Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates INSERT query for <see cref="TableMeta"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tableMeta">Meta data of table being inspected.</param>
        /// <returns>String, the INSERT query.</returns>
        public static string GenerateInsertQuery(TableMeta tableMeta)
            string columnList   = string.Format("{0}{1}{2}", "(", string.Join(", ", tableMeta.Columns.Where(c => c.IsPrimaryKey == false).Select(m => string.Concat("[", m.Name, "]"))), ")");
            string argumentList = string.Format("{0}{1}{2}", "(", string.Join(", ", tableMeta.Columns.Where(c => c.IsPrimaryKey == false).Select(m => string.Concat("@", m.Name))), ")");

            return(string.Format("INSERT INTO {0}.{1} {2} VALUES {3} ", tableMeta.SchemaName, tableMeta.Name, columnList, argumentList));
Ejemplo n.º 2
        internal static void gridView_CellEditorInitialize(TableMeta tableMeta, ASPxGridViewEditorEventArgs e)
            var columnMeta = tableMeta.Columns.SingleOrDefault(c => c.Name.Equals(e.Column.FieldName, System.StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase));

            if (columnMeta == null)
                throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("Column meta entry not found for column ", e.Column.FieldName));
            var        sqlDataSource    = e.Editor.DataSource as SqlDataSource;
            ColumnMeta filterColumnMeta = null;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(columnMeta.FilterColumn))
                filterColumnMeta = columnMeta.ReferenceTable.Columns.SingleOrDefault(c => c.Name.Equals(columnMeta.FilterColumn));
            if (filterColumnMeta != null)
                sqlDataSource.SelectCommand = SqlHelper.AddWhereConditionIfNotExists(sqlDataSource.SelectCommand, filterColumnMeta.Name);
                bool found = false;
                foreach (Parameter parameter in sqlDataSource.SelectParameters)
                    if (parameter.Name.Equals(filterColumnMeta.Name, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                        found = true;
                if (!found)
                    sqlDataSource.SelectParameters.Add(new Parameter(filterColumnMeta.Name, filterColumnMeta.DataType, e.KeyValue.ToString()));
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public FormLayoutCreator(TableMeta tableMeta, string connectionString, string[] idValues, bool readOnly)
     this.tableMeta        = tableMeta;
     this.connectionString = connectionString;
     this.idValues         = idValues;
     this.readOnly         = readOnly;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public void CreateMultiAutoIncrementColumnTableTest_ShouldFailed()
            var schema = new PrimaryKeySchema
                { "PK0", ColumnValueType.String },
                { "PK1", ColumnValueType.Integer, PrimaryKeyOption.AUTO_INCREMENT },
                { "PK2", ColumnValueType.Integer, PrimaryKeyOption.AUTO_INCREMENT }
            var tableMeta = new TableMeta(TestTableName, schema);

            var tableOptions = new TableOptions
                MaxVersions = 10,
                TimeToLive  = -1
            var reservedThroughput = new CapacityUnit(0, 0);

            var request = new CreateTableRequest(tableMeta, reservedThroughput)
                TableOptions = tableOptions

            }catch (Exception e) {
                Assert.IsTrue(e.Message.Contains("AUTO_INCREMENT primary key count must <= 1"));
Ejemplo n.º 5
        private static string JoinOn(TableMeta metaA, string aliasA, TableMeta metaB, string aliasB)
            var join = FindJoin(metaA, metaB);

            if (join != null)
                return(string.Format("{0}.{1} == {2}.{3}", aliasA, join.Name, aliasB, metaB.Columns.First(c => c.PrimaryKey).Name));

            join = FindJoin(metaB, metaA);
            if (join != null)
                return(string.Format("{0}.{1} == {2}.{3}", aliasB, join.Name, aliasA, metaA.Columns.First(c => c.PrimaryKey).Name));

            join = (from colA in metaA.Columns
                    join colB in metaB.Columns on colA.ParentTableType equals colB.ParentTableType
                    select colA).FirstOrDefault();

