/// <summary>
        /// Updates or Adds the Model to the viewport
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="model">The TexTools Model</param>
        /// <param name="textureDataDictionary">The textures associated with the model</param>
        /// <param name="item">The item for the model</param>
        /// <param name="modelRace">The race of the model</param>
        /// <param name="targetRace">The target race the model should be</param>
        public void UpdateModel(TTModel model, Dictionary <int, ModelTextureData> textureDataDictionary, IItemModel item, XivRace modelRace, XivRace targetRace)
            _targetRace = targetRace;
            var itemType = $"{item.PrimaryCategory}_{item.SecondaryCategory}";

            // If target race is different than the model race Apply racial deforms
            if (modelRace != targetRace)
                ApplyDeformers(model, itemType, modelRace, targetRace);

            SharpDX.BoundingBox?boundingBox = null;

            // Remove any existing models of the same item type

            var totalMeshCount = model.MeshGroups.Count;

            for (var i = 0; i < totalMeshCount; i++)
                var meshGeometry3D = GetMeshGeometry(model, i);

                var textureData = textureDataDictionary[model.GetMaterialIndex(i)];

                Stream diffuse = null, specular = null, normal = null, alpha = null, emissive = null;

                if (textureData.Diffuse != null && textureData.Diffuse.Length > 0)
                    using (var img = Image.LoadPixelData <Rgba32>(textureData.Diffuse, textureData.Width, textureData.Height))
                        diffuse = new MemoryStream();
                        img.Save(diffuse, new PngEncoder());


                if (textureData.Specular != null && textureData.Specular.Length > 0)
                    using (var img = Image.LoadPixelData <Rgba32>(textureData.Specular, textureData.Width, textureData.Height))
                        specular = new MemoryStream();
                        img.Save(specular, new PngEncoder());


                if (textureData.Normal != null && textureData.Normal.Length > 0)
                    using (var img = Image.LoadPixelData <Rgba32>(textureData.Normal, textureData.Width, textureData.Height))
                        normal = new MemoryStream();
                        img.Save(normal, new PngEncoder());


                if (textureData.Alpha != null && textureData.Alpha.Length > 0)
                    using (var img = Image.LoadPixelData <Rgba32>(textureData.Alpha, textureData.Width, textureData.Height))
                        alpha = new MemoryStream();
                        img.Save(alpha, new PngEncoder());


                if (textureData.Emissive != null && textureData.Emissive.Length > 0)
                    using (var img = Image.LoadPixelData <Rgba32>(textureData.Emissive, textureData.Width, textureData.Height))
                        emissive = new MemoryStream();
                        img.Save(emissive, new PngEncoder());


                var material = new PhongMaterial
                    DiffuseColor      = PhongMaterials.ToColor(1, 1, 1, 1),
                    SpecularShininess = 1f,
                    DiffuseMap        = diffuse,
                    DiffuseAlphaMap   = alpha,
                    SpecularColorMap  = specular,
                    NormalMap         = normal,
                    EmissiveMap       = emissive

                // Geometry that contains skeleton data
                var smgm3d = new CustomBoneSkinMeshGeometry3D
                    Geometry     = meshGeometry3D,
                    Material     = material,
                    ItemType     = itemType,
                    BoneMatrices = GetMatrices(targetRace),
                    BoneList     = model.Bones

                // Keep track of what bones are showing in the view
                foreach (var modelBone in model.Bones)
                    if (!shownBonesList.Contains(modelBone))

                boundingBox = meshGeometry3D.Bound;

                smgm3d.CullMode = Properties.Settings.Default.Cull_Mode.Equals("None") ? CullMode.None : CullMode.Back;


            SpecularShine = 1;

            var center = boundingBox.GetValueOrDefault().Center;

            _lightX = center.X;
            _lightY = center.Y;
            _lightZ = center.Z;

            Light3Direction    = new Vector3D(_lightX, _lightY, _lightZ);
            Camera.UpDirection = new Vector3D(0, 1, 0);
            Camera.CameraInternal.PropertyChanged += CameraInternal_PropertyChanged;

            // Add the skeleton node for the target race

            // Keep track of the models displayed in the viewport
            shownModels.Add(itemType, new DisplayedModelData {
                TtModel = model, ItemModel = item, ModelTextureData = textureDataDictionary
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the model in the 3D viewport
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mdlData">The model data</param>
        /// <param name="textureDataDictionary">The texture dictionary for the model</param>
        public void UpdateModel(TTModel model, Dictionary <int, ModelTextureData> textureDataDictionary)
            SharpDX.BoundingBox?boundingBox = null;

            var totalMeshCount = model.MeshGroups.Count;

            for (var i = 0; i < totalMeshCount; i++)
                var meshGeometry3D = GetMeshGeometry(model, i);

                var textureData = textureDataDictionary[model.GetMaterialIndex(i)];

                Stream diffuse = null, specular = null, normal = null, alpha = null, emissive = null;

                if (textureData.Diffuse != null && textureData.Diffuse.Length > 0)
                    using (var img = Image.LoadPixelData <Rgba32>(textureData.Diffuse, textureData.Width, textureData.Height))
                        diffuse = new MemoryStream();
                        img.Save(diffuse, new PngEncoder());


                if (textureData.Specular != null && textureData.Specular.Length > 0)
                    using (var img = Image.LoadPixelData <Rgba32>(textureData.Specular, textureData.Width, textureData.Height))
                        specular = new MemoryStream();
                        img.Save(specular, new PngEncoder());


                if (textureData.Normal != null && textureData.Normal.Length > 0)
                    using (var img = Image.LoadPixelData <Rgba32>(textureData.Normal, textureData.Width, textureData.Height))
                        normal = new MemoryStream();
                        img.Save(normal, new PngEncoder());


                if (textureData.Alpha != null && textureData.Alpha.Length > 0)
                    using (var img = Image.LoadPixelData <Rgba32>(textureData.Alpha, textureData.Width, textureData.Height))
                        alpha = new MemoryStream();
                        img.Save(alpha, new PngEncoder());


                if (textureData.Emissive != null && textureData.Emissive.Length > 0)
                    using (var img = Image.LoadPixelData <Rgba32>(textureData.Emissive, textureData.Width, textureData.Height))
                        emissive = new MemoryStream();
                        img.Save(emissive, new PngEncoder());


                var material = new PhongMaterial
                    DiffuseColor      = PhongMaterials.ToColor(1, 1, 1, 1),
                    SpecularShininess = 1f,
                    DiffuseMap        = diffuse,
                    DiffuseAlphaMap   = alpha,
                    SpecularColorMap  = specular,
                    NormalMap         = normal,
                    EmissiveMap       = emissive

                var mgm3d = new CustomMeshGeometryModel3D
                    Geometry = meshGeometry3D,
                    Material = material //,
                                        //IsBody = mdlData.LoDList[0].MeshDataList[i].IsBody

                boundingBox = meshGeometry3D.Bound;

                mgm3d.CullMode = Properties.Settings.Default.Cull_Mode.Equals("None") ? CullMode.None : CullMode.Back;


            SpecularShine = 1;

            var center = boundingBox.GetValueOrDefault().Center;

            _lightX = center.X;
            _lightY = center.Y;
            _lightZ = center.Z;

            Light3Direction    = new Vector3D(_lightX, _lightY, _lightZ);
            Camera.UpDirection = new Vector3D(0, 1, 0);
            Camera.CameraInternal.PropertyChanged += CameraInternal_PropertyChanged;