Ejemplo n.º 1
 extern public static void XFillArc(IntPtr x11display, IntPtr x11drawable, IntPtr x11gc, TInt x, TInt y, TUint width, TUint height, TInt angle1, TInt angle2);
        /// <summary> Draw the frame ( 3D effect). </summary>
        /// <param name="display"> The display pointer, that specifies the connection to the X server. <see cref="IntPtr"/> </param>
        /// <param name="window"> The window to draw on. <see cref="IntPtr"/> </param>
        /// <param name="gc"> The graphics context to use for drawing. <see cref="IntPtr"/> </param>
        /// <param name="clientArea"> The area to draw the shadow on. <see cref="TRectangle"/> </param>
        /// <param name="frameType"> The frame type to draw. <see cref="TFrameTypeExt"/> </param>
        /// <param name="darkShadow"> The X11 border pixel do use for dark shadow drawing. <see cref="TPixel"/> </param>
        /// <param name="lightShadow"> The X11 border pixel do use for light shadow drawing.<see cref="TPixel"/> </param>
        internal virtual void DrawFrame(IntPtr display, IntPtr window, IntPtr gc, TRectangle clientArea, TFrameTypeExt frameType, TPixel darkShadow, TPixel lightShadow)
            if (display == IntPtr.Zero)
                Console.WriteLine(CLASS_NAME + "::DrawFrame () ERROR: Argument null: display");
            if (window == IntPtr.Zero)
                Console.WriteLine(CLASS_NAME + "::DrawFrame () ERROR: Argument null: window");
            if (gc == IntPtr.Zero)
                Console.WriteLine(CLASS_NAME + "::DrawFrame () ERROR: Argument null: gc");

            if (frameType == TFrameTypeExt.None)

            X11lib.XGCValues xgcValues = new X11lib.XGCValues();
            xgcValues.line_width = (X11.TInt) 1;
            TUint xgcMask = (TUint)(X11lib.GCattributemask.GCLineWidth);

            X11lib.XChangeGC(display, gc, xgcMask, ref xgcValues);

            if (frameType == TFrameTypeExt.Raised || frameType == TFrameTypeExt.Sunken ||
                frameType == TFrameTypeExt.RaisedTopTab || frameType == TFrameTypeExt.RaisedLeftTab ||
                frameType == TFrameTypeExt.RaisedRightTab || frameType == TFrameTypeExt.RaisedBottomTab ||
                frameType == TFrameTypeExt.RaisedTopTabTail || frameType == TFrameTypeExt.SunkenTopTabTail ||
                frameType == TFrameTypeExt.UnraisedTopTab || frameType == TFrameTypeExt.UnraisedLeftTab ||
                frameType == TFrameTypeExt.UnraisedRightTab || frameType == TFrameTypeExt.UnraisedBottomTab ||
                frameType == TFrameTypeExt.UnraisedTopTabTail || frameType == TFrameTypeExt.UnsunkenTopTabTail ||
                frameType == TFrameTypeExt.SunkenTopTab || frameType == TFrameTypeExt.SunkenLeftTab ||
                frameType == TFrameTypeExt.SunkenRightTab || frameType == TFrameTypeExt.SunkenBottomTab ||
                frameType == TFrameTypeExt.UnsunkenTopTab || frameType == TFrameTypeExt.UnsunkenLeftTab ||
                frameType == TFrameTypeExt.UnsunkenRightTab || frameType == TFrameTypeExt.UnsunkenBottomTab)
                bool raised = true;

                if (frameType == TFrameTypeExt.Sunken ||
                    frameType == TFrameTypeExt.SunkenTopTab || frameType == TFrameTypeExt.SunkenTopTabTail ||
                    frameType == TFrameTypeExt.SunkenLeftTab || frameType == TFrameTypeExt.SunkenRightTab ||
                    frameType == TFrameTypeExt.SunkenBottomTab ||
                    frameType == TFrameTypeExt.UnsunkenTopTab || frameType == TFrameTypeExt.UnsunkenTopTabTail ||
                    frameType == TFrameTypeExt.UnsunkenLeftTab || frameType == TFrameTypeExt.UnsunkenRightTab ||
                    frameType == TFrameTypeExt.UnsunkenBottomTab)
                    raised = false;

