Ejemplo n.º 1
        public CAsteroid(IGameObjectManager pObjMan, IEngineCore pEngineCore, TPoint2 stPos, float fSize)
            : base(pObjMan, pEngineCore)
            ObjType = EGameObjectType.GotAsteroid;

            _uiCounter  = (uint)Rand.Next(500);
            RenderLayer = 2;
            _fSize      = fSize;
            _fColScale  = 0.8f;
            _stPos      = stPos;
            _fAngle     = Rand.Next(360);

            IResourceManager pResMan;
            IEngineSubSystem pSubSys;

            pEngineCore.GetSubSystem(E_ENGINE_SUB_SYSTEM.ESS_RESOURCE_MANAGER, out pSubSys);
            pResMan = (IResourceManager)pSubSys;

            IEngineBaseObject pBaseObj;

            pResMan.GetResourceByName(Res.MeshAsteroid, out pBaseObj);
            _pMesh = (IMesh)pBaseObj;
            pResMan.GetResourceByName(Res.TexAsteroid, out pBaseObj);
            _pTex = (ITexture)pBaseObj;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public override void Draw()
     TPoint2 pos = new TPoint2(_stPos.x - _fSize / 2f, _stPos.y - _fSize / 2f);
     TPoint2 dim = new TPoint2(_fSize, _fSize);
     _pRender2D.DrawTextureSprite(pTexExplo, ref pos, ref dim, _uiCounter / 2, _fAngle, E_EFFECT2D_FLAGS.EF_BLEND);
Ejemplo n.º 3
            public void Render()
                TPoint2 shd_pos = stZombiePos + new TPoint2(10f, 10f);

                pRender2D.DrawTextureSprite(tex, ref shd_pos, ref pd, (uint)fZombieAnimFrame, fZombieAngle + 90f, (E_EFFECT2D_FLAGS.EF_COLOR_MIX | E_EFFECT2D_FLAGS.EF_BLEND));
                pRender2D.DrawTextureSprite(tex, ref stZombiePos, ref pd, (uint)fZombieAnimFrame, fZombieAngle + 90f);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public CShot(IGameObjectManager pObjMan, IEngineCore pEngineCore, TPoint2 stPos, float fAngle)
            : base(pObjMan, pEngineCore)
            ObjType = EGameObjectType.GotShot;

            RenderLayer  = 3;
            _fSize       = 64f;
            _fColScale   = 0.5f;
            this._stPos  = stPos;
            this._fAngle = fAngle;

            IResourceManager pResMan;
            IEngineSubSystem pSubSys;

            pEngineCore.GetSubSystem(E_ENGINE_SUB_SYSTEM.ESS_RESOURCE_MANAGER, out pSubSys);
            pResMan = (IResourceManager)pSubSys;

            IEngineBaseObject pBaseObj;

            pResMan.GetResourceByName(Res.TexSpark, out pBaseObj);
            pTexSpark = (ITexture)pBaseObj;

            ISoundSample p_snd;

            pResMan.GetResourceByName(Res.SndFire, out pBaseObj);
            p_snd = (ISoundSample)pBaseObj;
Ejemplo n.º 5
            public void Update(TPoint2 stMouseInCamera)
                if (bFrameForward)
                    fZombieAnimFrame += 0.3f;
                    fZombieAnimFrame -= 0.3f;

                if (bFrameForward && (int)fZombieAnimFrame == 15)
                    bFrameForward = false;
                if (!bFrameForward && (int)fZombieAnimFrame == 0)
                    bFrameForward = true;
                fZombieAngle = TO_DEG((float)Math.Atan2(stMouseInCamera.y - (stZombiePos.y + 64f), stMouseInCamera.x - (stZombiePos.x + 64f)));

                stZombiePos.x += (float)Math.Cos(TO_RAD(fZombieAngle)) * 0.75f;
                stZombiePos.y += (float)Math.Sin(TO_RAD(fZombieAngle)) * 0.75f;
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public CShot(IGameObjectManager pObjMan, IEngineCore pEngineCore, TPoint2 stPos, float fAngle)
            : base(pObjMan, pEngineCore)
            ObjType = EGameObjectType.GotShot;

            RenderLayer = 3;
            _fSize = 64f;
            _fColScale = 0.5f;
            this._stPos = stPos;
            this._fAngle = fAngle;

            IResourceManager pResMan;
            IEngineSubSystem pSubSys;
            pEngineCore.GetSubSystem(E_ENGINE_SUB_SYSTEM.ESS_RESOURCE_MANAGER, out pSubSys);
            pResMan = (IResourceManager)pSubSys;

            IEngineBaseObject pBaseObj;
            pResMan.GetResourceByName(Res.TexSpark, out pBaseObj);
            pTexSpark = (ITexture)pBaseObj;

            ISoundSample p_snd;
            pResMan.GetResourceByName(Res.SndFire, out pBaseObj);
            p_snd = (ISoundSample)pBaseObj;
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public CExplo(IGameObjectManager pObjMan, IEngineCore pEngineCore, TPoint2 stPos, float fSize) :
            base(pObjMan, pEngineCore)
            RenderLayer = 4;
            this._fSize = fSize;
            this._stPos = stPos;
            _fAngle     = Rand.Next(360);

            IResourceManager pResMan;
            IEngineSubSystem pSubSys;

            pEngineCore.GetSubSystem(E_ENGINE_SUB_SYSTEM.ESS_RESOURCE_MANAGER, out pSubSys);
            pResMan = (IResourceManager)pSubSys;

            IEngineBaseObject pBaseObj;

            pResMan.GetResourceByName(Res.TexExplo, out pBaseObj);
            pTexExplo = (ITexture)pBaseObj;

            ISoundSample p_snd;

            pResMan.GetResourceByName(Res.SndExplo, out pBaseObj);
            p_snd = (ISoundSample)pBaseObj;
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public CPlayer(IGameObjectManager pObjMan, IEngineCore pEngineCore)
            : base(pObjMan, pEngineCore)
            _fVelocity  = 0f;
            uiShotPause = 15;

            ObjType = EGameObjectType.GotPlayer;

            _stPos     = new TPoint2(Res.GameVpWidth / 2f, Res.GameVpHeight / 2f);
            _fSize     = 150f;
            _fColScale = 0.6f;

            dimPl = new TPoint3(_fSize, _fSize, _fSize);

            IResourceManager pResMan;
            IEngineSubSystem pSubSys;

            pEngineCore.GetSubSystem(E_ENGINE_SUB_SYSTEM.ESS_INPUT, out pSubSys);
            pInput = (IInput)pSubSys;

            pEngineCore.GetSubSystem(E_ENGINE_SUB_SYSTEM.ESS_RESOURCE_MANAGER, out pSubSys);
            pResMan = (IResourceManager)pSubSys;

            IEngineBaseObject pBaseObj;

            pResMan.GetResourceByName(Res.MeshShip, out pBaseObj);
            pMesh = (IMesh)pBaseObj;
            pResMan.GetResourceByName(Res.TexShip, out pBaseObj);
            pTex = (ITexture)pBaseObj;
            pResMan.GetResourceByName(Res.TexSpark, out pBaseObj);
            pTexSpark = (ITexture)pBaseObj;
Ejemplo n.º 9
        public CPlayer(IGameObjectManager pObjMan, IEngineCore pEngineCore)
            : base(pObjMan, pEngineCore)
            _fVelocity = 0f;
            uiShotPause = 15;

            ObjType = EGameObjectType.GotPlayer;

            _stPos = new TPoint2(Res.GameVpWidth / 2f, Res.GameVpHeight / 2f);
            _fSize = 150f;
            _fColScale = 0.6f;

            dimPl = new TPoint3(_fSize, _fSize, _fSize);

            IResourceManager pResMan;
            IEngineSubSystem pSubSys;

            pEngineCore.GetSubSystem(E_ENGINE_SUB_SYSTEM.ESS_INPUT, out pSubSys);
            pInput = (IInput)pSubSys;

            pEngineCore.GetSubSystem(E_ENGINE_SUB_SYSTEM.ESS_RESOURCE_MANAGER, out pSubSys);
            pResMan = (IResourceManager)pSubSys;

            IEngineBaseObject pBaseObj;
            pResMan.GetResourceByName(Res.MeshShip, out pBaseObj);
            pMesh = (IMesh)pBaseObj;
            pResMan.GetResourceByName(Res.TexShip, out pBaseObj);
            pTex = (ITexture)pBaseObj;
            pResMan.GetResourceByName(Res.TexSpark, out pBaseObj);
            pTexSpark = (ITexture)pBaseObj;
Ejemplo n.º 10
        void Update(IntPtr pParam)
            bool prsd;

            pInput.GetKey(E_KEYBOARD_KEY_CODES.KEY_ESCAPE, out prsd);
            if (prsd)

            pInput.GetMouseStates(out mouse);
            stMouseOnScreen = new TPoint2((float)mouse.iX, (float)mouse.iY);
            // convert our on-screen mouse coordinates to camera space

            // process zombie movement and its sprite animation
            // move copter

            // Choper flies on screen between -60 and 856 coords so here's a way to convert its coords to [-100,100] range
            pSoundChannel.SetPan((int)Math.Round((copter.stCopterPos.x + 60 - 460) * 0.2));

Ejemplo n.º 11
        void Render(IntPtr pParam)

            TPoint2 pc;

            pc = new TPoint2((float)(350 + Math.Cos(counter / 200.0) * 200), (float)(350 + Math.Sin(counter / 200.0) * 80));
            TPoint2 ps = new TPoint2(1, 1);

            // make floating camera
            pRender2D.SetCamera(ref pc,                               //camera center
                                (float)Math.Sin(counter / 50.0) * 15, //camera angle
                                ref ps                                //camera scale
            pRender2D.ProjectScreenToCamera(ref stMouseOnScreen, out stMouseInCamera);

            pc = new TPoint2(-750f, -750f);
            ps = new TPoint2(2000f, 2000f);
            pRender2D.DrawTexture(pTextures[7], ref pc, ref ps, 0f, E_EFFECT2D_FLAGS.EF_TILE_TEXTURE);

