protected override string GetDeviceIndexesExpression(TableVar ATableVar) { return (String.Format ( DeviceIndexesExpression == String.Empty ? @" select libname as TableSchema, memname as TableName, indxname as IndexName, name as ColumnName, indxpos as OrdinalPosition, case when unique = 'yes' then 1 else 0 end as IsUnique, 0 as IsDescending from DICTIONARY.INDEXES where libname = '{0}' {1} order by libname, memname, indxname, indxpos " : DeviceIndexesExpression, Schema, ATableVar == null ? String.Empty : String.Format("and c.memname = '{0}'", ToSQLIdentifier(ATableVar).ToUpper()) )); }
protected override void InternalVerifyInsertStatement(TableVar ATable, IRow ARow, InsertStatement AStatement) { SelectExpression LSelectExpression = AStatement.Values as SelectExpression; if (LSelectExpression != null) { if (LSelectExpression.FromClause is CalculusFromClause) { SelectExpression LNestedSelectExpression = ((CalculusFromClause)LSelectExpression.FromClause).TableSpecifiers[0].TableExpression as SelectExpression; if (LNestedSelectExpression != null) { LSelectExpression.FromClause = new CalculusFromClause(((CalculusFromClause)LNestedSelectExpression.FromClause).TableSpecifiers[0]); if (LSelectExpression.WhereClause == null) { LSelectExpression.WhereClause = LNestedSelectExpression.WhereClause; } else { LSelectExpression.WhereClause.Expression = new BinaryExpression(LSelectExpression.WhereClause.Expression, "iAnd", LNestedSelectExpression.WhereClause.Expression); } } } } }
protected override string GetDeviceIndexesExpression(TableVar tableVar) { return (String.Format ( DeviceIndexesExpression == String.Empty ? @" select tn.nspname as TableSchema, tc.relname as TableName, ic.relname as IndexName, ca.attname as ColumnName, ca.attnum as OrdinalPosition, i.indisunique as IsUnique, case when i.indoption[0]=3 then TRUE else FALSE end as IsDescending from pg_index i join pg_class tc on tc.oid = i.indrelid join pg_class ic on ic.oid = i.indexrelid join pg_attribute ca on ca.attrelid = ic.oid join pg_namespace tn on tn.oid = tc.relnamespace where tn.nspname not in ('information_schema','pg_catalog','pg_toast') {0} {1} order by tn.nspname, tc.relname, ic.relname, ca.attnum " : DeviceIndexesExpression, Schema == String.Empty ? String.Empty : String.Format("and tn.nspname = '{0}'", Schema), tableVar == null ? String.Empty : String.Format("and tc.relname = '{0}'", ToSQLIdentifier(tableVar).ToLower()) )); }
protected override string GetDeviceIndexesExpression(TableVar tableVar) { return (String.Format ( DeviceIndexesExpression == String.Empty ? @" select i.table_owner as TableSchema, i.table_name as TableName, i.index_name as IndexName, c.column_name as ColumnName, c.column_position as OrdinalPosition, case when i.uniqueness = 'UNIQUE' then 1 else 0 end as IsUnique, case when c.descend = 'DESC' then 1 else 0 end as IsDescending from all_indexes i, all_ind_columns c where i.owner = c.index_owner and i.index_name = c.index_name and i.index_type = 'NORMAL' {0} {1} order by i.table_owner, i.table_name, i.index_name, c.column_position " : DeviceIndexesExpression, Schema == String.Empty ? String.Empty : String.Format("and i.table_owner = '{0}'", Schema), tableVar == null ? String.Empty : String.Format("and c.table_name = '{0}'", ToSQLIdentifier(tableVar).ToUpper()) )); }
protected override string GetDeviceTablesExpression(TableVar tableVar) { return (String.Format ( DeviceTablesExpression == String.Empty ? @" select c.owner as TableSchema, c.table_name as TableName, c.column_name as ColumnName, c.column_id as OrdinalPosition, c.table_name as TableTitle, c.column_name as ColumnTitle, c.data_type as NativeDomainName, c.data_type as DomainName, NVL(c.char_col_decl_length, 0) as Length, case when c.nullable = 'N' then 0 else 1 end as IsNullable, case when c.data_type in ('BLOB', 'CLOB') then 1 else 0 end as IsDeferred from all_tab_columns c join all_tables t on c.owner = t.owner and c.table_name = t.table_name where 1 = 1 {0} {1} order by c.owner, c.table_name, c.column_id " : DeviceTablesExpression, Schema == String.Empty ? String.Empty : String.Format("and c.owner = '{0}'", Schema), tableVar == null ? String.Empty : String.Format("and c.table_name = '{0}'", ToSQLIdentifier(tableVar).ToUpper()) )); }
public override void DetermineDataType(Plan plan) { DetermineModifiers(plan); _dataType = new Schema.TableType(); _tableVar = new Schema.ResultTableVar(this); _tableVar.Owner = plan.User; DataType.Columns.Add(new Schema.Column("Sequence", plan.DataTypes.SystemInteger)); DataType.Columns.Add(new Schema.Column("LogName", plan.DataTypes.SystemString)); foreach (Schema.Column column in DataType.Columns) { TableVar.Columns.Add(new Schema.TableVarColumn(column)); } TableVar.Keys.Add(new Schema.Key(new Schema.TableVarColumn[] { TableVar.Columns["Sequence"] })); TableVar.DetermineRemotable(plan.CatalogDeviceSession); Order = Compiler.FindClusteringOrder(plan, TableVar); // Ensure the order exists in the orders list if (!TableVar.Orders.Contains(Order)) { TableVar.Orders.Add(Order); } }