                // Right and bottom edge.
                X11lib.XSetForeground(display, gc, (raised ? darkShadow : lightShadow));
                for (int width = 0; width < _frameWidth; width++)
                    // Right.
                    if (frameType != TFrameTypeExt.RaisedLeftTab && frameType != TFrameTypeExt.SunkenLeftTab &&
                        frameType != TFrameTypeExt.UnraisedRightTab && frameType != TFrameTypeExt.UnraisedTopTab &&
                        frameType != TFrameTypeExt.UnraisedTopTabTail && frameType != TFrameTypeExt.UnraisedBottomTab &&
                        frameType != TFrameTypeExt.UnsunkenRightTab && frameType != TFrameTypeExt.UnsunkenTopTab &&
                        frameType != TFrameTypeExt.UnsunkenTopTabTail && frameType != TFrameTypeExt.UnsunkenBottomTab)
                        if (frameType == TFrameTypeExt.UnraisedLeftTab || frameType == TFrameTypeExt.UnsunkenLeftTab)
                            X11lib.XDrawLine(display, window, gc, (TInt)clientArea.Right - 1 - width, (TInt)clientArea.Top - 1,
                                             (TInt)clientArea.Right - 1 - width, (TInt)clientArea.Bottom + 1);
                        else if (frameType == TFrameTypeExt.RaisedTopTab || frameType == TFrameTypeExt.SunkenTopTab ||
                                 frameType == TFrameTypeExt.RaisedTopTabTail || frameType == TFrameTypeExt.SunkenTopTabTail)
                            X11lib.XDrawLine(display, window, gc, (TInt)clientArea.Right - 1 - width, (TInt)clientArea.Top,
                                             (TInt)clientArea.Right - 1 - width, (TInt)clientArea.Bottom);
                        else if (frameType == TFrameTypeExt.RaisedBottomTab || frameType == TFrameTypeExt.SunkenBottomTab)
                            X11lib.XDrawLine(display, window, gc, (TInt)clientArea.Right - 1 - width, (TInt)clientArea.Top - 1,
                                             (TInt)clientArea.Right - 1 - width, (TInt)clientArea.Bottom);
                            X11lib.XDrawLine(display, window, gc, (TInt)clientArea.Right - 1 - width, (TInt)clientArea.Top + width,
                                             (TInt)clientArea.Right - 1 - width, (TInt)clientArea.Bottom - width);
                    // Bottom.
                    if (frameType != TFrameTypeExt.RaisedTopTab && frameType != TFrameTypeExt.RaisedTopTabTail &&
                        frameType != TFrameTypeExt.SunkenTopTab && frameType != TFrameTypeExt.SunkenTopTabTail &&
                        frameType != TFrameTypeExt.UnraisedBottomTab && frameType != TFrameTypeExt.UnraisedLeftTab && frameType != TFrameTypeExt.UnraisedRightTab &&
                        frameType != TFrameTypeExt.UnsunkenBottomTab && frameType != TFrameTypeExt.UnsunkenLeftTab && frameType != TFrameTypeExt.UnsunkenRightTab)
                        if (frameType == TFrameTypeExt.UnraisedTopTab || frameType == TFrameTypeExt.UnraisedTopTabTail ||
                            frameType == TFrameTypeExt.UnsunkenTopTab || frameType == TFrameTypeExt.UnsunkenTopTabTail)
                            X11lib.XDrawLine(display, window, gc, (TInt)clientArea.Left - 1, (TInt)clientArea.Bottom - 1 - width,
                                             (TInt)clientArea.Right - 1 + 1, (TInt)clientArea.Bottom - 1 - width);
                            X11lib.XDrawLine(display, window, gc, (TInt)clientArea.Left + width, (TInt)clientArea.Bottom - 1 - width,
                                             (TInt)clientArea.Right - 1 - width, (TInt)clientArea.Bottom - 1 - width);

