Ejemplo n.º 1
        private void ToTSXButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Tries to look up the name in the target box.  If found, then a new target plan is
            //opened.  Disconnect the telescope (in case centering is forced), use the target box to find
            //and and center the star chart and FOV on the target.
            //If not throw a log entry and return;
            //Remove spaces from target name if any
            //PlanTargetBox.Text = PlanTargetBox.Text.Replace(" ", "");
            LogEvent       lg          = new LogEvent();
            SessionControl openSession = new SessionControl();

            TSXLink.Target tgt = TSXLink.StarChart.FindTarget(PlanTargetBox.Text);
            if (tgt != null)
                TargetPlan newtPlan = new TargetPlan(tgt.Name);
                newtPlan.TargetPA            = TSXLink.FOVI.GetFOVPA;
                newtPlan.TargetAdjustEnabled = false;
                PlanTargetBox.Text           = newtPlan.TargetName;
                openSession.CurrentTargetName = newtPlan.TargetName;
                lg.LogIt("A new target plan has been created for " + newtPlan.TargetName);
                lg.LogIt(PlanTargetBox.Text + ": target not found.");
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private void FromTSXButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            /* Method gets whatever target is showing in the find function in TSX
             * normally by using a click on a star chart object.  If no object has been
             * choosen (Mouse click position) or simply no target (null) then return
             * Otherwise, clear the spaces out of the name and check for characters (like ":")
             * that won't work in a file name.  If illegal characters, then return
             * Otherwise, find an existing or open new target plan for this target name
             * and make it the target plan for the current session

            LogEvent       lg          = new LogEvent();
            SessionControl openSession = new SessionControl();

            //get the current target name from TSX and save it.
            //Retrieve current target from TSX
            TSXLink.Target tgt = TSXLink.StarChart.FindTarget();
            //Check to see if we're looking at a "Mouse Click Postion"
            //   if so, just get out of this
            if ((tgt.Name != "Mouse click position") && (tgt != null))
                //Remove spaces from target name if any
                tgt.Name = tgt.Name.Replace(" ", "");
                //Remove known "illegal" characters
                if (tgt.Name.Contains(":"))
                    lg.LogIt("Unsupported filename characters in target name " + tgt.Name);
                    MessageBox.Show("Unsupported characters in target name : " + tgt.Name);
                    TargetPlan newtPlan = new TargetPlan(tgt.Name)
                        TargetAdjustEnabled = false,
                        TargetRA            = tgt.RA,
                        TargetDec           = tgt.Dec
                    newtPlan.TargetPA  = TSXLink.FOVI.GetFOVPA;
                    PlanTargetBox.Text = newtPlan.TargetName;
                    openSession.CurrentTargetName = newtPlan.TargetName;
                    lg.LogIt("A new target plan has been created for " + newtPlan.TargetName);
Ejemplo n.º 3
 private void SolarSystemBodyCheckBox_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (!FormHumason.InitializingHumason)
         SessionControl openSession = new SessionControl();
         TargetPlan     tPlan       = new TargetPlan(openSession.CurrentTargetName)
             SmallSolarSystemBodyEnabled = SolarSystemBodyCheckBox.Checked
         //If this is getting checked, then acquire the deltaRA and deltaDec rates
         //  Find target name, then get rates
         TSXLink.Target tsxtgt = TSXLink.StarChart.FindTarget(openSession.CurrentTargetName);
         tPlan.DeltaRARate  = tsxtgt.DeltaRARate;
         tPlan.DeltaDecRate = tsxtgt.DeltaDecRate;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public void UpdateSequence()
            //Update Sequence will load the target name (or adjusted location) into the Find
            //  function and update all the location information, then run a new calculation on times, etc
            SessionControl        openSession = new SessionControl();
            TargetPlan            tPlan       = new TargetPlan(openSession.CurrentTargetName);
            sky6ObjectInformation tsxo        = new sky6ObjectInformation();
            string targetName = tPlan.TargetName;

            //if the targetName is null, then pull the targetName from TSX, load into the textbox and store in configuration file
            if (targetName == "")
                string tName = tsxo.ObjInfoPropOut;
                tPlan.TargetName = tName;
                TargetBox.Text   = tName;
            //if the adjust target is checked, then run FInd on the target coordinates
            //otherwise, run a find on the target name
            string targetTitle;

            if (tPlan.TargetAdjustEnabled)
                targetTitle = tPlan.TargetRA.ToString() + "," + tPlan.TargetDec.ToString();
                targetTitle = targetName;
            TSXLink.Target tgto = TSXLink.StarChart.FindTarget(targetTitle);

            //Update the target Name in box
            TargetBox.Text     = targetName;
            TargetRABox.Value  = (decimal)tgto.RA;
            TargetDecBox.Value = (decimal)tgto.Dec;

            //Update the start time in the target plan
            tPlan.SequenceStartTime = StartTimeBox.Value;
            tPlan.SequenceDawnTime  = DawnTimeBox.Value;

            //Save the new configuration information
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public Axess SpawnTargetPlanFromTSX(string targetName)
            //perform search on substring of targetName preceding any "-" in order to work with mosaic target names
            SessionControl openSession = new SessionControl();

            TSXLink.Target tgto = TSXLink.StarChart.FindTarget((targetName.Split('-'))[0]);
            if (tgto != null)
                Axess defaultTargetPlanX = new Axess(openSession.DefaultTargetPlanPath);
                hTargetPlanX = new Axess(defaultTargetPlanX, TargetPlanPath);
                hTargetPlanX.SetItem(TargetNameXName, tgto.Name);
                hTargetPlanX.SetItem(TargetRAXName, tgto.RA.ToString());
                hTargetPlanX.SetItem(TargetDecXName, tgto.Dec.ToString());
Ejemplo n.º 6
        private void AdjustButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Adjust button depends on prior state:
            //  if button green, then an adjustment of RA/Dec/PA is to be run
            //      Reset the tPlan name to the orginal name,
            //          and save tPlan RA/Dec/PA with those StarChart values (via TSXFind)
            //      wait until button is pushed again, essentially
            //  if button red, then an adjustment has been completed.
            //      Get the current StarChart values from TSX
            //          and saves tPlan RA/Dec/PA with those StarChart values.
            SessionControl openSession = new SessionControl();

            if (NHUtil.IsButtonGreen(AdjustButton))
                this.AdjustButton.Text = "Save Adjustment";
                TargetPlan     tPlan   = new TargetPlan(openSession.CurrentTargetName);
                TSXLink.Target tgt     = TSXLink.StarChart.FindTarget(tPlan.TargetName);
                double         totalPA = AstroMath.Transform.NormalizeDegreeRange(Rotator.RealRotatorPA + TSXLink.FOVI.GetFOVPA);
                tPlan.TargetRA            = tgt.RA;
                tPlan.TargetDec           = tgt.Dec;
                tPlan.TargetPA            = totalPA;
                tPlan.TargetAdjustEnabled = false;
                TSXLink    tLink   = new TSXLink();
                TargetPlan tPlan   = new TargetPlan(openSession.CurrentTargetName);
                double     totalPA = AstroMath.Transform.NormalizeDegreeRange(Rotator.RealRotatorPA + TSXLink.FOVI.GetFOVPA);
                tPlan.TargetRA            = TSXLink.StarChart.ChartRA;
                tPlan.TargetDec           = TSXLink.StarChart.ChartDec;
                tPlan.TargetPA            = totalPA;
                tPlan.TargetAdjustEnabled = true;
                this.AdjustButton.Text = "Adjust Target";