protected override string GetDeviceForeignKeysExpression(TableVar tableVar) { return (DeviceForeignKeysExpression != String.Empty ? base.GetDeviceForeignKeysExpression(tableVar) : String.Empty); // Cannot find a way to get foreign key information from the Cache SQL dictionaries... }
//public SASRetrieve(Operator AOperator, D4.ClassDefinition AClassDefinition) : base(AOperator, AClassDefinition){} //public SASRetrieve(Operator AOperator, D4.ClassDefinition AClassDefinition, bool AIsSystem) : base(AOperator, AClassDefinition, AIsSystem){} public override Statement Translate(DevicePlan ADevicePlan, PlanNode APlanNode) { SQLDevicePlan LDevicePlan = (SQLDevicePlan)ADevicePlan; TableVar LTableVar = ((TableVarNode)APlanNode).TableVar; if (LTableVar is BaseTableVar) { SQLRangeVar LRangeVar = new SQLRangeVar(LDevicePlan.GetNextTableAlias()); foreach (Schema.TableVarColumn LColumn in LTableVar.Columns) { LRangeVar.Columns.Add(new SQLRangeVarColumn(LColumn, LRangeVar.Name, LDevicePlan.Device.ToSQLIdentifier(LColumn), LDevicePlan.Device.ToSQLIdentifier(LColumn.Name))); } LDevicePlan.CurrentQueryContext().RangeVars.Add(LRangeVar); SelectExpression LSelectExpression = new SelectExpression(); LSelectExpression.FromClause = new AlgebraicFromClause(new TableSpecifier(new TableExpression(D4.MetaData.GetTag(LTableVar.MetaData, "Storage.Schema", LDevicePlan.Device.Schema), LDevicePlan.Device.ToSQLIdentifier(LTableVar)), LRangeVar.Name)); //LSelectExpression.FromClause = new CalculusFromClause(new TableSpecifier(new TableExpression(D4.MetaData.GetTag(LTableVar.MetaData, "Storage.Schema", LDevicePlan.Device.Schema), LDevicePlan.Device.ToSQLIdentifier(LTableVar)), LRangeVar.Name)); LSelectExpression.SelectClause = new SelectClause(); foreach (TableVarColumn LColumn in LTableVar.Columns) { LSelectExpression.SelectClause.Columns.Add(LDevicePlan.GetRangeVarColumn(LColumn.Name, true).GetColumnExpression()); } LSelectExpression.SelectClause.Distinct = (LTableVar.Keys.Count == 1) && Convert.ToBoolean(D4.MetaData.GetTag(LTableVar.Keys[0].MetaData, "Storage.IsImposedKey", "false")); return(LSelectExpression); } else { return(LDevicePlan.Device.TranslateExpression(LDevicePlan, APlanNode.Nodes[0], false)); } }
public override void DetermineDataType(Plan plan) { DetermineModifiers(plan); _dataType = new Schema.TableType(); _tableVar = new Schema.ResultTableVar(this); _tableVar.Owner = plan.User; DataType.Columns.Add(new Schema.Column("Library_Name", plan.DataTypes.SystemString)); DataType.Columns.Add(new Schema.Column("Name", plan.DataTypes.SystemString)); DataType.Columns.Add(new Schema.Column("TimeStamp", plan.DataTypes.SystemDateTime)); DataType.Columns.Add(new Schema.Column("IsDotNetAssembly", plan.DataTypes.SystemBoolean)); DataType.Columns.Add(new Schema.Column("ShouldRegister", plan.DataTypes.SystemBoolean)); foreach (Schema.Column column in DataType.Columns) { TableVar.Columns.Add(new Schema.TableVarColumn(column)); } TableVar.Keys.Add(new Schema.Key(new Schema.TableVarColumn[] { TableVar.Columns["Name"] })); TableVar.DetermineRemotable(plan.CatalogDeviceSession); Order = Compiler.FindClusteringOrder(plan, TableVar); // Ensure the order exists in the orders list if (!TableVar.Orders.Contains(Order)) { TableVar.Orders.Add(Order); } }
protected override string GetDeviceTablesExpression(TableVar ATableVar) { return (String.Format ( DeviceTablesExpression == String.Empty ? @" select C.libname as TableSchema, C.memname as TableName, as ColumnName, C.npos as OrdinalPosition, T.memlabel as TableTitle, C.label as ColumnTitle, C.type as NativeDomainName, C.type as DomainName, C.length as Length, 0 as IsNullable, 0 as IsDeferred from DICTIONARY.COLUMNS as C, DICTIONARY.TABLES as T where C.libname = '{0}' and C.libname = T.libname and C.memname = T.memname {1} order by C.libname, C.memname, C.npos " : DeviceTablesExpression, Schema, ATableVar == null ? String.Empty : String.Format("and c.memname = '{0}'", ToSQLIdentifier(ATableVar).ToUpper()) )); }
protected override string GetDeviceTablesExpression(TableVar tableVar) { return (String.Format ( @" select t.table_schem as ""TableSchema"", t.table_name as ""TableName"", c.column_name as ""ColumnName"", c.ordinal_position as ""OrdinalPosition"", t.table_name as ""TableTitle"", c.column_name as ""ColumnTitle"", c.type_name as ""NativeDomainName"", c.type_name as ""DomainName"", c.column_size as ""Length"", case c.nullable when 0 then 0 else 1 end as ""IsNullable"", case when c.type_name in ('BLOB', 'CLOB') then 1 else 0 end as ""IsDeferred"" from tables t join columns c on t.table_name = c.table_name where (t.table_type = 'TABLE' or t.table_type = 'VIEW') {0} order by t.table_name, c.ordinal_position " , tableVar == null ? String.Empty : String.Format("and t.table_name = '{0}'", ToSQLIdentifier(tableVar)) )); }
