public void LoadWasterPipe() { TPipeInfo pipeinfo = new TPipeInfo(App._dbpath, App.PassWord); //读取数据库 List <CPipeInfo> pipelist = pipeinfo.Sel_PipeInfo((int)PIPETYPE.PIPE_WASTE); //仅仅读取污水管道 //读取管道内窥数据 TUSInfo usinfo = new TUSInfo(App._dbpath, App.PassWord); List <CUSInfo> uslist = usinfo.Load_USInfo(); foreach (CPipeInfo info in pipelist) { WastePipe pipe = null; WasteCover starjunc = FindStartWJunc(info); //找到起始点坐标 WasteCover endjunc = FindEndWJunc(info); //找到终止点坐标 if (starjunc == null || endjunc == null) { continue; } pipe = new WastePipe(starjunc, endjunc); pipe.pipeInfo = info; pipe.UsInfo = FindUSInfo(uslist, info.ID); WastePipeList.Add(pipe); } }
/// <summary> /// 导入管道信息,附加信息;但不会导入管道检测信息,管道日志,图片,报告,视频信息 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> private bool DoLoad() { TPipeInfo pipeinfo = new TPipeInfo(_dbpath, PassWord); TPipeExtInfo pipextinfo = new TPipeExtInfo(_dbpath, PassWord); TUSInfo usinfo = new TUSInfo(_dbpath, PassWord); pipeinfo.OpenDB(); pipextinfo.OpenDB(); usinfo.OpenDB(); ListPipe = pipeinfo.Load_PipeInfo(); ListPipeExt = pipextinfo.Load_PipeExtInfo(); ListUS = usinfo.Load_USInfo(); pipeinfo.CloseDB(); pipextinfo.CloseDB(); usinfo.CloseDB(); if (ListPipe == null || ListPipeExt == null || ListUS == null) { return(false); } else { return(true); } }
/// <summary> /// 删除管道的基本信息,同时删除其他关联信息, /// :附加信息,管道检测信息,管道日志,图片,报告,视频信息 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> private bool DoDelete() { TPipeInfo pipeinfo = new TPipeInfo(_dbpath, PassWord); TPipeExtInfo pipextinfo = new TPipeExtInfo(_dbpath, PassWord); TUSInfo usinfo = new TUSInfo(_dbpath, PassWord); if (ListPipe == null || ListPipe.Count == 0) { return(false); } foreach (CPipeInfo pipe in ListPipe) { pipeinfo.Delete_PipeInfo(pipe); CPipeExtInfo ext = null; ListPipeExt = pipextinfo.Sel_PipeExtInfo(pipe.ID); if (ListPipeExt != null && ListPipeExt.Count > 0) { ext = ListPipeExt.ElementAt(0); } pipextinfo.Delete_PipeExtInfo(ext); CUSInfo us = null; ListUS = usinfo.Sel_USInfo(pipe.ID); if (ListUS != null && ListUS.Count > 0) { us = ListUS.ElementAt(0); } usinfo.Delete_USInfo(us); } return(true); }
public void LoadRainPipe() { TPipeInfo pipeinfo = new TPipeInfo(App._dbpath, App.PassWord); //读取数据库 List <CPipeInfo> pipelist = pipeinfo.Sel_PipeInfo((int)PIPETYPE.PIPE_RAIN); //仅仅读取雨水管道 TUSInfo usinfo = new TUSInfo(App._dbpath, App.PassWord); List <CUSInfo> uslist = usinfo.Load_USInfo(); foreach (CPipeInfo info in pipelist) { RainPipe pipe = null; RainCover starjunc = FindStartRJunc(info); //找到起始点坐标 RainCover endjunc = FindEndRJunc(info); //找到终止点坐标 if (starjunc == null || endjunc == null) { continue; } pipe = new RainPipe(starjunc, endjunc); pipe.pipeInfo = info; pipe.UsInfo = FindUSInfo(uslist, info.ID); RainPipeList.Add(pipe); } }
