Ejemplo n.º 1
        protected void grdOrg_RowCommand(object sender, GridViewCommandEventArgs e)
            if (e.CommandName == "Edits")
                lblMsg.Text          = "";
                txtOrgIDConfirm.Text = e.CommandArgument.ToString();

                //check to see if selected organization is already in Open Waters
                T_WQX_ORGANIZATION org = db_WQX.GetWQX_ORGANIZATION_ByID(e.CommandArgument.ToString());
                if (org != null)
                    //Case 1: org is already in Open Waters
                    lblConfirmText.Text = org.ORG_FORMAL_NAME + " (" + org.ORG_ID + ") is already using Open Waters. Click 'Confirm' to notify an Administrator for this Organization to approve your access request.";
                    //Case 2: org doesn't exist in Open Waters
                    lblConfirmText.Text = "This Organization does not yet exist in Open Waters. Click 'Confirm' to request access to this organization. ";

                pnl1.Visible             = false;
                pnlNewOrgConfirm.Visible = true;
                grdOrg.Visible           = false;
                btnAdd.Visible           = false;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the WQX timezone code based on the supplied time zone and date
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dt">Sample Date</param>
        /// <param name="TimeZoneName"></param>
        /// <param name="TimeZoneStandardCode">WQX Standard Code</param>
        /// <param name="TimeZoneDaylightCode">WQX Daylight Savings Code</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static string GetWQXTimeZoneByDate(DateTime dt)
                string OrgID = (HttpContext.Current.Session["OrgID"] ?? "").ToString();

                //see if session has any timezone value
                if ((HttpContext.Current.Session[OrgID + "_TZ"] ?? "") == "")
                    //no default time zone found in session, need to retrieve from database
                    string TimeZoneID = "";

                    T_WQX_ORGANIZATION org = db_WQX.GetWQX_ORGANIZATION_ByID(OrgID);
                    if (org != null)
                        if ((org.DEFAULT_TIMEZONE ?? "") != "")
                            TimeZoneID = org.DEFAULT_TIMEZONE;
                            TimeZoneID = db_Ref.GetT_OE_APP_SETTING("Default Timezone");

                    T_WQX_REF_DEFAULT_TIME_ZONE tz = db_Ref.GetT_WQX_REF_DEFAULT_TIME_ZONE_ByName(TimeZoneID);
                    if (tz != null)
                        HttpContext.Current.Session[OrgID + "_TZ"]   = tz.OFFICIAL_TIME_ZONE_NAME;
                        HttpContext.Current.Session[OrgID + "_TZ_S"] = tz.WQX_CODE_STANDARD;
                        HttpContext.Current.Session[OrgID + "_TZ_D"] = tz.WQX_CODE_DAYLIGHT;

                TimeZoneInfo tzi = TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById(HttpContext.Current.Session[OrgID + "_TZ"].ToString());
                if (tzi.IsDaylightSavingTime(dt))
                    return(HttpContext.Current.Session[OrgID + "_TZ_S"].ToString());
                    return(HttpContext.Current.Session[OrgID + "_TZ_D"].ToString());
Ejemplo n.º 3
        private void PopulateTabsData()
            string OrgID = hdnOrgID.Value.ToString();

            //tab 1

            if (o != null)
                ddlTimeZone.SelectedValue = o.DEFAULT_TIMEZONE;

            //tab 2

            //tab 3

            //tab 4
            grdTranslate.DataSource = db_WQX.GetWQX_IMPORT_TRANSLATE_byOrg(OrgID);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public void Configuration(IAppBuilder app)
            //IdentityServer configuration settings
            if (ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["UseIdentityServer"] == "true")
                //db_Ref.InsertT_OE_SYS_LOG("DEBUG", "starting up auth");

