Ejemplo n.º 1
        private static List <string> GetMchByOccupations(List <int> tracks, int direction, TU.TypesOfTU type) //return a list of string with the name of the mchs
        {                                                                                                     //Add the followings MCHs to the respective AMV
            var amv_1 = new List <string>()
                "W11A", "W11B", "W11C"
            var amv_2 = new List <string>()
                "W21C", "W21B", "W21A"
            var amv_3 = new List <string>()
                "W12C", "W12B", "W12A"
            var amv_4 = new List <string>()
                "W22A", "W22B", "W22C"
            var myList = new List <string>();

            if (tracks.Count == 1 || tracks.Distinct().Count() == 1)      //If there's just one element on the track list, or a list of the same direction in the list
                if (tracks[0] == 1)                                       // if the track list only has 1 or 2, it means the trains didnt change the track
                    myList = myList.Concat(amv_1).Concat(amv_2).ToList(); //stayed on track 1
                else if (tracks[0] == 2)
                    myList = myList.Concat(amv_3).Concat(amv_4).ToList(); //stayed on track 2
            else if (tracks.Count == 2)                                                            // this means the train has changed the track to line 1 to 2, or reverse.
                if (type == TU.TypesOfTU.A)                                                        // check if it is a TU of type A
                    myList = myList.Concat(amv_3).Concat(amv_4).ToList();                          //if it is type A, consequently in all the changes it'll pass on the amv 3 and 4

                    if (tracks[0] == 1 && tracks[1] == 2)                                          // if it changed from line 1 to line 2
                        myList = direction == 1 ? myList = myList.Concat(amv_1).ToList() :         // if the direction is 1 it's going towards the mine
                                                           myList = myList.Concat(amv_2).ToList(); // else the direction will be -1 it's going towards the port
                    else                                                                           // if it changed from line 2 to line 1
                        myList = direction == 1 ? myList = myList.Concat(amv_2).ToList() :         // if the direction is 1 it's going towards the mine
                                                           myList = myList.Concat(amv_1).ToList(); // else the direction will be -1 it's going towards the port
                else // if it's not type A it is type V
                    myList = myList.Concat(amv_1).Concat(amv_2).ToList();//if it is type V, consequently in all the changes it'll pass on the amv 1 and 2
                                                                         //this section is the same as above
                    if (tracks[0] == 1 && tracks[1] == 2)
                        myList = direction == 1 ? myList = myList.Concat(amv_4).ToList() :
                                                           myList = myList.Concat(amv_3).ToList();
                        myList = direction == 1 ? myList = myList.Concat(amv_3).ToList() :
                                                           myList = myList.Concat(amv_4).ToList();
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private static List <int> GetAmvByOccupations(List <int> tracks, int direction, TU.TypesOfTU type) //return a list of string with the name of the mchs
        {                                                                                                  //Add the followings MCHs to the respective AMV
            var myList = new List <int>();

            if (tracks.Count == 1 || tracks.Distinct().Count() == 1) //If there's just one element on the track list, or a list of the same direction in the list
                if (tracks[0] == 1)                                  // if the track list only has 1 or 2, it means the trains didnt change the track
                    myList.AddRange(new int[] { 1, 2 });             //stayed on track 1
                else if (tracks[0] == 2)
                    myList.AddRange(new int[] { 3, 4 }); //stayed on track 2
            else if (tracks.Count == 2)                   // this means the train has changed the track to line 1 to 2, or reverse.
                if (type == TU.TypesOfTU.A)               // check if it is a TU of type A
                    myList.AddRange(new int[] { 3, 4 });  //if it is type A, consequently in all the changes it'll pass on the amv 3 and 4

                    if (tracks[0] == 1 && tracks[1] == 2) // if it changed from line 1 to line 2
                        if (direction == 1)
                            myList.Add(1);                 // if the direction is 1 it's going towards the mine
                            myList.Add(2);   // else the direction will be -1 it's going towards the port
                    else                                  // if it changed from line 2 to line 1
                    if (direction == 1)
                        myList.Add(2);                     // if the direction is 1 it's going towards the mine
                        myList.Add(1);  // else the direction will be -1 it's going towards the port
                else // if it's not type A it is type V
                    myList.AddRange(new int[] { 1, 2 });//if it is type V, consequently in all the changes it'll pass on the amv 1 and 2
                                                        //this section is the same as above
                    if (tracks[0] == 1 && tracks[1] == 2)
                        if (direction == 1)
                    if (direction == 1)
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public static List <TU> GetTu(DateTime initialDate, DateTime finalDate, int initialKM = 0, int finalKM = 892) //Return the list of TUs
            var sgfContext = new SgfContext();
            var segments   = sgfContext.Segments.Where(x => x.Segment == "WT" && x.Location >= initialKM &&
                                                       x.Location <= finalKM).OrderBy(x => x.Location).ToList();
            var tu = new List <TU>();

            foreach (var segment in segments)
                var trainBySegmentObjects = GetTrainsBySegment(sgfContext, segment.Location, initialDate, finalDate);
                int trainBySegment        = trainBySegmentObjects.Count;
                var trains = trainBySegmentObjects.Select(x => x.TrainID).Distinct();
                Dictionary <string, Tuple <List <TrainMovSegments>, List <TrainMovSegments> > > keyValuePairs = new Dictionary <string, Tuple <List <TrainMovSegments>, List <TrainMovSegments> > >();
                Dictionary <int, double> weightByAmv = new Dictionary <int, double>();
                machines.ToList().ForEach(x => keyValuePairs.Add(x, new Tuple <List <TrainMovSegments>, List <TrainMovSegments> >(new List <TrainMovSegments>(), new List <TrainMovSegments>())));
                for (int i = 1; i <= 4; i++)
                    weightByAmv.Add(i, new Double());