            //draw stone layer with per vertex blending
            TColor4 white = TColor4.ColorWhite();
            TColor4 col = TColor4.ColorWhite(0);
            TPoint2 p1 = new TPoint2(0f, 225f);
            uint    x, y;

            pTextures[8].GetDimensions(out x, out y);
            TPoint2 pdim = new TPoint2((float)x, (float)y);

            pRender2D.SetVerticesColors(ref col, ref white, ref white, ref col);
            pRender2D.DrawTexture(pTextures[8], ref p1, ref pdim, 0f, (E_EFFECT2D_FLAGS.EF_VERTICES_COLORS | E_EFFECT2D_FLAGS.EF_BLEND));

            pRender2D.SetVerticesColors(ref white, ref col, ref col, ref white);
            p1 = new TPoint2(0f + 256f, 225f);
            pRender2D.DrawTexture(pTextures[8], ref p1, ref pdim, 0f, (E_EFFECT2D_FLAGS.EF_VERTICES_COLORS | E_EFFECT2D_FLAGS.EF_BLEND));

            pRender2D.SetVerticesColors(ref white, ref col, ref col, ref col);
            p1 = new TPoint2(0f + 256f, 225f + 256f);
            pRender2D.DrawTexture(pTextures[8], ref p1, ref pdim, 0f, (E_EFFECT2D_FLAGS.EF_VERTICES_COLORS | E_EFFECT2D_FLAGS.EF_BLEND));

            pRender2D.SetVerticesColors(ref col, ref white, ref col, ref col);
            p1 = new TPoint2(0f, 225f + 256f);
            pRender2D.DrawTexture(pTextures[8], ref p1, ref pdim, 0f, (E_EFFECT2D_FLAGS.EF_VERTICES_COLORS | E_EFFECT2D_FLAGS.EF_BLEND));

            //// set color mix to semi-transparent black for object shadows
            col = TColor4.ColorBlack(128);
            pRender2D.SetColorMix(ref col);

            for (int i = 0; i < MyMeshes.Length; i++) // all meshes with shadows except copter



Ejemplo n.º 12
        public override void Draw()
            TPoint2 pos = new TPoint2(_stPos.x - _fSize / 2f, _stPos.y - _fSize / 2f);
            TPoint2 dim = new TPoint2(_fSize, _fSize);

            _pRender2D.DrawTextureSprite(pTexExplo, ref pos, ref dim, _uiCounter / 2, _fAngle, E_EFFECT2D_FLAGS.EF_BLEND);
Ejemplo n.º 13
        private void FireEngine(int side)
            float   multip = Res.Clamp(side, -1, 1);
            TPoint2 s      = new TPoint2((float)(_stPos.x - Math.Cos(Res.ToRad(_fAngle - multip * 20f)) * 75f),
                                         (float)(_stPos.y - Math.Sin(Res.ToRad(_fAngle - multip * 20f)) * 75f));

            _pObjMan.AddObject(new CSpark(_pObjMan, _pEngineCore, s));
Ejemplo n.º 14
            public void Draw()
                TPoint2 p1   = P2coord - new TPoint2(shift, shift);
                TPoint2 pdim = new TPoint2(P3Dim.x, P3Dim.y);

                pRender2D.DrawTexture(ShadowTex, ref p1, ref pdim, Angle, (E_EFFECT2D_FLAGS.EF_FLIP_VERTICALLY | E_EFFECT2D_FLAGS.EF_COLOR_MIX | E_EFFECT2D_FLAGS.EF_BLEND));
                pRender2D.DrawMesh(Mesh, Tex, ref P2coord, ref P3Dim, ref P3Axis, Angle, E_EFFECT2D_FLAGS.EF_DEFAULT, true, 90, bClearDepthBuf);
Ejemplo n.º 15
 public Copter(MyMesh copterMesh, ITexture rotorTex, ITexture rotorShadow)
     stCopterPos  = new TPoint2(400, 200);
     fCopterAngle = 0f;
     CopterMesh   = copterMesh;
     RotorTex     = rotorTex;
     RotorShadow  = rotorShadow;
     vint_dim     = new TPoint2(400f, 400f);
Ejemplo n.º 16
            public void Update()
                fCopterAngle += 0.5f;
                double DegAng = TO_RAD(fCopterAngle);

                stCopterPos       += new TPoint2((float)Math.Cos(DegAng) * 4, (float)Math.Sin(DegAng) * 6);
                CopterMesh.P2coord = stCopterPos;
                CopterMesh.Angle   = fCopterAngle;
                vint_pos           = new TPoint2((float)(stCopterPos.x - 200f + Math.Cos(TO_RAD(fCopterAngle)) * 80f), (float)(stCopterPos.y - 200f + Math.Sin(TO_RAD(fCopterAngle)) * 80f));
Ejemplo n.º 17
        // This function creates texture and renders models shadow to it.
        void RenderMeshToTexture(out ITexture pTex, IMesh pMesh, ITexture pMeshTex)
            TPoint2 coords = new TPoint2(128f, 128f);
            TPoint3 dims   = new TPoint3(256f, 256f, 1f);
            TPoint3 axis   = new TPoint3(0f, 0f, 1f);

            pRender2D.DrawMesh(pMesh, pMeshTex, ref coords, ref dims, ref axis);
            pRender.SetRenderTarget(null); // switch back to on-screen drawing
Ejemplo n.º 18
        public override void Draw()
            TColor4 c = TColor4.ColorRed();
            _pRender2D.SetColorMix(ref c);

            TPoint2 pos = new TPoint2(_stPos.x - _fSize / 2f, _stPos.y - _fSize / 2f);
            TPoint2 dim = new TPoint2(_fSize, _fSize);
            _pRender2D.DrawTexture(pTexSpark, ref pos, ref dim, _uiCounter * 2f, E_EFFECT2D_FLAGS.EF_COLOR_MIX |

Ejemplo n.º 19
            public void Render(float counter)
                pRender2D.DrawTexture(RotorTex, ref vint_pos, ref vint_dim, counter * 25f);
                // make blinky rotor shadow
                TColor4 col = TColor4.ColorBlack((byte)(counter % 3 == 2 ? 64 : 16));

                pRender2D.SetColorMix(ref col);
                TPoint2 p1 = vint_pos + new TPoint2(100f, 100f);

                pRender2D.DrawTexture(RotorShadow, ref p1, ref vint_dim, 0f, (E_EFFECT2D_FLAGS.EF_COLOR_MIX | E_EFFECT2D_FLAGS.EF_BLEND));
Ejemplo n.º 20
 public MyMesh(IMesh Amesh, ITexture Atex, ITexture ShadowTex, TPoint2 Acoord, TPoint3 ADim, int shift, float AAngle = 0, bool bClearDepthBuf = false)
     Mesh                = Amesh;
     Tex                 = Atex;
     this.ShadowTex      = ShadowTex;
     P2coord             = Acoord;
     P3Dim               = ADim;
     P3Axis              = new TPoint3(0, 0, 1);
     Angle               = AAngle;
     this.bClearDepthBuf = bClearDepthBuf;
     this.shift          = shift;
Ejemplo n.º 21
        public override void Draw()
            TColor4 c = TColor4.ColorRed();

            _pRender2D.SetColorMix(ref c);

            TPoint2 pos = new TPoint2(_stPos.x - _fSize / 2f, _stPos.y - _fSize / 2f);
            TPoint2 dim = new TPoint2(_fSize, _fSize);

            _pRender2D.DrawTexture(pTexSpark, ref pos, ref dim, _uiCounter * 2f, E_EFFECT2D_FLAGS.EF_COLOR_MIX |

Ejemplo n.º 22
        void Render(IntPtr pParam)
            TPoint2 pos = mousePos - new TPoint2(200f, 200f);
            TPoint2 dim = new TPoint2(400f, 400f);

            pRender2D.DrawTexture(pTexLight, ref pos, ref dim, 0, E_EFFECT2D_FLAGS.EF_BLEND);

            pos = new TPoint2();
            pRender2D.DrawTexture(pTexTarget[2], ref pos, ref ScreenSize, 0, E_EFFECT2D_FLAGS.EF_BLEND |
Ejemplo n.º 23
        void Update(IntPtr pParam)
            bool prsd;

            pInput.GetKey(E_KEYBOARD_KEY_CODES.KEY_ESCAPE, out prsd);

            if (prsd)

            TMouseStates states;

            pInput.GetMouseStates(out states);
            stMousePos = new TPoint2((float)states.iX, (float)states.iY);

            if (counter % 250 == 0)
                ISoundChannel chan;
                pSndOwl.PlayEx(out chan, E_SOUND_SAMPLE_PARAMS.SSP_NONE);
                chan.SetPan((int)(owlX - cameraPosition.x));

            cameraPosition.x = (float)(GAME_VP_WIDTH / 2f + 250f + Math.Cos(counter / 200f) * 225f);
            cameraPosition.y = GAME_VP_HEIGHT / 2f + 300f;

            cameraAngle = (float)Math.Sin(counter / 200f) * 5f;
            cameraScale = (float)(1f + Math.Abs(Math.Sin(counter / 200f) * 0.25f));

            lights[0].x = (float)(650f - Math.Cos(counter / 100f) * 100f);
            lights[0].y = (float)(700f - Math.Sin(counter / 150f) * 50f);

            if (owlX > 1500f)
                owlGoLeft = true;
            if (owlX < 100f)
                owlGoLeft = false;

            owlX += (owlGoLeft ? -1f : 1f) * 4f;

Ejemplo n.º 24
        public override void Draw()
            _pRender2D.DrawMesh(pMesh, pTex, ref _stPos, ref dimPl, ref axisPl, _fAngle - 90f,
                E_EFFECT2D_FLAGS.EF_DEFAULT, false);

            _pRender2D.SetColorMix(ref c);

            float sparkScale = Res.Clamp(uiShotPause / _shootingDelay, 0f, 1f);
            TPoint2 pos = new TPoint2((float)(_stPos.x - 32f * sparkScale + Math.Cos(Res.ToRad(_fAngle)) * 65f),
                (float)(_stPos.y - 32f * sparkScale + Math.Sin(Res.ToRad(_fAngle)) * 65f));
            TPoint2 dim = new TPoint2(64f * sparkScale, 64f * sparkScale);
            _pRender2D.DrawTexture(pTexSpark, ref pos, ref dim, _uiCounter / 2f,
Ejemplo n.º 25
        public override void Draw()
            _pRender2D.DrawMesh(pMesh, pTex, ref _stPos, ref dimPl, ref axisPl, _fAngle - 90f,
                                E_EFFECT2D_FLAGS.EF_DEFAULT, false);