/// <summary> /// 根据管道名称获取管道信息,附加信息;管道检测信息,管道日志,图片,报告,视频信息 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> private bool DoSelect() { if (PipeName == null || PipeName.Length <= 0) { return(false); } TPipeInfo pipeinfo = new TPipeInfo(_dbpath, PassWord); TPipeExtInfo pipextinfo = new TPipeExtInfo(_dbpath, PassWord); TUSInfo usinfo = new TUSInfo(_dbpath, PassWord); ListPipe = pipeinfo.Sel_PipeInfo(PipeName); if (ListPipe == null || ListPipe.Count <= 0) { return(false); } ListPipeExt = new List <CPipeExtInfo>(); ListUS = new List <CUSInfo>(); foreach (CPipeInfo pipe in ListPipe) { int id = pipe.ID; List <CPipeExtInfo> list1 = pipextinfo.Sel_PipeExtInfo(id); if (list1 != null && list1.Count > 0) { ListPipeExt.Add(list1.ElementAt(0)); } List <CUSInfo> list2 = usinfo.Sel_USInfo(id); if (list2 != null && list2.Count > 0) { ListUS.Add(list2.ElementAt(0)); } } return(true); }
protected int InsterDb(Pipe pipe, Cover injunc, Cover outjunc) { CPipeInfo pipeInfo = new CPipeInfo(); CPipeExtInfo pipeExtInfo = new CPipeExtInfo(); CUSInfo UsInfo = new CUSInfo(); pipeInfo.PipeName = pipe.Name; pipeInfo.In_JunID = injunc.juncInfo.ID; pipeInfo.Out_JunID = outjunc.juncInfo.ID; pipeInfo.Pipe_Category = pipe.pipeInfo.Pipe_Category; UsInfo.Struct_Class = 0; TPipeInfo tpipeinfo = new TPipeInfo(App._dbpath, App.PassWord); TPipeExtInfo tpipextinfo = new TPipeExtInfo(App._dbpath, App.PassWord); TUSInfo tusinfo = new TUSInfo(App._dbpath, App.PassWord); tpipeinfo.Insert_PipeInfo(ref pipeInfo); pipeExtInfo.PipeID = pipeInfo.ID; tpipextinfo.Insert_PipeExtInfo(ref pipeExtInfo); UsInfo.PipeID = pipeInfo.ID; tusinfo.Insert_USInfo(ref UsInfo); return(pipeInfo.ID); }
/// <summary> /// 更新管道信息,对现有数据更新,如不更新其他数据则设为null /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> private bool DoUpdate() { TPipeInfo pipeinfo = new TPipeInfo(_dbpath, PassWord); TPipeExtInfo pipextinfo = new TPipeExtInfo(_dbpath, PassWord); TUSInfo usinfo = new TUSInfo(_dbpath, PassWord); pipeinfo.Update_PipeInfo(ListPipe); pipextinfo.Update_PipeExtInfo(ListPipeExt); usinfo.Update_USInfo(ListUS); return(true); }
private bool DoClear() { TPipeInfo pipeinfo = new TPipeInfo(_dbpath, PassWord); TPipeExtInfo pipextinfo = new TPipeExtInfo(_dbpath, PassWord); TUSInfo usinfo = new TUSInfo(_dbpath, PassWord); pipeinfo.Clear_PipeInfo(); pipextinfo.Clear_PipeExtInfo(); usinfo.Clear_USInfo(); return(true); }
private bool DoQuickInsert() { if (ListPipe == null || ListPipe.Count == 0) { if (ListUS != null && ListUS.Count > 0) { return(InsertUs()); } else { return(false); } } TPipeInfo pipeinfo = new TPipeInfo(_dbpath, PassWord); TPipeExtInfo pipextinfo = new TPipeExtInfo(_dbpath, PassWord); pipeinfo.OpenDB(); pipextinfo.OpenDB(); List <int> listid = new List <int>(); if (!pipeinfo.Insert_PipeInfo(ListPipe, ref listid)) { return(false); } int nCount = 0; List <CPipeExtInfo> newllist = new List <CPipeExtInfo>(); foreach (CPipeExtInfo pipe in ListPipeExt) { pipe.PipeID = listid.ElementAt(nCount++); newllist.Add(pipe); } if (!pipextinfo.Insert_PipeExtInfo(ListPipeExt)) { return(false); } pipeinfo.CloseDB(); pipextinfo.CloseDB(); return(true); }