            if (join != null)
                return(string.Format("{0}.{1} == {2}.{3}", aliasA, join.Name, aliasB, metaA.Columns.First(c => c.ParentTableType == join.ParentTableType).Name));

            throw new ArgumentException("There is no ForeignKey relationship between entities " + metaA.TableType.Name + " and " + metaB.TableType.Name);
Ejemplo n.º 6
 internal static string SelectRowSql(TableMeta meta, string tableName)
     return string.Format("SELECT {0} FROM {1} WHERE {2} ",
                          BuildColumnList(meta.Columns, (sb, col) => sb.AppendFormat("{0}", col.Name)),
                          BuildColumnList(meta.Columns.Where(col => col.PrimaryKey), (sb, col) => sb.AppendFormat("{0} = {1}", col.Name, col.ParamName), " AND "));
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public string GenerateDDL(Type tp, SchemaContext context)
            // Fix type name => '.' to '_'
            TableMeta tableMeta = new TableMeta(tp.Name.Replace('.', '_'), context);

            // Loop through all obj properties
            // Leaf -> Column
            // Complex -> Build path / Cache mapping
            PropertyInfo[] properties = tp.GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance);
            foreach (PropertyInfo pi in properties)
                Type unerLyingType = TypeInterrogator.GetUnderlyingType(pi.PropertyType);
                //if (IsSkippedType(unerLyingType))
                //    return;

                if (TypeInterrogator.IsSingleValueType(unerLyingType))
                    tableMeta.ColMetaList.Add(BuildColumnMeta(pi, unerLyingType));
                //else if (TypeInterrogator.IsCollectionType(unerLyingType))
                //    BuildCollectionCtrl(pi, pi.PropertyType, typeObj);
                //    BuildCompositeCtrl(unerLyingType, pi.GetValue(typeObj, null));

Ejemplo n.º 8
 internal static string SelectRowSql(TableMeta meta, string tableName)
     return(string.Format("SELECT {0} FROM {1} WHERE {2} ",
                          BuildColumnList(meta.Columns, (sb, col) => sb.AppendFormat("{0}", col.Name)),
                          BuildColumnList(meta.Columns.Where(col => col.PrimaryKey), (sb, col) => sb.AppendFormat("{0} = {1}", col.Name, col.ParamName), " AND ")));
Ejemplo n.º 9
        public void TestNamedExpression()
            var input = "table.a as name FROM";

            var ctx   = new Machine().Initialize();
            var table = new TableMeta()
                Name = "table"

            Context.AddColumn(new ColumnMeta()
                Name = "a", Type = ColumnType.Number
            }, table);

            var parser = new Parser();
            var result = parser.ParseExpression(input, 0, ctx, new SelectStatement(), new Parser.ExpressionFlags()
                IdentifierAllowed = true
            }, true, false);

            Assert.AreEqual(result.Identifier, "name");
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public void TestBasicColumnReference()
            var ctx   = new Machine().Initialize();
            var table = new TableMeta()
                Name = "table"

            Context.AddColumn(new ColumnMeta()
                Name = "a", Type = ColumnType.Number
            }, table);

            var input = "table.a";

            var parser    = new Parser();
            var reference = parser.ParseReference(input, 0, ctx, new SelectStatement(), new Parser.ReferenceFlags()
                ResolveReferences = true
            var expected = new ColumnReference()
                Column = "a", Table = "table", InputLength = input.Length

            Assert.AreEqual(reference, expected);
Ejemplo n.º 11
 private Insert(XContext context) : base(context)
     this.tableMeta = TableMeta.From <T>();
     this.tableName = this.tableMeta.TableName;
     this.namedType = new NamedType(this.tableMeta.Type, this.tableName);
 public CreateTableRequest(TableMeta tableMeta, CapacityUnit reservedThroughput, List <IndexMeta> indexMetas)
     TableMeta          = tableMeta;
     ReservedThroughput = reservedThroughput;
     TableOptions       = new TableOptions();
     IndexMetas         = indexMetas;
        private static void PrepareTable()
            // 创建表
            OTSClient otsClient = Config.GetClient();

