Ejemplo n.º 1
    public TVector2 Copy()
        TVector2 ret = new TVector2(_v.x, _v.y, Tag);

        return ret;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public TVector2 this[int index]
                switch (index)
                    case 0:
                        return this.a;
                    case 1:
                        return this.b;

                        throw new System.IndexOutOfRangeException("Invalid LineSegment2D index!");
                switch (index)
                    case 0:
                        this.a = value;
                    case 1:
                        this.b = value;
                        throw new System.IndexOutOfRangeException("Invalid LineSegment2D index!");
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public TVector2 this[int index]
                switch (index)
                    case 0:
                        return this.a;
                    case 1:
                        return this.b;
                    case 2:
                        return this.c;
				 	case 3:
                        return this.d;
                        throw new System.IndexOutOfRangeException("Invalid Quad2D index!");
                switch (index)
                    case 0:
                        this.a = value;
                    case 1:
                        this.b = value;
                    case 2:
                        this.c = value;
					case 3:
                        this.d = value;
                        throw new System.IndexOutOfRangeException("Invalid Quad2D index!");
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public string Accept(TVector2 type, string bufName)
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public DType Accept(TVector2 type, string x)
     throw new NotSupportedException();
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public static DType CreateVector(TVector2 type, string x)
            var values = SplitVectorString(x);

            return(new DVector2(new System.Numerics.Vector2(float.Parse(values[0]), float.Parse(values[1]))));
 public string Accept(TVector2 type, string fieldName, string tablesName)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
Ejemplo n.º 8
	public Triangle3[] GetStraightSpokePlane (TVector3 origin, float zOffset, string Tag1, string Tag2)
		System.Collections.Generic.List<Triangle3> tris = new List<Triangle3> ();

		//Calc the angle to sweep...
		float inctheta = 2 * Mathf.PI / ((float)_spokeCount);
		float theta = 0.0f;
		float adjAngle = 0.0f;
		System.Collections.Generic.List<LineSegment2D> spokelines = new System.Collections.Generic.List<LineSegment2D> ();
		for (int i = 0; i < (_spokeCount + 1); i++) {
			adjAngle = inctheta;
			TVector2 pt1;
			TVector2 pt2;
			if(_hubRadius !=0){
	            pt1 = new TVector2((_hubRadius) * Mathf.Cos(theta) + origin.Value.x, (_hubRadius) * Mathf.Sin(theta) + origin.Value.y, VERT_SpokeEdgeTop);
				pt1 = new TVector2(origin.Value.x, origin.Value.y, VERT_SpokeEdgeTop);
			pt2 = new TVector2(_ringRadius * Mathf.Cos(theta) + origin.Value.x, _ringRadius * Mathf.Sin(theta) + origin.Value.y, VERT_SpokeEdgeTop);
			LineSegment2D ls = new LineSegment2D ();
			ls.a = pt1;
			ls.b = pt2;

			spokelines.Add (ls);
			theta += (adjAngle);
		theta = 0.0f;
		for (int i = 0; i < (_spokeCount); i++) {
			Quad3D q3;

			var q2 = CreateQuadFromLineSegment (spokelines [i], _spokeWidthInner, _spokeWidthOuter);

            q3 = new Quad3D().Create(q2, origin.Value.z);
			q3.Tag = Tag1;
			var qtris = q3.GetTris ();
			qtris[0].Tag = q3.Tag;
			qtris[0].SortOrder = _triOrder;
			_triOrder += 2;
			qtris[1].Tag = Tag2;
			qtris[1].SortOrder = _triOrder;
			_triOrder += 2;
			tris.AddRange (qtris);

		return tris.ToArray ();
Ejemplo n.º 9
 public virtual void Accept(TVector2 type, T x)
     DoAccept(type, x);
Ejemplo n.º 10
 public string Accept(TVector2 type)
Ejemplo n.º 11
 public bool Accept(TVector2 type, TType x, Dictionary <DefTypeBase, bool> y, HashSet <DefTypeBase> z)
Ejemplo n.º 12
 public DType Accept(TVector2 type, XElement x, DefAssembly ass)
     return(DataUtil.CreateVector(type, x.Value));
Ejemplo n.º 13
 public override bool Accept(TVector2 type)
Ejemplo n.º 14
            public override object ReadJson(JsonReader reader, Type objectType, object existingValue, JsonSerializer serializer)
                TVector2 tObj = serializer.Deserialize <TVector2>(reader);