public void LoadRainPipe() { TPipeInfo pipeinfo = new TPipeInfo(App._dbpath, App.PassWord); //读取数据库 List<CPipeInfo> pipelist = pipeinfo.Sel_PipeInfo((int)PIPETYPE.PIPE_RAIN); //仅仅读取雨水管道 TUSInfo usinfo = new TUSInfo(App._dbpath, App.PassWord); List<CUSInfo> uslist = usinfo.Load_USInfo(); foreach (CPipeInfo info in pipelist) { RainPipe pipe = null; RainCover starjunc = FindStartRJunc(info); //找到起始点坐标 RainCover endjunc = FindEndRJunc(info); //找到终止点坐标 if (starjunc == null || endjunc == null) continue; pipe = new RainPipe(starjunc, endjunc); pipe.pipeInfo = info; pipe.UsInfo = FindUSInfo(uslist, info.ID); RainPipeList.Add(pipe); } }
public bool DoSave() { ObservableCollection <Mesage> datas = (ObservableCollection <Mesage>)DG1.DataContext; foreach (Mesage msg in datas) { try { ParseData(msg); } catch (Exception ex) { System.Console.WriteLine(ex.ToString()); string str = ""; if (ex is ExceptionProcess) { str += ((ExceptionProcess)ex).getReson() + "\n"; } MessageBox.Show(str + "设置数据格式错误:" + msg.ItemName + " " + msg.ValueName); return(false); } } //此处直接调用数据库操作接口,绕过中间层 TPipeInfo pipeinfo = new TPipeInfo(App._dbpath, App.PassWord); TPipeExtInfo pipextinfo = new TPipeExtInfo(App._dbpath, App.PassWord); List <CPipeInfo> pipelist = new List <CPipeInfo>(); pipelist.Add(mPipeInfo); List <CPipeExtInfo> extlist = new List <CPipeExtInfo>(); extlist.Add(mPipeExtInfo); bool b1 = pipeinfo.Update_PipeInfo(pipelist); bool b2 = pipextinfo.Update_PipeExtInfo(extlist); return(b1 & b2); }
/// <summary> /// 插入管道信息,和附加信息,管道检测信息,管道日志,图片,报告,视频信息 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> private bool DoInsert() { if (ListPipe == null) { return(false); } TPipeInfo pipeinfo = new TPipeInfo(_dbpath, PassWord); TPipeExtInfo pipextinfo = new TPipeExtInfo(_dbpath, PassWord); TUSInfo usinfo = new TUSInfo(_dbpath, PassWord); pipeinfo.OpenDB(); pipextinfo.OpenDB(); usinfo.OpenDB(); int i = 0; foreach (CPipeInfo pipe in ListPipe) { CPipeInfo tmp = pipe; //插入附加信息 CPipeExtInfo extmp = null; if (!pipeinfo.Insert_PipeInfo(ref tmp)) { continue; } if (ListPipeExt == null || ListPipeExt.Count == 0) { extmp = new CPipeExtInfo(); } else { if (i < ListPipeExt.Count) { extmp = ListPipeExt.ElementAt(i); } else { extmp = new CPipeExtInfo(); } } extmp.PipeID = tmp.ID; pipextinfo.Insert_PipeExtInfo(ref extmp); //插入管道检测信息 CUSInfo ustmp = null; if (ListUS == null || ListUS.Count == 0) { ustmp = new CUSInfo(); } else { if (i < ListUS.Count) { ustmp = ListUS.ElementAt(i); } else { ustmp = new CUSInfo(); } } ustmp.PipeID = tmp.ID; usinfo.Insert_USInfo(ref ustmp); i++; } //close the db connection pipeinfo.CloseDB(); pipextinfo.CloseDB(); usinfo.CloseDB(); return(true); }