            _pRender2D.SetColorMix(ref c);

            float   sparkScale = Res.Clamp(uiShotPause / _shootingDelay, 0f, 1f);
            TPoint2 pos        = new TPoint2((float)(_stPos.x - 32f * sparkScale + Math.Cos(Res.ToRad(_fAngle)) * 65f),
                                             (float)(_stPos.y - 32f * sparkScale + Math.Sin(Res.ToRad(_fAngle)) * 65f));
            TPoint2 dim = new TPoint2(64f * sparkScale, 64f * sparkScale);

            _pRender2D.DrawTexture(pTexSpark, ref pos, ref dim, _uiCounter / 2f,
                                   E_EFFECT2D_FLAGS.EF_COLOR_MIX | E_EFFECT2D_FLAGS.EF_BLEND);
Ejemplo n.º 26
        void DrawAdvanced(TRectF screen)
            pTexBg.Draw2D((int)screen.x, (int)screen.y, (uint)screen.width, (uint)screen.height, 0, 0);

            TPoint2 pos = new TPoint2(screen.x + screen.width - 160f, screen.y + 20f);
            TPoint2 dim = new TPoint2(128f, 128f);

            pRender2D.DrawTexture(pTexPlanetRenderIn, ref pos, ref dim, 0, E_EFFECT2D_FLAGS.EF_BLEND |
                                  E_EFFECT2D_FLAGS.EF_FLIP_VERTICALLY /* because render targets are flipped */);


            // not to triangulate complex polygon every frame we can batch it this way and triangulation will be done only after update tick
            pRender2D.DrawPolygon(pTexAnimWater[counter / 5 % 11], ref waterWaves.ToArray()[0], (uint)waterWaves.Count,

            uint w, h;

            pTexJellyFish.GetDimensions(out w, out h);
            float   x_offset = (float)(Math.Abs(Math.Cos(counter / 20f)) * 50);
            float   y_offset = (float)(Math.Sin(counter / 10f) * 75);
            TPoint2 jellyPos = new TPoint2(screen.x + 175f, screen.y + 200f);

            TPoint2 vert1 = new TPoint2();
            TPoint2 vert2 = new TPoint2();
            TPoint2 vert3 = new TPoint2(x_offset, -y_offset);
            TPoint2 vert4 = new TPoint2(-x_offset, -y_offset);

            pRender2D.SetVerticesOffsets(ref vert1, ref vert2, ref vert3, ref vert4);
            TColor4 c = TColor4.ColorViolet();

            pRender2D.SetColorMix(ref c);
            dim = new TPoint2(w / 2f, h / 2f);
            pRender2D.DrawTexture(pTexJellyFish, ref jellyPos, ref dim, -45f, E_EFFECT2D_FLAGS.EF_BLEND |

            pTexLightRound.GetDimensions(out w, out h);
            pos = jellyPos - new TPoint2(90f, 15f);
            dim = new TPoint2(w, h);
            pRender2D.DrawTexture(pTexLightRound, ref pos, ref dim, 0, E_EFFECT2D_FLAGS.EF_BLEND |
Ejemplo n.º 27
        public CScorePopup(IGameObjectManager pObjMan, IEngineCore pEngineCore, TPoint2 stPos, float fSize, uint uiScore)
            : base(pObjMan, pEngineCore)
            _uiScore = uiScore;

            RenderLayer = 5;
            _fSize = Res.Clamp(fSize / 100f, 0.25f, 5f);
            _stPos = stPos;

            IResourceManager pResMan;
            IEngineSubSystem pSubSys;
            pEngineCore.GetSubSystem(E_ENGINE_SUB_SYSTEM.ESS_RESOURCE_MANAGER, out pSubSys);
            pResMan = (IResourceManager)pSubSys;

            IEngineBaseObject pBaseObj;
            pResMan.GetResourceByName(Res.FntMain, out pBaseObj);
            _pFnt = (IBitmapFont)pBaseObj;
Ejemplo n.º 28
        public CSpark(IGameObjectManager pObjMan, IEngineCore pEngineCore, TPoint2 stPos)
            : base(pObjMan, pEngineCore)
            RenderLayer = 1;
            _fSize = 96f;
            this._stPos = stPos;
            _fAngle = Rand.Next(360);

            pos = new TPoint2(stPos.x - _fSize / 2f, stPos.y - _fSize / 2f);
            dim = new TPoint2(_fSize, _fSize);

            IResourceManager pResMan;
            IEngineSubSystem pSubSys;
            pEngineCore.GetSubSystem(E_ENGINE_SUB_SYSTEM.ESS_RESOURCE_MANAGER, out pSubSys);
            pResMan = (IResourceManager)pSubSys;

            IEngineBaseObject pBaseObj;
            pResMan.GetResourceByName(Res.TexSpark, out pBaseObj);
            pTexSpark = (ITexture)pBaseObj;
Ejemplo n.º 29
        void Clear()

            for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++)
                bugs.Add(new TBug(new TPoint2(rand.Next((int)ScreenWidth), rand.Next((int)ScreenHeight)),

            // render clear background image to texture for the first time
            for (uint i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                TPoint2 pos = new TPoint2();
                pRender2D.DrawTexture(pTexBg, ref pos, ref ScreenSize, 0f, E_EFFECT2D_FLAGS.EF_BLEND |

Ejemplo n.º 30
        public CScorePopup(IGameObjectManager pObjMan, IEngineCore pEngineCore, TPoint2 stPos, float fSize, uint uiScore) :
            base(pObjMan, pEngineCore)
            _uiScore = uiScore;

            RenderLayer = 5;
            _fSize      = Res.Clamp(fSize / 100f, 0.25f, 5f);
            _stPos      = stPos;

            IResourceManager pResMan;
            IEngineSubSystem pSubSys;

            pEngineCore.GetSubSystem(E_ENGINE_SUB_SYSTEM.ESS_RESOURCE_MANAGER, out pSubSys);
            pResMan = (IResourceManager)pSubSys;

            IEngineBaseObject pBaseObj;

            pResMan.GetResourceByName(Res.FntMain, out pBaseObj);
            _pFnt = (IBitmapFont)pBaseObj;
Ejemplo n.º 31
        void Clear()

            for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++)
                bugs.Add(new TBug(new TPoint2(rand.Next((int)ScreenWidth), rand.Next((int)ScreenHeight)),

            // render clear background image to texture for the first time
            for (uint i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                TPoint2 pos = new TPoint2();
                pRender2D.DrawTexture(pTexBg, ref pos, ref ScreenSize, 0f, E_EFFECT2D_FLAGS.EF_BLEND |

Ejemplo n.º 32
        void DrawAdvanced(TRectF screen)
            pTexBg.Draw2D((int)screen.x, (int)screen.y, (uint)screen.width, (uint)screen.height, 0, 0);

            TPoint2 pos = new TPoint2(screen.x + screen.width - 160f, screen.y + 20f);
            TPoint2 dim = new TPoint2(128f, 128f);
            pRender2D.DrawTexture(pTexPlanetRenderIn, ref pos, ref dim, 0, E_EFFECT2D_FLAGS.EF_BLEND |
                E_EFFECT2D_FLAGS.EF_FLIP_VERTICALLY /* because render targets are flipped */);


            // not to triangulate complex polygon every frame we can batch it this way and triangulation will be done only after update tick
            pRender2D.DrawPolygon(pTexAnimWater[counter / 5 % 11], ref waterWaves.ToArray()[0], (uint)waterWaves.Count,

            uint w, h;
            pTexJellyFish.GetDimensions(out w, out h);
            float x_offset = (float)(Math.Abs(Math.Cos(counter / 20f)) * 50);
            float y_offset = (float)(Math.Sin(counter / 10f) * 75);
            TPoint2 jellyPos = new TPoint2(screen.x + 175f, screen.y + 200f);

            TPoint2 vert1 = new TPoint2();
            TPoint2 vert2 = new TPoint2();
            TPoint2 vert3 = new TPoint2(x_offset, -y_offset);
            TPoint2 vert4 = new TPoint2(-x_offset, -y_offset);
            pRender2D.SetVerticesOffsets(ref vert1, ref vert2, ref vert3, ref vert4);
            TColor4 c = TColor4.ColorViolet();
            pRender2D.SetColorMix(ref c);
            dim = new TPoint2(w / 2f, h / 2f);
            pRender2D.DrawTexture(pTexJellyFish, ref jellyPos, ref dim, -45f, E_EFFECT2D_FLAGS.EF_BLEND |

            pTexLightRound.GetDimensions(out w, out h);
            pos = jellyPos - new TPoint2(90f, 15f);
            dim = new TPoint2(w, h);
            pRender2D.DrawTexture(pTexLightRound, ref pos, ref dim, 0, E_EFFECT2D_FLAGS.EF_BLEND |
Ejemplo n.º 33
        void DrawSprites(TRectF screen)
            pTexGrass.Draw2D((int)screen.x, (int)screen.y, (uint)screen.width, (uint)screen.height, 0, 0);
            pTexGirl.Draw2DSimple((int)(screen.x + 400), (int)(screen.y + 30), (counter / 5) % 16); // simpliest way to draw animated sprite

            // draw tank
            uint width, height;