/// <summary>Ensures that the given row is valid.</summary> /// <param name='oldRow'>A <see cref="Row"/> containing the original values for the row.</param> /// <param name='newRow'>A <see cref="Row"/> containing the changed values for the row.</param> /// <param name='columnName'>The name of the column which changed in <paramref name="newRow"/>. If empty, the change affected more than one column.</param> /// <returns>A boolean value indicating whether any change was made to <paramref name="newRow"/>.</returns> public bool Validate(IRow oldRow, IRow newRow, string columnName) { if ((_internalProcess != null) && TableVar.IsValidateCallRemotable(columnName)) { IRow localOldRow = oldRow; if ((oldRow != null) && oldRow.HasNonNativeValues()) { localOldRow = new Row(_internalProcess.ValueManager, oldRow.DataType); MarshalRow(oldRow, localOldRow); } IRow localNewRow = newRow; if (newRow.HasNonNativeValues()) { localNewRow = new Row(_internalProcess.ValueManager, newRow.DataType); MarshalRow(newRow, localNewRow); } _plan._process._session._server.AcquireCacheLock(_plan._process, LockMode.Shared); try { bool changed = TableNode.Validate(_internalProgram, localOldRow, localNewRow, null, columnName); if (changed && !Object.ReferenceEquals(newRow, localNewRow)) { MarshalRow(localNewRow, newRow); } return(changed); } finally { _plan._process._session._server.ReleaseCacheLock(_plan._process, LockMode.Shared); } } else { RemoteRowBody oldBody = new RemoteRowBody(); if (oldRow != null) { _plan._process.EnsureOverflowReleased(oldRow); oldBody.Data = oldRow.AsPhysical; } _plan._process.EnsureOverflowReleased(newRow); RemoteRowBody newBody = new RemoteRowBody(); newBody.Data = newRow.AsPhysical; RemoteProposeData proposeData = _cursor.Validate(oldBody, newBody, columnName, _plan._process.GetProcessCallInfo()); _plan._programStatisticsCached = false; if (proposeData.Success) { newRow.ValuesOwned = false; // do not clear the overflow streams because the row is effectively owned by the server during the validate call newRow.AsPhysical = proposeData.Body.Data; newRow.ValuesOwned = true; } return(proposeData.Success); } }
protected override Statement TranslateDropIndex(SQLDevicePlan plan, TableVar tableVar, Order order) { var statement = new DropIndexStatement(); statement.TableSchema = MetaData.GetTag(tableVar.MetaData, "Storage.Schema", Schema); statement.TableName = ToSQLIdentifier(tableVar); statement.IndexSchema = MetaData.GetTag(order.MetaData, "Storage.Schema", String.Empty); statement.IndexName = GetIndexName(statement.TableName, order); return(statement); }
public Statement EmitColumnHandler(TableVar tableVar, TableVarColumn column, EmitMode mode) { AttachStatement statement = new AttachStatement(); statement.MetaData = MetaData; statement.OperatorName = _operator.OperatorName; statement.EventSourceSpecifier = new ColumnEventSourceSpecifier(tableVar.Name, column.Name); statement.EventSpecifier = new EventSpecifier(); statement.EventSpecifier.EventType = _eventType; return(statement); }
/// <summary>Requests the default values for a new row in the cursor.</summary> /// <param name='row'>A <see cref="Row"/> to be filled in with default values.</param> /// <returns>A boolean value indicating whether any change was made to <paramref name="row"/>.</returns> public bool Default(IRow row, string columnName) { if ((_internalProcess != null) && TableVar.IsDefaultCallRemotable(columnName)) { // create a new row based on FInternalProcess, and copy the data from IRow localRow = row; if (row.HasNonNativeValues()) { localRow = new Row(_internalProcess.ValueManager, row.DataType); MarshalRow(row, localRow); } _plan._process._session._server.AcquireCacheLock(_plan._process, LockMode.Shared); try { bool changed = TableNode.Default(_internalProgram, null, localRow, null, columnName); if (changed && !Object.ReferenceEquals(localRow, row)) { MarshalRow(localRow, row); } return(changed); } finally { _plan._process._session._server.ReleaseCacheLock(_plan._process, LockMode.Shared); } } else { _plan._process.EnsureOverflowReleased(row); RemoteRowBody body = new RemoteRowBody(); body.Data = row.AsPhysical; RemoteProposeData proposeData = _cursor.Default(body, columnName, _plan._process.GetProcessCallInfo()); _plan._programStatisticsCached = false; if (proposeData.Success) { row.ValuesOwned = false; // do not clear the overflow streams because the row is effectively owned by the server for the course of the default call. row.AsPhysical = proposeData.Body.Data; row.ValuesOwned = true; } return(proposeData.Success); } }