                JwtSecurityTokenHandler.InboundClaimTypeMap = new Dictionary <string, string>();

                app.UseCookieAuthentication(new CookieAuthenticationOptions
                    AuthenticationType = "Cookies",
                    ExpireTimeSpan     = System.TimeSpan.FromMinutes(60),

                app.UseOpenIdConnectAuthentication(new OpenIdConnectAuthenticationOptions
                    ClientId              = "open_waters",
                    Authority             = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["IdentityServerAuthority"],     //"http://localhost:3892/",  //ID Server
                    RedirectUri           = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["IdentityServerRedirectURI"],   //"http://localhost:1244/signinoidc",  , //
                    PostLogoutRedirectUri = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["IdentityServerPostLogoutURI"], //"http://localhost:1244/signoutcallbackoidc",
                    ResponseType          = "id_token",
                    UseTokenLifetime      = false,
                    //CallbackPath = new Microsoft.Owin.PathString("/home/index/"),  // Critical to prevent infinite loop**

                    SignInAsAuthenticationType = "Cookies",
                    Scope = "openid profile email",

                    TokenValidationParameters =
                        NameClaimType = "name"
                    Notifications = new OpenIdConnectAuthenticationNotifications()
                        SecurityTokenValidated = (context) =>
                            //db_Ref.InsertT_OE_SYS_LOG("DEBUG", "validating user");

                            //grab information about User
                            ClaimsIdentity _identity = context.AuthenticationTicket.Identity;
                            var UserID_portal        = _identity.FindFirst("sub").Value;
                            int UserIDX = 0;

                            //check if user with this email already in system
                            T_OE_USERS t = db_Accounts.GetT_VCCB_USERByEmail(_identity.Name);
                            if (t == null)
                                db_Ref.InsertT_OE_SYS_LOG("DEBUG", "No user with email exists - creating with ID=[" + _identity.Name + "]");

                                //insert new USERS table if not yet there
                                UserIDX = db_Accounts.CreateT_OE_USERS(_identity.Name, "unused", "unused", "temp", "temp", _identity.Name, true, false, System.DateTime.Now, null, null, "portal");

                                db_Ref.InsertT_OE_SYS_LOG("DEBUG", "New User created IDX" + UserIDX);

                                //Add user to GENERAL USER Role
                                if (UserIDX > 0)
                                    db_Accounts.CreateT_VCCB_USER_ROLE(3, UserIDX, "system");
                                //update existing user record
                                UserIDX = t.USER_IDX;

                                //switch "User.Identity.Name" to the username
                                Claim nameClaim = new Claim("name", t.USER_ID, ClaimValueTypes.String, "LocalAuthority");

                            if (UserIDX > 0)
                                //now add UserIDX to claims
                                Claim userIDXClaim = new Claim("UserIDX", UserIDX.ToString(), ClaimValueTypes.Integer, "LocalAuthority");
                                throw new System.IdentityModel.Tokens.SecurityTokenValidationException();

                            //delete all orgs for this user to Inactive

                            //now handling jurisdiction associations
                            var authorizedOrgs = _identity.FindAll("open_waters");

                            foreach (var org in authorizedOrgs)
                                string[] org_array = org.Value.Split(';');

                                T_WQX_ORGANIZATION o = db_WQX.GetWQX_ORGANIZATION_ByID(org_array[0]);
                                if (o != null)
                                    db_WQX.InsertT_WQX_USER_ORGS(o.ORG_ID, UserIDX, org_array[1] == "True" ? "A" : "U");

                                    //set their default OPEN WATERS ORG ID (assuming vast majority of users only have rights to 1 org)
                                    db_Accounts.UpdateT_OE_USERSDefaultOrg(UserIDX, o.ORG_ID);


Ejemplo n.º 5
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!IsPostBack)
                //************* Data Collection Metrics Panel ***********************************
                lblOrg.Text = db_WQX.GetWQX_ORGANIZATION().Count().ToString();

                int UserIDX = Utils.GetUserIDX(User);

                //post login stuff such as setting Default OrgID in session
                if (Session["UserIDX"].ConvertOrDefault <int>() == 0)