                foreach (var train in trains)
                    var          trainMov     = trainBySegmentObjects.Where(x => x.TrainID == train).OrderBy(x => x.OcupationDate);
                    var          trainOS      = trainMov.FirstOrDefault().Train.OS;
                    var          direction    = trainMov.FirstOrDefault().Direction;
                    var          tracks       = trainMov.Select(x => x.Track).ToList();
                    TU.TypesOfTU type         = Constants.TUTypeA.Contains(segment.Location) ? TU.TypesOfTU.A : TU.TypesOfTU.V;
                    var          mchs         = GetMchByOccupations(tracks, direction, type);
                    var          amvs         = GetAmvByOccupations(tracks, direction, type);
                    var          compositions = GetCompositionsByTrain(sgfContext, trainOS);
                    var          weight       = compositions.Sum(x => x.IndividualWeight) / Math.Pow(10, 6);
                    amvs.ForEach(x =>
                        weightByAmv[x] += weight;
                    mchs.ForEach(x =>
                        var emptyTrains = keyValuePairs[x].Item1;
                        emptyTrains.AddRange(trainMov.Where(y => y.Direction == 1));
                        var loadedTrains = keyValuePairs[x].Item2;
                        loadedTrains.AddRange(trainMov.Where(y => y.Direction == -1));
                        keyValuePairs[x] = new Tuple <List <TrainMovSegments>, List <TrainMovSegments> >(emptyTrains, loadedTrains);

                    new TU
                    Km       = segment.Location,
                    TypeOfTU = Constants.TUTypeA.Contains(segment.Location) ? TU.TypesOfTU.A : TU.TypesOfTU.V,
                    AmvsInTU = new List <Amv>()
                        new Amv
                            AmvNumber = 1,
                            MchsInAmv = new List <Mch>()
                            { //AMV1
                                new Mch
                                    InstallLocation = "W11A",
                                    MTBT            = weightByAmv[1],
                                    LoadedTrains    = keyValuePairs["W11A"].Item2,
                                    EmptyTrains     = keyValuePairs["W11A"].Item1
                                new Mch
                                    InstallLocation = "W11B",
                                    MTBT            = weightByAmv[1],
                                    LoadedTrains    = keyValuePairs["W11B"].Item2,
                                    EmptyTrains     = keyValuePairs["W11B"].Item1
                                new Mch
                                    InstallLocation = "W11C",
                                    MTBT            = weightByAmv[1],
                                    LoadedTrains    = keyValuePairs["W11C"].Item2,
                                    EmptyTrains     = keyValuePairs["W11C"].Item1
                        new Amv
                            AmvNumber = 2,
                            MchsInAmv = new List <Mch>()
                            { //AMV2
                                new Mch
                                    InstallLocation = "W21A",
                                    MTBT            = weightByAmv[2],
                                    LoadedTrains    = keyValuePairs["W21A"].Item2,
                                    EmptyTrains     = keyValuePairs["W21A"].Item1
                                new Mch
                                    InstallLocation = "W21B",
                                    MTBT            = weightByAmv[2],
                                    LoadedTrains    = keyValuePairs["W21B"].Item2,
                                    EmptyTrains     = keyValuePairs["W21B"].Item1
                                new Mch
                                    InstallLocation = "W21C",
                                    MTBT            = weightByAmv[2],
                                    LoadedTrains    = keyValuePairs["W21C"].Item2,
                                    EmptyTrains     = keyValuePairs["W21C"].Item1
                        new Amv
                            AmvNumber = 3,
                            MchsInAmv = new List <Mch>()
                            { //AMV3
                                new Mch
                                    InstallLocation = "W12A",
                                    MTBT            = weightByAmv[3],
                                    LoadedTrains    = keyValuePairs["W12A"].Item2,
                                    EmptyTrains     = keyValuePairs["W12A"].Item1
                                new Mch
                                    InstallLocation = "W12B",
                                    MTBT            = weightByAmv[3],
                                    LoadedTrains    = keyValuePairs["W12B"].Item2,
                                    EmptyTrains     = keyValuePairs["W12B"].Item1
                                new Mch
                                    InstallLocation = "W12C",
                                    MTBT            = weightByAmv[3],
                                    LoadedTrains    = keyValuePairs["W12C"].Item2,
                                    EmptyTrains     = keyValuePairs["W12C"].Item1
                        new Amv
                            AmvNumber = 4,
                            MchsInAmv = new List <Mch>()
                            { //AMV4
                                new Mch
                                    InstallLocation = "W22A",
                                    MTBT            = weightByAmv[4],
                                    LoadedTrains    = keyValuePairs["W22A"].Item2,
                                    EmptyTrains     = keyValuePairs["W22A"].Item1
                                new Mch
                                    InstallLocation = "W22B",
                                    MTBT            = weightByAmv[4],
                                    LoadedTrains    = keyValuePairs["W22B"].Item2,
                                    EmptyTrains     = keyValuePairs["W22B"].Item1
                                new Mch
                                    InstallLocation = "W22C",
                                    MTBT            = weightByAmv[4],
                                    LoadedTrains    = keyValuePairs["W22C"].Item2,
                                    EmptyTrains     = keyValuePairs["W22C"].Item1