protected override string GetDeviceIndexesExpression(TableVar tableVar) { return (String.Format ( @" select t.table_schem as ""TableSchema"", t.table_name as ""TableName"", i.index_name as ""IndexName"", i.column_name as ""ColumnName"", c.ordinal_position as ""OrdinalPosition"", case i.non_unique when 0 then 1 else 0 end as ""IsUnique"", case i.asc_or_desc when 'D' then 1 else 0 end as ""IsDescending"" from tables t join tablestatistics i on t.table_name = i.table_name where t.table_type = 'TABLE' and i.index_name is not null {0} order by t.table_name, i.index_name, i.ordinal_position; " , tableVar == null ? String.Empty : String.Format("and t.table_name = '{0}'", ToSQLIdentifier(tableVar)) )); }
protected override string GetDeviceTablesExpression(TableVar tableVar) { return (DeviceTablesExpression != String.Empty ? base.GetDeviceTablesExpression(tableVar) : String.Format ( @" select so.""schema"" as TableSchema, as TableName, as ColumnName, sc.colid as OrdinalPosition, as TableTitle, as ColumnTitle, as NativeDomainName, st.usertype as DomainName, convert(integer, sc.length) as Length, convert(bit, 0) as IsNullable, case when in ('%Library.Text', '%Library.BinaryStream') then 1 else 0 end as IsDeferred from %TSQL_sys.objects as so join %TSQL_sys.columns as sc on = join %TSQL_sys.types as st on st.usertype = sc.usertype join %TSQL_sys.types as snt on st.usertype = where (so.type = 'U' or so.type = 'V') {0} {1} order by so.""schema"",, sc.colid " , Schema == String.Empty ? String.Empty : String.Format(@"and so.""schema"" = '{0}'", Schema), // Don't use ToSQLIdentifier, Schema is a string and will be expressed in the target dialect tableVar == null ? String.Empty : String.Format("and = '{0}'", ToSQLIdentifier(tableVar)) )); }
protected override string GetDeviceForeignKeysExpression(TableVar tableVar) { return (String.Format ( DeviceForeignKeysExpression == String.Empty ? @" select tc.table_schema as ConstraintSchema, tc.constraint_name as ConstraintName, tc.table_name as SourceTableName, kcu.column_name as SourceColumnName, ccu.table_schema as TargetTableSchema, ccu.table_name as TargetTableName, ccu.column_name as TargetColumnName, c.ordinal_position as OrdinalPosition from information_schema.table_constraints tc join information_schema.key_column_usage kcu on tc.constraint_name = kcu.constraint_name join information_schema.constraint_column_usage ccu on ccu.constraint_name = tc.constraint_name join information_schema.columns c on c.table_schema = ccu.table_schema and ccu.table_name = c.table_name and c.column_name = ccu.column_name where constraint_type = 'FOREIGN KEY' and c.table_schema not in ('information_schema','pg_catalog','pg_toast') {0} {1} order by tc.table_schema, tc.constraint_name, c.ordinal_position " : DeviceForeignKeysExpression, Schema == String.Empty ? String.Empty : String.Format("and tc.table_schema = '{0}'", Schema), tableVar == null ? String.Empty : String.Format("and tc.table_name = '{0}'", ToSQLIdentifier(tableVar).ToLower()) )); }
protected override string GetDeviceTablesExpression(TableVar tableVar) { return (String.Format ( DeviceTablesExpression == String.Empty ? @" select table_schema as TableSchema, table_name as TableName, column_name as ColumnName, ordinal_position as OrdinalPosition, table_name as TableTitle, column_name as ColumnTitle, data_type as NativeDomainName, data_type as DomainName, case when character_maximum_length is not null then character_maximum_length when numeric_precision is not null then numeric_precision when datetime_precision is not null then datetime_precision else 0 end as Length, case when is_nullable = 'NO' then 0 else 1 end as IsNullable, case when data_type in ('text', 'bytea') then 1 else 0 end as IsDeferred from information_schema.columns where table_schema not in ('information_schema','pg_catalog','pg_toast') {0} {1} order by table_schema, table_name, ordinal_position " : DeviceTablesExpression, Schema == String.Empty ? String.Empty : String.Format("and table_schema = '{0}'", Schema), tableVar == null ? String.Empty : String.Format("and table_name = '{0}'", ToSQLIdentifier(tableVar).ToLower()) )); }