            TPoint2 scale = new TPoint2(2f, 2f); // scale X and Y axes by two

            pRender2D.SetScale(ref scale);

            pTexTankBody.GetDimensions(out width, out height);
            TPoint2 pos       = new TPoint2(screen.x + 50f, screen.y + 150f);
            TPoint2 dimension = new TPoint2(width, height);

            pRender2D.DrawTexture(pTexTankBody, ref pos, ref dimension, 0, E_EFFECT2D_FLAGS.EF_ALPHA_TEST /* better than blending if we want to have sharp edges */ |

            pTexTankTurret.GetDimensions(out width, out height);
            TPoint2 rot = new TPoint2(48f, 64f);

            pRender2D.SetRotationPoint(ref rot); // rotate turret around it's base center, not the center of the image
            TPoint2 turretCenter = new TPoint2(screen.x + 50f - 10f, screen.y + 150f + 18f);
            float   turretAngle  = (float)(-30f + Math.Sin(counter / 15f) * 20f);

            dimension = new TPoint2(width, height);
            pRender2D.DrawTexture(pTexTankTurret, ref turretCenter, ref dimension, turretAngle, E_EFFECT2D_FLAGS.EF_ALPHA_TEST |
                                  E_EFFECT2D_FLAGS.EF_SCALE | E_EFFECT2D_FLAGS.EF_ROTATION_POINT);

            // draw light at the end of tank cannon
            pTexLight.GetFrameSize(out width, out height);
            dimension = new TPoint2(width, height);
            pos       = turretCenter + new TPoint2((float)Math.Cos(ToRad(turretAngle)) * 165f,
                                                   (float)(Math.Sin(ToRad(turretAngle - 15f)) * 165f));
            pRender2D.DrawTextureSprite(pTexLight, ref pos, ref dimension, (counter / 2) % 14, 0, E_EFFECT2D_FLAGS.EF_BLEND);

            pRender2D.SetBlendMode(E_BLENDING_EFFECT.BE_NORMAL); // switch back blending mode to common one
Ejemplo n.º 34
        public CSpark(IGameObjectManager pObjMan, IEngineCore pEngineCore, TPoint2 stPos)
            : base(pObjMan, pEngineCore)
            RenderLayer = 1;
            _fSize      = 96f;
            this._stPos = stPos;
            _fAngle     = Rand.Next(360);

            pos = new TPoint2(stPos.x - _fSize / 2f, stPos.y - _fSize / 2f);
            dim = new TPoint2(_fSize, _fSize);

            IResourceManager pResMan;
            IEngineSubSystem pSubSys;

            pEngineCore.GetSubSystem(E_ENGINE_SUB_SYSTEM.ESS_RESOURCE_MANAGER, out pSubSys);
            pResMan = (IResourceManager)pSubSys;

            IEngineBaseObject pBaseObj;

            pResMan.GetResourceByName(Res.TexSpark, out pBaseObj);
            pTexSpark = (ITexture)pBaseObj;
Ejemplo n.º 35
        public CExplo(IGameObjectManager pObjMan, IEngineCore pEngineCore, TPoint2 stPos, float fSize)
            : base(pObjMan, pEngineCore)
            RenderLayer = 4;
            this._fSize = fSize;
            this._stPos = stPos;
            _fAngle = Rand.Next(360);

            IResourceManager pResMan;
            IEngineSubSystem pSubSys;
            pEngineCore.GetSubSystem(E_ENGINE_SUB_SYSTEM.ESS_RESOURCE_MANAGER, out pSubSys);
            pResMan = (IResourceManager)pSubSys;

            IEngineBaseObject pBaseObj;
            pResMan.GetResourceByName(Res.TexExplo, out pBaseObj);
            pTexExplo = (ITexture)pBaseObj;

            ISoundSample p_snd;
            pResMan.GetResourceByName(Res.SndExplo, out pBaseObj);
            p_snd = (ISoundSample)pBaseObj;
Ejemplo n.º 36
        public CAsteroid(IGameObjectManager pObjMan, IEngineCore pEngineCore, TPoint2 stPos, float fSize)
            : base(pObjMan, pEngineCore)
            ObjType = EGameObjectType.GotAsteroid;

            _uiCounter = (uint)Rand.Next(500);
            RenderLayer = 2;
            _fSize = fSize;
            _fColScale = 0.8f;
            _stPos = stPos;
            _fAngle = Rand.Next(360);

            IResourceManager pResMan;
            IEngineSubSystem pSubSys;
            pEngineCore.GetSubSystem(E_ENGINE_SUB_SYSTEM.ESS_RESOURCE_MANAGER, out pSubSys);
            pResMan = (IResourceManager)pSubSys;

            IEngineBaseObject pBaseObj;
            pResMan.GetResourceByName(Res.MeshAsteroid, out pBaseObj);
            _pMesh = (IMesh)pBaseObj;
            pResMan.GetResourceByName(Res.TexAsteroid, out pBaseObj);
            _pTex = (ITexture)pBaseObj;
Ejemplo n.º 37
        void RenderPlanetInToTexture()
            TColor4 c = TColor4.ColorWhite(0); // set clear color here because SetRenderTarget will clear color buffer for us

            pRender.SetClearColor(ref c);


            TPoint2 pos = new TPoint2();
            TPoint2 dim = new TPoint2(256f, 256f);

            pRender2D.DrawTexture(pTexMask, ref pos, ref dim, 0f, E_EFFECT2D_FLAGS.EF_BLEND);


            float texOffsetX = counter / 200f;

            // generate two triangles to form a quad and move their texture coordinates horizontally
            TVertex2[] quad =
                new TVertex2(0f,     0f, texOffsetX,      0f, 1f, 1f, 1f, 1f),
                new TVertex2(256f,   0f, 1f + texOffsetX, 0f, 1f, 1f, 1f, 1f),
                new TVertex2(256f, 256f, 1f + texOffsetX, 1f, 1f, 1f, 1f, 1f),
                new TVertex2(0f,     0f, texOffsetX,      0f, 1f, 1f, 1f, 1f),
                new TVertex2(256f, 256f, 1f + texOffsetX, 1f, 1f, 1f, 1f, 1f),
                new TVertex2(0f,   256f, 0f + texOffsetX, 1f, 1f, 1f, 1f, 1f)

            pRender2D.DrawTriangles(pTexPlanet, ref quad[0], (uint)quad.Length, E_PRIMITIVE2D_FLAGS.PF_FILL);


            c = TColor4.ColorOfficialBlack();
            pRender.SetClearColor(ref c); // set clear color back
Ejemplo n.º 38
        void Render(IntPtr pParam)
            if (pRender2D == null) return;


            // Draw  sky

            TPoint2 ps = new TPoint2();
            TPoint2 pt = new TPoint2(GAME_VP_WIDTH, GAME_VP_HEIGHT);

            pRender2D.DrawTexture(pSky, ref ps, ref pt, 0, E_EFFECT2D_FLAGS.EF_NONE);

            // Draw background

            ps = new TPoint2(cameraPosition.x / 1.5f, cameraPosition.y / 1.5f);
            pt = new TPoint2(cameraScale, cameraScale);

            pRender2D.SetCamera(ref ps, cameraAngle, ref pt);


            ps = new TPoint2(-200f, 150f);
            pt = new TPoint2(1399f, 517f);
            TRectF rect = new TRectF(0f, 905f, 1399f, 517f);

            pRender2D.DrawTextureCropped(pBg, ref ps, ref pt, ref rect, 0.0f, E_EFFECT2D_FLAGS.EF_BLEND);

            // Draw moving fog on background

            ps = new TPoint2(cameraPosition.x / 1.2f, cameraPosition.y / 1.2f);
            pt = new TPoint2(cameraScale, cameraScale);
            pRender2D.SetCamera(ref ps, cameraAngle, ref pt);


            // Sometimes it's better to batch a lot of similar objects.


            TColor4 col = new TColor4(255, 255, 255, 64);

            pRender2D.SetColorMix(ref col);

            for (uint i = 0; i < 22; ++i)
                for (uint j = 0; j < 2; ++j)
                    ps = new TPoint2((float)(500f + Math.Sin((float)i) * 600f - Math.Cos((float)counter / 50f) * 10f * (i % 4)),
                               (float)(475f + Math.Sin((float)j * 2.5f) * 150f - Math.Sin((float)counter / 50f) * 20f * (i % 3)));
                    pt = new TPoint2(250f, 150f);
                    pRender2D.DrawTexture(pFog, ref ps, ref pt, 0f, (E_EFFECT2D_FLAGS.EF_BLEND | E_EFFECT2D_FLAGS.EF_COLOR_MIX));


            // Draw foreground scene

            // Setup camera and blending
            pt = new TPoint2(cameraScale, cameraScale);
            pRender2D.SetCamera(ref cameraPosition, cameraAngle, ref pt);


            // Owl
            col = new TColor4(150, 150, 150, 255);
            pRender2D.SetColorMix(ref col); // make sprite little darker

            ps = new TPoint2(owlX, 425f);
            pt = new TPoint2(48f, 128f);
            pRender2D.DrawTextureSprite(pOwl, ref ps, ref pt, (uint)(counter / 3) % 15, 0f, EEF);

            // Draw tree
            ps = new TPoint2();
            pt = new TPoint2(1399f, 900f);
            rect = new TRectF(0f, 0f, 1399f, 900f);
            pRender2D.DrawTextureCropped(pBg, ref ps, ref pt, ref rect, 0f, E_EFFECT2D_FLAGS.EF_BLEND);

            // Glowing disc under moving light


            ps = new TPoint2(-100f, 0f);
            pt = new TPoint2();
            pRender2D.SetVerticesOffsets(ref ps, ref ps, ref pt, ref pt);
            col = new TColor4(65, 59, 193, 255);
            pRender2D.SetColorMix(ref col);
            ps = new TPoint2(lights[0].x - 32f, lights[0].y + 64f);
            pt = new TPoint2(256f, 256f);
            pRender2D.DrawTexture(pLightRound, ref ps, ref pt, 0f, (E_EFFECT2D_FLAGS.EF_VERTICES_OFFSETS | E_EFFECT2D_FLAGS.EF_BLEND | E_EFFECT2D_FLAGS.EF_COLOR_MIX));