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Session["OrgID"] as string))
                    string orgID = Session["OrgID"].ToString();
                    pnlOrgSpecific.Visible = true;
                    T_WQX_ORGANIZATION _org = db_WQX.GetWQX_ORGANIZATION_ByID(orgID);
                    if (_org != null)
                        lblOrgName.Text = _org.ORG_FORMAL_NAME;
                    lblProject2.Text  = db_WQX.GetWQX_PROJECT(true, orgID, false).Count.ToString();
                    lblSamp.Text      = db_WQX.GetWQX_ACTIVITY(true, orgID, null, null, null, null, false, null).Count().ToString();
                    lblSampPend2.Text = db_WQX.GetWQX_ACTIVITY(true, orgID, null, null, null, null, true, null).Count().ToString();
                    lblResult.Text    = db_WQX.GetT_WQX_RESULTCount(orgID).ToString();
                    pnlOrgSpecific.Visible = false;

                //**************Admin Tasks Panel ***************************************
                if (HttpContext.Current.User.IsInRole("ADMINS") || db_WQX.CanUserAdminOrgs(UserIDX))
                    pnlAdminTasks.Visible = true;

                //**************Getting started wizard ***************************************

                //STEP 1 ***********************************
                List <T_WQX_ORGANIZATION> o1s = db_WQX.GetWQX_USER_ORGS_ByUserIDX(UserIDX, false);
                if (o1s.Count == 0)
                    lblWiz1.Text = "To use Open Waters, you must first be linked with an Organization. This is the water monitoring agency you represent. If you intend to submit your data to EPA, this organization must first be created by EPA in their WQX system. Otherwise, if you never intend to submit your data to EPA, you can create any Organization ID you wish.";
                    spnWiz1.Attributes["class"] = "signup_header_cross";
                    btnWiz1.Text = "Get Started";
                    spnWiz2.Attributes["class"] = "signup_header_crossbw";
                    btnWiz2.Visible             = false;
                    spnWiz3.Attributes["class"] = "signup_header_crossbw";
                    btnWiz3.Visible             = false;
                    btnWiz3b.Visible            = false;
                    spnWiz4.Attributes["class"] = "signup_header_crossbw";
                    btnWiz4.Visible             = false;
                    btnWiz4b.Visible            = false;
                    spnWiz5.Attributes["class"] = "signup_header_crossbw";
                    btnWiz5.Visible             = false;
                    spnWiz6.Attributes["class"] = "signup_header_crossbw";
                    btnWiz6.Visible             = false;
                    btnWiz6b.Visible            = false;
                    List <T_WQX_ORGANIZATION> oNotPends = db_WQX.GetWQX_USER_ORGS_ByUserIDX(UserIDX, true);
                    if (oNotPends.Count == 0)
                        //only organization user is associated with is pending
                        btnWiz1.Visible             = false;
                        lblWiz1.Text                = "Your request to view/submit data for an organization is pending. You must wait for an administrator to approve your request.";
                        spnWiz1.Attributes["class"] = "signup_header_progress";
                        spnWiz2.Attributes["class"] = "signup_header_crossbw";
                        btnWiz2.Visible             = false;
                        spnWiz3.Attributes["class"] = "signup_header_crossbw";
                        btnWiz3.Visible             = false;
                        btnWiz3b.Visible            = false;
                        spnWiz4.Attributes["class"] = "signup_header_crossbw";
                        btnWiz4.Visible             = false;
                        btnWiz4b.Visible            = false;
                        spnWiz5.Attributes["class"] = "signup_header_crossbw";
                        btnWiz5.Visible             = false;
                        spnWiz6.Attributes["class"] = "signup_header_crossbw";
                        btnWiz6.Visible             = false;
                        btnWiz6b.Visible            = false;
                        //STEP 1 IS COMPLETE, now try out tests 2-6

                        btnWiz1.Text = "View";
                        lblWiz1.Text = "Congrats! You are associated with an Organization. Click to view its details.";
                        spnWiz1.Attributes["class"] = "signup_header_check";

                        //STEP 2: submit authorization ******************************************
                        foreach (T_WQX_ORGANIZATION oNotPend in oNotPends)
                            if (oNotPend.CDX_SUBMIT_IND == true)
                                spnWiz2.Attributes["class"] = "signup_header_check";
                                lblWiz2.Text = "Congrats! Your organization is authorized to submit to EPA-WQX.";
                                btnWiz2.Text = "Change Credentials";
                                spnWiz2.Attributes["class"] = "signup_header_cross";
                                lblWiz2.Text = "In order to submit data to EPA using Open Waters, you must contact EPA and request that they authorize Open Waters to submit data.";
                                btnWiz2.Text = "Get Started";

