age", new PType(PTypeEnumeration.integer))); IBearingTable table = new TableView(path + "table", tp_table_element); sw.Restart(); bool tobuild = true; if (tobuild) { table.Fill(Enumerable.Range(0, NumberOfRecords).Select(i => (object)(new object[] { i.ToString(), i == NumberOfRecords / 2 ? -1 : i }))); sw.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("Load Table of {0} elements ok. Duration {1}", NumberOfRecords, sw.ElapsedMilliseconds); } IIndexImmutable<string> s_index = new IndexViewImmutable<string>(path + "s_index") { Table = table, KeyProducer = va => (string)((object[])(((object[])va)[1]))[0] }; if (tobuild) { sw.Restart(); s_index.Build(); sw.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("s_index Build ok. Duration {0}", sw.ElapsedMilliseconds); } sw.Restart(); int cnt = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { int c = s_index.GetAllByKey(rnd.Next(NumberOfRecords * 3 / 2 - 1).ToString()).Count(); if (c > 1) Console.WriteLine("Unexpected Error: {0}", c); cnt += c; } sw.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("1000 GetAllByKey ok. Duration={0} cnt={1}", sw.ElapsedMilliseconds, cnt); }
public TableViewGallery () { var section = new TableSection ("Section One") { new ViewCell { View = new Label { Text = "View Cell 1" } }, new ViewCell { View = new Label { Text = "View Cell 2" } } }; var root = new TableRoot ("Table") { section }; var tableLayout = new TableView { Root = root, RowHeight = 100 }; Content = tableLayout; }
private bool groupByObj; // признак группировки каналов по объектам /// <summary> /// Конструктор /// </summary> public FrmMain() { InitializeComponent(); // инициализация полей tableView = null; items = null; fileName = ""; modified = false; exeDir = ""; baseDATDir = ""; baseLoaded = false; tblInCnl = new DataTable(); tblCtrlCnl = new DataTable(); tblObj = new DataTable(); tblKP = new DataTable(); groupByObj = false; }
private string VisibleCellsToString(TableView table) { StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder("["); int index = 0; for (TableViewCell cell = table.FirstVisibleCell; cell != null; cell = cell.NextCell) { ConsoleTextEntryView textCell = cell as ConsoleTextEntryView; Assert.IsNotNull(textCell); buffer.Append(textCell.Value); if (++index < table.VisibleCellsCount) { buffer.Append(", "); } } buffer.Append("]"); return buffer.ToString(); }
public float SizeForRowInTableView(TableView tableView, int row) { return(600f); }
public override void RowSelected(UITableView tableView, NSIndexPath indexPath) { TableView.DeselectRow(indexPath, true); }
public MenuPage(RootPage rootPage, int _hostMenu = 0) { Icon = "menu.png"; Title = "menu"; // The Title property must be set. this.rootPage = rootPage; var logoutButton = new Button { Text = "Logout", TextColor = Color.White, BackgroundColor = App.BrandColor }; logoutButton.Clicked += (sender, e) => { Application.Current.MainPage = new NavigationPage(new LogInPage()) { BarBackgroundColor = Color.FromHex("#F8A51B"), BarTextColor = Color.White }; //set menulogout Constants.MenuLogout = true; }; var layout = new StackLayout { Spacing = 0, VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand, //BackgroundColor = Color.FromHex("#8DB640"), BackgroundColor = App.BrandColor }; var section = new TableSection(); section.Clear(); section = new TableSection(); if (UserType.currentUserType == UserType.enumUserType.Faculty) { section.Add(new MenuCell { Text = "Take Attendance", Host = this, ImageSrc = "takeAttendanceIcon.png" }); } section.Add(new MenuCell { Text = "Show Attendance", Host = this, ImageSrc = "showAttendanceIcon.png" }); section.Add(new MenuCell { Text = "Time Table", Host = this, ImageSrc = "timetableicon.png" }); section.Add(new MenuCell { Text = "Notice Board", Host = this, ImageSrc = "noticeicon.png" }); section.Add(new MenuCell { Text = "Fees", Host = this, ImageSrc = "feesicon.png" }); section.Add(new MenuCell { Text = "Gallery", Host = this, ImageSrc = "galleryIcon.png" }); section.Add(new MenuCell { Text = "Sync Data", Host = this, ImageSrc = "synIcon.png" }); var root = new TableRoot() { section }; tableView = new MenuTableView() { Root = root, Intent = TableIntent.Data, Margin = new Thickness(0, 0, 0, 0), }; var settingView = new SettingsUserView(); layout.Children.Add(settingView); layout.Children.Add(tableView); layout.Children.Add(logoutButton); Content = layout; //set settingView click event var tapGestureRecognizer = new TapGestureRecognizer(); tapGestureRecognizer.Tapped += (sender, e) => { setProfile_Click(); }; settingView.GestureRecognizers.Add(tapGestureRecognizer); //set profile button delegate settingView.btnProfile.Clicked += delegate { setProfile_Click(); }; if (_hostMenu > 0) { if (_hostMenu == 1) { Selected("Take Attendance"); } else if (_hostMenu == 2) { Selected("Show Attendance"); } else if (_hostMenu == 3) { Selected("Time Table"); } } }