            // Girl Shadow

            ps = new TPoint2(-150f + (float)Math.Cos((float)counter / 100f) * 100f, -55f);
            pt = new TPoint2(-50f + (float)Math.Cos((float)counter / 100f) * 100f, -55f);
            TPoint2 pp = new TPoint2(15f, 5f);
            pRender2D.SetVerticesOffsets(ref ps, ref pt, ref pp, ref pp);
            col = new TColor4(0, 0, 0, 128);
            pRender2D.SetColorMix(ref col);
            ps = new TPoint2(550f, 725f);
            pt = new TPoint2(60f, 120f);
            pRender2D.DrawTextureSprite(pTexGirl, ref ps, ref pt, (uint)(counter / 5) % 16, 0f, (E_EFFECT2D_FLAGS.EF_VERTICES_OFFSETS | E_EFFECT2D_FLAGS.EF_BLEND | E_EFFECT2D_FLAGS.EF_COLOR_MIX));

            // Girl Sprite
            pRender2D.DrawTextureSprite(pTexGirl, ref ps, ref pt, (uint)(counter / 5) % 16, 0f, E_EFFECT2D_FLAGS.EF_BLEND);

            // Lights


            for (uint i = 0; i < 5; ++i)
                ps = new TPoint2(lights[i].x, lights[i].y);
                pt = new TPoint2(64f, 128f);
                pRender2D.DrawTextureSprite(pLight, ref ps, ref pt, (uint)(counter / 2) % 14, 0f, E_EFFECT2D_FLAGS.EF_BLEND);


            // We must calculate correct coordinates in game space because game resolution and screen resolution can be different.
            TPoint2 pos;
            pRender2D.AbsoluteToResolutionCorrect(ref stMousePos, out pos);
            ps = new TPoint2(pos.x - 37, pos.y - 37);
            pt = new TPoint2(75f, 75f);
            pRender2D.DrawTextureSprite(pVox, ref ps, ref pt, (uint)(counter / 2) % 16, 0f, E_EFFECT2D_FLAGS.EF_BLEND);

            uint tw, th;
            pFont.GetTextDimensions(HELP_TEXT, out tw, out th);
            col = TColor4.White;
            pFont.Draw2D((float)((GAME_VP_WIDTH - tw) / 2), (float)(GAME_VP_HEIGHT - th), HELP_TEXT, ref col);

Ejemplo n.º 39
        void DrawPrimitives(TRectF screen)
            TColor4 c;
            TRectF  rect;

            rect = new TRectF(5f, 5f, 170f, 170f);
            c    = TColor4.ColorBlue();
            pRender2D.DrawRectangle(ref rect, ref c, E_PRIMITIVE2D_FLAGS.PF_LINE);

            rect = new TRectF(10f, 10f, 160f, 160f);
            c    = TColor4.ColorGray();
            pRender2D.DrawRectangle(ref rect, ref c, E_PRIMITIVE2D_FLAGS.PF_FILL);

            pRender2D.DrawTriangles(null, ref triangles[0], (uint)triangles.Length, E_PRIMITIVE2D_FLAGS.PF_FILL);

            for (int i = 0; i <= 12; i++)
                TPoint2 p = new TPoint2(screen.x, screen.y) + new TPoint2(15f + 12 * i, 15f + 12 * i);
                c = TColor4.ColorTeal();
                pRender2D.DrawPoint(ref p, ref c, (uint)(1 + i));

            for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++)
                pRender2D.SetLineWidth((uint)(1 + i / 2));
                TPoint2 p  = new TPoint2(screen.width - i * 20, screen.height);
                TPoint2 p1 = new TPoint2(screen.width, screen.height - i * 20);
                c = TColor4.ColorOfficialOrange((byte)(255 - i * 17));
                pRender2D.DrawLine(ref p, ref p1, ref c);

            TColor4 c1 = TColor4.ColorAqua(), c2 = TColor4.ColorFuchsia(), c3 = new TColor4(), c4 = new TColor4();

            pRender2D.SetVerticesColors(ref c1, ref c2, ref c3, ref c4); // override per vertex color for the line
            c = new TColor4();
            TPoint2 p2 = new TPoint2(screen.width, 75f);
            TPoint2 p3 = new TPoint2(200f, screen.height);

            pRender2D.DrawLine(ref p2, ref p3, ref c, E_PRIMITIVE2D_FLAGS.PF_VERTICES_COLORS);


            c1 = TColor4.ColorGray();
            c2 = TColor4.ColorMagenta();
            c3 = TColor4.ColorOrange();
            c4 = TColor4.ColorViolet();
            pRender2D.SetVerticesColors(ref c1, ref c2, ref c3, ref c4); // override per vertex color for the rectangle
            rect = new TRectF(250f, 25f, 125f, 125f);
            pRender2D.DrawRectangle(ref rect, ref c, (E_PRIMITIVE2D_FLAGS.PF_LINE | E_PRIMITIVE2D_FLAGS.PF_VERTICES_COLORS));

            c1 = TColor4.ColorBlack(0);
            c2 = TColor4.ColorGreen();
            c3 = TColor4.ColorGreen();
            c4 = TColor4.ColorBlack(0);
            pRender2D.SetVerticesColors(ref c1, ref c2, ref c3, ref c4);
            rect = new TRectF(260f, 35f, 105f, 105f);
            pRender2D.DrawRectangle(ref rect, ref c, (E_PRIMITIVE2D_FLAGS.PF_FILL | E_PRIMITIVE2D_FLAGS.PF_VERTICES_COLORS));

            p2 = new TPoint2(125f, 50f);
            c  = TColor4.ColorOrange();
            pRender2D.DrawCircle(ref p2, 40, 32, ref c, E_PRIMITIVE2D_FLAGS.PF_FILL);

            c = TColor4.ColorWhite();
            for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
                pRender2D.DrawCircle(ref p2, (uint)(10 + i * 5), (uint)(4 + i * 2), ref c, E_PRIMITIVE2D_FLAGS.PF_LINE);

            p2 = new TPoint2(200f, 250f);
            p3 = new TPoint2(110f, 34f);
            c  = TColor4.ColorViolet();
            pRender2D.DrawEllipse(ref p2, ref p3, 64, ref c, E_PRIMITIVE2D_FLAGS.PF_FILL);

            p3 = new TPoint2(100f, 30f);
            c  = TColor4.ColorWhite();
            pRender2D.DrawEllipse(ref p2, ref p3, 32, ref c, E_PRIMITIVE2D_FLAGS.PF_LINE);

            p3 = new TPoint2(80f, 24f);
            c  = TColor4.ColorFuchsia();
            pRender2D.DrawEllipse(ref p2, ref p3, 8, ref c, E_PRIMITIVE2D_FLAGS.PF_FILL);

            p3 = new TPoint2(30f, 75f);
            c  = TColor4.ColorOrange(100);
            pRender2D.DrawEllipse(ref p2, ref p3, 64, ref c, E_PRIMITIVE2D_FLAGS.PF_FILL);

            pRender2D.DrawPolygon(null, ref star_polygon[0], (uint)triangles.Length, E_PRIMITIVE2D_FLAGS.PF_FILL);
Ejemplo n.º 40
        void Update(IntPtr pParam)
            bool prsd;

            pInput.GetKey(E_KEYBOARD_KEY_CODES.KEY_ESCAPE, out prsd);

            if (prsd)

            TMouseStates states;
            pInput.GetMouseStates(out states);
            stMousePos = new TPoint2((float)states.iX, (float)states.iY);

            if (counter % 250 == 0)
                ISoundChannel chan;
                pSndOwl.PlayEx(out chan, E_SOUND_SAMPLE_PARAMS.SSP_NONE);
                chan.SetPan((int)(owlX - cameraPosition.x));

            cameraPosition.x = (float)(GAME_VP_WIDTH / 2f + 250f + Math.Cos(counter / 200f) * 225f);
            cameraPosition.y = GAME_VP_HEIGHT / 2f + 300f;

            cameraAngle = (float)Math.Sin(counter / 200f) * 5f;
            cameraScale = (float)(1f + Math.Abs(Math.Sin(counter / 200f) * 0.25f));

            lights[0].x = (float)(650f - Math.Cos(counter / 100f) * 100f);
            lights[0].y = (float)(700f - Math.Sin(counter / 150f) * 50f);

            if (owlX > 1500f)
                owlGoLeft = true;
                if (owlX < 100f)
                    owlGoLeft = false;

            owlX += (owlGoLeft ? -1f : 1f) * 4f;

Ejemplo n.º 41
        void Render(IntPtr pParam)

            TPoint2 pc;

            pc = new TPoint2((float)(350 + Math.Cos(counter / 200.0) * 200), (float)(350 + Math.Sin(counter / 200.0) * 80));
            TPoint2 ps = new TPoint2(1, 1);
            // make floating camera
            pRender2D.SetCamera(ref pc,//camera center
                (float)Math.Sin(counter / 50.0) * 15,//camera angle
                ref ps//camera scale
            pRender2D.ProjectScreenToCamera(ref stMouseOnScreen, out stMouseInCamera);

            pc = new TPoint2(-750f, -750f);
            ps = new TPoint2(2000f, 2000f);
            pRender2D.DrawTexture(pTextures[7], ref pc, ref ps, 0f, E_EFFECT2D_FLAGS.EF_TILE_TEXTURE);

             //draw stone layer with per vertex blending
            TColor4 white = TColor4.ColorWhite();
            TColor4 col = TColor4.ColorWhite(0);
            TPoint2 p1 = new TPoint2(0f, 225f);
            uint x, y;
            pTextures[8].GetDimensions(out x, out y);
            TPoint2 pdim = new TPoint2((float)x, (float)y);
            pRender2D.SetVerticesColors(ref col, ref white, ref white, ref col);
            pRender2D.DrawTexture(pTextures[8], ref p1, ref pdim, 0f, (E_EFFECT2D_FLAGS.EF_VERTICES_COLORS | E_EFFECT2D_FLAGS.EF_BLEND));

            pRender2D.SetVerticesColors(ref white, ref col, ref col, ref white);
            p1 = new TPoint2(0f + 256f, 225f);
            pRender2D.DrawTexture(pTextures[8], ref p1, ref pdim, 0f, (E_EFFECT2D_FLAGS.EF_VERTICES_COLORS | E_EFFECT2D_FLAGS.EF_BLEND));

            pRender2D.SetVerticesColors(ref white, ref col, ref col, ref col);
            p1 = new TPoint2(0f + 256f, 225f + 256f);
            pRender2D.DrawTexture(pTextures[8], ref p1, ref pdim, 0f, (E_EFFECT2D_FLAGS.EF_VERTICES_COLORS | E_EFFECT2D_FLAGS.EF_BLEND));

            pRender2D.SetVerticesColors(ref col, ref white, ref col, ref col);
            p1 = new TPoint2(0f, 225f + 256f);
            pRender2D.DrawTexture(pTextures[8], ref p1, ref pdim, 0f, (E_EFFECT2D_FLAGS.EF_VERTICES_COLORS | E_EFFECT2D_FLAGS.EF_BLEND));