            IList <string> tables = otsClient.ListTable(new ListTableRequest()).TableNames;

            if (tables.Contains(TableName))

            PrimaryKeySchema primaryKeySchema = new PrimaryKeySchema
                { "pk0", ColumnValueType.Integer },
                { "pk1", ColumnValueType.String }

            TableMeta tableMeta = new TableMeta(TableName, primaryKeySchema);

            CapacityUnit       reservedThroughput = new CapacityUnit(0, 0);
            CreateTableRequest request            = new CreateTableRequest(tableMeta, reservedThroughput);

Ejemplo n.º 14
        /// <summary>
        /// 设置数据文档的表
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="document">文档</param>
        /// <param name="table">当前表</param>
        /// <param name="no">当前表编号,从1开始</param>
        public static void SetTableWord(XWPFDocument document, TableMeta table, Int32 no)
            XWPFParagraph p = document.CreateParagraph();

            p.Alignment = ParagraphAlignment.LEFT;
            XWPFRun r = p.CreateRun();

            r.FontSize = 14;
            r.IsBold   = true;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(table.Comment))
                p           = document.CreateParagraph();
                p.Alignment = ParagraphAlignment.LEFT;
                r           = p.CreateRun();
                r.FontSize = 14;
                r.IsBold   = true;

            XWPFTable grid = document.CreateTable(table.Columns.Count + 1, 5);

            grid.Width = 2500;
            grid.SetColumnWidth(0, 256 * 2);
            grid.SetColumnWidth(1, 256 * 2);
            grid.SetColumnWidth(2, 256 * 1);
            grid.SetColumnWidth(3, 256 * 1);
            grid.SetColumnWidth(4, 256 * 4);

            XWPFTableRow row = grid.GetRow(0);

            row.GetCell(0).SetParagraph(SetCellText(document, grid, "字段名"));
            row.GetCell(1).SetParagraph(SetCellText(document, grid, "类型"));
            row.GetCell(2).SetParagraph(SetCellText(document, grid, "是否主键"));
            row.GetCell(3).SetParagraph(SetCellText(document, grid, "可为空"));
            row.GetCell(4).SetParagraph(SetCellText(document, grid, "说明"));

            for (int i = 0; i < table.Columns.Count; i++)
                ColumnMeta col = table.Columns[i];
                row = grid.GetRow(i + 1);
                row.GetCell(0).SetParagraph(SetCellText(document, grid, col.ColumnName));
                row.GetCell(1).SetParagraph(SetCellText(document, grid, col.FieldTypeName));
                row.GetCell(2).SetParagraph(SetCellText(document, grid, col.IsKey ? "是" : "否"));
                row.GetCell(3).SetParagraph(SetCellText(document, grid, col.AllowDBNull ? "是" : "否"));
                row.GetCell(4).SetParagraph(SetCellText(document, grid, string.IsNullOrEmpty(col.Comment)?string.Empty:col.Comment));
Ejemplo n.º 15
        /// <summary>
        /// Obtains data source for look up type grid columns.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tableMeta">Meta data about look up table.</param>
        /// <param name="connectionString">Connection string to the underlying database.</param>
        /// <returns>An instance of <see cref="SqlDataSource"/>.</returns>
        internal static SqlDataSource GetLookUpDataSource(TableMeta tableMeta, string connectionString)
            var ds = new SqlDataSource();

            ds.ConnectionString = connectionString;
            ds.SelectCommand    = SqlHelper.GenerateSelectQuery(tableMeta);