protected override string GetDeviceForeignKeysExpression(TableVar tableVar) { return (String.Format ( DeviceForeignKeysExpression == String.Empty ? @" select c.owner as ConstraintSchema, c.constraint_name as ConstraintName, c.owner as SourceTableSchema, c.table_name as SourceTableName, cc.column_name as SourceColumnName, c.r_owner as TargetTableSchema, ic.table_name as TargetTableName, ic.column_name as TargetColumnName, cc.position as OrdinalPosition from all_constraints c, all_cons_columns cc, all_ind_columns ic where c.owner = cc.owner and c.constraint_name = cc.constraint_name and c.r_owner = ic.table_owner and c.r_constraint_name = ic.index_name and cc.position = ic.column_position and c.constraint_type = 'R' {0} {1} order by c.owner, c.constraint_name, cc.position " : DeviceForeignKeysExpression, Schema == String.Empty ? String.Empty : String.Format("and c.owner = '{0}'", Schema), tableVar == null ? String.Empty : String.Format("and c.table_name = '{0}'", ToSQLIdentifier(tableVar).ToUpper()) )); }
public override void DetermineDataType(Plan plan) { DetermineModifiers(plan); _dataType = new Schema.TableType(); _tableVar = new Schema.ResultTableVar(this); _tableVar.Owner = plan.User; DataType.Columns.Add(new Schema.Column("Path", (Schema.ScalarType)Compiler.ResolveCatalogIdentifier(plan, "System.Platform.FileName", true))); foreach (Schema.Column column in DataType.Columns) { TableVar.Columns.Add(new Schema.TableVarColumn(column)); } TableVar.Keys.Add(new Schema.Key(new Schema.TableVarColumn[] { TableVar.Columns["Path"] })); TableVar.DetermineRemotable(plan.CatalogDeviceSession); Order = Compiler.FindClusteringOrder(plan, TableVar); // Ensure the order exists in the orders list if (!TableVar.Orders.Contains(Order)) { TableVar.Orders.Add(Order); } }
/// <summary> Returns a DataTable that describes the column metadata of the IDataReader. </summary> /// <remarks> /// The following Dataphor tags can be used to override column attributes. /// DAEDataReader.ColumnSize : The maximum possible length of a value in the column. /// The default is System.Int32.MaxValue. /// DAEDataReader.IsReadOnly : True if the column can be modified; otherwise false. The default is false. /// DAEDataReader.IsLong : True if the column is a (BLOB) otherwise false. The default is false. /// DAEDataReader.IsAutoIncrement : When true the column assigns values to new rows in fixed increments. /// Otherwise the column does not assign values to new rows in fixed increments. The default is false. /// DAEDataReader.NumericPrecision : Only applies to data types of SystemDecimal or descendents of SystemDecimal. /// The maximum precision of the column. The default is 28. /// DAEDataReader.NumericScale : Only applies to data types of SystemDecimal or descendents of SystemDecimal. /// The number of digits to the right of the decimal point. The default is 4. /// </remarks> /// <returns> A DataTable that describes the column metadata. </returns> public override DataTable GetSchemaTable() { DataTable result = new DataTable("SchemaTable"); result.Columns.Add(CreateSchemaColumn("ColumnName", typeof(String))); result.Columns.Add(CreateSchemaColumn("ColumnOrdinal", typeof(Int32))); result.Columns.Add(CreateSchemaColumn("ColumnSize", typeof(Int32))); result.Columns.Add(CreateSchemaColumn("NumericPrecision", typeof(Int32))); result.Columns.Add(CreateSchemaColumn("NumericScale", typeof(Int32))); result.Columns.Add(CreateSchemaColumn("DataType", typeof(Type))); result.Columns.Add(CreateSchemaColumn("ProviderType", typeof(Type))); result.Columns.Add(CreateSchemaColumn("IsLong", typeof(Boolean))); result.Columns.Add(CreateSchemaColumn("AllowDBNull", typeof(Boolean))); result.Columns.Add(CreateSchemaColumn("IsReadOnly", typeof(Boolean))); result.Columns.Add(CreateSchemaColumn("IsRowVersion", typeof(Boolean))); result.Columns.Add(CreateSchemaColumn("IsUnique", typeof(Boolean))); result.Columns.Add(CreateSchemaColumn("IsKeyColumn", typeof(Boolean))); result.Columns.Add(CreateSchemaColumn("IsAutoIncrement", typeof(Boolean))); result.Columns.Add(CreateSchemaColumn("BaseSchemaName", typeof(String))); result.Columns.Add(CreateSchemaColumn("BaseCatalogName", typeof(String))); result.Columns.Add(CreateSchemaColumn("BaseTableName", typeof(String))); result.Columns.Add(CreateSchemaColumn("BaseColumnName", typeof(String))); TableType type = (TableType)_cursor.Plan.DataType; TableVar var = _cursor.Plan.TableVar; DataTypes dataTypes = _cursor.Plan.Process.DataTypes; int ordinal = 1; foreach (TableVarColumn sourceColumn in var.Columns) { DataRow targetRow = result.NewRow(); targetRow["ColumnName"] = sourceColumn.Name; targetRow["ColumnOrdinal"] = ordinal; //If only it were so simple. targetRow["ColumnSize"] = GetColumnSize(sourceColumn); if (sourceColumn.DataType.Is(_cursor.Plan.Process.DataTypes.SystemDecimal)) { targetRow["NumericPrecision"] = GetNumericPrecision(sourceColumn); targetRow["NumericScale"] = GetNumericScale(sourceColumn); } else { targetRow["NumericPrecision"] = DBNull.Value; targetRow["NumericScale"] = DBNull.Value; } Type nativeType = (Type)_nativeTypes[ordinal - 1]; targetRow["DataType"] = nativeType; targetRow["ProviderType"] = sourceColumn.DataType; targetRow["IsLong"] = GetIsLong(sourceColumn, dataTypes); // No