                return(new Vector2(tObj.x, tObj.y));
Ejemplo n.º 15
 public string Accept(TVector2 type)
Ejemplo n.º 16
 public override string Accept(TVector2 type)
Ejemplo n.º 17
 public string Accept(TVector2 type, string fieldName, string logType)
     return($"{fieldName} = default;");
Ejemplo n.º 18
 public CircleEvent(TVector2 circumcenter, TNumber radius, Node swallowedParabolaNode)
     Circumcenter          = circumcenter;
     Radius                = radius;
     SwallowedParabolaNode = swallowedParabolaNode;
Ejemplo n.º 19
 public string Accept(TVector2 type)
 public string Accept(TVector2 type, string bufName, string fieldName)
     return($"{fieldName} = {bufName}.readVector2();");
Ejemplo n.º 21
 public EdgeRayData(bool isOriginBounded, TVector2 origin, TVector2 direction)
     IsOriginBounded = isOriginBounded;
     Origin          = origin;
     Direction       = direction;
Ejemplo n.º 22
	TVector2[] BuildUVs (System.Collections.Generic.List<Triangle3> tris)
			_ToothPerim = GetToothPermiter(tris, new string[]{TRI_SideOuterTop});
			//Build Uv's
			var uvs = new List<TVector2>();
			//Build uvs for planes...
			var tbounds = GetUVBoundaries(tris,new string[]{TRI_GearPlaneTopA1, TRI_GearPlaneTopA2, TRI_GearPlaneTopB, TRI_GearPlaneTopC, TRI_GearPlaneTopD, TRI_GearPlaneTopE}); //Get max extents for the verticies.
			var tmin = tbounds.min;
			var tbsz = tbounds.size;
			var bbounds = GetUVBoundaries(tris,new string[]{TRI_GearPlaneBottomA1, TRI_GearPlaneBottomA2, TRI_GearPlaneBottomB, TRI_GearPlaneBottomC, TRI_GearPlaneBottomD, TRI_GearPlaneBottomE}); //Get max extents for the verticies.
			var bmin = bbounds.min;
			var bbsz = bbounds.size;
			var hubRange = GetUVBoundaries(tris, new string[]{TRI_HubBottom, TRI_HubSideBottom, TRI_HubTop, TRI_HubSideTop});
			var hubMin = hubRange.min;
			var hubSz = hubRange.size;
			var spokeRange = GetUVBoundaries(tris, new string[]{TRI_SolidSpokePlaneTop, TRI_SolidSpokePlaneBottom, TRI_SpokeTop1, TRI_SpokeTop2, TRI_SpokeBottom1, TRI_SpokeBottom2, TRI_SpokeSideBottom, TRI_SpokeSideTop});
			var spokeMin = spokeRange.min;
			var spokeSz = spokeRange.size;

			//Get UV 'Buckets'
			float pad = .01f; //Padding
			float hs = 1.0f / (_ToothPerim);
			float vs = hs;
			float toph = Mathf.Max(tbsz.x, tbsz.y) * vs; //(2.0f * _outerRadius * vs); // Top Height Scaled
			float bottomh = Mathf.Max(bbsz.x, bbsz.y) * vs;//(2.0f * _outerRadius * vs * _topScale); // BottomHeight Scaled
			float gh = _height * vs;//_height * vs; //Gear Height Scaled
			float hh = _hubHeight * vs; //Hub Height Scaled
			float spokeh = spokeSz.y * vs; //(2.0f * _ringRadius * vs);
			float spokew = spokeSz.x * vs;
			float sidespokeh = (_height - (_spokeIndent)) * vs * 2.0f;
			//float hubcaph = (2.0f * Mathf.Sqrt((_spokeWidthInner) * (_spokeWidthInner) + (_hubRadius * _hubRadius)) * vs); //???
			float hubcaph = Mathf.Max(hubSz.x, hubSz.y) * vs;
			Rect topbounds = new Rect(pad, 1.0f - pad - toph, toph, toph);
			Rect bottombounds = new Rect(pad, topbounds.y - bottomh - pad, bottomh, bottomh);
			Rect topspokebounds = new Rect(topbounds.x + topbounds.width + pad, 1.0f - pad - spokeh, spokew, spokeh);
			Rect bottomspokebounds = new Rect(topspokebounds.x, topspokebounds.y - pad - spokeh, spokew, spokeh);
			float perimstarty = bottombounds.y;
			if (perimstarty > bottomspokebounds.y){
				perimstarty = bottomspokebounds.y;	
			Rect perimbounds = new Rect(pad, perimstarty - 2.0f * pad - gh, 1.0f - 2.0f * pad, gh);
			Rect ringbounds = new Rect(pad, perimbounds.y - pad - gh, 1.0f - 2.0f * pad, gh);
			Rect hubbounds = new Rect(pad, ringbounds.y - pad - hh, 1.0f - 2.0f * pad, hh);
			Rect tophubcapbounds = new Rect(topspokebounds.x + topspokebounds.width + pad, topspokebounds.y, hubcaph, hubcaph);
			Rect bottomhubcapbounds = new Rect(tophubcapbounds.x, tophubcapbounds.y - pad - hubcaph, hubcaph, hubcaph);
			Rect spokesidebounds = new Rect(pad, pad, 1.0f - 2.0f * pad, sidespokeh + pad);
			float lastoutertopx = perimbounds.x;
			float lastouterbottomx = perimbounds.x;
			float lastinnertopx = ringbounds.x;
			float lastinnerbottomx = ringbounds.x;
			float lasthubbottomx = hubbounds.x;
			float lasthubtopx = hubbounds.x;
			float lastspokesidetopx = spokesidebounds.x;
			float lastspokesidebottomx = spokesidebounds.x;
			//For top plane verts, go through and calc the UV space.
			foreach (Triangle3 tri in tris) {
				float x = 0.0f;
				float y = 0.0f;
				//float xScale = (_ToothPerim);
				//float yScale = xScale;