private Database InternalLoad() { string sql = @"select sch.schema_id, sch.name as schema_name, tv.object_id as tableview_id, tv.name as tableview_name, tv.type as tableview_type, col.column_id, col.name as column_name, typ.name as type_name, col.max_length as type_length, col.is_nullable, convert(bit,(case when pk.column_id is not null then 1 else 0 end)) as pk from sys.schemas sch inner join sys.objects tv on sch.schema_id=tv.schema_id inner join sys.columns col on tv.object_id=col.object_id inner join sys.types typ on col.user_type_id=typ.user_type_id left join (select o.object_id, ic.column_id from sys.objects o inner join sys.indexes i on o.object_id=i.object_id and i.is_primary_key=1 inner join sys.index_columns ic on o.object_id=ic.object_id and i.index_id=ic.index_id ) pk on tv.object_id=pk.object_id and col.column_id=pk.column_id where tv.type in ('U','V') order by sch.name, tv.name, col.name, typ.name "; //All user tables/views with column data in all schemas in the database DataTable dt = AdHocSql(sql); Database db = new Database(DatabaseName, string.Empty); //MSSQL databases don't really have IDs Schema schema = null; //Schema being built from metadata -- schemas may span rows TableView tv = null; //Table/view being built from metadata -- tables/views may span rows string prevSchemaName = string.Empty; //Keeps track of schema of previous row string prevTVName = string.Empty; //Keeps track of table/view of previous row for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { DataRow row = dt.Rows[i]; //Row contains schema, table/view, and column data //Determine database objects described by this row of metadata string schemaName = row["schema_name"].ToString(); string schemaId = row["schema_id"].ToString(); string tvName = row["tableview_name"].ToString(); string tvId = row["tableview_id"].ToString(); string tvTypeString = row["tableview_type"].ToString().ToLower().Trim(); TableView.TableViewTypes tvType = (TableView.TableViewTypes)(-1); //Set initially to invalid value if (tvTypeString == "u") { tvType = TableView.TableViewTypes.Table; } else if (tvTypeString == "v") { tvType = TableView.TableViewTypes.View; } if (!schemaName.Equals(prevSchemaName)) { //Start new schema if the current row isn't a continuation of the same schema referenced by previous row schema = new Schema(schemaName, schemaId, db); } if (!tvName.Equals(prevTVName)) { //Start new table/view if the current row isn't a continuation of the same table/view referenced by previous row tv = new TableView(tvName, tvId, schema, tvType); } //Get column metadata for current row string columnName = row["column_name"].ToString(); string columnId = row["column_id"].ToString(); string typeName = row["type_name"].ToString(); string typeLength = row["type_length"].ToString(); bool isDate = false; bool nullable = (row["is_nullable"] == DBNull.Value) ? false : bool.Parse(row["is_nullable"].ToString()); bool pk = (row["pk"] == DBNull.Value) ? false : bool.Parse(row["pk"].ToString()); if (typeLength == "-1") { //Length -1 means unlimited (max) length typeName = typeName + "(max)"; } else if (dateDataTypes.Contains(typeName)) { isDate = true; } else if (intDataTypes.Contains(typeName)) { //Do nothing } else { //For other random types, add in the column length in parens typeName = typeName + "(" + typeLength + ")"; } Column column = new Column(columnName, columnId, tv, typeName, nullable, pk); //Save this row's schema and table names so we can compare them with the next row of data prevSchemaName = schemaName; prevTVName = tvName; } return(db); }
static void SubscribeViewEvents(TableView view) { view.AddHandler(TableView.MouseLeftButtonUpEvent, new MouseButtonEventHandler(OnMouseLeftButtonUp), true); view.Grid.AddHandler(GridControl.GroupRowExpandingEvent, new RowAllowEventHandler(OnGroupRowExpanding)); }
public void Constructor4a_NullSchema() { TableView tv = new TableView("TV NAME", "TV ID", null, TableView.TableViewTypes.Table); }
