Ejemplo n.º 1
    /// <summary>
    /// Returns whether someone has won the game based on the placement of a sign
    /// So it should be called after a sign has been placed
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="gridPos">Where the sign has been placed</param>
    /// <returns>Returns BLOCKED when no one won yet</returns>
    public TTTGameLogic.GameWonData DidWinGame(int[] gridPos)
        CellHolder currCellHolder = GetCellHolderAtGridPos(gridPos);

        Cell.CellOcc currCellType = currCellHolder.CurrentTemplate.cellOcc;

        // Used for return data
        TTTGameLogic.GameWonData gameWonData = new TTTGameLogic.GameWonData();
        CellHolder[]             winCells    = new CellHolder[WIN_CONDITION];
        winCells[0] = currCellHolder;

        // Go through directions
        for (int i = 0; i <= 1; i++)
            for (int k = -1; k <= 1; k++)
                if (!(k == 0 && i == 0) && !(i == 0 && k == 1))   // Dont want 0 0 direction or up dir

                    int count = 1; // Used to determine whether someone has won: if after the loop it is WIN_CONDITION someone has won

                    // Go till we found end in this direction or founf out that someone has won
                    for (int j = 1; j < WIN_CONDITION && count < WIN_CONDITION; j++)
                        CellHolder ch = GetCellHolderRelativeTo(gridPos, i * j, k * j);

                        // ch is null
                        // OR  ch is not full
                        // OR  ch is disabled
                        // OR  cell type is not the one we have in this cell
                        if (!(ch != null && ch.IsFull() && !ch.IsDisabled && ch.CurrentTemplate.cellOcc == currCellType))

                        winCells[count] = ch;

                    // We need to go in the other direction as well
                    for (int j = 1; j < WIN_CONDITION && count < WIN_CONDITION; j++)
                        CellHolder ch = GetCellHolderRelativeTo(gridPos, -i * j, -k * j);

                        // ch is null
                        // OR  ch is not full
                        // OR  ch is disabled
                        // OR  cell type is not the one we have in this cell
                        if (!(ch != null && ch.IsFull() && !ch.IsDisabled && ch.CurrentTemplate.cellOcc == currCellType))

                        winCells[count] = ch;

                    if (count >= WIN_CONDITION)
                        gameWonData.gameWon        = true;
                        gameWonData.winType        = currCellType;
                        gameWonData.HoldersWithWon = winCells;

        gameWonData.gameWon = false;
Ejemplo n.º 2
    /// <summary>
    /// It disables all of the sign which belong to this game
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="wonData">More data like cellgrid of current game pass in a wonData</param>
    public TTTGameLogic.GameWonData StopCurrentGame(TTTGameLogic.GameWonData wonData)
        // We need to start a bejaras from the last placed sign's pos, which we happen to store in previousGridPos
        // Then set all of the found sign's cellholder to disabled

        // Disable marker
        if (lastPlacedMarker != null)

        // Ended game so reset the amount of cells in game
        numberOfSignsInGame = 0;

        // Store all of the cellholders which have signs in game

        List <CellHolder> listOfCells = new List <CellHolder>();


        Queue <CellHolder> queue = new Queue <CellHolder>();


        // Stores the min and max values of x and y (essentially bottomleft and topright corner points)
        int[] min = new int[] { int.MaxValue, int.MaxValue };
        int[] max = new int[] { int.MinValue, int.MinValue };

        // Go through cells in this game
        while (queue.Count > 0)
            CellHolder currCH = queue.Dequeue();
            if (currCH.IsDisabled)

            // Store the min and max of x and y we examine
            if (currCH.WorldPos[0] < min[0])
                min[0] = currCH.WorldPos[0];
            if (currCH.WorldPos[0] > max[0])
                max[0] = currCH.WorldPos[0];
            if (currCH.WorldPos[1] < min[1])
                min[1] = currCH.WorldPos[1];
            if (currCH.WorldPos[1] > max[1])
                max[1] = currCH.WorldPos[1];

            // Disable cell

            // Get all af nthe neighbours af current cell
            CellHolder[] neighbours = GetAllNeighbourCellHolders(currCH.WorldPos);

            foreach (CellHolder ch in neighbours)
                if (ch != null && !ch.IsDisabled && ch.IsFull())   // Found a cell which belongs to this game
                    if (!queue.Contains(ch) && !listOfCells.Contains(ch))

        wonData.table = new bool[Mathf.Abs(max[0] - min[0] + 1), Mathf.Abs(max[1] - min[1] + 1)];

        // Fill the thingy with true where there is a cell. Thingy defined in WonData class
        foreach (CellHolder ch in listOfCells)
            wonData.table[ch.WorldPos[0] - min[0], ch.WorldPos[1] - min[1]] = true;
        wonData.startPos = min;

        // Now we can fill the holes
        List <int[]> holes = wonData.GetFillableHoles();

        foreach (int[] pos in holes)
            // Get the partion the cell is in (we surely have this one, because holes are between signs
            int[]   partionPos = Partion.GetPartionPosOfCell(pos);
            Partion p;

            // We don't have a partion yet for this pos
            if (!partions.ContainsKey(partionPos))
                p = new Partion(partionPos);

                partions.Add(partionPos, p);
            else     // we already store the partion in the dictionary
                partions.TryGetValue(partionPos, out p);

            // Place new BLOCKED cell in partion at pos
            p.PlaceSign(Partion.GetLocalPosOfCell(pos), Cell.CellOcc.BLOCKED, true);