            //// set color mix to semi-transparent black for object shadows
            col = TColor4.ColorBlack(128);
            pRender2D.SetColorMix(ref col);

            for (int i = 0; i < MyMeshes.Length; i++) // all meshes with shadows except copter


            copter.Render((float) counter);

Ejemplo n.º 42
 public TBug(TPoint2 pos, float ang)
     this.pos = pos;
     lifes    = 100;
     angle    = ang;
Ejemplo n.º 43
        void Update(IntPtr pParam)
            bool prsd;
            pInput.GetKey(E_KEYBOARD_KEY_CODES.KEY_ESCAPE, out prsd);
            if (prsd)

            pInput.GetMouseStates(out mouse);
            stMouseOnScreen = new TPoint2((float)mouse.iX, (float)mouse.iY);
            // convert our on-screen mouse coordinates to camera space

            // process zombie movement and its sprite animation
            // move copter

            // Choper flies on screen between -60 and 856 coords so here's a way to convert its coords to [-100,100] range
            pSoundChannel.SetPan((int)Math.Round((copter.stCopterPos.x + 60 - 460) * 0.2));

Ejemplo n.º 44
        void Update(IntPtr pParam)
            // We must switch between two textures, because we can't call DrawTexture for texture which is current render target.

            // Firstly rendering previous background texture with new bugs corpses and trails.
            TPoint2 pos = new TPoint2();
            TPoint2 dim;
            TColor4 c;
            uint    co = counter % 2;

            pRender2D.DrawTexture(pTexTarget[co == 1 ? 0 : 1], ref pos, ref ScreenSize, 0,

            for (int index = 0; index < bugs.Count; index++)
                var bug = bugs[index];
                if (bug.lifes < 0)

                    pos = bug.pos + new TPoint2(5f, 0f);
                    dim = new TPoint2(42f, 42f);
                    pRender2D.DrawTexture(pTexBugCorpse, ref pos, ref dim, 90f + bug.angle);

            // Secondly rendering background texture with moving bugs.
            pos = new TPoint2();
            pRender2D.DrawTexture(pTexTarget[counter % 2], ref pos, ref ScreenSize, 0, E_EFFECT2D_FLAGS.EF_FLIP_VERTICALLY);
            dim = new TPoint2(52f, 42f);

            foreach (var bug in bugs)
                TPoint2 old = bug.pos;

                bug.pos.x += (float)Math.Cos(bug.angle * Math.PI / 180f) * 0.5f;
                bug.pos.y += (float)Math.Sin(bug.angle * Math.PI / 180f) * 0.5f;

                if (bug.pos.x > ScreenWidth || bug.pos.y > ScreenHeight || bug.pos.x < 0f || bug.pos.y < 0f)
                    bug.pos   = old;
                    bug.angle = rand.Next(360);

                if (mousePos.DistTo(bug.pos) < 50f)
                    bug.lifes -= 2;
                byte hp = (byte)(bug.lifes > 0 ? (bug.lifes * 2.5 > 256 ? 255: bug.lifes * 2.5) : 0);
                c = new TColor4(255, hp, hp, 255);
                pRender2D.SetColorMix(ref c);
                pRender2D.DrawTextureSprite(pTexBug, ref bug.pos, ref dim, ((uint)(bug.angle + counter / 4) % 8),
                                            90f + bug.angle, E_EFFECT2D_FLAGS.EF_BLEND | E_EFFECT2D_FLAGS.EF_COLOR_MIX);

            // process user input here
            TMouseStates ms;

            pInput.GetMouseStates(out ms);
            mousePos = new TPoint2(ms.iX, ms.iY);

            bool prsd;

            pInput.GetKey(E_KEYBOARD_KEY_CODES.KEY_ESCAPE, out prsd);
            if (prsd)

            pInput.GetKey(E_KEYBOARD_KEY_CODES.KEY_SPACE, out prsd);
            if (prsd)
                counter = 0;

Ejemplo n.º 45
 public void Update()
     fCopterAngle += 0.5f;
     double DegAng = TO_RAD(fCopterAngle);
     stCopterPos += new TPoint2((float)Math.Cos(DegAng) * 4, (float)Math.Sin(DegAng) * 6);
     CopterMesh.P2coord = stCopterPos;
     CopterMesh.Angle = fCopterAngle;
     vint_pos = new TPoint2((float)(stCopterPos.x - 200f + Math.Cos(TO_RAD(fCopterAngle)) * 80f), (float)(stCopterPos.y - 200f + Math.Sin(TO_RAD(fCopterAngle)) * 80f));
Ejemplo n.º 46
 public void Draw()
     TPoint2 p1 = P2coord - new TPoint2(shift, shift);
     TPoint2 pdim = new TPoint2(P3Dim.x, P3Dim.y);
     pRender2D.DrawTexture(ShadowTex, ref p1, ref pdim, Angle, (E_EFFECT2D_FLAGS.EF_FLIP_VERTICALLY | E_EFFECT2D_FLAGS.EF_COLOR_MIX | E_EFFECT2D_FLAGS.EF_BLEND));
     pRender2D.DrawMesh(Mesh, Tex, ref P2coord, ref P3Dim, ref P3Axis, Angle, E_EFFECT2D_FLAGS.EF_DEFAULT, true, 90, bClearDepthBuf);
Ejemplo n.º 47
 public TBug(TPoint2 pos, float ang)
     this.pos = pos;
     lifes = 100;
     angle = ang;
Ejemplo n.º 48
        void Init(IntPtr pParam)
            // get subsystems

            pEngineCore.GetSubSystem(E_ENGINE_SUB_SYSTEM.ESS_RESOURCE_MANAGER, out p_sub_sys);
            pResMan = (IResourceManager)p_sub_sys;

            pEngineCore.GetSubSystem(E_ENGINE_SUB_SYSTEM.ESS_INPUT, out p_sub_sys);
            pInput = (IInput)p_sub_sys;
            pEngineCore.GetSubSystem(E_ENGINE_SUB_SYSTEM.ESS_RENDER, out p_sub_sys);
            pRender = (IRender)p_sub_sys;
            pRender.GetRender2D(out pRender2D);

            // create arrays
            IEngineBaseObject pObj = null;
            pTextures = new ITexture[TexCount];
            pShadows = new ITexture[ShadowCount];
            pMeshes = new IMesh[MeshCount];

            // loading data
            pResMan.Load(RESOURCE_PATH + "sounds\\helicopter.wav", out pObj, 0);
            pSound = (ISoundSample)pObj;
            pSound.PlayEx(out pSoundChannel, E_SOUND_SAMPLE_PARAMS.SSP_LOOPED);

            for (int i = 0; i < TexCount; i++)
                pResMan.Load(RESOURCE_PATH + TexNames[i], out pObj, flags);
                pTextures[i] = (ITexture)pObj;

            pTextures[6].SetFrameSize(256, 256); // zombie sprite splitting

            for (int i = 0; i < MeshCount; i++)
                pResMan.Load(RESOURCE_PATH + MeshNames[i], out pObj, (uint)E_MESH_MODEL_LOAD_FLAGS.MMLF_FORCE_MODEL_TO_MESH);
                pMeshes[i] = (IMesh)pObj;

            // render shadows
            for (int i = 0; i < MeshCount; i++)
                RenderMeshToTexture(out pShadows[i], pMeshes[i], pTextures[i]);

            // render rotor shadow
            TPoint2 coords = new TPoint2(128f, 128f);
            TColor4 col = TColor4.ColorWhite();
            pRender2D.DrawCircle(ref coords, 100, 64, ref col, E_PRIMITIVE2D_FLAGS.PF_FILL);

            // gather, fill and init 3d-objects data
            MyMeshes = new MyMesh[8]
                new MyMesh(pMeshes[0], pTextures[0], pShadows[0], new TPoint2( 900f, 500f), new TPoint3(400f, 400f, 500f), 225),
                new MyMesh(pMeshes[0], pTextures[0], pShadows[0], new TPoint2(-250f, 300f), new TPoint3(400f, 400f, 500f), 225),
                new MyMesh(pMeshes[0], pTextures[0], pShadows[0], new TPoint2( 800f, 200f), new TPoint3(400f, 400f, 400f), 225),
                new MyMesh(pMeshes[1], pTextures[1], pShadows[1], new TPoint2(   0f, 450f), new TPoint3(300f, 300f, 400f), 175),
                new MyMesh(pMeshes[1], pTextures[1], pShadows[1], new TPoint2(  50f, 750f), new TPoint3(300f, 300f, 300f), 175),
                new MyMesh(pMeshes[2], pTextures[2], pShadows[2], new TPoint2( 500f, 150f), new TPoint3(400f, 400f, 500f), 225),
                new MyMesh(pMeshes[3], pTextures[3], pShadows[3], new TPoint2( 180f, 150f), new TPoint3(400f, 400f, 600f), 200),
                new MyMesh(pMeshes[3], pTextures[3], pShadows[3], new TPoint2( 600f, 550f), new TPoint3(400f, 400f, 600f), 200, 90)

            copter = new Copter(new MyMesh(pMeshes[4], pTextures[4], pShadows[4], new TPoint2(), new TPoint3(600, 600, 600), 200, 0, true), pTextures[5], pShadows[5]);
            zombie = new Zombie(pTextures[6]);
Ejemplo n.º 49
        void DrawPrimitives(TRectF screen)
            TColor4 c;
            TRectF rect;

            rect = new TRectF(5f, 5f, 170f, 170f);
            c = TColor4.ColorBlue();
            pRender2D.DrawRectangle(ref rect, ref c, E_PRIMITIVE2D_FLAGS.PF_LINE);

            rect = new TRectF(10f, 10f, 160f, 160f);
            c = TColor4.ColorGray();
            pRender2D.DrawRectangle(ref rect, ref c, E_PRIMITIVE2D_FLAGS.PF_FILL);

            pRender2D.DrawTriangles(null, ref triangles[0], (uint)triangles.Length, E_PRIMITIVE2D_FLAGS.PF_FILL);

            for (int i = 0; i <= 12; i++)
                TPoint2 p = new TPoint2(screen.x, screen.y) + new TPoint2(15f + 12 * i, 15f + 12 * i);
                c = TColor4.ColorTeal();
                pRender2D.DrawPoint(ref p, ref c, (uint)(1 + i));

            for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++)
                pRender2D.SetLineWidth((uint)(1 + i / 2));
                TPoint2 p = new TPoint2(screen.width - i * 20, screen.height);
                TPoint2 p1 = new TPoint2(screen.width, screen.height - i * 20);
                c = TColor4.ColorOfficialOrange((byte)(255 - i * 17));
                pRender2D.DrawLine(ref p, ref p1, ref c);