private ObservableCollection <Mesage> GetData(int id) { var Datas = new ObservableCollection <Mesage>(); TPipeInfo tpipeinfo = new TPipeInfo(App._dbpath, App.PassWord); TPipeExtInfo tpipeextinfo = new TPipeExtInfo(App._dbpath, App.PassWord); mPipeInfo = tpipeinfo.Sel_PipeInfoByid(id); mPipeExtInfo = tpipeextinfo.Sel_PipeExtInfoByPipeId(id); if (mPipeInfo == null || mPipeExtInfo == null) { MessageBox.Show("读取管道数据失败"); return(null); } Datas.Add(new Mesage { ItemName = "排水管标识码", ValueName = mPipeInfo.PipeName }); Datas.Add(new Mesage { ItemName = "排水系统编码/路名", ValueName = mPipeExtInfo.Lane_Way }); Datas.Add(new Mesage { ItemName = "管道类别", ValueName = GetCategoryName(mPipeInfo.Pipe_Category) }); Datas.Add(new Mesage { ItemName = "起点编码", ValueName = GetJuncName(mPipeInfo.In_JunID) }); Datas.Add(new Mesage { ItemName = "终点编码", ValueName = GetJuncName(mPipeInfo.Out_JunID) }); Datas.Add(new Mesage { ItemName = "起点管顶标高", ValueName = Convert.ToString(mPipeInfo.In_UpEle) }); Datas.Add(new Mesage { ItemName = "起点管底标高", ValueName = Convert.ToString(mPipeInfo.In_BottomEle) }); Datas.Add(new Mesage { ItemName = "终点管顶标高", ValueName = Convert.ToString(mPipeInfo.Out_UpEle) }); Datas.Add(new Mesage { ItemName = "终点管底标高", ValueName = Convert.ToString(mPipeInfo.Out_BottomEle) }); Datas.Add(new Mesage { ItemName = "起点实测管径", ValueName = Convert.ToString(mPipeInfo.Shape_Data1) }); Datas.Add(new Mesage { ItemName = "终点实测管径", ValueName = Convert.ToString(mPipeInfo.Shape_Data2) }); Datas.Add(new Mesage { ItemName = "断面形式", ValueName = GetShapeType(mPipeInfo.ShapeType) }); Datas.Add(new Mesage { ItemName = "断面数据", ValueName = mPipeInfo.ShapeData }); Datas.Add(new Mesage { ItemName = "管道材质", ValueName = Getmaterial(mPipeInfo.Material) }); Datas.Add(new Mesage { ItemName = "管顶糙率", ValueName = Convert.ToString(mPipeInfo.Roughness) }); Datas.Add(new Mesage { ItemName = "数据来源", ValueName = GetDataSource(mPipeInfo.DataSource) }); Datas.Add(new Mesage { ItemName = "数据获取时间", ValueName = Convert.ToString(mPipeInfo.Record_Date) }); Datas.Add(new Mesage { ItemName = "填报单位", ValueName = mPipeInfo.ReportDept }); Datas.Add(new Mesage { ItemName = "填报日期", ValueName = Convert.ToString(mPipeInfo.ReportDate) }); Datas.Add(new Mesage { ItemName = "数据是否完整", ValueName = bool2str(mPipeExtInfo.DataIsFull) }); Datas.Add(new Mesage { ItemName = "数据缺失原因", ValueName = mPipeExtInfo.LoseReason }); Datas.Add(new Mesage { ItemName = "备注", ValueName = mPipeExtInfo.Remark }); return(Datas); }
private bool DoQuickInsert() { if (ListPipe == null||ListPipe.Count==0) { if (ListUS != null && ListUS.Count > 0) return InsertUs(); else return false; } TPipeInfo pipeinfo = new TPipeInfo(_dbpath, PassWord); TPipeExtInfo pipextinfo = new TPipeExtInfo(_dbpath, PassWord); pipeinfo.OpenDB(); pipextinfo.OpenDB(); List<int> listid = new List<int>(); if (!pipeinfo.Insert_PipeInfo(ListPipe, ref listid)) return false; int nCount = 0; List<CPipeExtInfo> newllist = new List<CPipeExtInfo>(); foreach (CPipeExtInfo pipe in ListPipeExt) { pipe.PipeID = listid.ElementAt(nCount++); newllist.Add(pipe); } if (!pipextinfo.Insert_PipeExtInfo(ListPipeExt)) return false; pipeinfo.CloseDB(); pipextinfo.CloseDB(); return true; }