                        //STEP 3:Mon Loc******************************************
                        bool MonLocOK = false;
                        if (db_WQX.GetWQX_MONLOC_MyOrgCount(UserIDX) > 0)
                            lblWiz3.Text = "One or more monitoring locations have been created. Click to view.";
                            spnWiz3.Attributes["class"] = "signup_header_check";
                            btnWiz3.Text = "View";
                            MonLocOK     = true;
                            lblWiz3.Text = "Click to enter a monitoring location record.";
                            spnWiz3.Attributes["class"] = "signup_header_cross";

                        //STEP 4:Project ******************************************
                        bool ProjOK = false;
                        if (db_WQX.GetWQX_PROJECT_MyOrgCount(UserIDX) > 0)
                            lblWiz4.Text = "One or more projects have been created. Click to view.";
                            spnWiz4.Attributes["class"] = "signup_header_check";
                            btnWiz4.Text = "View";
                            ProjOK       = true;
                            lblWiz4.Text = "Click to manually enter a project record or import records from a spreadsheet or EPA. ";
                            spnWiz4.Attributes["class"] = "signup_header_cross";

                        //STEP 5: Organization Starter Data ******************************************

                        if ((oNotPends[0].DEFAULT_TIMEZONE ?? "").Length > 0)
                            lblWiz5.Text = "Organization default data (e.g. Default Timezone) has been defined. Click to view.";
                            spnWiz5.Attributes["class"] = "signup_header_check";
                            lblWiz5.Text = "Click to enter default organization data (e.g. Default Timezone, characteristics) that will be helpful during activity data entry.";
                            spnWiz5.Attributes["class"] = "signup_header_cross";

                        //STEP 6: Activity ******************************************
                        if (ProjOK == true && MonLocOK == true)
                            if (db_WQX.GetWQX_ACTIVITY_MyOrgCount(UserIDX) > 0)
                                lblWiz6.Text = "One or more activities have been created. Click to view.";
                                spnWiz6.Attributes["class"] = "signup_header_check";
                                btnWiz6.Text = "View";
                                lblWiz6.Text = "Click to enter an activity record.";
                                spnWiz6.Attributes["class"] = "signup_header_cross";
                            lblWiz6.Text = "You must enter a monitoring location and a project before you begin to create activities.";
                            spnWiz6.Attributes["class"] = "signup_header_crossbw";
                            btnWiz6.Visible             = false;
                //**************End Getting started wizard *******************************
Ejemplo n.º 6
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (Session["OrgID"] == null)

            if (Request.QueryString["c"] == "1")
                pnlCDX.CssClass = "fldErr row";

            //read session variables
            OrgEditID = Session["OrgID"].ToString();

            if (!IsPostBack)
                //display left menu as selected
                ContentPlaceHolder cp = this.Master.Master.FindControl("MainContent") as ContentPlaceHolder;
                HyperLink          hl = (HyperLink)cp.FindControl("lnkOrgList");
                if (hl != null)
                    hl.CssClass = "leftMnuBody sel";

                //populate drop-downs
                Utils.BindList(ddlTribalCode, dsRefData, "VALUE", "TEXT");

                //******************* Populate organization information on form
                rbCDX.SelectedValue = "1";

                if (o != null)
                    txtOrgID.Text               = o.ORG_ID;
                    txtOrgID.ReadOnly           = true;
                    txtOrgName.Text             = o.ORG_FORMAL_NAME;
                    txtOrgDesc.Text             = o.ORG_DESC;
                    ddlTribalCode.SelectedValue = o.TRIBAL_CODE;
                    txtOrgEmail.Text            = o.ELECTRONICADDRESS;
                    txtOrgPhone.Text            = o.TELEPHONE_NUM;
                    txtOrgPhoneExt.Text         = o.TELEPHONE_EXT;
                    txtMailingAddress.Text      = o.MAILING_ADDRESS;
                    txtMailCity.Text            = o.MAILING_ADD_CITY;
                    txtMailState.Text           = o.MAILING_ADD_STATE;
                    txtMailZIP.Text             = o.MAILING_ADD_ZIP;