                // Top and Left edge.
                X11lib.XSetForeground(display, gc, (raised ? lightShadow : darkShadow));
                for (int width = 0; width < _frameWidth; width++)
                    // Top.
                    if (frameType != TFrameTypeExt.RaisedBottomTab && frameType != TFrameTypeExt.SunkenBottomTab &&
                        frameType != TFrameTypeExt.UnraisedTopTab && frameType != TFrameTypeExt.UnraisedTopTabTail &&
                        frameType != TFrameTypeExt.UnraisedLeftTab && frameType != TFrameTypeExt.UnraisedRightTab &&
                        frameType != TFrameTypeExt.UnsunkenTopTab && frameType != TFrameTypeExt.UnsunkenTopTabTail &&
                        frameType != TFrameTypeExt.UnsunkenLeftTab && frameType != TFrameTypeExt.UnsunkenRightTab)
                        if (frameType == TFrameTypeExt.UnraisedBottomTab || frameType == TFrameTypeExt.UnsunkenBottomTab)
                            X11lib.XDrawLine(display, window, gc, (TInt)clientArea.Left - 1, (TInt)clientArea.Top + width,
                                             (TInt)clientArea.Right + 1, (TInt)clientArea.Top + width);
                            X11lib.XDrawLine(display, window, gc, (TInt)clientArea.Left + width, (TInt)clientArea.Top + width,
                                             (TInt)clientArea.Right - width, (TInt)clientArea.Top + width);
                    // Left.
                    if (frameType != TFrameTypeExt.RaisedRightTab && frameType != TFrameTypeExt.SunkenRightTab &&
                        frameType != TFrameTypeExt.UnraisedLeftTab && frameType != TFrameTypeExt.UnraisedTopTab &&
                        frameType != TFrameTypeExt.UnraisedTopTabTail && frameType != TFrameTypeExt.UnraisedBottomTab &&
                        frameType != TFrameTypeExt.UnsunkenLeftTab && frameType != TFrameTypeExt.UnsunkenTopTab &&
                        frameType != TFrameTypeExt.UnsunkenTopTabTail && frameType != TFrameTypeExt.UnsunkenBottomTab)
                        if (frameType == TFrameTypeExt.UnraisedRightTab || frameType == TFrameTypeExt.UnsunkenRightTab)
                            X11lib.XDrawLine(display, window, gc, (TInt)clientArea.Left + width, (TInt)clientArea.Top - 1,
                                             (TInt)clientArea.Left + width, (TInt)clientArea.Bottom + 1);
                        else if (frameType == TFrameTypeExt.RaisedTopTab || frameType == TFrameTypeExt.SunkenTopTab ||
                                 frameType == TFrameTypeExt.RaisedTopTabTail || frameType == TFrameTypeExt.SunkenTopTabTail)
                            X11lib.XDrawLine(display, window, gc, (TInt)clientArea.Left + width, (TInt)clientArea.Top,
                                             (TInt)clientArea.Left + width, (TInt)clientArea.Bottom + 1);
                        else if (frameType == TFrameTypeExt.RaisedBottomTab || frameType == TFrameTypeExt.SunkenBottomTab)
                            X11lib.XDrawLine(display, window, gc, (TInt)clientArea.Left + width, (TInt)clientArea.Top - 1,
                                             (TInt)clientArea.Left + width, (TInt)clientArea.Bottom - width);
                            X11lib.XDrawLine(display, window, gc, (TInt)clientArea.Left + width, (TInt)clientArea.Top + width,
                                             (TInt)clientArea.Left + width, (TInt)clientArea.Bottom - width);
                // Finish right bottom edge.
                if (frameType == TFrameTypeExt.RaisedTopTab || frameType == TFrameTypeExt.SunkenTopTab)
                    X11lib.XSetForeground(display, gc, (raised ? lightShadow : darkShadow));
                    for (int width = 0; width < _frameWidth; width++)
                        if (width >= 1)
                            X11lib.XDrawLine(display, window, gc, (TInt)clientArea.Right - _frameWidth + width, (TInt)clientArea.Bottom - width,
                                             (TInt)clientArea.Right - _frameWidth + width, (TInt)clientArea.Bottom);
                if (frameType == TFrameTypeExt.UnraisedTopTabTail || frameType == TFrameTypeExt.UnsunkenTopTabTail)
                    X11lib.XSetForeground(display, gc, (raised ? lightShadow : darkShadow));
                    for (int width = 0; width < _frameWidth; width++)
                        if (width >= 1)
                            X11lib.XDrawLine(display, window, gc, (TInt)clientArea.Right - _frameWidth + width, (TInt)clientArea.Bottom - width,
                                             (TInt)clientArea.Right - _frameWidth + width, (TInt)clientArea.Bottom);
                // Finish top left edge.
                // else if (frameType == TFrameTypeExt.RaisedBottomTab     || frameType == TFrameTypeExt.SunkenBottomTab)
            else if (frameType == TFrameTypeExt.Chiseled || frameType == TFrameTypeExt.Ledged)
                int halfWidth = _frameWidth / 2;