public bool DoSave() { ObservableCollection<Mesage> datas = (ObservableCollection<Mesage>)DG1.DataContext; foreach (Mesage msg in datas) { try { ParseData(msg); } catch (Exception ex) { System.Console.WriteLine(ex.ToString()); string str = ""; if (ex is ExceptionProcess) { str += ((ExceptionProcess)ex).getReson() + "\n"; } MessageBox.Show(str + "设置数据格式错误:" + msg.ItemName + " " + msg.ValueName); return false; } } //此处直接调用数据库操作接口,绕过中间层 TPipeInfo pipeinfo = new TPipeInfo(App._dbpath, App.PassWord); TPipeExtInfo pipextinfo = new TPipeExtInfo(App._dbpath, App.PassWord); List<CPipeInfo> pipelist = new List<CPipeInfo>(); pipelist.Add(mPipeInfo); List<CPipeExtInfo> extlist = new List<CPipeExtInfo>(); extlist.Add(mPipeExtInfo); bool b1 = pipeinfo.Update_PipeInfo(pipelist); bool b2 = pipextinfo.Update_PipeExtInfo(extlist); return b1&b2; }
private ObservableCollection<Mesage> GetData(int id) { var Datas = new ObservableCollection<Mesage>(); TPipeInfo tpipeinfo = new TPipeInfo(App._dbpath, App.PassWord); TPipeExtInfo tpipeextinfo = new TPipeExtInfo(App._dbpath, App.PassWord); mPipeInfo = tpipeinfo.Sel_PipeInfoByid(id); mPipeExtInfo = tpipeextinfo.Sel_PipeExtInfoByPipeId(id); if (mPipeInfo == null||mPipeExtInfo==null) { MessageBox.Show("读取管道数据失败"); return null; } Datas.Add(new Mesage { ItemName = "排水管标识码", ValueName = mPipeInfo.PipeName }); Datas.Add(new Mesage { ItemName = "排水系统编码/路名", ValueName = mPipeExtInfo.Lane_Way }); Datas.Add(new Mesage { ItemName = "管道类别", ValueName = GetCategoryName(mPipeInfo.Pipe_Category) }); Datas.Add(new Mesage { ItemName = "起点编码", ValueName = GetJuncName(mPipeInfo.In_JunID) }); Datas.Add(new Mesage { ItemName = "终点编码", ValueName = GetJuncName(mPipeInfo.Out_JunID) }); Datas.Add(new Mesage { ItemName = "起点管顶标高", ValueName = Convert.ToString(mPipeInfo.In_UpEle) }); Datas.Add(new Mesage { ItemName = "起点管底标高", ValueName = Convert.ToString(mPipeInfo.In_BottomEle) }); Datas.Add(new Mesage { ItemName = "终点管顶标高", ValueName = Convert.ToString(mPipeInfo.Out_UpEle) }); Datas.Add(new Mesage { ItemName = "终点管底标高", ValueName = Convert.ToString(mPipeInfo.Out_BottomEle) }); Datas.Add(new Mesage { ItemName = "起点实测管径", ValueName = Convert.ToString(mPipeInfo.Shape_Data1) }); Datas.Add(new Mesage { ItemName = "终点实测管径", ValueName = Convert.ToString(mPipeInfo.Shape_Data2) }); Datas.Add(new Mesage { ItemName = "断面形式", ValueName = GetShapeType(mPipeInfo.ShapeType) }); Datas.Add(new Mesage { ItemName = "断面数据", ValueName = mPipeInfo.ShapeData }); Datas.Add(new Mesage { ItemName = "管道材质", ValueName = Getmaterial(mPipeInfo.Material) }); Datas.Add(new Mesage { ItemName = "管顶糙率", ValueName = Convert.ToString(mPipeInfo.Roughness) }); Datas.Add(new Mesage { ItemName = "数据来源", ValueName = GetDataSource(mPipeInfo.DataSource) }); Datas.Add(new Mesage { ItemName = "数据获取时间", ValueName = Convert.ToString(mPipeInfo.Record_Date) }); Datas.Add(new Mesage { ItemName = "填报单位", ValueName = mPipeInfo.ReportDept }); Datas.Add(new Mesage { ItemName = "填报日期", ValueName = Convert.ToString(mPipeInfo.ReportDate) }); Datas.Add(new Mesage { ItemName = "数据是否完整", ValueName = bool2str(mPipeExtInfo.DataIsFull) }); Datas.Add(new Mesage { ItemName = "数据缺失原因", ValueName = mPipeExtInfo.LoseReason }); Datas.Add(new Mesage { ItemName = "备注", ValueName = mPipeExtInfo.Remark }); return Datas; }