				var BottomTagList = new string[] {TRI_GearPlaneBottomA1, TRI_GearPlaneBottomA2, TRI_GearPlaneBottomB, TRI_GearPlaneBottomC, TRI_GearPlaneBottomD, TRI_GearPlaneBottomE};
				if(TagContains(tri.Tag, BottomTagList)){
					TVector2 uvi;
					Rect itembounds = bottombounds;
					float widthscalex = (1.0f / bbsz.x) * itembounds.width;
					float widthscaley = (1.0f / bbsz.y) * itembounds.height;
					uvi = new TVector2((tri.a.Value.x - bmin.x) * widthscalex + itembounds.x, (tri.a.Value.y - bmin.y) * widthscaley + itembounds.y, tri.a.Tag);
					uvi = new TVector2((tri.b.Value.x - bmin.x) * widthscalex + itembounds.x, (tri.b.Value.y - bmin.y) * widthscaley + itembounds.y, tri.b.Tag);
					uvi = new TVector2((tri.c.Value.x - bmin.x) * widthscalex + itembounds.x, (tri.c.Value.y - bmin.y) * widthscaley + itembounds.y, tri.c.Tag);
				var TopTagList = new string[] {TRI_GearPlaneTopA1, TRI_GearPlaneTopA2, TRI_GearPlaneTopB, TRI_GearPlaneTopC, TRI_GearPlaneTopD, TRI_GearPlaneTopE};
				if(TagContains(tri.Tag, TopTagList)){
					TVector2 uvi;
					Rect itembounds = topbounds;
					float widthscalex = (1.0f / tbsz.x) * itembounds.width; 
					float widthscaley = (1.0f / tbsz.y) * itembounds.height;
					uvi = new TVector2((tri.a.Value.x - tmin.x) * widthscalex + itembounds.x, (tri.a.Value.y - tmin.y) * widthscaley + itembounds.y, tri.a.Tag);
					uvi = new TVector2((tri.b.Value.x - tmin.x) * widthscalex + itembounds.x, (tri.b.Value.y - tmin.y) * widthscaley + itembounds.y, tri.b.Tag);
					uvi = new TVector2((tri.c.Value.x - tmin.x) * widthscalex + itembounds.x, (tri.c.Value.y - tmin.y) * widthscaley + itembounds.y, tri.c.Tag);
				//Spoke Layouts
				var SpokeBottomTagList = new string[] {TRI_SolidSpokePlaneBottom, TRI_SpokeBottom1, TRI_SpokeBottom2};
				if(TagContains(tri.Tag, SpokeBottomTagList)){
					TVector2 uvi;
					Rect itembounds = bottomspokebounds;
					float widthscalex = (1.0f / spokeSz.x) * itembounds.width;
					float widthscaley = (1.0f / spokeSz.y) * itembounds.height;
					uvi = new TVector2((tri.a.Value.x - spokeMin.x) * widthscalex + itembounds.x, (tri.a.Value.y - spokeMin.y) * widthscaley + itembounds.y, tri.a.Tag);
					uvi = new TVector2((tri.b.Value.x - spokeMin.x) * widthscalex + itembounds.x, (tri.b.Value.y - spokeMin.y) * widthscaley + itembounds.y, tri.b.Tag);
					uvi = new TVector2((tri.c.Value.x - spokeMin.x) * widthscalex + itembounds.x, (tri.c.Value.y - spokeMin.y) * widthscaley + itembounds.y, tri.c.Tag);
				var SpokeTopTagList = new string[] {TRI_SolidSpokePlaneTop, TRI_SpokeTop1, TRI_SpokeTop2};
				if(TagContains(tri.Tag, SpokeTopTagList)){
					TVector2 uvi;
					Rect itembounds = topspokebounds;
					float widthscalex = (1.0f / spokeSz.x) * itembounds.width; 
					float widthscaley = (1.0f / spokeSz.y) * itembounds.height;
					uvi = new TVector2((tri.a.Value.x - spokeMin.x) * widthscalex + itembounds.x, (tri.a.Value.y - spokeMin.y) * widthscaley + itembounds.y, tri.a.Tag);
					uvi = new TVector2((tri.b.Value.x - spokeMin.x) * widthscalex + itembounds.x, (tri.b.Value.y - spokeMin.y) * widthscaley + itembounds.y, tri.b.Tag);
					uvi = new TVector2((tri.c.Value.x - spokeMin.x) * widthscalex + itembounds.x, (tri.c.Value.y - spokeMin.y) * widthscaley + itembounds.y, tri.c.Tag);
				//Side Spokes...
				var TopSideSpokeList = new string[] {TRI_SpokeSideTop};
				if(TagContains(tri.Tag, TopSideSpokeList)){
					Rect itembounds = spokesidebounds;
					TVector2 uvi1;
					TVector2 uvi2;
					TVector2 uvi3;
					float w = Vector3.Distance(tri.c.Value, tri.b.Value) * vs;
					float row = Mathf.Floor((w + lastspokesidetopx) / itembounds.width);
					//float rowCount = Mathf.Ceil((_spokeCount * 2.0f * w) / itembounds.width);
