Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Opens the specified stream, s. Note that as a Portable class library
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="s">The s.</param>
        /// <param name="filename">The filename.</param>
        /// <param name="solid">The solid.</param>
        /// <returns>TessellatedSolid.</returns>
        /// <exception cref="Exception">Cannot open file without extension (e.g. f00.stl).
        /// or
        /// This function has been recently removed.
        /// or
        /// Cannot determine format from extension (not .stl, .ply, .3ds, .lwo, .obj, .objx, or .off.</exception>
        /// <exception cref="System.Exception">Cannot open file without extension (e.g. f00.stl).
        /// or
        /// This function has been recently removed.
        /// or
        /// Cannot determine format from extension (not .stl, .ply, .3ds, .lwo, .obj, .objx, or .off.</exception>
        public static void Open(Stream s, string filename, out TessellatedSolid solid)
            var extension = GetExtensionFromFileName(filename);

            switch (extension)
            case "stl":
                solid = STLFileData.OpenSolids(s, filename)[0];     // Standard Tessellation or StereoLithography

            case "3mf":
#if net40
                throw new NotSupportedException("The loading or saving of .3mf files are not supported in the .NET4.0 version of TVGL.");
                solid = ThreeMFFileData.OpenSolids(s, filename)[0];
            case "model":
                solid = ThreeMFFileData.OpenModelFile(s, filename)[0];

            case "amf":
                solid = AMFFileData.OpenSolids(s, filename)[0];

            case "off":
                solid = OFFFileData.OpenSolid(s, filename);
                // http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OFF_(file_format)

            case "ply":
                solid = PLYFileData.OpenSolid(s, filename);

            case "shell":
                solid = ShellFileData.OpenSolids(s, filename)[0];

            case "xml":
                solid = (TessellatedSolid)TVGLFileData.OpenSolids(s, filename)[0];

                throw new Exception(
                          "Cannot determine format from extension (not .stl, .ply, .3ds, .lwo, .obj, .objx, or .off.");
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private static TVGLFileData MakeFileData(TessellatedSolid ts)
            var result = new TVGLFileData
                Center             = ts.Center,
                ConvexHullCenter   = ts.ConvexHull.Center,
                ConvexHullArea     = ts.ConvexHull.SurfaceArea,
                ConvexHullVolume   = ts.ConvexHull.Volume,
                HasUniformColor    = ts.HasUniformColor,
                Language           = ts.Language,
                Mass               = ts.Mass,
                Name               = ts.Name,
                Primitives         = ts.Primitives,
                SameTolerance      = ts.SameTolerance,
                SurfaceArea        = ts.SurfaceArea,
                Units              = ts.Units,
                Volume             = ts.Volume,
                XMax               = ts.XMax,
                XMin               = ts.XMin,
                YMax               = ts.YMax,
                YMin               = ts.YMin,
                ZMax               = ts.ZMax,
                ZMin               = ts.ZMin,
                ConvexHullVertices = string.Join(",", ts.ConvexHull.Vertices.Select(v => v.IndexInList)),
                ConvexHullFaces    = string.Join(",",
                                                 ts.ConvexHull.Faces.SelectMany(face => face.Vertices.Select(v => v.IndexInList))),
                Faces    = string.Join(",", ts.Faces.SelectMany(face => face.Vertices.Select(v => v.IndexInList))),
                Vertices = string.Join(",", ts.Vertices.SelectMany(v => v.Position))

            result.Colors = result.HasUniformColor ? ts.SolidColor.ToString() : string.Join(",", ts.Faces.Select(f => f.Color));
            if (ts._inertiaTensor != null)
                var tensorAsArray = new double[9];
                for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
                        tensorAsArray[3 * i + j] = ts._inertiaTensor[i, j];
                result.InertiaTensor = string.Join(",", tensorAsArray);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Saves the specified stream.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="stream">The stream.</param>
        /// <param name="solid">The solid.</param>
        /// <param name="fileType">Type of the file.</param>
        /// <returns>System.Boolean.</returns>
        public static bool Save(Stream stream, Solid solid, FileType fileType = FileType.TVGL)
            if (solid is TessellatedSolid)
                var ts = (TessellatedSolid)solid;
                switch (fileType)
                case FileType.STL_ASCII:
                    return(STLFileData.SaveASCII(stream, new[] { ts }));

                case FileType.STL_Binary:
                    return(STLFileData.SaveBinary(stream, new[] { ts }));

                case FileType.AMF:
                    return(AMFFileData.SaveSolids(stream, new[] { ts }));

                case FileType.ThreeMF:
#if net40
                    throw new NotSupportedException("The loading or saving of .3mf files are not allowed in the .NET4.0 version of TVGL.");
                    return(ThreeMFFileData.Save(stream, new[] { ts }));
                case FileType.Model3MF:
                    return(ThreeMFFileData.SaveModel(stream, new[] { ts }));