Ejemplo n.º 16
 public void Setup()
     _object             = new TableMeta(Some.Name);
     _syntaxProviderMock = new Mock <ISyntaxProvider>();
     _syntaxProviderMock.Setup(p => p.IsSeparator('.')).Returns(true);
     _syntaxProviderMock.Setup(p => p.IsSeparator(' ')).Returns(true);
     _evaluator = new Mock <ICSharpEvaluator>();
     _parser    = new DbToolSyntaxParser(_syntaxProviderMock.Object, _evaluator.Object);
Ejemplo n.º 17
        public void TableMeta_ToString_should_match_name_property()
            var tableMeta = new TableMeta();

            tableMeta.Name       = "MyTable";
            tableMeta.SchemaName = "dbo";
            tableMeta.Caption    = "My Table";

            Assert.AreEqual(tableMeta.Name, tableMeta.ToString());
Ejemplo n.º 18
        public static void TableOperations()
            // 创建表
            OTSClient otsClient = Config.GetClient();

                Console.WriteLine("Start create table...");
                PrimaryKeySchema primaryKeySchema = new PrimaryKeySchema
                    { "pk0", ColumnValueType.Integer },
                    { "pk1", ColumnValueType.String }
                TableMeta tableMeta = new TableMeta(TableName, primaryKeySchema);

                CapacityUnit       reservedThroughput = new CapacityUnit(0, 0);
                CreateTableRequest request            = new CreateTableRequest(tableMeta, reservedThroughput);

                Console.WriteLine("Table is created: " + TableName);

            //// 更新表
            //    Thread.Sleep(60 * 1000); // 每次更新表需要至少间隔1分钟
            //    Console.WriteLine("Start update table...");
            //    CapacityUnit reservedThroughput = new CapacityUnit(0, 0); // 将预留CU调整为0,0
            //    UpdateTableRequest request = new UpdateTableRequest(TableName, reservedThroughput);
            //    UpdateTableResponse response = otsClient.UpdateTable(request);
            //    Console.WriteLine("LastIncreaseTime: " + response.ReservedThroughputDetails.LastIncreaseTime);
            //    Console.WriteLine("LastDecreaseTime: " + response.ReservedThroughputDetails.LastDecreaseTime);
            //    Console.WriteLine("NumberOfDecreaseToday: " + response.ReservedThroughputDetails.LastIncreaseTime);
            //    Console.WriteLine("ReadCapacity: " + response.ReservedThroughputDetails.CapacityUnit.Read);
            //    Console.WriteLine("WriteCapacity: " + response.ReservedThroughputDetails.CapacityUnit.Write);

            // 描述表
                Console.WriteLine("Start describe table...");
                DescribeTableRequest  request  = new DescribeTableRequest(TableName);
                DescribeTableResponse response = otsClient.DescribeTable(request);
                Console.WriteLine("LastIncreaseTime: " + response.ReservedThroughputDetails.LastIncreaseTime);
                Console.WriteLine("LastDecreaseTime: " + response.ReservedThroughputDetails.LastDecreaseTime);
                Console.WriteLine("NumberOfDecreaseToday: " + response.ReservedThroughputDetails.LastIncreaseTime);
                Console.WriteLine("ReadCapacity: " + response.ReservedThroughputDetails.CapacityUnit.Read);
                Console.WriteLine("WriteCapacity: " + response.ReservedThroughputDetails.CapacityUnit.Write);

            //// 删除表
            //    Console.WriteLine("Start delete table...");
            //    DeleteTableRequest request = new DeleteTableRequest(TableName);
            //    otsClient.DeleteTable(request);
            //    Console.WriteLine("Table is deleted.");
Ejemplo n.º 19
        internal static string CreateTable(TableMeta meta, string tableName)
            if ( (meta.Columns.Count( col => col.PrimaryKey && col.AutoIncrement ) == 1) ||
                 (meta.Columns.Count( col => col.PrimaryKey) == 0))
                return String.Format("CREATE TABLE if not exists {0} ({1}); ", tableName,
                                      BuildColumnList( meta.Columns, (sb, col) => sb.AppendFormat( "{0} {1}", col.Name, col.SqlType ) ) );