protected int InsterDb(Pipe pipe , Cover injunc , Cover outjunc) { CPipeInfo pipeInfo = new CPipeInfo(); CPipeExtInfo pipeExtInfo = new CPipeExtInfo(); CUSInfo UsInfo = new CUSInfo(); pipeInfo.PipeName = pipe.Name; pipeInfo.In_JunID = injunc.juncInfo.ID; pipeInfo.Out_JunID = outjunc.juncInfo.ID; pipeInfo.Pipe_Category = pipe.pipeInfo.Pipe_Category; UsInfo.Struct_Class = 0; TPipeInfo tpipeinfo = new TPipeInfo(App._dbpath, App.PassWord); TPipeExtInfo tpipextinfo = new TPipeExtInfo(App._dbpath, App.PassWord); TUSInfo tusinfo = new TUSInfo(App._dbpath, App.PassWord); tpipeinfo.Insert_PipeInfo(ref pipeInfo); pipeExtInfo.PipeID = pipeInfo.ID; tpipextinfo.Insert_PipeExtInfo(ref pipeExtInfo); UsInfo.PipeID = pipeInfo.ID; tusinfo.Insert_USInfo(ref UsInfo); return pipeInfo.ID; }
/// <summary> /// 导入管道信息,附加信息;但不会导入管道检测信息,管道日志,图片,报告,视频信息 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> private bool DoLoad() { TPipeInfo pipeinfo = new TPipeInfo(_dbpath, PassWord); TPipeExtInfo pipextinfo = new TPipeExtInfo(_dbpath, PassWord); TUSInfo usinfo = new TUSInfo(_dbpath, PassWord); pipeinfo.OpenDB(); pipextinfo.OpenDB(); usinfo.OpenDB(); ListPipe = pipeinfo.Load_PipeInfo(); ListPipeExt = pipextinfo.Load_PipeExtInfo(); ListUS = usinfo.Load_USInfo(); pipeinfo.CloseDB(); pipextinfo.CloseDB(); usinfo.CloseDB(); if (ListPipe == null || ListPipeExt == null||ListUS==null) return false; else return true; }
private bool DoClear() { TPipeInfo pipeinfo = new TPipeInfo(_dbpath, PassWord); TPipeExtInfo pipextinfo = new TPipeExtInfo(_dbpath, PassWord); TUSInfo usinfo = new TUSInfo(_dbpath, PassWord); pipeinfo.Clear_PipeInfo(); pipextinfo.Clear_PipeExtInfo(); usinfo.Clear_USInfo(); return true; }
/// <summary> /// 删除管道的基本信息,同时删除其他关联信息, /// :附加信息,管道检测信息,管道日志,图片,报告,视频信息 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> private bool DoDelete() { TPipeInfo pipeinfo = new TPipeInfo(_dbpath, PassWord); TPipeExtInfo pipextinfo = new TPipeExtInfo(_dbpath, PassWord); TUSInfo usinfo = new TUSInfo(_dbpath, PassWord); if (ListPipe == null || ListPipe.Count == 0) return false; foreach (CPipeInfo pipe in ListPipe) { pipeinfo.Delete_PipeInfo(pipe); CPipeExtInfo ext = null; ListPipeExt = pipextinfo.Sel_PipeExtInfo(pipe.ID); if (ListPipeExt != null && ListPipeExt.Count > 0) ext = ListPipeExt.ElementAt(0); pipextinfo.Delete_PipeExtInfo(ext); CUSInfo us = null; ListUS = usinfo.Sel_USInfo(pipe.ID); if (ListUS!=null && ListUS.Count > 0) us = ListUS.ElementAt(0); usinfo.Delete_USInfo(us); } return true; }
