Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// timer callback.
        /// This method is called by a timer every 30 seconds to wake up the epg grabber
        /// the epg grabber will check if its time to grab the epg for a channel
        /// and ifso it starts the grabbing process
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void _epgTimer_Elapsed(object sender, System.Timers.ElapsedEventArgs e)
            //security check, dont allow re-entrancy here
            if (_reEntrant)

                _reEntrant = true;
                //if epg grabber is idle, then grab epg for the next channel
                if (_state == EpgState.Idle)
                else if (_state == EpgState.Grabbing)
                    //if we are grabbing epg, then check if card is still idle
                    if (_user.CardId >= 0)
                        if (!IsCardIdle(_user))
                            //not idle? then cancel epg grabbing
                            if (_state != EpgState.Idle)
                                Log.Epg("EpgCard: Canceled epg, card is not idle:{0}", _user.CardId);
                            _state       = EpgState.Idle;
                            _user.CardId = -1;
                            _currentTransponder.InUse = false;

                    //wait until grabbing has finished
                    TimeSpan ts = DateTime.Now - _grabStartTime;
                    if (ts.TotalMinutes > _epgTimeOut)
                        //epg grabber timed out. Update database and go back to idle mode
                        Log.Epg("EpgCard: card: {0} timeout after {1} mins", _user.CardId, ts.TotalMinutes);
                        Log.Epg("EpgCard: Aborted epg grab");
                        Log.Epg("EpgCard: allow grabbing for {0} seconds on card {1}", ts.TotalSeconds, _user.CardId);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Log.Error("EpgCard: Error in EPG timer - {0}", ex.ToString());
                _reEntrant = false;