					float h = Vector3.Distance(tri.a.Value, tri.b.Value) * vs; 
					float adj = itembounds.width -  (Mathf.Floor(itembounds.width / w) * w);
					x = w + lastspokesidetopx - itembounds.width * row + (adj * row);
					y = itembounds.y + ((h) * row) + (pad * row);
					uvi1 = new TVector2(x, y, tri.Tag);
					y = y + h;
					uvi2 = new TVector2(x, y, tri.Tag);
					x = lastspokesidetopx - itembounds.width * row + (adj * row);
					uvi3 = new TVector2(x, y, tri.Tag);
					lastspokesidetopx +=(w);
				var BottomSideSpokeList = new string[] {TRI_SpokeSideBottom};
				if(TagContains(tri.Tag, BottomSideSpokeList)){
					Rect itembounds = spokesidebounds;
					TVector2 uvi1;
					TVector2 uvi2;
					TVector2 uvi3;
					float w = Vector3.Distance(tri.a.Value, tri.c.Value) * vs;
					float row = Mathf.Floor((w + lastspokesidebottomx) / itembounds.width);
					//float rowCount = Mathf.Ceil((_spokeCount * 2.0f * w) / itembounds.width);
					float h = Vector3.Distance(tri.b.Value, tri.c.Value) * vs; 
					float adj = itembounds.width -  (Mathf.Floor(itembounds.width / w) * w);
					x = w + lastspokesidebottomx - itembounds.width * row + (adj * row);
					y = itembounds.y + ((h) * row) + (pad * row);
					uvi1 = new TVector2(x, y, tri.Tag);
					x = lastspokesidebottomx - itembounds.width * row + (adj * row);
					uvi2 = new TVector2(x, y, tri.Tag);
					y = y + h;
					uvi3 = new TVector2(x, y, tri.Tag);
					lastspokesidebottomx +=(w);
				//Hub Cap Layouts
				var HubCapBottomTagList = new string[] {TRI_HubBottom};
				if(TagContains(tri.Tag, HubCapBottomTagList)){
					TVector2 uvi;
					Rect itembounds = bottomhubcapbounds;
					float widthscalex = (1.0f / hubSz.x) * itembounds.width;
					float widthscaley = (1.0f / hubSz.y) * itembounds.height;
					uvi = new TVector2((tri.a.Value.x - hubMin.x) * widthscalex + itembounds.x, (tri.a.Value.y - hubMin.y) * widthscaley + itembounds.y, tri.a.Tag);
					uvi = new TVector2((tri.b.Value.x - hubMin.x) * widthscalex + itembounds.x, (tri.b.Value.y - hubMin.y) * widthscaley + itembounds.y, tri.b.Tag);
					uvi = new TVector2((tri.c.Value.x - hubMin.x) * widthscalex + itembounds.x, (tri.c.Value.y - hubMin.y) * widthscaley + itembounds.y, tri.c.Tag);
				var HubCapTopTagList = new string[] {TRI_HubTop};
				if(TagContains(tri.Tag, HubCapTopTagList)){
					TVector2 uvi;
					Rect itembounds = tophubcapbounds;
					float widthscalex = (1.0f / hubSz.x) * itembounds.width;
					float widthscaley = (1.0f / hubSz.y) * itembounds.height;
					uvi = new TVector2((tri.a.Value.x - hubMin.x) * widthscalex + itembounds.x, (tri.a.Value.y - hubMin.y) * widthscaley + itembounds.y, tri.a.Tag);
					uvi = new TVector2((tri.b.Value.x - hubMin.x) * widthscalex + itembounds.x, (tri.b.Value.y - hubMin.y) * widthscaley + itembounds.y, tri.b.Tag);
					uvi = new TVector2((tri.c.Value.x - hubMin.x) * widthscalex + itembounds.x, (tri.c.Value.y - hubMin.y) * widthscaley + itembounds.y, tri.c.Tag);
				//Tooth Perim 1st Half
				var OuterListTop = new string[] {TRI_SideOuterTop};
				if(TagContains(tri.Tag, OuterListTop)){
					TVector2 uvi1;
					TVector2 uvi2;
					TVector2 uvi3;
					Rect itembounds = perimbounds;
					float w = Vector3.Distance(tri.c.Value, tri.b.Value) * vs * itembounds.width; /// xScale * _topScale;
					//float h = itembounds.height; // _height /  yScale; 
					x = w + lastoutertopx;
					y = itembounds.y;
					uvi1 = new TVector2(x, y, tri.Tag);
					x = lastoutertopx;
					uvi2 = new TVector2(x, y, tri.Tag);
					y = itembounds.y + itembounds.height;
					uvi3 = new TVector2(x, y, tri.Tag);
					lastoutertopx +=w;
				//Tooth Perim 2nd Half
				var OuterListBottom = new string[] {TRI_SideOuterBottom};