            TColor4 c1 = TColor4.ColorAqua(), c2 = TColor4.ColorFuchsia(), c3 = new TColor4(), c4 = new TColor4();
            pRender2D.SetVerticesColors(ref c1, ref c2, ref c3, ref c4); // override per vertex color for the line
            c = new TColor4();
            TPoint2 p2 = new TPoint2(screen.width, 75f);
            TPoint2 p3 = new TPoint2(200f, screen.height);
            pRender2D.DrawLine(ref p2, ref p3, ref c, E_PRIMITIVE2D_FLAGS.PF_VERTICES_COLORS);


            c1 = TColor4.ColorGray();
            c2 = TColor4.ColorMagenta();
            c3 = TColor4.ColorOrange();
            c4 = TColor4.ColorViolet();
            pRender2D.SetVerticesColors(ref c1, ref c2, ref c3, ref c4); // override per vertex color for the rectangle
            rect = new TRectF(250f, 25f, 125f, 125f);
            pRender2D.DrawRectangle(ref rect, ref c, (E_PRIMITIVE2D_FLAGS.PF_LINE | E_PRIMITIVE2D_FLAGS.PF_VERTICES_COLORS));

            c1 = TColor4.ColorBlack(0);
            c2 = TColor4.ColorGreen();
            c3 = TColor4.ColorGreen();
            c4 = TColor4.ColorBlack(0);
            pRender2D.SetVerticesColors(ref c1, ref c2, ref c3, ref c4);
            rect = new TRectF(260f, 35f, 105f, 105f);
            pRender2D.DrawRectangle(ref rect, ref c, (E_PRIMITIVE2D_FLAGS.PF_FILL | E_PRIMITIVE2D_FLAGS.PF_VERTICES_COLORS));

            p2 = new TPoint2(125f, 50f);
            c = TColor4.ColorOrange();
            pRender2D.DrawCircle(ref p2, 40, 32, ref c, E_PRIMITIVE2D_FLAGS.PF_FILL);

            c = TColor4.ColorWhite();
            for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
                pRender2D.DrawCircle(ref p2, (uint)(10 + i * 5), (uint)(4 + i * 2), ref c, E_PRIMITIVE2D_FLAGS.PF_LINE);

            p2 = new TPoint2(200f, 250f);
            p3 = new TPoint2(110f, 34f);
            c = TColor4.ColorViolet();
            pRender2D.DrawEllipse(ref p2, ref p3, 64, ref c, E_PRIMITIVE2D_FLAGS.PF_FILL);

            p3 = new TPoint2(100f, 30f);
            c = TColor4.ColorWhite();
            pRender2D.DrawEllipse(ref p2, ref p3, 32, ref c, E_PRIMITIVE2D_FLAGS.PF_LINE);

            p3 = new TPoint2(80f, 24f);
            c = TColor4.ColorFuchsia();
            pRender2D.DrawEllipse(ref p2, ref p3, 8, ref c, E_PRIMITIVE2D_FLAGS.PF_FILL);

            p3 = new TPoint2(30f, 75f);
            c = TColor4.ColorOrange(100);
            pRender2D.DrawEllipse(ref p2, ref p3, 64, ref c, E_PRIMITIVE2D_FLAGS.PF_FILL);

            pRender2D.DrawPolygon(null, ref star_polygon[0], (uint)triangles.Length, E_PRIMITIVE2D_FLAGS.PF_FILL);
Ejemplo n.º 50
 // This function creates texture and renders models shadow to it.
 void RenderMeshToTexture(out ITexture pTex, IMesh pMesh, ITexture pMeshTex)
     TPoint2 coords = new TPoint2(128f, 128f);
     TPoint3 dims = new TPoint3(256f, 256f, 1f);
     TPoint3 axis = new TPoint3(0f, 0f, 1f);
     pRender2D.DrawMesh(pMesh, pMeshTex, ref coords, ref dims, ref axis);
     pRender.SetRenderTarget(null); // switch back to on-screen drawing
Ejemplo n.º 51
        void DrawSprites(TRectF screen)
            pTexGrass.Draw2D((int)screen.x, (int)screen.y, (uint)screen.width, (uint)screen.height, 0, 0);
            pTexGirl.Draw2DSimple((int)(screen.x + 400), (int)(screen.y + 30), (counter / 5) % 16); // simpliest way to draw animated sprite

            // draw tank
            uint width, height;

            TPoint2 scale = new TPoint2(2f, 2f); // scale X and Y axes by two
            pRender2D.SetScale(ref scale);

            pTexTankBody.GetDimensions(out width, out height);
            TPoint2 pos = new TPoint2(screen.x + 50f, screen.y + 150f);
            TPoint2 dimension = new TPoint2(width, height);
            pRender2D.DrawTexture(pTexTankBody, ref pos, ref dimension, 0, E_EFFECT2D_FLAGS.EF_ALPHA_TEST /* better than blending if we want to have sharp edges */ |

            pTexTankTurret.GetDimensions(out width, out height);
            TPoint2 rot = new TPoint2(48f, 64f);
            pRender2D.SetRotationPoint(ref rot); // rotate turret around it's base center, not the center of the image
            TPoint2 turretCenter = new TPoint2(screen.x + 50f - 10f, screen.y + 150f + 18f);
            float turretAngle = (float)(-30f + Math.Sin(counter / 15f) * 20f);
            dimension = new TPoint2(width, height);
            pRender2D.DrawTexture(pTexTankTurret, ref turretCenter, ref dimension, turretAngle, E_EFFECT2D_FLAGS.EF_ALPHA_TEST |

            // draw light at the end of tank cannon
            pTexLight.GetFrameSize(out width, out height);
            dimension = new TPoint2(width, height);
            pos = turretCenter + new TPoint2((float)Math.Cos(ToRad(turretAngle)) * 165f,
                (float)(Math.Sin(ToRad(turretAngle - 15f)) * 165f));
            pRender2D.DrawTextureSprite(pTexLight, ref pos, ref dimension, (counter / 2) % 14, 0, E_EFFECT2D_FLAGS.EF_BLEND);

            pRender2D.SetBlendMode(E_BLENDING_EFFECT.BE_NORMAL); // switch back blending mode to common one
Ejemplo n.º 52
 public Copter(MyMesh copterMesh, ITexture rotorTex, ITexture rotorShadow)
     stCopterPos = new TPoint2(400, 200);
     fCopterAngle = 0f;
     CopterMesh = copterMesh;
     RotorTex = rotorTex;
     RotorShadow = rotorShadow;
     vint_dim = new TPoint2(400f, 400f);
Ejemplo n.º 53
        void RenderPlanetInToTexture()
            TColor4 c = TColor4.ColorWhite(0); // set clear color here because SetRenderTarget will clear color buffer for us
            pRender.SetClearColor(ref c);


            TPoint2 pos = new TPoint2();
            TPoint2 dim = new TPoint2(256f, 256f);
            pRender2D.DrawTexture(pTexMask, ref pos, ref dim, 0f, E_EFFECT2D_FLAGS.EF_BLEND);


            float texOffsetX = counter / 200f;
            // generate two triangles to form a quad and move their texture coordinates horizontally
            TVertex2[] quad =
                new TVertex2(0f, 0f, texOffsetX, 0f, 1f, 1f, 1f, 1f),
                new TVertex2(256f, 0f, 1f + texOffsetX, 0f, 1f, 1f, 1f, 1f),
                new TVertex2(256f, 256f, 1f + texOffsetX, 1f, 1f, 1f, 1f, 1f),
                new TVertex2(0f, 0f, texOffsetX, 0f, 1f, 1f, 1f, 1f),
                new TVertex2(256f, 256f, 1f + texOffsetX, 1f, 1f, 1f, 1f, 1f),
                new TVertex2(0f, 256f, 0f + texOffsetX, 1f, 1f, 1f, 1f, 1f)

            pRender2D.DrawTriangles(pTexPlanet, ref quad[0], (uint)quad.Length, E_PRIMITIVE2D_FLAGS.PF_FILL);


            c = TColor4.ColorOfficialBlack();
            pRender.SetClearColor(ref c); // set clear color back
Ejemplo n.º 54
 public MyMesh(IMesh Amesh, ITexture Atex, ITexture ShadowTex, TPoint2 Acoord, TPoint3 ADim, int shift,  float AAngle = 0, bool bClearDepthBuf = false)
     Mesh = Amesh;
     Tex = Atex;
     this.ShadowTex = ShadowTex;
     P2coord = Acoord;
     P3Dim = ADim;
     P3Axis = new TPoint3(0, 0, 1);
     Angle = AAngle;
     this.bClearDepthBuf = bClearDepthBuf;
     this.shift = shift;
Ejemplo n.º 55
        void Render(IntPtr pParam)
            TPoint2 pos = mousePos - new TPoint2(200f, 200f);
            TPoint2 dim = new TPoint2(400f, 400f);
            pRender2D.DrawTexture(pTexLight, ref pos, ref dim, 0, E_EFFECT2D_FLAGS.EF_BLEND);

            pos = new TPoint2();
            pRender2D.DrawTexture(pTexTarget[2], ref pos, ref ScreenSize, 0, E_EFFECT2D_FLAGS.EF_BLEND |
Ejemplo n.º 56
            public void Update(TPoint2 stMouseInCamera)
                if (bFrameForward)
                    fZombieAnimFrame += 0.3f;
                    fZombieAnimFrame -= 0.3f;

                if (bFrameForward && (int)fZombieAnimFrame == 15)
                    bFrameForward = false;
                    if (!bFrameForward && (int)fZombieAnimFrame == 0)
                        bFrameForward = true;
                fZombieAngle = TO_DEG((float)Math.Atan2(stMouseInCamera.y - (stZombiePos.y + 64f), stMouseInCamera.x - (stZombiePos.x + 64f)));

                stZombiePos.x += (float)Math.Cos(TO_RAD(fZombieAngle)) * 0.75f;
                stZombiePos.y += (float)Math.Sin(TO_RAD(fZombieAngle)) * 0.75f;
Ejemplo n.º 57
        void Update(IntPtr pParam)
            // We must switch between two textures, because we can't call DrawTexture for texture which is current render target.