way to determine whether the column is read-only at this point (read only to Dataphor means that some operator will reject an update) targetRow["IsReadOnly"] = GetIsReadOnly(sourceColumn); bool isUnique = false; bool isKeyColumn = false; foreach (Key key in var.Keys) { if (key.Columns.Contains(sourceColumn.Name)) { isKeyColumn = true; if (key.Columns.Count == 1) { isUnique = true; break; } } } // IsUnique only makes sense at the column level if a key is composed // of exclusively this column... so look for that. targetRow["IsUnique"] = isUnique; // Whatever "row version" means... according to the SqlReader IsRowVersion equals IsUnique. targetRow["IsRowVersion"] = isUnique; // Look for a key which contains this column targetRow["IsKeyColumn"] = isKeyColumn; // Allow for DAE provider. targetRow["AllowDBNull"] = !isUnique; // If only it was so simple :-) targetRow["IsAutoIncrement"] = GetIsAutoIncrement(sourceColumn); // Doesn't really map well into Dataphor's metaphor targetRow["BaseSchemaName"] = DBNull.Value; targetRow["BaseCatalogName"] = DBNull.Value; // Once again these are overly simplistic as this column could come from any mapping into the base tables targetRow["BaseTableName"] = DBNull.Value; result.Rows.Add(targetRow); ordinal++; } return(result); }
public TableVarEventHandlers(TableVar tableVar) : base() { _tableVar = tableVar; }
public UpdateOperation(TableVar tableVar, IRow oldRow, IRow newRow, BitArray valueFlags) : base(tableVar) { _oldRow = oldRow; _newRow = newRow; _valueFlags = valueFlags; }
// TODO: Compile row types for each index, saving column indexes to prevent the need for lookup during insert, update, and delete. private void InternalInitialize(ServerProcess AProcess) { Schema.RowType LKeyRowType; Schema.RowType LDataRowType; // Create the indexes required to store data as described by the given table type // Determine Fanout, Capacity, Clustering Key, KeyLength, DataLength FClusteringKey = TableVar.FindClusteringOrder(AProcess.Plan); //Schema.Key LClusteringKey = TableVar.FindClusteringKey(); //FClusteringKey = new Schema.Order(LClusteringKey, AProcess.Plan); LKeyRowType = new Schema.RowType(FClusteringKey.Columns); LDataRowType = new Schema.RowType(); foreach (Schema.Column LColumn in TableVar.DataType.Columns) { if (!FClusteringKey.Columns.Contains(LColumn.Name)) { LDataRowType.Columns.Add(new Schema.Column(LColumn.Name, LColumn.DataType)); } } // Add an internal identifier for uniqueness of keys in nonunique indexes #if USEINTERNALID FInternalIDColumn = new Schema.TableVarColumn(new Schema.Column(CInternalIDColumnName, AProcess.Plan.Catalog.DataTypes.SystemGuid), Schema.TableVarColumnType.InternalID); LDataRowType.Columns.Add(FInternalIDColumn.Column); #endif // Create the Clustered index FClusteredIndex = new TableBufferIndex ( AProcess, FClusteringKey, LKeyRowType, LDataRowType, true, FFanout, FCapacity ); Indexes.Add(FClusteredIndex); // DataLength and DataColumns for all non clustered indexes is the key length and columns of the clustered key LDataRowType = LKeyRowType; // Create non clustered indexes for each key and order (unique sets) Schema.Order LKey; foreach (Schema.Key LNonClusteredKey in TableVar.Keys) { if (!FClusteringKey.Includes(LNonClusteredKey)) { LKey = new Schema.Order(LNonClusteredKey, AProcess.Plan); if (!Indexes.Contains(LKey)) { LKeyRowType = new Schema.RowType(LKey.Columns); Indexes.Add ( new TableBufferIndex ( AProcess, LKey, LKeyRowType, LDataRowType, false, FFanout, FCapacity ) ); } } } foreach (Schema.Order LOrder in TableVar.Orders) { // This is a potentially non-unique index, so add a GUID to ensure uniqueness of the key in the BTree LKey = new Schema.Order(LOrder); #if USEINTERNALID if (!LKey.Includes(LClusteringKey)) { Schema.OrderColumn LUniqueColumn = new Schema.OrderColumn(FInternalIDColumn, true); LUniqueColumn.Sort = ((Schema.ScalarType)LUniqueColumn.Column.DataType).GetUniqueSort(AProcess.Plan); LKey.Columns.Add(LUniqueColumn); } #endif if (!Indexes.Contains(LKey)) { LKeyRowType = new Schema.RowType(LKey.Columns); Indexes.Add ( new TableBufferIndex ( AProcess, LKey, LKeyRowType, LDataRowType, false, FFanout, FCapacity ) ); } } }