				if(TagContains(tri.Tag, OuterListBottom)){
					TVector2 uvi1;
					TVector2 uvi2;
					TVector2 uvi3;
					Rect itembounds = perimbounds;
					float w = Vector3.Distance(tri.a.Value, tri.c.Value) * vs * itembounds.width *_topScale; /// xScale * _topScale;
					//float h = itembounds.height; // _height /  yScale; 
					x = w + lastouterbottomx;
					y = itembounds.y;
					uvi1 = new TVector2(x, y, tri.Tag);
					y = itembounds.y + itembounds.height;
					uvi2 = new TVector2(x, y, tri.Tag);
					x = lastouterbottomx;
					uvi3 = new TVector2(x, y, tri.Tag);
					lastouterbottomx +=w;
				var InnerListTop = new string[] {TRI_SideInnerTop};
				if(TagContains(tri.Tag, InnerListTop)){
					TVector2 uvi1;
					TVector2 uvi2;
					TVector2 uvi3;
					Rect itembounds = ringbounds;
					float w = Vector3.Distance(tri.b.Value, tri.c.Value) * vs * itembounds.width;
					//float h = itembounds.height;
					x = w + lastinnertopx;
					y = itembounds.y;
					uvi1 = new TVector2(x, y, tri.Tag);
					y = itembounds.y + itembounds.height;
					uvi2 = new TVector2(x, y, tri.Tag);
					x = lastinnertopx;
					uvi3 = new TVector2(x, y, tri.Tag);
					lastinnertopx +=w;
				var InnerListBottom = new string[] {TRI_SideInnerBottom};
				if(TagContains(tri.Tag, InnerListBottom)){
					TVector2 uvi1;
					TVector2 uvi2;
					TVector2 uvi3;
					Rect itembounds = ringbounds;
					float w = Vector3.Distance(tri.a.Value, tri.c.Value) * vs * itembounds.width;
					//float h = _height / yScale;
					x = lastinnerbottomx;
					y = itembounds.y;
					uvi1 = new TVector2(x, y, tri.Tag);
					x = w + lastinnerbottomx;
					uvi2 = new TVector2(x, y, tri.Tag);
					y = itembounds.y + itembounds.height;
					x = lastinnerbottomx;
					uvi3 = new TVector2(x, y, tri.Tag);
					lastinnerbottomx +=w;
				var HubListTop = new string[] {TRI_HubSideTop};
				if(TagContains(tri.Tag, HubListTop)){
					TVector2 uvi1;
					TVector2 uvi2;
					TVector2 uvi3;
					Rect itembounds = hubbounds;
					float w = Vector3.Distance(tri.c.Value, tri.b.Value) * vs * itembounds.width;
					//float h = itembounds.height;
					x = w + lasthubtopx;
					y = itembounds.y;
					uvi1 = new TVector2(x, y, tri.Tag);
					x = lasthubtopx;
					uvi2 = new TVector2(x, y, tri.Tag);
					y = itembounds.y + itembounds.height;
					uvi3 = new TVector2(x, y, tri.Tag);
					lasthubtopx +=w;
				var HubListBottom = new string[] {TRI_HubSideBottom};
				if(TagContains(tri.Tag, HubListBottom)){
					TVector2 uvi1;
					TVector2 uvi2;
					TVector2 uvi3;
					Rect itembounds = hubbounds;
					float w = Vector3.Distance(tri.a.Value, tri.c.Value) * vs * itembounds.width;
					//float h = _hubHeight / yScale;
					x = w + lasthubbottomx;
					y = itembounds.y;
					uvi1 = new TVector2(x, y, tri.Tag);
					y = itembounds.y + itembounds.height;
					uvi2 = new TVector2(x, y, tri.Tag);
					x = lasthubbottomx;
					uvi3 = new TVector2(x, y, tri.Tag);
					lasthubbottomx +=w;
			return uvs.ToArray();
Ejemplo n.º 23
 public ParabolaData(TVector2 focus)
     Focus = focus;
Ejemplo n.º 24
 public ResizeWindowEvent(uint width, uint height) : base(GetStaticType())
     this.size = new TVector2 <uint>(width, height);
Ejemplo n.º 25
        public static TVector2 ComputeRayParabolaIntersection(
            TVector2 rayOrigin, TVector2 rayDirection,
            TVector2 parabolaFocus, TNumber directrixY)
            if (ApproximatelyEqual(0, rayDirection.X))
                var     x = rayOrigin.X;
                TNumber sa, sb, sc;
                ComputeParabolaStandardForm(parabolaFocus, directrixY, out sa, out sb, out sc);
                return(new Vector2(x, sa * x * x + sb * x + sc));