                case FileType.OFF:
                    return(OFFFileData.SaveSolid(stream, ts));

                case FileType.PLY_ASCII:
                    return(PLYFileData.SaveSolidASCII(stream, ts));

                case FileType.PLY_Binary:
                    return(PLYFileData.SaveSolidBinary(stream, ts));

                    return(TVGLFileData.SaveSolid(stream, ts));
            if (solid is VoxelizedSolid)
                return(TVGLFileData.SaveSolid(stream, (VoxelizedSolid)solid));
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public static void Open(Stream s, string filename, out TessellatedSolid[] tessellatedSolids)
            var extension = GetExtensionFromFileName(filename);

            switch (extension)
            case "stl":
                tessellatedSolids = STLFileData.OpenSolids(s, filename);     // Standard Tessellation or StereoLithography

            case "3mf":
#if net40
                throw new NotSupportedException("The loading or saving of .3mf files are not supported in the .NET4.0 version of TVGL.");
                tessellatedSolids = ThreeMFFileData.OpenSolids(s, filename);
            case "model":
                tessellatedSolids = ThreeMFFileData.OpenModelFile(s, filename);

            case "amf":
                tessellatedSolids = AMFFileData.OpenSolids(s, filename);

            case "shell":
                tessellatedSolids = ShellFileData.OpenSolids(s, filename);

            case "xml":
                tessellatedSolids = TVGLFileData.OpenSolids(s, filename).Cast <TessellatedSolid>().ToArray();

                throw new Exception(
                          "Cannot determine format from extension (not .stl, .ply, .3ds, .lwo, .obj, .objx, or .off.");
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public static void Open(Stream s, string filename, out VoxelizedSolid[] solids)
     solids = TVGLFileData.OpenSolids(s, filename).Cast <VoxelizedSolid>().ToArray();
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public static void Open(Stream s, string filename, out VoxelizedSolid solid)
     solid = (VoxelizedSolid)TVGLFileData.OpenSolids(s, filename)[0];
Ejemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        ///     Saves the specified stream.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="stream">The stream.</param>
        /// <param name="solids">The solids.</param>
        /// <param name="fileType">Type of the file.</param>
        /// <returns><c>true</c> if XXXX, <c>false</c> otherwise.</returns>
        public static bool Save(Stream stream, IList <Solid> solids, FileType fileType = FileType.TVGL)
            if (solids.Count == 0)
            if (solids.All(s => s is TessellatedSolid))
                var tessellatedSolids = solids.Cast <TessellatedSolid>().ToArray();
                switch (fileType)
                case FileType.STL_ASCII:
                    return(STLFileData.SaveASCII(stream, tessellatedSolids));

                case FileType.STL_Binary:
                    return(STLFileData.SaveBinary(stream, tessellatedSolids));

                case FileType.AMF:
                    return(AMFFileData.SaveSolids(stream, tessellatedSolids));

                case FileType.ThreeMF:
#if net40
                    throw new NotSupportedException("The loading or saving of .3mf files are not allowed in the .NET4.0 version of TVGL.");
                    return(ThreeMFFileData.Save(stream, tessellatedSolids));
                case FileType.Model3MF:
                    return(ThreeMFFileData.SaveModel(stream, tessellatedSolids));

                case FileType.OFF:
                    if (solids.Count > 1)
                        throw new NotSupportedException(
                                  "The OFF format does not support saving multiple solids to a single file.");
                        return(OFFFileData.SaveSolid(stream, tessellatedSolids[0]));

                case FileType.PLY_ASCII:
                    if (solids.Count > 1)
                        throw new NotSupportedException(
                                  "The PLY format does not support saving multiple solids to a single file.");
                        return(PLYFileData.SaveSolidASCII(stream, tessellatedSolids[0]));

                case FileType.PLY_Binary:
                    if (solids.Count > 1)
                        throw new NotSupportedException(
                                  "The PLY format does not support saving multiple solids to a single file.");
                        return(PLYFileData.SaveSolidBinary(stream, tessellatedSolids[0]));

                    if (solids.Count > 1)
                        return(TVGLFileData.SaveSolids(stream, tessellatedSolids));
                        return(TVGLFileData.SaveSolid(stream, tessellatedSolids[0]));

            if (solids.All(s => s is VoxelizedSolid))
                var tessellatedSolids = solids.Cast <VoxelizedSolid>().ToArray();
                if (solids.Count > 1)
                    return(TVGLFileData.SaveSolids(stream, solids.Cast <VoxelizedSolid>().ToArray()));
                    return(TVGLFileData.SaveSolid(stream, (VoxelizedSolid)solids[0]));
Ejemplo n.º 8
        private static TVGLFileData MakeFileData(VoxelizedSolid vs)
            double[] ConvexHullCenter;
            double   ConvexHullArea;
            double   ConvexHullVolume;