                    //CDX submission information*************************************8
                    if (o.CDX_SUBMIT_IND == true)
                        lblCDXSubmitInd.CssClass = "fldPass";
                        lblCDXSubmitInd.Text     = "This Organization is able to submit to EPA.";
                        lblCDXSubmitInd.CssClass = "fldErr";
                        lblCDXSubmitInd.Text     = "This Organization is unable to submit to EPA. Please correct this below.";

                    txtCDX.Text    = o.CDX_SUBMITTER_ID;
                    txtCDXPwd.Text = "--------";
                    txtCDXPwd.Attributes["value"] = "--------";
                    if ((o.CDX_SUBMITTER_ID ?? "").Length > 0)
                        rbCDX.SelectedValue = "1";
                        rbCDX.SelectedValue = "2";

                //populate listbox with users already in organization
                foreach (UserOrgDisplay u in db_WQX.GetT_OE_USERSInOrganization(txtOrgID.Text))
                    ListItem li = new ListItem(u.USER_ID.ToString() + (u.ROLE_CD == "A" ? "(Admin)" : "(User)"), u.USER_IDX.ToString());

                //populate listbox with users not in role
                foreach (T_OE_USERS u in db_WQX.GetT_OE_USERSNotInOrganization(txtOrgID.Text))
                    ListItem li = new ListItem(u.USER_ID.ToString(), u.USER_IDX.ToString());

                //only make visible if editing existing organization
                pnlRoles.Visible = (OrgEditID != "-1");
Ejemplo n.º 7
        protected void btnConfirm_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string OrgID   = txtOrgIDConfirm.Text;
            var    emailTo = new List <string>();

            //check to see if selected organization is already in Open Waters

            if (org == null)
                //*************** CASE 1: CREATE NEW ORG
                T_EPA_ORGS eo = db_WQX.GetT_EPA_ORGS_ByOrgID(OrgID);
                if (eo != null)
                    int SuccID = db_WQX.InsertOrUpdateT_WQX_ORGANIZATION(eo.ORG_ID, eo.ORG_FORMAL_NAME, null, null, "", null, "", null, null, null, null, false, null, User.Identity.Name);
                    if (SuccID == 0)
                        pnlNewOrgConfirm.Visible = false;
                        lblMsg.Text = "This request cannot be completed.";
                    pnlNewOrgConfirm.Visible = false;
                    lblMsg.Text = "This request cannot be completed - Org not found";

                List <T_OE_USERS> admins = db_Accounts.GetT_OE_USERSInRole(2);
                foreach (T_OE_USERS admin in admins)
                //*************** CASE 2: ORG ALREADY IN OPEN WATERS

                //now check to see if there are any Admins for this organization
                List <T_OE_USERS> uorgs = db_WQX.GetWQX_USER_ORGS_AdminsByOrg(OrgID);
                if (uorgs.Count > 0)
                    foreach (T_OE_USERS uorg in uorgs)
                    List <T_OE_USERS> admins = db_Accounts.GetT_OE_USERSInRole(2);
                    foreach (T_OE_USERS admin in admins)

            //Org is now in Open Waters, so user added to Org with pending status
            db_WQX.InsertT_WQX_USER_ORGS(OrgID, Utils.GetUserIDX(User), "P", User.Identity.Name);

            //send email with request
            string msg = "A user has requested to join an organization for which you are an administrator (or you are a global admin)." + "\r\n\r\n";

            msg += "The following user account (" + User.Identity.Name + ") has requested to join your organization (" + OrgID + "). Please log into Open Waters and either accept or reject this request." + "\r\n\r\n";
            bool eMailSucc = Utils.SendEmail(null, emailTo, null, null, "Open Waters: User Requesting to Join Organization", msg, null);

            pnlNewOrgConfirm.Visible = false;
            lblMsg.Text = "Your request has been made. You will be emailed when your request has been approved.";