protected override string GetDeviceIndexesExpression(TableVar ATableVar) { switch (Product) { default: case DB2.DB2TextEmitter.UDB: // UDB is the default return (String.Format ( DeviceIndexesExpression == String.Empty ? @"select i.tabschema as TableSchema, i.tabname as TableName, i.indname as IndexName, ic.colname as ColumnName, ic.colseq as OrdinalPosition, case when i.uniquerule in ('P', 'U') then 1 else 0 end as IsUnique, case when ic.colorder = 'D' then 1 else 0 end as IsDescending from syscat.indexes i join syscat.tables t on i.tabschema = t.tabschema and i.tabname = t.tabname join syscat.indexcoluse ic on i.indschema = ic.indschema and i.indname = ic.indname where (t.type = 'T' or t.type = 'V') and t.tabschema = {0} {1} order by TableName, i.iid, OrdinalPosition; " : DeviceIndexesExpression, Schema == String.Empty ? "current schema" : String.Format("'{0}'", Schema), ATableVar == null ? String.Empty : String.Format("and t.tabname = '{0}'", ToSQLIdentifier(ATableVar)) )); case DB2.DB2TextEmitter.ISeries: return (String.Format ( DeviceIndexesExpression == String.Empty ? @" select I.TABLE_SCHEMA as ""TableSchema"", I.TABLE_NAME as ""TableName"", I.INDEX_NAME as ""IndexName"", K.COLUMN_NAME as ""ColumnName"", K.ORDINAL_POSITION as ""OrdinalPosition"", case when I.IS_UNIQUE = 'U' then 1 else 0 end as ""IsUnique"", case when K.ORDERING = 'A' then 0 else 1 end as ""IsDescending"" from QSYS2.SYSTABLES T join QSYS2.SYSINDEXES I on T.TABLE_SCHEMA = I.TABLE_SCHEMA and T.TABLE_NAME = I.TABLE_NAME join QSYS2.SYSKEYS K on I.INDEX_SCHEMA = K.INDEX_SCHEMA and I.INDEX_NAME = K.INDEX_NAME where T.TABLE_TYPE in ('T', 'P') and T.TABLE_SCHEMA = '{0}' {1} union select K.TABLE_SCHEMA as ""TableSchema"", K.TABLE_NAME as ""TableName"", K.CONSTRAINT_NAME as ""IndexName"", C.COLUMN_NAME as ""ColumnName"", C.ORDINAL_POSITION as ""OrdinalPosition"", 1 as ""IsUnique"", 0 as ""IsDescending"" from QSYS2.SYSTABLES T join QSYS2.SYSCST K on T.TABLE_SCHEMA = K.TABLE_SCHEMA and T.TABLE_NAME = K.TABLE_NAME join QSYS2.SYSKEYCST C on K.CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA = C.CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA and K.CONSTRAINT_NAME = C.CONSTRAINT_NAME where T.TABLE_TYPE in ('T', 'P') and K.CONSTRAINT_TYPE = 'PRIMARY KEY' and T.TABLE_SCHEMA = '{0}' {1} order by ""TableSchema"", ""TableName"", ""OrdinalPosition"" " : DeviceIndexesExpression, Schema, ATableVar == null ? String.Empty : String.Format("and \"TableName\" = '{0}'", ToSQLIdentifier(ATableVar)) )); } }
protected override string GetDeviceTablesExpression(TableVar ATableVar) { switch (Product) { default: case DB2.DB2TextEmitter.UDB: return (String.Format ( DeviceTablesExpression == String.Empty ? @" select c.tabschema as TableSchema, c.tabname as TableName, c.colname as ColumnName, c.colno as OrdinalPosition, c.tabname as TableTitle, c.colname as ColumnTitle, c.typename as NativeDomainName, c.typename as DomainName, c.length as Length, case when c.nulls = 'Y' then 1 else 0 end as IsNullable, case when c.typename in ('CLOB', 'BLOB') then 1 else 0 end as IsDeferred from syscat.columns c join syscat.tables t on c.tabschema = t.tabschema and c.tabname = t.tabname where (t.type = 'T' or t.type = 'V') and t.tabschema = {0} {1} order by TableSchema, TableName, OrdinalPosition; " : DeviceTablesExpression, Schema == String.Empty ? "current schema" : String.Format(@"'{0}'", Schema), ATableVar == null ? String.Empty : String.Format("and t.tabname = '{0}'", ToSQLIdentifier(ATableVar)) )); case DB2.DB2TextEmitter.ISeries: return (String.Format ( DeviceTablesExpression == String.Empty ? @"select C.TABLE_SCHEMA as ""TableSchema"", C.TABLE_NAME as ""TableName"", C.COLUMN_NAME as ""ColumnName"", C.ORDINAL_POSITION as ""OrdinalPosition"", case when T.TABLE_TEXT is null then T.TABLE_NAME else T.TABLE_TEXT end as ""TableTitle"", case when C.COLUMN_TEXT is null then C.COLUMN_NAME else C.COLUMN_TEXT end as ""ColumnTitle"", C.DATA_TYPE as ""NativeDomainName"", C.DATA_TYPE as ""DomainName"", C.LENGTH as ""Length"", case when C.IS_NULLABLE = 'Y' then 1 else 0 end as ""IsNullable"", case when C.DATA_TYPE in ('BLOB', 'CLOB') then 1 else 0 end as ""IsDeferred"" from QSYS2.SYSTABLES as T join QSYS2.SYSCOLUMNS as C on T.TABLE_SCHEMA = C.TABLE_SCHEMA and T.TABLE_NAME = C.TABLE_NAME where T.TABLE_TYPE in ('T', 'P') and T.TABLE_SCHEMA = '{0}' {1} order by ""TableSchema"", ""TableName"", ""OrdinalPosition"" " : DeviceTablesExpression, Schema, ATableVar == null ? String.Empty : String.Format("and \"TableName\" = '{0}'", ToSQLIdentifier(ATableVar)) )); } }
protected override string GetDeviceTablesExpression(TableVar tableVar) { return (DeviceTablesExpression != String.Empty ? base.GetDeviceTablesExpression(tableVar) : String.Format ( ( _majorVersion < 9 ? @" select as TableSchema, as TableName, as ColumnName, sc.colorder as OrdinalPosition, as TableTitle, as ColumnTitle, as NativeDomainName, as DomainName, convert(integer, sc.length) as Length, sc.isnullable as IsNullable, case when in ('text', 'ntext', 'image') then 1 else 0 end as IsDeferred from sysobjects as so join sysusers as su on so.uid = su.uid join syscolumns as sc on = join systypes as st on st.xusertype = sc.xusertype join systypes as snt on st.xtype = snt.xusertype where (so.xtype = 'U' or so.xtype = 'V') and OBJECTPROPERTY(, 'IsMSShipped') = 0 {0} {1} order by,, sc.colid " : @" select as TableSchema, as TableName, as ColumnName, sc.column_id as OrdinalPosition, as TableTitle, as ColumnTitle, as NativeDomainName, as DomainName, convert(integer, sc.max_length) as Length, sc.is_nullable as IsNullable, case when in ('text', 'ntext', 'image') then 1 else 0 end as IsDeferred from sys.objects as so join sys.schemas ss on so.schema_id = ss.schema_id join sys.columns as sc on sc.object_id = so.object_id join sys.types as st on st.user_type_id = sc.user_type_id join sys.types as snt on st.system_type_id = snt.system_type_id where (so.type = 'U' or so.type = 'V') and so.is_ms_shipped = 0 {0} {1} order by,, sc.column_id " ), tableVar == null ? String.Empty : String.Format("and = '{0}'", ToSQLIdentifier(tableVar)), _shouldReconcileRowGUIDCol ? String.Empty : ( _majorVersion < 9 ? "and COLUMNPROPERTY(,, 'IsRowGUIDCol') = 0" : "and sc.is_rowguidcol = 0" ) )); }
protected override string GetDeviceForeignKeysExpression(TableVar tableVar) { return (DeviceForeignKeysExpression != String.Empty ? base.GetDeviceForeignKeysExpression(tableVar) : String.Format ( _majorVersion < 9 ? @" select as ConstraintSchema, as ConstraintName, as SourceTableSchema, as SourceTableName, as SourceColumnName, as TargetTableSchema, as TargetTableName, as TargetColumnName, keyno OrdinalPosition from sysforeignkeys as sfk join sysobjects as so on sfk.constid = join sysusers as su on su.uid = so.uid join sysobjects as sso on sfk.fkeyid = join sysusers as ssu on ssu.uid = sso.uid join syscolumns as ssc on ssc.colid = sfk.fkey and = sfk.fkeyid join sysobjects as tso on sfk.rkeyid = join sysusers as tsu on tsu.uid = tso.uid join syscolumns as tsc on tsc.colid = sfk.rkey and = sfk.rkeyid where 1 = 1 {0} order by ConstraintSchema, ConstraintName, OrdinalPosition " : @" select as ConstraintSchema, as ConstraintName, as SourceTableSchema, as SourceTableName, as SourceColumnName, as TargetTableSchema, as TargetTableName, as TargetColumnName, sfkc.constraint_column_id OrdinalPosition from sys.foreign_keys as sfk join sys.foreign_key_columns as sfkc on sfk.object_id = sfkc.constraint_object_id join sys.objects as so on sfk.object_id = so.object_id join sys.schemas as ss on ss.schema_id = so.schema_id join sys.objects as sso on sfk.parent_object_id = sso.object_id join sys.schemas as sss on sss.schema_id = sso.schema_id join sys.columns as ssc on ssc.column_id = sfkc.parent_column_id and ssc.object_id = sfk.parent_object_id join sys.objects as tso on sfk.referenced_object_id = tso.object_id join sys.schemas as tss on tso.schema_id = tss.schema_id join sys.columns as tsc on tsc.column_id = sfkc.referenced_column_id and tsc.object_id = sfk.referenced_object_id where 1 = 1 {0} order by ConstraintSchema, ConstraintName, OrdinalPosition " , tableVar == null ? String.Empty : "and = '" + ToSQLIdentifier(tableVar) + "'" )); }
protected override string GetDeviceIndexesExpression(TableVar tableVar) { return (DeviceIndexesExpression != String.Empty ? base.GetDeviceIndexesExpression(tableVar) : ( _majorVersion < 9 ? String.Format ( @" select as TableSchema, as TableName, as IndexName, as ColumnName, sik.keyno as OrdinalPosition, INDEXPROPERTY(,, 'IsUnique') as IsUnique, {0} /* if ServerVersion >= 8.0, otherwise 0 as IsDescending */ from sysobjects as so join sysusers as su on so.uid = su.uid join sysindexes as si on = join sysindexkeys as sik on = and sik.indid = si.indid join syscolumns as sc on = and sc.colid = sik.colid where (so.xtype = 'U' or so.xtype = 'V') and OBJECTPROPERTY(, 'isMSShipped') = 0 and INDEXPROPERTY(,, 'IsStatistics') = 0 {1} /* if ServerVersion >= 8.0, otherwise empty string */ {2} order by,, si.indid, sik.keyno " , IsMSSQL70 ? "0 as IsDescending" : "INDEXKEY_PROPERTY(, si.indid, sik.keyno, 'IsDescending') as IsDescending", IsMSSQL70 ? String.Empty : "and INDEXKEY_PROPERTY(, si.indid, sik.keyno, 'IsDescending') is not null", tableVar == null ? String.Empty : String.Format("and = '{0}'", ToSQLIdentifier(tableVar)) ) : String.Format ( @" select as TableSchema, as TableName, as IndexName, as ColumnName, sik.key_ordinal as OrdinalPosition, si.is_unique IsUnique, sik.is_descending_key IsDescending from sys.objects as so join sys.schemas as ss on so.schema_id = ss.schema_id join sys.indexes as si on si.object_id = so.object_id join sys.index_columns as sik on sik.object_id = so.object_id and sik.index_id = si.index_id join sys.columns as sc on sc.object_id = so.object_id and sc.column_id = sik.column_id where (so.type = 'U' or so.type = 'V') and so.is_ms_shipped = 0 and INDEXPROPERTY(so.object_id,, 'IsStatistics') = 0 {0} order by,, si.index_id, sik.key_ordinal " , tableVar == null ? String.Empty : String.Format("and = '{0}'", ToSQLIdentifier(tableVar)) ) )); }