            return String.Format("CREATE TABLE if not exists {0} ({1}, PRIMARY KEY ({2})); ", tableName,
                                 BuildColumnList(meta.Columns, (sb, col) => sb.AppendFormat("{0} {1}", col.Name, col.SqlType)),
                                 BuildColumnList(meta.Columns.Where(col => col.PrimaryKey) , (sb, col) => sb.AppendFormat("{0} ", col.Name)));
Ejemplo n.º 20
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates SELECT query for a <see cref="TableMeta"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tableMeta">Meta data of table being inspected.</param>
        /// <returns>String, the SELECT query.</returns>
        public static string GenerateSelectQuery(TableMeta tableMeta, bool byId = false)
            string columnList = string.Join(", ", tableMeta.Columns.Select(m => string.Concat("[", m.Name, "]")));

            if (byId)
                return(string.Format("SELECT {0} FROM [{1}].[{2}] WHERE {3} ", columnList, tableMeta.SchemaName, tableMeta.Name,
            return(string.Format("SELECT {0} FROM [{1}].[{2}] ", columnList, tableMeta.SchemaName, tableMeta.Name));
Ejemplo n.º 21
 /// <summary>
 /// 构造一个查询命令
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="context"></param>
 internal Query(XContext context) : base(context)
     this.tableMeta = TableMeta.From <T>();
     this.tableName = this.tableMeta.TableName;
     if (tableMeta.IsSimpleType())
         throw Error.Exception("查询的实体类型不正确。");
     this.namedType = new NamedType(this.tableMeta.Type, this.tableName);
Ejemplo n.º 22
 /// <summary>
 /// Parameterized constructor of <see cref="DetailGridTemplate"/>.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="masterTableMeta">Meta data of master table.</param>
 /// <param name="connectionString">The connection string to underlying database.</param>
 public DetailGridTemplate(TableMeta masterTableMeta, string connectionString, List <PermissionType> permissions)
     this.masterTableMeta = masterTableMeta;
     if (masterTableMeta.Children.Where(c => c.IsRendered).Count() != 1)
         throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("Master table {0} has no child table or more than 1 child tables.", masterTableMeta.Name));
     this.detailTable      = masterTableMeta.Children[0];
     this.connectionString = connectionString;
     this.permissions      = permissions;
        public void CreateTestTable(string tableName, PrimaryKeySchema schema, CapacityUnit reservedThroughput, bool waitFlag = true)
            var tableMeta = new TableMeta(tableName, schema);
            var request   = new CreateTableRequest(tableMeta, reservedThroughput);


            if (waitFlag)
Ejemplo n.º 24
        protected TableMeta BuildTable(TableDef tableDefTmp,
                                       ref ArrayList indexList,
                                       ref ArrayList primaryKeyList,
                                       ref ArrayList uniqkeyList,
                                       ref ArrayList foreignKeyList,
                                       ref StringBuilder strRowDataSql,
                                       ref ArrayList colAlterList)
            DDLActionEnum tblAction = ValidateVersion(tableDefTmp);

            if (tblAction == DDLActionEnum.NONE)        // not in range!

            TableMeta tableMetaTmp = new TableMeta(tableDefTmp.Name, _context);

            ColumnCollection columns = tableDefTmp.Columns;

            foreach (Column col in columns)
                ColumnMeta colMeta = new ColumnMeta(col.ColumnName, col.DataType, _dtMap);
                colMeta.Default  = col.ExplicitDefaultValue;
                colMeta.Nullable = col.IsNullable;                      // more...
                colMeta.DataType.StringLength = col.MaxStringLength;

                if (tblAction == DDLActionEnum.MODIFY)
                    DDLActionEnum colAlterAction = ValidateVersion(col);
                    if (colAlterAction != DDLActionEnum.NONE)
                        ColumnAlter colAlterTmp = new ColumnAlter(tableMetaTmp, colMeta);
                        colAlterTmp.AlterAction = (int)colAlterAction;