private void Populate() { Vector2 stageSize = NUIApplication.GetDefaultWindow().WindowSize; mTotalPages = (uint)((mExampleList.Count() + EXAMPLES_PER_PAGE - 1) / EXAMPLES_PER_PAGE); // Populate ScrollView. if (mExampleList.Count() > 0) { if (mSortAlphabetically) { mExampleList.Sort(Example.CompareByTitle); } int pageCount = mExampleList.Count / (ROWS_PER_PAGE * EXAMPLES_PER_ROW) + ((0 == mExampleList.Count % (ROWS_PER_PAGE * EXAMPLES_PER_ROW)) ? 0 : 1); mPages = new View[pageCount]; int pageIndex = 0; uint exampleCount = 0; for (int t = 0; t < mTotalPages; t++) { // Create Table TableView page = new TableView(ROWS_PER_PAGE, EXAMPLES_PER_ROW); page.PositionUsesPivotPoint = true; page.PivotPoint = PivotPoint.Center; page.ParentOrigin = ParentOrigin.Center; page.WidthResizePolicy = page.HeightResizePolicy = ResizePolicyType.FillToParent; mScrollView.Add(page); // Calculate the number of images going across (columns) within a page, according to the screen resolution and dpi. const float margin = 2.0f; const float tileParentMultiplier = 1.0f / EXAMPLES_PER_ROW; for (uint row = 0; row < ROWS_PER_PAGE; row++) { for (uint column = 0; column < EXAMPLES_PER_ROW; column++) { Example example = mExampleList.ElementAt((int)exampleCount++); // Calculate the tiles relative position on the page (between 0 & 1 in each dimension). Vector2 position = new Vector2((float)(column) / (EXAMPLES_PER_ROW - 1.0f), (float)(row) / (EXAMPLES_PER_ROW - 1.0f)); View tile = CreateTile(example.Name, example.Title, new Vector3(tileParentMultiplier, tileParentMultiplier, 1.0f), position); tile.SetPadding(new PaddingType((int)margin, (int)margin, (int)margin, (int)margin)); page.AddChild(tile, new TableView.CellPosition(row, column)); tiles.Add(tile); if (exampleCount == mExampleList.Count) { break; } } if (exampleCount == mExampleList.Count) { break; } } mPages[pageIndex++] = page; if (exampleCount == mExampleList.Count) { break; } } } // Update Ruler info. mScrollRulerX = new RulerPtr(new FixedRuler(mPageWidth)); mScrollRulerY = new RulerPtr(new DefaultRuler()); mScrollRulerX.SetDomain(new RulerDomain(0.0f, (mTotalPages + 1) * stageSize.Width * TABLE_RELATIVE_SIZE.X * 0.5f, true)); mScrollRulerY.Disable(); mScrollView.SetRulerX(mScrollRulerX); mScrollView.SetRulerY(mScrollRulerY); }
public void TestCanPlotDisclosureIndicators() { var tableView = new TableView { Sections = new[] { new TableViewSection { Header = new IosTableViewHeaderCell { Text = "Mammals" }, Cells = new[] { new IosTableViewCell("Elephant", TableViewCellAccessory.DisclosureIndicator), new IosTableViewCell("Giraffe", TableViewCellAccessory.DisclosureIndicator), new IosTableViewCell("Monkey", TableViewCellAccessory.DisclosureIndicator), new IosTableViewCell("Cat", TableViewCellAccessory.DisclosureIndicator) } }, new TableViewSection { Header = new IosTableViewHeaderCell { Text = "Reptiles" }, Cells = new[] { new IosTableViewCell("Lizard", TableViewCellAccessory.DisclosureIndicator), new IosTableViewCell("Snake", TableViewCellAccessory.DisclosureIndicator), new IosTableViewCell("Crocodile", TableViewCellAccessory.DisclosureIndicator) } } } }; tableView.AssertOutputEquals( " _____________\r\n" + " |Mammals |\r\n" + " |_____________|\r\n" + " | Elephant > |\r\n" + " | Giraffe > |\r\n" + " | Monkey > |\r\n" + " | Cat > |\r\n" + " |_____________|\r\n" + " |Reptiles |\r\n" + " |_____________|\r\n" + " | Lizard > |\r\n" + " | Snake > |\r\n" + " | Crocodile > |\r\n" + " |_____________|\r\n", "<pre><code> _____________\n" + "|Mammals |\n" + "|_____________|\n" + "| Elephant > |\n" + "| Giraffe > |\n" + "| Monkey > |\n" + "| Cat > |\n" + "|_____________|\n" + "|Reptiles |\n" + "|_____________|\n" + "| Lizard > |\n" + "| Snake > |\n" + "| Crocodile > |\n" + "|_____________|\n" + "</code></pre>\n\n"); }
void SetContent(FlowDirection direction) { var hOptions = LayoutOptions.Start; var imageCell = new DataTemplate(typeof(ImageCell)); imageCell.SetBinding(ImageCell.ImageSourceProperty, "."); imageCell.SetBinding(ImageCell.TextProperty, "."); var textCell = new DataTemplate(typeof(TextCell)); textCell.SetBinding(TextCell.DetailProperty, "."); var entryCell = new DataTemplate(typeof(EntryCell)); entryCell.SetBinding(EntryCell.TextProperty, "."); var switchCell = new DataTemplate(typeof(SwitchCell)); switchCell.SetBinding(SwitchCell.OnProperty, "."); switchCell.SetValue(SwitchCell.TextProperty, "Switch Cell!"); var vc = new ViewCell { View = new StackLayout { Children = { new Label { HorizontalOptions = hOptions, Text = "View Cell! I have context actions." } } } }; var a1 = new MenuItem { Text = "First" }; vc.ContextActions.Add(a1); var