            // Firstly rendering previous background texture with new bugs corpses and trails.
            TPoint2 pos = new TPoint2();
            TPoint2 dim;
            TColor4 c;
            uint co = counter % 2;
            pRender2D.DrawTexture(pTexTarget[co == 1 ? 0 : 1], ref pos, ref ScreenSize, 0,

            for (int index = 0; index < bugs.Count; index++)
                var bug = bugs[index];
                if (bug.lifes < 0)

                    pos = bug.pos + new TPoint2(5f, 0f);
                    dim = new TPoint2(42f, 42f);
                    pRender2D.DrawTexture(pTexBugCorpse, ref pos, ref dim, 90f + bug.angle);

            // Secondly rendering background texture with moving bugs.
            pos = new TPoint2();
            pRender2D.DrawTexture(pTexTarget[counter % 2], ref pos, ref ScreenSize, 0, E_EFFECT2D_FLAGS.EF_FLIP_VERTICALLY);
            dim = new TPoint2(52f, 42f);

            foreach (var bug in bugs)
                TPoint2 old = bug.pos;

                bug.pos.x += (float)Math.Cos(bug.angle * Math.PI / 180f) * 0.5f;
                bug.pos.y += (float)Math.Sin(bug.angle * Math.PI / 180f) * 0.5f;

                if (bug.pos.x > ScreenWidth || bug.pos.y > ScreenHeight || bug.pos.x < 0f || bug.pos.y < 0f)
                    bug.pos = old;
                    bug.angle = rand.Next(360);

                if (mousePos.DistTo(bug.pos) < 50f)
                    bug.lifes -= 2;
                byte hp = (byte)(bug.lifes > 0 ? (bug.lifes * 2.5 > 256 ? 255: bug.lifes * 2.5) : 0);
                c = new TColor4(255, hp, hp, 255);
                pRender2D.SetColorMix(ref c);
                pRender2D.DrawTextureSprite(pTexBug, ref bug.pos, ref dim, ((uint)(bug.angle + counter / 4) % 8),
                    90f + bug.angle, E_EFFECT2D_FLAGS.EF_BLEND | E_EFFECT2D_FLAGS.EF_COLOR_MIX);

            // process user input here
            TMouseStates ms;
            pInput.GetMouseStates(out ms);
            mousePos = new TPoint2(ms.iX, ms.iY);

            bool prsd;
            pInput.GetKey(E_KEYBOARD_KEY_CODES.KEY_ESCAPE, out prsd);
            if (prsd)

            pInput.GetKey(E_KEYBOARD_KEY_CODES.KEY_SPACE, out prsd);
            if (prsd)
                counter = 0;

Ejemplo n.º 58
        void Render(IntPtr pParam)
            if (pRender2D == null)


            // Draw  sky

            TPoint2 ps = new TPoint2();
            TPoint2 pt = new TPoint2(GAME_VP_WIDTH, GAME_VP_HEIGHT);

            pRender2D.DrawTexture(pSky, ref ps, ref pt, 0, E_EFFECT2D_FLAGS.EF_NONE);

            // Draw background

            ps = new TPoint2(cameraPosition.x / 1.5f, cameraPosition.y / 1.5f);
            pt = new TPoint2(cameraScale, cameraScale);

            pRender2D.SetCamera(ref ps, cameraAngle, ref pt);


            ps = new TPoint2(-200f, 150f);
            pt = new TPoint2(1399f, 517f);
            TRectF rect = new TRectF(0f, 905f, 1399f, 517f);

            pRender2D.DrawTextureCropped(pBg, ref ps, ref pt, ref rect, 0.0f, E_EFFECT2D_FLAGS.EF_BLEND);

            // Draw moving fog on background

            ps = new TPoint2(cameraPosition.x / 1.2f, cameraPosition.y / 1.2f);
            pt = new TPoint2(cameraScale, cameraScale);
            pRender2D.SetCamera(ref ps, cameraAngle, ref pt);


            // Sometimes it's better to batch a lot of similar objects.


            TColor4 col = new TColor4(255, 255, 255, 64);

            pRender2D.SetColorMix(ref col);

            for (uint i = 0; i < 22; ++i)
                for (uint j = 0; j < 2; ++j)
                    ps = new TPoint2((float)(500f + Math.Sin((float)i) * 600f - Math.Cos((float)counter / 50f) * 10f * (i % 4)),
                                     (float)(475f + Math.Sin((float)j * 2.5f) * 150f - Math.Sin((float)counter / 50f) * 20f * (i % 3)));
                    pt = new TPoint2(250f, 150f);
                    pRender2D.DrawTexture(pFog, ref ps, ref pt, 0f, (E_EFFECT2D_FLAGS.EF_BLEND | E_EFFECT2D_FLAGS.EF_COLOR_MIX));


            // Draw foreground scene

            // Setup camera and blending
            pt = new TPoint2(cameraScale, cameraScale);
            pRender2D.SetCamera(ref cameraPosition, cameraAngle, ref pt);


            // Owl
            col = new TColor4(150, 150, 150, 255);
            pRender2D.SetColorMix(ref col); // make sprite little darker

            ps = new TPoint2(owlX, 425f);
            pt = new TPoint2(48f, 128f);

            pRender2D.DrawTextureSprite(pOwl, ref ps, ref pt, (uint)(counter / 3) % 15, 0f, EEF);

            // Draw tree
            ps   = new TPoint2();
            pt   = new TPoint2(1399f, 900f);
            rect = new TRectF(0f, 0f, 1399f, 900f);
            pRender2D.DrawTextureCropped(pBg, ref ps, ref pt, ref rect, 0f, E_EFFECT2D_FLAGS.EF_BLEND);

            // Glowing disc under moving light


            ps = new TPoint2(-100f, 0f);
            pt = new TPoint2();
            pRender2D.SetVerticesOffsets(ref ps, ref ps, ref pt, ref pt);
            col = new TColor4(65, 59, 193, 255);
            pRender2D.SetColorMix(ref col);
            ps = new TPoint2(lights[0].x - 32f, lights[0].y + 64f);
            pt = new TPoint2(256f, 256f);
            pRender2D.DrawTexture(pLightRound, ref ps, ref pt, 0f, (E_EFFECT2D_FLAGS.EF_VERTICES_OFFSETS | E_EFFECT2D_FLAGS.EF_BLEND | E_EFFECT2D_FLAGS.EF_COLOR_MIX));

            // Girl Shadow

            ps = new TPoint2(-150f + (float)Math.Cos((float)counter / 100f) * 100f, -55f);
            pt = new TPoint2(-50f + (float)Math.Cos((float)counter / 100f) * 100f, -55f);
            TPoint2 pp = new TPoint2(15f, 5f);

            pRender2D.SetVerticesOffsets(ref ps, ref pt, ref pp, ref pp);
            col = new TColor4(0, 0, 0, 128);
            pRender2D.SetColorMix(ref col);
            ps = new TPoint2(550f, 725f);
            pt = new TPoint2(60f, 120f);
            pRender2D.DrawTextureSprite(pTexGirl, ref ps, ref pt, (uint)(counter / 5) % 16, 0f, (E_EFFECT2D_FLAGS.EF_VERTICES_OFFSETS | E_EFFECT2D_FLAGS.EF_BLEND | E_EFFECT2D_FLAGS.EF_COLOR_MIX));

            // Girl Sprite
            pRender2D.DrawTextureSprite(pTexGirl, ref ps, ref pt, (uint)(counter / 5) % 16, 0f, E_EFFECT2D_FLAGS.EF_BLEND);

            // Lights


            for (uint i = 0; i < 5; ++i)
                ps = new TPoint2(lights[i].x, lights[i].y);
                pt = new TPoint2(64f, 128f);
                pRender2D.DrawTextureSprite(pLight, ref ps, ref pt, (uint)(counter / 2) % 14, 0f, E_EFFECT2D_FLAGS.EF_BLEND);


            // We must calculate correct coordinates in game space because game resolution and screen resolution can be different.
            TPoint2 pos;

            pRender2D.AbsoluteToResolutionCorrect(ref stMousePos, out pos);
            ps = new TPoint2(pos.x - 37, pos.y - 37);
            pt = new TPoint2(75f, 75f);
            pRender2D.DrawTextureSprite(pVox, ref ps, ref pt, (uint)(counter / 2) % 16, 0f, E_EFFECT2D_FLAGS.EF_BLEND);

            uint tw, th;

            pFont.GetTextDimensions(HELP_TEXT, out tw, out th);
            col = TColor4.White;
            pFont.Draw2D((float)((GAME_VP_WIDTH - tw) / 2), (float)(GAME_VP_HEIGHT - th), HELP_TEXT, ref col);

Ejemplo n.º 59
 private void FireEngine(int side)
     float multip = Res.Clamp(side, -1, 1);
     TPoint2 s = new TPoint2((float)(_stPos.x - Math.Cos(Res.ToRad(_fAngle - multip * 20f)) * 75f),
         (float)(_stPos.y - Math.Sin(Res.ToRad(_fAngle - multip * 20f)) * 75f));
     _pObjMan.AddObject(new CSpark(_pObjMan, _pEngineCore, s));