            BuildIndexAndConstraints(tableDefTmp, tableMetaTmp, ref indexList,
                                     ref primaryKeyList, ref uniqkeyList, ref foreignKeyList);

            strRowDataSql.Append(TableRowSQLBuilder.BuildInsertLine(tableDefTmp.TableRows, tableMetaTmp, _LowVersion, _HighVersion));

            if (tblAction == DDLActionEnum.MODIFY)      // do not build a new table
                tableMetaTmp = null;

Ejemplo n.º 25
        internal static string CreateTable(TableMeta meta, string tableName)
            if ((meta.Columns.Count(col => col.PrimaryKey && col.AutoIncrement) == 1) ||
                (meta.Columns.Count(col => col.PrimaryKey) == 0))
                return(String.Format("CREATE TABLE if not exists {0} ({1}); ", tableName,
                                     BuildColumnList(meta.Columns, (sb, col) => sb.AppendFormat("{0} {1}", col.Name, col.SqlType))));

            return(String.Format("CREATE TABLE if not exists {0} ({1}, PRIMARY KEY ({2})); ", tableName,
                                 BuildColumnList(meta.Columns, (sb, col) => sb.AppendFormat("{0} {1}", col.Name, col.SqlType)),
                                 BuildColumnList(meta.Columns.Where(col => col.PrimaryKey), (sb, col) => sb.AppendFormat("{0} ", col.Name))));
Ejemplo n.º 26
        public void TableMeta_primary_keys_defined()
            var tableMeta = new TableMeta();

            tableMeta.Name       = "MyTable";
            tableMeta.SchemaName = "dbo";
            tableMeta.Caption    = "My Table";
            tableMeta.Columns.Add(new ColumnMeta()
                Name = "Id", OrderNo = 1, DataType = TypeCode.Int32, IsPrimaryKey = true, IsRequired = true, Table = tableMeta

            Assert.IsTrue(tableMeta.PrimaryKeys.Length == 1);
Ejemplo n.º 27
        public void CreateTestTable()
            var primaryKeys = new PrimaryKeySchema();

            primaryKeys.Add("PK0", ColumnValueType.String);
            primaryKeys.Add("PK1", ColumnValueType.Integer);

            var tableMeta          = new TableMeta("SampleTableName", primaryKeys);
            var reservedThroughput = new CapacityUnit(0, 0);
            var request            = new CreateTableRequest(tableMeta, reservedThroughput);


Ejemplo n.º 28
        public Type CreateType(TableMeta table)
            var builder = DynamicAssembly.BuildClass(table.Name)
                          .WithAttribute(() => new DbTableAttribute(table.Name))
                          .WithAttribute <SerializableAttribute>();

            foreach (var column in table.Columns)
                builder.AddProperty(column.Name, column.CSharpType);

            var type = builder.CreateType();

Ejemplo n.º 29
 /// <summary>
 /// Parameterized-constructor for <see cref="DetailGridCreator"/>.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="detailTable">An instance of <see cref="TableMetaRelation"/>, provides meta-data about relation
 /// between master and detail tables.</param>
 /// <param name="masterTableMeta">Master table meta data, an instance of <see cref="TableMeta"/>.</param>
 /// <param name="masterKey">The primary key of master table.</param>
 /// <param name="connectionString">Connection string to underlying database.</param>
 /// <param name="permissions"></param>
 public DetailGridCreator(TableMetaRelation detailTable, TableMeta masterTableMeta, object masterKey, string connectionString,
                          List <PermissionType> permissions)
     this.detailTableMeta  = detailTable.Child;
     this.masterTableMeta  = masterTableMeta;
     this.masterKey        = masterKey;
     this.connectionString = connectionString;
     this.gridId           = string.Concat(detailTableMeta.Name.ToCamelCase(), "GridView");
     this.foreignKey       = detailTableMeta.Columns.Where(c => c.IsForeignKey == true && c.Name == detailTable.ForeignKeyName)
     if (foreignKey == null)
         throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("FK to table {0} not found", masterTableMeta.Name));
     this.permissions = permissions;
Ejemplo n.º 30
        private void CreateTable()
            var otsClient        = OTSClient;
            var primaryKeySchema = new PrimaryKeySchema();