a2 = new MenuItem { Text = "Second" }; vc.ContextActions.Add(a2); var viewCell = new DataTemplate(() => vc); var relayout = new Switch { IsToggled = true, HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.End, VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center }; var flipButton = new Button { Text = direction == FlowDirection.RightToLeft ? "Switch to Left To Right" : "Switch to Right To Left", HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.StartAndExpand, VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center }; flipButton.Clicked += (s, e) => { FlowDirection newDirection; if (direction == FlowDirection.LeftToRight || direction == FlowDirection.MatchParent) { newDirection = FlowDirection.RightToLeft; } else { newDirection = FlowDirection.LeftToRight; } if (relayout.IsToggled) { ParentPage.FlowDirection = newDirection; direction = newDirection; flipButton.Text = direction == FlowDirection.RightToLeft ? "Switch to Left To Right" : "Switch to Right To Left"; return; } if (ParentPage == this) { FlowDirectionGalleryLandingPage.PushContentPage(newDirection); return; } string parentType = ParentPage.GetType().ToString(); switch (parentType) { case "Xamarin.Forms.Controls.FlowDirectionGalleryMDP": FlowDirectionGalleryLandingPage.PushMasterDetailPage(newDirection); break; case "Xamarin.Forms.Controls.FlowDirectionGalleryCarP": FlowDirectionGalleryLandingPage.PushCarouselPage(newDirection); break; case "Xamarin.Forms.Controls.FlowDirectionGalleryNP": FlowDirectionGalleryLandingPage.PushNavigationPage(newDirection); break; case "Xamarin.Forms.Controls.FlowDirectionGalleryTP": FlowDirectionGalleryLandingPage.PushTabbedPage(newDirection); break; } }; var horStack = new StackLayout { Orientation = StackOrientation.Horizontal, Children = { flipButton, new Label { Text = "Relayout", HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.End, VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center }, relayout } }; var grid = new Grid { ColumnDefinitions = { new ColumnDefinition { Width = new GridLength(1, GridUnitType.Star) }, new ColumnDefinition { Width = new GridLength(1, GridUnitType.Star) }, }, RowDefinitions = { new RowDefinition { Height = new GridLength(100, GridUnitType.Absolute) }, new RowDefinition { Height = new GridLength(100, GridUnitType.Absolute) }, new RowDefinition { Height = new GridLength(100, GridUnitType.Absolute) }, new RowDefinition { Height = new GridLength(100, GridUnitType.Absolute) }, new RowDefinition { Height = new GridLength(100, GridUnitType.Absolute) }, new RowDefinition { Height = new GridLength(100, GridUnitType.Absolute) }, new RowDefinition { Height = new GridLength(100, GridUnitType.Absolute) }, } }; int col = 0; int row = 0; var ai = AddView <ActivityIndicator>(grid, ref col, ref row); ai.IsRunning = true; var box = AddView <BoxView>(grid, ref col, ref row); box.WidthRequest = box.HeightRequest = 20; box.BackgroundColor = Color.Purple; var btn = AddView <Button>(grid, ref col, ref row); btn.Text = "Some text"; var date = AddView <DatePicker>(grid, ref col, ref row, 2); var edit = AddView <Editor>(grid, ref col, ref row); edit.WidthRequest = 100; edit.HeightRequest = 100; edit.Text = "Some longer text for wrapping"; var entry = AddView <Entry>(grid, ref col, ref row); entry.WidthRequest = 100; entry.Text = "Some text"; var image = AddView <Image>(grid, ref col, ref row); image.Source = "oasis.jpg"; var lbl1 = AddView <Label>(grid, ref col, ref row); lbl1.WidthRequest = 100; lbl1.HorizontalTextAlignment = TextAlignment.Start; lbl1.Text = "Start text"; var lblLong = AddView <Label>(grid, ref col, ref row); lblLong.WidthRequest = 100; lblLong.HorizontalTextAlignment = TextAlignment.Start; lblLong.Text = "Start text that should wrap and wrap and wrap"; var lbl2 = AddView <Label>(grid, ref col, ref row); lbl2.WidthRequest = 100; lbl2.HorizontalTextAlignment = TextAlignment.End; lbl2.Text = "End text"; var lbl3 = AddView <Label>(grid, ref col, ref row); lbl3.WidthRequest = 100; lbl3.HorizontalTextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center; lbl3.Text = "Center text"; //var ogv = AddView<OpenGLView>(grid, ref col, ref row, hOptions, vOptions, margin); var pkr = AddView <Picker>(grid, ref col, ref row); pkr.ItemsSource = Enumerable.Range(0, 10).ToList(); var sld = AddView <Slider>(grid, ref col, ref row); sld.WidthRequest = 100; sld.Maximum = 10; Device.StartTimer(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1), () => { sld.Value += 