            if (vs.ConvexHull is null)
                ConvexHullCenter = null;
                ConvexHullArea   = 0;
                ConvexHullVolume = 0;
                ConvexHullCenter = vs.ConvexHull.Center;
                ConvexHullArea   = vs.ConvexHull.SurfaceArea;
                ConvexHullVolume = vs.ConvexHull.Volume;

            var result = new TVGLFileData
                Center               = vs.Center,
                ConvexHullCenter     = ConvexHullCenter,
                ConvexHullArea       = ConvexHullArea,
                ConvexHullVolume     = ConvexHullVolume,
                HasUniformColor      = true,
                Language             = vs.Language,
                Mass                 = vs.Mass,
                Name                 = vs.Name,
                Primitives           = vs.Primitives,
                SurfaceArea          = vs.SurfaceArea,
                Units                = vs.Units,
                Volume               = vs.Volume,
                XMax                 = vs.XMax,
                XMin                 = vs.XMin,
                YMax                 = vs.YMax,
                YMin                 = vs.YMin,
                ZMax                 = vs.ZMax,
                ZMin                 = vs.ZMin,
                BitLevelDistribution = (int[])vs.bitLevelDistribution.Clone()

            result.Voxels = new string[vs.bitLevelDistribution.Length];

            for (int i = 0; i < vs.NumberOfLevels; i++)
                var byteArray = (vs.Voxels(i, true)
                                 .SelectMany(v => BitConverter.GetBytes(v.ID))).ToArray();
                result.Voxels[i] = BitConverter.ToString(byteArray).Replace("-", "");

            result.Colors = vs.SolidColor.ToString();
            if (vs._inertiaTensor != null)
                var tensorAsArray = new double[9];
                for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
                        tensorAsArray[3 * i + j] = vs._inertiaTensor[i, j];
                result.InertiaTensor = string.Join(",", tensorAsArray);
Ejemplo n.º 9
        internal VoxelizedSolid(TVGLFileData fileData, string fileName) : base(fileData, fileName)
            bitLevelDistribution = fileData.BitLevelDistribution;
            Discretization       = bitLevelDistribution.Sum();
            voxelsPerSide        = bitLevelDistribution.Select(b => (int)Math.Pow(2, b)).ToArray();
            voxelsInParent       = voxelsPerSide.Select(s => s * s * s).ToArray();
            numberOfLevels = bitLevelDistribution.Length;
            // the next 10 lines are common to the constructor above. They cannot be combines since these
            // flow down to different sub-constructors
            dimensions = new double[3];
            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                dimensions[i] = Bounds[1][i] - Bounds[0][i];
            var longestSide = dimensions.Max();

            longestDimensionIndex = dimensions.FindIndex(d => d == longestSide);
            longestSide           = Bounds[1][longestDimensionIndex] - Bounds[0][longestDimensionIndex];
            VoxelSideLengths      = new double[numberOfLevels];
            VoxelSideLengths[0]   = longestSide / voxelsPerSide[0];
            for (int i = 1; i < numberOfLevels; i++)
                VoxelSideLengths[i] = VoxelSideLengths[i - 1] / voxelsPerSide[i];
            voxelDictionaryLevel0 = new VoxelBinSet(dimensions.Select(d => (int)Math.Ceiling(d / VoxelSideLengths[0])).ToArray(), bitLevelDistribution[0]);
            voxelsPerDimension    = new int[NumberOfLevels][];
            for (var i = 0; i < numberOfLevels; i++)
                voxelsPerDimension[i] = dimensions.Select(d => (int)Math.Ceiling(d / VoxelSideLengths[i])).ToArray();
            var numChars0 = fileData.Voxels[0].Length;

            byte[] bytes = new byte[numChars0 / 2];
            for (var i = 0; i < numChars0; i += 2)
                bytes[i / 2] = Convert.ToByte(fileData.Voxels[0].Substring(i, 2), 16);
            for (int i = 0; i < bytes.Length; i += 8)
                var ID = BitConverter.ToInt64(bytes, i);
                Constants.GetAllFlags(ID, out var level, out VoxelRoleTypes role, out bool btmInside);
                voxelDictionaryLevel0.AddOrReplace(new VoxelBinClass(ID, role, this, btmInside));

            for (int i = 1; i < bitLevelDistribution.Length; i++)
                var numChars = fileData.Voxels[i].Length;
                bytes = new byte[numChars / 2];
                for (var k = 0; k < numChars; k += 2)
                    bytes[k / 2] = Convert.ToByte(fileData.Voxels[i].Substring(k, 2), 16);
                for (int j = 0; j < bytes.Length; j += 8)
                    var ID = BitConverter.ToInt64(bytes, j);
                    ((VoxelBinClass)voxelDictionaryLevel0.GetVoxel(ID)).InnerVoxels[i - 1]


            if (fileData.Primitives != null && fileData.Primitives.Any())
                Primitives = fileData.Primitives;