                // Bottom and right edge.
                X11lib.XSetForeground(display, gc, (frameType == TFrameTypeExt.Chiseled ? lightShadow : darkShadow));
                for (int width = 0; width < halfWidth; width++)
                    X11lib.XDrawLine(display, window, gc, (TInt)clientArea.Right - 1 - width, (TInt)clientArea.Top + width,
                                     (TInt)clientArea.Right - 1 - width, (TInt)clientArea.Bottom - width);
                    X11lib.XDrawLine(display, window, gc, (TInt)clientArea.Left + width, (TInt)clientArea.Bottom - 1 - width,
                                     (TInt)clientArea.Right - 1 - width, (TInt)clientArea.Bottom - 1 - width);
                X11lib.XSetForeground(display, gc, (frameType == TFrameTypeExt.Chiseled ? darkShadow : lightShadow));
                for (int width = halfWidth; width < _frameWidth; width++)
                    X11lib.XDrawLine(display, window, gc, (TInt)clientArea.Right - 1 - width, (TInt)clientArea.Top + width,
                                     (TInt)clientArea.Right - 1 - width, (TInt)clientArea.Bottom - width);
                    X11lib.XDrawLine(display, window, gc, (TInt)clientArea.Left + width, (TInt)clientArea.Bottom - 1 - width,
                                     (TInt)clientArea.Right - 1 - width, (TInt)clientArea.Bottom - 1 - width);