1; if (sld.Value == 10d) { sld.Value = 0; } return(true); }); var stp = AddView <Stepper>(grid, ref col, ref row); var swt = AddView <Switch>(grid, ref col, ref row); var time = AddView <TimePicker>(grid, ref col, ref row, 2); var prog = AddView <ProgressBar>(grid, ref col, ref row, 2); prog.WidthRequest = 200; prog.BackgroundColor = Color.DarkGray; Device.StartTimer(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1), () => { prog.Progress += .1; if (prog.Progress == 1d) { prog.Progress = 0; } return(true); }); var srch = AddView <SearchBar>(grid, ref col, ref row, 2); srch.WidthRequest = 200; srch.Text = "Some text"; TableView tbl = new TableView { Intent = TableIntent.Menu, Root = new TableRoot { new TableSection("TableView") { new TextCell { Text = "A", }, new TextCell { Text = "B", }, new TextCell { Text = "C", }, new TextCell { Text = "D", }, } } }; var stack = new StackLayout { Children = { new Button { Text = "Go back to Gallery home", Command = new Command(() =>{ ((App)Application.Current).SetMainPage(((App)Application.Current).CreateDefaultMainPage()); }) }, new Label { Text = $"Device Direction: {DeviceDirection}" }, horStack, grid, new Label { Text = "TableView", FontSize = 10, TextColor = Color.DarkGray }, tbl, new Label { Text = "ListView w/ TextCell", FontSize = 10, TextColor = Color.DarkGray }, new ListView { HorizontalOptions = hOptions, ItemsSource = Enumerable.Range(0, 3).Select(c => "Text Cell!"), ItemTemplate = textCell }, new Label { Text = "ListView w/ SwitchCell", FontSize = 10, TextColor = Color.DarkGray }, new ListView { HorizontalOptions = hOptions, ItemsSource = Enumerable.Range(0, 3).Select(c => true), ItemTemplate = switchCell }, new Label { Text = "ListView w/ EntryCell", FontSize = 10, TextColor = Color.DarkGray }, new ListView { HorizontalOptions = hOptions, ItemsSource = Enumerable.Range(0, 3).Select(c => "Entry Cell!"), ItemTemplate = entryCell }, new Label { Text = "ListView w/ ImageCell", FontSize = 10, TextColor = Color.DarkGray }, new ListView { HorizontalOptions = hOptions, ItemsSource = Enumerable.Range(0, 3).Select(c => "coffee.png"), ItemTemplate = imageCell }, new Label { Text = "ListView w/ ViewCell", FontSize = 10, TextColor = Color.DarkGray }, new ListView { HorizontalOptions = hOptions, ItemsSource = Enumerable.Range(0, 3), ItemTemplate = viewCell }, }, HorizontalOptions = hOptions }; Content = new ScrollView { Content = stack }; }
public TextCellTablePage() { Title = "TextCell Table Gallery - Legacy"; Device.OnPlatform(iOS: () => { if (Device.Idiom == TargetIdiom.Tablet) { Padding = new Thickness(0, 0, 0, 60); } }); var tableSection = new TableSection("Section One") { new TextCell { Text = "Text 1" }, new TextCell { Text = "Text 2", Detail = "Detail 1" }, new TextCell { Text = "Text 3" }, new TextCell { Text = "Text 4", Detail = "Detail 2" }, new TextCell { Text = "Text 5" }, new TextCell { Text = "Text 6", Detail = "Detail 3" }, new TextCell { Text = "Text 7" }, new TextCell { Text = "Text 8", Detail = "Detail 4" }, new TextCell { Text = "Text 9" }, new TextCell { Text = "Text 10", Detail = "Detail 5" }, new TextCell { Text = "Text 11" }, new TextCell { Text = "Text 12", Detail = "Detail 6" } }; var tableSectionTwo = new TableSection("Section Two") { new TextCell { Text = "Text 13" }, new TextCell { Text = "Text 14", Detail = "Detail 7" }, new TextCell { Text = "Text 15" }, new TextCell { Text = "Text 16", Detail = "Detail 8" }, new TextCell { Text = "Text 17" }, new TextCell { Text = "Text 18", Detail = "Detail 9" }, new TextCell { Text = "Text 19" }, new TextCell { Text = "Text 20", Detail = "Detail 10" }, new TextCell { Text = "Text 21" }, new TextCell { Text = "Text 22", Detail = "Detail 11" }, new TextCell { Text = "Text 23" }, new TextCell { Text = "Text 24", Detail = "Detail 12" } }; var root = new TableRoot("Text Cell table") { tableSection, tableSectionTwo }; var table = new TableView { Root = root, }; Content = table; }
public CallHistoryController(IntPtr handle) : base(handle) { TableView.RegisterClassForCellReuse(typeof(UITableViewCell), callHistoryCellId); TableView.Source = new CallHistoryDataSource(this); PhoneNumbers = new List <string>(); }