            if (MathUtil.ApproximatelyEqual(directrixY, parabolaFocus.Y))
                directrixY += 0.2f;

            // Given an intersecting ray R and parabola P, find the first point of intersection.
            // Let ro be the ray origin point (rox, roy)
            //     rd be the ray direction vector (rdx, rdy)
            //     pf be the parabola focus point (pfx, pfy)
            //     dy be the directrix y-coordinate
            // Let t be the ray parameterization variable in [0, inf)
            //     s be the solution point (sx, sy), s = ro + rd * t
            // By definition of parabola:
            //     dy - sy = |s - f|
            //     (dy - sy)^2 = |s - f|^2
            // Expand (dy - sy)^2:
            //     (dy - sy)^2
            //     (dy - (roy + rdy * t))^2
            //     ((dy - roy) - rdy * t)^2
            //     (dy - roy)^2 - 2 (dy - roy) (rdy * t) + (rdy * t)^2
            //     (dy - roy)^2 - 2 (dy - roy) (rdy) t + (rdy^2) t^2
            // Expand |s - f|^2:
            //     (sx - fx)^2 + (sy - fy)^2
            //     ((rox + rdx * t) - fx)^2 + ((roy + rdy * t) - fy)^2
            //     Expand ((rox + rdx * t) - fx)^2:
            //         ((rdx * t) + (rox - fx))^2
            //         (rdx * t)^2 + 2 (rdx * t) (rox - fx) + (rox - fx)^2
            //         (rdx^2) t^2 + t (2 rdx (rox - fx)) + (rox - fx)^2
            //     Expand ((roy + rdy * t) - fy)^2: (likewise)
            //         (rdy^2) t^2 + t (2 rdy (roy - fy)) + (roy - fy)^2
            //     (rdx^2) t^2 + t (2 rdx (rox - fx)) + (rox - fx)^2 + (rdy^2) t^2 + t (2 rdy (roy - fy)) + (roy - fy)^2
            //     (rdx^2 + rdy^2) t^2 + t (2 rdx (rox - fx) + 2 rdy (roy - fy)) + (rox - fx)^2 + (roy - fy)^2
            // Back to: dy - sy = |s - f|
            //     (dy - sy)^2 = |s - f|^2
            //     (dy - roy)^2 - 2 (dy - roy) (rdy) t + (rdy^2) t^2 =
            //         (rdx^2 + rdy^2) t^2 + t (2 rdx (rox - fx) + 2 rdy (roy - fy)) + (rox - fx)^2 + (roy - fy)^2
            //     0 = t^2 (rdx^2 + rdy^2 - rdy^2) +
            //         t   (2 rdx (rox - fx) + 2 rdy (roy - fy) + 2 (dy - roy) (rdy)) +
            //         1   ((rox - fx)^2 + (roy - fy)^2 - (dy - roy)^2)
            //     0 = t^2 (rdx^2) +
            //         t   (2 rdx rox - 2 rdx fx + 2 rdy roy - 2 rdy fy + 2 rdy dy - 2 rdy roy) +
            //         1   (rox^2 - 2 rox fx + fx^2 + roy^2 - 2 roy fy + fy^2 - dy^2 + 2 dy roy - roy^2)
            //     0 = t^2 (rdx^2) +
            //         t   (2 rdx rox - 2 rdx fx - 2 rdy fy + 2 rdy dy) +
            //         1   (rox^2 - 2 rox fx + fx^2 - 2 roy fy + fy^2 - dy^2 + 2 dy roy)