                // Top and left edge.
                X11lib.XSetForeground(display, gc, (frameType == TFrameTypeExt.Chiseled ? darkShadow : lightShadow));
                for (int width = 0; width < halfWidth; width++)
                    X11lib.XDrawLine(display, window, gc, (TInt)clientArea.Left + width, (TInt)clientArea.Top + width,
                                     (TInt)clientArea.X + width, (TInt)clientArea.Bottom - width);
                    X11lib.XDrawLine(display, window, gc, (TInt)clientArea.Left + width, (TInt)clientArea.Top + width,
                                     (TInt)clientArea.Right - width, (TInt)clientArea.Top + width);
                X11lib.XSetForeground(display, gc, (frameType == TFrameTypeExt.Chiseled ? lightShadow : darkShadow));
                for (int width = halfWidth; width < _frameWidth; width++)
                    X11lib.XDrawLine(display, window, gc, (TInt)clientArea.Left + width, (TInt)clientArea.Top + width,
                                     (TInt)clientArea.X + width, (TInt)clientArea.Bottom - width);
                    X11lib.XDrawLine(display, window, gc, (TInt)clientArea.Left + width, (TInt)clientArea.Top + width,
                                     (TInt)clientArea.Right - width, (TInt)clientArea.Top + width);
Ejemplo n.º 3
 extern public static void XChangeGC(IntPtr x11display, IntPtr x11gc, TUint valuemask, ref XGCValues values);
Ejemplo n.º 4
 extern public static void XFillRectangle(IntPtr x11display, IntPtr x11drawable, IntPtr x11gc, TInt x, TInt y, TUint width, TUint height);
Ejemplo n.º 5
 extern public static TPixmap XReadBitmapFile(IntPtr x11display, IntPtr X11drawableSrc, TChar[] filepath,
                                              ref TUint widthReturn, ref TUint heightReturn, ref IntPtr pixmapReturn,
                                              ref TInt xHotReturn, ref TInt yHotReturn);
Ejemplo n.º 6
 extern public static int XGetGCValues(IntPtr x11display, IntPtr x11gc, TUint valuemask, ref XGCValues values);
Ejemplo n.º 7
 extern public static void XCopyPlane(IntPtr x11display, IntPtr X11drawableSrc, IntPtr X11drawableDest, IntPtr X11gc, TInt srcOffsetX, TInt srcOffsetY, TUint width, TUint height, TInt dstOffsetX, TInt dstOffsetY, TUlong plane);
Ejemplo n.º 8
 extern public static IntPtr XCreateSimpleWindow(IntPtr x11display, IntPtr x11window, TInt x, TInt y, TUint width, TUint height,
                                                 TUint outsideBorderWidth, TPixel border, TPixel background);
Ejemplo n.º 9
 extern public static void XPutImage(IntPtr x11display, IntPtr x11drawable, IntPtr X11gc, IntPtr image, TInt srcOffsetX, TInt srcOffsetY, TInt destX, TInt destY, TUint width, TUint height);
Ejemplo n.º 10
 extern public static IntPtr XCreatePixmap(IntPtr x11display, IntPtr x11drawable, TUint width, TUint height, TUint depth);
Ejemplo n.º 11
 extern public static IntPtr XCreateImage(IntPtr x11display, IntPtr x11visual, TUint depth, TImageFormat imageFormat, TInt offset, IntPtr data, TUint width, TUint height, TInt bitmapPad, TInt bytesPerLine);
Ejemplo n.º 12
 extern public static IntPtr XCreateImage(IntPtr x11display, IntPtr x11visual, TUint depth, TImageFormat imageFormat, TInt offset, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U1)] byte[] data, TUint width, TUint height, TInt bitmapPad, TInt bytesPerLine);
Ejemplo n.º 13
 extern public static IntPtr XCreateWindow(IntPtr x11display, IntPtr x11window, TInt x, TInt y, TUint width, TUint height, TUint outsideBorderWidth,
                                           TInt depth, TUint cls, IntPtr x11visual, WindowAttributeMask valueMask, ref XSetWindowAttributes attributes);
Ejemplo n.º 14
 public static extern TBoolean     XIWarpPointer(IntPtr display, TInt deviceid, IntPtr src_win,
                                                 IntPtr dst_win, double src_x, double src_y, TUint src_width, TUint src_height, double dst_x, double dst_y);
Ejemplo n.º 15
 extern public static TPixmap XCreateBitmapFromData(IntPtr x11display, IntPtr X11drawableSrc, TUchar[] data, TUint width, TUint height);
Ejemplo n.º 16
 extern public static void XRenderFillRectangle(IntPtr x11display, TInt xRenderPictureOp, IntPtr pictureDestination,
                                                ref XRenderColor color, TInt x, TInt y, TUint width, TUint height);
Ejemplo n.º 17
 extern public static void XMoveResizeWindow(IntPtr x11display, IntPtr x11window, TInt x, TInt y, TUint width, TUint height);