            primaryKeySchema.Add("PK0", ColumnValueType.String);
            primaryKeySchema.Add("PK1", ColumnValueType.Integer);

            var tableMeta = new TableMeta("SampleTable", primaryKeySchema);

            var reservedThroughput = new CapacityUnit(0, 0);
            var request            = new CreateTableRequest(tableMeta, reservedThroughput);
            var response           = otsClient.CreateTable(request);

        private void CreateTable(String tableName)
            foreach (var tableItem in OTSClient.ListTable(new ListTableRequest()).TableNames)
                OTSClient.DeleteTable(new DeleteTableRequest(tableItem));
            var primaryKeySchema = new PrimaryKeySchema();

            primaryKeySchema.Add("PK0", ColumnValueType.Integer);
            var tableMeta          = new TableMeta(tableName, primaryKeySchema);
            var reservedThroughput = new CapacityUnit(0, 0);
            var request            = new CreateTableRequest(tableMeta, reservedThroughput);
            var response           = OTSClient.CreateTable(request);

        public void CreateTableAndDelete()
            string tableName = "SampleTableName";

            var primaryKeys = new PrimaryKeySchema
                { "PK0", ColumnValueType.String },
                { "PK1", ColumnValueType.Integer }

            var tableOption = new TableOptions
                MaxVersions = 1,
                TimeToLive  = -1

            var tableMeta          = new TableMeta(tableName, primaryKeys);
            var reservedThroughput = new CapacityUnit(0, 0);
            var request1           = new CreateTableRequest(tableMeta, reservedThroughput)
                TableOptions = tableOption

            var response1 = OTSClient.CreateTable(request1);

            var request2  = new ListTableRequest();
            var response2 = OTSClient.ListTable(request2);


            var request3  = new DescribeTableRequest(tableName);
            var response3 = OTSClient.DescribeTable(request3);

            Assert.AreEqual(tableName, response3.TableMeta.TableName);
            Assert.AreEqual(primaryKeys, response3.TableMeta.PrimaryKeySchema);
            Assert.AreEqual(reservedThroughput.Read, response3.ReservedThroughputDetails.CapacityUnit.Read);
            Assert.AreEqual(reservedThroughput.Write, response3.ReservedThroughputDetails.CapacityUnit.Write);

            OTSClient.DeleteTable(new DeleteTableRequest(tableName));

            var request4  = new ListTableRequest();
            var response4 = OTSClient.ListTable(request4);

Ejemplo n.º 33
 internal static string InsertSql(TableMeta meta, string tableName)
     return string.Format("INSERT INTO {0} ({1}) VALUES ({2}); ", tableName,
                          BuildColumnList(meta.Columns, (sb, col) => sb.AppendFormat("{0}", col.Name)),
                          BuildColumnList(meta.Columns, (sb, col) => sb.AppendFormat("{0}", col.ParamName)));
Ejemplo n.º 34
 /// <summary>
 /// Find ForeignKey in Meta-B which relates to Meta-A
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="metaA"></param>
 /// <param name="metaB"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 private static TableColumn FindJoin(TableMeta metaA, TableMeta metaB)
     return metaA.Columns.FirstOrDefault(t => t.IsForeignKey && t.ParentTableType == metaB.TableType);
Ejemplo n.º 35
        private static string JoinOn(TableMeta metaA, string aliasA, TableMeta metaB, string aliasB)
            var join = FindJoin(metaA, metaB);
            if (join != null)
                return string.Format("{0}.{1} == {2}.{3}", aliasA, join.Name, aliasB, metaB.Columns.First(c => c.PrimaryKey).Name);