            var roxMinusFx = rayOrigin.X - parabolaFocus.X;
            var royMinusFy = rayOrigin.Y - parabolaFocus.Y;
            var dyMinusRoy = directrixY - rayOrigin.Y;
            var a          = rayDirection.X * rayDirection.X;
            var b          = 2 * (rayDirection.X * roxMinusFx
                                  - rayDirection.Y * (parabolaFocus.Y - directrixY));
            var     c       = roxMinusFx * roxMinusFx + royMinusFy * royMinusFy - dyMinusRoy * dyMinusRoy;
            TNumber pickedT = default(TNumber);

            if (!MathUtil.ApproximatelyEqual(0, a))
                var centerT = -b / (2 * a);
                var offsetT = (TNumber)Math.Sqrt(b * b - 4 * a * c) / (2 * a);
                var lowerT  = centerT - offsetT;
                var upperT  = centerT + offsetT;
                pickedT = lowerT >= 0 ? lowerT : upperT;
            if (TNumber.IsNaN(pickedT))
//                Debugger.Break();
                pickedT = 0;
            return(rayOrigin + pickedT * rayDirection);
Ejemplo n.º 26
 public DType Accept(TVector2 type, IEnumerable <ExcelStream> x, bool y, DefAssembly ass)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
Ejemplo n.º 27
        public static TVector2 ComputeRayPointAtY(TVector2 rayOrigin, TVector2 rayDirection, TNumber y)
            var dy = y - rayOrigin.Y;

            return(rayOrigin + (rayDirection * dy) / rayDirection.Y);
Ejemplo n.º 28
 public string Accept(TVector2 type, string jsonVarName, string fieldName)
     return($"{fieldName} = Vector2.fromJson({jsonVarName});");
Ejemplo n.º 29
        public static TVector2 ComputeParabolaPointGivenX(TNumber rx, TNumber directrixY, TVector2 focus)
            // Let result be a point r (rx, ry) located between the focus's y and directrix y.
            // directrixY - ry = sqrt((rx - focusX)^2 + (ry - focusY)^2)
            // (directrixY - ry)^2 = (rx - focusX)^2 + (ry - focusY)^2
            // directrixY^2 - 2 directrixY ry + ry^2 = rx^2 - 2 rx focusX + focusX^2 + ry^2 - 2 ry focusY + focusY^2
            // -2 directrixY ry + ry^2 = rx^2 - 2 rx focusX + focusX^2 + ry^2 - 2 ry focusY + focusY^2 - directrixY^2
            // -2 directrixY ry + ry^2 - ry^2 + 2 ry focusY = rx^2 - 2 rx focusX + focusX^2 + focusY^2 - directrixY^2
            // -2 directrixY ry + 2 ry focusY = rx^2 - 2 rx focusX + focusX^2 + focusY^2 - directrixY^2
            // ry (-2 directrixY + 2 focusY) = rx^2 - 2 rx focusX + focusX^2 + focusY^2 - directrixY^2
            // ry = (rx^2 - 2 rx focusX + focusX^2 + focusY^2 - directrixY^2) / (-2 directrixY + 2 focusY)
            var numerator   = rx * rx - 2 * rx * focus.X + focus.X * focus.X + focus.Y * focus.Y - directrixY * directrixY;
            var denominator = -2 * directrixY + 2 * focus.Y;
            var ry          = numerator / denominator;

