Ejemplo n.º 1
        private void columnsPage_ShowFromNext(object sender, EventArgs e)

            TableFactory tf        = new TableFactory();
            string       tableName = m_Edit.TableName;

            Smo.Table t = tf.FindTableByName(tableName);

            if (t == null)

            // Get any domains already associated with the table
            IColumnDomain[] curDomains = m_Edit.ColumnDomains;

            columnsGrid.RowCount = t.Columns.Count;

            for (int i = 0; i < columnsGrid.RowCount; i++)
                Smo.Column c = t.Columns[i];

                DataGridViewRow row = columnsGrid.Rows[i];
                row.Cells["dgcColumnName"].Value = c.Name;

                Smo.DataType dt       = c.DataType;
                string       dataType = dt.SqlDataType.ToString().ToLower();

                if (dt.SqlDataType == Smo.SqlDataType.Char ||
                    dt.SqlDataType == Smo.SqlDataType.NChar ||
                    dt.SqlDataType == Smo.SqlDataType.VarChar ||
                    dt.SqlDataType == Smo.SqlDataType.NVarChar)
                    dataType += String.Format("({0})", dt.MaximumLength);

                if (!c.Nullable)
                    dataType += " not null";

                row.Cells["dgcDataType"].Value = dataType;

                // Display any domain previously associated with the column
                IColumnDomain cd = Array.Find <IColumnDomain>(curDomains,
                                                              delegate(IColumnDomain tcd) { return(tcd.ColumnName == c.Name); });
                if (cd != null)
                    row.Cells["dgcDomain"].Value = cd.Domain;

                row.Tag = c;

            // Nothing initially selected
            columnsGrid.CurrentCell = null;

            // If we have a simple primary key, assume it's the feature ID column
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(m_Edit.IdColumnName))
                Smo.Column pk = TableFactory.GetSimplePrimaryKeyColumn(t);
                if (pk != null)
                    idColumnComboBox.SelectedItem = pk.Name;
                idColumnComboBox.SelectedItem = m_Edit.IdColumnName;