            join = FindJoin(metaB, metaA);
            if (join != null)
                return string.Format("{0}.{1} == {2}.{3}", aliasB, join.Name, aliasA, metaA.Columns.First(c => c.PrimaryKey).Name);

            join = (from colA in metaA.Columns
                    join colB in metaB.Columns on colA.ParentTableType equals colB.ParentTableType
                    select colA).FirstOrDefault();

            if (join != null)
                return string.Format("{0}.{1} == {2}.{3}", aliasA, join.Name, aliasB, metaA.Columns.First(c => c.ParentTableType == join.ParentTableType ).Name);

            throw new ArgumentException( "There is no ForeignKey relationship between entities " + metaA.TableType.Name + " and " + metaB.TableType.Name );
Ejemplo n.º 36
 internal static string ColumnsWithAlias(TableMeta meta, string alias)
     return BuildColumnList(meta.Columns, (sb, col) => sb.AppendFormat("{0}.{1}", alias, col.Name));
Ejemplo n.º 37
        public void DropHtmlObjectInDataBase(ref List<Html> htmlObjects)
            int total = htmlObjects.Count;

            for (int c = 0; c < total; c++)
                m_tableLink = new TableLink { Link = htmlObjects[0].Link, Title = htmlObjects[0].Title, VisiteDate = htmlObjects[0].VisiteDate };

                // breakpoint
                string link = htmlObjects[0].Link;
                var req = m_dataBase.TableLink.Where(l => l.Link == link).Take(1);
                int linkId = req.First().Id;

                for (int i = 0; i < htmlObjects[0].ListH1.Count; i++)
                    m_tableH1 = new TableH1 { IdLink = linkId, InnerText = htmlObjects[0].ListH1[i] };

                for (int i = 0; i < htmlObjects[0].ListH2.Count; i++)
                    m_tableH2 = new TableH2 { IdLink = linkId, InnerText = htmlObjects[0].ListH2[i] };

                for (int i = 0; i < htmlObjects[0].ListMeta.Count; i++)
                    m_tableMeta = new TableMeta { IdLink = linkId, InnerText = htmlObjects[0].ListMeta[i].Content, Name = htmlObjects[0].ListMeta[i].Name };

                for (int i = 0; i < htmlObjects[0].Email.Count; i++)
                    m_tableEmail = new TableEmail { IdLink = linkId, Address = htmlObjects[0].Email[i] };


Ejemplo n.º 38
 internal static string DeleteRowSql(TableMeta meta, string tableName)
     return string.Format("DELETE FROM {0} WHERE {1}", tableName,
                          BuildColumnList(meta.Columns.Where(col => col.PrimaryKey), (sb, col) => sb.AppendFormat("{0} = {1}", col.Name, col.ParamName), " AND "));
Ejemplo n.º 39
 internal static string DeleteSql(TableMeta meta, string tableName)
     return string.Format("DELETE FROM {0}", tableName);
Ejemplo n.º 40
        internal static string UpdateSql(TableMeta meta, string tableName)
            List<TableColumn> columns = new List<TableColumn>();
            foreach (TableColumn item in meta.Columns)
                if (!item.PrimaryKey)

            return string.Format("UPDATE {0} SET {1} WHERE {2};", tableName,
                (sb, col) =>
                    if (!col.PrimaryKey)
                        sb.AppendFormat("{0} = {1}", col.Name, col.ParamName);
                BuildColumnList(meta.Columns.Where(col => col.PrimaryKey), (sb, col) => sb.AppendFormat("{0} = {1}", col.Name, col.ParamName), " AND "));
Ejemplo n.º 41
 internal static string SelectAllSql(TableMeta meta, string tableName)
     return string.Format("SELECT {0} FROM {1}",
                          BuildColumnList(meta.Columns, (sb, col) => sb.AppendFormat("{0}", col.Name)),