            return(new TVector2(rx, ry));
Ejemplo n.º 30
 public virtual TR Accept(TVector2 type)
     return DoAccept(type);
Ejemplo n.º 31
        void ProcessCircleEvent(FortunesAlgorithmState state, CircleEvent e)
            var sweepY = e.Y;
            var swallowedParabolaNode = e.SwallowedParabolaNode;

            if (swallowedParabolaNode.Parent == null)

            Node leftAncestor, rightAncestor;

            swallowedParabolaNode.FindDirectionalAncestors(out leftAncestor, out rightAncestor);

            var leftAncestorEdgeRayData  = (EdgeRayData)leftAncestor.Data;
            var rightAncestorEdgeRayData = (EdgeRayData)rightAncestor.Data;

            state.VoronoiEdges.Add(new VoronoiEdge(
                                       leftAncestorEdgeRayData.Origin, leftAncestorEdgeRayData.IsOriginBounded, e.Circumcenter, true));
            state.VoronoiEdges.Add(new VoronoiEdge(
                                       rightAncestorEdgeRayData.Origin, leftAncestorEdgeRayData.IsOriginBounded, e.Circumcenter, true));

            var leftParabolaNode  = leftAncestor.Left.GetRightmost();
            var leftParabolaFocus = ((ParabolaData)leftParabolaNode.Data).Focus;

            var rightParabolaNode  = rightAncestor.Right.GetLeftmost();
            var rightParabolaFocus = ((ParabolaData)rightParabolaNode.Data).Focus;

            state.DelanayEdges.Add(new VoronoiEdge(leftParabolaFocus, true, rightParabolaFocus, true));

            // One ancestor will become the edge shared by the left/right parabolas,
            // the other will be deleted. It's guranteed our parent is one of these
            // ancestors and that the other ancestor is above it (that is, it has a
            // parent) so opt to delete our parent.
            var nodeParent  = swallowedParabolaNode.Parent;
            var nodeSibling = nodeParent.Left == swallowedParabolaNode ? nodeParent.Right : nodeParent.Left;

            NodeOperations.ReplaceNode(nodeParent, nodeSibling, ref state.Root);
            nodeParent.Left = nodeParent.Right = null;

            var olderAncestor        = nodeParent == leftAncestor ? rightAncestor : leftAncestor;
            var leftFocusRightFocus  = rightParabolaFocus - leftParabolaFocus; // x is positive
            var edgeDirection        = new TVector2(-leftFocusRightFocus.Y, leftFocusRightFocus.X);
            var leftRightFocusCenter = new TVector2(
                MathUtil.Average(leftParabolaFocus.X, rightParabolaFocus.X),
                MathUtil.Average(leftParabolaFocus.Y, rightParabolaFocus.Y));
            var dy        = sweepY - leftRightFocusCenter.Y;
            var edgeStart = e.Circumcenter;

            olderAncestor.Data = new EdgeRayData(true, edgeStart, edgeDirection);

            // add new potential circle events
            Node leftLeftLeaf;

            if (leftParabolaNode.TryGetLeftLeaf(out leftLeftLeaf))
                HandleAddCircleEvent(state, leftLeftLeaf, leftParabolaNode, rightParabolaNode, sweepY);

            Node rightRightLeaf;

            if (rightParabolaNode.TryGetRightLeaf(out rightRightLeaf))
                HandleAddCircleEvent(state, leftParabolaNode, rightParabolaNode, rightRightLeaf, sweepY);
Ejemplo n.º 32
 private void DrawPointX(Graphics g, TVector2 point, int dims, Pen pen = null)
     g.DrawLine(pen ?? Pens.Black, point.X - dims, point.Y - dims, point.X + dims, point.Y + dims);
     g.DrawLine(pen ?? Pens.Black, point.X + dims, point.Y - dims, point.X - dims, point.Y + dims);
Ejemplo n.º 33
 public SiteEvent(TVector2 point)
     Point = point;
Ejemplo n.º 34
 public string Accept(TVector2 type, string bufName, string fieldName)
Ejemplo n.º 35
 public void Accept(TVector2 type, Dictionary <string, DefTypeBase> x)