public LampadasView() { BindingContext = new ViewModels.LampadasViewModel(); Title = "Lampadas"; var table = new TableView(); var quarto = new StackLayout() { Orientation = StackOrientation.Horizontal }; quarto.Children.Add(new Image() { //Source = "icon.png" //Aspect = Aspect.AspectFit, Source = "lamp.png" }); Switch quartoSw = new Switch(); //quartoSw.Toggled += QuartoToggled; quartoSw.SetBinding(Switch.IsToggledProperty, new Binding("QuartoSw")); //a.SetBinding(Switch.IsToggledProperty , new Binding("swcommand")); quarto.Children.Add(quartoSw); quarto.Children.Add(new Label() { Text = "Quarto", TextColor = Color.Gray, VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center, HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center }); var sala = new StackLayout() { Orientation = StackOrientation.Horizontal }; sala.Children.Add(new Image() { Source = "lamp.png" }); Switch salaSw = new Switch(); //salaSw.Toggled += SalaToggled; salaSw.SetBinding(Switch.IsToggledProperty, new Binding("SalaDeEstarSw")); sala.Children.Add(salaSw); sala.Children.Add(new Label() { Text = "Sala de Estar", TextColor = Color.Gray, VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center, HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center }); var cozinha = new StackLayout() { Orientation = StackOrientation.Horizontal }; cozinha.Children.Add(new Image() { Source = "lamp.png" }); Switch cozinhaSw = new Switch(); //cozinhaSw.Toggled += CozinhaToggled; cozinhaSw.SetBinding(Switch.IsToggledProperty, new Binding("CozinhaSw")); cozinha.Children.Add(cozinhaSw); cozinha.Children.Add(new Label() { Text = "Cozinha", TextColor = Color.Gray, VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center, HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center }); var garagem = new StackLayout() { Orientation = StackOrientation.Horizontal }; garagem.Children.Add(new Image() { Source = "lamp.png" }); Switch garagemSw = new Switch(); //garagemSw.Toggled += GaragemToggled; garagemSw.SetBinding(Switch.IsToggledProperty, new Binding("GaragemSw")); garagem.Children.Add(garagemSw); garagem.Children.Add(new Label() { Text = "Garagem", TextColor = Color.Gray, VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center, HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center }); var quartoSuite = new StackLayout() { Orientation = StackOrientation.Horizontal }; quartoSuite.Children.Add(new Image() { Source = "lamp.png" }); Switch quartoSuiteSw = new Switch(); //quartoSuiteSw.Toggled += QuartoSuiteToggled; quartoSuiteSw.SetBinding(Switch.IsToggledProperty, new Binding("QuartoSuiteSw")); quartoSuite.Children.Add(quartoSuiteSw); quartoSuite.Children.Add(new Label() { Text = "Quarto Suite", TextColor = Color.Gray, VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center, HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center }); var corredor = new StackLayout() { Orientation = StackOrientation.Horizontal }; corredor.Children.Add(new Image() { Source = "lamp.png" }); Switch corredorSw = new Switch(); corredorSw.SetBinding(Switch.IsToggledProperty, new Binding("CorredorSw")); corredor.Children.Add(corredorSw); corredor.Children.Add(new Label() { Text = "Corredor", TextColor = Color.Gray, VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center, HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center }); table.Root = new TableRoot() { //titulo da view //new TableSection("Automação Residencial") { new TableSection() { new ViewCell() { View = quarto }, new ViewCell() { View = sala }, new ViewCell() { View = cozinha }, new ViewCell() { View = garagem }, new ViewCell() { View = quartoSuite }, new ViewCell() { View = corredor } } }; Content = table; }
public ConsoleGuiSqlEditor(IBasicActivateItems activator, IViewSQLAndResultsCollection collection) { this.Activator = activator; this._collection = collection; Modal = true; ColorScheme = ConsoleMainWindow.ColorScheme; // Tabs (query and results) TabView = new TabView() { Width = Dim.Fill(), Height = Dim.Fill(), Y = 1 }; textView = new SqlTextView() { X = 0, Y = 0, Width = Dim.Fill(), Height = Dim.Fill(), Text = _orignalSql = collection.GetSql().Replace("\r\n", "\n").Replace("\t", " ") }; textView.AllowsTab = false; TabView.AddTab(queryTab = new Tab("Query", textView), true); tableView = new TableView() { X = 0, Y = 0, Width = Dim.Fill(), Height = Dim.Fill() }; tableView.Style.AlwaysShowHeaders = true; tableView.CellActivated += TableView_CellActivated; TabView.AddTab(resultTab = new Tab("Results", tableView), false); Add(TabView); // Buttons on top of control _btnRunOrCancel = new Button("Run") { X = 0, Y = 0, }; _btnRunOrCancel.Clicked += () => RunOrCancel(); Add(_btnRunOrCancel); var resetSql = new Button("Reset Sq_l") { X = Pos.Right(_btnRunOrCancel) + 1 }; resetSql.Clicked += () => ResetSql(); Add(resetSql); var clearSql = new Button("Clear S_ql") { X = Pos.Right(resetSql) + 1, }; clearSql.Clicked += () => ClearSql(); Add(clearSql); var lblTimeout = new Label("Timeout:") { X = Pos.Right(clearSql) + 1, }; Add(lblTimeout); var tbTimeout = new TextField(_timeout.ToString()) { X = Pos.Right(lblTimeout), Width = 5 }; tbTimeout.TextChanged += TbTimeout_TextChanged; Add(tbTimeout); var btnSave = new Button("Save") { X = Pos.Right(tbTimeout) + 1, }; btnSave.Clicked += () => Save(); Add(btnSave); var btnClose = new Button("Clos_e") { X = Pos.Right(btnSave) + 1, }; btnClose.Clicked += () => { Application.RequestStop(); }; Add(btnClose); var auto = new AutoCompleteProvider(collection.GetQuerySyntaxHelper()); collection.AdjustAutocomplete(auto); var bits = auto.Items.SelectMany(auto.GetBits).OrderBy(a => a).Where(s => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(s)).Distinct().ToList(); textView.Autocomplete.AllSuggestions = bits; textView.Autocomplete.MaxWidth = 40; }
protected override void Init() { var btnCustom1 = new Button() { AutomationId = "btnCustomCellTable", Text = "Custom Table Cell", HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.Start }; var btnCustom1Enabled = new Button() { AutomationId = "btnCustomCellTableEnabled", Text = "Custom Table Cell Enabled", HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.Start }; var btnCustom = new Button() { AutomationId = "btnCustomCellListView", Text = "Custom Cell", HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.Start }; var btnCustomEnabled = new Button() { AutomationId = "btnCustomCellListViewEnabled", Text = "Custom Cell Enabled", HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.Start }; btnCustom.Clicked += (object sender, EventArgs e) => { DisplayAlert("Clicked", "I was clicked even disabled", "ok"); }; btnCustom1.Clicked += (object sender, EventArgs e) => { DisplayAlert("Clicked", "I was clicked even disabled", "ok"); }; btnCustom1Enabled.Clicked += (object sender, EventArgs e) => { DisplayAlert("Clicked", "I was clicked", "ok"); }; btnCustomEnabled.Clicked += (object sender, EventArgs e) => { DisplayAlert("Clicked", "I was clicked", "ok"); }; var customCell = new ViewCell() { IsEnabled = false, View = new StackLayout { Children = { btnCustom } } }; var customCellEnabled = new ViewCell() { View = new StackLayout { Children = { btnCustomEnabled } } }; var customTableCell = new ViewCell() { IsEnabled = false, View = new StackLayout { Children = { btnCustom1 } } }; var customTableCellEnabled = new ViewCell() { View = new StackLayout { Children = { btnCustom1Enabled } } }; var tableview = new TableView() { Intent = TableIntent.Form, Root = new TableRoot(), VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.Start }; tableview.Root.Add(new TableSection() { customTableCell, customTableCellEnabled }); var listview = new ListView { VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.Start }; var listview2 = new ListView { VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.Start }; listview.ItemTemplate = new DataTemplate(() => customCell); listview2.ItemTemplate = new DataTemplate(() => customCellEnabled); listview2.ItemsSource = listview.ItemsSource = new List <string>() { "1" }; Content = new StackLayout { Orientation = StackOrientation.Vertical, VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.Start, Children = { tableview, listview, listview2 } }; }
public EntryCellTablePage() { Title = "EntryCell Table Gallery - Legacy"; if (Device.RuntimePlatform == Device.iOS && Device.Idiom == TargetIdiom.Tablet) { Padding = new Thickness(0, 0, 0, 60); } int timesEntered = 1; var entryCell = new EntryCell { Label = "Enter text", Placeholder = "I am a placeholder" }; entryCell.Completed += (sender, args) => { ((EntryCell)sender).Label = "Entered: " + timesEntered; timesEntered++; }; var tableSection = new TableSection("Section One") { new EntryCell { Label = "disabled", Placeholder = "disabled", IsEnabled = false }, new EntryCell { Label = "Text 2" }, new EntryCell { Label = "Text 3", Placeholder = "Placeholder 2" }, new EntryCell { Label = "Text 4" }, new EntryCell { Label = "Text 5", Placeholder = "Placeholder 3" }, new EntryCell { Label = "Text 6" }, new EntryCell { Label = "Text 7", Placeholder = "Placeholder 4" }, new EntryCell { Label = "Text 8" }, new EntryCell { Label = "Text 9", Placeholder = "Placeholder 5" }, new EntryCell { Label = "Text 10" }, new EntryCell { Label = "Text 11", Placeholder = "Placeholder 6" }, new EntryCell { Label = "Text 12" }, new EntryCell { Label = "Text 13", Placeholder = "Placeholder 7" }, new EntryCell { Label = "Text 14" }, new EntryCell { Label = "Text 15", Placeholder = "Placeholder 8" }, new EntryCell { Label = "Text 16" }, entryCell }; var tableSectionTwo = new TableSection("Section Two") { new EntryCell { Label = "Text 17", Placeholder = "Placeholder 9" }, new EntryCell { Label = "Text 18" }, new EntryCell { Label = "Text 19", Placeholder = "Placeholder 10" }, new EntryCell { Label = "Text 20" }, new EntryCell { Label = "Text 21", Placeholder = "Placeholder 11" }, new EntryCell { Label = "Text 22" }, new EntryCell { Label = "Text 23", Placeholder = "Placeholder 12" }, new EntryCell { Label = "Text 24" }, new EntryCell { Label = "Text 25", Placeholder = "Placeholder 13" }, new EntryCell { Label = "Text 26" }, new EntryCell { Label = "Text 27", Placeholder = "Placeholder 14" }, new EntryCell { Label = "Text 28" }, new EntryCell { Label = "Text 29", Placeholder = "Placeholder 15" }, new EntryCell { Label = "Text 30" }, new EntryCell { Label = "Text 31", Placeholder = "Placeholder 16" }, new EntryCell { Label = "Text 32" }, }; var keyboards = new TableSection("Keyboards") { new EntryCell { Label = "Chat", Keyboard = Keyboard.Chat }, new EntryCell { Label = "Default", Keyboard = Keyboard.Default }, new EntryCell { Label = "Email", Keyboard = Keyboard.Email }, new EntryCell { Label = "Numeric", Keyboard = Keyboard.Numeric }, new EntryCell { Label = "Telephone", Keyboard = Keyboard.Telephone }, new EntryCell { Label = "Text", Keyboard = Keyboard.Text }, new EntryCell { Label = "Url", Keyboard = Keyboard.Url } }; var root = new TableRoot("Text Cell table") { tableSection, tableSectionTwo, keyboards }; var table = new TableView { AutomationId = CellTypeList.CellTestContainerId, Root = root }; Content = table; }
public StationListTableViewController() : base() { TableView.RegisterClassForCellReuse(typeof(StationListTableViewCell), StationListTableViewCell.TableCellKey); }
public CustomTableViewModelRenderer(Context context, ListView listView, TableView view) : base(context, listView, view) { }
private void OnAvatarClicked(TableView table, int row) { AvatarManager.instance.SwitchToAvatar(_avatars[row]); }
public CustomTableViewModelRenderer(TableView model) : base(model) { }
static void OnViewLoaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { TableView view = (sender as TableView); SubscribeViewEvents(view); }
private void OnAvatarClicked(TableView table, int row) { _avatarManager.SwitchToAvatarAsync(_avatars[row].fileName); avatarList.tableView.ScrollToCellWithIdx(row, TableViewScroller.ScrollPositionType.Center, true); }
public CustomTableViewModelRenderer(Context Context, global::Android.Widget.ListView ListView, TableView View) : base(Context, ListView, View) { }
public void TableViewDidHighlightCellForRow(TableView tableView, int row) { // NOT USED }
void HandleAuthorizationManagerAuthorizationDidUpdateNotification(NSNotification notification) => TableView.ReloadData();
public override void Build() { base.Build(); Debug.WriteLine("AlphaDetailPage.Rebuild();"); Theme = AlphaTheme.Get(); var MainTable = new TableView { Root = new TableRoot { new TableSection(L["Github Account"]) { UserLabel, }, new TableSection(L["Last Activity Stamp"]) { LastActivityStampLabel, }, new TableSection(L["Left Time"]) { LeftTimeLabel, }, }, }; MainTable.ApplyTheme(Theme); if (Width <= Height) { //CircleGraph.WidthRequest = Width; CircleGraph.HeightRequest = Height * 0.55; CircleGraph.HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand; CircleGraph.VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.Start; Content = new StackLayout { Spacing = 1.0, BackgroundColor = Color.Gray, Children = { CircleGraph, MainTable, }, }; } else { CircleGraph.WidthRequest = Width * 0.55; //CircleGraph.HeightRequest = Height; CircleGraph.HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.Start; CircleGraph.VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand; Content = new StackLayout { Spacing = 1.0, BackgroundColor = Color.Gray, Children = { new StackLayout { Orientation = StackOrientation.Horizontal, Spacing = 1.0, Children = { CircleGraph, MainTable, }, }, }, }; } // Indicator を表示中にレイアウトを変えてしまうと簡潔かつ正常に Indicator を再表示できないようなので、問答無用でテキストを表示してしまう。 //LastActivityStampLabel.ShowText(); LeftTimeLabel.ShowText(); CircleGraph.IsInvalidCanvas = true; OnUpdateLastPublicActivity(); ApplyTheme(Theme); }