/// <summary> /// 更新管道信息,对现有数据更新,如不更新其他数据则设为null /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> private bool DoUpdate() { TPipeInfo pipeinfo = new TPipeInfo(_dbpath, PassWord); TPipeExtInfo pipextinfo = new TPipeExtInfo(_dbpath, PassWord); TUSInfo usinfo = new TUSInfo(_dbpath, PassWord); pipeinfo.Update_PipeInfo(ListPipe); pipextinfo.Update_PipeExtInfo(ListPipeExt); usinfo.Update_USInfo(ListUS); return true; }
/// <summary> /// 插入管道信息,和附加信息,管道检测信息,管道日志,图片,报告,视频信息 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> private bool DoInsert() { if (ListPipe == null) return false; TPipeInfo pipeinfo = new TPipeInfo(_dbpath, PassWord); TPipeExtInfo pipextinfo = new TPipeExtInfo(_dbpath, PassWord); TUSInfo usinfo = new TUSInfo(_dbpath, PassWord); pipeinfo.OpenDB(); pipextinfo.OpenDB(); usinfo.OpenDB(); int i = 0; foreach (CPipeInfo pipe in ListPipe) { CPipeInfo tmp = pipe; //插入附加信息 CPipeExtInfo extmp = null; if (!pipeinfo.Insert_PipeInfo(ref tmp)) { continue; } if (ListPipeExt == null || ListPipeExt.Count == 0) { extmp = new CPipeExtInfo(); } else { if (i < ListPipeExt.Count) extmp = ListPipeExt.ElementAt(i); else extmp = new CPipeExtInfo(); } extmp.PipeID = tmp.ID; pipextinfo.Insert_PipeExtInfo(ref extmp); //插入管道检测信息 CUSInfo ustmp = null; if (ListUS == null || ListUS.Count == 0) { ustmp = new CUSInfo(); } else { if (i < ListUS.Count) ustmp = ListUS.ElementAt(i); else ustmp = new CUSInfo(); } ustmp.PipeID = tmp.ID; usinfo.Insert_USInfo(ref ustmp); i++; } //close the db connection pipeinfo.CloseDB(); pipextinfo.CloseDB(); usinfo.CloseDB(); return true; }
public void LoadWasterPipe() { TPipeInfo pipeinfo = new TPipeInfo(App._dbpath, App.PassWord); //读取数据库 List<CPipeInfo> pipelist = pipeinfo.Sel_PipeInfo((int)PIPETYPE.PIPE_WASTE); //仅仅读取污水管道 //读取管道内窥数据 TUSInfo usinfo = new TUSInfo(App._dbpath, App.PassWord); List<CUSInfo> uslist = usinfo.Load_USInfo(); foreach (CPipeInfo info in pipelist) { WastePipe pipe = null; WasteCover starjunc = FindStartWJunc(info); //找到起始点坐标 WasteCover endjunc = FindEndWJunc(info); //找到终止点坐标 if (starjunc == null || endjunc == null) continue; pipe = new WastePipe(starjunc, endjunc); pipe.pipeInfo = info; pipe.UsInfo = FindUSInfo(uslist, info.ID); WastePipeList.Add(pipe); } }
/// <summary> /// 根据管道名称获取管道信息,附加信息;管道检测信息,管道日志,图片,报告,视频信息 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> private bool DoSelect() { if (PipeName == null || PipeName.Length <= 0) return false; TPipeInfo pipeinfo = new TPipeInfo(_dbpath, PassWord); TPipeExtInfo pipextinfo = new TPipeExtInfo(_dbpath, PassWord); TUSInfo usinfo = new TUSInfo(_dbpath, PassWord); ListPipe = pipeinfo.Sel_PipeInfo(PipeName); if (ListPipe == null || ListPipe.Count <= 0) return false; ListPipeExt = new List<CPipeExtInfo>(); ListUS = new List<CUSInfo>(); foreach(CPipeInfo pipe in ListPipe) { int id = pipe.ID; List<CPipeExtInfo> list1 = pipextinfo.Sel_PipeExtInfo(id); if (list1 != null && list1.Count > 0) { ListPipeExt.Add(list1.ElementAt(0)); } List<CUSInfo> list2 = usinfo.Sel_USInfo(id); if (list2 != null && list2.Count > 0) { ListUS.Add(list2.ElementAt(0)); } } return true; }